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Search results for: chemometric analysis
Chemometric analysis of rainwater and throughfall at several sites in Poland.
PublicationPróbki pobrano w stacjach w różnych rejonach Polski. Stacje te były umieszczone na terenach specjalnie chronionych (Wielkopolski Park Narodowy i Ojcowski Park Narodowy) oraz na niechronionych formacjach leśnych (leśnictwo Stara Piła). Celem badań było porównanie parametrów występujących w opadach atmosferycznych pod względem podobieństwa charakterystyki miejsca a także podobieństw i różnic związanych z przejściem wody opadowej...
PublicationSnow samples were collected during winter 2011/2012 in three posts in the Western Sudety Mountains (Poland) in 3 consecutive phases of snow cover development, i.e. stabilisation (Feb 1st), growth (Mar 15th) and its ablation (Mar 27th). To maintain a fixed number of samples, each snow profile has been divided into six layers, but hydrochemical indications were made for each 10 cm section of core. The complete data set was subjected...
Chemometric analysis for optimizing derivatization in gas chromatography-based procedures
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Predicting the Botanical Origin of Honeys with Chemometric Analysis According to Their Antioxidant and Physicochemical Properties
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Chemometric analysis of UV-Vis spektra of associated forms of Amphotericin B and its derivatives
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań był proces agregacji nowych pochodnych antybiotyku polienowego Amfoterycyny B. Do śledzenia procesu agregacji wykorzystano spektroskopię absorpcyjną w zakresie widzialnym i bliskiego nadfioletu. Zastosowanie zaawansowanych technik chemometrycznych pozwoliło na dogłębną analizę agregacji tych pochodnych, co pozwoliło na wyciągniecie następujacych wniosków: i) w przypadku wszystkich pochodnych przy stężeniach poniżej...
Characterization of herbal teas containing lime flowers – Tiliae flos by HPTLC method with chemometric analysis
PublicationLinden trees are a source of food products called lime flowers (Tiliae flos), traditionally used in the form of infusion for the treatment of feverish colds and coughs. Lime flowers should include flowers of Tilia cordata Mill, T.x europaea L., and T. platyphyllos Scop. or a mixture of these. The aim of current research was to establish a fast, sensitive HPTLC (high-performance thin-layer chromatography) method that would allow...
Acid–Base Equilibrium and Self-Association in Relation to High Antitumor Activity of Selected Unsymmetrical Bisacridines Established by Extensive Chemometric Analysis
PublicationUnsymmetrical bisacridines (UAs) represent a novel class of anticancer agents previously synthesized by our group. Our recent studies have demonstrated their high antitumor potential against multiple cancer cell lines and human tumor xenografts in nude mice. At the cellular level, these compounds affected 3D cancer spheroid growth and their cellular uptake was selectively modulated by quantum dots. UAs were shown to undergo metabolic...
Extensive chemometric analysis exploring the acid-base equilibrium and self-association of unsymmetrical bisacridines reveals characteristics possibly relevant for their anticancer activity
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Chemometric analysis of bio-inspired micellar electrokinetic chromatographic systems – modelling of retention mechanism and prediction of biological properties using bile salts surfactants
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Chemometric optimization of derivatization reactions prior to gas chromatography–mass spectrometry analysis
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Chemometric Method of Spectra Analysis Leading to Isolation of Lysozyme and CtDNA Spectra Affected by Osmolytes
PublicationW niniejszej pracy zaprezentowana została chemometryczna metoda analizy danych widmowych, prowadząca do wyizolowania widm FTIR biomakrocząsteczek (lizozymu z białka jaja kurzego i ctDNA) zaburzonych przez wybrane osmolity (TMAO, betainę) w roztworach wodnych. Została ona oparta na metodzie widm różnicowych, wykorzystywanej pierwotnie do określania struktury rozpuszczalnika wokół cząsteczek substancji rozpuszczonej. Cykliczne wykorzystanie...
The Verification of the Usefulness of Electronic Nose Based on Ultra-Fast Gas Chromatography and Four Different Chemometric Methods for Rapid Analysis of Spirit Beverages
PublicationSpirit beverages are a diverse group of foodstuffs. They are very often counterfeited which cause the appearance of low quality products or wrongly labelled products on the market. It is important to find a proper quality control and botanical origin method enabling the same time preliminary check of the composition of investigated samples, which was the main goal of this work. For this purpose, the usefulness of electronic nose...
Application of chemometric modeling for ionic liquid-based ultrasonic-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction: Analysis of fosetyl-aluminum in fruit and vegetable samples
PublicationThis manuscript presents a new method for selective extraction and determination of fosetyl-aluminum in fruits and vegetable samples based on ultrasonic-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction method using ionic liquids (IL-UA-DLLME). A UV-Visible spectrophotometer was used for detection and quantification. Plants used for sample collection were grown under controlled conditions in a greenhouse. Central composite design...
