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Search results for: polyurethanes
PublicationThe chapter content is devoted to Polyurethanes and consists of the following items: general characteristics of polyurethanes, raw materials used in the synthesis of crosslinked polyurethanes, synthesis and crosslinking reactions of polyurethanes, morphology of liniear and branched PU, manufacturing methods and functional properties.
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PublicationHandbook of Thermoset Plastics, Fourth Edition provides complete coverage of the chemical processes, manufacturing techniques and design properties of each polymer, along with its applications. This new edition has been expanded to include the latest developments in the field, with new chapters on radiation curing, biological adhesives, vitrimers, and 3D printing. This detailed handbook considers the practical implications of using...
Recycling of Polyurethanes
PublicationPolyurethane waste can be recycled by mechanical methods (i.e., grinding and applying as a filler or pressing with a bonding agent) and chemical methods (mainly by e.g., glycolysis, hydrolysis, or aminolysis). There is also possibility to the recover energy from polyurethanes waste (by incineration, gasification, and pyrolysis).
Isocyanate-Free Polyurethanes
PublicationIsocyanate-free polyurethanes (also called non-isocyanate polyurethanes, or NIPUs) are alternatives to the conventional (commercially used) polyurethanes synthesized using di- or polyisocyanates, polyols, and chain extenders with low molecular weight. The major routes of NIPUs’ synthesis involve polyaddition of cyclic carbonates and di- or polyamines, polycondensation of carbamates, and diols. The most important intermediates are...
Non-isocyanate Polyurethanes
PublicationThe main aim of this chapter is to present a general overview of the NIPU synthesis method (i.e., polycondensation and polyaddition), and to describe structure and properties of selected intermediates and final polymeric products. The focus is on five-membered ring cyclic carbonate intermediates, which were obtained by cycloaddition of carbon dioxide to selected glycidyl ethers and thiol-ene coupling of unsaturated cyclic carbonates...
Recycling of Polyurethanes Containing Flame-Retardants and Polymer Waste Transformed into Flame-Retarded Polyurethanes
PublicationThe growing number of polyurethanes (PUs) produced every year has developed methods for their mechanical and chemical recycling which yield valuable products like substitutes for commercial polyols or flame-retardants. PUs can be produced in different shapes and forms (i.e., elastomers, flexible or rigid foams, coatings, etc.) using several different components (i.e., di- or polyisocyanates, ester- or ether-based polyols, low-molecular...
Polyurethanes modified with natural polymers for medical application. I. Polyurethanes/ Chitosan and polyurethane/collagen.
PublicationFor over three decades polyurethanes (PUR or PU) have been reported for application in a variety of medical devices. These polymers consist of hard and soft segments, which allow for more subtle control of their structure and properties. By varying the composition of the different segments, properties of PURcan be tuned up for use in many areas of medicine. Recently there is a great interest in modification of biomedical PUR with...
Development of polyurethanes for bone repair
PublicationThe purpose of this paper is to review recent developments on polyurethanes aimed at the design, synthesis, modifications, and biological properties in the field of bone tissue engineering. Different polyurethane systems are presented and discussed in terms of biodegradation, biocompatibility and bioactivity. A comprehensive discussion is provided of the influence of hard to soft segments ratio, catalysts, stiffness and hydrophilicity...
Polyurethanes as a carrier of drugs for gentamicin
PublicationGentamicin is one of the most popular drug and is widely used due to its antibiotic properties. 3% of world production of polyurethanes (PU) is dedicated to biomedical applications, where they can serve are parts of orthopedic prosthesis or artificial organs, disposable medical devices, wound and burn dressing, contact lenses among others. In the study, to obtain drug carriers, a combination of these two materials were prepared...
Novel Research on Biomedical Polyurethanes
PublicationThe variety of mechanical properties characterizes properly designed PURs. They may be biocompatible and reveal compatibility with blood, making them attractive materials for the fabrication of tissue scaffolds; however, like all synthetic materials, PURs don’t reveal sufficient biocompatibility. PURs may undergo certain chemical modifications (e.g., 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-D-sorbitol, ascorbic acid (AA), growth factors, covering with...
