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Search results for: collagen
Influence of mechanochemical treatment on thermal and structural properties of silica–collagen and hydroxyapatite–collagen composites
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Effect of Silicone on the Collagen Fibrillogenesis and Stability
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Effect of glycosoaminoglycans on reconstitution of collagen fibrils
PublicationCelem pracy było sprawdzenie efektywności rekonstytucji fibryli i włókien z roztworu kwasu solnego kolagenu skór bydlęcych pod wpływem glikozaminoglikanów (GAGs), wydzielonych z tchawic bydlęcych, w układach o sile jonowej w zakresie 0-0,7 oraz pH 3-8. Stwierdzono, że dodatek GAGs do roztworu kolagenu powoduje natychmiastowe powstawanie włókien, których ilość wzrasta wraz z ilością dodanych glikozaminoglikanów i stężeniem kolagenu....
Fluorescent spectroscopy of collagen as a diagnostic tool in medicine
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Optimisation of conditions for precipitation of collagen from solution using kappa-carrageenan. Studies on collagen from the skin of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua)
PublicationZbadano wpływ stężenia kolagenu (0,012-3%) wyekstrahowanego ze skór dorsza bałtyckiego (Gadus morhua) i stężenia kappa-karagenu w obecności NaCl (0-5%) na wydajność strącania włókien kolagenowych z roztworu przy pH 2,2-8. Stwierdzono, że wydajność strącania włókien jest wprost proporcjonalna do masowego stosunku kappa-karagen : kolagen w zakresie niższym od 0,4. Kolagen rozpuszczony w kwasie cytrynowym jest całkowicie strącony,...
Preparation and characterization of 3D collagen materials with magnetic properties
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DAF - and collagen-binding properties of chimeric Dr fimbriae
PublicationEkspozycja białek heterologicznych na powierzchni mikroorganizmów jest jedną z nowych strategii stosowanych w mikrobiologii, biotechnologii oraz projektowaniu nowoczesnych szczepionek. W niniejszej pracy zbadano możliwość wykorzystania białka podjednostkowego DraE fimbrii Dr uropatogennych szczepów Escherichia coli jako nośnika heterologicznych sekwencji. W rejon odpowiadający N-terminalnej domenie 2 białka DraE wprowadzono epitopową...
Chitosan, Collagen and Gelatin in the design of novel materials with antimicrobial acticity
PublicationMedical devices containing and releasing antiinfective agents directly on the site of injury are a common group of materials available and widely used in treating difficult to heal wounds. Sustained contact of the active agent to the damaged tissue, needed to inhibit infection and preservation of microbiological purity of the wound, is provided by the immobilization antimicrobial agents on the surface of the matrix material or...
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Chitosan blends containing hyaluronic acid and collagen. Compatibility behaviour
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Isolation of collagen from the skins of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua).
PublicationBezbarwny kolagen wydzielono ze skór dorsza z ok. 90% wydajnością stosując trzykrotną, 24 godzinną ekstrakcję materiału 0.5 M roztworem kwasu cytrynowego, przy stosunku surowiec : rozpuszczalnik = 1 : 4. Stosując 0.5% dodatek niejonowych detergentów do roztworów ekstrahujących białka niekolagenowe ze skór uzyskuje się bezwonne izolaty kolagenu.
Transdermal transport of collagen and hyaluronic acid using water in oil microemulsion
PublicationCollagen and hyaluronic acid (HA) are biopolymers that affect the appearance and condition of the skin. Delivery of these compounds into the skin is highly challenging since have a number of disadvantageous properties, such as high molecular weight and hydrophilicity. Here, we evaluated the transdermal penetration of low and high molecular weight collagen and HA from microemulsions. A number of microemulsion formulations, differing...
Preparation and characterization of porous scaffolds from chitosan-collagen-gelatin composite
PublicationNovel porous scaffolds composed of chitosan, collagen and gelatin were prepared and characterized. For preparing scaffolds gelatin and collagen isolated from fish skins with various physicochemical properties were used. In order to reduce preparation solubility glutaraldehyde in the amount of 1%, w/w relative to the total biopolymers weight in solution was used. All obtained biomaterials showed a homogeneous porosity. Protein polymer...
Collagen and hyaluronic acid hydrogel in water-in-oil microemulsion delivery systems
PublicationThe efficacy of microemul-sion in dermal and transdermal delivery of active ingredients. Here, we assessed the water-in-oilmicroemulsion capacity to incorporate two natural polymers, i.e. collagen and hyaluronic acid withlow and high molecular weight. Systems were extensively characterized in terms of conductivity, phaseinversion studies, droplet diameter, polydispersity index and rheological properties. The results of thisresearch...
3D composites based on the blends of chitosan and collagen with the addition of hyaluronic acid
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Polymer films based on silk fibroin and collagen - the physico-chemical properties
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Surface and thermal properties of collagen/hyaluronic acid blends containing chitosan
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Triple helical collagen-like peptide interactions with selected polyphenolic compounds
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The characterization of collagen‑based scaffolds modified with phenolic acids for tissue engineering application
PublicationThe aim of the experiment was to study the morphology of collagen-based scaffolds modified by caffeic acid, ferulic acid, and gallic acid, their swelling, and degradation rate, as well as the biological properties of scaffolds, such as antioxidant activity, hemo- and cytocompatibility, histological observation, and antibacterial properties. Scaffolds based on collagen with phenolic acid showed higher swelling rate and enzymatic...
