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Search results for: research
Methodological aspects in conducting scientific research - quantitative research
PublicationThis article presents a description of the methodological aspects of conducting (quantitative) scientific research. The publication focuses on the media industry, as it was the case in the previous article about methodological aspects of conducting qualitative research. The publication commences with an indication of scientific theory in the light of reference books, a definition and explanation of...
Action Research: Cooperation of Practitioners and Researchers for Knowledge Development in Public Organisations
PublicationAction Research (AR) is not only a research method or a research strategy for solving a research problem, but also an effective tool for developing knowledge and implementing changes in the organization. The aim of AR is to bring about a change within the studied area and get participants to initiate changes, in which the researcher and the recipient collaborate in investigating the problem and developing a relevant solution. AR...
Bridging Research and Practice: The Impact of Scientific Research on Tourism and Handicrafts
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Research into flows in turbine blade seals. Part I: Research methods
PublicationOpisano numeryczną i doświadczalną metodę badania przepływu w uszczelnieniu nadbandażowym stopnia turbinowego. Badania numeryczne przeprowadzono programem Fluent, a badania doświadczalne wykonano na powietrznej turbinie modelowej. Zamieszczono przykładowe wyniki.
The Digital Research Revolution
PublicationMarketing research has been through a significant evolution in the digital age. The evolution of technology has had a cross-cutting impact on the discipline. In light of this, a perspective is presented on how this impact has been reflected in marketing research. A review of traditional techniques is provided, followed by a description of the reconceptualization of traditional methods resulting from the application of new technologies....
Chinese Law Research Guide
PublicationA journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. This Research Guide will be the first step in your journey with Chinese law. China grows more important every day from a global perspective. However, studying and conducting research on Chinese law can be extremely challenging, especially if you do not know Mandarin well. This book is intended as a compact but comprehensive research guide that would provide students (especially...
Algerian Researchers' Attitudes Towards Employing Artificial Intelligence Applications in Scientific Research: A Survey Study on a Sample of Algerian Researchers
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Research on entrepreneurship – the forms of entrepreneurship
PublicationThe aim of this article is to present suggestions for future directions of research on entrepreneurship, with particular emphasis on different forms of entrepreneurship. The suggestions are preceded by a brief review of research on entrepreneurship. The article is theoretical in nature and does not present any own research, although its content is based on multiple years of experience in studying this phenomenon. The forms of entrepreneurship...
PublicationCrowdfunding recently became a very popular way of funding, which allows funding almost everything, from minor personal projects to expensive commercial ones, as long as we can find investors. It may also be a new opportunity for entrepreneurial researchers, who may attract capital investment in companies that are promised to own developed technologies. Social financing of science is well suited to reduce some of the biggest problems...
SOLAP GIS in maritime research
PublicationMultidimensional Geographical Information System is a system especially designed to acquire, distribute, analyze and visualize complicated spatio-temporal data. Modern Geographical Information System technology can provide easy-to-use, near real-time solutions to many problems from different areas of research. In the article, authors summarize recent works on Spatial Online Analytical Processing (SOLAP) and multidimensional Geographical...
Classification Research On Intraoperative Neuromonitoring
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Novel Research on Biomedical Polyurethanes
PublicationThe variety of mechanical properties characterizes properly designed PURs. They may be biocompatible and reveal compatibility with blood, making them attractive materials for the fabrication of tissue scaffolds; however, like all synthetic materials, PURs don’t reveal sufficient biocompatibility. PURs may undergo certain chemical modifications (e.g., 1,4:3,6-dianhydro-D-sorbitol, ascorbic acid (AA), growth factors, covering with...
Research by design w architekturze
PublicationW książce autor dowodzi, że w twórczym procesie powstawania dzieła architektonicznego, czyli obiektu zaprojektowanego a następnie zbudowanego, oprócz rozważań natury teoretycznej pierwszorzędną rolę odgrywają doświadczenia zdobyte na drodze praktycznego stosowania często na wpół intuicyjnych rozwiązań, mających dopiero w przyszłości stanowić podwalinę architektonicznych teorii. Obserwowana dzisiaj narastająca inwazja intuicji,...
Research and development of hydraulic components
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Areas of research in maritime security
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono analizę ważniejszych aspektów dotyczących ochrony żeglugi (maritime security) oraz zaproponowano nowe kierunki rozwoju.