Degradation of polyurethanes in sea water
PublicationOceniono degradowalność różnych poliuretanów w wodzie morskiej Bałtyku. Porównano te dane z wynikami stopnia degradacji poliuretanów w wodzie morskiej z dodatkiem azydku sosowego. Ocenę stopnia degradacji przeprowadzano na podstawie pomiarów zmian masy, właściwości mechanicznych i morfologii przed i po procesie degradacji. Wykazano, że różna podatność na degradację poliuretanów w wodzie morskiej związana jest z ich odmiennym stopniem...
Non-Isocyanate-Based Waterborne Polyurethanes
PublicationNon-isocyanate polyurethanes (NIPUs) are a greener alternative for the conventional polyurethanes synthesized using toxic and moisture-sensitive di- or polyisocyanates. The most often described method of NIPU synthesis involves the reaction of five-membered cyclic carbonates with amines, and resulting polymers containing primary and secondary hydroxyl groups (so they are also known as polyhydroxyurethanes), which can be further...
Bioactive polyurethanes applied as a surgical implants
PublicationSynthetic materials are applied in many branches of the industry, i.a. in medicine as a casing of apparatus, elements of artificial organs (hearts, blood vessels), catheters, wound healings, intra aortic balloons, mammary implants to mention but a few. Polymeric material used in such applications must be distinguished by a good biocompatybility. Since many years extensive research are employed to develop a new polymers that can...
Polyurethanes containing organically modified clay
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano wyniki badań dotyczące wpływu nowego, krajowego, modyfikowanego glinokrzemianu (BZ-COCO) na elastomery poliuretanowe. Dla otrzymanych układów określono podstawowe właściwości mechaniczne, termiczne oraz przeprowadzono analizę struktury.
Novel Polyurethanes as Antifouling Paint Matrices
PublicationThe new poly(ester-ether urethane)s (PEEUR) were prepared in two stage synthesis from formerly obtained oligo(alkylene ester-ether)diols (OAEE) and 4,4‘-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI). PEEUR samples were subjected to crosslinking with styrene in the presence of radical polymerization initiators: methyl ethyl ketone peroxide (MEKPO) or cobalt 2-ethyl cyclohexanoate (EtHCo). Crosslinked PEEUR were characterized by their physicochemical...
Polyurethanes for Coating, Adhesives, and Other Applications
PublicationAn interesting group of polyurethane (PU) materials are coatings, adhesives, sealants, and thickeners. A wide base of raw materials and various methods of PU synthesis allows production of materials with a wide range of properties that can be commonly used in many industries. This chapter describes the main types of PU coatings and adhesives and special application PUs and the methods of their production. The materials described...
Renewable Resources for Polyurethanes and Polyurethane Composites: A Review
PublicationEach year, more than two million tons of polyurethane is produced in the EU by reacting isocyanates with polyols made from fossil fuel. In addition, there are appreciable quantities of petroleum based functional additives applied in the industry nowadays for both polyols and polyurethane materials. It is therefore of key importance to develop sustainable economically viable polyols with enhanced functionalities, and thereby reducing...
Degradation of polyurethanes in Compost Under Natural Conditions
PublicationThe estimation of degradibility of different polyurethanes under natural weather depending conditions in compost pile was the subject of the studies. The incubation of polymer samples took place for a period up to 24 months. The characteristic parameters of the compost: temperature, pH, moisture content, and activity of dehydrogenasis were monitored and their influence on degradation of polyuiretahnes was discussed. The compostability...
Gelatin-Modified Polyurethanes for Soft Tissue Scaffold
PublicationRecently, in the field of biomaterials, which are being designed for soft tissue scaffolding, is growing the interest of their modification with natural polymers. Synthetic polymers are often hard, not easy to process and they do not possess fine biodegradable profile. From the other hand natural polymers are biocompatible, but weak when used alone. The combination of natural and synthetic polymers gives the suitable properties...
