total: 21
Search results for: laccase
Hybrid battery based on arylated carbon nanotubes and laccase
PublicationSingle-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) were covalently modified with anthracene and anthraquinone and used for the construction of cathodes for biocatalytic reduction of dioxygen. The nanotubes with aromatic groups casted onto the electrode increased the working surface of the electrode and enabled efficient direct electron transfer (DET) between the enzyme and the electrode. The aryl groups enter the hydrophobic pocket of the...
Hybrid biobattery based on arylated carbon nanotubes and laccase
PublicationJednościenne nanorurki węglowe modyfikowano resztami antracenu i antrachinonu Otrzymany materiał posłużył do modyfikacji elektrody węglowej w celu jej zastosowania do redukcji tlenu w bioogniwie paliwowym. Nanorurki z aromatycznymi grupami zwiększyły powierzchnię elektrody oraz przyczyniły się do zwiększenia bezpośredniego przeniesienia elektronów. Grupy arylowe mogą wnikać do hydrofobowej kieszeni enzymu, w której znajduje się...
Hybrid biobateryy based on arylated carbon nanotubes and laccase
PublicationSingle-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) were covalently modified with antracene and antraquinone and used for the construction of cathodes for biocatalytic reduction od dioxygen. The nanotubes with aromatic groups casted onto the electrode increased the working surface of the electrode and enabled efficient direct electron tarnsfer (DET) between the enzyme and the electrode. the aryl groups enter the hydrophobic pocket of the T1...
The application of magnetically modified bacterial cellulose for immobilization of laccase
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Carbon Nanotubes Derivatized with Mediators for Laccase Catalyzed Oxygen Reduction.
PublicationPrzedstawiono konstrukcję elektrody w której wykorzystano nanorurki modyfikowane znanym mediatorem (ABTS). Cząsteczki mediatora przyłączono do ścian bocznych nanorurek oraz do ich końców. Porównano parametry elektrod zbudowanych w oparciu o nanorurki modyfikowane kowalencyjnie w różny sposób. Zaobserwowano pozytywny wpływ modyfikowanych nanorurek na parametry elektrody.
High catalytic performance of laccase wired to naphthylated multiwall carbon nanotubes
PublicationThe direct electrical connection of laccase on the electrode surface is a key feature in the design of efficient and stable biocathodes. However, laccases can perform a direct electron transfer only when they are in the preferable orientation toward the electrode. Here we report the investigation of the orientation of Laccase from Amano on multi-walled carbon nanotube surface modified with naphthalene group. Naphthylated multi...
Rotating magnetic field as tool for enhancing enzymes properties - laccase case study
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Induced-fit binding of laccase to gold and carbon electrodes for the biological fuel cell applications
PublicationAnalogues of laccase natural substrates (syringic, veratric, ferulic, vanillic, isovanillic, 3,5-dimethoxybenzoic aldehydes) were employed to bind and orient laccase molecules in a way which facilitates adsorption of the catalyst molecules and their electrical connection with the conductive support. Laccase was bound efficiently to these substrates both on gold and carbon electrodes forming, respectively, 2D and 3D films sensitive...
Aryl and N-arylamide carbon nanotubes for electrical coupling of laccase to electrodes in biofuel cells and biobatteries
PublicationSingle walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) were equipped with aryl residues by chemical reactions. These insoluble materials were used to substitute classical soluble mediators, which help to transfer electrical charge between the conducting electrode and the redox active center of enzyme molecules. The effect of different aryl residues on the efficiency of the catalytic reduction of dioxygen in the presence of laccase was systematically...
Fully enzymatic mediatorless fuel cell with efficient naphthylated carbon nanotube-laccase composite cathodes
PublicationAn efficient, mediator-free enzymatic glucose/O2 biofuel cell with an oxygen intensive anode based on glucose dehydrogenase is presented. In the device,the power of the biofuel cell and electrode potentials of each of the enzymatic electrodes were monitored in parallel under the biofuel cell working conditions. The carbon nanotube composite biocathode demonstrates an almost constant electrode potential vs. saturated calomel electrode...
Powerful connection of laccase and carbon nanotubes: Material for mediator-free electron transport on the enzymatic cathode of the biobattery
PublicationOpisany został sposób wytwarzania koniugatów lakaza - jednościenne nanorurki węglowe i ich zastosowanie jako materiałów modyfikujacych katodę w hybrydowym bioogniwie paliwowym z cynkową anodą. Nanorurki węglowe z przyłączonymi grupami aminoetylowymi stanowiły materiał wyjściowy do chemicznego związania lakazy na ich powierzchni. Otrzymany materiał wykazywał wysoką aktywność bioelektrokatalityczną i jest obiecujacym materiałem do...
