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Search results for: WAVES
PublicationThe most common methods for predicting ship roll motions in a specified sea state are direct measurements of motions in a representative irregular wave realisation (time domain) or calculations of motions from response amplitude operators (RAOs) in the frequency domain. The result of the first method is valid only for the tested sea state, whilst the second method is more flexible but less accurate. RAO-based predictions are calculated...
Acceleration waves in the nonlinear micromorphic continuum
PublicationWithin the framework of the nonlinear elastic theory of micromorphic continua we derive the conditions for propagation of acceleration waves. An acceleration wave, also called a wave of weak discontinuity of order two, can be treated as a propagating nonmaterial surface across which the second derivatives of the placement vector and micro-distortion tensor may undergo jump discontinuities. Here we obtain the acoustic tensor for...
Stochastic approach to movements of a multihull on waves
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono metodę wyznaczania różniczkowych równań ruchu.Układ równań różniczkowych został przedstwaiony dla ruchów antysymetrycznych jednoski wielokadłubowej (poprzeczne ruchy liniowe, poprzeczne ruchy kątowe, poziome ruchy kątowe). Dla tych ruchów zbudowano stochastyczne równania różniczkowe.
Short ultrasonic waves in cancellous bone
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The propagation of the waves in the CTO S.A. towing tank
PublicationThe paper presents the results of research focused on the wave propagation in the CTO S.A. deepwater towing tank. In the scope of paper, the wavemaker transfer function was determined for regular waves, based on the Biésel Transfer Function and further for irregular waves, based on Hasselman model of nonlinear energy transfer. The phenomena: wave damping, wave breakdown and wave reflection, were measured, analyzed and mathematically...
Fuzzy Control of Waves Generation in a Towing Tank
PublicationThis paper presents the results of research related to the transformation of electrical energy into potential and kinetic energy of waves generated on the water surface. The waves are generated to model the environmental conditions for the needs of the model tests. The model tests are performed on model-scale objects to predict the features of full-scale maritime objects. It is done to improve human safety and the survivability...
Transverse surface waves on a cylindrical surface with coating
PublicationWe discuss the propagation of transverse surface waves that are so-called whispering-gallery waves along a surface of an elastic cylinder with coating. The coating is modelled in the framework of linearized Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity. Other interpretations of the surface shear modulus are given and relations to so-called stiff interface and stiff skin model are discussed. The dispersion relations are obtained and analyzed.
Generation and Propagation of Nonlinear Waves in a Towing Tank
PublicationThe paper presents the results of the research focused on linear and nonlinear wave generation and propagation in a deepwater towing tank equipped with a single flap-type wavemaker of variable draft. The problem of wave generation and propagation has been theoretically formulated and solved by applying an analytical method; linear and nonlinear solutions were obtained. The linear solution has been verified experimentally. The...
Guided waves for nondestructive diagnostics of embedded waveguides
PublicationThe thesis concentrates on comprehensive theoretical, numerical and experimental analysis of guided wave propagation in bars embedded in concrete or mortar. The investigations are focused on a particular type of objects representing a laboratory model of a ground anchor. Complex description of wave propagation phenomena in partially embedded bars is given and its application in...
Propagation of elastic waves in shell-like structures
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Localization of Mobile Robot Using Radio Waves
PublicationOpisano systemy lokalizacji robotów mobilnych wykorzystujące metody triangulacji i trilateracji, w przestrzeniach dwuwymiarowych. Zaproponowano metodę pomiaru odległości drogą radiową oraz przedstawiono uzyskane wyniki badań.
Extreme waves and wave events in the Baltic Sea
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki pomiarów szeregów czasowych falowania uzyskanych z boi pomiarowych, umieszczonych w kilku miejscach linii brzegowej Morza Bałtyckiego. Rozważano wpływ czasu trwania sztormu i kierunku wiatru na powstawanie pojedynczych oraz grup fal ekstremalnych. Przeprowadzono statystyczną analizę takich fal, zwracając szczególną uwagę na rozkłady ich wysokości. Dla wybranych realizacji przeprowadzono analizę spektralną...
