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Search results for: TRADE-OFF
Time versus space trade-offs for randezvous in trees
PublicationTwo identical (anonymous) mobile agents start from arbitrary nodes of an unknown tree and have to meet at some node. Agents move in synchronous rounds: in each round an agent can either stay at the current node or move to one of its neighbors. We consider deterministic algorithms for this rendezvous task. The main result of this paper is a tight trade-off between the optimal time of completing rendezvous and the size of memory...
The Influence of Oxygenated Diesel Fuels on a Diesel Vehicle PM/NOx Emission Trade-Off
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Design of hight voltage busbar: trade off between electrical field and stray inductance
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy optymalizacji konstrukcji i technologii szyny doprowadzenia zasilania do pojedynczej gałęzi falownika średniego napięcia. Dla szeregowego układu złożonego z trzech modułów elektroizolowanych (6 par tranzystorów i diod) rozważono warianty geometrii szyny zasilania przy uwzględnieniu wypadkowej indukcyjności obwodu komutacyjnego. Wyznaczono główne składniki indukcyjności rozproszenia oraz wykazano jej wpływ na przepięcia...
Optimal strategy for a single-qubit gate and the trade-off between opposite types of decoherence.
PublicationZostał zbadany proces przesyłania kwantowej informacji w dwóch różnych otoczeniach (markowskim i niemarkowskim).
Trade-offs in multiparty Bell-inequality violations in qubit networks
PublicationTwo overlapping bipartite binary input Bell inequalities cannot be simultaneously violated as this would contradict the usual no-signalling principle. This property is known as monogamy of Bell inequality violations and generally Bell monogamy relations refer to trade-offs between simultaneous violations of multiple inequalities. It turns out that multipartite Bell inequalities admit weaker forms of monogamies that allow for violations...
Downlink Capacity-Coverage Trade-off Estimation Based on Measurement of WCDMA/FDD Interface Load
PublicationThe method of capacity-coverage trade-off determination by using of universal load characteristics and normalized coverage curves for the WCDMA/FDD radio interface has been presented. The practical applications of discussed method for UMTS radio network planning process and network exploitation has been mentioned.
Modeling and Simulation for Exploring Power/Time Trade-off of Parallel Deep Neural Network Training
PublicationIn the paper we tackle bi-objective execution time and power consumption optimization problem concerning execution of parallel applications. We propose using a discrete-event simulation environment for exploring this power/time trade-off in the form of a Pareto front. The solution is verified by a case study based on a real deep neural network training application for automatic speech recognition. A simulation lasting over 2 hours...
Expedite EM-driven generation of Pareto-optimal trade-off curves for variable-turn on-chip inductors
PublicationThis work presents a novel approach to computationally efficient Pareto front identification for variable-turn on-chip inductors. The final outcome is a set of solutions that correspond to the best trade-offs between conflicting design objectives. Here, we consider minimising inductor area and, simultaneously, maximising its quality factor, while maintaining a specified inductance value at a given operating frequency. As opposed...
Multi-fidelity aerodynamic design trade-off exploration using point-by-point Pareto set identification
PublicationAerodynamic design is inherently a multi-objective optimization (MOO) problem. Determining the best possible trade-offs between conflicting aerodynamic objectives can be computationally challenging when carried out directly at the level of high-fidelity computational fluid dynamics simulations. This paper presents a computationally cheap methodology for exploration of aerodynamic design trade-offs. In particular, point-by-point...
Constrained optimization for generating gain-bandwidth design trade-offs of wideband unidirectional antennas
PublicationBroadband unidirectional antennas realised in microstrip technology find applications in many wireless communication systems. One of their design challenges is the necessity of handling multiple performance figures which is difficult when using traditional design methods, largely based on parameter sweeping. This work presents a simple optimisation-based framework that permits generation of gain-bandwidth trade-off designs for...
Extended investigation of performance-energy trade-offs under power capping in HPC environments
Publication—In the paper we present investigation of performance-energy trade-offs under power capping using modern processors. The results are presented for systems targeted at both server and client markets and were collected from Intel Xeon E5 and Intel Xeon Phi server processors as well as from desktop and mobile Intel Core i7 processors. The results, when using power capping, show that we can find various interesting combinations of...
