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Search results for: crude oil
Analysis of causes of crude oil tankers' disasters
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono dane statystyczne dotyczące rozlewów ropy surowej oraz opis katastrof tankowców w latach 1999-2003. Zlekceważenie problemów poprawnej eksploatacji wielokrotnie kończy się tragicznie. Z tych powodów wypełniony ropą grecki tankowiec ''Amaragos'' czy też maltańska ''Erika'' złamały się na pół i poszły na dno. Przykładów takich jest więcej. W referacie przedstawiono analizę przyczyn rozlewów olejowych według...
Corrosion mechanisms in columns for atmospheric distillation of crude oil
PublicationThe paper presents the most common corrosion processes occurring in the columns for atmospheric distillation of crude oil. It describes the mechanisms leading to formation of the chemical compounds, which contribute to corrosion phenomena. The main technological factors influencing corrosion processes have been indicated. The paper also presents the interactions between particular corrosion mechanisms resulting in acceleration...
Biodegradability of simulant fluids and crude oil in aquatic environment
PublicationBiodegradowalność symulantów płynów była oceniana poprzez pomiar CO2 (EPA 560/6-82-003). Badaniu poddawane były emulsyjne i nieemulsyjne symulanty ropy oraz lekka ropa naftowa typu A z Północnej Ameryki. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na łatwą biodegradowalność obu symulantów w porównaniu do badanej ropy naftowej.
Magnetic superhydrophobic melamine sponges for crude oil removal from water
PublicationThis paper proposes the preparation of a new sorbent material based on melamine sponges (MS) with superhydrophobic, superoleophilic, and magnetic properties. This study involved impregnating the surface of commercially available MS with eco-friendly deep eutectic solvents (DES) and Fe3O4 nanoparticles. The DES selection was based on the screening of 105 eutectic mixtures using COSMO-RS modeling. Other parameters affecting the efficiency...
PublicationThe purpose of the study is to assess whether the inclusion of investments in gold and/or crude oil improves an investment portfolio consisting of shares of enterprises included in the WIG20 index (traditional invest-ments). All possible combinations of investment portfolios with minimal risk and maximum efficiency were tested. The portfolios were determined based on Markowitz’s portfolio theory. All results were compared...
Corrosion-erosion damage of heat exchanger tubes by desalted crude oil flowing at shell side
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Corrosion-erosion damage of heat exchanger tubes by desalted crude oil flowing at shell side.
PublicationRurki wymiennika zostały uszkodzone lokalnie przez odsoloną ropę naftową przepływającą pod ciśnieniem 2,6 MPa i w temperaturze 385-395K. Większość powierzchni rurek nie była uszkodzona i była pokryta osadem związków organicznych i nieorganicznych, zabezpieczającym przed uszkodzeniami. Badania wykluczyły możliwość występowania intensywnej korozji elektrochemicznej na powierzchniach rurek pozbawionych osadu. Przyczyną perforacji...
Compatibility of Crude Oil Blends─Processing Issues Related to Asphaltene Precipitation, Methods of Instability Prediction─A Review
PublicationProcessing crude oil of variable composition, especially due to the need to process crude oil blends obtained from various sources, presents a tremendous process challenge. This is mainly due to the destabilization of the colloidal system manifested mostly by the precipitation of the asphaltene fraction. The precipitation of asphaltenes from crude oil is a serious problem during extraction, transport, and processing. In the latter...
Role of Bacterial Consortium and Synthetic Surfactants in Promoting the Phytoremediation of Crude Oil-Contaminated Soil Using Brachiaria mutica
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Root Causes of Thin-Plate Buckling Damage at the Aft-End in Crude Oil Tanker and Verification through Buckling Analysis
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Comments on Identification and Determination of Volatile Chloroorganic Compounds in Crude Oil at Trace Level = Komentarz na temat identyfikowania i oznaczania śladowych ilości lotnych związków chloroorganicznych w ropie naftowej
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono możliwości i ograniczenia w stosowaniu techniki GC-ECD i GC-MS do identyfikacji i oznaczania śladowych stężeń związków chloroorganicznych w destylatach z ropy naftowej (frakcjach wrzących do 200oC). Przedyskutowano także procedury rutynowo stosowane w rafineriach do oznaczania zawartości chloru organicznego. Należą do nich metodyki oparte na spalaniu próbki i oznaczaniu wybranych produktów mineralizacji za...
