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Search results for: workflow execution
Dynamic Compatibility Matching of Services for Distributed Workflow Execution
PublicationThe paper presents a concept and an implementation of dynamic learn-ing of compatibilities of services used in a workflow application. While services may have the same functionality, they may accept input and produce output in different formats. The proposed solution learns matching of outputs and inputs at runtime and uses this knowledge in subsequent runs of workflow applications. The presented solution was implemented in an...
Beesybees-Agent-Based, Adaptive & Learning Workflow Execution Module for BeesyCluster
PublicationPrezentujemy projekt oraz implementację adaptacyjnego i uczącego się modułu przeznaczonego dowykonywania scenariuszy w środowisku BeesyCluster. BeesyCluster pozwala na modelowaniescenariuszy w formie acyklicznego grafu skierowanego, w którym wierzchołki oznaczają zadania,a krawędzie określają zależności między nimi. Przedstawiamy także kooperatywne wykonaniescenariusza przez grupę agentów zdolnych do zbierania, składowania i korzystania...
A model, design, and implementation of an efficient multithreaded workflow execution engine with data streaming, caching, and storage constraints
PublicationThe paper proposes a model, design, and implementation of an efficient multithreaded engine for execution of distributed service-based workflows with data streaming defined on a per task basis. The implementation takes into account capacity constraints of the servers on which services are installed and the workflow data footprint if needed. Furthermore, it also considers storage space of the workflow execution engine and its cost....
A JEE-based modelling and execution environment for workflow applications with just-in-time service selection
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje model scenariusza z dynamicznym wyborem usług do wykonania zadań scenariusza. Adekwatność rozwiązania została zaprezentowana dla zastosowań naukowych i biznesowych w warunkach kiedy dostępność usług się zmienia i usługi powinny być wybierane w trakcie działania scenariusza a nie przed jego rozpoczęciem. Pokazano, że dla scenariusza naukowego z powtarzalnymi symulacjami, algorytm dobiera usługi, aby zminimalizować...
Modeling, run-time optimization and execution of distributed workflow applications in the JEE-based BeesyCluster environment
PublicationArtykuł prezentuje kompletne rozwiązanie do modelowania naukowych i biznesowych scenariuszy. statycznego i dynamicznego wyboru usług z uwzględnieniem parametrów jakościowych oraz wykonanie scenariuszy w rzeczywistym środowisku. Scenariusz jest modelowany jako acykliczny graf skierowany, w którym węzły reprezentują zadania zaś krawędzie zależności pomiędzy zadaniami. Warstwa pośrednia BeesyCluster jest wykorzystana do umożliwienia...
BeesyBees: A mobile agent-based middleware for a reliable and secure execution of service-based workflow applications in BeesyCluster
PublicationIntegrating distributed services into workflows comes with its own set of challenges, including security, coordination, fault tolerance and optimisation of execution time. This paper presents an architecture and implementation - nicknamed BeesyBees - that allows distributed execution of workflow applications in BeesyCluster using agents. BeesyCluster is a middleware that allows users to access distributed resources as well as publish...
Parallelization of Compute Intensive Applications into Workflows based on Services in BeesyCluster
PublicationThe paper presents an approach for modeling, optimization and execution of workflow applications based on services that incorporates both service selection and partitioning of input data for parallel processing by parallel workflow paths. A compute-intensive workflow application for parallel integration is presented. An impact of the input data partitioning on the scalability is presented. The paper shows a comparison of the theoretical...
Comparison of selected algorithms for scheduling workflow applications with dynamically changing service availability
PublicationThis paper compares the quality and execution times of several algorithms for scheduling service based workflow applications with changeable service availability and parameters. A workflow is defined as an acyclic directed graph with nodes corresponding to tasks and edges to dependencies between tasks. For each task, one out of several available services needs to be chosen and scheduled to minimize the workflow execution time and...
Integration of Services into Workflow Applications
PublicationDescribing state-of-the-art solutions in distributed system architectures, Integration of Services into Workflow Applications presents a concise approach to the integration of loosely coupled services into workflow applications. It discusses key challenges related to the integration of distributed systems and proposes solutions, both in terms of theoretical aspects such as models and workflow scheduling algorithms, and technical...
Integration of cloud-based services into distributed workflow systems: challenges and solutions
PublicationThe paper introduces the challenges in modern workflow management in distributed environments spanning multiplecluster, grid and cloud systems. Recent developments in cloud computing infrastructures are presented and are referring howclouds can be incorporated into distributed workflow management, aside from local and grid systems considered so far. Severalchallenges concerning workflow definition, optimisation and execution are...
A Workflow Application for Parallel Processing of Big Data from an Internet Portal
PublicationThe paper presents a workflow application for efficient parallel processing of data downloaded from an Internet portal. The workflow partitions input files into subdirectories which are further split for parallel processing by services installed on distinct computer nodes. This way, analysis of the first ready subdirectories can start fast and is handled by services implemented as parallel multithreaded applications using multiple...
Runtime Visualization of Application Progress and Monitoring of a GPU-enabled Parallel Environment
PublicationThe paper presents design, implementation and real life uses of a visualization subsystem for a distributed framework for parallelization of workflow-based computations among clusters with nodes that feature both CPUs and GPUs. Firstly, the proposed system presents a graphical view of the infrastructure with clusters, nodes and compute devices along with parameters and runtime graphs of load, memory available, fan speeds etc. Secondly,...
APIS – Agent Platform for Integration of Services
PublicationThe paper presents an approach to creating the platform for development and evaluation of complex tasks execution algorithms. Proposed solution is based on an agent paradigm where independent peers can cooperate and negotiate in order to execute specified tasks which are defined only by the final output description. Tasks are realized by the means of services exposed by different peers. In case when there is no single service fulfilling...
Open-source software (OSS) and hardware (OSH) in UAVs
PublicationThe popularity of the Open Source Tool (OST) has expanded significantly. This is the case for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) based on open-source hardware (OSH) as well. Open-source software (OSS) and OSH can be applied in a wide range of applications and can improve several technologies. The chapter begins with an introduction to OSS depicting its rationale, description of fundamental differences between OSS and proprietary software...
Proposal of a method for effective tasks distribution in the execution of compolex problems
PublicationAn access to a great number of various services allows for decomposition of complex problems into smaller and less complex tasks. Those tasks can be presented in a form of a dependency graph. This paper shows an idea of executing such a problem using cooperating autonomous agents. Main focus of this work is cooperation covering effective tasks distribution among executors. This paper presents an algorithm for dynamic executor selection...
KernelHive: a new workflow-based framework for multilevel high performance computing using clusters and workstations with CPUs and GPUs
PublicationThe paper presents a new open-source framework called KernelHive for multilevel parallelization of computations among various clusters, cluster nodes, and finally, among both CPUs and GPUs for a particular application. An application is modeled as an acyclic directed graph with a possibility to run nodes in parallel and automatic expansion of nodes (called node unrolling) depending on the number of computation units available....