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Search results for: WIDE BAND MODELS
4D Models in World Wide Web
PublicationThe paper presents some results of research curried out within the framework of the European project named "Cultural Heritage Through Time" (CHT2). One of the main project aims were to develop a methodology for sharing multi-temporal information via the Internet (webGIS) for remote analysis of structures and landscapes over time. Reported in this paper results are focused on testing two technologies (Hexagon and Esri) for online...
A wide-band modeling of DC-DC two-transistor flyback converter.
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Person Tracking in a Ferry Environment Using Ultra-Wide Band Radio Interface
PublicationThis article presents research and analysis of effectiveness of tracking moving people in an environment of passenger ferry, using measurements of propagation time of ultra-wide band radio signal (UWB - Ultra-Wide Band). Constructed measurement stand and results of measurements carried out in a real propagation conditions were shortly discussed.
Miniaturized Dual-Band Bandpass Filter with Wide Inter Stopband for 5G Applications
PublicationThis article presents the design of a miniaturized dual-band bandpass filter with a wide inter-stopband and improved isolation. A novel topology comprising the series connection of shunt cascaded coupled lines and quarter-wavelength open stubs is proposed to realize the dual-band filter along with half-wavelength stepped-impedance stubs. The circuit characteristics contain nine transmission zeros and four poles. The transmission...
Dipolowe anteny planarne do zastosowań w standardzie Ultra-Wide band
PublicationW pracy dokonano przeglądu dipolowych anten planarnych projektowanych dla standardu UWB. Przedstawiono przykładowe promienniki oraz symetryzatory szerokopasmowe, które składają sie na antenę dipolową. porównano dopasowania anten dla wybranych kształtów promienników.
Wide-band modulation and adaptive equalization techniques for fast and reliable underwater data transmission.
PublicationSzybkość transmisji w płytkim kanale podwodnym jest ograniczona ze względu na wielokrotne odbicia fal dźwiękowych oraz niestacjonarność kanału. Dla zapewnienia szybkiej i niezawodnej transmisji danych w systemach komunikacji stosowane są złożone techniki modulacji oraz equalizacji kanału. W artykule zaproponowano zastosowanie modulacji OFDM oraz equalizacji adaptacyjnej w systemie komunikacji podwodnej. Modulacja OFDM stosowana...
Novel Versatile Topologies and Design Optimization of Wide-Bandstop Frequency Selective Surfaces for X-Band, Ku-Band and Millimeter-Wave Applications
PublicationNovel designs of frequency selective surface (FSS) are presented for wideband applications in X, Ku and mmWave (millimeter Wave) bands. Two identical metallic layers of FSS are imprinted on both sides of the RO4003 substrate. The geometry parameters are optimized to maximize the bandstop at the specified in-band maximum transmission level of –10 dB; satisfaction of the latter condition is enforced through appropriate formulation...
An Off-Body Narrowband and Ultra-Wide Band Channel Model for Body Area Networks in a Ferry Environment
PublicationIn the article an off-body narrowband and ultra-wide band channel model for Body Area Networks in a ferry environment is described. A mobile, heterogeneous measurement stand, that consists of three types of devices: miniaturized mobile nodes, stationary reference nodes and a data acquisition server was developed. A detailed analysis of both radio channels parameters in untypical indoor environment was carried out. An analysis of...
An Off-Body Narrowband and Ultra-Wide Band Channel Model for Body Area Networks in a Ferryboat Environment
PublicationIn the article an off-body narrowband and ultra-wide band channel model for body area networks in a ferryboat environment is described. Considering the limited number of publications there is a need to develop an off-body channel model, which will facilitate the design of radio links, both from the multimedia services provider and the security point of view, for body area networks in this atypical environment. A mobile heterogeneous...
Toward Wide-Band High-Resolution Analog-to-Digital Converters Using Hybrid Filter Bank Architecture
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Person Tracking in Ultra-Wide Band Hybrid Localization System Using Reduced Number of Reference Nodes
PublicationIn this article a novel method of positional data integration in an indoor hybrid localization system combining inertial navigation with radio distance measurements is presented. A point of interest is the situation when the positional data and the radio distance measurements are obtained from less than thee reference nodes and it is impossible to unambiguously localize the moving person due to undetermined set of positional equations....