Peculiarities of Dewatering Technology for Heavy High-Viscosity Crude Oils of Eastern Region of Ukraine
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A new technology of crude vegetable oil degumming with rhamnolipid solutions
PublicationA new technology of crude vegetable oil degumming is described. It is based on rhamnolipid biocomplex solution application for phosphatides removal. The rhamnolipid biocomplex produced by Pseudomonas sp. PS-17 was used as biosurfactant. Rapeseed oil was used in all experiments. First, it was degummed with H2SO4 in order to remove all phosphatides and then 1% (w/w) of granular soybean lecithin was added. Model oil was treated with...
The influence of crude glycerol and castor oil-based polyol on the structure and performance of rigid polyurethane-polyisocyanurate foams
PublicationIn this work, biopolyol obtained from two types of industrial crops’ processing products: crude glycerol and castor oil was used for preparation or rigid polyurethane-polyisocyanurate foams. Bio-based polyol was obtained via crude glycerol polymerization and further condensation of resulting polyglycerol with castor oil. Rigid polyurethane-polyisocyanurate foams were prepared at partial substitution (0–70 wt.%) of petrochemical...
Superhydrophobic sponges based on green deep eutectic solvents for spill oil removal from water
PublicationThe paper described a new method for crude oil-water separation by means of superhydrophobic melamine sponges impregnated by deep eutectic solvents (MS-DES). Due to the numerous potential of two-component DES formation, simple and quick screening of 156 non-ionic deep eutectic solvents using COSMO-RS (Conductor-like Screening Model for Real Solvents) computational model was used. DES which were characterized by high solubility...
The share of investments in gold and oil using the example of selected European stock exchanges– A comparative analysis
PublicationIn this article, optimal investment portfolios with minimal risk and maximum efficiency were calculated. The portfolios were designated for ten selected European stock exchanges, based on the listings of the twenty largest companies in each of those markets. All calculations were made based on company shares only, company shares and investments in gold, shares of companies and investments in crude oil as well as shares of companies...
The Application of Satellite Image Analysis in Oil Spill Detection
PublicationIn recent years, there has been an increasing use of satellite sensors to detect and track oil spills. The satellite bands, namely visible, short, medium infrared, and microwave radar bands, are used for this purpose. The use of satellite images is extremely valuable for oil spill analysis. With satellite images, we can identify the source of leakage and assess the extent of potential damage. However, it is not yet clear how to...
A new method and equipment for the detection of presence and estimation of the content of the petroleum-based fraction in lubricating oils, especially those emitted to the atmosphere
PublicationLubricating oil, used in cutting equipment, works in the so-called open lubrication system and is entirely emitted to the environment. When such an oil contains even a small portion of the crude oil-derived fraction, which is still very common, the oil is a serious environmental pollution. In addition, the oil mist poses a serious threat to the health of employees. Current legal regulations require users of saws and harvesters...
Structure, Mechanical, Thermal and Fire Behavior Assessments of Environmentally Friendly Crude Glycerol-Based Rigid Polyisocyanurate Foams
PublicationIn this work, rigid polyisocyanurate foams were prepared at partial substitution (0–70 wt%) of commercially available petrochemical polyol, with previously synthesized biopolyol based on crude glycerol and castor oil. Influence of the biopolyol content on morphology, chemical structure, static and dynamic mechanical properties, thermal insulation properties, thermal stability and flammability was investigated. Incorporation of...
Ecology In Tribology: Selected Problems of Eliminating Natural Oil-Based Lubricants from Machine Friction Couples
PublicationThe elimination of mineral oil-based lubricants from machines has multiple beneficial effects on the natural environment. Firstly – these lubricants are a direct threat to the environment in the event of leaks; secondly – their elimination reduces the demand for crude oil from which they are obtained. In addition, in many cases, e.g. when replacing traditional lubricants with water, friction losses in the bearings can also be reduced...
PublicationThe following article is an attempt to assess Poland's energy independence in the years 1993-2020. The main aim of the paper is to present Poland's dependence on raw materials from foreign partners - in the field of imports of electricity, natural gas, crude oil, non-renewable energy resources, i.e., hard coal and lignite, and the country's dynamics in the amount of imports. In addition, the aim of the work is to answer research...
