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Search results for: biofilm
Biofilm Formation and Prevalence of Biofilm-Related Genes Among Clinical Strains of Multidrug-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus
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Microbiological corossion of metallic products as a result of biofilm
PublicationWarunkiem do pojawienia się korozji mikrobiologicznej jest utworzenie na powierzchni metalu biofilmu. Zawiera on biologicznie czynne mikroorganizmy wraz z produktami ich przemian metabolicznych. Biofilm ogranicza dyfuzję produktów metabolizmu wytwarzanych przez poszczególne komórki mikrokolonii. Powoduje to, że produkty uboczne tych przemian gromadzą się w bezpośrednim sąsiedztwie metalu. Gdy powierzchnia metalu nie jest odporna...
Reactions on the surface of the implant under the influence of biofilm
PublicationThe contact of a biomaterial with the biological environment in in vitro and in vivo tests leads to the production of a particular ecosystem in which the active roles perform both, the material surface and the extracellular matrix protein forming a biofilm. Proteins affect cell and bacteria adhesion processes, biological activity of cells and activation of inflammatory response.The knowledge of the reaction mechanisms active on...
Biofilm formation and its regulation in Staphylococcus aureus
PublicationInfections caused by the major human and animal pathogen, Staphylococcus aureus are becoming an important problem due to its emerging resistance mechanisms and variety of virulence factors. Biofilm formation is considered to be one of the most important factor attributed to high pathogenicity of S. aureus. Described in the literature methods used in identification of biofilm forming abilities of bacteria consist of phenotypic and...
Biochemical characteristic of biofilm of uropathogenic Escherichia coli Dr+ strains.
PublicationUrinary tract infections caused by Escherichia coli are very common health problem in the developed countries. The virulence of the uropathogenic E. coli Dr+ IH11128 is determined by Dr fimbriae, which are homopolymeric structures composed of DraE subunits with the DraD protein capping the fiber. In this study, we have analyzed the structural and biochemical properties of biofilms developed by E. coli strains expressing Dr fimbriae...
Consequences of lysine auxotrophy for Candida albicans adherence and biofilm formation
PublicationA number of factors are known to be involved in Candida albicans virulence, although biofilm development on the surfaces of indwelling medical devices is considered to promote superficial or systemic disease. Based on previously reported up-regulation of saccharopine and acetyllysine in biofilm cells and activation of the lysine biosynthesis/degradation pathway, we investigated...
A study on the use of the BioBall® as a biofilm carrier in a sequencing batch reactor
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Optimization of Quantitative Analysis of Biofilm Cell from Pipe Materials
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Biofilm formation as a virulence determinant of uropathogenic Escherichia coli Dr+ strains
PublicationInfekcje dróg moczowych stanowią największy problem zdrowotny dotykający miliony osób populacji ludzkiej każdego roku. Uropatogenne szczepy Escherichia coli są najczęstszym czynnikiem etiologicznym odpowiedzialnym za wywoływanie górnych i dolnych dróg moczowych. Powyższe szczepy bakteryjne produkują szereg czynników wirulentnych pośród, których wyróżnić można eksponowane powierzchniowo polimeryczne struktury adhezyjne (fimbrie/pile)...
Cinnamaldehyde incorporated gellan/PVA electrospun nanofibers for eradicating Candida biofilm
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Synergistic effect of fennel essential oil and hydrogen peroxide on bacterial biofilm
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Effect of Ethanol Extracts of Propolis (EEPs) against Staphylococcal Biofilm—Microscopic Studies
PublicationStaphylococci growing in the form of biofilm exhibit high resistance to a plethora of antibiotics. The aim of the study was to assess the influence of ethanolic extract of propolis (EEPs) on S. epidermidis ATCC 35984 biofilm using fluorescent microscopy. Propidium iodide (PI) and SYTO 9 were used for differentiation of live and dead cells, and calcofluor white was used to stain the extracellular matrix, the self-produced extracellular...
The application of moving bed biofilm reactor to denitrification process after trickling filters
PublicationThe paper presents research of a prototype moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR). The device was used for the post-denitrification process and was installed at the end of a technological system consisting of a septic tank and two trickling filters. The concentrations of suspended biomass and biomass attached on the EvU Perl moving bed surface were determined. The impact of the external organic carbon concentration on the denitrification...