SDGs implementation, their synergies, and trade-offs in EU countries – Sensitivity analysis-based approach
PublicationSustainable development is one of the most urgent challenges facing humanity. Its basic principle is to improve people’s well-being and maintain it over time. In 2015, the United Nations approved 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to ensure a better and sustainable future for all, balancing economic, social and environmental development. SDGs create an ‘indivisible whole’; thus, examining their interactions is crucial. Our...
Cognitive costs of reproduction: life‐history trade‐offs explain cognitive decline during pregnancy in women
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Circularly Polarized Antenna Array design with the Potential of Gain-Size Trade-off and Omnidirectional Radiation for Millimeter-Wave Small Base Station Applications
PublicationThis paper presents the design and validation of a slot-patch-hybrid circularly polarized antenna array for 28 GHz millimeter (mm) wave (mm-wave) applications. The proposed design has a simple geometry that facilitates the fabrication process, which is otherwise a challenging task due to the sub-mm dimensions of the circuit in the mm-wave band. In the proposed structure, aperture-coupled series slot-fed array is utilized to excite...
GPU Power Capping for Energy-Performance Trade-Offs in Training of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Recognition
PublicationIn the paper we present performance-energy trade-off investigation of training Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for image recognition. Several representative and widely adopted network models, such as Alexnet, VGG-19, Inception V3, Inception V4, Resnet50 and Resnet152 were tested using systems with Nvidia Quadro RTX 6000 as well as Nvidia V100 GPUs. Using GPU power capping we found other than default configurations minimizing...
Analysis of circular polarization antenna design trade‐offs using low‐cost EM‐driven multiobjective optimization
PublicationCircular polarization (CP) antennas are vital components of modern communication systems. Their design involves handling several requirements such as low reflection and axial ratio (AR) within the frequency range of interest. Small size is an important criterion for antenna mobility which is normally achieved as a by‐product of performance‐oriented modifications of the structure topology. In this work, multiobjective optimization...
Analyzing energy/performance trade-offs with power capping for parallel applications on modern multi and many core processors
PublicationIn the paper we present extensive results from analyzing energy/performance trade-offs with power capping observed on four different modern CPUs, for three different parallel applications such as 2D heat distribution, numerical integration and Fast Fourier Transform. The CPU tested represent both multi-core type CPUs such as Intel⃝R Xeon⃝R E5, desktop and mobile i7 as well as many-core Intel⃝R Xeon PhiTM x200 but also server, desktop...
Patch size setup and performance/cost trade-offs in multi-objective antenna optimization using domain patching technique
PublicationA numerical study concerning multi-objective optimization of antenna structures using sequential domain patching (SDP) technique has been presented. We investigate the effect of various setups of the patch size on the operation of the SDP algorithm and possible trade-offs concerning the quality of the Pareto set found by SDP and the computational cost of the optimization process. Our considerations are illustrated using a UWB monopole...
Bandwidth-size design trade-offs for compact spline-parameterised patch couplers by means of electromagnetic-driven multi-objective optimisation
PublicationBroad bandwidth and small size are the key performance figures for contemporary microwave couplers. These requirements are conflicting, i.e. improvement of one generally leads to degradation of the other assuming fixed topology of the circuit at hand. From a designer's perspective, the knowledge about available design trade-offs is indispensable as it permits for tailoring the circuit for particular applications as well as comparing...
Patch size setup and performance/cost trade-offs in multi-objective EM-driven antenna optimization using sequential domain patching
PublicationPurpose This paper aims to assess control parameter setup and its effect on computational cost and performance of deterministic procedures for multi-objective design optimization of expensive simulation models of antenna structures. Design/methodology/approach A deterministic algorithm for cost-efficient multi-objective optimization of antenna structures has been assessed. The algorithm constructs a patch connecting extreme Pareto-optimal...
Rapid Re-Design and Bandwidth/Size Trade-Offs for Compact Wideband Circular Polarization Antennas Using Inverse Surrogates and Fast EM-Based Parameter Tuning
PublicationDesign of compact wideband circularly polarized (CP) antennas is challenging due to the necessity of simultaneous handling of several characteristics (reflection, axial ratio, gain) while maintaining a small size of the structure. Antenna re-design for various operating bands is clearly more difficult yet practically important because intentional reduction of the bandwidth (e.g., by moving the lower edge of the operating band up...