Inverse surrogate models for fast geometry scaling of miniaturized dual-band couplers
PublicationRe-design of microwave structures for various sets of performance specifications is a challenging task, particularly for compact components where considerable electromagnetic (EM) cross-couplings make the relationships between geometry parameters and the structure responses complex. Here, we address geometry scaling of miniaturized dual-band couplers by means of inverse surrogate modeling. Our approach allows for fast estimation...
Rapid Design Centering of Multi-Band Antennas Using Knowledge-Based Inverse Models and Response Features
PublicationAccounting for manufacturing tolerances as well as uncertainties concerning operating conditions and material parameters is one of the important yet often neglected aspects of antenna development. Appropriate quantification of uncertainties allows for estimating the fabrication yield but also to carry out robust design (e.g., yield maximization). For reliability reasons, statistical analysis should be executed at the accuracy level...
Fast Multi-Objective Optimization of Narrow-Band Antennas Using RSA Models and Design Space Reduction
PublicationComputationally efficient technique for multi-objective design optimization of narrow-band antennas is presented. In our approach, the corrected low-fidelity antenna model (obtained through coarse-discretization EM simulations) is enhanced using frequency scaling and response correction, sampled, and utilized to obtain a fast response surface approximation (RSA) antenna surrogate. The RSA model is constructed in the reduced design space....
Prediction of ringing frequencies in DC-DC boost converter
PublicationIn the paper ringing phenomena in a DC-DC boost converter is presented. The ringing frequency is calculated using an analytical formula. The necessary wide band models of MOSFET transistor, passive and parasitics are described. The calculation results are verified in simulation and laboratory tests.
Cost‐efficient performance‐driven modelling of multi‐band antennas by variable‐fidelity electromagnetic simulations and customized space mapping
PublicationElectromagnetic (EM) simulations have become an indispensable tool in the design of contemporary antennas. EM‐driven tasks, for example, parametric optimization, entail considerable computational efforts, which may be reduced by employing surrogate models. Yet, data‐driven modelling of antenna characteristics is largely hindered by the curse of dimensionality. This may be addressed using the recently reported domain‐confinement...
Model Order Reduction for Problems With Dispersive Surface Boundary Conditions
PublicationThis letter proposes a new scheme for reduced-order finite-element modeling of electromagnetic structures with nonlinear, dispersive surface boundary conditions, which optimally exploits the numerically stable and efficient MOR framework for second-order systems provided by SAPOR method. The presented results of numerical experiments for an example of a waveguide filter demonstrate the superior accuracy of the resulting reduced models...
Greedy Multipoint Model-Order Reduction Technique for Fast Computation of Scattering Parameters of Electromagnetic Systems
PublicationThis paper attempts to develop a new automated multipoint model-order reduction (MOR) technique, based on matching moments of the system input–output function, which would be suited for fast and accurate computation of scattering parameters for electromagnetic (EM) systems over a wide frequency band. To this end, two questions are addressed. Firstly, the cost of the wideband reduced model generation is optimized by automating a...
Reliable data-driven modeling of high-frequency structures by means of nested kriging with enhanced design of experiments
PublicationData-driven (or approximation) surrogate models have been gaining popularity in many areas of engineering and science, including high-frequency electronics. They are attractive as a way of alleviating the difficulties pertinent to high computational cost of evaluating full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation models of microwave, antenna, and integrated photonic components and devices. Carrying out design tasks that involve massive...
Multi-Fidelity Local Surrogate Model for Computationally Efficient Microwave Component Design Optimization
PublicationIn order to minimize the number of evaluations of high-fidelity (“fine”) model in the optimization process, to increase the optimization speed, and to improve optimal solution accuracy, a robust and computational-efficient multi-fidelity local surrogate-model optimization method is proposed. Based on the principle of response surface approximation, the proposed method exploits the multi-fidelity coarse models and polynomial interpolation...
Lokalizacja osób w środowisku promu pasażerskiego z wykorzystaniem ultra szerokopasmowego interfejsu radiowego
PublicationW niniejszym artykule przedstawiono badania efektywności lokalizowania poruszających się osób w środowisku promu pasażerskiego stosując pomiar czasu propagacji ultraszerokopasmowego sygnału radiowego UWB (Ultra-Wide Band) pomiędzy węzłami odniesienia i terminalem ruchomym. Opisano zbudowane stanowisko badawcze oraz uzyskane wyniki pomiarów przeprowadzonych w warunkach rzeczywistych.