Editorial: Advances in buckwheat research
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Models in the Research Process of Psoriasis
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Hypertension research into the new millennium
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Internet voting: A research agenda
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Application of biotests in environmental research
PublicationPrzedstawiono możliwości wykorzystania testów opartych na wykorzystaniu materiału biologicznego w badaniach środowiskowych. Dokonano klasyfikacji znanych typów biotestów wykorzystywanych do sumarycznej oceny stopnia skażenia poszczególnych elementów środowiska. Przedstawiono również zebrane informacje na temat wrażliwości niektórych gatunków roślin i zwierząt na substancje toksyczne obecne w środowisku.
Sharing research data across disciplines
PublicationThis monograph is a collection of experiences gathered by the team implementing the Bridge of Data project. However, it is not just a simple summary of the project implementation. It shows and systematizes the substantive and technical works performed by the teams and several issues related to data management itself in various disciplines, represented by members of the scientific team and other researchers from partner universities.The...
Measuring research on radio wave propagation
PublicationTelecommunication connections are increasingly based on the wireless links, both fixed and mobile, carried out under different radio systems. This kind of solution has many advantages. However, the propagation medium is a factor that causes many difficulties in designing wireless networks, because of large diversity of propagation environments. Transmission loss in each environment is determined by many variables phenomena and...
Research on GNSS satellite navigation systems
PublicationThis article contains results of research on two GNSS systems, i.e. GPS and GLONASS. Architectures, signal structures and navigation messages of both systems have been described. Some selected investigation results, concerning receiver performance in presence of interference, have been presented.
Science-Nonscience Research Partnership in Poland
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Balancing agility and discipline in a research project
PublicationSuccessful software development requires both agility and discipline. Optimal selection of methods, however, is not an easy task. The problem becomes even more difficult for long lasting projects. Appropriate selection of methods involving skillful introduction and abandonment of certain practices in time makes the whole process dynamic. The paper presents in this context a research project which was realized in a few iterations....
A survey of medical researchers indicates poor awareness of research data management processes and a role for data librarians
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Innovative Research Into Road Restraint Systems
PublicationKey to understanding the needs and building road infrastructure management tools to prevent and mitigate run-off-road accidents is to identify hazards and their sources which are a result of wrong design, construction, installation and maintenance of road restraint systems [1]. Building such tools requires advanced studies with field tests, simulations and models to demonstrate the effects of selected parameters on road user safety...
Proteomic strategies in research on the cardiovascular system
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Investigate or not - problems with the entrepreneurship research methodology
PublicationRozdział porusza problemy metodologiczne związane z badaniem przedsiębiorczości. Głównym problemem jest mnogość definicji, które przedstawiono na początku rozdziału. Pozostałe omówione problemy to wybór perspektywy badawczej, poziomu analizy oraz okresu analizy.
Research on Biosimilars: pivotal trials and principles
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Current research addressing starch acetylation
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Fashion communication research: A way ahead
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PublicationNowadays in the Czech Republic begins implementation of new types of leadership system with insulated conductors nowadays. This system is used because of the use of conductors in difficulties to reach terrains and lower failure rate. The finding of specific faults is problem, because today's digital protection are not able to find it.
Experimental Research of Implant-Fascia Connections
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki identyfikacji siły zrywającej połączenie implantu z powięzią wykonane z użyciem różnych typów łączników: zszywek lub szwów chirurgicznych. Rozważono pięć typów łączników i pięć typów implantów.
Eye-tracking Web Usability Research
PublicationIn this paper we present the results of a study that aims to evaluate the usability of three selected web services, based on eye–tracking and thinking aloud techniques. The gathered comments and observations, recapitulated and supported by particular measures, allow us to discover and describe typical user behavior pertaining to given tasks to solve.
A review of applications of ellipsometry in corrosion research
PublicationElipsometria jest to nieinwazyjna i bardzo dokładna technika pomiarowa znajdująca coraz więcej zastosowań w badaniach korozyjnych. Poglądowo przedstawiono aktualne zastosowania pomiarów elipsometrycznych. Przeglądu dokonano pod kątem przydatności elipsometrii do wyznaczania grubości oraz charakterystyki optycznej cienkich warstewek pasywnych pokrywających powierzchnię różnych metali. Opisano zastosowanie pomiarów elipsometrycznych...
