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Search results for: water hammer
Water hammer analysis in water supply systems
PublicationPrzedstawiono metodę analizy zjawiska uderzenia hydraulicznego w sieci pierścieniowej. Model matematyczny opisano za pomocą układu równań różniczkowych cząstkowych I stopnia, które przekształcono do układu równań zwyczajnych. Dla rozwiązania układu równań zastosowano metodę predykator-korektor. Podano odpowiednie równania różnicowe dla węzłów złożonych. Przedstawiono przykład obliczeniowy sieci wodociągowej pierścieniowej, składającej...
Water hammer analysis in two pipes in series
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań laboratoryjnych przepływu nieustalonego w rurociągu skokowo zmiennej średnicy. Dokonano porównania czynników pomiarów oraz obliczeń uderzenia hydraulicznego zmodyfikowaną metodą elementów skończonych.
An Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Water Hammer Phenomenon in Slurries
PublicationThe analysis of slurry transportation in pressure pipelines is important both from practical and theoretical point of view. Due to the nature of the medium, the number of problems arising in the course of design, operation, measurements and mathematical modeling is much higher compared to the cases where the flowing liquid is homogeneous. The equations describing the flow are more complex, and higher number of the parameters is...
In Situ Verification of Numerical Model of Water Hammer in Slurries
PublicationThis paper presents a numerical model of transient flow in a pressure slurry pipeline network with verification based on in situ measurements. The model, primarily verified in laboratory conditions, has been extended and applied to the case of a large and complex slurry pipeline network in Poland. In the model, the equivalent density concept was applied. In situ experiments were performed for various unsteady flow episodes, caused by...
The influence of the local pipeline leak on water hammer properties
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki eksperymentalnej i numerycznej analizy zjawiska uderzenia hydraulicznego. Pomiary przeprowadzono dla przewodu MDPE o długości 36 m, w którym zamodelowano lokalną nieszczelność. W tym celu, w pewnej odległości od zaworu umieszczonego na końcu przewodu zainstalowano kształtki imitujące lokalny wyciek. Przeprowadzono analizę otrzymanych charakterystyk ciśnienia i wyznaczono parametry: okres oscylacji, amplitudę...
Accuracy and parameter estimation of elastic and viscoelastic models of water hammer
PublicationW artykule analizowany jest zagadnienie uderzenia hydraulicznego, stanowiące jeden z najważniejszych problemów nieustalonego przepływu w przewodach pod ciśnieniem. Mimo ponad stuletnich doświadczeń w badaniach zagadnienie to jest ciągle nie w pełni rozpoznane. Może być onio rozpatrywane na dwóch płaszczyznach - praktycznej i teoretycznej. W obu przypadkach na etapie rozwiązania powstają problemy sprawiające, że wyniki nie są satysfakcjonujące....
Water hammer analysis in pipe networks by the method of characteristics (MOC).
PublicationZastosowano w pracy metodę charakterystyk do analizy zjawiska uderzenia hydraulicznego w sieci wodociągowej pierścieniowej.
Some aspects of physical and numerical modeling of water hammer in pipelines
PublicationCharakterystyki ciśnieniowe otrzymywane w wyniku symulacji numerycznych uderzenia hydraulicznego różnią się zasadniczo od charakterystyk obserwowanych na drodze doświadczalnej. Stosowane zabiegi matematyczne i numeryczne pozwalające na poprawę zgodności między obliczeniami a pomiarami okazują się skuteczne tylko w przypadku prostych rurociągów o stałej średnicy. Dla bardziej skomplikowanych przypadków prawidłowe odwzorowanie zjawiska...
Space-Time Conservation Method applied to numerical solution of water hammer equations
PublicationArtykuł poświęcony jest metodzie czasoprzestrzennych objętości skończonych (STC) zastosowanej do przypadku uderzenia hydraulicznego w stalowym przewodzie pracującym pod ciśnieniem. Metoda STC ze względu na swoje własności numeryczne - wysoką dokładność - może być interesującą alternatywą dla tradycyjnych metod numerycznych, szczególnie w przypadku, gdy efekty numeryczne mają bardzo silny wpływ na rozwiązanie, tym samym utrudniając...
Experimental studies on the impact of changing the pipe material on the propagation of the pressure wave during water hammer
PublicationAim of the paper is to present the results studying the water hammer phenomenon in pipes made of different materials, and to show the impact of changing the type of material of the pipe on the velocity of the pressure wave during the transient flow in the pipes. In terms of research material and methods, pipes made of galvanized steel and high-density polyethylene were tested. Measurements were made using strain gauges with a high...
The sensitiveness of the speed of pile displacement to speed variations of hammer in beating down process
PublicationIn this paper there is presented dynamical system described speed of pile displacement during beating down process. Its response is determined by using Heaviside operator. There is introduced the convergence with regulator in partially ordered space. There is given an answer to the question, whetdisplacement is sensitive to hammer's speed variations.
