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Search results for: fdtd
3D Macromodels in the FDTD filter analysis.
PublicationW artykule pokazane jest zastosowanie makromodeli 3D do analizy filtrow metoda FDTD. Makromodele tworzone są w oparciu o opis objętości metodą FDFD, a następnie redukcję równań stanu metodą ENOR. Metoda pozwala na uzyskanie dużych dokładności przy czasie obliczeń zbliżonym do siatki podstawowej.
Stability of the FDTD scheme containing macromodels.
PublicationZaprezentowano analizę stabilnościową algorytmu różnic skończonych w dziedzinie czasu zawierającego makromodele. Pokazano, że dla uzyskania stabilnych makromodeli stabilność schematu FDTD połączonego z makromodelami zależy od sposobu przeprowadzenia interpolacji pól granicznych. Maksymalny dozwolony krok czasowy jest dużo większy niż dla subgriddingu.
Model order reduction for subgridding in fdtd scheme
PublicationW artykule zaprezentowana została technika pozwalająca na uzyskanie wysokiej rozdzielczości w metodzie FDTD. Prezentowany algorytm jest połączeniem metod redukcji rzędu modelu i lokalnych zagęszczeń zaimplementowanych do FDTD. Pozwala to zmniejszyć liczbę użytych zmiennych stanu, a także skrócić krok czasowy, co skutkuje znacznie krótszym czasem symulacji, niż w przypadku klasycznej metody FDTD.
Advanced Macromodel Matrix Structure Cloning for FDTD
PublicationWe propose an improved macromodel-based techniquefor efficient analysis of the structures based on PhotonicCrystals (PhC). The technique involves a new structure of thecoupling matrix and advanced cloning of not only the macromodel matrices, but also the coupling matrices SE and SH.The method allows one to shorten considerably the preprocessingtime, the RAM usage and also the iterating speed of performingFDTD. With this...
Optimization of a FDTD code for graphical processing units
PublicationArtykuł prezetuje implementację algorytmu FDTD w postaci jawnej przeznaczonej dla kart graficznych. Wykazany został wzrost efektywności obliczeń numerycznych w odniesieniu do implementacji przeznaczonej dla procesora komputerowego.
Hybridization of the FDTD method with use of the discrete Green's function
PublicationIn this contribution, a hybrid technique is presented which combines the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method and the discrete Green's function (DGF) formulation of this method. FDTD is a powerful technique for the analysis of complex penetrable objects but its application is not efficient when the computational domain includes many free-space cells. Therefore, the hybrid method was developed which is applicable to complex...
Accuracy of the Discrete Green's Function Formulation of the FDTD Method
PublicationThis paper reports an evaluation of the accuracy of the discrete Greens function (DGF) formulation of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. Recently, the closed-form expression for the DGF and its efficient numerical implementation were presented, which facilitates applications of the DGF in FDTD simulations of radiation and scattering problems. So far, the accuracy of the DGF formulation of the FDTD method has been...
Implementation of matrix-type FDTD algorithm on a graphics accelerator
PublicationArtykuł prezetuje implementację algorytmu FDTD w postaci macierzowej przeznaczonej dla kart graficznych. Wykazany został wzrost efektywności obliczeń numerycznych w odniesieniu do implementacji przeznaczonej dla procesora komputerowego.
Windowing of the Discrete Green's Function for Accurate FDTD Computations
PublicationThe paper presents systematic evaluation of the applicability of parametric and nonparametric window functions for truncation of the discrete Green's function (DGF). This function is directly derived from the FDTD update equations, thus the FDTD method and its integral discrete formulation can be perfectly coupled using DGF. Unfortunately, the DGF computations require processor time, hence DGF has to be truncated with appropriate...
Fast implementation of FDTD-compatible green's function on multicore processor
PublicationIn this letter, numerically efficient implementation of the finite-difference time domain (FDTD)-compatible Green's function on a multicore processor is presented. Recently, closed-form expression of this discrete Green's function (DGF) was derived, which simplifies its application in the FDTD simulations of radiation and scattering problems. Unfortunately, the new DGF expression involves binomial coefficients, whose computations...
A technique of stabilizing FDTD-subgridding algorithm using reciprocity principle
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wykorzystanie zasady wzajemności w procesie stabilizacji zagęszczania siatki dla fdtd. Metoda ta oryginalnie służyła tylko do sprawdzenia stabilności algorytmów zagęszczających siatki fdtd, jednak pozwala ona na zmianę współczynnika sprzężenia pomiędzy polami występującymi na brzegach w ten sposób, że algorytm siatkowania jest stabilny. Zaprezentowana metoda została zweryfikowana testami numerycznymi pod...