Application of chemometric methods in environmental research.
PublicationW badaniach analitycznych zastosowanie nowoczesnych technik pomiarowych, połączone ze skróceniem czasu analiz, prowadzi do uzyskiwania obszernych zbiorów danych w stosunkowo krótkim czasie. Zastosowanie specjalnych technik obróbki zbiorów wyników pomiarowych sprawia, że możliwe jest ''wydobycie'' dodatkowych informacji z posiadanych danych. Idealnym narzędziem do tego typu zabiegów może być chemometria. W opracowaniu omówiono teorię...
The CDIO model in architectural education and research by design
PublicationArchitectural education has always been related to experimentation: that is, defining concepts, drawing sketches, working on models, then testing and modifying them. This activity mirrors the CDIO learning methods and objectives. Despite this, research studies into the applicability of the CDIO model in architectural curricula are scarce. In the discipline of architecture, hands-on experiences are associated not only with one of...
PublicationDue to the technological reasons in modern lightweight steel trusses, fabricated from cold- formed sections, positive eccentricities appear in the truss nodes what induce additional forces in the truss chords. To account for the real load-carrying capacity of truss node area the steel structure research in scale 1:1 were conducted. The experiments consisted of two parts: preliminary and proper one, when conclusions from...
Main Outlines of Lightning Research Development in Poland
PublicationThe paper deals with the historical development of lightning protection research, lightning protection ideas and investigations in Poland. The main achievements of lightning research performed at the technical universities in Gdansk, Warsaw and Rzeszow have been characterized. Exemplary main achievements related to natural lightning observations and measurements as well to those performed in laboratory scale tests have been shortly...
PublicationPurpose: This study's primary goal is to present the theoretical concept of family enterprises. Specifically, the results of earlier studies and the issues facing this field of research now will be described. The article also examines the underlying impacts that family control has on business management in order to fill the research gap left by earlier studies on the performance differences between family and non-family enterprises....
Towards Open Research Data in the Economics Discipline
PublicationNowadays, Open Research Data, as one of the three pillars of Open Science (along with Open Access and Open Scholarly Communication), is gaining enormous attention from different academic and commercial environments. A wide range of scientific disciplines represent and produce different types of data and at the same time, gather different issues and problems in terms of sharing and dissemination research output. This chapter aims...
A wireless network for off-shore marine research
PublicationThis paper presents functionality, the most important technology developments and potential use cases of digital communication system, developed to facilitate selected tasks commonly required during off-shore operations and marine research, including: broadband information sharing between platforms isolated from an on-shore communication infrastructure, acquisition of large data-sets from variety of off-shore...
The experimental research on the axially compressed CFFT columns
PublicationThe research objectives is to test the behaviour of the axially compressed glass fiber reinforced polymer tubes CFFT (concrete-filled FRP tube) withe the R-C core.
Degradation of implantable materials – in vivo and in vitro research
PublicationThe article concerns the biological and electrochemical degradation of metallic implants in vivo and in vitro studies. The in vivo research dealt with degradation of plates used to join bones, as well as endoprostheses. The most common damages were: metalosis, breaking in the microstructure changes, breaking in area of holes, as well as plastic deformation throughout the length of an implant. The material used for the research...
Research of leakage magnetic field in deenergized transformer
PublicationThe article deals with the issue of the numerical analysis of the magnetic field occurring around the transformer after it has been powered down. The main goal of this analysis was to examine if it is possible to identify the residual fluxes in the transformer legs based on this fields’ measurements. It was also intended to determine the type and the location of magnetic sensors. Numerical analysis of the magnetic field was performed....
Dynamic Research of Masonry Vault in a Technical Scale
PublicationThe paper presents preliminary results of dynamic tests of the masonry barrel vault in a technical scale. Experimental studies are intended to identify material properties of homogenized masonry vaults under dynamic loads. The aim of the work is to create numerical models to analyse vault’s dynamic response to dynamic loads in a simplest and accurate way. The process of building the vault in a technical scale is presented in the...
Assessment of cloudiness for use in environmental marine research
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EuCARD2: enhanced accelerator research and development in Europe