Isolation and some properties of collagen from the backbone of Baltic cod(Gadus morhua)
PublicationOssein from Baltic cod backbone was obtained after extraction of non-collagenous protein with 0.1 M NaOH solution and demineralization with 1.0 M HCl solution. The extractions were performed at 4 C for24, 48 and 72 h using a solid/solution ratio from 1:4 to 1:8 (w/v). After 48 h of extraction in 0.5 M acetic acid only about 25% of collagen was dissolved. After 48 h of extraction at optimal concentration of pepsin(4 mg/g ossein)...
The influence of UV-radiation on hyaluronic acid and its blends with addition of collagen and chitosan
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Preparation and characterization of silk fibroin/collagen sponge modified by chemical cross-linking
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The miscibility of collagen/hyaluronic acid/chitosan blends investigated in dilute solutions and solids
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Surface Property Modification of Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, and Chitosan Films with the Neodymium Laser
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Scaffolds Loaded with Dialdehyde Chitosan and Collagen—Their Physico-Chemical Properties and Biological Assessment
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Collagen type II–hyaluronan interactions – the effect of proline hydroxylation: a molecular dynamics study
PublicationHyaluronan–collagen composites have been employed in numerous biomedical applications. Understanding the interactions between hyaluronan and collagen is particularly important in the context of joint cartilage function and the treatment of joint diseases. Many factors affect the affinity of collagen for hyaluronan. One of the important factors is the ratio of 3- or 4-hydroxy proline to proline residues. This article presents...
Effect of Chitosan Deacetylation on Its Affinity to Type III Collagen: A Molecular Dynamics Study
PublicationThe ability to form strong intermolecular interactions by linear glucosamine polysaccharides with collagen is strictly related to their nonlinear dynamic behavior and hence bio-lubricating features. Type III collagen plays a crucial role in tissue regeneration, and its presence in the articular cartilage affects its bio-technical features. In this study, the molecular dynamics methodology was applied to evaluate the effect of...
Polyurethanes modified with natural polymers for medical application. I. Polyurethanes/ Chitosan and polyurethane/collagen.
PublicationFor over three decades polyurethanes (PUR or PU) have been reported for application in a variety of medical devices. These polymers consist of hard and soft segments, which allow for more subtle control of their structure and properties. By varying the composition of the different segments, properties of PURcan be tuned up for use in many areas of medicine. Recently there is a great interest in modification of biomedical PUR with...
Enzymatic and Chemical Cross-Linking of Bacterial Cellulose/Fish Collagen Composites—A Comparative Study
PublicationThis article compares the properties of bacterial cellulose/fish collagen composites (BC/Col) after enzymatic and chemical cross-linking. In our methodology, two transglutaminases are used for enzymatic cross-linking—one recommended for the meat and the other proposed for the fish industry—and pre-oxidated BC (oxBC) is used for chemical cross-linking. The structure of the obtained composites is characterized by scanning electron...
Physico-chemical properties of three-component mixtures based on chitosan, hyaluronic acid and collagen
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Preparation and characterization of collagen/chitosan/hyaluronic acid thin films for application in hair care cosmetics
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Incorporation of magnetite particles in 3D matrices made from the blends of collagen, chitosan, and hyaluronic acid
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Polyurethanes modified with natural polymers for medical application. Part I. Polyurethane/chitosan and polyurethane/collagen
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The influence of different acids and pepsin on the extractability of collagen from the skin of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua)
PublicationZastosowano 5,0 M roztwory kwasu cytrynowego, mlekowego, octowego oraz 0,115 M roztwór kwasu solnego. Kolagen z całych skór ekstrahowano w 4 st.C odpowiednimi kwasami (1 : 6, w/v) w czasie 24, 48 i 72 h. Stwierdzono, że kwas solny jest najmniej efektywnym rozpuszczalnikiem kolagenu spośród użytych kwasów. W zastosowanych warunkach doświadczeń maksymalnie można wyekstrahować kwasem cytrynowym 60 % kolagenu, kwasem octowym i mlekowym...
ICTP concentration in cervical-vaginal fluid as a potential marker of membrane collagen degradation before labor
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Increased Expression of Several Collagen Genes is Associated with Drug Resistance in Ovarian Cancer Cell Lines
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Collagen Type II—Chitosan Interactions as Dependent on Hydroxylation and Acetylation Inferred from Molecular Dynamics Simulations
PublicationChitosan–collagen blends have been widely applied in tissue engineering, joints diseases treatment, and many other biomedical fields. Understanding the affinity between chitosan and collagen type II is particularly relevant in the context of mechanical properties modulation, which is closely associated with designing biomaterials suitable for cartilage and synovial fluid regeneration. However, many structural features influence...