Acceleration of the DGF-FDTD method on GPU using the CUDA technology
PublicationWe present a parallel implementation of the discrete Green's function formulation of the finite-difference time-domain (DGF-FDTD) method on a graphics processing unit (GPU). The compute unified device architecture (CUDA) parallel computing platform is applied in the developed implementation. For the sake of example, arrays of Yagi-Uda antennas were simulated with the use of DGF-FDTD on GPU. The efficiency of parallel computations...
OpenGL accelerated method of the material matrix generation for FDTD simulations
PublicationThis paper presents the accelerated technique of the material matrix generation from CAD models utilized by the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) simulators. To achieve high performance of these computations, the parallel-processing power of a graphics processing unit was employed with the use of the OpenGL library. The method was integrated with the developed FDTD solver, providing approximately five-fold speedup of the material...
Implementation of FDTD-Compatible Green's Function on Graphics Processing Unit
PublicationIn this letter, implementation of the finite-difference time domain (FDTD)-compatible Green's function on a graphics processing unit (GPU) is presented. Recently, closed-form expression for this discrete Green's function (DGF) was derived, which facilitates its applications in the FDTD simulations of radiation and scattering problems. Unfortunately, implementation of the new DGF formula in software requires a multiple precision...
Au–Si plasmonic platforms: synthesis, structure and FDTD simulations
PublicationPlasmonic platforms based on Au nanostructures have been successfully synthesized by directional solidification of a eutectic from Au and the substrate. In order to determine homogeneous shape and space distribution, the influence of annealing conditions and the initial thickness of the Au film on the nanostructures was analyzed. For the surface morphology studies, SEM and AFM measurements were performed. The structure of platforms...
Provisional model technique in the FDTD analysis of high-q resonators.
PublicationW artykule zaproponowano nową metodą wyznaczania wartości współczynnika dobroci oraz częstotliwości rezonansowych rezonatorów dużej dobroci na podstawie odpowiedzi układów w dziedzinie czasu. Przebiegi czasowe, będące rezultatem symulacji pełnofalowej układów, modelowane są dwukrotnie. Pierwszy model, tzw. model prowizoryczny, wykorzystywany jest do przedłużenia oryginalnego ciągu czasowego w celu zapobieżenia zniekształceniu wspomnianego...
How to render FDTD computations more effective using agraphics accelerator.
PublicationGraphics processing units (GPUs) for years have been dedicated mostly to real time rendering. Recently leading GPU manufactures have extended their research area and decided to support also graphics computing. In this paper, we describe an impact of new GPU features on development process of an efficient finite difference time domain (FDTD) implementation.
Parallel implementation of the DGF-FDTD method on GPU Using the CUDA technology
PublicationThe discrete Green's function (DGF) formulation of the finite-difference time-domain method (FDTD) is accelerated on a graphics processing unit (GPU) by means of the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) technology. In the developed implementation of the DGF-FDTD method, a new analytic expression for dyadic DGF derived based on scalar DGF is employed in computations. The DGF-FDTD method on GPU returns solutions that are compatible...
FDTD Simulations on Disjoint Domains with the Use of Discrete Green's Function Diakoptics
PublicationA discrete Green's function (DGF) approach to couple disjoint domains in the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) grid is developed. In this method, total-field/scattered-field (TFSF) FDTD domains are associated with simulated objects whereas the interaction between them is modeled with the use of the DGF propagator. Hence, source and scatterer are simulated in separate domains and updating of vacuum cells, being of little interest,...
Low order autoregressive (AR) models for FDTD analysis of microwave filters.
PublicationArtykuł opisuje zastosowanie modeli AR w celu poprawy efektywności analizy struktur filtrujących metodą różnic skończonych w dziedzinie czasu (FD-TD). Opisanych jest szereg kryteriów pozwalających na automatyczne tworzenie modeli AR sygnałów czasowych, w tym wybór fragmentu odpowiedzi układu stanowiący podstawę ekstrakcji współczynników modelu, współczynnika decymacji oraz rzędu modelu. Skuteczność wprowadzonych kryteriów...
Acceleration of the Discrete Green’s Function Formulation of the FDTD Method Based on Recurrence Schemes
PublicationIn this paper, we investigate an acceleration of the discrete Green's function (DGF) formulation of the FDTD method (DGF-FDTD) with the use of recurrence schemes. The DGF-FDTD method allows one to compute FDTD solutions as a convolution of the excitation with the DGF kernel. Hence, it does not require to execute a leapfrog time-stepping scheme in a whole computational domain for this purpose. Until recently, the DGF generation...