The FT-IR and Raman Spectroscopies as Tools for Biofilm Characterization Created by Cariogenic Streptococci
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Mechanism of Biofilm Formation on Installation Materials and Its Impact on the Quality of Tap Water
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Significance of polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) modification by zinc oxide nanoparticles for fungal biofilm formation
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A comparative analysis of phenotypic and genotypic methods for the determination of the biofilm-forming abilities of Staphylococcus epidermidis
PublicationThe collection of 146 Staphylococcus epidermidis strains isolated from the nasopharynx of lung cancer patients has been studied for the ability of slime secretion and biofilm formation using the Congo red agar (CRA) test and the microtiter plate (MtP) method, respectively. The prevalence of the icaAD and the aap genes was also analyzed. Some isolates (35.6%) were biofilm positive by the MtP method, while 58.9% of isolates exhibited...
A comparative analysis of phenotypic and genotypic methods for the determination of the biofilm-forming abilities of Staphylococcus epidermidis
PublicationThe collection of 146 Staphylococcus epidermidis strains isolated from the nasopharynx of lung cancer patients has been studied for the ability of slime secretion and biofilm formation using the Congo red agar (CRA) test and the microtiter plate (MtP) method, respectively. The prevalence of the icaAD and the aap genes was also analyzed. Some isolates (35.6%) were biofilm positive by the MtP method, while 58.9% of isolates exhibited...
Importance of biofilm formation by uropathogenic E. coli Dr+ strains in urinary tract infections
PublicationImportance of biofilm formation by uropathogenic E. coli Dr+ strains in urinary tract infections
The application of Monod equation to denitrification kinetics description in the moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR)
PublicationIn this paper, the kinetic constants Vmax and KCOD occurring in the Monod equation, which describe the denitrification process in the moving bed, are determined. For this purpose, a laboratory moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) was used. The filling of the reactor consisted of EvU Perl carriers. The experiment was carried out with an excess of nitrate, and denitrification rate was dependent on the concentration of external organic...
Antimicrobial Activity of Selected Antimicrobial Peptides Against Planktonic Culture and Biofilm of Acinetobacter baumannii
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Application of Rotating Magnetic Fields Increase the Activity of Antimicrobials Against Wound Biofilm Pathogens
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Potential of Novel Bacterial Cellulose Dressings Chemisorbed with Antiseptics for the Treatment of Oral Biofilm Infections
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Acinetobacter baumannii isolated from hospital‐acquired infection: biofilm production and drug susceptibility
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Municipal landfill leachate nitrification in RBC biofilm – Process efficiency and molecular analysis of microbial structure
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Susceptibility to biofilm formation on 3D-printed titanium fixation plates used in the mandible: a preliminary study
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Influence of rhamnolipids and ionic cross-linking conditions on the mechanical properties of alginate hydrogels as a model bacterial biofilm
PublicationThe literature indicates the existence of a relationship between rhamnolipids and bacterial biofilm, as well as the ability of selected bacteria to produce rhamnolipids and alginate. However, the influence of biosurfactant molecules on the mechanical properties of biofilms are still not fully understood. The aim of this research is to determine the effect of rhamnolipids concentration, CaCl2 concentration, and ionic cross-linking...
Quantitative Analysis of Biofilm Formed on Vascular Prostheses by Staphylococcus Epidermidis with Different ica and aap Genetic Status
PublicationOBJECTIVES: This study aims to examine biofilm formed on vascular prostheses by Staphylococcus epidermidis with different ica and aap genetic status, and to evaluate the effect of antibiotic-modified prostheses on bacterial colonization. METHODS: Biofilm formation was determined using fluorescence microscopy imaging. Quantitative analysis was conducted using the biofilm coverage ratio (BCR) calculations. RESULTS: Our investigations...
