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Search results for: mip
Introduction to MIP synthesis, characteristics and analytical application
PublicationOne of the trends in analytical chemistry is associated with designing and developing new types of sample preparation techniques, which might significantly increase the efficiency and selectivity of the analytes isolation or/and preconcentration process. One of the most widely employed solutions are selective sorption materials, defined as molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs), as well as the sorbents with the molecular fingerprint....
Engineering boron and nitrogen codoped carbon nanoarchitectures to tailor molecularly imprinted polymers for PFOS determination
PublicationPer- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have gained significant attention as emerging contaminants due to their persistence, abundance, and adverse health effects. Consequently, the urgent need for ubiquitous and effective sensors capable of detecting and quantifying PFAS in complex environmental samples has become a priority. In this study, we present the development of an ultrasensitive molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP)...
Application of molecularly imprinted polymers in analytical chiral separations and analysis
PublicationOver the last two decades the process of development and application of a new types of molecular imprinted polymer (MIP) sorbents in the field of analytical chemistry have been widely described in the literature. One of the new trends in analytical chemistry practice is the use of new types of MIP sorbents as specific sorption materials constituting the stationary phase in advanced separation techniques. The following review paper...
Quantum and carbon dots conjugated molecularly imprinted polymers as advanced nanomaterials for selective recognition of analytes in environmental, food and biomedical applications
PublicationSamples with complex matrix analyzed during explanation of pathogenesis of various diseases and food or environmental monitoring request advanced analytical and instrumental devices. Among the materials used for described purposes, quantum (QDs) or carbon dots (CDs) layered by molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) shells have gained widespread attention. Unique optical and physicochemical properties of QDs/CDs together with high...
A magnetic imprinted polymer nano-adsorbent with embedded quantum dots and mesoporous carbon for the microextraction of triazine herbicides
PublicationA magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer (MMIP) adsorbent incorporating amino-functionalized magnetite nanoparticles, nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots and mesoporous carbon (MIP@MPC@NGQDs@ Fe3O4–NH2) was fabricated to extract triazine herbicides from fruit juice. The embedded magnetite nanoparticles simplified the isolation of the adsorbent from the sample solution. The N-GQDs and MPC enhanced adsorption by affinity binding...
Quality assessment of mobile host services in IP networks
PublicationW pracy opisano podstawowe protokoły wspierające komunikację stacji ruchomych w sieciach IP. Przedmiotem zainteresowania były w szczególności rozwiązania MIP oraz Calkular IP i HAWAII - wspierające mobilność w skali makro bądź mikro. Przeprowadzono badania symulacyjne wskazujące na przydatność powyższych protokołów w przypadku różnych konfiguracji sieci.
Computational modeling of molecularly imprinted polymers as a green approach to the development of novel analytical sorbents
PublicationThe development of novel molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP) sorbents for specific chemical compounds require a lot of tedious and time-consuming laboratory work. Significant quantities of solvents and reagents are consumed in the course of the verification of appropriate configurations of polymerization reagents. Implementation of molecular modeling in the MIP sorbent development process appears to provide a solution to this...
Uncertainty of Postmortem Time Estimation Based on Potassium Ion Determination in Vitreous Humor Using Potentiometric Ion-Selective Electrode and Microwave-Induced Plasma with Optical Emission Spectrometry Methods
PublicationThere is a need for a reliable and independent evaluation and confirmation of the post-mortem interval (PMI) based on objective factors other than only postmortem changes or temperature measurements. Estimating the PMI by examining the concentration of potassium ions in the vitreous humor (VH) has a tradition in forensic toxicology dating back to the mid-20th century. So far, the methods for determining the presence of potassium...
Możliwości wykorzystania w praktyce analitycznej sorbentów polimerowych z odciskiem molekularnym do wyodrębniania i/lub wzbogacania analitów z grupy trwałych zanieczyszczeń organicznych z próbek środowiskowych
PublicationPrzedstawiono przegląd informacji, które się pojawiły w ciągu ostatniego okresu czasu dotyczących wykorzystania w codziennej praktyce analitycznej różnego typu rozwiązań metodycznych wykorzystujących na etapie izolacji i/lub wzbogacania analitów z grupy trwałych zanieczyszczeń organicznych (TZO) sorbentów polimerowych z odciskiem molekularnym (MIP). Tego typu sorbenty znalazły szerokie zastosowanie przede wszystkim jako alternatywne...
PublicationIt is now widely accepted that the incorporation of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) into sample preparation techniques has enabled unprecedented selectivity performance of analytical methods for the determination of a wide range of analytes in biological, food and environmental samples. However, according to the Principles of Green Chemistry and the subsequent Principles of Green Sample Preparation, it is clear that MIPs...
Assessing ecotoxicity, synergic and antagonistic actions of commonly used components of polymerization mixture in molecularly imprinted polymers preparation process
PublicationIncreasingly, the challenge is the optimal process of developing a suitable MIP-type sorptive material (taking into account its final form and application area), which is mainly related to the efficiency/effectiveness of the polymerization process. The lack of reaction or its low efficiency generates additional waste and puts it into the environmental cycle. The main aim of the performed research was the estimation of ecotoxicity,...
Molecularly imprinted polymers applied in capillary electrochromatography and electrophoresis techniques
PublicationMolecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are synthetic materials with predetermined selectivity for a particular analyte or group of structure-linked chemicals which make them an ideal separation component. The process of developing and applying new types of MIPs in the field of environmental analytical chemistry has been broadly discussedi n many scientific studies in recent years. The use of new types of MIP sorbents as unique sorption...
