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Search results for: TI DIMPLED TEMPLATES
A Flexible Nafion Coated Enzyme‐free Glucose Sensor Based on Au‐dimpled Ti Structures
PublicationThe detection of glucose at low concentrations using electrochemical sensors is of great importance due to the possibility of using different human body fluids than blood, such as e.g. urine, saliva, sweat or tears. The interest behind those biofluids is related to their utility in non-invasive sugar determination. In this work, we present flexible, fully biocompatible electrode material based on Au nanoparticles immobilized onto...
Nanostructuring of thin Au films deposited on ordered Ti templates for applications in SERS
PublicationIn this work the results on thermal nanostructuring of the Au films on Ti templates as well as morphology and optical properties of the obtained structures are reported. The bimetal nanostructures are fabricated in a multi-step process. First, the titania nanotubes are produced on the surface of Ti foil by anodization in an ethylene glycol-water solution containing fluoride ions. This is followed by chemical etching in oxalic acid...
Ordered titanium templates functionalized by gold films for biosensing applications – Towards non-enzymatic glucose detection
PublicationRecently, metal nanostructures evoke much interest due to application potential in highly sensitive detectors in biochemistry and medical diagnostics. In this work we report on preparation and characteristics of thin (1–100 nm) Au films deposited onto highly ordered structured titanium templates for SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy) and electrochemical sensing. The Ti templates are formed by selective removal of TiO2 nanotubes...
Properties of ordered titanium templates covered with Au thin films for SERS applications
PublicationtCurrently, roughened metal nanostructures are widely studied as highly sensitive Raman scattering sub-strates that show application potential in biochemistry, food safety or medical diagnostic. In this workthe structural properties and the enhancement effect due to surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) ofhighly ordered nano-patterned titanium templates covered with thin (5–20 nm) gold films are reported.The templates are formed...
Insightful studies of AuCu nanostructures deposited on Ti platform: Effect of rapid thermal annealing on photoelectrochemical activity supported by synchrotron radiation studies
PublicationIn this work, we present the influence of annealing atmospheres during rapid thermal annealing (40◦C/s) on nanostructured Ti platforms modified by 10 nm layer of AuCu alloy obtained via magnetron sputtering. The AuCu/Ti platform annealed under hydrogen atmosphere exhibits the best photoelectrochemical activity under visible light, i.e. 27 times higher photocurrent than for pure Ti dimpled platform, and the lowest reflectance with minimum...
Surface cracking of laser melted Ti-6Al-4V alloy
PublicationOpisano charakterystyczne cechy pękania powierzchniowego obserwowanego po nadtapianiu laserem CO2 i Nd:YAG stopu Ti-6Al-4V. Obserwowano pęknięcia niezależnie od sposobu nadtapiania, penetrujące głęboko strefę przetopioną i w niewielkim stopniu zależne od sposobu nadtapiania. Przypisano obserwowane zjawisko przemianie martenzytycznej i (lub) naprężeniom cieplnym powstającym podczas gwałtownego chłodzenia.
The possibility of an use of laser treatment to improve the behaviour of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy
PublicationPrezentowana praca miała na celu stworzenie warunków ultraszybkiego chłodzenia przetopionej warstwy w obecności azotu tak, aby otrzymać twardą i gruba warstwę wierzchnią na stopie Ti-6Al-4V , najczęściej używanm stopie Ti, zawierającą struktury martenzytu i azotku tytanu.
The phase composition of the surface layer of laser melted Ti-6Al-4V bioalloy
PublicationZastosowanie metody obróbki laserowej stopów Ti zwiekszyły twardość i odporność stopu na korozję. Jednakże uzyskane warstwy były stosunkowo cieńkie. W pracy zastosowano laser o dużej mocy dla stopu schłodzonego w ciekłym azocie, aby uzyskać grubszą warstwę, która w strefie zewnętrznej złożona będzie z tlenku i azotku tytanu, ważnych faz w biostopach.
Influence of Laser Treatment on Microstructure of Surface Layer of the Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
PublicationPrzedstawiono mikrostrukturę powierzchni, przekroju i przełomu warstwy wierzchniej stopu Ti-6Al-4V uzyskanej po nadtapianiu laserem w różnym środowisku. Stwierdzono wzrost mikrotwardości stopu w warstwie nadtopionej, rozdrobnienie ziarna, a także tworzenie azotków tytanu i mikropęknięć skutkiem obecności znacznych naprężeń własnych. Grubość wytworzonych warstw osiągała wartość 1,5 mm.
