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Search results for: scenarios
Dynamic Analysis of Enterprise Business Scenarios
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono system wspomagający projektowanie i poprawęscenariuszy procesów biznesowych. Scenariusze są wykonywane oraz monitorowane w środowisku SOA. Zaproponowany system oferuje dynamiczne gromadzenie i ocenianie metryk scenariuszy. Na podstawie wyników analizy wydajność, jakość oraz użyteczność scenariuszy są ulepszane. Dzięki elastycznemu API, system obsługuje dowolną rozszerzalną technologię wykonania scenariuszy...
Lightweight structures in architecture: scenarios for the future
PublicationLightweight structures - structures with a reduced weight, which otherwise retain the qualities necessary for the building performance, ensuring a proper durability and strength, safety, indoor environmental quality and energy efficiency; stuctures which strive for the optimization of structural systems - are in tune with current trends and socio-economic, environmental and technological factors. The growing interest in the lightweight...
Scenarios in the development strategies of larger cities in Poland
PublicationSummary: Planning prepares decisions and future actions. Therefore, future conditions should be considered in planning, in particular strategic planning, due to its long-term nature. To accomplish this, certain prognostic methods should be applied. A scenario method is seen as one of the most useful prognostic method, especially in cases when social and institutional behaviour plays a crucial role. The aim of the paper is an analysis...
Scenarios in regional planning – theory and practice in Poland
PublicationAbstract. It is important to recognise future conditions in planning because it primes future actions. Scenarios are useful prognostic tools, especially when the social and institutional behaviour plays a crucial role. The aims of the paper are: (1) to indicate the roles and the place of scenarios in the strategic plan building process; (2) to analyse and evaluate the application of scenarios in regional planning in Poland; (3)...
Towards Resource Theory of Coherence in Distributed Scenarios
PublicationThe search for a simple description of fundamental physical processes is an important part of quantum theory. One example for such an abstraction can be found in the distance lab paradigm: if two separated parties are connected via a classical channel, it is notoriously difficult to characterize all possible operations these parties can perform. This class of operations is widely known as local operations and classical communication....
Human reliability analysis in the context of accident scenarios
PublicationArtykuł przedstawia problematykę analizy niezawodności człowieka (HRA) w kontekście zidentyfikowanych scenariuszy awaryjnych. Podkreślono potrzebę kontekstowej analizy postępowania człowieka-operatora ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem błędów i uszkodzeń zależnych w rozważanych scenariuszach awaryjnych. Analizę bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego z uwzględnieniem oceny niezawodności człowieka zilustrowano na przykładzie warstw zabezpieczeń...
PublicationIn the paper, a service oriented architecture is used to describe various scenarios of human-oriented enterprises. They can be modeled by BPMN to show basic information flow. We consider business scenarios to present another modeling solution called service orchestration or service mashup. That approach gives an opportunity for the right management through taking the best possible choice of services, or composition of services....
Mashup Approaches for Improving Service Oriented Business Scenarios
PublicationTwo kinds of business scenarios are considered: application- and service-oriented. It is shown that the former are more flexible and easier reconfigurable for both traditional (human-oriented) and IT services. Moreover, complex IT services can be created by simple IT services using the modern mashup technology. It is the reason why such business scenarios can be modeled by BPMN in much easier ways. A simple example of a supply...
Jamming and jamming mitigation for selected 5G military scenarios
PublicationThis paper presents jamming and jamming mitigation techniques, which can be used in relation to emerging military systems based on fifth-generation (5G) technology. Nowadays, 5G technology provides incremental improvements over Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks resulting in the enhancement of civilian communications. Considering enormous possible applications of this new technology, it is feasible to use them in military utilities....
PublicationThe shops of today mostly support the customer by offering him or her products based on basic relationships between products viewed or ordered by users with similar tastes. This common approach may fail in many cases especially when the user does not have sufficient knowledge about the market, or when he or she wants to build a set of products in more than one shop. New categories of smart shop services are proposed in order to...
Overview of the Virtual Transcription Laboratory Usage Scenarios and Architecture
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Using UML/WS-CDL for modelling negotiation scenarios
PublicationW celu usprawnienia realizacji przedsięwzięć ludzkich w Internecie potrzebne jest zdefiniowanie reguł i procedur komunikacji pomiędzy uczestnikami. Scenariusze przedsięwzięć mogą być wyrażane w językach opisu choreografii. Artykuł prezentuje metodologię tworzenia scenariuszy w języku WS-CDL oraz wyniki eksperymentów polegających na przeprowadzeniu negocjacji w Internecie z wykorzystaniem różnych scenariuszy negocjacyjnych.