Mineral Composition of Dietary Supplements-Analytical and Chemometric Approach
PublicationThere is a lack of data on the actual composition and effectiveness of beetroot-based dietary supplements. The research aimed to determine the profile of 22 elements (Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, Fe, As, Se, Zn, Cu, Ag, Co, Ni, Mo, Al, Mn, Sr, Cr, Ba, Li, Pb, Cd) in beetroot and its supplements by the microwave plasma atomic emission spectrometry (MP-AES) method. The analytical procedure was optimised and validated. The composition of both...
Chemometric Evaluation of WWTPs’ Wastewaters and Receiving Surface Waters in Bulgaria
PublicationWastewater treatment plant (WWTP) installations are designed and operated to reduce the quantity of pollutants emitted to surface waters receiving treated wastewaters. In this work, we used classical instrumental studies (to determine chemicals and parameters under obligations put with Directive 91/271/EEC), ecotoxicological tools (Sinapis alba root growth inhibition (SA-RG) and Heterocypris incongruens mortality (MORT) and growth...
Application of chemometric techniques in studies of toxicity of selected commercially available products for infants and children
PublicationThe goal of the present study is to assess the impact of the experimental conditions for extraction procedures (time of extraction, thermal treatment and type of extraction media) as applied to several baby and infant products checked for their possible ecotoxicological response when tested by various ecotoxicity tests(Microtox®, Ostracodtoxkit F™and Xenoscreen YES/YAS™). The systems under consideration are multidimensional by...
Chemometric Assessment and Best-Fit Function Modelling of the Toxic Potential of Selected Food Packaging Extracts
PublicationFood packaging materials constitute an ever more threatening environmental pollutant. This study examined options to specifically assess the ecotoxicity of packaged wastes, such as cans, subjected to various experimental treatments (in terms of extraction media, time of exposure, and temperature) that imitate several basic conditions of the process of food production. The extracts were studied for their ecotoxicity with bioluminescent...
Chemometric determination of solute-affected solvent vibrational spectra as a superior way of information extraction on solute solvation phenomena
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano dwie chemometryczne metody wyznaczania widm zaburzonych rozpuszczalnika oraz liczby cząsteczek zaburzonych, na podstawie zmierzonych serii wibracyjnych widm FT-IR roztworów substancji. Pierwsza z metod została stworzona na podstawie Namiarowej Analizy Faktorowej (ang. Target Factor Analysis). Druga z nich wykorzystuje algorytm izolacji widm czystych składników z serii widm mieszanin. Działanie obu metod zostało...
Impact of Cultivation Conditions, Ethylene Treatment, and Postharvest Storage on Selected Quality and Bioactivity Parameters of Kiwifruit “Hayward” Evaluated by Analytical and Chemometric Methods
PublicationOrganic, semiorganic, and conventional “Hayward” kiwifruits, treated with ethylene for 24 h and stored during 10 days, were assessed by UV spectrometry, fluorometry, and chemometrical analysis for changes in selected characteristics of quality (firmness, dry matter and soluble solid contents, pH, and acidity) and bioactivity (concentration of polyphenols via Folin-Ciocalteu and p-hydroxybenzoic acid assays). All of the monitored...
Impact of selected parameters of the fermentation process of wine and wine itself on the biogenic amines content: Evaluation by application of chemometric tools
PublicationThe demand for safer foods has promoted more research into biogenic amines (BAs) over the past few years, however, there are still some questions that remain unanswered. Despite the fact that BAs are present in wine and can cause toxic effect to the body, a shared regulation limiting the amounts of BAs in wine is still lacking. A detailed understanding of their presence in wine is also important for the food trade sector. Therefore,...
Application of chemometric methods in environmental research.
PublicationW badaniach analitycznych zastosowanie nowoczesnych technik pomiarowych, połączone ze skróceniem czasu analiz, prowadzi do uzyskiwania obszernych zbiorów danych w stosunkowo krótkim czasie. Zastosowanie specjalnych technik obróbki zbiorów wyników pomiarowych sprawia, że możliwe jest ''wydobycie'' dodatkowych informacji z posiadanych danych. Idealnym narzędziem do tego typu zabiegów może być chemometria. W opracowaniu omówiono teorię...
Integrating Optical Spectroscopy and Chemometric Methods
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Chemometric methods for determination of mechanisms of action of anticancer compounds
PublicationW 1990 amerykański Narodowy Instytut Raka (NCI) wprowadził szeroki test przesiewowy in vitro mający na celu poszukiwanie nowych związków przeciwnowotworowych. Test został wdrożony po przebadaniu 171 standardowych związków przeciwnowotworowych. Przedmiotem niniejszej pracy jest próba stworzenia reguł klasyfikacji związków standardowych ze względu na ich mechanizm działania przeciwnowotworowego na podstawie wyników z testu NCI. Potwierdzono...
