total: 394
Search results for: AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS
Sampling water and aqueous solutions
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono: klasyfikację technik pobierania próbek ciekłych; bu-dowę szerokiej gamy urządzeń (próbników) do pobierania próbek różnego typumediów ciekłych; sposoby konserwacji próbek; terminologię związaną z tymetapem procedur analitycznych.
Hydroxide ion hydration in aqueous solutions
PublicationHydratacja anionu hydroksylowego w wodnych roztworach wybranych wodorotlenków metali alkalicznych została zbadana przy pomocy spektroskopii oscylacyjnej FTIR HDO izotopowo rozcieńczonej w H2O. Po raz pierwszy zastosowano do badań nad takimi układami ilościową wersję metody widm różnicowych. Pozwoliła ona na wyodrębnienie widma HDO zaburzonej przez substancję rozpuszczoną. Dane spektralne skonfrontowano z optymalnymi strukturami...
Protein thermal stabilization in aqueous solutions of osmolytes
PublicationProteins’ thermal stabilization is a significant problem in various biomedical, biotechnological, and technological applications. We investigated thermal stability of hen egg white lysozyme in aqueous solutions of the following stabilizing osmolytes: Glycine (GLY), N-methylglycine (NMG), N,N-dimethylglycine (DMG), N,N,N-trimethylglycine (TMG), and trimethyl-N-oxide (TMAO). Results of CD-UV spectroscopic investigation were compared...
Nature and properties of metal cations in aqueous solutions
PublicationOpisano i przeanalizowano budowę chemiczną, właściwości chemiczne i właściwości kinetyczne kationów metali w roztworach wodnych. Zwrócono uwagę na czynniki decydujące o właściwościach fizycznych roztworów.Wskazano na korelacje między stanami koordynacyjnymi soli i właściwościami roztworów. Zwrócono uwagę na nowe elementy chemii roztworów wodnych.
Photodegradation and advanced oxidation of endocrine disruptors in aqueous solutions
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Thermodynamics of micellization of imidazolium ionic liquids in aqueous solutions
PublicationPodobieństwo pomiędzy strukturami niektórych cieczy jonowych, a surfaktamtami jonowymi wskazuje na możliwość wykazywania, przez te związki, tendencji do agregacji i adsorpcji na powierzchniach międzyfazowych. Mierząc w różnych temperaturach przewodnictwo elektryczne w funkcji stężenia oznaczono temperaturę Kraffta i zależność temperaturową krytycznego stężenia micelizacji (CMC) dla czterech, różniących się długościami łańcucha,...
Hydration of Carboxylate Anions: Infrared Spectroscopy of Aqueous Solutions
PublicationHydratacja anionów karboksylanowych w roztworach wodnych ich soli sodowych została zbadana przy wykorzystaniu spektroskopii FTIR z zastosowaniem cząsteczki HDO jako sondy molekularnej. Do wyznaczenia widm wody zaburzonej przez rozpuszczalnik wykorzystano ilościową wersję metody widm różnicowych. Widma te wykazują dwa pasma składowe przy ok. 2550 i ok. 2420 cm-1. Pasma te przypisano grupie -COO- anionu R-COO- (R = H, CH3, C2H5),...
Zinc Removal from the Aqueous Solutions by the Chemically Modified Biosorbents
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Flavin mononucleotide fluorescence intensity decay in concentrated aqueous solutions
PublicationCzasowo-rozdzielone widma absorpcji i fluorescencji FMN w roztworach wodnych zostały zmierzone dla szerokiego zakresu stężeń. Pokazano, że zaniki fluorescencji są silnie przyśpieszone przez obecność dimerów FMN, które stanowią niedoskonałe pułapki energii wzbudzenia. Wyniki doświadczalne porównano z rezultatami symulacji Monte-Carlo, uwzględniającej powrotny transfer energii od pułapek do donorów, stwierdzając dobrą zgodność modelu...
Ciprofloxacin removal from aqueous solutions by ozonation with calcium peroxide
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Effect of Starch Phosphorylation on Interaction With Chromium Ions in Aqueous Solutions
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Computational studies of intermolecular interactions in aqueous solutions of poly(vinylmethylether)
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DMSO and TMAO—Differences in Interactions in Aqueous Solutions of the K-Peptide
PublicationInteractions between a solvent and their co-solute molecules in solutions of peptides are crucial for their stability and structure. The K-peptide is a synthetic fragment of a larger hen egg white lysozyme protein that is believed to be able to aggregate into amyloid structures. In this study, a complex experimental and theoretical approach is applied to study systems comprising the peptide, water, and two co-solutes: trimethylamide...