Abandoned luggage detection - scenarios at Poznan-Lawica airport
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Application of Smart IoT Technology in Project Management Scenarios
PublicationThe report presents a low-cost and flexible solution to control and monitor home and industrial appliances. The popularity of automation devices has increased greatly in recent years due to higher affordability and simplicity through IoT phone and tablet connectivity. For this purpose, we have developed the IoT Outlet: a stand-alone communication unit, used to connect outlets to the internet. The IoT Plug is a power switch which...
Radio Channel Measurements in Body-to-Body Communications in Different Scenarios
PublicationThis paper presents body-to-body radio channel measurements at the 2.45 GHz band, for different body motion scenarios and on-body antenna placements, and both indoor and outdoor environments. Measurement equipment, investigated scenarios and considered environments are described, an initial analysis of results being presented. The mean path loss and the standard deviation depend on the mutual location of transmitting and receiving...
Radio Channel Measurements in Body-to-Body Communications in Different Scenarios
PublicationThis paper presents body-to-body radio channel measurements at the 2.45 GHz band, for different body motion scenarios and on-body antenna placements, and both indoor and outdoor environments. Measurement equipment, investigated scenarios and considered environments are described, an initial analysis of results being presented. The mean path loss and the standard deviation depend on the mutual location of transmitting and receiving...
Methodology of Conformity Testing of VoIP Connections Scenarios for SIP Protocol
PublicationConformity and conformity testing have always had a crucial role in telecommunications. These issues are especially important in VoIP technology with SIP protocol as there are many hardware, software and service implementations. In this paper a methodology of automatic conformity testing of VoIP connections scenarios applying to any IP network is proposed. Example implementation of the methodology as Linux shell scripts is presented....
Necessary and Sufficient Condition for State-Independent Contextual Measurement Scenarios
PublicationThe problem of identifying measurement scenarios capable of revealing state-independent contextuality in a given Hilbert space dimension is considered. We begin by showing that for any given dimension d and any measurement scenario consisting of projective measurements, (i) the measure of contextuality of a quantum state is entirely determined by its spectrum, so that pure and maximally mixed states represent the two extremes...
Mobility’s Influence on System Loss in Off-Body BAN Scenarios
PublicationIn this paper, a measurement campaign for off body communications in an indoor environment is investigated for a set of on-body antennas. The channel impulse response was measured with the user approaching and departing from an off-body fixed antenna using two user dynamics, standing at fixed positions and walking. The processing of the measurement data allowed to evaluate system loss statistics. Different antenna configurations...
Fundamental Schemes to Determine Disjoint Paths for Multiple Failure Scenarios
PublicationDisjoint path routing approaches can be used to cope with multiple failure scenarios. This can be achieved using a set of k (k> 2) link- (or node-) disjoint path pairs (in single-cost and multi-cost networks). Alternatively, if Shared Risk Link Groups (SRLGs) information is available, the calculation of an SRLG-disjoint path pair (or of a set of such paths) can protect a connection against the joint failure of the set of links...
System Loss Model for Body Area Networks in Room Scenarios
PublicationThis paper presents an analysis of system loss in Body Area Networks for room scenarios, based on a wideband measurement campaign at 5.8 GHz. The measurements were performed with a fixed antenna transmitting vertically and horizontally polarised signals, while the user wears dualpolarised antennas. The average system losses in co- and crosspolarised channels are 41.4 and 42.6 dB for vertically polarised transmitted signals and...
An Experimental Study of Scenarios for the Agent-Based RBF Network Design
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User Mobility’s Influence on System Loss in Off-Body BAN Scenarios
PublicationIn this paper, a measurement campaign for off-body communications in an indoor environment is investigated for a set of on-body antennas. The channel impulse response was measured with the user approaching and departing from an off-body fixed antenna using two user dynamics: standing at fixed positions and walking. The processing of the measurement data allowed to evaluate system loss statistics. Different antenna configurations...
Sustainable Development of Water Housing Using the Example of Poland: An Analysis of Scenarios
PublicationAt the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, Polish cities began the process of returning to live by water. There is a growing interest in water reservoirs not only as places for recreation, but also as new areas suitable for living, at the very center of the city. Unfortunately, due to the lack of appropriate legal regulations, the dynamic development of floating homes (FHs) is starting to raise increasing concerns in Poland. Regardless...