FDTD Method for Electromagnetic Simulations in Media Described by Time-Fractional Constitutive Relations
PublicationIn this paper, the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is derived for electromagnetic simulations in media described by the time-fractional (TF) constitutive relations. TF Maxwell’s equations are derived based on these constitutive relations and the Grünwald–Letnikov definition of a fractional derivative. Then the FDTD algorithm, which includes memory effects and energy dissipation of the considered media, is introduced....
Discrete Green's function approach to disjoint domain simulations in 3D FDTD method
PublicationA discrete Green’s function (DGF) approach to couple 3D FDTD subdomains is developed. The total-field/scattered-field subdomains are simulated using the explicit FDTD method whilst interaction between them is computed as a convolution of the DGF with equivalent current sources measured over Huygens surfaces. In the developed method, the DGF waveforms are truncated using the Hann’s window. The error varies in the range -65 to -40...
Crank–Nicolson FDTD Method in Media Described by Time-Fractional Constitutive Relations
PublicationIn this contribution, we present the Crank-Nicolson finite-difference time-domain (CN-FDTD) method, implemented for simulations of wave propagation in media described by time-fractional (TF) constitutive relations. That is, the considered constitutive relations involve fractional-order (FO) derivatives based on the Grünwald-Letnikov definition, allowing for description of hereditary properties and memory effects of media and processes....
Implementation of FDTD-compatible Green's function on heterogeneous CPU-GPU parallel processing system
PublicationThis paper presents an implementation of the FDTD-compatible Green's function on a heterogeneous parallel processing system. The developed implementation simultaneously utilizes computational power of the central processing unit (CPU) and the graphics processing unit (GPU) to the computational tasks best suited to each architecture. Recently, closed-form expression for this discrete Green's function (DGF) was derived, which facilitates...
Reinforcement Learning Algorithm and FDTD-based Simulation Applied to Schroeder Diffuser Design Optimization
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to propose a novel approach to the algorithmic design of Schroeder acoustic diffusers employing a deep learning optimization algorithm and a fitness function based on a computer simulation of the propagation of acoustic waves. The deep learning method employed for the research is a deep policy gradient algorithm. It is used as a tool for carrying out a sequential optimization process the goal of which is...
Parallel Implementation of the Discrete Green's Function Formulation of the FDTD Method on a Multicore Central Processing Unit
PublicationParallel implementation of the discrete Green's function formulation of the finite-difference time-domain (DGF-FDTD) method was developed on a multicore central processing unit. DGF-FDTD avoids computations of the electromagnetic field in free-space cells and does not require domain termination by absorbing boundary conditions. Computed DGF-FDTD solutions are compatible with the FDTD grid enabling the perfect hybridization of FDTD...
Hybrid Technique Combining the FDTD Method and Its Convolution Formulation Based on the Discrete Green's Function
PublicationIn this letter, a technique combining the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method and its formulation based on the discrete Green's function (DGF) is presented. The hybrid method is applicable to inhomogeneous dielectric structures that are mutually coupled with wire antennas. The method employs the surface equivalence theorem in the discrete domain to separate the problem into a dielectric domain simulated using the FDTD method...
FDTD-Compatible Green's function based on scalar discrete Green's function and multidimensional Z-transform
PublicationIn this contribution, a new formulation of the discrete Green's function (DGF) is presented for the finitedifference time-domain (FDTD) grid. Recently, dyadic DGF has been derived from the impulse response of the discretized scalar wave equation (i.e., scalar DGF) with the use of the multidimensional Z-transform. Its software implementation is straightforward because only elementary functions are involved and a single function...
Structure, luminescent properties and FDTD simulation of TeO2-BaO-Bi2O3-Ag:Ln3+ glass-ceramics system
PublicationTeO2-BaO-Bi2O3-Ag glass systems (TBB) co-doped with terbium and europium ions have been successfully synthesized through conventional melt-quenching technique. Heat treatment procedure at 350 °C has been conducted in order to synthesize silver nanoparticles embedded in TBB glass matrix. Structural measurements involved XRD studies that revealed no crystallization of glass structure after heat treatment at elevated temperatures....
Recurrence scheme for FDTD-compatible discrete Green's function derived based on properties of Gauss hypergeometric function
PublicationIn this paper, the formulation of one-dimensional FDTD (Finite-difference time-domain)-compatible discrete Green's function (DGF) is derived based on the Gauss hypergeometric function (GHF). The properties of GHF make it possible to derive the recurrence scheme only in the time domain for the DGF generation. Furthermore, this recurrence scheme is valid for any stable time-step size and can be implemented using standard numerical...