Purification and recovery of laccase produced by submerged cultures of Trametes versicolor by three-phase partitioning as a simple and highly efficient technique
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Sandwich Biobattery with Enzymatic Cathode and Zinc Anode Integrated with Sensor
PublicationCarbon paper covered with side-naphthylated multi walled carbon nanotubes was used as the conducting support for the construction of a biocathode in a hybrid biofuel cell. Laccase Carrena unicolor enzyme was employed as the catalyst for the 4e reduction of oxygen and a zinc disc covered with hopeite was used as the anode. Derivatized carbon nanotubes increase the working surface of the electrode and provide direct contact with...
Fluoroaromatic substituents attached to carbon nanotubes help to increase oxygen concentration on biocathode in biosensors and biofuel cells
PublicationBased on the known ability of perfluorodecalin/perfluorohydrocarbons to enhance oxygen solubility we modified oxygen sensitive biocathode by adding perfluorinated components to the catholite. This procedure improved the efficiency of the oxygen sensitive cathodes. Glassy carbon electrodes covered with single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) with covalently bonded perfluoroaromatic groups were shown to be more sensitive to oxygen,...
Glucose/O2 biofuel cell to generate electricity
PublicationOgniwa paliwowe mogą stanowić jedną z głównych technologii do produkowania energii w przyszłości. Pozwalają na uzyskanie energii elektrycznej i ciepła bezpośrednio z zachodzącej w nich reakcji chemicznej. Glukoza utleniana jest do glukonolaktonu przez enzym Glucose Oxidase, który jest immobilizowany ze specyficznym mediatorem na anodzie, podczas gdy tlen jest redukowany do wody za pomocą enzymu Laccase zimmobilizowanego ze specyficznym...
Structural insights, biocatalytic characteristics, and application prospects of lignin-modifying enzymes for sustainable biotechnology
PublicationLignin modifying enzymes (LMEs) have gained widespread recognition in depolymerization of lignin polymers by oxidative cleavage. LMEs are a robust class of biocatalysts that include lignin peroxidase (LiP), manganese peroxidase (MnP), versatile peroxidase (VP), laccase (LAC), and dye-decolorizing peroxidase (DyP). Members of the LMEs family act on phenolic, non-phenolic substrates and have been widely researched for valorization...
Bee Pollen and Bee Bread as a Source of Bacteria Producing Antimicrobials
PublicationThe principal objective of the study was the isolation and identification of bacteria that are present in mature bee bread (BB) and dried (ready for selling and consumption) bee pollen (BP). Obtained isolates were screened for their potential to inhibit select human pathogenic bacteria and their ability to produce enzymes of particular industrial importance. Four and five samples of BP and BB, respectively, were used for the study....
Derivatization of single-walled carbon nanotubes with redox mediator biocatalytic oxygen electrodes
PublicationSingle-walled carbon nanotubes were covalently modyfied with a redox mediator derived from 2,2'-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazole)-6-sulfonic acid.
Enzymatic electrodes nanostructured with functionalized carbon nanotubes for biofuel cell applications
PublicationNanostructured bioelectrodes were designed and assembled into a biofuel cell with no separating membrane.
Oznaczanie tlenu – od metody Winklera do czujników enzymatycznych (Determination of oxygen – from Winkler Method to enzymatic sensor)
PublicationMonitoring of dioxygen levels is of utmost importance from the view-point of life processes, medical diagnostics, nutrition and chemical industries. In all these measurements both low and high levels of this element are important. The common methods for the determination of dioxygen are the Winkler method, Clark electrode and pulsoxymeters. A new, already strong field of research can be now recognized – the development of miniaturized...
Biobatteries and biofuel cells with biphenylated carbon nanotubes
PublicationSingle-walled carbon nanotubes covalently biphenylated are used for the construction of cathodes in a flow biobattery and in flow biofuel cell. Zinc covered with a hopeite layer is the anode in the biobattery and glassy carbon electrode covered with bioconjugates of single-walled carbon nanotubes with glucose oxidase and catalase is anode of the biofuel cell. The potentials of the electrodes are measured vs. the Ag/AgCl reference...