MARKAL long-term power generation scenarios for Poland - Concept of the model
PublicationIn this paper we have presented the concept of Polish MARKAL optimization model developed for the needs of power generation scenarios in long-term perspective i.e. by 2040. The depiction of Polish MARKAL with Reference Energy System structure was provided. In addition, basic model assumptions, energy technology database, projections of electricity demand and power plant ageing pathways were presented. Our goal is to test MARKAL...
Scenarios of mercury emission to air, water and soil in Poland to year 2020
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Quantum-correlation breaking channels, broadcasting scenarios, and finite Markov chains
PublicationOne of the classical results concerning quantum channels is the characterization of entanglementbreakingchannels [M. Horodecki et al., Rev. Math. Phys 15, 629 (2003)]. We address the questionwhether there exists a similar characterization on the level of quantum correlations which may gobeyond entanglement. The answer is fully affirmative in the case of breaking quantum correlationsdown to the, so called, QC (Quantum-Classical)...
Reinforced Secure Gossiping Against DoS Attacks in Post-Disaster Scenarios
PublicationDuring and after a disaster, the perceived quality of communication networks often becomes remarkably degraded with an increased ratio of packet losses due to physical damages of the networking equipment, disturbance to the radio frequency signals, continuous reconfiguration of the routing tables, or sudden spikes of the network traffic, e.g., caused by the increased user activity in a post-disaster period. Several techniques have...
Mobility Managment Scenarios for IPv6 Networks-Proxy Mobile IP-v6Implementation Issues
PublicationManagement of user at the network layer plays an important role in efficient network operation. In the paper, authors' implementation of one of network-based mobility management models, namely Proxy Mobile IPv6, is presented and tested in a number of networking topologies and communication scenarios. The proposed implementation covers PMPIv6 functionality with optional security extensions (use of Diameter protocol) and handover...
Assessment of User Mobility’s Influence on System Loss in Several Body-to-Body Scenarios
PublicationIn this paper, Body-to-Body communications in indoor and outdoor environments for different on-body antenna configurations and different mobility scenarios were studied, based on system loss measurements at 2.45 GHz. The main objective is to properly characterise the influence of the Transmitter-Receiver configuration on system loss and fast fading behaviour, the latter being modelled by the Rice Distribution. Globally, it is observed...
Modelling the optimal delivery of spare parts to vessels: Comparison of three different scenarios
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Conditioning scenarios on regional impact assessment of the Via Hanseatica zone (the Sapphire Arc).
PublicationPraca zawiera cztery scenariusze rozwoju regionalnego strefy wokół drogi Via Hanseatica (Szczecin-gdańsk-Kaliningrad). Scenariusze służą jako podstawa oceny oddziaływań regionalnych (impact essessment) drogi.
Experimental research on evolutionary path planning algorithm with fitness function scaling for collision scenarios
PublicationThis article presents typical ship collision scenarios, simulated using the evolutionary path planning system and analyses the impact of the fitness function scaling on the quality of the solution. The function scaling decreases the selective pressure, which facilitates leaving the local optimum in the calculation process and further exploration of the solution space. The performed investigations have proved that the use of scaling...
Mercury emission to the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources in Europe in 2000 and their scenarios until 2020
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Continuous Biomedical Monitoring in VR Scenarios of Socially Smart and Safe Autonomous Vehicle Interaction
PublicationPedestrians, as vulnerable road users, pose safety challenges for autonomous vehicles (AVs). Their behavior, often unpredictable and subject to change, complicates AV-pedestrian interactions. To address this uncertainty, AV s can enhance safety by communicating their planned trajectories to pedestrians. In this research, we explore the interaction between pedestrians and autonomous vehicles within an industrial environment, focusing...
Mercury emission to the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources in Europe in 2000 and their scenarios until 2020
PublicationPrzedstawiono obecny stan wiedzy na temat emisji rtęci ze źródeł antropogenicznych na terenie Europy w roku 2000. Zebrane dane stanowiły bazę wyjściową do opracowania scenariuszy emisji do roku 2020. Ponad połowa całkowitej emisji, szacowanej na 239 tony, pochodzi z energetyki przemysłowej oraz gospodarstw domowych i jest związana ze spalaniem stałych nośnikow energii. Istotnym źródłem emisji jest również produkcja cementu (ok....
