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Search results for: biodiesel
Reuse of Magnesol® for Purification of Biodiesel
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The Effects of Neat Biodiesel and Biodiesel and HVO Blends in Diesel Fuel on Exhaust Emissions from a Light Duty Vehicle with a Diesel Engine
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Generation of biodiesel and glycerol from waste of rice industries in Brazil
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PublicationVegetable oils are renewable feedstock currently being used for production of biofuels from sustainable biomass resources. The existing technology for producing diesel fuel from plant oils, such as rapeseed, soybean, canola and palm oil are largely centered on transesterification of oils with methanol to produce fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) or biodiesel. Rapeseed pellet - crushed seed residue from oil extraction is a byproduct...
A Review on Metal–Organic Framework as a Promising Catalyst for Biodiesel Production ENERGY & FUELS
PublicationThe rapid depletion of fossil-derived fuels along with rising environmental pollution have motivated academics and manufacturers to pursue more environmentally friendly and sustainable energy options in today’s globe. Biodiesel has developed as an ecologically favorable alternative. However, the mass manufacturing of biodiesel on an industrial scale confronts substantial cost and pricing challenges. To address this issue, high-efficiency...
Screening stability, thermochemistry, and chemical kinetics of 3-hydroxybutanoic acid as a bifunctional biodiesel additive
PublicationThe thermo-kinetic aspects of 3-hydroxybutyric acid (3-HBA) pyrolysis in the gas phase were investigated using density functional theory (DFT), specifically the M06-2X theoretical level in conjunction with the cc-pVTZ basis set. The obtained data were compared with benchmark CBS-QB3 results. The degradation mechanism was divided into 16 pathways, comprising 6 complex fissions and 10 barrierless reactions. Energy profiles were calculated...
Enhanced Light-Induced Biosynthesis of Fatty Acids Suitable for Biodiesel Production by the Yellow-Green Alga Eustigmatos magnus
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Two-step Conversion of Crude Glycerol Generated by Biodiesel Production into Biopolyols: Synthesis, Structural and Physical Chemical Characterization
PublicationIn this work biopolyols were synthesized via two-step process from crude glycerol and castor oil. For better evaluation of analyzed process, the impact of its time and temperature on the structure and properties of biopolyols was determined. Obtained results fully justified conducting of synthesis in two steps. Prepared materials were characterized by hydroxyl value and water content comparable to polyols industrially applied in...
A review on application of artificial neural network (ANN) for performance and emission characteristics of diesel engine fueled with biodiesel-based fuels
PublicationBiodiesel has been emerging as a potential and promising biofuel for the strategy of reducing toxic emissions and improving engine performance. Computational methods aiming to offer numerical solutions were inevitable as a study methodology which was sometimes considered the only practical method. Artificial neural networks (ANN) were data-processing systems, which were used to tackle many issues in engineering and science, especially...
The Effect of Pure RME and Biodiesel Blends with High RME Content on Exhaust Emissions from a Light Duty Diesel Engine
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A Study of RME-Based Biodiesel Blend Influence on Performance, Reliability and Emissions from Modern Light-Duty Diesel Engines
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Optimization of Trans-esterification Process and Characterization of Biodiesel from Soapstock Using Silica Sulfuric Acid as a Heterogeneous Solid Acid Catalyst
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Synthesis and application of biomass-derived magnetic biochar catalyst for simultaneous esterification and trans-esterification of waste cooking oil into biodiesel: modeling and optimization
PublicationThis work created, characterized, and used a magnetic biochar catalyst that is both eco-friendly and very effective. Sugarcane bagasse was selected as primary raw material for catalyst preparation, because it is renewable and ecofriendly biomass. Cata- lyst created by doping sugarcane bagasse biochar with magnetic material in the form of (FeSO 4 ·7H 2 O). Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy...
Cavitation based cleaner technologies for biodiesel production and processing of hydrocarbon streams: A perspective on key fundamentals, missing process data and economic feasibility – A review
PublicationThe present review emphasizes the role of hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) and acoustic cavitation in clean and green technologies for selected fuels (of hydrocarbon origins such as gasoline, naphtha, diesel, heavy oil, and crude oil) processing applications including biodiesel production. Herein, the role of cavitation reactors, their geometrical parameters, physicochemical properties of liquid media, liquid oxidants, catalyst loading,...
Rapeseed oil methyl ester production in an individual household
PublicationFatty acid methyl esters, commonly known as biodiesel, are a cheap and environmental-friendly fuel substitute for diesel engines. Aside from industrial production, individual biodiesel manufacturing is also and important method of fulfilling the requirements of EU Parliament directive no. 2003/30/WE about supporting the use of renewable fuels in transport. Individual FAME production guarantees easy access to the main raw material...
