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Inhomogeneous broadening ofCr3+luminescence in dopedLiTaO3
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High-pressure luminescence ofCr3+-dopedCaO−Ga2O3−GeO2glasses
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Pressure dependence of electron-phonon coupling inCe3+-dopedGd3Sc2Al3O12garnet crystals
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Sztuka w przestrzeni publicznej miasta - konfrontacja czy dopełnienie?
PublicationCelem artykułu jest próba pokazania języka dialogu sztuki publicznej i przestrzeni miejskiej.
Doped-TiO2 :a review
PublicationTlenek tytanu(IV) jest efektywnym fotokatalizatorem do oczyszczania wody i powietrza oraz w powierzchniach samoczyszczących. TiO2 wykazuje stosunkowo wysoką reaktywność i stabilność chemiczną pod wpływem promieniowania UV, którego energia jest większa od pasma wzbronionego (3,3 eV dla czystego anatazu). Opracowanie metody otrzymywania fotokatalizatora wykazującego wysoką reaktywność pod wpływem światła widzialnego pozwoli na wykorzystanie...
Nano - and microcrystals of doped niobates
PublicationPublikacja przedstawia wyniki analizy pomiarów wysokotemperaturowej rentgenografii strukturalnej niobanu lantanu domieszkowanego magnezem.
Comparison of the paracetamol electrochemical determination using boron-doped diamond electrode and boron-doped carbon nanowalls
PublicationTwo different type of electrodes, boron-doped diamond electrode (BDD) and boron-doped carbon nanowalls (B:CNW) electrode, were used for the electrochemical determination of paracetamol using the cyclic voltammetry and the differential pulse voltammetry in phosphate buffered saline, pH = 7.0. The main advantage of these electrodes is their utilization without any additional modification of the electrode surface. The peak current...
Equation of state for Eu-doped SrSi2O2N2
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Luminescence of LiBaF3 and KMgF3 doped with Eu2+
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The upper critical field in doped MgCNi3
PublicationDyskutowany jest wpływ domieszkowania MgCNi3 na górne pole krytyczne (H_c2). H_c2 monotonicznie maleje wraz ze wzrostem koncentracji domieszki. Silniejszy wpływ widoczny w przypadku domieszkowania Fe może być tłumaczony poprzez efekt rozrywania nadprzewodzących par Coopera poprzez centra magnetyczne tworzone przez domieszki Fe.
Fabrication of La-Doped Bi4Ti3O12 Ceramics
PublicationLa-modified Bi4Ti3O12 is a typical ferroelectric, piezoelectric and electro-optic material, having relatively low coercive field, low dielectric constant, high Curie temperature and high breakdown strength. Goal of the present research was to apply mixed oxide method for fabrication of BiTLax ceramics, study its chemical composition, crystalline structure and microstructure. The compound BiTLax for x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 ceramic...
PublicationThe lanthanum doped barium stannate properties are investigated in this work. Including electrical and microstructural properties.
Superconductivity and ferromagnetism in Pd doped Y9Co7
PublicationThe ferromagnetic superconductor Y9Co7 was chemically doped to yield the solid solution Y9Co7-xPdx for 0 < x < 0.4. The lattice parameter a does not depend on x, whereas c increases with increasing Pd content up to x ¼ 0.2, the palladium solubility limit. The transition from ferromagnetism (TC ¼ 4.25 K) to superconductivity (Tsc ¼ 2.4 K) was observed only for the parent Y9Co7 compound. For the lowest tested Pd doping level (x ¼...
High pressure spectroscopy of chromium doped LiTaO3crystals
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Spectroscopic properties of the Ce-doped borate glasses
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Rare-earth doped materials for optical waveguides
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Luminescence properties of aluminosilicate glasses doped with neodymium
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Heteropolyanions doped polyimine—Preparation and spectroscopic properties
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Non-adiabatic superconductivity in the electron-doped graphene
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Cerium-doped orthophosphates: new promising scintillators
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Raman Study on Doped Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes
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Production and characterization of MWBNNT and B-doped SWCNT
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Visible light photoactivity and structure of doped TiO2
PublicationOmówiono strukturą i właściwości TiO2 domieszkowanego siarką, węglem oraz borem. Aktywność fotokatalityczna zbadano w reakcji degradacji fenolu pod wpływem światła z zakresu widzialnego (l > 400 nm). Aktywność fotokatalizatorów odniesiono do ich właściwości takich jak powierzchnia właściwa, struktura krystaliczna oraz charakter chemiczny domieszki. Stwierdzono, że fotokatalizatory o najwyższej aktywności mają strukturę anatazu...
Electrical and structural properties of Nb-doped SrTiO3
PublicationNiobium-doped strontium titanate synthesized via conventional solid-state reaction has been studied. Influence of niobium content on the lattice parameters and electrical conductivity has been reported. Various reduction conditions have been investigated. For samples reduced in hydrogen at 1400°C, a transition from thermally activated to metallic behavior has been observed. Maximum electrical conductivity (ca. 55 Scm−1 at 650°C)...