Model of identification of events and accident scenarios for a method of risk and safety assessment of ships in damaged conditions
PublicationW pracy opisano podstawowe problemy związane z identyfikacją zdarzeń i scenariuszy wypadku oraz modelowaniem ryzyka dla alternatywnej metody oceny bezpieczeństwa statków w stanie uszkodzonym. Zastosowano podejście do bezpieczeństwa statków oparte na ocenie zachowania się statku i ocenie ryzyka wypadku. Wskazano możliwości zastosowania modelowania do analizy bezpieczeństwa statków na etapie projektowania, w czasie eksploatacji i...
A new quantum-inspired approach to reduce the blocking probability of demands in resource-constrained path computation scenarios
PublicationThis article presents a new approach related with end-to-end routing, which, owing to quantum-inspired mecha-nisms of prediction of availability of network resources, results in improved blocking probability of incoming requests to establish transmission paths. The proposed scheme has been analyzed for three network topologies and several scenarios of network load. Obtained results show a significant (even twofold) reduction of...
Electronics and telecommunications in Poland, issues and perspectives: Part III. Innovativeness, applications, economy, development scenarios, politics
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PublicationIn this paper, renewable energy sources (RES) support mechanisms in Poland was presented with perspectives of proposed support system modifications, discussed in the project of Renewable Energy Act. In addition, MARKAL model of RES support mechanism was presented, taking into account technology-specific multiplication factors. Two model runs with emission trading system in place and two additional runs without emission trade were...
MARKAL long-term power generation scenarios for Poland: Increasing the share of renewable energy sources by 2040
PublicationIn this paper, renewable energy sources (RES) support mechanisms in Poland was presented with perspec-tives of proposed support system modifications, discussed in the project of Renewable Energy Act. In ad-dition, MARKAL model of RES support mechanism was presented, taking into account technology-specific multiplication factors. Two model runs with emission trading system in place and two additional runs without emission trade...
Techno‐economic evaluation of a natural deep eutectic solvent‐based biorefinery: Exploring different design scenarios
PublicationThis paper presents a comprehensive techno‐economic evaluation of an integrated natural deep eutectic solvent (NADES)‐based biorefinery – a 1 ton day−1 capacity design plant. The key parameters include payback period, net present value (NPV), and internal rate of return (IRR). These were compared with the parameters of conventional biorefineries. The ‘n th plant’ results clearly revealed that the single product‐based biorefinery...
Comparison of blind intubation with different supraglottic airway devices by inexperienced physicians in several airway scenarios: a manikin study
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Comparison of Miller laryngoscope and UEScope videolaryngoscope for endotracheal intubation in four pediatric airway scenarios: a randomized, crossover simulation trial
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A Simulation-Optimization Model for Automated Parcel Lockers Network Design in Urban Scenarios in Pamplona (Spain), Zakopane, and Krakow (Poland)
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Burden of disease scenarios for 204 countries and territories, 2022–2050: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021
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Assessment of Surface Water Resources Based on Different Growth Scenarios, for Borkena River Sub-basin, Awash River Basin, Ethiopia
PublicationThe total annual river flow at the Awash Kombolcha sub-basin of the Borkena river station was estimated to be 4.6 billion cubic meters by 2019-2030. The current average annual flow at the exit measurement station is 544.5Mm3 of the water resources available in the study area. The monthly peak flow of the Borkena River occurs from July to September. In addition, the highest monthly average flow is in August and the lowest is...
Scenarios as a tool supporting decisions in urban energy policy: The analysis using fuzzy logic, multi-criteria analysis and GIS tools
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Emotion Recognition and Its Applications
PublicationThe paper proposes a set of research scenarios to be applied in four domains: software engineering, website customization, education and gaming. The goal of applying the scenarios is to assess the possibility of using emotion recognition methods in these areas. It also points out the problems of defining sets of emotions to be recognized in different applications, representing the defined emotional states, gathering the data and...
Green analytical chemistry introduction to chloropropanols determination at no economic and analytical performance costs?
PublicationIn this study we perform ranking of analytical procedures for 3-monochloropopane-1,2-diol determination in soy sauces with PROMETHEE method. Multicriteria decision analysis was performed for three different scenarios – metrological, economic and environmental, by application different weights to decision making criteria. All three scenarios indicate capillary electrophoresis – based procedure as the most preferable. Apart from...