Crystal structure and physical properties of Mg6Cu16Si7-typeM6Ni16Si7, for M = Mg, Sc, Ti, Nb, and Ta
PublicationW pracy dyskutowana jest synteza i struktura krystalograficzna, określona poprzez proszkową dyfrakcję rentgenowską, dla pięciu związków M6Ni16Si7, gdzie M = Mg, Sc, Ti, Nb, and Ta. Wszystkie te związki krystalizują w strukturze typu Mg6Cu16Si7.
Hydroxyapatite coatings on porous ti and ti alloys
PublicationDeposition of hydroxyapatite coating on porous Ti and Ti alloys with electrochemical and biomimetic deposition approach is presented. The enhancement of phosphates deposition by well oriented and uniform titanium oxide nanotube array on the surface of titanium substrate is discussed.
Supporting Compliance with Security Standards by Trust Case Templates
PublicationTrust Cases are used to justify that a given object (a system, an infrastructure, an organization) exhibits certain properties. One of possible applications of trust cases is related to the processes of achieving and demonstrating the compliance with standards. A Trust Case Template derived from a given standard constitutes a skeleton of justification (encompassing evidence and argumentation) of the compliance with the standard....
Nanoindentation tests titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V after interference laser treatment
PublicationThe study aimed was to assess selected mechanical properties of surface layers obtained after interference laser treatment – DLIL of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V used for implants. The samples were melted in still air at room temperature, for this purpose Nd:YAG laser was used, the number of laser shots was variable. Next, nanoindentation tests were performed, based on which Young’s modulus and nanohardness in the obtained surface...
Optimization of Self-Organized TiO2 Nanotube Geometry on Ti and Ti Alloys Using Fuzzy Logic Reasoning
PublicationThe geometry of self-organized TiO2 nanotubes, obtained by electrochemicalanodization, has been determined by using fuzzy reasoning approach. The efficiency of TiO2nanotubular layer in biomedical applications depends on geometry and available surface area ofnanotubes, which can be determined by their diameter and length. The structure of nanotubesdepends on processing parameters of electrochemical anodization, like applied potential,anodization...
Increased concentration of Taq DNA polymerase as a solution for GC-rich templates from clinical and environmental samples
PublicationDNA polymerase is an enzyme which plays crucial role in replication and DNA repair. It found application in PCR (polymerase chain reaction) where catalyses process of in vitro DNA synthesis. To meet the demands posed by mod- ern diagnostic, molecular biology or genetic engineering it is necessary to improve DNA polymerases to obtain new or better features useful in these fields. So far implemented modifications in majority are...
Macromolecular Templates for Synthesis of Inorganic Nanoparticles
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An approach for evaluating trust in it infrastructures
PublicationW artykule zademonstrowano metodę oceny poziomu zaufania do systemu TI w oparciu o podejście funkcji przekonania.
Mechanical Properties and Residual Stress Measurements of Grade IV Titanium and Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-13Nb-13Zr Titanium Alloys after Laser Treatment
PublicationNowadays, surface engineering focuses on research into materials for medical applications. Titanium and its alloys are prominent, especially Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-13Nb-13Zr. Samples made of pure grade IV titanium and the titanium alloys Ti-6Al-4V and Ti-13Nb-13Zr were modified via laser treatment with laser beam frequency f = 25 Hz and laser beam power P = 1000 W during a laser pulse with duration t = 1 ms. Subsequently, to analyze...
Ti-Fe2O3/In2O3 as photoactive material: The role of the substrate in photoelectrochemical water oxidation
PublicationThe layers of Ti-Fe2O3/In2O3 were prepared on the different substrates using hydrothermal method: Ti/TiO2 nanotubes, Ti foil, FTO and FTO/TiO2. Materials were characterized using scanning electron microscopy, XRD, Raman, UV-Vis, and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and tested as photoanodes for water oxidation under illumination. The formation of heterojunction on the TiO2 nanotubes increases photocurrent of water oxidation at...
