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Search results for: dna damage
Early models of DNA damage formation
PublicationPrzeanalizowano jedne z pierwszych modeli opisujących uszkodzenia nici DNA. Przeanalizowano uszkodzenia powstające w pojedynczych i podwójnych niciach, pod wpływem czynników fizycznych i chemicznych.
Oxidative stress in humans: validation of biomarkers of DNA damage
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Total DNA Methylation Changes Reflect Random Oxidative DNA Damage in Gliomas
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Total DNA methylation as a biomarker of DNA damage and tumor malignancy in intracranial meningiomas
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Teloxantron inhibits the processivity of telomerase with preferential DNA damage on telomeres
PublicationTelomerase reactivation is one of the hallmarks of cancer, which plays an important role in cellular immortalization and the development and progression of the tumor. Chemical telomerase inhibitors have been shown to trigger replicative senescence and apoptotic cell death both in vitro and in vivo. Due to its upregulation in various cancers, telomerase is considered a potential target in cancer therapy. In this study, we identified...
Effects of basal level of antioxidants on oxidative DNA damage in humans
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Oxidative DNA Damage in Blood of CVD Patients Taking Detralex
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H2AX phosphorylation, its role in DNA damage response and cancer therapy
PublicationDouble-strand breaks (DSBs) are the most deleterious DNA lesions, which, if left unrepaired, may have severe consequences for cell survival, as they lead to chromosome aberrations, genomic instability, or cell death. Various physical, chemical, and biological factors are involved in DSB induction. Cells respond to DNA damage by activating the so-called DNA damage response (DDR), a complex molecular mechanism developed to detect...
Cellular senescence induced by DNA damage and its role in carcinogenesis and chemotherapy
PublicationUszkodzenia DNA indukują w komórce różne procesy, w tym starzenie komórkowe, co może uruchamiać proces karcinogenezy jak i być związane z odpowiedzią na leki przecinowotworowe. Biologiczna rola starzenia komórkowego nie jest jednak jasna. Zasugerowano, że proces starzenia komórkowego może hamować proces karcinogenezy poprzez indukcję nieodwracalnego zahamowania wzrostu przez czynniki genotoksyczne. Indukcja starzenia komórkowego...
Oxidative DNA damage in cancer patients: a cause or a consequence of the disease development?
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Selenium Supplementation Reduced Oxidative DNA Damage in Adnexectomized BRCA1 Mutations Carriers
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Comparison of Oxidative Stress/DNA Damage in Semen and Blood of Fertile and Infertile Men
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Dominant Pathways of Adenosyl Radical-Induced DNA Damage Revealed by QM/MM Metadynamics
PublicationBrominated nucleobases sensitize double stranded DNA to hydrated electrons, one of the dominant genotoxic species produced in hypoxic cancer cells during radiotherapy. Such radiosensitizers can therefore be administered locally to enhance treatment efficiency within the solid tumor while protecting the neighboring tissue. When a solvated electron attaches to 8-bromoadenosine, a potential sensitizer, the dissociation of bromide...
Melatonin as a major skin protectant: from free radical scavenging to DNA damage repair
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Oxidative stress and oxidative DNA damage is characteristic for mixed Alzheimer disease/vascular dementia
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Cellular Turnover: A Potential Metabolic Rate–Driven Mechanism to Mitigate Accumulation of DNA Damage
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Oxidative DNA damage: assessment of the role in carcinogenesis, atherosclerosis, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome1 1This article is part of a series of reviews on “Oxidative DNA Damage and Repair.” The full list of papers may be found on the homepage of the journal.
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Gentiana asclepiadea exerts antioxidant activity and enhances DNA repair of hydrogen peroxide- and silver nanoparticles-induced DNA damage
PublicationExposure to high levels of different environmental pollutants is known to be associated with induction of DNA damage in humans. Thus DNA repair is of great importance in preventing mutations and contributes crucially to the prevention of cancer. In our study we have focused on quantitative analysis of Gentiana asclepiadea aqueous or methanolic extracts obtained from flower and haulm, their antioxidant potency in ABTS post-column...
Influence of Polymorphisms in DNA Repair GenesXPD, XRCC1andMGMTon DNA Damage Induced by Gamma Radiation and its Repair in LymphocytesIn Vitro
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Molecular basis for the DNA damage induction and anticancer activity of asymmetrically substituted anthrapyridazone PDZ-7
Publicationnthrapyridazones, imino analogues of anthraquinone, constitute a family of compounds with remarkable anti-cancer activity. To date, over 20 derivatives were studied, of which most displayed nanomolar cytotoxicity towards broad spectrum of cancer cells, including breast, prostate and leukemic ones. BS-154, the most potent derivative, had IC50 values close to 1 nM, however, it was toxic in animal studies. Here, we characterize another...