A New Expression for the 3-D Dyadic FDTD-Compatible Green's Function Based on Multidimensional Z-Transform
PublicationIn this letter, a new analytic expression for the time-domain discrete Green's function (DGF) is derived for the 3-D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) grid. The derivation employs the multidimensional Z-transform and the impulse response of the discretized scalar wave equation (i.e., scalar DGF). The derived DGF expression involves elementary functions only and requires the implementation of a single function in the multiple-precision...
Analysis of radiation and scattering problems with the use of hybrid techniques based on the discrete Green's function formulation of the FDTD method
PublicationIn this contribution, simulation scenarios are presented which take advantage of the hybrid techniques based on the discrete Green's function formulation of the finite-difference time-domain (DGF-FDTD) method. DGF-FDTD solutions are compatible with the finite-difference grid and can be applied for perfect hybridization of the FDTD method. The following techniques are considered: (i) DGF-FDTD for antenna simulations, (ii) DGF-based...
Analytical Expression for the Time-Domain Green's Function of a Discrete Plane Wave Propagating in the 3-D FDTD Grid
PublicationIn this paper, a closed-form expression for the time-domain dyadic Green’s function of a discrete plane wave (DPW) propagating in a 3-D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) grid is derived. In order to verify our findings, the time-domain implementation of the DPW-injection technique is developed with the use of the derived expression for 3-D total-field/scattered-field (TFSF) FDTD simulations. This implementation requires computations...
Analytical Expression for the Time-Domain Discrete Green's Function of a Plane Wave Propagating in the 2-D FDTD Grid
PublicationIn this letter, a new closed-form expression for the time-domain discrete Green's function (DGF) of a plane wave propagating in the 2-D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) grid is derived. For the sake of its verification, the time-domain implementation of the analytic field propagator (AFP) technique was developed for the plane wave injection in 2-D total-field/scattered-field (TFSF) FDTD simulations. Such an implementation of...
Tuning of the plasmon resonance location in Au nanostructures coated with a ultrathin film of Al2O3 – Optical measurements and FDTD simulations
PublicationThe Au nanostructures have been coated with an ultra-thin films of amorphous aluminium oxide. Optical absorption spectra show the influence of the thickness of Al2O3 on plasmon resonance wavelength. The observed red-shift of the resonance location with the increase of the thickness of the Al2O3 film, can be explained by the change in the dielectric function of this film. It allows control of the optical spectra of the coated particles....
Porównanie klasycznych i ewolucyjnych metod projektowanie dyfuzorów akustycznych w warunkach odsłuchowych symulowanych metodą FDTD
PublicationW niniejszym rozdzaiel przedstawione zostanie porównanie dwóch podejść do projektowania dyfuzorów akustycznych. Pierwsze z nich bazuje na klasycznych założeniach dotyczących wykorzystywania sekwewncji pseudolosowych. Drugie z nich wykorzystuje automatyczne podejście bazujące na wykorzystaniu algorytmów genetycznych. Porównanie takie pozwala na określenie zalet i wad podejśc klasycznych oraz podejśc bazujących na zastosowaniu algorytmu...
Application of the discrete Green's function-based antenna simulations for excitation of the total-field/scattered-field interface in the FDTD method
PublicationIn this article, the discrete Green's function formulation of the finite-difference time-domain (DGF-FDTD) method is proposed for simulation of wire antennas irradiating inhomogeneous dielectric scatterers. Surface equivalence theorem in the discrete domain is used to separate the problem into an inhomogeneous domain and a wire antenna that are simulated with the use of FDTD and DGF-FDTD, respectively. Then, the excitation of the...
Zastosowanie symulacji metodą różnic skończonych w dziedzinie czasu (FDTD) w kształceniu inżynierów w zakresie optyki i elektrodynamiki
PublicationZrozumienie zjawisk związanych z propagacją fal elektromagnetycznych stanowi kluczowy etap kształcenia inżynierów w dziedzinach związanych z optyką, elektroniką oraz telekomunikacją. Oprócz opanowania aparatu matematycznego oraz metod projektowych istotne jest intuicyjne zrozumienie treści przekazywanych podczas kursów optyki i elektrodynamiki. W realizacji tego celu praktyczną pomoc dydaktyczną stanowić mogą wizualizacje i symulacje...
Accuracy of the discrete Green's function computations
PublicationThis paper discusses the accuracy of the discrete Green's function (DGF) computations. Recently closed-form expression of the DGF and its efficient numerical implementation were presented which facilitate the DGF applications in FDTD simulations of radiation and scattering problems. By carefully comparing the DGF results to those of the FDTD simulation, one can make conclusions about the range of the applicability of the DGF for...