AGREEMIP: The Analytical Greenness Assessment Tool for Molecularly Imprinted Polymers Synthesis
PublicationMolecular imprinting technology is well established in areas where a high selectivity is required, such as catalysis, sensing, and separations/sample preparation. However, according to the Principles of Green Chemistry, it is evident that the various steps required to obtain molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are far from ideal. In this regard, greener alternatives to the synthesis of MIPs have been proposed in recent years....
Seamless roaming between UMTS and IEEE 802.11 networks.
PublicationW artykule opisano metody przełączania pomiędzy systemami UMTS i sieciami standardu IEEE 802.11 - wykorzystującymi protokół MIP. Zaproponowano parametry i ........związane z przełączeniami połączeń, pozwalające na zwiększenie efektywności pracy systemów końcowych, uzyskujących dostęp do Intrnetu za pomocą wspomnianych wyżej systemów. Propozycje zostały zweryfikowane metodami symulacyjnymi, z wykorzystaniem symulatora NS-2.
Insight into the microstructural and durability characteristics of 3D printed concrete: Cast versus printed specimens
PublicationThis study presents the comparison of microstructural and durability characteristics of 3D printed concrete (3DPC) depending on its production method (printing or casting). Printed samples with different numbers of layers, as well as a cast specimen with an identical mix composition, were produced and compared, with their microstructural pore and solid characteristics quantitatively and qualitatively investigated. For this purpose,...
Recent advancements in molecularly imprinted polymers for the removal of heavy metal ions and dyes
PublicationContamination set off by highly toxic metal ions and dyes is a big threat to the environment and living beings. Various industries like metal plating, mining, pesticides, battery manufacturing, and dyeing release metal ions and toxic dyes directly into the water. It is necessary to remove these toxic substances from the environment. Molecular imprinting technology (MIT) got a lot of attention in the last two decades because of...
Molecularly imprinted polymers for the detection of volatile biomarkers
PublicationIn the field of cancer detection, the development of affordable, quick, and user-friendly sensors capable of detecting various cancer biomarkers, including those for lung cancer (LC), holds utmost significance. Sensors are expected to play a crucial role in the early-stage diagnosis of various diseases. Among the range of options, sensors emerge as particularly appealing for the diagnosis of various diseases, owing to their cost-effectiveness,...
Chiral-based optical and electrochemical biosensors: Synthesis, classification, mechanisms, nanostructures, and applications
PublicationThis review seeks to collect, summarize, classify and discuss the latest advances in chiral-based optical biosensors. Starting from the identification of chiral molecules, photoluminescence, and electrochemical sensors, applications of chiral structures in biosensing molecules are reviewed. Then, biosensors working on the basis of chirality are classified, followed by summarizing the outcomes of research works on design, synthesis,...
Rheological, Mechanical, Microstructural and Radiation Shielding Properties of Cement Pastes Containing Magnetite (Fe3O4) Nanoparticles
PublicationThis work examines the influence of iron oxide nanoparticles (Fe3O4 NPs) on neutron and gamma-ray radiation shielding characteristics of Portland cement paste. Experimental evaluations were supplemented with theoretical studies using NXCom program. Portland cement pastes with 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 wt% of nanomagnetite cement replacement were produced. Moreover, rheological, early strength development, compressive strength, and...
Application of multicriteria decision analysis to assess the greenness of molecularly imprinted polymers synthesis components
PublicationThe study applies multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) to rank the components of molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) synthesis according to their greenness. The components are taken from papers that are describing synthesis of MIPs for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) sorbents. Functional monomers (n = 14), target/surrogate molecules (n = 10), porogens (n = 8), cross-linking agents (n = 8) and initiators (n = 4) are described...
Chemical insight into pros and cons of coffees from different regions
PublicationThe main aim of this work was to study the chemical composition of eighteen ground coffees from different countries and continents with regard to the content of hazardous substances as radioactive elements (40K, 226Ra, 228Ra, 234U, 238U and 137Cs), metals, including heavy metals, aluminum and some microelements (V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) as well as substances that have a positive effect on human health and well-being (polyphenols,...
High Quality Multi-Zone and 3D CFD Model of Combustion in Marine Diesel Engine Cylinder
PublicationThe paper presents a 3D model of the processes taking place in the cylinder of a large 4-stroke marine engine. The model is based on CFD calculations performed on the moving mesh. The modelling range includes the full duty cycle (720° crankshaft position) and the complete geometry of the cylinder with inlet and exhaust ducts. The input data, boundary conditions and validation data were obtained by direct measurements on the real...
Do You Know What You Drink? Comparative Research on the Contents of Radioisotopes and Heavy Metals in Different Types of Tea from Various Parts of the World
PublicationThe aim of this study was to assess the potential health risks of radioactive elements and heavy metals ingested through the consumption of various types of tea imported to the Polish market (black, green, red, oolong and white). The concentrations [Bq/kg] of radionuclides (40K, 137Cs, 226Ra, 210Pb and 228Th) in tea leaves before and after brewing were measured using γ-ray spectrometry with high-purity germanium (HPGe). The concentrations...
Wspieranie mobilności w Internecie
PublicationDostęp do Internetu dla użytkowników mobilnych może być realizowany poprzez sieć z infrastrukturą dostępu. Wymaga to wprowadzenia rozwiązań protokolarnych umożliwiających lokalizację i aktualizowanie informacji o położeniu przemieszczających się stacji. Pojawia się wiele problemów oraz wiele podejść, spośród których część zaprezentowano w niniejszej pracy.