Prolonged Quercetin Administration Diminishes the Etoposide-Induced DNA Damage in Bone Marrow Cells of Rats
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Effects of Salvia officinalis and Thymus vulgaris on oxidant-induced DNA damage and antioxidant status in HepG2 cells
PublicationSalvia officinalis (SO) and Thymus vulgaris (TV) are medicinal plants well known for their curative powers. However, the molecular mechanisms responsible for these abilities of sage and thyme have not been fully understood yet. In this study we investigated the composition and the quantitative estimation of plant extracts, the protective effects of plant extracts against hydrogen peroxide- and 2,3-dimethoxy-1,4 naphthoquinone-induced...
Functional Interfaces, Biological Pathways, and Regulations of Interferon-Related DNA Damage Resistance Signature (IRDS) Genes
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Comparison of antioxidant enzyme activities and DNA damage in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) genotypes exposed to vanadium
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Cross-talk between DNA damage and cell survival checkpoints during G2 and mitosis: pharmacological implications
PublicationW pracy wyjaśnialiśmy rolę surwiwiny w ochronie komórek w czasie przejścia między G2 i mitozą, traktowanych związkiem uszkadzającym DNA. Jako model komórkowy wybraliśmy komórki ludzkiej białaczki MOLT-4, które wykazują zwiększoną ekspresję białka surwiwiny i niefunkcjonalnym p53. Ekspozycja tych komórek na melfalan, klasyczny związek uszkadzający DNA, prowadzi do uruchomienia punktu kontrolnego w G2 i zablokowania progresji cyklu...
Mechanism of selective anticancer activity of isothiocyanates relies on differences in DNA damage repair between cancer and healthy cells
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Oxidative DNA damage and antioxidant vitamin level: Comparison among lung cancer patients, healthy smokers and nonsmokers
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Viral infection-oxidative stress/DNA damage-aberrant DNA methylation: separate or interrelated events responsible for genetic instability and childhood ALL development?
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Fine-tuning recA expression in Staphylococcus aureus for antimicrobial photoinactivation: importance of photo-induced DNA damage in the photoinactivation mechanism
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Berry fruit juices protect lymphocytes against DNA damage and ROS formation induced with heterocyclic aromatic amine PhIP
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Relationships between acute reactions to radiotherapy in head and neck cancer patients and parameters of radiation-induced DNA damage and repair in their lymphocytes
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Dual inhibition of PI3K/Akt signaling and the DNA damage checkpoint in p53-deficient cells with strong survival signaling: implications for cancer therapy
PublicationOporność komórek nowotworowych na leki uszkadzjące DNA związana jest ściśle ze zdolnością do utrzymywania blok z fazie G2 cyklu komórkowego. Blok ten regulowany jest przez mechanizmy punktu kontrolnego G2/M oraz szlaki przeżycia komórkowego. W pracy badaliśmy rolę szlaku kinazy PI3K/Akt w funkcjonowaniu punktu kontrolnego cyklu komórkowego i wpływ na przeżycie komórek traktowanych lekiem przeciwnowotworowym - cisplatyną. Nasze...
The changes of antioxidant defense system caused by quercetin administration do not lead to DNA damage and apoptosis in the spleen and bone marrow cells of rats
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Combination of ABT-737 and resveratrol enhances DNA damage and apoptosis in human T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia MOLT-4 cells
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Gene expression, DNA damage and other stress markers in Sinapis alba L. exposed to heavy metals with special reference to sewage sludge application on contaminated sites
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Mechanism for Damage to DNA by Low-Energy Electrons
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Evaluating experimental molecular physics studies of radiation damage in DNA*
PublicationThe field of Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMP) is a mature field exploring the spectroscopy, excitation, ionisation of atoms and molecules in all three phases. Understanding of the spectroscopy and collisional dynamics of AMP has been fundamental to the development and application of quantum mechanics and is applied across a broad range of disparate disciplines including atmospheric sciences, astrochemistry, combustion and environmental...