Propagation of in-plane waves in an isotropic panel with a crack
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono model tarczowego elementu spektralnego do analizy propagacji fali wzdłuznej w panelach z uszkodzeniami.
Surface finite viscoelasticity and surface anti-plane waves
PublicationWe introduce the surface viscoelasticity under finite deformations. The theory is straightforward generalization of the Gurtin–Murdoch model to materials with fading memory. Surface viscoelasticity may reflect some surface related creep/stress relaxation phenomena observed at small scales. Discussed model could also describe thin inelastic coatings or thin interfacial layers. The constitutive equations for surface stresses are...
Strongly anisotropic surface elasticity and antiplane surface waves
PublicationWithin the new model of surface elasticity, the propagation of anti-plane surface waves is discussed. For the proposed model, the surface strain energy depends on surface stretching and on changing of curvature along a preferred direction. From the continuum mechanics point of view, the model describes finite deformations of an elastic solid with an elastic membrane attached on its boundary reinforced by a family of aligned elastic...
Resonant and nonresonant excitation of waves in a planar magnetosonic flow
PublicationForced propagation of perturbations in a magnetosonic wave are considered. The driving force may be caused by stimulated Mandelstam–Brillouin scattering of optic waves or by intense magnetosonic exciter. Some heating-cooling function which takes into account radiative cooling and unspecified heating is taken into consideration, as well as nonlinearity of a medium. Both these factors make the excitation particular. The analytical...
Floe-size distributions in laboratory ice broken by waves
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Floe-size distributions in laboratory ice broken by waves
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Floe-size distributions in laboratory ice broken by waves
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Floe-size distributions in laboratory ice broken by waves
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Modeling of the acoustic waves propagation in non-homogeneous medium
PublicationRozważano zagadnienie propagacji fal w ośrodku niejednorodnym. Przedstawiono model matematyczny i przykładowe wyniki badań numerycznych. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie KZK. Do rozwiązania zagadnienia zastosowano metodę różnic skończonych. Badano zmiany ciśnienia i zmiany widma odpowiednio w ośrodku jednorodnym i niejednorodnym.
Application of RMS for damage detection by guided elastic waves
PublicationThis paper presents certain results of an experimental study related with a damage detection in structural elements based on deviations in guided elastic wave propagation patterns.
A note on the vertical distribution of momentum transport in water waves
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Numerical investigations of the nonlinear waves generation in a bubble layer
PublicationRozważano zagadnienie propagacji fal różnych częstotliwości wewnątrz warstwy z pęcherzykami. Przedstawiono model matematyczny zjawiska oraz wyniki badań teoretycznych. Badano zmiany widma fali bieżącej i odbitej jak również zmiany amplitud wybranych harmonicznych ciśnienia tych fal w funkcji grubości warstwy i koncentracji pęcherzyków.
Tollmien- Shlichting and sound waves interaction: nonlinear resonances.
PublicationRozpatruje się oddziaływanie różnych typów modów hydrodynamicznych w warstwie lepkiej. Stwierdzono możliwość istnienia oddziaływania rezonansowego.Dokładne równania ewolucyjne kierujące dynamiką warstwy lepkiej zostały wypisane.
Nonlinear waves in optical waveguides and soliton theory applications
PublicationRównania teorii solitonów zastosowano do propagacji impulsów światła w falo-wodach dielektrycznych.Wyprowadzono i zbadano rozwiazania równań oddziaływa-nia (z uwzględnieniem tłumienia) trzech fal Maxwella-Blocha.
Propagation of elestic waves in beams including damping effects.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki analizy propagacji fali sprężystej w belce z tłumieniem wiskotycznym.
Ingoing and outgoing waves in the non-relativistic theory of photoionization
PublicationZastosowano rachunek zaburzeń zależny od czasu do wyprowadzenia wzoru na różniczkowy przekrój czynny na fotojonizację nierelatywistycznego kwantowego układu jednoelektronowego płaską monochromatyczną falą elektromagnetyczną. Pokazano,że pochodzenie oraz asymptotykę tzw. ''funkcji falowej stanu końcowego'', wchodzącej do tego wzoru, można wytłumaczyć bez odwoływania się do kontrowersyjnej argumentacji podanej przez Breita i Bethego.