Photocatalytic performance of alkali metal doped graphitic carbon nitrides and Pd-alkali metal doped graphitic carbon nitride composites
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Electrical properties of nanocrystalline Sm-doped ceria ceramics
PublicationWłaściwości ceramiki z cerii zależa zwykle silnie od struktury ziaren. W pracy przedstawiono właściwości elektryczne ceramiki z cerii domieszkowanej samarem wykonanje w technologii 'net shape' posiadającej strukturę nanokrystaliczną.
Preparation and photocatalytic activity of B-doped titanium dioxide
PublicationOtrzymano TiO2 domieszkowany borem, aktywny w reakcjach fotodegradacji pod wpływem światła widzialnego (λ>400 nm). Fotokatalizatory otrzymano poprzez hydrolizę tytanianu(IV) izopropylu w obecności związków boru lub poprzez ucieranie ST-01 z prekursorami B i następnie kalcynację w temperaturze 450stC. Jako źródło boru zastosowano kwas borowy (0,5 i 10%wag.) lub trietylo ester kwasu borowego (0,5; 1; 5 i 10%wag.). Najwyższą aktywność...
Luminescence and Luminescence Kinetics of Gd3Ga5O12Polycrystals Doped with Cr3+and Pr3+
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High Pressure Spectroscopy of Ce Doped Yag Crystal
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Dosimetric features of strontium orthosilicate (Sr2SiO4) doped with Eu2+
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Spectroscopic Properties of Yb3+/Tb3+Doped Germanate Glasses
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Spectroscopic properties of rare earth doped germanate glasses
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Capillary optical fibre with Sm3+doped ribbon core
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Multicore fibers doped with neodymium for fiber laser application
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Carbon laminates with RE doped optical fibre sensors
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<title>Multicore optical fibre doped with neodymium</title>
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Physical properties of polyazomethine thin films doped with iodine
PublicationPurpose: The aim of this paper is to show influence of doping 1,4-phenylene-methylenenitrilo-1,4-phenylenenitrilomethylene (PPI) with iodine and to propose doping mechanism and its impact on electronicstructure of doped PPI thin films.Design/methodology/approach: Influence of iodine doping on electronic structure of polyazomethine thinfilms was investigated. Optical absorption spectra, XRD spectra and AFM images of doped PPI...
Infrared Stimulated Luminescence of Ce3+ Doped YAG Crystals
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Heteropolyanion-doped polypyrrole as catalyst for ethyl alcohol conversion
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Study of radioluminescence in LiMgPO4 doped with Tb, B and Tm
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H3PMo12O40-doped polyacetylene as a catalyst for ethyl alcohol conversion
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Heteropolyanions doped polyacetylene—Preparation, spectroscopic and catalytic properties
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Preparation and Characterization of Rutile-Type TiO2 Doped with Cu
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Boron doped carbon nanotubes via ceramic catalysts
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Investigation of manganese-doped iron ammonia synthesis catalysts
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Optimization of microstructure and properties of acceptor-doped barium cerate
PublicationThe presented research concerns acceptor doped barium cerate and the attempts of improvement of its production method that would allow obtaining the solid electrolyte characterized by the particular properties. The authors suggest combining two production methods, molten salt synthesis and self-combustion, in order to achieve the compound material that has some of the advantages of both of the initial methods. An impact of nickel...
Applying of Doped Graphene Oxide Coatings for Corrosion Prevention
PublicationINTRODUCTION Graphene is a carbonaceous material characterized by extraordinary properties (high electron mobility, high surface area, high mechanical strength of 1100 GPa, very dense network hindering the passage of even the smallest helium atoms) [1]. Therefore, it found many applications, also as an anti-corrosive layer [2]. Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) is one of the methods to deposit coatings. However, due to slight solubility...
Water uptake analysis of acceptor-doped lanthanum orthoniobates
PublicationIn this work, lanthanum orthoniobates doped with either antimony, calcium, or both have been synthesized and studied. The water uptake of the investigated materials has been analyzed by means of thermogravimetric studies. The results show the difference between the thermodynamics of hydration between the lanthanum orthoniobate system and other proton conducting ceramics. The relation between the water uptake and effective acceptor...
PublicationHydroxyapatite (HAp) ceramic materials are considered as one of the most promising implant materials in bone surgery and in dentistry. They exhibit unique biocompatibility, bioactivity, and osteoconductivity, which are the most desirable biomaterial features. However, HAp itself is brittle, has low strength, high degree of crystallinity and low solubility at physiological pH. Doping synthetic HAp with metal ions plays an important...
DFT studies of the refractive index of boron-doped diamond
PublicationThe density functional theory is one of the optimal solutions in calculation of optical properties of materials on the quantum scale. In this paper, we have investigated the refractive index of a boron-doped diamond structure with the usage of Atomistic Toolkit software from Synopsys. During this study, various methods and pseudopotentials were checked to obtain an optimal performanceaccuracy method for calculation of such materials....