Power Transmission for Millimeter-Wave Indoor/Outdoor Wearable IoT Devices Using Grounded Coplanar Waveguide-Fed On-Body Antenna
PublicationThis paper presents for the first-time evaluation of wireless power transmission (WPT) for sustainable low-powered Internet of Things (IoT) devices in realistic indoor/outdoor scenarios using empirical propagation models at 28 GHz. The used empirical propagation models have shown that using an on-body 9×9 mm-wave rectenna array based on a proposed mm-wave antenna is able to charge IoT devices at a distance of 57 m for line-of-sight...
Kriging metamodels and design re‐utilization for fast parameter tuning of antenna structures
PublicationThe paper addresses the problem of computationally efficient electromagnetic (EM)‐driven design closure of antenna structures. The foundations of the presented approach are fast kriging interpolation metamodels, utilized for two purposes: (a) producing a good starting point for further parameter tuning, and (b) yielding a reasonable Jacobian matrix estimate to jump‐start the optimization procedure. The models are rendered using...
Triangulation-based Constrained Surrogate Modeling of Antennas
PublicationDesign of contemporary antenna structures is heavily based on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulation tools. They provide accuracy but are CPU-intensive. Reduction of EM-driven design procedure cost can be achieved by using fast replacement models (surrogates). Unfortunately, standard modeling techniques are unable to ensure sufficient predictive power for real-world antenna structures (multiple parameters, wide parameter ranges,...
Linear-scaling calculation of Hartree-Fock exchange energy with Non-orthogonal Generalised Wannier Functions
PublicationWe present a method for the calculation of four-centre two-electron repulsion integrals in terms of localised non-orthogonal generalised Wannier functions (NGWFs). Our method has been imple- mented in the ONETEP program and is used to compute the Hartree-Fock exchange energy component of Hartree-Fock and Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations with hybrid exchange-correlation functionals. As the NGWFs are optimised in situ...
Nested Kriging with Variable Domain Thickness for Rapid Surrogate Modeling and Design Optimization of Antennas
PublicationDesign of modern antennas faces numerous difficulties, partially rooted in stringent specifications imposed on both electrical and field characteristics, demands concerning various functionalities (circular polarization, pattern diversity, band-notch operation), but also constraints imposed upon the physical size of the radiators. Conducting the design process at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations, otherwise...
Design and Implementation of a Dual-band Filtering Wil-kinson Power Divider Using Coupled T-shaped Dual-band Resonators
PublicationThe paper introduces a novel structure of a dual-band filtering Wilkinson power divider (WPD). Its essential component is a dual-band bandpass filter (BPF), implemented using coupling lines and two T-shaped resonators. The BPF is incorporated into the divider structure to suppress the unwanted harmonics within the circuit. The latter is achieved owing to a wide stopband of the filter. The deigned dual-band WPD can suppress third...
A Broadband Circularly Polarized Wide-Slot Antenna with a Miniaturized Footprint
PublicationThis letter presents a novel and simple feeding technique for exciting orthogonal components in a wide-slot antenna. In this technique, a rectangular bracket-shape parasitic strip is placed at the open end of the straight microstrip line to excite the fundamental horizontal and vertical components of the circular polarization (CP). The proposed technique—when employed in conjunction with the asymmetrical geometry of coplanar waveguide...
Rapid Re-Design and Bandwidth/Size Trade-Offs for Compact Wideband Circular Polarization Antennas Using Inverse Surrogates and Fast EM-Based Parameter Tuning
PublicationDesign of compact wideband circularly polarized (CP) antennas is challenging due to the necessity of simultaneous handling of several characteristics (reflection, axial ratio, gain) while maintaining a small size of the structure. Antenna re-design for various operating bands is clearly more difficult yet practically important because intentional reduction of the bandwidth (e.g., by moving the lower edge of the operating band up...
On Design Optimization of Miniaturized Microscrip Dual-Band Rat-Race Coupler with Enhanced Bandwidth
PublicationIn the paper, a novel topology of a miniaturized wideband dual-band rat-race coupler has been presented. Small size of the circuit has been obtained by meandering transmission lines of the conventional circuit. At the same time, the number of independent geometry parameters has been increased in order to secure sufficient circuit flexibility in the context of its design optimization for dual-band operation. Optimum dimensions of...
Design and Characterization of a Planar Structure Wideband Millimeter-Wave Antenna with Wide Beamwidth for Wearable off-body Communication Applications
PublicationThis letter presents the design of a planar single-layer wideband antenna featuring wide beamwidth has well as high and stable in-band gain. The proposed antenna is a planar monopole fed by a bottom-grounded coplanar waveguide to realize wide beamwidth in both the xz- and yz-planes. Simultaneous optimization of all adjustable antenna parameters, carried out at the full-wave electromagnetic simulation level. The constructive interference...