Effects of Base π-Stacking on Damage to DNA by Low-Energy Electrons
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Mechanisms of Damage to DNA Labeled with Electrophilic Nucleobases Induced by Ionizing or UV Radiation
PublicationHypoxia—a hallmark of solid tumors—makes hypoxic cells radioresistant. On the other hand, DNA, the main target of anticancer therapy, is not sensitive to the near UV photons and hydrated electrons, one of the major products of water radiolysis under hypoxic conditions. A possible way to overcome these obstacles to the efficient radio- and photodynamic therapy of cancer is to sensitize the cellular DNA to electrons and/or ultraviolet...
Theoretical Study of Damage to DNA by 0.2−1.5 eV Electrons Attached to Cytosine
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Damage to Model DNA Fragments from Very Low-Energy (<1 eV) Electrons
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Urinary Measurement of 8-OxodG, 8-OxoGua, and 5HMUra: A Noninvasive Assessment of Oxidative Damage to DNA
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The Protective Effect of Dabigatran and Rivaroxaban on DNA Oxidative Changes in a Model of Vascular Endothelial Damage with Oxidized Cholesterol
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The protective effect of dabigatran and rivaroxaban on DNA oxidative changes in a model of vascular endothelial damage with oxidized cholesterol
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Modelling charge transfer processes in C2+ -tetrahydrofuran collision for ion-induced radiation damage in DNA building blocks
PublicationInvestigations of collision-induced processes involving carbon ions and molecules of biological interest in particular DNA building blocks, are crucial to model the effect of radiation on cells in order to improve medical treatments for cancer therapy. Using carbon ions appears to be one of the most efficient ways to increase biological effectiveness to damage cancerous cells by irradiating deep-seated tumors. Therefore, interest...
From DNA damage to G2 arrest: the many roles of topoisomerase II. W: Prog-ress in Cell Cycle Research. Ed. Meijer L., Jezequel A., Roberge M. London: Plenum Publ. Comp. Ltd**2003 vol. 5 chapt. 30 s. 295-300 Od uszkodzeń DNA do bloku w G2: wiele ról dla topoizomerazy II.
PublicationInhibitory DNA topoizomerazy II sa jednymi z najbardziej szeroko stosowanymi lekami przeciwnowotworowymi. Związki te indukuja pekniecia nici DNA i bloku progresji cyklu komorkowego w fazie G2. Jednak topoizomeraza II jest nie tylko celem molekularnym dla lekow przeciwnowtworowych ale enzym ten pelniwazna role w odpowiedzi komorkowej na dzialanie wielu lekow uszkadzajacych DNA. Topoizomeraza tworzy kompleksy molekularne z bialkami...
Intramolecular Proton Transfer in the Radical Anion of Cytidine Monophosphate Sheds Light on the Sensitivities of Dry vs Wet DNA to Electron Attachment-Induced Damage
PublicationSingle-strand breaks (SSBs) induced via electron attachment were previously observed in dry DNA under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV), while hydrated electrons were found not able to induce this DNA damage in an aqueous solution. To explain these findings, crossed electron-molecular beam (CEMB) and anion photoelectron spectroscopy (aPES) experiments coupled to density functional theory (DFT) modeling were used to demonstrate the fundamental...
Generation and Characterization of a DNA-GCN4 Oligonucleotide-Peptide Conjugate: The Impact DNA/Protein Interactions on the Sensitization of DNA
PublicationRadiotherapy, the most common therapy for the treatment of solid tumors, exerts its effects by inducing DNA damage. To fully understand the extent and nature of this damage, DNA models that mimic the in vivo situation should be utilized. In a cellular context, genomic DNA constantly interacts with proteins and these interactions could influence both the primary radical processes (triggered by ionizing radiation) and secondary reactions,...
VUV irradiation studies of plasmid DNA in aqueous solution
PublicationInteractions of VUV light and DNA samples in aqueous solutions are reported. The damage induced by such radiation is quantified by monitoring both loss of supercoiled DNA and formation of single and double strand breaks using agarose gel electrophoresis. Irradiations were performed using synchrotron VUV photons of 130, 150, 170 and 190 nm. VUV irradiation experiments revealed enhanced damage upon irradiation with 170 nm photons...
X-ray and UV Radiation Damage of dsDNA/Protein Complexes
PublicationRadiation and photodynamic therapies are used for cancer treatment by targeting DNA. However, efficiency is limited due to physico-chemical processes and the insensitivity of native nucleobases to damage. Thus, incorporation of radio- and photosensitizers into these therapies should increase both efficacy and the yield of DNA damage. To date, studies of sensitization processes have been performed on simple model systems, e.g.,...