Effect of Simultaneous Valve Closures in Hydraulic Piping Systems
PublicationThe paper investigates wave interference (between pressure waves) occurring in simple hydraulic systems. Water hammer was induced by simultaneous closure of three valves located at the reservoirs of a “Y” type hydraulic system. Numerical simulations were carried out with the help of the freeware computer package Allievi enabling the reader to replicate results in a direct manner. The influence of the following quantities has been...
Alternative convolution approach to friction in unsteady pipe flow
PublicationIn the paper some aspects of the unsteady friction in pipe flow expressed by the convolution are analyzed. This additional term introduced into the motion equation involves the accelerations of fluid occurring in the past and a weighting function. The essence of such approach is to assume the appropriate form of weighting function. However, until now no fully reliable formula for this function has been found. To avoid some inconveniences...
Analiza porównawcza procesów tłumienia i wygładzania fali ciśnienia w trakcie nieustalonego przepływu w rurociągach wykonanych z różnych materiałów.
PublicationUderzenie hydrauliczne jest uważane za jeden z najważniejszych problemów nieustalonego przepływu w przewodach, dlatego nadal stanowi obiekt badań wielu naukowców. To zagadnienie może być badane na dwóch poziomach: praktycznym i teoretycznym. W artykule zaprezentowane zostały wyniki badań doświadczalnych przeprowadzonych na stanowisku pomiarowym nieustalonego przepływu, funkcjonującym w Laboratorium Hydraulicznym Wydziału Inżynierii...
CFGFRPT Piles with a Circular Cross-Section and their Application in Offshore Structures
PublicationThe possibilities of using concrete piles in a polymer composite reinforced with glass fibres in offshore facilities were shown. Laboratory tests of CFGFRPT type piles compressed axially and in eccentric compression for the analysis of CFGFRPT piles were used. Methods of analysis of dynamic systems for mathematical modelling of the displacement of the hammer in the pile driving process were applied. The possibilities of combining...
Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Two-Stage Concrete and Conventional Concrete Using Nondestructive Tests
PublicationDifferent types of concrete mixtures are used as building materials. The manufacturing process of two-stage concrete (TSC) differs from that of conventional concrete. This study investigated conventional mechanical properties derive empirical relations for estimation of the mechanical parameters of TSC and conventional concrete mixtures. TSC was used to prepare 216 specimens and conventional concrete was used to prepare 108 specimens...
The effectiveness of polymer adhesive in reduction of vibrations of structural members
PublicationIn this paper, the idea of using polymer adhesive as a damping layer is proposed. An experimental study of two aluminium cantilevered beams has been conducted. One of them presents a plain cantilevered beam, while the second one considers two aluminium beams bonded with a polymer adhesive of different thickness (0,5; 1,2; 1,75; 3,1 and 5 mm). The polymer adhesive considered in the study is a specially designed flexible...
The experimental identification of the dynamic coefficients of two hydrodynamic journal bearings operating at constant rotational speed and under nonlinear conditions.
PublicationHydrodynamic bearings are commonly used in ship propulsion systems. Typically, they are calculated using numerical or experimental methods. This paper presents an experimental study through which it has been possible to estimate 24 dynamic coefficients of two hydrodynamic slide bearings operating under nonlinear conditions. During the investigation, bearing mass coefficients are identified by means of a newly developed algorithm....
Impact response of two-layered grouted aggregate fibrous concretecomposite under falling mass impact
PublicationTwo-layered Grouted Aggregates Fibrous Concrete Composite (TGAFCC) is a new category concrete which became popular recently and attracted the attention of researchers globally. Recent studies indicated that TGAFCC has notable improvement in mechanical properties, which has been sufficiently documented. However, the impact behaviour of TGAFCC when combined with Glass Fibre Mesh (GFM) and Textile Fibre Mesh (TFM) is still unexplored....
An Experimental Investigation of Pressure Wave Celerity During the Transient Slurry Flow
PublicationTransportation of slurries in pressure pipelines is an example of a complex flow due to specific parameters of transported medium. For practitioners, the economy of designing and maintenance is usually the most important factor. For this reason, most of hydrotransport installations are fairly simple; however, they become more vulnerable to negative effects of the transient flow which can occur in pressure pipelines. As the consequence,...
Reservoir Influence on Pressure Wave Propagation in Steel Pipes
PublicationThe relation between the length of steel pipe and the pressure wave period in the system, reservoir-pipe-valve, is discussed. Experiments carried out for the short steel pipes showed that in such a system, the pressure wave celerity estimated using the measured wave cycles systematically increases with the increase of the pipe length. The observed differences can exceed even 90 m=s. As the pressure wave traveling in the pipe with...
Initial Investigation of Wave Interactions During Simultaneous Valve Closures in Hydraulic Piping Systems
PublicationThe effects of interference of pressure waves in simple piping systems were studied. A freeware computer code Allievi developed at the University of Valencia was used to simulate dynamic waveforms in simple and complex networks. The tests were carried out according to three scenarios. No pressure increases significantly exceeding the Joukowsky pressure in simple cases were noticed. When the effects of the simultaneous closing of...