Supporting compliance with safety standards by trust case templates
PublicationStandard Compliance (SC) Framework presented in this paper encompasses methods and tools which provide support for application of standards. The framework is based on trust case methodology. A trust case is a data structure which represents a justification that an object (a system, an infrastructure, an organization) exhibits certain properties. It contains an argument and related evidence which support claimed properties. A trust...
Effects of Sr/Ti stoichiometry in SrTiO3-based SOFC anodes
PublicationScharakteryzowano wpływ stechiometrii Sr/Ti na właściwości strukturalne, elektryczne i mechaniczne anod na bazie tytanianu strontu. Wyjaśniono genezę niektórych zjawisk w oparciu o chemię defektów związków niestechiometrycznych na bazie istniejących pozycji literaturowych.
Self-Organized Nanotubular Oxide Layers on Ti and Ti Alloys
PublicationTo improve bioactivity of titanium and titanium, the implant surface modification by formation of self-organized TiO2 nanotube arrays with electrochemical techniques is presented. The influence of electrolyte composition and deposition parameters during anodization is characterized. The enhancement of phosphates deposition by titanium nanotubular structure is discussed. The calcium phosphate ceramics is shown to be uniformly deposited...
Nanotubular Ti Oxide Layers for Enhancement of Bone-Implant Bonding and Bioactivity
PublicationAbstrakt artykułu pt. ''Nanotubular Ti Oxide Layers for Enhancement of Bone-Implant Bonding and Bioactivity''. The paper describes techniques to improve the bioactivity of titanium and ehnahnce the bone-implant bonding ability by the electrochemical anodization to fabricate titania nanotubular oxide layer.
Environmental degradation of Ti alloys in artificial saliva and a role of fluorides
PublicationThe titanium and its alloys are potentially prone to hydrogen embrittlement, including those proposed for dental implants. The research has been aimed to assess a susceptibility to environment-enhanced degradation of the Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy in artificial saliva with or without hydrofluoric acid, subject or not to cathodic polarisation. The results have shown that even if artificial saliva is safe environment, both cathodic polarization...
CuGaS2@NH2-MIL-125(Ti) nanocomposite: Unveiling a promising catalyst for photocatalytic hydrogen generation
PublicationThe development of efficient nanocomposites represents a promising strategy for enhancing the transfer and separation of photogenerated carriers within metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) for photocatalytic H2 generation. In this study, we report, for the first time, the successful fabrication of a novel CuGaS2@NH2-MIL-125(Ti) nanocomposite in a two-step synthesis, consisting of octahedral NH2-MIL-125(Ti) metal-organic frameworks interspersed...
Perforated alumina templates as a tool for engineering of CoPd film magnetic properties
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A method of trust case templates to support standards conformity achievement and assessment
PublicationOsiąganie i ocena zgodności ze standardami stanowi poważne obciążenie finansowe dla współczesnych gospodarek. Pomimo znacznej wagi tego problemu, nie znalazł on jednak zadowalającego przełożenia na rozwiązania dostępne na rynku. W tej pracy zaproponowano metodę nazwaną Standards Conformity Framework (SCF), która wspiera stosowanie standardów. Jest ona oparta na spostrzeżeniu, że osiąganie i ocena zgodności ze standardem polega...
Experimental and theoretical investigation of the reactivity of [(BDI*)Ti(Cl){η2-P(SiMe3)-PiPr2}] towards selected ketones
PublicationIn this work, we report a new type of reactivity of [(BDI*)Ti(Cl){η2-P(SiMe3)-PiPr2}] (1) towards ketones (BDI* = 2,6-diisopropylphenyl-β-methyldiketiminate ligand). In the reaction of 1 with acetone, cyclopentanone or cyclohexanone, a ketone moiety is inserted into Ti–Pphosphanyl or Ti–Pphosphido bonds to form complexes with a new C–P–P moiety, providing [(BDI*)Ti(Cl){η2-P(SiMe3)-PiPr2-C(Me)2O}] (2a), [(BDI*)Ti(Cl){η2-OC(Me)2P(SiMe3)-PiPr2}]...
Influence of microstructure on properties of 18Cr-10Ni-Ti stainless steel products.