Katalizatory wykorzystywane w syntezie biodiesla
PublicationRising prices of electricity, conventional fuels and heating require decisive steps in the further development of technologies based on renewable energy sources. These include geothermal-; hydrothermal-; aerothermal-; and solar energy. Due to the fact that the petrochemical industry is one of the fastest growing branches of the economy, we would like to expand on the topic related to biofuels. Biodiesel is an alternative fuel similar...
Potential applications of crude glycerol in polymer technology–Current state and perspectives
PublicationThe increasing use of bio-based fuels and fuel additives, among them biodiesel, causes significant surplus of crude glycerol on the market which creates new challenges in terms of its sustainable utilization. A lot of ways for the incorporation of this by-product into different branches of industry requires purification by expensive and complicated processes. Therefore, researchers are seeking for applications of untreated crude...
Advanced nanomaterials and metal-organic frameworks for catalytic bio-diesel production from microalgal lipids – A review
PublicationIncreasing energy demands require exploring renewable, eco-friendly (green), and cost-effective energy resources. Among various sources of biodiesel, microalgal lipids are an excellent resource, owing to their high abundance in microalgal biomass. Transesterification catalyzed by advanced materials, especially nanomaterials and metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), is a revolutionary process for overcoming the energy crisis. This review...
Sustainable Management of Food Wastes Through Cavitation-Assisted Conversion into Value-Added Products
PublicationMore than 30% of worldwide food consumption is thrown out as food wastes causing serious environmental, economic, and social problems. Therefore, it is required to develop sustainable food waste management methods leading to an enhancement in social and economic benefits and mitigation of environmental impacts. Anaerobic digestion can be regarded as one of those effective methods that can be employed for the conversion of food...
Renewable Resources for Polyurethanes and Polyurethane Composites: A Review
PublicationEach year, more than two million tons of polyurethane is produced in the EU by reacting isocyanates with polyols made from fossil fuel. In addition, there are appreciable quantities of petroleum based functional additives applied in the industry nowadays for both polyols and polyurethane materials. It is therefore of key importance to develop sustainable economically viable polyols with enhanced functionalities, and thereby reducing...
Alternative sources of energy from agricultural biomass - an European perspective
PublicationNośniki energii pochodzące z rolnictwa dzielą się na nośniki pierwotne oraz nośniki wtórne. Nośniki pierwotne to drewno, słoma oraz osady ściekowe (analogiczne do torfu niskiego). Nośniki wtórne to biogaz, bioetanol, biodiesel, biowodór oraz gaz pirolityczny. Omawia się zasoby energetyczne biomasy w Unii Europejskiej.
Utilization of rapeseed pellet from fatty acid methyl esters production as an energy source
PublicationRapeseed pellet – crushed seed residue from oil extraction is a by-product of fatty acid methyl esters production process. As other types of biomass, it can either be burned directly in furnaces or processed to increase its energetic value. Biomass is renewable, abundant and has domestic usage; the sources of biomass can help the world reduce its dependence on petroleum products, fossil coal and natural gas. Energetically effective...
Thermo-Chemical Decomposition Study of Polyurethane Elastomer Through Glycerolysis Route with Using Crude and Refined Glycerine as a Transesterification Agent
PublicationDue to the increasing amount of polyurethane waste, chemical recycling of these materials is a topic of growing interest for many researchers. The primary pur- pose of polyurethane feedstock recycling is to recover the starting polyol. In this study glycerolysis using glycerine from two sources and two purity grades is proposed as a method of chemical recycling. The main effort of this paper focuses on the employment of commercial...
Evaluation of solid phase extraction for downstream separation of propane-1,3-diol and butan-1-ol from fermentation broth
PublicationGlycerol is mainly a by-product of fat splitting and biodiesel production. This study examined the use of chemically modified silica gels for downstream separation of propane-1,3-diol and butan-1-ol from fermentation broths obtained through the glycerol fermentation process. The developed method was found to be simple and efficient for the isolation and purification of butan-1-ol from the other components in the fermentation mixture....
Effect of glycolysate obtained from polyurethane wastes on mechanical properties of rubber materials
PublicationThe paper presents the possibility of utilization of wastes from polyurethane foams. In this work the results of mechanical investigations of materials obtained from natural rubber mixtures with a mixture of glycolysate and biodiesel glycerine as a plasticizer are described. The measurements of mechanical properties showed rather good tensile strength, elongation at break and modules of extensions M100%, M200%, M300% of obtained...