Morphology of polyurethanes revisited by complementary AFM and TEM
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań mikroskopowych TEM i AFM były lane segmentowe poliuretany o zawartości 30 i 50% segmentu sztywnego. Stwierdzono obecność sferolitów (poziom mikrometrów), fibryl i globul. Ponadto zastosowanie AFM pozwoliło na zbadanie nanomorfologii badanych poliuretanów. Zaobserwowano krótkie, cylindropodobne domeny segmentów sztywnych rozproszone w matrycy segmentów giętkich.
Raman microscopy in the studies of microphase-separated polyurethanes.
PublicationPorównano możliwości badawcze różnych odmian spektroskopowych do analizy po-limerów. Podano przykłądy wykorzystania połączonych technik mikroskopowych ispektroskopowych do badania polimerów wielofazowych. Na tej podstawie wyka-zano zasadność zastosowania po raz pierwszy mikroskopii Ramana w badaniachwielofazowych poliuretanów. Wykazano różnice składu chemicznego poszczegól-nych elementów mikromorfologii wielofazowych, segmentowych...
The influence of synthetic polyhydroxybutyrate on selected properties of novel polyurethanes for medical applications. Part I. Polyurethanes with aromatic diisocyanates in hard segments
PublicationZsyntetyzowano poliuretany (PUR) z udziałem 37% segmentu sztywnego uzyskanego na etapie przedłużania łańcucha prepolimeru w reakcji 4,4â-diizocyjanianu difenylometanu (MDI) z 1,4-butanodiolem (1,4-BD). Segmenty giętkie wytworzonych PUR były zbudowane z poli([R,S]-3--hydroksymaoelanu) (a-PHB) i polikaprolaktonodiolu (PCL) lub z a-PHB i polioksytetrametylenodiolu(PTMG). Zbadano wpływ obecności w łańcuchu PUR syntetycznego a-PHB...
Environmental impact and industrial development of biorenewable resources for polyurethanes
PublicationPolyurethanes are among the most developed types of polymers. They are produced from the three primary components, i.e., polyols, low-molecular-weight glycols used as chain extenders, and diisocyanates. Until recently, all these substrates have been obtained via petrochemical processes. A decrease in petroleum-based resources and new ecological trends in chemistry, chemical technology, and materials engineering have generated increasing...
Chemical structures and physical properties of cured segmental polyurethanes
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań były poliuretany (PUR) segmentowe otrzymywane w dwuetapowej syntezie oligomerycznego α,ω-dihydroksy(adypinianu etylenowo-butylenowego) oraz dwóch różnych aromatycznych diizocyjanianów: 4,4'-diizocyjanianu difenylenometanu (MDI) albo MDI modyfikowanego diizocyjanianem karbodiimidu. Na etapie przedłużania łańcucha, oprócz typowo używanego do tego celu 1,4-butanodiolu, stosowano triol - 1,3-dihydroksy-2-(hydroksymetyleno)propan...
Wide range of properties of polyurethanes for medicine - characterization of biomaterials
PublicationW artykule opisano różnorodność poliuretanów stosowanych na polu biomedycznym. Wyrózniono mtody otrzymywania materiałów o róznych własciwościach, a tym samym zastosowaniach. Opisano 10 serii potrzymanych PU oraz wyniki charakterystyki fizycznej, powierzchniowej i biologicznej tych poliuretanów.
The properties of polyurethanes based on synthetic polyhydroxybutyrate for medical application
Multiphase separated polyurethanes studied by micro Raman spectroscopy.
PublicationPrzedmiotem badań były poliuretany o zawartości 30% segmentów sztywnych,charakteryzujące się obecnością globul i sferolitów. Badania za pomocą mikro Ramana wykazały różny skład chemiczny w wymienionych mikroobszarach. W globulach stwierdzono zanik obecności segmentów giętkich lub ich bardzo znikomą ilość w porównaniu z matrycą i sferolitami.