PublicationBadano wpływ mikrostruktury na właściwości mechaniczne i odporność korozyjną wyrobów ze stali austenitycznej 18Cr-10Ni-Ti po przesycaniu z temperatury 1050 C. Wykazano, że węgliki TiC w ziarnach i na granicach ziaren/bliźniaków powodują znaczne obniżenie wydłużenia stali. Węgliki TiC na granicach ziaren/bliźniaków obniżają odporność na korozję międzykrystaliczną i sprzyjają powstawaniu uszkodzeń korozyjnych podczas hutniczej operacji...
Wpływ nadtapiania laserowego w warunkach kriogenicznych na strukturę warstwy wierzchniej stopu Ti-6Al-4V = Effect of laser melting at cryogenic conditions on structure of the surface layer of the Ti-6Al-4V alloy
PublicationWykonano nadtapianie laserowe stopu Ti-6Al-4V zanurzonego w środowisku ciekłego azotu. Badania mikroskopowe wykazały znaczący wpływ parametrów nadtapiania na grubość, mikrostrukturę i mikrotwardośc warstwy wierzchniej.
Cyclic behaviour modelling of additively manufactured Ti-6Al-4V lattice structures
PublicationThe present work is concerned with the numerical modelling of the cyclic behaviour of Ti-6Al-4V lattice structures. In the study, diamond structures of titanium alloy produced by the additive laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) method with different degrees of relative density were used. Realistic geometric models of the studied mesostructures were generated using computed microtomography, taking into account the imperfections of the...
Efficient method for octahedral NH2-MIL-125 (Ti) synthesis: Fast and mild conditions
PublicationA new hot injection method for preparing octahedral NH2-MIL-125 (Ti) was developed. This method is six times faster and conducted under milder conditions, i.e., at 120°C in a flask, and exhibits higher crystal formation efficiency than the commonly used solvothermal method while maintaining comparable structural, optical, and photocatalytic properties.
Rozwój materiałów tytanowych na implanty aloplastyczne = Development of Ti-based materials for alloplastic implants
PublicationThe article is aimed at demonstraiting the previous results and current research work in the area made by Advanced Biomaterials Research Group at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The paper concentrated on the developement of Ti-based biomaterials with improved biocompatibility and bioactivity.
Nanotubular oxide layers and hydroxyapatite coatings on ‘Ti–13Zr–13Nb’ alloy
PublicationThe presented research was aimed to determine the mechanical properties of the nanotubular oxide layer covered with hydroxyapatite coating. The Ti–13Zr–13Nb alloy was oxidised in 1M phosphoric acid with an addition of 0?5% HF for HF solution at 20 V voltage. The electrochemically assisted deposition of hydroxyapatite was performed at cyclic polarisation in NH4H2PO4 and CaCl2 solution at 80uC. The mechanical properties were determined...
Korozyjne pękanie naprężeniowe stali 18Cr-10Ni-Ti w systemie chłodzenia za wodorowym reaktorem.
PublicationPrzedstawiono mechanizm korozyjnego pękania napręzeniowego stali austenitycznej 18Cr-10Ni-Ti w systemie chłodzenia za reaktorem instalacji hydrorafinacji olejów przepracowanych.
Solvent Impact on the Diversity of Products in the Reaction of Lithium Diphenylphosphide and a Ti(III) Complex Supported by a tBu2P–P(SiMe3) Ligand
PublicationWe present two important trends in the reactivity ofthe titanium complex [MeNacNacTi(Cl){η2-P(SiMe3)-PtBu2}](MeNacNac− = [Ar]NC(Me)CHC(Me)N[Ar]; Ar = 2,6-iPr2Ph)with nucleophilic reagents RLi (R = Ph2P,tBuO, (Me3Si)2N, andtBu2N) depending on the reaction medium. Reaction in nonpolarsolvent (toluene) leads to three main products: via an autoredoxprocess and nucleophilic substitution at the Ti-atom to afford theTi(IV) complex [MeNacNacTi(R){η2-P-PtBu2}]...
Prosthetic Elements Made of the Ti-13Zr-13Nb Alloy by Selective Laser Melting
PublicationThe fabrication of the prosthetic foundations and bridges from the Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy is described. The process was started from CAD/CAM design of 3D models of the foundations based on scanning of patient`s mouth. Next, 3D models were transformed into *.stl files for the manufacturing stage and then the manufacturing process by means of the selective laser melting with the SLM Realizer 100 equipment was made. The intrinsic structure...