Review of Selected Methods for Prediction of Added Resistance in Following Waves
PublicationThe added resistance in waves is a mean value of non-linear, second order reaction of a ship to incoming waves. In the beginning of the 20th century, the experimental methods for investigation of ship hydrodynamics at model scale were developed. They allowed the evaluation of added resistance by measurements in irregular waves (directly) or by measurements in regular waves (in-direct method). The main goal was to find more precise...
PublicationThe paper describes an adaptive control system of the waves, implemented in the Ship Design and Research Centre, CTO S.A. The purpose of generating the waves in the towing tank is the modelling of the environmental conditions during hydrodynamic model tests. The tests are performed on scale models of towed or free running ships, anchored structures like oil rigs or bottommounted structures, e.g. wind turbines. In the towing tank...
Application of guided waves in the evaluation of steel-concrete adhesive connection
PublicationThe aim of the paper is the application of guided waves in the evaluation of a condition state of adhesive connection between steel and concrete. The study concerns a push-out specimen consisting of two steel plates glued to opposite faces of a concrete cube with the use of structural adhesive. Wave propagation in the specimen without external load is investigated both experimentally and numerically. The second stage of the investigation...
Analysis of Instantaneous Ship Resistance-Increase in Waves with CFD URANS
PublicationTo comply with the requirements set out by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, recent efforts have focused on investigating the parameters that affect the increase in ship resistance, with the aim of developing effective reduction methods. This research examines both the time-varying instantaneous characteristics of a ship’s resistance in waves, referred to as resistance-increase,...
Damage detection in a bolted lap joint using guided waves
PublicationThe paper presents the experimental investigation of guided waves application to the condition assessment of prestressed bolted connections and a concept of new quantitative indicator. The main goal of the research was the analysis of the influence of the contact conditions changes to the characteristics of a propagating disturbance. The experimental tests were carried out for a single bolted lap joint. The excitation and acquisition...
Excitation of Waves in a Dispersive Medium. Example of Flow of a Bubbly Liquid
PublicationThe excitation of wave motion by an external source and the interaction of modes inherent to a ow in a dispersive medium are considered. Dispersion is caused by the presence of gaseous bubbles in a liquid. A large variety of steady excited waveforms is possible when the exciting wave is also steady and propagates at a constant velocity. The velocities of the exciter and forced waves may be dierent. This leads to a variety of non-stationary...
PublicationShips and offshore structures operate in a severe corrosion degradation environment and face difficulty in providing long- lasting corrosion protection. The Classification Societies recommend regular thickness measurements leading to structural component replacements, to ensure structural integrity during service life. The measurements are usually performed using ultrasonic thickness gauges and such an approach requires multiple...
Application of guided waves in the evaluation of steel-concrete adhesive connection
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Automated non destructive testing by non-contact surface waves
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Application of guided waves in the evaluation of steel-concrete adhesive connection
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Calculation methods of interaction of electromagnetic waves with objects of complex geometries
PublicationModeling of the electromagnetic interaction with different homogeneous or inhomo-geneous objects is a fundamental and important problem. It is relatively easy to solve Maxwellequations analytically when the scattering object is spherical or cylindrical, for example. How-ever, when it loses these properties all that is left for us is to useapproximation models, to ac-quire the solution we need. Modeling of complex, non-spherical,...
Standing Waves in a Rectangular Resonator Containing Acoustically Active Gases
PublicationThe distribution of perturbations of pressure and velocity in a rectangular resonator is considered. A resonator contains a gas where thermodynamic processes take place, such as exothermic chemical reaction or excitation of vibrational degrees of a molecule’s freedom. These processes make the gas acoustically active under some conditions. We conclude that the incident and reflected compounds of a sound beam do not interact in the...
