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Search results for: software project management
Knowledge management based on formal models of software project management
PublicationCelem pracy jest prezentacja kompletnej koncepcji systemów wspierania decyzji w zarządzaniu projektami informatycznymi. Pomysł oparty jest na dynamicznych i samo nastrajających się modelach regułowo-rozmytych. W szczególności proponowane podejście wykorzystuje koncepcje metodologii opartych wiedzy oraz teorii układów dynamicznych oraz zbiorów rozmytych. Zastosowania tego opracowania znajdują się w obszarze wytwarzania produktów...
Supporting Software Project Management Processes Using the Agent System
PublicationThe natural development of information technology area stimulates intense growth of various technologies which support basic organization processes. The range of technologies implies appropriate management thereof, as well as accurate correspondence with conducted activities. Abandonment of activities within individual branches in favour of project approach to performed assignments (especially those connected with software development)...
Methods of building knowledge-based systems applied in software project management
PublicationPraca zawiera rozdział poświecony problematyce budowy systemów z bazami wiedzy dla wspomagania procesów zarządzania. W rozdziale tym przedstawiono metody budowy systemów dla potrzeb zarządzania koncentrując uwagę na systemach opartych na wiedzy. Następnie omówiono możliwości zastosowania teorii zbiorów rozmytych do modelowania wiedzy. Na zakończenie przedstawiono przykład wykorzystania zbiorów rozmytych i systemów opartych na wiedzy...
Concept of building knowledge based systems applied in software project management.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono koncepcję budowy systemów opartych na wiedzy. Koncepcja ta bazuje na wykorzystaniu teorii zbiorów rozmytych oraz metodach ustawicznego modelowania. W artykule wskazano na metody strojenia i adaptacji tych modeli
Statistical process control in software project management : a way to transfer single incident-related knowledge into organizational knowledge
PublicationZaproponowano statystyczne podejście do procesu kontroli zarządzania projektami informatycznymi. Przedstawiono sposób zamiany wiedzy incydentalnej na wiedzę organizacyjną.
Project Management Cycle in the Construction Industry Augmented by Collaborative Innovation Network Software
PublicationProject management is a very broad concept that has in recent times is growing rapidly. Management is especially complex in the construction sector, among the other sectors, due to the high uncertainty of workmanship and complexity of construction projects. Proper project management skills are an important factor in the success of projects, leading to reduced costs and shorten the time of investment. Nevertheless, most of the projects...
Methodologies of Project Management
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Identifying Software Project Risks with the Process Model.
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje podejście do identyfikacji ryzyka w projektach informatycznych oparte na modelowaniu procesów. Podejście obejmuje jawne modelowanie procesów programowych oraz identyfikację ryzyka dwoma dedykowanymi technikami. Artykuł wprowadza meta-model dla wyrażenia ryzyka procesu. Następnie szczegółowo przedstawiono dwie systematyczne techniki identyfikacji ryzyka odwołujące się do modelu procesu i skupiające uwagę analityka...
A method of software project risk identyfication and analysis
Management of changes in software engineering
PublicationPraca zawiera rozdział poświecony problematyce budowy systemów z bazami wiedzy dla wspomagania procesów zarządzania. W rozdziale tym przedstawiono metody budowy systemów dla potrzeb zarządzania koncentrując uwagę na systemach opartych na wiedzy. Następnie omówiono możliwości zastosowania teorii zbiorów rozmytych do modelowania wiedzy. Na zakończenie przedstawiono przykład wykorzystania zbiorów rozmytych i systemów opartych na wiedzy...
Building Project and Project Team Characteristics For Creating Hybrid Management Processes
PublicationThis paper introduces a method of building the characteristic of Software Development Project. Project characteristic is determined on the basis of several factors such as the complexity of Software Development Project and Project Team, results of historical projects and information on processes and methodologies, which are implemented in analyzed organizations. Information on project complexity can be applied to many different...