Synthesis and properties of HoT2Al20 (T = Ti, V, Cr) intermetallic cage compounds
PublicationPolycrystalline samples of HoT2Al20 (T = Ti, V, Cr) intermetallics were synthesized using a step-wise arc-melting technique. All three compounds adopt the CeCr2Al20-type crystal structure with Ho atoms positioned inside oversized icosahedral cages formed by Al atoms. The structure of HoV2Al20 compound is reported. The materials properties were studied by means of electrical resistivity, magnetic susceptibility, and specific heat...
Fluorine ions in photocatalysts’ synthesis: an obstacle or an ally? The investigation of photocatalysts in Ti-O-F system
PublicationTitanium(IV) oxide (TiO2) is one of the most promising photocatalysts, which is expected to be applied in the photocatalytic degradation of xenobiotics. For sustainable development and green chemistry approach recently, much effort has been paid to enhance TiO2 photocatalytic activity in UV-vis light by modifying its structure. The photocatalytic process’s complexity cannot be simply described as electron-hole pairs generations...
Ti/TiO2 nanotubes sensitized PbS quantum dots as photoelectrodes applied for decomposition of anticancer drugs under simulated solar energy
PublicationOne of the challenges in research into photoelectrocatalytic (PEC) degradation of pollutants is finding the appropriate photoanode material, which has a significant impact on the process efficiency. Among all others, photoelectrodes based on an ordered TiO2 nanotube arrays are a promising material due to well-developed surface area and efficient charge separation. To increase the PEC activity of this material, the SILAR method was...
Fabrication of flexible highly ordered porous alumina templates by combined nanosphere lithography and anodization
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PublicationThe 3D printing is a manufacturing technique belonging to the additive methods able to prepare the designed parts for various purposes. The present reasearch was aimed to fabricate the prosthetic foundations and bridges made of the new Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy by the selective laser melting (SLM) of a metal powder. The scanning electron examinations and micro scanning tomography were used to investigate the surface quality and intrinsic...
Computational approach to the Ag-Ti system
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Surface modifications of ti and its alloys
PublicationThis article reviews the various surface modification techniques pertaining to titanium and titanium alloys including physical treatment, mechanical treatment, and chemical and electrochemical treatment. The proper surface modification expands the use of titanium and its alloys in the biomedical field for long-term implants retaining the excellent properties of substrate material and improving the specific surface properties required...
The optimization of enzyme immobilization at Au-Ti nanotextured platform and its impact onto the response towards glucose in neutral media
PublicationThe market of non-invasive glucose sensors is drastically growing due to increasing number of people suffering from diabetes. Therefore, there is a significant need for any improvement in the field of biosensors that can be used for monitoring glucose level in human body. In recent years the emphasis is put onto the modification of electrode material with enzymes possessing recognition centre specific towards particular molecules....
Structure and properties of the Ti+Ti(C,N) coatings obtained in the PVD process on sintered high speed steel
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Mechanical Behavior of Bi-Layer and Dispersion Coatings Composed of Several Nanostructures on Ti Substrate
PublicationThree coatings suitable for biomedical applications, including the dispersion coating composed of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), MWCNTs/TiO2 bi-layer coating, and MWCNTs-Cu dispersion coating, were fabricated by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) on Ti Grade II substrate. Optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and nanoindentation were applied to study topography, chemical, and...
Tetraalkylammonium acetates and tetraalkylammonium tetrafluoroborates as new templates for room-temperature synthesis of mesoporous silica spheres
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Magnetic properties of Co/Pd multilayered films on porous Al2O3 templates with developed cell substructure
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Determinants of the surface quality, density and dimensional correctness in selective laser melting of the Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy
PublicationSelective laser melting is widely used for custom-designed elements. Successful manufacturing depends on laser treatment parameters and material features. This research aimed to determine the effects of laser power, scan time and hatch distance on surface quality, relative density and dimensional precision for cuboids made of the Ti-13Zr-13Nb alloy. The influence of energy density, energy flux and pre-heating was seen to be decisive...