Classification and fingerprinting of kiwi and pomelo fruits by multivariate analysis of chromatographic and spectroscopic data
PublicationThe fingerprinting capacity of two analytical techniques, HPLC and UV-Vis spectroscopy in the case of fruits samples (kiwi and pomelo) has been investigated. The multivariate exploratory techniques were used for sample discrimination according to the fruit species and subspecies. The combination of principal component analysis with linear discriminant analysis is opening new directions in the fingerprinting analysis. The classifications...
Pre-selection and assessment of green organic solvents by clustering chemometric tools
PublicationThe study presents the result of the application of chemometric tools for selection of physicochemical parameters of solvents for predicting missing variables – bioconcentration factors, water-octanol and octanol-air partitioning constants. EPI Suite software was successfully applied to predict missing values for solvents commonly considered as “green”. Values for logBCF, logKOW and logKOA were modelled for 43 rather nonpolar solvents...
Investigation of use of hydrophilic/hydrophobic NADESs for selective extraction of As(III) and Sb(III) ions in vegetable samples: Air assisted liquid phase microextraction and chemometric optimization
PublicationIn this paper, a green, cost-effective sample preparation method based on air assisted liquid phase microextraction (AA-LPME) was developed for the simultaneous extraction of As(III) and Sb(III) ions from vegetable samples using hydrophilic/hydrophobic natural deep eutectic solvents (NADESs). Central composite design was used for the optimization of extraction factors including NADES volume, extraction cycle, pH, and curcumin concentration....
Use of Sensory Analysis Methods to Evaluate the Odor of Food and Outside Air
PublicationSensory analysis is applied in many areas of daily life. It is used to carry out the sensory evaluation of foodstuffs or other products and to evaluate the properties of odors present in the environment. The authors attempt to summarize the knowledge on the classification and application of sensory analysis methods to evaluate the odor nuisance of air, which allows the identification of sensory impressions and determination of...
Chemometric Evaluation of THz Spectral Similarity for the Selection of Early Drug Candidates
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Inspection of protective linings using microwave spectroscopy combined with chemometric methods
PublicationOpisano nowa niedestrukcyjna metodę kontroli jakości nowych wykładzin ochronnych na podłożu metalowym oraz oceny ich stanu w trakcie eksploatacji przy zastosowaniu spektroskopii mikrofalowej w szerokim zakresie częstotliwości od 6,5 do 13 GHz. Uzyskane dane pomiarowe dodane zostały obróbce chemometrycznej w celu redukcji ilości danych doświadczalnych i wizualizacji rezultatów. Przedstawiono podstawy teoretyczne metody oraz wyniki...
The Analysis of Vodka: A Review Paper
PublicationVodka is the most popular alcoholic beverage in Poland, Russia and other Eastern European countries, made from ethyl alcohol of agricultural origin that has been produced via fermentation of potatoes, grains or other agricultural products. Despite distillation and multiple filtering, it is not possible to produce 100 % ethanol. The solution with a minimum ethanol content of 96 %, which is used to produce vodkas, also contains trace amounts...
Chemometric Evaluation of Urinary Steroid Hormone Levels as Potential Biomarkers of Neuroendocrine Tumors
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Chemometric exploration of sea water chemical component data sets with missing elements
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Chemometric estimation of natural water and sediment using toxicity tests and physicochemical parameters
PublicationOceny jakości wód dokonano na podstawie analizy chemometrycznej bazy danych monitoringowych, składającej się z wyników testów toksyczności i wyników badań parametrów fizykochemicznych. Badaniom poddano próbki wód powierzchniowych pobrane z Jeziora Turawskiego oraz próbki wód podziemnych pobranych z otworów badawczych wykonanych w jego dnie, jak i wokół niego. Zastosowano następujące metody chemometryczne: analizę wiązkową i analizę...
Application of chemometric approach in studies of dew chemistry (on the basis of samples collected in Poland)
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wybranych związków chemicznych (aniony, kationy, formaldehyd, nadtlenek wodoru, suma fenoli, TC, TIC, TOC) oznaczonych w próbkach rosy zebranych z różnych obszarów na terenie Polski (Gdynia, Gdańsk, Sopot, Mława, Kraków). Zastosowano analizę funkcji dyskryminacyjnej aby dokonać klasyfikacji poszczególnych próbek w zależności od miejsca pobierania oraz wykryć podstawowe zależności pomiędzy poszczególnymi...