Two-step Conversion of Crude Glycerol Generated by Biodiesel Production into Biopolyols: Synthesis, Structural and Physical Chemical Characterization
PublicationIn this work biopolyols were synthesized via two-step process from crude glycerol and castor oil. For better evaluation of analyzed process, the impact of its time and temperature on the structure and properties of biopolyols was determined. Obtained results fully justified conducting of synthesis in two steps. Prepared materials were characterized by hydroxyl value and water content comparable to polyols industrially applied in...
The New Test Procedure for Group-Type Composition of Base Oils of Lubricating Oils, Especially Emitted into the Environment
PublicationMineral base oil, a product of multistep fine refining of the relevant fractions from vacuum distillation of crude oil, is a main component of so-called mineral lubricating oils containing aliphatic and alicyclic substituted aromatic hydrocarbons, i.e., derivatives of benzene and biphenyl. Mineral lubricating oil is composed mostly of mineral base oil and a low amount of enriching additives, most often products of advanced organic...
The Thin-Layer Microchromatography (μTLC) and TLC–FID Technique as a New Methodology in the Study of Lubricating Oils
PublicationThis paper concerns the possibility of using TLC coupled with a flame ionization detector (FID) and micro-TLC (μTLC) as precursors for microfluidized devices of analytical techniques to identify and determine the presence and content of the petroleum/vegetable oil base in the lubricating oils applied in cutting devices (chainsaws). This research is related to the problem of ensuring, in compliance with the requirements of environmental...
The Influence of Substitution of a Phosphorus-Containing Polyol with the Bio-polyol on the Properties of Bio-based PUR/PIR Foams
PublicationIn this work, effects of incorporating of a phosphorus-containing polyol into rigid polyurethane/polyisocyanurate foams’ formulations developed with use of two different bio-based polyols, derived from crude glycerol or liquefied cellulose were examined. The bio-polyol derived from crude glycerol was synthesized via two-step process from crude glycerol and castor oil, whereas the bio-polyol derived from liquefied cellulose was...
Comparison of soil models in the thermodynamic analysis of a submarine pipeline buried in seabed sediments
PublicationThis paper deals with mathematical modelling of a seabed layer in the thermodynamic analysis of a submarine pipeline buried in seabed sediments. The existing seabed soil models: a “soil ring” and a semi-infinite soil layer are discussed in a comparative analysis of the shape factor of a surrounding soil layer. The meaning of differences in the heat transfer coefficient of a soil layer is illustrated based on a computational example...
The role of centrifugal partition chromatography in the removal of β-asarone from Acorus calamus essential oil
PublicationΒ-asarone is a phenylpropane derivative present in the rhizomes of Acorus calamus, that was proved to exhibit toxic effects in humans. Because of its presence the whole plant that is commonly used in traditional medicine for its sedative, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective and other properties has limited application nowadays. In the study, qualitative and quantitative analysis of a collection of nine essential oil (EO) samples...
Environmental consequences of emulsifying properties of biosurfactant produced by Pseudomonas sp.
PublicationBiosurfactants are natural surfactants produced by variety of microorganisms. They are very prospective product due to good biodegradability, low toxicity, good physicochemical properties and high efficiency in many applications. Moreover, they are efficient in wide range of pH, temperatures and salinity. Thus, they have potential to be used in many applications. However, their later presence in municipal and industrial wastewater...
DME as alternative fuel for compression ignition engines – a review
PublicationThe ecological issues and the depletion of crude oil, has led the researchers to seeking for non-petroleum based alternative fuels, along with more advanced combustion technologies, and after-treatment systems. The use of clean alternative fuels is the one of the most perspective method that aiming at resolving of the said issues. One of the promising alternative fuels that can be used as a clean highefficiency compression ignition...
Korozja w środowisku ropy naftowej. Czynniki i monitorowanie
PublicationPrzedstawiono analizy właściwości ropy naftowej z punktu widzenia zawartych w niej czynników korozyjnych oraz ich wpływu na korozję stali w trakcie procesu destylacji ropy naftowej. Krytycznej analizie poddane zostały możliwości oferowane przez współczesne techniki pomiarowe. Wskazano na istotność prowadzenia kompleksowego programu oceny ropy, monitorowania korozji oraz stosowania ochrony inhibitorowej w celu ochrony instalacji...
Environmental Risk Assessment of WWII Shipwreck pollution
PublicationThe pollution of the sea is a global problem that has arisen as a consequence of the industrialization of the world and the intense transportation of crude oil and the products of its refinement. As sailing vessels were replaced by motor propelled ships towards the end of the 19th century, a new source of sea water pollution came into being. Every emergency involving a tanker carrying crude oil and its products is a potential source...