A method of the UMTS-FDD network design based on universal load characteristics
PublicationIn the paper an original method of the UMTS radio network design was presented. The method is based on simple way of capacity-coverage trade-off estimation for WCDMA/FDD radio interface. This trade-off is estimated by using universal load characteristics and normalized coverage characteristics. The characteristics are useful for any propagation environment as well as for any service performance requirements. The practical applications...
Does offshoring affect industry employment? Evidence from a wide European panel countries
Publicationis paper contributes to the literature on the possible impact of international outsourcing on domestic labour markets. We focus on off shoring-employment relationship. Th e analysis is performed for a wide European panel, composed of 27 EU countries and 13 manufacturing sectors, observed in the period 1995-2009. Th anks to the use of input-output tables from the WIOD project, we measure the intensity of off shoring in the sectors,...
Structure and Randomness in Planning and Reinforcement Learning
PublicationPlanning in large state spaces inevitably needs to balance the depth and breadth of the search. It has a crucial impact on the performance of a planner and most manage this interplay implicitly. We present a novel method \textit{Shoot Tree Search (STS)}, which makes it possible to control this trade-off more explicitly. Our algorithm can be understood as an interpolation between two celebrated search mechanisms: MCTS and random...
Quantum mechanical which-way experiment with an internal degree of freedom
PublicationFor a particle travelling through an interferometer, the trade-off between the available which-way information and the interference visibility provides a lucid manifestation of the quantum mechanical wave-particle duality. Here we analyse this relation for a particle possessing an internal degree of freedom such as spin. We quantify the trade-off with a general inequality that paints an unexpectedly intricate picture of wave-particle...
Extending loophole-free nonlocal correlations to arbitrarily large distances
PublicationQuantum theory allows spatially separated observers to share nonlocal correlations, which enable them to accomplish classically inconceivable information processing and cryptographic feats. However, the distances over which nonlocal correlations can be realized remain severely limited due to their high fragility to noise and high threshold detection efficiencies. To enable loophole- free nonlocality across large distances, we introduce...
Tolerance-Aware Multi-Objective Optimization of Antennas by Means of Feature-Based Regression Surrogates
PublicationAssessing the immunity of antenna design to fabrication tolerances is an important consideration, especially when the manufacturing process has not been predetermined. At the same time, the antenna parameter tuning should be oriented toward improving the performance figures pertinent to both electrical (e.g., input matching) and field properties (e.g., axial ratio bandwidth) as much as possible. Identification of available trade-offs...
A New Method of Noncausal Identification of Time-varying Systems
PublicationThe paper shows that the problem of noncausal identification of a time-varying FIR (finite impulse response) sys- tem can be reformulated, and solved, as a problem of smoothing of the preestimated parameter trajectories. Characteristics of the smoothing filter should be chosen so as to provide the best trade- off between the bias and variance of the resulting estimates. It is shown that optimization of the smoothing operation can...
Optimised Allocation of Hard Quality Sensors for Robust Monitoring of Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
PublicationA problem of optimised placement of the hard quality sensors in Drinking Water Distribution Systems for robust quality monitoring is formulated. Two numerical algorithms to solve the problem are derived. The optimality is meant as achieving a desired trade off between the sensor capital and maintenance costs and resulting robust estimation accuracy of the monitoring algorithm. The robust estimation algorithm recently developed...
Accelerated multi-objective design of miniaturized microwave components by means of nested kriging surrogates
PublicationDesign of microwave components is an inherently multiobjective task. Often, the objectives are at least partially conflicting and the designer has to work out a suitable compromise. In practice, generating the best possible trade‐off designs requires multiobjective optimization, which is a computationally demanding task. If the structure of interest is evaluated through full‐wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis, the employment of...