Software Factory project for enhancement of student experiential learning
PublicationProviding opportunities for students to work on real-world software development projects for real customers is critical to prepare students for the IT industry. Such projects help students to understand what they will face in the industry and experience real customer interaction and challenges in collaborative work. To provide this opportunity in an academic environment and enhance the learning and multicultural teamwork experience,...
Adaptive Management Approach to an Infrastructure Project
PublicationThe paper presents an adaptive approach to project management, illustrated by the description of a case study, i.e., of a project whose aim was to develop the means and prepare the documentation for the revitalization of a railway line. The project itself was a major challenge for the implementers due to a novel and innovative subject thereof, including the construction of a railway line which takes place in a difficult terrain...
Simulation of the IT Service and Project Management Environment
PublicationThe authors of this paper present a simulation of the socio-technical system in which teams of students – regarded as low-maturity organizations – were given a task to utilize the (relatively) mature technologies that support IT project and service management. The experiment consisted of the following phases: teams formation, introduction to technologies used during the simulation, performing a set of reactive and proactive service...
A Concept of a Training Project IT Management System
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Knowledge management in the processes of project requirements analysis
PublicationAuthors, based on one of popular software project management methods as RUP fo-cused on one of most important discipline in project management as requirements management. Authors decomposed the role of the business analyst and present methodological and realizational processes of knowledge managament in traditional and applied sources of knowledge tied with this role. An experiment was conducted in four project teams of all sizes,...
Key concepts for implementation a Web-based project management in wordwide science project
PublicationPraca prezentuje koncepcję stworzenia systemu wspomagania zarządzaniem międzynarodowym projektem naukowym. Szczególny nacisk położono na stworzenie przestrzeni roboczej dla członków projektu, umożliwiającej szybkie i efektywne tworzenie dokumentów oraz efektywną komunikację.
Verification of agent system for it project management support
PublicationThis article is a continuation of article series telling about research about possibility of using agent system to information technology evaluation. Following article presents full conception of exploiting agent system and shows how it can support some managers works, especially in taking correct management method and information tool for project management. In this article the agent system that based on knowledge and can process...
A comprehensive overview of software product management challenges
PublicationThe principal focus of software product management is to ensure the economic success of the product, which means to prolong the product life as much as possible with modest expenditures to maximizs profits. Software product managers play an important role in the software development organization while being responsible for the strategy, business case, product roadmap, high-level requirements, product deployment (release-management),...
Stakeholder identification as a determinant of sustainable project management
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Strategies for Dealing With Software Product Management Challenges
PublicationSoftware product management, which involves multiple processes and responsibilities and links to many activities within the organisation, increases the success rate of IT projects. However, the adoption of product management activities and the implementation of the software product manager role itself varies between companies. This research explores the topic of software product managers’ strategies for dealing with challenges...
Knowledge management embedded in software engineering processes
PublicationW pracy omówiono systemy i narzędzia wspomagające wykrywanie wiedzy ukrytej w procesach związanych z wytwarzaniem skomplikowanych systemów oprogramowania
Knowledge management embedded in software engineering processes
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono model systemu pozyskiwania wiedzy zawartej w procesach inżynierii oprogramowania.
Knowledge management and fuzzy modelling in software engineering
PublicationPraca zawiera rozdział poświecony problematyce budowy systemów z bazami wiedzy dla wspomagania procesów zarządzania. W rozdziale tym przedstawiono metody budowy systemów dla potrzeb zarządzania koncentrując uwagę na systemach opartych na wiedzy. Następnie omówiono możliwości zastosowania teorii zbiorów rozmytych do modelowania wiedzy. Na zakończenie przedstawiono przykład wykorzystania zbiorów rozmytych i systemów opartych na wiedzy...
On the Business Analyst's Responsibilities in an Agile Software Project - A Multi-Method Study
Publication[Context] Agile methods are now used in the majority of software projects, but the definitions of such methods rarely include the role of a business analyst (BA). [Objective] This paper investigates the responsibilities assigned to BAs participating in agile software projects. [Method] We identified potential responsibilities through a systematic literature review (3 databases) and interviews with 6 practitioners. The most commonly...