Cost-Efficient Surrogate Modeling of High-Frequency Structures Using Nested Kriging with Automated Adjustment of Model Domain Lateral Dimensions
PublicationSurrogate models are becoming popular tools of choice in mitigating issues related to the excessive cost of electromagnetic (EM)-driven design of high-frequency structures. Among available techniques, approximation modeling is by far the most popular due to its versatility. In particular, the surrogates are exclusively based on the sampled simulation data with no need to involve engineering insight or problem-specific knowledge....
Frequency Reconfigurable PIN Diode-Based Reuleaux-Triangle-Shaped Monopole Antenna for UWB/Ku Band Applications
PublicationThis paper presents a frequency reconfigurable monopole antenna developed for UWB/Ku band applications. The design employs a microstrip-fed Reuleaux-triangle-shaped patch with a defected ground structure. The antenna exhibits a wide operating bandwidth achieved due to rectangular slits integrated into the Reuleaux-triangle patch. Meanwhile, adding rectangular slots in the ground plane improves the return loss level. Frequency reconfigurability...
High-Gain Compact Circularly Polarized X-Band Superstrate Antenna for CubeSat Applications
PublicationIn this letter, a concept of high-gain circularly polarized X-band antenna employing a partially reflecting surface (PRS) has been presented. In the initial antenna analysis, the influence of parasitic elements size in the PRS structure on antenna radiation pattern parameters has been investigated and the optimal arrangement of the elements has been identified. The proposed antenna provides wide bandwidth of return loss above 10...
A structure and design optimization of novel compact microscrip dual-band rat-race coupler with enhanced bandwidth
PublicationIn the letter, a topology of a novel compact wideband dual-band rat-race coupler has been presented along with its computationally efficient design optimization procedure. Reduction of the circuit size has been achieved by meandering transmission lines of the conventional circuit. At the same time, the number of independent geometry parameters has been increased so as to secure sufficient flexibility of the circuit, necessary in...
High Isolation Metamaterial-based Dual-band MIMO Antenna for 5G Millimeter-wave Applications
PublicationThis article presents a high-isolation metamaterial-based dual-band multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna for 5G millimeter-wave communication networks. The proposed antenna is a pentagon-shaped monopole that provides a dual-band response with a wide operating bandwidth at 5G 28/28 bands. The antenna is printed on 0.508-mm-thick Rogers RT5880 substrate of relative permittivity ɛr =2.2. It exhibits a small physical size...
Highly Compact Dual-Band Frequency Selective Surface for Path-loss and Coverage Improvement in Millimeter-wave Advanced Wireless Applications
PublicationIn this work, a compact dual-band frequency selective surface (FSS) for path-loss and coverage improvement in advanced wireless communication is showcased. The proposed FSS is a single-layer design with stable and high performance at both 24 GHz and 38 GHz operating frequencies, respectively. The design is highly compact with two wide-band reflection coefficient responses having 49.5% (14.5 – 26.4 GHz) and 66.57% (35.8 – 39.8 GHz)...
Smart acoustic band structures
PublicationSmart acoustic band structures exhibit very interesting and non-standard physical properties due to the periodic nature of their certain characteristic on different scale levels. They manifest mostly in their frequency spectra as socalled frequency band-gaps or stop-bands, what has a great impact on the behaviour of these structures in relation to the propagation of vibro-acoustic signals that can be transmitted through the structures...
A Microwave Sensor with Operating Band Selection to Detect Rotation and Proximity in the Rapid Prototyping Industry
PublicationThis paper presents a novel sensor for detecting and measuring angular rotation and proximity, intended for rapid prototyping machines. The sensor is based on a complementary split-ring resonator (CSRR) driven by a conductor-backed coplanar waveguide. The sensor has a planar topology, which makes it simple and cost-effective to produce and accurate in measuring both physical quantities. The sensor has two components, a rotor, and...
Rapid simulation-driven design of miniaturised dual-band microwave couplers by means of adaptive response scaling
PublicationOne of the major challenges in the design of compact microwave structures is the necessity of simultaneous handling of several objectives and the fact that expensive electromagnetic (EM) analysis is required for their reliable evaluation. Design of multi-band circuits where performance requirements are to be satisfied for several frequencies at the same time is even more difficult. In this work, a computationally efficient design...