The Chemometric Evaluation of Antitumor Activity of Novel Benzensulfonamide Derivatives Based on their Physiochemical Properties
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Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Mutual Dependence Assessment of Selected Polyphenols, Organic Acids and Metals in Cool-Climate Wines
PublicationPolyphenols, organic acids and metal ions are an important group of compounds that affect the human health and quality of food and beverage products, including wines. It is known that a specific correlation between these groups exist. While wines coming from the New World and the Old World countries are extensively studied, wines coming from cool-climate countries are rarely discussed in the literature. One of the goals of this...
Application of an Electronic Nose Instrument to Fast Classification of Polish Honey Types
PublicationThe paper presents practical utilization of an electronic nose prototype, based on the FIGARO semiconductor sensors, in fast classification of Polish honey types—acacia flower, linden flower, rape, buckwheat and honeydew ones. A set of thermostating modules of the prototype provided gradient temperature characteristics of barbotage-prepared gas mixtures and stable measurement conditions. Three chemometric data analysis methods...
Structure–activity relationships study on biological activity of peptides as dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitors by chemometric modeling
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Assessing therapeutic relevance of biologically interesting, ampholytic substances based on their physicochemical and spectral characteristics with chemometric tools
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Exploratory analysis and ranking of analytical procedures for short-chain chlorinated paraffins determination in environmental solid samples
PublicationShort-chain chlorinated paraffins are ones of the most recent chemical compounds that have been classified as persistent organic pollutants. They have various applications and are emitted to the environment. Despite the fact, that the content levels of these compounds in the environmental compartments should be monitored, there is still a lack of well-defined and validated analytical procedures, proposed or suggested by the national...
Characterization of various drinking waters by new potentiometric taste sensor with lipid, lipid-like polymer membranes
PublicationA new sensing system comprising five all-solid-state electrodes with lipid, lipid like-polymer membranes was applied for rapid qualitative and quantitative analysis of various drinking waters. The results elaborated by chemometric methods revealed sensitivity to CO2 content in drinking water, suggesting that this sensing system could be used as a taste sensor. The ability of taste sensor to perform quantitative analysis of minerals...
Comparison of an Electronic Nose Based on Ultrafast Gas Chromatography, Comprehensive Two-Dimensional Gas Chromatography, and Sensory Evaluation for an Analysis of Type of Whisky
PublicationWhisky is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages. There are many types of whisky, for example, Scotch, Irish, and American whisky (called bourbon). The whisky market is highly diversified, and, because of this, it is important to have a method which would enable rapid quality evaluation and authentication of the type of whisky. The aim of this work was to compare 3 methods: an electronic nose based on the technology of ultrafast...
A Chemometric Approach to Oxidative Stability and Physicochemical Quality of Raw Ground Chicken Meat Affected by Black Seed and Other Spice Extracts
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Chemometrics approaches to green analytical chemistry procedure development
PublicationChemometric tools are widely used in analytical chemistry for the reduction of data dimensionality, grouping of variables and processing of analytical signals. They have also the potential to be applied in analytical procedure development with the aim of minimizing the procedure’s environmental impact. The design of experiment gives the possibility to obtain much better information on the system response than in case of “changing...
Comparing Different Chemometric Approaches to Detect Adulteration of Cold-Pressed Flaxseed Oil with Refined Rapeseed Oil Using Differential Scanning Calorimetry
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Chemometric outlook on correlations between retention parameters of polar and semipolar HPLC columns and physicochemical characteristics of ampholytic substances of biological and pharmaceutical relevance
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Chemometric approach to correlations between retention parameters of non-polar HPLC columns and physicochemical characteristics for ampholytic substances of biological and pharmaceutical relevance
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The comparison of vodka, whisky and moonshine by using the electronic nose based on the technology of ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationVodka andwhisky are produced fromgrain distillates. Formerly these alcohols were very often counterfeited, by the made in home conditions spirit drink called moonshine, which is obtained by distilling a mash from the alcoholic fermentation. This study presents research aimed at checking the usefulness of the electronic nose using ultra-fast gas chromatography for the differentiation of whisky, vodka and moonshine. 12 samples of...
The comparison of vodka, whisky and moonshine by using the electronic nose based on the technology of ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationVodka andwhisky are produced fromgrain distillates. Formerly these alcohols were very often counterfeited, by the made in home conditions spirit drink called moonshine, which is obtained by distilling a mash from the alcoholic fermentation. This study presents research aimed at checking the usefulness of the electronic nose using ultra-fast gas chromatography for the differentiation of whisky, vodka and moonshine. 12 samples of...
Chemometrics for Selection, Prediction, and Classification of Sustainable Solutions for Green Chemistry—A Review
PublicationIn this review, we present the applications of chemometric techniques for green and sustainable chemistry. The techniques, such as cluster analysis, principal component analysis, artificial neural networks, and multivariate ranking techniques, are applied for dealing with missing data, grouping or classification purposes, selection of green material, or processes. The areas of application are mainly finding sustainable solutions...