Thermoplastic polyurethanes with glycolysate intermediates from polyurethane waste recycling
PublicationThe polyol is a major component in polyurethane formulations and therefore introducing to the formulation recycled polyol (obtained during decomposition process) allows decreasing the usage of pure petrochemical components. In this work, thermoplastic polyurethanes were prepared using various mixtures of a petrochemical macrodiol poly(ethylene-butylene adipate)diol (PEBA) and a recycled glycolysate intermediate, called glycolysate...
Thermal and mechanical properties of polyurethanes modified with L-ascorbic acid
PublicationIn this study we report the thermal and mechanical properties of polyurethanes modified with ascorbic acid (AA). Ascorbic acid was used as a modifier at concentration of 1 or 2 mass%. The antioxidative properties of AA may improve the biocompatibility of the obtained materials, which were designed for biomedical applications. In this paper we describe characterization of obtained unmodified and ascorbic acid modified polyurethanes...
The influence of bio-based monomers on the structure and thermal properties of polyurethanes
PublicationMost polyurethanes (PU) are currently produced through the polyaddition reaction of polyisocyanates with polyols and chain extenders, using components of petrochemical origin. From an environmental and geopolitical point of view, and with regard to the problems of oil supply and processing, the replacement of petrochemical PU raw materials with renewable resources is highly desirable. It is also one of the principles of sustainable...
Investigation of Thermoplastic Polyurethanes Synthesized via Two Different Prepolymers
PublicationThe man aim of this work was to investigate the effect of the molecular weight of polyols, mixture of prepolymers, and [NCO]/[OH] molar ratio used during the prepolymer chain extending step on the chemical structure, thermomechanical and mechanical properties, and thermal stability of thermoplastic poly(ether-urethane)s In this work thermoplastic poly(ether-urethane)s were synthesized by using polyols with a various molecular weight,...
Molecular and charge mobility of a poloxamer in the bulk and as soft component in polyurethanes
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Synthesis and characterization of novel aliphatic polyurethanes for tissue engineering applications
PublicationSummarizing, in this thesis was described the synthesis of novel PUR system, which was obtained by using aliphatic diisocyanate (HDI), amorphous macrodiol (PEBA) and chain extender (BDO). This PUR system was established as suitable for TE purpose and successfully modified with AA, which as expected improved its biocompatibility. According to this, AA-modified HDI-based PURs is the PUR system ready for further studies including...
Thermal analysis and static strength of polyurethanes obtained from glycolysates
PublicationPrzeprowadzono analizę termiczną i zbadano właściwości wytrzymałościowe poliuretanów otrzymanych z glikolizatów o różnej budowie chemicznej. Glikolizaty pozyskiwano w procesie recyklingu surowcowego odpadów poliuretanowych o niskiej gęstości. Środkiem glikolizującym był propano-1,3-diol. Poliuretany z glikolizatów syntezowano metodą prepolimerową z MDI i BDO jako przedłużacza łańcuchów. Nie stosowano katalizatorów.
The progress in characterization of polyurethanes morphology with different microscopic methods----WYJAŚNIĆ-----
PublicationW pracy opisano wyniki badań dotyczące analizy morfologii poliuretyanów określanej różnymi metodami. Omówiono mikroskopię optyczną, elektronową, mikroskopię termiczną, mikroskopię fluoroscencyjną, mikro-Ramana i mikroskopię sił atomowych.
Thermal and Mechanical Properties of Microporous Polyurethanes Modified with Reduced Graphene Oxide
PublicationMicroporous polyurethanes (MPU) were modified by adding 0.25%–1.25 wt% of reduced graphene oxide (RGO). The materials were prepared without solvent via in situ polymerization. From a technological point of view, it is very important to obtain functional materials by using reacting compounds only. The thermal characteristics of obtained MPU were investigated using TGA, DSC, and DMA techniques. In comparison to nonmodified microporous...