Molecular dynamics simulations of the affinity of chitin and chitosan for collagen: the effect of pH and the presence of sodium and calcium cations
PublicationChitosan and chitin are promising biopolymers used in many areas including biomedical applications, such as tissue engineering and viscosupplementation. Chitosan shares similar properties with hyaluronan, a natural component of synovial fluid, making it a good candidate for joint disease treatment. The structural and energetic consequences of intermolecular interactions are crucial for understanding the biolubrication phenomenon...
Biopolymers in designing modern antimicrobial medical materials. Part I. Biopolymer medical materials - collagen, chitosan
PublicationThe article is a review of the literature concerning the possible use of biopolymers for the preparation of dressings with antimicrobial activity. Authors show the potential of biopolymers: collagen and chitosan - which have the ability to immobilize and control the release of various active compounds - for providing the appropriate antibacterial, bacteriostatic and wound healing properties. Types of threats, for which the dressing...
Preparation and characterization of genipin cross-linked porous chitosan–collagen–gelatin scaffolds using chitosan–CO2 solution
PublicationNovel porous scaffolds composed of chitosan, collagen and gelatin were prepared by the multistep procedure involving final freeze-drying and characterized. To eliminate the need for residual acid removal from the material after drying, carbon dioxide saturation process was used for chitosan blend formulation. The use of CO2 for chitosan dissolution made the scaffold preparation process more reproducible and economically sustainable....
Isolation of Human Progenitor Epidermal Cells on Collagen Type IV and Analysis of Their Markers with Flow Cytometry and PCR Methods
PublicationEpidermal stem cells, located in the skin, together with keratinocytes are transplanted in regenerative therapies, e.g., for the treatment of burns or other wounds. Here, we describe the protocol of their enzymatic isolation from human skin. It includes separation of the epidermis form the dermis by incubation with dispase followed by cell isolation for epidermis by digestion with trypsin. Cell isolated with this method can be...
Silk Fibroin/Collagen/Chitosan Scaffolds Cross-Linked by a Glyoxal Solution as Biomaterials toward Bone Tissue Regeneration
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Physico-Chemical Characterization and Biological Tests of Collagen/Silk Fibroin/Chitosan Scaffolds Cross-Linked by Dialdehyde Starch
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Cold plasma treatment of tannic acid as a green technology for the fabrication of advanced cross-linkers for bioactive collagen/gelatin hydrogels
PublicationTannic acid (TA) is a natural compound studied as the cross-linker for biopolymers due to its ability to form hydrogen bonds. There are different methods to improve its reactivity and effectiveness to be used as a modifier for biopolymeric materials. This work employed plasma to modify tannic acid TA, which was then used as a cross-linker for fabricating collagen/gelatin scaffolds. Plasma treatment did not cause any significant...
A fast and convenient method for analysis of collagen hydrolysis products Szybka i dogodna metoda analizy produktów hydrolizy kolagenu
PublicationPolypeptides produced by hydrolysis of collagen from minced animal hide and skin scraps were studied by mass spectrometry (MS) in conjunction with electrophoresis to det. their mol. mass. The degree of peptides ionisation was ca 50+. This allowed for observation of the large polypeptide chains with mass analyzers with a relatively low m/z range. The electrospray and atm. pressure photoionization techniques were used. The polypeptide...
Effect of ball-milling process parameters on mechanical properties of Al/Al2O3/collagen powder composite using statistical approach
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Biomaterials with Potential Use in Bone Tissue Regeneration—Collagen/Chitosan/Silk Fibroin Scaffolds Cross-Linked by EDC/NHS
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The effect of chemical modifications on rheologicalproperties of collagen from of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua)skin stabilized by interaction with κ-carrageenan.
PublicationZbadano wpływ stężenia aldehydu glutarowego i EDC N-[3-(dimetyloamino)propylo]-N'-etylokarbodiimid na reologiczne właściwości kompleksu k-karagenu z kolagenem wydzielonym ze skór dorsza bałtyckiego (Gadus morhua) 0,5 M roztworem kwasu octowego i wytworzonych z nich błon. Stwierdzono, że dodanie do dyspersji aldehydu glutarowego, którego stężenie zmieniano od 0,05 do 0,2% powodowało natychmiastowy wzrost jej lepkości. Dodatek aldehydu...
Agrimoniin up-regulates collagen biosynthesis through increase in expression of β1-integrin receptor and prolidase activity in cultured human skin fibroblasts
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Isolation and characterization of Acid Soluble Collagen from the Skin of African Catfish (Clarias gariepinus), Salmon (Salmo salar) and Baltic cod (Gadus morhua)
PublicationAcid-soluble collagen (ASC) from the fish skin of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus), Salmon (Salmo salar) and Baltic cod (Gadus morhua) was extracted and characterized. The ASC extraction yield was 75%, 73% and 68%, respectively. The denaturation and melting temperatures of African catfish ASC (29.3°C and 100.0°C) were significantly higher than ASC of Salmon and Baltic cod (20.6°C and 90.5°C; 15.2°C and 86.7°C, respectively), assessed...