Reactions of methyl radicals with silica supported silver nanoparticles in aqueous solutions
PublicationSilica supported silver nanoparticles (Ag°–SiO2 –NCs, NCs=nanocomposites) suspended in aqueous solutions are efficient catalysts for the dimerization of methyl radicals to produce ethane, while bare silica is quite inert towards the interaction with methyl radicals. In the presence of small amounts of ethanol adsorbed on the SiO2 surface, the reaction path with methyl radicals is changed and methane is formed as the major product.
Interactions in aqueous solutions of K-peptide and DMSO – spectroscopic and calorimetric studies
PublicationIntroduction K-peptide (GILQINSRW) – short 9 amino acid fragment of the hen egg white lysozyme has the ability to form amyloid structures. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) is an osmolyte which can alter this ability. Our goal was to get an insight into the mechanism of Kpeptide-DMSO interactions in aqueous solutions. Such a knowledge can be helpful to understand processes leading to various neurodegenerative diseases. Methods ATR-FTIR...
Comparison of Photocatalytic and Photosensitized Oxidation of Paraben Aqueous Solutions Under Sunlight
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Optical-Spectrometry-Based Method for Immunosuppressant Medicine Level Detection in Aqueous Solutions
PublicationIn this paper, an investigation into detecting immunosuppressive medicine in aqueous solutions using a spectrometry-based technique is described. Using optical transmissive spectrometry, absorbance measurements in the spectra range from 250 nm to 1000 nm were carried out for different cyclosporine A (CsA) concentrations in aqueous solutions. The experiment was conducted for samples both with and without interferent substances—glucose...
Removal efficiency of phenol by ozonation process with calcium peroxide from aqueous solutions
PublicationPhenol has been introduced as a priority pollutant by the US Environmental Protection Agency. Advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are one of the most efcient methods for removal of non-degradable organic pollutants in aqueous solutions. The removal efciencies of phenol and COD under optimal conditions pH=3, phenol concentration=5 mg/L, CaO2 concentration=0.025 mg/L, temperature 25 °C, 1 g/min ozonation rate and contact time=90...
Adsorption from aqueous solutions of chlorinated organic compounds onto activated carbons
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Removal efficiency of phenol by ozonation process with calcium peroxide from aqueous solutions
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A sumanene-containing magnetic nanoadsorbent for the removal of caesium salts from aqueous solutions
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Investigation of stability of aqueous solutions containing trace amounts of volatile organic analytes
PublicationOznaczając lotne związki chlorowcoorganiczne w matrycy wodnej należy uwzględnić specyficzne właściwości, którymi charakteryzują się te związki, a mianowicie:- niska temperatura wrzenia; - wysoka prężność pary nad roztworem; - stosunkowo niska rozpuszczalność w wodzie.Właściwości te należy uwzględnić w trakcie przygotowania wodnych roztworów wzorcowych wykorzystywanych na etapie kalibracji i badań modelowych. Ze względu na istotność...
Interactions in Ternary Aqueous Solutions of NMA and Osmolytes—PARAFAC Decomposition of FTIR Spectra Series
PublicationIntermolecular interactions in aqueous solutions are crucial for virtually all processes in living cells. ATR-FTIR spectroscopy is a technique that allows changes caused by many types of such interactions to be registered; however, binary solutions are sometimes difficult to solve in these terms, while ternary solutions are even more difficult. Here, we present a method of data pretreatment that facilitates the use of the Parallel...
Co-nonsolvency in concentrated aqueous solutions of PNIPAM: effect of methanol on the collective and the chain dynamics
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Predicting the critical micelle concentration of aqueous solutions of ionic liquids and other ionic surfactants
PublicationNiektóre ciecze jonowe, szczególnie te będące kombinacją organicznego i nieorganicznego jonu, wykazują strukturalne podobieństwo do surfaktantów. Krytyczne stężenie micelizacji jest podstawowym parametrem w chemii powierzchni i nauce o koloidach. Parametr ten został zmierzony dla wielu cieczy jonowych, jednakże ze względu na ogromną ilość możliwych kombinacji anionów i kationów jego eksperymentalny pomiar dla wszystkich struktur...
Aqueous solutions of NMA, Na2HPO4 , and NaH2PO4 as models for interaction studies in phosphate–protein systems
PublicationPhosphate buffers are essential for many areas of studies. However, their influence on buffered systems is often ignored. The phosphate salts can interact with biologically important macromolecules (e.g. proteins) and stabilize or destabilize them. With our research, we want to answer question what kind of interactions, if any, occur between phosphate ions and a protein backbone model — N-methylacetamide (NMA). ATR-FTIR spectroscopy...