Thermoplastic polyurethanes derived from petrochemical or renewable resources: A comprehensive review
PublicationThermoplastic polyurethanes (TPUs) materials are obtained by the reaction of polyol (ether-, ester-, and carbonate-based diols with average molecular weight in the range from 1,000 to 3,000 g/mol) with aliphatic or aromatic diisocyanates. Synthesized materials consist of the hard and soft segments which are separated in different level. All mechanical and thermal properties of TPUs depend on the chemical structure of used monomers,...
Electroconductivity and mechanical properties of carbon black Printex L6 filled polyurethanes
PublicationOpisano uzyskanie i badania kompozycji poliuretanowo-sadzowych na bazie sadzy przewodzącej Printex L6. Zaprezentowano wyniki badań nad wpływem udziału napełniacza przewodzącego na przewodnictwo elektryczne stałoprądowe i właściwości mechaniczne uzyskanych materiałów.
Molecular mobility of liquid crystalline polyurethanes modified by polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes
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Hydration and glass transition of hybrid non-isocyanate polyurethanes with POSS inclusions
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Polyurethanes with POSS pendent on flexible hard segments: Morphology and glass transition
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Thermal properties of polyurethanes synthesized using waste polyurethane foam glycolysates
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki analizy termicznej (DMTA i TG-FTIR) glikolizatów i otrzymanych z nich poliuretanów. Glikolizaty uzyskiwano w reakcji odpadowej pianki poliuretanowej z 1,6 heksametylenodiolem (HDO) przy różnym stosunku masowym pianki do HDO (1:1 - 10:1). Poliuretany syntezowano metodą dwuetapową z prepolimeru (diizocyjanian MDI + glikolizat), który przedłużano handlowym małocząsteczkowym glikolem.
Antibacterial polyurethanes, modifed with cinnamaldehyde, as potential materials for fabrication of wound dressings
PublicationThe epidermis is a skin layer, which protects an organism from the different factors of external environment. Therefore, the fast and effective regeneration of epidermis is important. Potential materials used for epidermis regeneration may be polyurethane scaffolds in form of the thin permeable layers. One and main disadvantage of such polyurethane scaffolds are their lack of antibacterial and antifungal properties. The great proposition...
Advances in the degradation and recycling of polyurethanes: biodegradation strategies, MALDI applications, and environmental implications
Publicationolyurethanes pose significant environmental challenges due to their limited recyclability and slow biodegra- dation. This review highlights recent advancements in polyurethanes degradation and recycling, with a partic- ular focus on the application of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization techniques. This methods have made significant progress in analyzing environmental contamination by polyurethanes, offering a detailed...
The structure of novel polyurethanes containing synthetic poly[(R,S)-3-hydroxybutyrate]
PublicationThe aim of this study was to estimate the structure of new polyurethanes with the potential to be used in medicine. Atactic poly[(R,S)-3-hydroxybutyrate], obtained via a ring-opening polymerization, and polycaprolactonediol or polyoxytetramethylenediol were used to built the soft segments. 4,4'-methylene dicyclohexyl diisocyanate and 1,4-butanediol were the components to form hard segments. Polyurethanes with low-molecular weight...
A New Approach to Chemical Recycling of Polyamide 6.6 and Synthesis of Polyurethanes with Recovered Intermediates
PublicationA new efficient method for the chemical decomposition of polyamide 6.6 by the glycolysis and amino-glycolysis processes was proposed. The glycolysis was conducted using the mass excess of ethylene glycol (EG) as a decomposing agent in the presence of a catalyst. Also, a mixture of EG and triethylenetetramine was used as another decomposing agent in the amino- glycolysis process. The described process of decomposition did not...
Advanced coating of interior of tanks for rising environmental safety - novel applications of polyurethanes
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DSC Study of Polyurethanes obtained from 4,4'-Bis(10-Hydroxydecaoxy)biphenyl
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Direct and indirect effects of POSS on the molecular mobility of polyurethanes with varying segment M