Impact of Work from Home on Agile Software Project Execution – the Empirical Study
PublicationBackground: The outbreak of a Covid-19 pandemic changed the working patterns of software projects delivery. Aim: The study examines how the work from home (WFH) impacted the software project execution for emergence of differentiating patterns. Method: The data on project execution in two country locations was examined. The population is 3711 projects across 52 months (26 pre- and 26 post-pandemic) is analyzed. The paper identifies the...
Project Team Management Supported by an Agent-Based Model
PublicationThis work is a continuation of a series of works about research into the use of multi-agent systems to support IT project management. Previous studies have shown the possibility of using a multi-agent in order to optimize management decisions concerning the selection of methods for project implementation. It was noted that the project manager's decisions are influenced by three fundamental parameters: the entropy of the project,...
PublicationIn the paper, a service oriented architecture is used to describe various scenarios of human-oriented enterprises. They can be modeled by BPMN to show basic information flow. We consider business scenarios to present another modeling solution called service orchestration or service mashup. That approach gives an opportunity for the right management through taking the best possible choice of services, or composition of services....
Application of Smart IoT Technology in Project Management Scenarios
PublicationThe report presents a low-cost and flexible solution to control and monitor home and industrial appliances. The popularity of automation devices has increased greatly in recent years due to higher affordability and simplicity through IoT phone and tablet connectivity. For this purpose, we have developed the IoT Outlet: a stand-alone communication unit, used to connect outlets to the internet. The IoT Plug is a power switch which...
Project Management in Enterprises: IT Implementation Based on Fuzzy Models
PublicationW pracy analizuje się problem zastosowania metod zarządzania wiedzą oraz metod sztucznej inteligencji w zarządzaniu budżetem i planem realizacji projektów informatycznych. W pierwszej części wskazuje się na problemy związane z zarządzaniem projektami wytwarzania oprogramowania w zakresie planowania i bieżącego sterowania zarówno procesem wytwórczym, jak i zespołem programistów. Po omówieniu pożądanych zmian w metodologii zarządzania,...
Application of blackboard architecture in concurrent environment for it project management.
PublicationOmówiono możliwości zastosowania zasad inżynierii współzadaniowej w procesie projektowania złożonych systemów informatycznych.
Project- and service oriented thinking in engineering management education
Providing for continuous risk management in distributed software projects.
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje koncepcję ciągłego zarządzania ryzykiem w rozproszonych projektach informatycznych. Proponowane podejście koncentruje się na dostarczeniu uczestnikom projektu szerokiego i łatwo dostępnego kanału komunikacyjnego, przez który mogą oni komunikować informację o ryzyku. Zebrane informacje mogą być później analizowane pod różnymi kątami tak, by wybrać największe zagrożenia dla projektu lub też by prześledzić...
Building Dedicated Project Management Process Basing on Historical Experience
PublicationProject Management Process used to manage IT project could be a key aspect of project success. Existing knowledge does not provide a method, which enables IT Organizations to choose Project Management methodology and processes, which would be adjusted to their unique needs. As a result, IT Organization use processes which are not tailored to their specific and do not meet their basic needs. This paper is an attempt to fill this...
Application of Shuffled Frog-Leaping Algorithm for Optimal Software Project Scheduling and Staffing
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Offshore project management based on jack-up rig conversion
PublicationChapter presents aspects of Offshore project management during conversion drilling rig to accommodation rig in Batam Indonesia
Knowledge-based functional safety management using ProSIL software
PublicationIn the article the ProSIL software for computer aided functional safety management is presented. The software consists of three modules for the determination of the required SIL level (ProSILen) and verification of the SIL level (ProSILver). In the ProSIL the calibrated knowledge-based risk graph method for determining the required safety integrity level (SIL) of the safety functions identified in hazard analysis is implemented....
Hard Lessons Learned: A Model that Facilitates the Selection of Methods of IT Project Management
PublicationThe article presents the results of research conducted in an international enterprise responsible for IT project implementation. The carried out analysis of the case study with the use of surveys and data synthesis allowed the major factors causing problems connected with project management to be identified. The identified factors were aggregated and then, by using four key variables, a rhomboidal model adaptation was proposed...