A Convenient Way to Methylated 2-Imidazolines. Syntheses of Fluorene and Triazine Cyclic Diamidines
PublicationOne N-methyl- and 4-substituted 2-imidazolines are described. Fluorene bisimidazolines were obtained in good yield (64-92%), starting from 2,7-dicyanofluorene and ammonium sulfide. In a two-step procedure the crude bisthioamide was reacted with excess diaminoalkane-ethanol (1:1 mixt.) in an oil bath. This new procedure is superior over std. methods. For the sake of comparison, a new triazine bisimidazoline (I) was prepd. by...
Właściwości fizykochemiczne i możliwości zastosowania preparatu biosurfaktantowego wytwarzanego przez Pseudomonas PS-17
PublicationPraca dotyczy właściwości fizykochemicznych nieoczyszczonego biosurfaktantu wytwarzanego przez szczep Pseudomonas PS-17 (biokompleksu ramnolipidowego RL53) oraz możliwości jego zastosowania w rafinacji olejów roślinnych. W części literaturowej przedstawiono zarys wiedzy na temat toksyczności i biodegradowalności biosurfaktantów, a także na temat wybranych właściwości fizykochemicznych tych związków, takich jak zdolność do micelizacji...
Fruit seeds oils as a cosmetic emulsions component
PublicationThe fruit seeds are known to have a considerable amount of oil and their potential specialty as nutraceutical oil was suggested based on high level of unsaturated triacyglycerols (major fatty acids are linoleic, linolenic, oleic) and a high content of tocols (tocopherols and tocotrienols). In this study the possibility of application fruit seeds oils in W/O and O/W emulsion systems was investigated to find the influence of the...
Cavitation based cleaner technologies for biodiesel production and processing of hydrocarbon streams: A perspective on key fundamentals, missing process data and economic feasibility – A review
PublicationThe present review emphasizes the role of hydrodynamic cavitation (HC) and acoustic cavitation in clean and green technologies for selected fuels (of hydrocarbon origins such as gasoline, naphtha, diesel, heavy oil, and crude oil) processing applications including biodiesel production. Herein, the role of cavitation reactors, their geometrical parameters, physicochemical properties of liquid media, liquid oxidants, catalyst loading,...
Comparison of the measurement techniques employed for evaluation of ambient air odour quality
PublicationThe paper presents the results of investigation on ambient air odour quality in a vicinity of the industrial sewage treatment plant being a part of the crude oil processing plant. The investigation was performed during spring-winter season using a prototype of electronic nose and the Nasal Ranger field olfactometers. The prototype was equipped with a set of six semiconductor sensors by FIGARO Co. and one PID-type sensor. The field...
Novel stationary phases based on asphaltenes for gas chromatography
PublicationWe present the results of investigations on the possibility of the application of the asphaltene fraction isolated from the oxidized residue from vacuum distillation of crude oil as a stationary phase for gas chromatography. The results of the investigation revealed that the asphaltene stationary phases can find use for the separation of a wide range of volatile organic compounds. The experimental values of Rohrschneider/McReynolds...
A review on recent advances in the application of biosurfactants in wastewater treatment
PublicationMicroorganisms produce a variety of non-conventional surface-active molecules, known as biosurfactants. The biosurfactants find diverse applications in the oil industry, agriculture, emulsifiers, and wastewater treatment, to name a few. Since they are produced from microbes, advantages such as biodegradability, lower toxicity, and environmental compatibility can be leveraged compared to the chemical surfactants. Recently, biosurfactants...
The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment of industrial wastewater
PublicationConstructed wetlands are characterized by specific conditions enabling simultaneous various physical and biochemical processes. This is the result of specific environment for the growth of microorganisms and hydro-phytes (aquatic and semiaquatic plants) which are capable of living in aerobic, anaerobic and facultative anaerobic conditions. Their interaction contributes to the intensification of oxidation and reduction responsible...
Current status and future success of renewable energy in Pakistan
PublicationMismatch between energy demand and supply from last two decades has been increasing because of the domination of expensive imported oil in energy mix of Pakistan. To import crude oil Government paid US $ 9 billion in 2008–2009 to meet the energy demands...