Relay-aided Wireless Sensor Network Discovery Algorithm for Dense Industrial IoT utilizing ESPAR Antennas
PublicationIndustrial Internet of Things (IIoT) applicationsrequire reliable and efficient wireless communication. Assumingdense Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) operating in a harshenvironment, a concept of a Time Division Multiple Access(TDMA) based WSN enriched with Electronically SteerableParasitic Array Radiator (ESPAR) antennas is proposed andexamined in this work. The utilized...
Pin-on-Substrate Gap Waveguide: An Extremely Low-Cost Realization of High-Performance Gap Waveguide Components
PublicationConsidering the limitations of currently available technologies for the realization of microwave components and antennas, a trade-off between different factors including the efficiency and fabrication cost is required. The main objective of this letter is to propose a novel method for the realization of gap waveguides (GWGs) that take advantage of conventional PCB fabrication technology, thus are low cost and light weight. Moreover,...
Benchmarking Scalability and Security Configuration Impact for A Distributed Sensors-Server IOT Use Case
PublicationInternet of Things has been getting more and more attention and found numerous practical applications. Especially important in this context are performance, security and ability to cope with failures. Especially crucial is to find good trade-off between these. In this article we present results of practical tests with multiple clients representing sensors sending notifications to an IoT middleware – DeviceHive. We investigate performance...
Constrained multi-objective optimization of compact microwave circuits by design triangulation and pareto front interpolation
PublicationDevelopment of microwave components is an inherently multi-objective task. This is especially pertinent to the design closure stage, i.e., final adjustment of geometry and/or material parameters carried out to improve the electrical performance of the system. The design goals are often conflicting so that the improvement of one normally leads to a degradation of others. Compact microwave passives constitute a representative case:...
Optimised Robust Placement of Hard Quality Sensors for Robust Monitoring of Quality in Drinking Water Distribution Systems
PublicationA problem of optimised robust placement of the hard quality sensors in Drinking Water Distribution Systems under several water demand scenarios for robust quality monitoring is formulated. Numerical algorithms to solve the problem are derived. The optimality is meant as achieving at the same time a desired trade off between the sensor capital and maintenance costs and resulting robust estimation accuracy of the monitoring algorithm...
Nested Kriging Surrogates for Rapid Multi-Objective Optimization of Compact Microwave Components
PublicationA procedure for rapid EM-based multi-objective optimization of compact microwave components is presented. Our methodology employs a recently developed nested kriging modelling to identify the search space region containing the Pareto-optimal designs, and to construct a fast surrogate model. The latter permits determination of the initial Pareto set, further refined using a separate surrogate-assisted process. As an illustration,...
Excitation-independent constant conductance isfet driver
PublicationA new constant conductance driver for ISFETs sensors has been developed. The proposed circuit maintains the sensor operating point at constant drain-source conductance. The combination of a simple, self-balancing resistance bridge and the subtraction half (or similar fraction) of source-drain voltage from the gate-source voltage provides the independence of output signal from current and voltage drivers instability. The use of...
Construction of phylogenetic trees with topological constraints
PublicationThis paper proposes a method of reconstruction of phylogenetic trees based on heuristic search with topological constraints. Using topological constraints it is possible to reduce the set of solutions as well as to enforce that the result is consistent with a given hypothesis about the evolution process within some group of species. Along with this work a number of algorithms used for phylogenetic analysis were implemented. Those...
An optimised placement of the hard quality sensors for a robust monitoring of the chlorine concentration in drinking water distribution systems
PublicationThe problem of an optimised placement of the hard quality sensors in drinking water distribution systemsunder several water demand scenarios for a robust monitoring of the chlorine concentration is formulatedin this paper. The optimality is understood as achieving a desired trade off between the sensors and theirmaintenance costs and the accuracy of estimation of the chlorine concentration. The contribution of thiswork is a comprehensive...
Multi-criteria Differential Evolution for Optimization of Virtual Machine Resources in Smart City Cloud
PublicationIn a smart city, artificial intelligence tools support citizens and urban services. From the user point of view, smart applications should bring computing to the edge of the cloud, closer to citizens with short latency. However, from the cloud designer point of view, the trade-off between cost, energy and time criteria requires the Pareto solutions. Therefore, the proposed multi-criteria differential evolution can optimize virtual...