Damage detection strategies based on propagation of guided elastic waves
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki symulacji numerycznych oraz badań eksperymentalnych nad wykorzystaniemprowadzonych falsprężystych do wykrywania ilokalizacji uszkodzeń w dwu i trójwymiarowych elementach konstrukcyjnych wykonanych z materiałów izotropowych i kompozytowych.
Anti-plane waves in an elastic thin strip with surface energy
PublicationWe consider anti-plane motions of an elastic plate taking into account surface energy within the linear Gurtin–Murdoch surface elasticity. Two boundary-value problems are considered that describe complete shear dynamics of a plate with free faces or with free and clamped faces, respectively. These problems correspond to anti-plane dynamics of an elastic film perfectly or non-perfectly attached to a rigid substrate. Detailed analysis...
Combining of global and local stresses in ship hulls on ocean waves.
PublicationOpisano zagadnienia superpozycji naprężeń dynamicznych od zginania ogólnego i strefowego, we wzdłużnych wiązarach kadłuba statku. Krytycznie skomentowano wymagania przepisów klasyfikacji i budowy statków, dotyczące oceny wytrzymałości tych elementów konstrukcji. Przedstawiono sposób wykonywania prognozy długoterminowej naprężeń w tych elementach i zaproponowano sposób sumowania charakterystycznych wartości naprężeń od zginania...
Damage detection in composite truss structure by application of elastic waves.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono zastosowanie fal sprężystych do detekcji pęknięć zmęczeniowych w konstrukcjach kompozytowych.
Pressure distribution for different types of the finite amplitude waves sources
PublicationPrzedstawiono model matematyczny i przykładowe wyniki badań numerycznych zjawiska oddziaływań fal o skończonej amplitudzie w wodzie. Model matematyczny zbudowano w oparciu o równanie KZK. Zagadnienie różniczkowe rozwiązano stosując metodę różnic skończonych. Rozważono różne rozkłady ciśnienia na źródle kołowym i bez osiowej symetrii.
Magnetism and charge density waves in RNiC2(R=Ce,Pr,Nd)
PublicationWe have compared the magnetic, transport, galvanomagnetic, and specific-heat properties of CeNiC2, PrNiC2, and NdNiC2 to study the interplay between charge density waves (CDW) and magnetism in these compounds. The negative magnetoresistance in NdNiC2 is discussed in terms of the partial destruction of charge density waves and an irreversible phase transition stabilized by the field-induced ferromagnetic transformation is reported....
On the peculiarities of anti-plane surface waves propagation for media with microstructured coating
PublicationWe discuss new type of surface waves which exist in elastic media with surface energy. Here we present the model of a coating made of polymeric brush. From the physical point of view the considered model of surface elasticity describes a highly anisotropic surface coating. Here the surface energy model could be treated as 2D reduced strain gradient continuum as surface strain energy depends on few second spatial derivatives of...
Guided ultrasonic waves for detection of debonding in bars partially embedded in grout
PublicationThis paper deals with theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations of guided wave propagation in multilayered cylindrical bars with pre-existing debonding. The research focuses on a complex description of the nature of the wave phenomena occurring in a debonded specimen with a special emphasis on the influence of the location of damage on the wave conversion and diffraction. Experimental non-destructive and destructive...
Simplified Method of Modelling Behaviour of Ship in Waves with Partially Flooded Compartments
PublicationThis paper contains a description of a numerical model for calculating behaviour of ships in waves. There are many models available, but the one described here can be characterised with a set of parameters that have a decisive impact on the final values of roll motion amplitude and frequency. In this paper, it is shown how a fitting of a standard-shape hull characterised by certain readily available parameters affects...
Surface and interfacial anti-plane waves in micropolar solids with surface energy
PublicationIn this work, the propagation behaviour of a surface wave in a micropolar elastic half-space with surface strain and kinetic energies localized at the surface and the propagation behaviour of an interfacial anti-plane wave between two micropolar elastic half-spaces with interfacial strain and kinetic energies localized at the interface have been studied. The Gurtin–Murdoch model has been adopted for surface and interfacial elasticity....