Co-gasification of waste biomass-low grade coal mix using downdraft gasifier coupled with dual-fuel engine system: Multi-objective optimization with hybrid approach using RSM and Grey Wolf Optimizer
PublicationThe looming global crisis over increasing greenhouse gases and rapid depletion of fossil fuels are the motivation factors for researchers to search for alternative fuels. There is a need for more sustainable and less polluting fuels for internal combustion engines. Biomass offers significant potential as a feed material for gasification to produce gaseous fuel. It is carbon neutral, versatile, and abundant on earth. The present...
The possibility of use by-products for synthesis of emulsifiers
PublicationIn the last years the interest in use of materials originated from natural sources, e.g. vegetables to produce attractive products still grows. According to that, also the synthesis of these products should be adequate to the green chemistry requirements. The typical example observed in recent years focuses on utlization of bioglycerol - the by - product of global biodiesel manufacturing. The still growing production of biodiesel...
Single-phase product obtained via crude glycerine depolymerisation of polyurethane elastomer: structure characterisation and rheological behaviour
PublicationPolyurethane recycling is a topic of growing interest due to the increasing amount of polyurethanewaste. The main purpose of polyurethane feedstock recycling is to recover the starting polyol, a valuable material. In thiswork, amethod of polyurethane thermo-chemical recycling, glycerolysisbymeansof crude glycerine, is proposed. Themaineffort is focusedonthe employment of crude glycerine without purification from biodiesel production...
Nanobiocatalysis for biofuel production
PublicationThe human race is relied on the use of conventional and non-renewable energy resources like fossil fuels for centuries. With the rising environmental issues linked with the use of these conventional energy resources, the trend soon shifted towards more robust and sustainable energy resources. In this regard, the different generations of biofuels have revolutionized the industrial sector by ensuring an eco-friendly and more economical...
Przegląd metod zagospodarowania odcieku glicerynowego z procesu produkcji biopaliwa rzepakowego
PublicationZagospodarowanie fazy glicerynowej - produktu odpadowego powstającego podczas wytwarzania estrów metylowych oleju rzepakowego (RME - Rapeseed Methyl Esters), jest ważnym elementem wspierającym produkcję biopaliw zarówno w aspekcie ekonomicznym, jak i ekologicznym. Rafinerie wytwarzające biodiesla na skalę przemysłową stosują najczęściej technologie oczyszczania fazy glicerynowej do postaci czystej gliceryny, możliwej do zastosowania...
Assessing the industrialization progress of hydrodynamic cavitation process intensification technology: a review
PublicationHydrodynamic cavitation (HC) is widely acknowledged as a promising green approach for enhancing various production and waste management processes, such as water treatment, sludge pretreatment, lignocellulosic biomass (LCB) pretreatment, emulsification, and food processing. Despite demonstrating superior industrialization potential compared with other emerging technologies such as ultrasound and microwave, the widespread commercial...
Performance and emission characteristics of diesel engines running on gaseous fuels in dual-fuel mode
PublicationConventional fossil fuels are being substituted with alternative green fuels because of their greenhouse gas emissions and pollution problems, which pose a severe threat to the environment. Several studies have reported the usage of biodiesel and gaseous fuels in both single and dual-fuel modes. Gaseous fuels such as producer gas, biogas, syngas, and hydrogen produced from renewable biomass could potentially be used along with...
Cavitation-based technologies for pretreatment and processing of food wastes: Major applications and mechanisms – A review
PublicationConversion of food wastes to valuable products is an important topic for sustainable development. Feedstock hydrolysis is a stage strongly affecting the anaerobic digestion process, and resistance of food waste towards hydrolysis causes a decrease in product yield. Such as biomethane, biohydrogen, biohythane, VFAs, and lactic acids. Moreover, mass transfer is a serious limitation of transesterification for the production of biodiesel....
Risks caused by microbiologically influenced corrosion in diesel fuel storage tanks
PublicationMicrobiologically influenced corrosion (MIC) poses serious problems for the petrochemical and refinery industries. Particularly favourable conditions for MIC arise in storage tanks and transmission pipelines for mixtures of diesel oil with the addition of a biocomponent (in Poland 7%). The best conditions for the development of MIC occur at the fuel-water interface, where microorganisms are provided with a source of food and water,...
Strategies toward Green Deal implementation in the context of SCG reuse and recovery in the circular economy model
PublicationThe article explores the future outlook on integrating and using a resource database for the recovery and reuse of coffee industry residues, focusing on economic and environmental perspectives within the Circular Economy Model (CEM). With the continuous rise in global coffee consumption, the production of Spent Coffee Grounds (SCG) has also surged worldwide, presenting significant opportunities for resource recovery and recycling....