A Circular Waveguide Dual-Mode Filter With Improved Out-of-Band Performance for Satellite Communication Systems
PublicationThis letter presents a novel design for a 3-D-printed circular waveguide dual-mode (CWDM) filter with a modified cavity shape. The modification leads to a wide spurious-free stopband, which is highly desirable for channel separation in waveguide contiguous output multiplexers (OMUXs) in satellite communication systems. The new resonant cavity design is a result of applying shape deformation to a basic circular cavity in order to...
Two-Rate Based Low-Complexity Variable Fractional-Delay FIR Filter Structures
PublicationThis paper considers two-rate based structures for variable fractional-delay (VFD) finite-length impulse response (FIR) filters. They are single-rate structures but derived through a two-rate approach. The basic structure considered hitherto utilizes a regular half-band (HB) linear-phase filter and the Farrow structure with linear-phase subfilters. Especially for wide-band specifications, this structure is computationally efficient...
A Subspace-Splitting Moment-Matching Model-Order Reduction Technique for Fast Wideband FEM Simulations of Microwave Structures
PublicationThis article describes a novel model-order reduction (MOR) approach for efficient wide frequency band finite-element method (FEM) simulations of microwave components. It relies on the splitting of the system transfer function into two components: a singular one that accounts for the in-band system poles and a regular part that has no in-band poles. In order to perform this splitting during the reduction process, the projection...
Asymmetrical-Slot Antenna with Enhanced Gain for Dual-Band Applications
PublicationDual-band operation is an important feature of antennas to be applied in modern communication systems. Although high gain of radiators is rarely of concern in urban areas with densely located broadcasting stations, it becomes crucial for systems operating in more remote environments. In this work, a dual-band antenna with enhanced bandwidth is proposed. The structure consists of a driven element in the form of an asymmetrical radiator/slot...
Role of nitrogen in optical and electrical band gaps of hydrogenated/hydrogen free carbon nitride film
PublicationWe report the optical and electrical band gap energy of amorphous hydrogenated carbon nitride (a-HCNx) and carbon nitride (a-CNx) as a function of nitrogen concentration (N/C). The optical band gap of a-HCNx and a-CNx films has been determined by means of Ellipsometry and UV-VIS. Both optical and electrical band gaps increase with elevated nitrogen concentration. Experimentally obtained electrical band gap is compared with the...
Frequency-dependent coupling model for microwave band-pass filter
PublicationThe goal of this work was to create a circuit model which represents frequency-dependent coupling between microwave resonators. Our models are designed for in-line filters. The frequency-dependent coupling enables one to realize a transmission zero which is not possible in classical approach with frequency independent inverters. In addition, the proposed model allows us to observe out-of-band behavior, e.g. spurious resonance....
Laboratory Stand for Wideband Analysis Radiocommunication Signals
PublicationA laboratory stand for wideband analysis radiocommunication signals is presented in the paper. The stand is designed for signals acquisition in wide spectrum and research a field of digital signal processing. Procedures used for simultaneous acquiring many frequency channels in selected wide band are described. The method of detection of direct sequence spread spectrum signals (DS SS) which power spectral density is lower than...
Laboratory stand for wideband analysis radiocommunication signals
PublicationA laboratory stand for wideband analysis radiocommunication signals is presented in the paper. The stand is designed for signals acquisition in wide spectrum and research a field of digital signal processing. Procedures used for simultaneous acquiring many frequency channels in selected wide band are described. The method of detection of direct sequence spread spectrum signals (DS SS) which power spectral density is lower than...
Low cost microwave X-band generator
PublicationA low cost microwave X-band generator for educational purposes was designed and built. Its simple construction and user's interface makes it suitable for a student laboratory.The generator is based on a single frequency conversion concept. It uses a digitally tunable PLL chip for intermediate frequency generation and an active frequency multiplier for frequency conversion. The generator covers 9,7 - 11 GHz part of the X frequency...
Miniaturized dual‐band branch‐line coupler with enhanced bandwidth
PublicationIn this letter, a miniaturized hybrid dual-band branch-line coupler (BLC) with enhanced fractional bandwidths is proposed. Compact size and bandwidth enhancement are obtained using meandered transmission line sections with broken symmetry between cross-coupling branches. The circuit is designed at a low numerical cost using surrogate-assisted techniques. The optimized design features small size of only 0.25λg×0.19λg(28% miniaturization...