Luminescence recognition material as an INHIBIT logic gate in presence of Pb2+ and Cu2+ ions in aqueous solutions
PublicationA recognition material consisting of silica xerogel with amino-modified surface selectively recognizes Pb2+ and Cu2+ (but only in presence of Pb2+ ions) in aqueous solutions of other metal ions. The analytical action of the material is based on a significant change in luminescence emission spectra of the material after chemisorption of Pb2+ ions. In the presence of Pb2+ in octahedral coordination environment, a new broad and strong...
Removal of Ni2+ from Aqueous Solutions by Adsorption Onto Magnetic Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Nanocomposite
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Influence of the Hofmeister anions on self-organization of 1-decyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride in aqueous solutions
PublicationW pracy określono wpływ anionów z szeregu Hofmeistera na agregację micelarną wodnych roztworów chlorku 1-decylo-3-metyloimidazoliowego. Pod uwagę wzięto dwa czynniki - rodzaj anionu oraz siłę jonową. Wykazano, że dodatek zastosowanych soli skutkuje obniżaniem krytycznego stężenia micelizacji związku z siłą zgodną z trendem opisanym szeregiem Hofmeistera. Dodatek elektrolitu powoduje obniżenie wartości entalpii micelizacji i przejście...
Application of an iron-based porphyrinic metal–organic framework for removal of warfarin from aqueous solutions
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Magnetic organic xerogels: efficient adsorbents for the removal of heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions
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Investigating the use of ozonation process with calcium peroxide for the removal of metronidazole antibiotic from aqueous solutions.
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ATR FT-IR H2O spectra of acidic aqueous solutions. Insights about proton hydration
PublicationW artykule podjęto próbę ilościowej analizy widm oscylacyjnych H2O w wodnych roztworach kwasów. Widma H2O dostarczają głównie informacji o stanie strukturalnym cząsteczek wody, wynikającym ze sprzężeń oscylatorów w układzie. Są jednak znacznie trudniejsze w interpretacji niż widma HDO. Widma wodnych roztworów kwasów jednoprotonowych (HCl, HClO4, HPF6) zmierzono posługując się spektroskopią FT-IR w technice osłabionego wewnętrznego...
Release of selected chemical elements from shale drill cuttings to aqueous solutions of different pH
PublicationThe effect of pH changes on leachability of light and heavy metals from shale drill cuttings generated from unconventional shale gas production was investigated. Cuttings, being the primary byproduct generated from drilling operations, belong to the potentially hazardous type of wastes due to presence of heavy and radioactive elements and remains of drilling fluid. In this regard, assessment of potentially dangerous components...
Ionic hydration in LiPF6, NaPF6, and KPF6 aqueous solutions derived from infrared HDO spectra.
PublicationZbadano hydratację LiPF6, NaPF6 oraz KPF6 przy pomocy metody FTIR, z zastosowaniem techniki rozcieńczenia izotopowego HDO w H2O. Dane widmowe poddano analizie metodą ważonych widm różnicowych. Główne wnioski pracy stanowią uzupełnienie i rozszerzenie pasmowego modelu hydratacji kationów, wcześniej postulowanego na podstawie widm w podczerwieni HDO wodnych roztworów różnych elektrolitów.
The interaction parameters for solutions of n-butylurea in aqueous solutions of N-methylacetamide – The volumetric and compressibility studies between 288.15 K and 308.15 K
PublicationDensities and speed of sound were measured for solutions of n-butylurea in aqueous solution of Nmethylacetamide 2, 4, 6 and 8 (mol/kg) at T = (288.15, 298.15 and 308.15) K. From these data the apparent molar volumes, Vf, the apparent molar isentropic compressions, KSf, of the solute were determined. The concentration dependencies of the calculated quantities have been used to obtain the standard partial molar parameters. The latter...
Intermolecular Interactions of Edaravone in Aqueous Solutions of Ethaline and Glyceline Inferred from Experiments and Quantum Chemistry Computations
PublicationEdaravone, acting as a cerebral protective agent, is administered to treat acute brain infarction. Its poor solubility is addressed here by means of optimizing the composition of the aqueous choline chloride (ChCl)-based eutectic solvents prepared with ethylene glycol (EG) or glycerol (GL) in the three different designed solvents compositions. The slurry method was used for spectroscopic solubility determination in temperatures...
Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies on adsorption of cationic dyes from aqueous solutions using graphene oxide
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Characteristics of the Properties of Absodan Plus Sorbent and Its Ability to Remove Phosphates and Chromates from Aqueous Solutions
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Spectroscopic studies of a ring opening process between epoxy- and aminosilanes and imine formation reactions in aqueous solutions
PublicationNMR and Raman spectroscopy studies were performed for different 3-aminopropyl(trimethoxy)- and 3-glycidoxypropyl (trimethoxy)silane based sol-gel systems containing different ketones. Exceptionally stable imine products were obtained depending on a reaction system at alkaline pH conditions and in the presence of water. These imine formation reactions were carried out without further catalyst. In addition, effect of water for the...
Effective assessment of biopolymer-based multifunctional sorbents for the remediation of environmentally hazardous contaminants from aqueous solutions
PublicationPersistent contaminants in wastewater effluent pose a significant threat to aquatic life and are one of the most significant environmental concerns of our time. Although there are a variety of traditional methods available in wastewater treatment, including adsorption, coagulation, flocculation, ion exchange, membrane filtration, co-precipitation and solvent extraction, none of these have been found to be significantly cost-effective...
Ammonium sorption from aqueous solutions by the natural zeolite Transcarpathian clinoptilolite studied under dynamics conditons
PublicationPrzeprowadzone badania z wykorzystaniem wodnych roztworów modelowych amoniaku mogą stanowić podstawę do następujących wniosków:- maksymalna pojemność sorpcyjna klinoptylolitu w stosunku do jonów NH4+ w warunkach dynamicznych jest zdecydowanie wyższa niż w warunkach statycznych,- proces usuwania jonów amonowych podlega intensyfikacji w przypadku zastosowania frakcji zeolitu o mniejszej średnicy ziaren,- istotną rolę w procesie sorpcji...
Simultaneous Removal of Al, Cu and Zn Ions from Aqueous Solutions Using Ion and Precipitate Flotation Methods
PublicationThis paper presents the results of investigations concerning the simultaneous removal of Al(III), Cu(II), and Zn(II) from dilute aqueous solutions using ion and precipitate flotation methods. The effects of initial solution pH, surface active substance concentration, and the gas velocity on the flotations’ efficiency and course are studied. Experimental results are discussed in terms of physicochemical aspects related to aqueous...
Effect of Amino Acids and Sodium Chloride on d-Sorbitol in Aqueous Solutions at Different Temperatures: Volumetric and Acoustic Approach
PublicationApparent molar volumes and apparent molar compressibilities for d-sorbitol in (0.05, 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3) mol·kg−1 aqueous solutions of l-alanine, l-cysteine and l-histidine and NaCl have been determined from measurements of solution density at T = (288.15, 298.15, 308.15 and 318.15) K and sound velocity at T = 298.15 K, as a function of the concentration of the sugar alcohol. The data were used to obtain the limiting apparent molar...
Influence of temperature and anion type on thermophysical properties of aqueous solutions of morpholine based amino acid ionic liquids
PublicationDensities and sound velocities of aqueous solutions of N-butyl-N-methylmorpholine based amino acid ionic liquids (AAILs), including N-acetyl-L-alanine, N-acetyl-Lvalinate, N-acetyl-L-leucinate, and N-acetyl-L-izoleucinate anions were measured at a temperature from 293.15 to 313.15 K at 5 K intervals and atmospheric pressure. These data were used to calculate the apparent molar volumes and the apparent molar compressibilities in...
Structural changes of a simple peptide—Trpzip-1—in aqueous solutions and the corresponding hydration phenomena under the influence of temperature
PublicationTrpzip-1, a simple β-hairpin, is a rare example of peptide with stable secondary structure and can be a convenient model to study temperature-related processes that potential prion or amyloid proteins undergo. Although its sequence is simple, the exact processes which the peptide undergoes in aqueous solutions are quite complex and not well understood. The selection of well-established experimental (DSC, FTIR) and theoretical methods...
Adsorption of anionic azo-dyes from aqueous solutions onto graphene oxide: Equilibrium, kinetic and thermodynamic studies
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Removal of anionic dyes using magnetic Fe@graphite core-shell nanocomposite as an adsorbent from aqueous solutions
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Adsorption of Hydrocarbon Chloro-Derivatives onto DTO Commercial Activated Carbon from Multi-Component Aqueous Solutions
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Crystal Structure, Antioxidant Properties and Characteristics in Aqueous Solutions of the Oxidovanadium(IV) Complex [VO(IDA)phen]·2H2O