Dimethyl ether (DME) as potential environmental friendly fuel
PublicationIn recent years, there has been a growing interest in replacing petroleum fuels with so-called second generation environmental friendly fuels. Compared to traditional petroleum fuels dimethyl ether (DME) could be used as a clean high-efficiency compression ignition fuel with reduced particulate matter (PM), sulfur oxides (SOx), hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) as well as combustion noise. Compared to some of the other leading...
Cast polyurethanes obtained from reactive recovered polyol intermediates via crude glycerine decomposition process
PublicationIn this work, the possibility of applying intermediates from polyurethane waste recycling in polyurethane synthesis was presented. Polyurethanes were synthesised in a two-step method using a mixture of petrochemical polyol and glycerolysate, used as a reactive component, 4,4-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) and 1,4-buthanediol (BD). Glycerolysates were produced during decomposition of polyurethane elastomer by crude glycerine...
Zagospodarowanie fazy glicerynowej z produkcji biopaliw
PublicationMalejace zasoby paliw kopalnianych, a co za tym idzie drastyczny wzrost cen oraz globalne ocieplenie i zanieczyszczenie srodowiska powoduje due zainteresowanie odnawialnymi i niekonwencjonalnymi zródłami energii. Jednym z takich zródeł odnawialnej energii jest biopaliwo do silników wysokoprenych , tzw. biodiesel,otrzymywane w wyniku transestryfikacji triglicerydów z olejów roslinnych i zwierzecych metanolem. Przewidywany wzrost...
The influence of different glycerine purities on chemical recycling process of polyurethane waste and resulting semi‐products
PublicationChemical recycling is the most favourable recycling method due to the possibility of polyol recovery. This work is dedicatedto the utilisation of crude glycerine and polyurethane waste. It aims at determining the impact of the use of glycerine fromthe production of biodiesel with various degrees of purity as a cleavage agent on the decomposition process of polyurethanefoam. The influence of glycerine purit y on the chemical structure...
Polyurethane/ground tire rubber composite foams based on polyglycerol: processing, mechanical and thermal properties
PublicationDuring the synthesis of rigid polyurethane foams, petrochemical polyol was substituted with polyglycerol, the product of thermo-catalytic polycondensation of waste glycerol, resulting from biodiesel production. Two types of ground tire rubbers, untreated and thermo-mechanically reclaimed, were used to obtain ‘‘green’’ polyurethane-polyglycerol composite foams. Samples were prepared by a single-step method for the ratio of NCO/OH...
Distillery Wastes as External Carbon Sources for Denitrification in Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants
PublicationIn order to improve efficiency of N removal within the existing capacities, the denitrification process can be enhanced by adding external carbon sources. The studies on utilization of various by-products or waste materials as alternative carbon sources for denitrification have been carried out for over 20 years (Sage et al. 2006). Among several commercially available organic compounds (such as methanol, ethanol, acetic acid, glucose),...
A cold-adapted esterase from psychrotrophic Pseudoalteromonas sp. strain 643A
PublicationDzięki zastosowaniu lipaz możliwa jest biotechnologiczna produkcja biodegradowalnych biopolimerów, biopaliw (tzw. biodiesel), wielu terapeutyków, herbicydów, pestycydów, kosmetyków, substancji smakowych, serów i in. Szczególnie interesującą grupę stanowią enzymy lipolityczne, pochodzące z organizmów psychrofilnych i psychrotrofowych, ze względu na zdolność do wydajnego katalizowania reakcji w temperaturach rzędu 10-20 ºC....
Bilans ekonomiczny produkcji biopaliwa rzepakowego (biodiesla) w indywidualnym gospodarstwie rolnym
PublicationEstry metylowe oleju rzepakowego (ang. RME - Rapeseed Methyl Esters), znane szerzej jako biopaliwo rzepakowe lub biodiesel są alternatywnym paliwem służącym do zasilania silników z zapłonem samoczynnym (silników Diesla). Uzyskuje się je w wyniku reakcji transestryfikacji oleju rzepakowego za pomocą metanolu w obecności alkalicznego katalizatora, czego wynikiem jest mieszanina, rozdzielająca się po pewnym czasie na warstwę estrową...
Analiza aspektów energetycznych produkcji i eksploatacji RME w indywidualnym gospodarstwie rolnym.
PublicationW niniejszej pracy przedstawiono bilans energetyczny cyklu produkcji estrów metylowych oleju rzepakowego w gospodarstwie rolnym. Bilans ten obejmuje nakłady energetyczne, związane z uprawą nasion rzepaku, pozyskiwaniem z nich oleju rzepakowego, produkcją biodiesla oraz jego wykorzystaniem w eksploatowanych maszynach rolniczych.