Corporate social responsibility and project management: towards a better understanding of their relationship
PublicationThe main purpose of this article is to identify the fields of convergence, if any, between two management concepts and business practices, namely Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Project Management (PM). To achieve the formulated goal, a systematic literature review (SLR), including bibliometric analysis, LOESS regression analysis, and text mining, was performed. This analysis allowed us to distinguish five categories...
Designing effective educational games - a case study of a project management game
PublicationThis paper addresses the issues of designing effective educational games. We aim at investigating how the cognitive, behavioral and emotional aspects of the games influence their educational effectiveness. The results were obtained with an observational user experience study extended with affect analysis carried out for a project management game GraPM. We analyzed the...
Improvement of Task Management with Process Models in Small and Medium Software Companies
PublicationSmall and medium software companies exhibit many special features that give reason for a dedicated approach to process improvement. They often cannot afford implementing maturity models or quality standards both in terms of time and money. Instead, they expect simpler solutions that can allow to run projects in more systematic and repeatable way, increase quality and knowledge management. In this paper, we present a method focused...
How Good Is My Project? Experiences from Projecting Software Quality Using a Reference Set
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The role of case studies and management experience in the education and personal developement of IT project managers
PublicationThe purpose of this article is to indicate the need for project management experience and knowledge in order to improve the competence of IT project managers. In the first part of the article there is shown the impact of experience on the development of project management skills. Also the need for having historical data about the projects - in order to make better project decisions - is shown in the article.In the following parts...
Trust, Collaborative Culture and Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Project Management–a Relationship Model
PublicationThe aim of this research is to study the relationship between Trust, Collaborative Culture, and Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Project Management as a source of Team Creativity in the context of delivering value through knowledge. For this purpose authors conducted a study of 514 Polish professionals with different functions and experience in managing projects in construction industry. The data collected during the study has been analysed...
Project management for the construction sector in the field of foundation of buildings in complex conditions of the subsoil
PublicationAutorzy: Gwóźdź-Lasoń Monika, Kohutek...
PublicationThinking about architectural education, one must face the challenges of the ever-changing and digital world and bear in mind the figure of the architect of the future - the curator of digital data. Nowadays the aim is to train specialists who know how to manage the production of digital products and are able to face the challenges of digital change in the field of architecture and architectural heritage management. Virtual Reality...
Hybrid Approach in Project Management - Mixing Capability Maturity Model Integration with Agile Practices
PublicationThis paper introduces an idea of hybrid approach in managing software development projects. The main goal of this research is to prove that it is possible to design consistent method for managing software development projects which is based on different corporate standards and methods. Authors also want to show that this new hybrid approach is beneficial for IT organization, triggers synergy effects and brings software development...
PublicationIn this paper the architecture of the software designed for management of position and identification data of floating and flying objects in Maritime areas controlled by Polish Border Guard is presented. The software was designed for managing information stored in a distributed system with two variants of the software, one for a mobile device installed on a vessel, an airplane or a car and second for a central server. The details...
E-experiments in physics. Proper business process management, collaborative development process and project management guidance – remedy for avoiding the main IT project’s failure
PublicationOnly a few of learning aids and simulations of physical phenomena allow for building interactive experiments; experiments similar to those that should be conducted in physics laboratories at schools. Group of staff from Gdansk University of Technology decided to fill this market niche by designing and constructing a set of virtual experiments – so called e-experiments. To avoid common problems that a lot of IT products brought...
Potrzeba wykorzystania narzędzi Enterprise Project Management w przedsiębiorstwie między narodowym - studium przypadku
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące projektu wdrożenia narzędzia informatycznego, które usprawni proces planowanie pracy i zarządzanie zasobami w filiach zagranicznych, mającego znamiona systemu Enterprise Project Management - do wspomagania zarządzania projektami. Omówiono zalety oraz wady tego typu rozwiązań w stosunku do tradycyjnych sposobów zarządzania. Wskazano szanse i zagrożenia dla rozwoju przedsiębiorstw wynikające...