Grouping macromodels by using multilevel model order reduction
Publicationartykuł pprezentuje nowatorską technikę grupowania makromodeli dla metody fdtd. nowa technika bazuje na schemacie wielopoziomowej redukcji rzędu modeli. grupowanie makromodeli pozwala na zwiększenie szybkości symulacji w porównaniu do niezgrupowanych makromodeli, zapewniając przy tym porównywalną dokładność.
Eficient multimode mixed time-frequency domain analysis and optimization of waveguide structures.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiona jest pełnofalowa analiza i optymalizacja struktur falowodowych o zadanej topologii. Nieciągłości falowodowe analizowane są z wykorzystaniem metody FDTD-IBC oraz scharakteryzowane uogólnioną macierzą rozproszenia. Efektywność metody zilustrowana jest na przykładzie filtru falowodowego siódmego rzędu.
Eficient multimode mixed time-frequency domain analysis and optimization of waveguide structures.
PublicationW pracy przedstawiona jest pełnofalowa analiza i optymalizacja struktur falowodowych o zadanej topologii. Nieciągłości falowodowe analizowane są z wykorzystaniem metody FDTD-IBC oraz scharakteryzowane uogólnioną macierzą rozproszenia. Efektywność metody zilustrowana jest na przykładzie filtru falowodowego siódmego rzędu.
Acceleration of the discrete Green's function computations
PublicationResults of the acceleration of the 3-D discrete Green's function (DGF) computations on the multicore processor are presented. The code was developed in the multiple precision arithmetic with use of the OpenMP parallel programming interface. As a result, the speedup factor of three orders of magnitude compared to the previous implementation was obtained thus applicability of the DGF in FDTD simulations was significantly improved.
Hybrid analysis of microwave components in cylindrical coordinates with function expansion in subdomains.
PublicationW artykule zaproponowano wydajną metodę przyspieszenia analizy FDTD, poprzez podział dziedziny obliczeniowej i zastosowanie różnych algorytmów w różnych elementach dziedziny. Zaproponowano uniwersalną metodę łączenia techniki PEE (Partial Eigenfunction Expansion)i niezmodyfikowanej FDTD w jednej analizie. Uzyskano redukcję liczby zmiennych oraz wydłużenie kroku czasowego.
Applications of the discrete green's function in the finite-difference time-domain method
PublicationIn this paper, applications of the discrete Green's function (DGF) in the three-dimensional (3-D) finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method are presented. The FDTD method on disjoint domains was developed employing DGF to couple the subdomains as well as to compute the electromagnetic field outside these subdomains. Hence, source and scatterer are simulated in separate subdomains and updating of vacuum cells, being of little...
A fast high-resolution 3-D Finite Difference Time-Domain scheme with macromodels.
PublicationZaprezentowano szybki trójwymiarowy wysokorozdzielczy algorytm różnic skończonych w dziedzinie czasu. Zwiększona rozdzielczość osiągnięta została poprzez połączenie standardowego schematu FDTD z makromodelami silnie zagęszczonych objętości stworzonych przez zastosowanie redukcji rzędu modelu. Nowy schemat FDTD z makromodelami jest wyprowadzony. Koszt numeryczny nowej metody jest wyestymowany. Doskonałe wyniki zostały zaobserwowane...
Makromodele w metodzie różnic skończonych.
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową technikę zwiększającą dokładność i szybkość pełnofalowej analizy złożonych struktur mikrofalowych wykorzystującą technikę redukcji rzędu modelu ang. Model Order Reduction (MOR) w połączeniu z metodami różnic skończonych (FDTD, FDFD). Zastosowanie wysokorozdzielczego algorytmu FDTD i FDFD zawierającego makromodele pozwala na dobre odwzorowanie zmienności pól elektromagnetycznych w całej dziedzinie obliczeniowej....
Exact modal absorbing boundary condition for waveguide simulations - discrete Green's function approach
PublicationA modal absorbing boundary condition (ABC) based on the discrete Green's function (DGF) is introduced and applied for termination of waveguides simulated by means of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method. The differences between the developed approach and implementations already demonstrated in the literature are presented. By applying DGF, a consistent theoretical approach to modal ABC in the FDTD method is obtained....
Numerical modeling of GPR field in damage detection of a reinforced concrete footbridge
PublicationThe paper presents a study on the use of the ground penetrating radar (GPR) method in diagnostics of a footbridge. It contains experimental investigations and numerical analyses of the electromagnetic field propagation using the finite difference time domain method (FDTD). The object of research was a reinforced concrete footbridge over a railway line. The calculations of the GPR field propagation were performed on a selected cross-section...