Increased Levels of (p)ppGpp Correlate with Virulence and Biofilm Formation, but Not with Growth, in Strains of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli
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The Medium Composition Impacts Staphylococcus aureus Biofilm Formation and Susceptibility to Antibiotics Applied in the Treatment of Bone Infections
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Application of bacterial cellulose experimental dressings saturated with gentamycin for management of bone biofilm in vitro and ex vivo
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In Vitro Evaluation of Polihexanide, Octenidine and NaClO/HClO-Based Antiseptics against Biofilm Formed by Wound Pathogens
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The processing of staphylococcal biofilm images from Fluorescence and Confocal Microscopy to assess in vitro efficacy of antiseptic molecules
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The Co-Culture of Staphylococcal Biofilm and Fibroblast Cell Line: The Correlation of Biological Phenomena with Metabolic NMR1 Footprint
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Antimicrobial blue light photoinactivation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa : Quorum sensing signaling molecules, biofilm formation and pathogenicity
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Glycoside hydrolase (PelAh) immobilization prevents Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm formation on cellulose-based wound dressing
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Carbon Source and Substrate Surface Affect Biofilm Formation by the Plant-Associated Bacterium Pseudomonas donghuensis P482
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Characterization of bacterial structures in two-stage moving-bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) during nitrification of the landfill leachate
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Assessment of antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation of Enterococcus species isolated from different pig farm environments in Poland
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Biofilm Production and Presence of ica and bap Genes in Staphylococcus aureus Strains Isolated from Cows with Mastitis in the Eastern Poland
PublicationThe aim of the study was phenotypic and genotypic analysis of 132 S. aureus strains isolated from mastitis in eastern Poland in respect to their biofilm formation ability. The analysis of the size polymorphism of fragment X in the gene encoding protein A (spa) revealed high genetic differentiation of the analyzed group of isolates. The ability of biofilm formation by the isolates was tested using two phenotypic methods. The Congo...
In Vitro Efficacy of Bacterial Cellulose Dressings Chemisorbed with Antiseptics against Biofilm Formed by Pathogens Isolated from Chronic Wounds
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Potential of Bacterial Cellulose Chemisorbed with Anti-Metabolites, 3-Bromopyruvate or Sertraline, to Fight against Helicobacter pylori Lawn Biofilm
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The Effects of Rotating Magnetic Field on Growth Rate, Cell Metabolic Activity and Biofilm Formation by Staphylococcus Aureus and Escherichia Coli
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Sustainable Livestock Production: Screening Analysis and Pilot Implementation of a Biofilm in Piggery Biofilters for Mitigation of Ammonia and Hydrogen Sulfide Emissions
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Biofilm Growth Causes Damage to Silicone Voice Prostheses in Patients after Surgical Treatment of Locally Advanced Laryngeal Cancer
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PublicationWith new incentives for human space exploration, biotechnological experiments in orbit became imperative.Answering this need, we build an autonomous, modular, and scalable platform that enables those experiments onrockets. We called it AMBER. The aim of the payload of the R6 suborbital rocket is to perform an experiment tostudy the influence of rocket flights on biofilm, molecular...
Genetic Determinants and Biofilm Properties Useful in Estimation of UTI Pathogenicity of the Escherichia coli Strains Isolated from Free-Living Birds
PublicationBackground/Objectives: According to the One Health concept, wild birds can be indicators of ecosystem pollution and disease incidence. Escherichia coli strains are widespread worldwide, but there are still few reports on the association of human infections with a potential reservoir of highly pathogenic human strains in wild birds. Fecal E. coli with uropathogenic potential (UPEC) can be transmitted between birds and humans and...
Investigation of the Effect of the Rocket's Suborbital Flight on Biofilm, Enzymes and Biosynthesis on Autonomous, Modular and Scalable Platforms For Conducting Experiments of an Astrobiotechnological Nature
PublicationWith new incentives for human space exploration, biotechnological experiments in orbit became imperative. Answering this need, we build an autonomous, modular, and scalable platform that enables those experiments on rockets. We called it AMBER. The aim of the payload of the R6 suborbital rocket is to perform an experiment to study the influence of rocket flights on biofilm, molecular biology enzymes and biosynthesis using our platform....
Enhancement of Inhibition of the Pseudomonas sp. Biofilm Formation on Bacterial Cellulose-Based Wound Dressing by the Combined Action of Alginate Lyase and Gentamicin
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Biofilm bakteryjny uropatogennych szczepów E. coli Dr+ jako czynnik indukujący przewlekłość zakażeń dróg moczowych ograniczający ich leczenie
PublicationZakażenia dróg moczowych (ZUM) stanowią jedne z najczęściej występujących infekcji bakteryjnych, dotykających każdego roku miliony osób na świecie. Problematyka tych zakażeń wynika z ich przewlekłości i nawrotów, pomimo stosowania terapii antybiotykowej oraz ciągle wzrastającej lekooporności uropatogenów je wywołujących. Dominującym czynnikiem etiologicznym ZUM są uropatogenne szczepy E. coli (UPECs), wykazujące zdolność do adhezji,...