Instrumental measurement of odour nuisance in city agglomeration using electronic nose
PublicationThe paper describes an operation principle of odour nuisance monitoring network in a city agglomeration. Moreover, it presents the results of investigation on ambient air quality with respect to odour obtained during six-month period. The investigation was carried out using a network comprised of six prototypes of electronic nose and Nasal Ranger field olfactometers employed as a reference method. The monitoring network consisted...
Separation and determination of the group-type composition of modern base and lubricating oils with a wide range of polarity, especially emitted to the environment
PublicationLubricating oils are composed of base oils (>85% v/v) and enriching additives (<15% v/v). Three types of base oils may be distinguished: 1) traditional bases (obtained by low-volatile fractions from crude oil distillation refining), 2) synthetic bases (mainly poly-alpha-olefins, sometimes esters, especially succinic acid esters), 3) bases of natural origin (especially obtained from refined plant oils). The bases of natural origin...
Badania nad rozdzielaniem grupowym i analityką składu grupowego olejów bazowych i smarowych, zwłaszcza o szerokim zakresie polarności składników
PublicationRozprawa to studia i badania nad rozdzielaniem i analityką składu grupowego olejów bazowych i smarowych o szerokim zakresie polarności składników. Studium literatury wykazało brak metodyk badania udziału frakcji naftowej i roślinnej w takich olejach oraz nieadekwatność w tym celu HPLC. Pierwsza część pracy to badania nad opracowaniem wielokrotnie zastosowanej w praktyce terenowej metodyki i wyposażenia dla zastosowania fluorescencji...
Trends in Locally Balanced Energy Systems without the Use of Fossil Fuels: A Review
PublicationIn recent years, the idea of the operation of energy systems (power systems, heating systems) has changed significantly. This paper is an overview of locally balanced energy systems without the use of fossil fuels. The paper justifies the concept of local energy balancing in a new energy system that does not use fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and crude oil), based on European Union guidelines and formal documents as well as the...
The use of lightweight aggregate saturated with PCM as a temperature stabilizing material for road surfaces.
PublicationThis paper presents the possibility of adding lightweight building aggregates to increase the stability – mechanical as well as thermal - of constructions and road objects. This stability can be achieved through saturating the porous granules of aggregate with a phase-change material (PCM) that allows the accumulation of solar heat. Intense solar radiation, especially during the summer, can cause the asphalt on road surfaces, bridges...
Asfalteny jako fazy stacjonarne w chromatografii cieczowej w normalnych układach faz
PublicationRozprawa doktorska dotyczy zbadania możliwości wykorzystania asfaltenów wydzielonych z: próżniowej pozostałości ropy naftowej, produktów jej utleniania i naturalnego asfaltu jako fazy stacjonarnej na powierzchni sorpcyjnej żelu krzemionkowego do rozdzielania nisko polarnych organicznych związków chemicznych w warunkach chromatografii cieczowej w normalnych układach faz, w odniesieniu do żelu krzemionkowego jako nośnika. Opracowano...
A new procedure for the determination of distillation temperature distribution of high-boiling petroleum products and fractions
PublicationThe distribution of distillation temperatures of liquid and semi-fluid products, including petroleum fractions and products, is an important process and practical parameter. It provides information on properties of crude oil and content of particular fractions, classified on the basis of their boiling points, as well as the optimum conditions of atmospheric or vacuum distillation. At present, the distribution of distillation temperatures...
Synteza, struktura chemiczna i właściwości bezizocyjanianowych poliuretanów otrzymywanych z wykorzystaniem CO2 oraz surowców pochodzenia naturalnego.
PublicationZ uwagi na wciąż rosnącą świadomość proekologiczną, politykę zrównoważonego rozwoju, a także nurt zielonej chemii wiodącym trendem w przemyśle tworzyw sztucznych jest poszukiwanie alternatywnych metod otrzymywania materiałów polimerowych. Komercyjnie poliuretany otrzymywane są w wyniku reakcji poliaddycji di- lub poliizocyjanianów z poliolami i małocząsteczkowymi przedłużaczami łańcucha. Z uwagi na niekorzystne właściwości diizocyjanianów,...
Surface water quality assessment by the use of combination of multivariate statistical classification and expert information
PublicationThe present study deals with the assessment of surface water quality from an industrial-urban region located in northern Poland near to the city of Gdansk. Concentrations of thirteen chemicals includingtotal polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), halogenated volatile organic compounds (HVOCs) and major ions in the samples collected at five sampling points during six campaigns were used as variablesthroughout the study. The originality...