Power Consumption Optimization in 5G/6G mmWave Networks with User Multi-Connectivity
PublicationIn the fifth generation (5G) and the upcoming sixth generation (6G) millimeter wave (mmWave) networks, the recent emerging ultra-reliable low-latency (URLLC) applications such as telemedicine and self-driven vehicles require strict availability and reliability requirements. Using user multi-connectivity (i.e., connecting each user to multiple base stations (BSs) simultaneously) has emerged as an efficient solution for providing...
Miniaturization-Oriented Design of Spline-Parameterized UWB Antenna for In-Door Positioning Applications
PublicationDesign of ultra-wideband antennas for in-door localization applications is a challenging task. It involves development of geometry that maintains appropriate balance between the size and performance. In this work, a topologically-flexible monopole has been generated using a stratified framework which embeds a gradient-based trust-region (TR) optimization algorithm in a meta-loop that gradually increases the structure dimensionality....
Quantum security and theory of decoherence
PublicationWe sketch a relation between two crucial, yet independent, fields in quantum information research, viz. quantum decoherence and quantum cryptography. We investigate here how the standard cryptographic assumption of shielded laboratory, stating that data generated by a secure quantum device remain private unless explicitly published, is disturbed by the einselection mechanism of quantum Darwinism explaining the measurement process...
On Software Unit Testing For Security and Performance Gain At Unit Level
PublicationPerformance and security are software (SW) application attributes situated on the opposite corners of system design. In the most drastic example the most secure component is the one totally isolated from the outside world, with communication performance reduced to zero level (e.g. disconnected physically from the network, placed inside a Faraday cage to eliminate possible wireless accessibility). On the other hand the most performance-optimized...
On Software Unit Testing For Improving Security And Performance Of Distributed Applications
PublicationPerformance and security are software (SW) application attributes situated on the opposite corners of system design. In the most drastic example the most secure component is the one totally isolated from the outside world, with communication performance reduced to zero level (e.g. disconnected physically from the network, placed inside a Faraday cage to eliminate possible wireless accessibility). On the other hand the most performance-optimized...
Multi-Criterial Design of Antennas with Tolerance Analysis Using Response-Feature Predictors
PublicationImperfect manufacturing is one of the factors affecting the performance of antenna systems. It is particularly important when design specifications are strict and leave a minimum leeway for a degradation caused by geometry or material parameter deviations from their nominal values. At the same time, conventional antenna design procedures routinely neglect to take the fabrication tolerances into account, which is mainly a result...
Dynamical description of quantum computing: generic nonlocality of quantumnoise
PublicationWe develop a dynamical non-Markovian description of quantum computing in the weak-coupling limit, in the lowest-order approximation. We show that the long-range memory of the quantum reservoir (such as the 1/t4 one exhibited by electromagnetic vacuum) produces a strong interrelation between the structure of noise and the quantum algorithm, implying nonlocal attacks of noise. This shows that the implicit assumption of quantum error...
Adsorption-assisted transport of water vapour in super-hydrophobic membranes filled with multilayer graphene platelets
PublicationThe effects of confinement of multilayer graphene platelets in hydrophobic microporous polymeric membranes are here examined. Intermolecular interactions between water vapour molecules and nanocomposite membranes are envisaged to originate assisted transport of water vapour in membrane distillation processes when a suitable filler-polymer ratio is reached. Mass transport coefficients are estimated under different working conditions,...
Rapid multi-objective antenna design using point-by-point Pareto set identification and local surrogate models
PublicationAntenna design is inherently a multicriterial problem.Determination of the best possible tradeoffs between conflicting objectives (a so-called Pareto front), such as reflection response, gain, and antenna size, is indispensable from the designer’s point of view, yet challenging when high-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) simulations are utilized for performance evaluation. Here, a novel and computationally...
A Simulation Model for Risk and Pricing Competition in the Retail Lending Market
PublicationWe propose a simulation model of the retail lending market with two types of agents: borrowers searching for low interest rates and lenders competing through risk-based pricing. We show that individual banks observe adverse selection, even if every lender applies the same pricing strategy and a credit scoring model of comparable discrimination power. Additionally, the model justifies the reverse-S shape of the response rate curve....