Local and global response of sandwich beams made of GFRP facings and PET foam core in three point bending test
PublicationIn the paper behaviour of laminated sandwich beams (FRP face sheet – PET foam core – FRP face sheet) subjected to three point bending is studied. The paper aim is to find practical descriptions enabling effective and accurate estimation of the elastic response, damage and failure of the beams, basing on experiments and static calculations. Therefore a number of tests are described, that were done on laminated coupons and foam specimens...
Application of foam made of post-consumer pet materials for the construction of footbridges
PublicationThe article presents the possibility of application in civil engineering of highly ecological PET foam, manufactured from 100% recycled plastic packaging. It may find uses in construction of numerous engineering structures, such as pedestrian and cycle footbridges. Properly processed waste from post-consumer PET packaging may constitute a quality structural core for use in multilayered composite materials, commonly referred to...
Jumping Wave Characteristic during Low Plasticity Burnishing Process
PublicationDuring the low plasticity burnishing process of soft materials such as carbon steel with a hardness of up to 40 HRC (Rockwell grade) a raised structure of the material known as the Jumping Wave forms in front of the tool roll. This phenomenon significantly disturbs the burnishing process, but is very poorly described in the literature. This article presents studies of this phenomenon on the example of burnished 1.0562 steel. The...
Size effects in wedge indentation predicted by a gradient-enhanced crystal-plasticity model
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Increasing the Seismic Resistance of Wood-frame Buildings by Applying PU Foam as Thermal Insulation
PublicationWood-frame buildings are very common in regions that are exposed to earthquakes. Most of residential buildings are constructed using this technology; therefore, the seismic resistance of them is really essential in order to prevent human losses and structural damage. The aim of the present article is to show the results of the detailed numerical FEM analysis focused on the seismic behaviour of the wood-frame house with different...
A Concept of Thermal Effort for Heat-Induced Metal Plasticity
PublicationThis paper proposes a new concept of material effort that considers heat-induced plasticity for heat-resistant steels. These steels indicate a strength differential effect, a stress shearness effect, pressure sensitivity, and other features. Therefore, a three-parameter, temperature-dependent yield function was presented and, next, analytically and geometrically researched. To validate the accuracy of the formulated yield function,...
Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity
e-Learning CoursesThis course discusses the general theory of elastic and plastic material behavior of solids.
Plasticity of Bead-On-Plate Welds Made with the Use of Stored Flux-Cored Wires for Offshore Applications
PublicationExtreme atmospheric conditions in the marine and offshore industry are harmful to engineering materials, especially to welded joints, and may cause degradation of their properties. This article presents the results of research on the plasticity of bead-on-plate welds made using two types of seamless, copper plated flux-cored wires. Before welding, spools with wire were stored for 1 month in two distinct locations with different...
Microstructure, mechanical properties, and flame retardancy of nanoclay-incorporated polyurethane flexible foam composites
PublicationThe present work seeks to investigate microstructure, mechanical properties, and flame retardancy of polyurethane/nanoclay flexible foam composites. In this regard, we prepared various nanocomposites with and without nanoclay and observed the resulting morphologies to correlate them with the other corresponding characteristics. The results provided support for the fact that tensile strength and compression set will increase with...
Timber-frame house resistant to dynamic loads - analysis of wall panel filled with polyurethane foam
PublicationThe present study shows the experimentally and numerically determined response of a single timber-frame house wall panel filled with polyurethane (PU) foam under dynamic loads. The harmonic tests were conducted for the following frequencies: 0.5 Hz, 1.0 Hz, 2.0 Hz and 5.0 Hz for various values of the specified displacement. Based on the results of the comparison between the experimental tests and the numerical analyses, the numerical...
Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity 2023
e-Learning CoursesThis course discusses the general theory of elastic and plastic material behavior of solids.
Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity 2025
e-Learning CoursesThe course discusses elastic and plastic performance of solids
Problems of Strength and Plasticity
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Ground Tire Rubber Filled Flexible Polyurethane Foam—Effect of Waste Rubber Treatment on Composite Performance
PublicationThe application range of flexible polyurethane (PU) foams is comprehensive because of their versatility and flexibility in adjusting structure and performance. In addition to the investigations associated with further broadening of their potential properties, researchers are looking for new raw materials, beneficially originated from renewable resources or recycling. A great example of such a material is ground tire rubber (GTR)—the...
XRD-Ni foam as received and oxidised at 500_C
Open Research DataThese data contain XRD patterns of porous nickel foam commercial and oxidised in air at 500 C degrees for 8 hours.
Analysis of Validation and Simplification of Timber-Frame Structure Design Stage with PU-Foam Insulation
PublicationThe transition from experimental studies to the realm of numerical simulations is often necessary for further studies, but very difficult at the same time. This is especially the case for extended seismic analysis and earthquake-resistant design. This paper describes an approach to moving from the experimental testing of an elementary part of a wood-frame building structure to a numerical model, with the use of a commercial engineering...
Damaged plasticity model - seismic analysis of structure of the Petronas Twin Towers (Kuala Lumpur) in Malaysia
PublicationThe article presents numerical simulations for the modelling of seismic impact on the structure of Petronas Twin Towers (Kuala Lumpur) in Malaysia with application of two methods. The Response Spectrum method, in which a spectrum of the structure's responses to an earthquake's impact is generated and the Acceletogram (BETA) method, in which we generate dynamic load in the form of a diagram of the connection between acceleration...
FTIR-ATR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy-Attenuated Total Reflectance) of TNR (titanium dioxide nanorods) and TNR@Ni-foam (titanium dioxide nanorods on nickel foam)
Open Research DataThis dataset contains FTIR-ATR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy-Attenuated Total Reflectance) of TNR (titanium dioxide nanorods) and TNR@Ni-foam (titanium dioxide nanorods on nickel foam) measurements . The detailed equipment and measurement data was described in "readme FTIR-ATR.txt" file.
An experimental investigation of the influence of plasticity on creep degradation rate
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An experimental investigation of the influence of plasticity on creep degradation rate
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Hide and seek: Plasticity of innate lymphoid cells in cancer
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Hierarchical MnO2 nanoflowers blooming on 3D nickel foam: A novel micro-macro catalyst for peroxymonosulfate activation
PublicationIn this work, birnessite-type δ-MnO2 nanoflowers were uniformly deposited on 3D nickel foam (NF) by one-step hydrothermal route for high-efficient activation of peroxymonosulfate (PMS) towards degradation of acid orange 7 (AO7). High specific surface area, large pore volume and 3D hierarchical structure promotes the mass and electron transfer for great catalytic activity. Low reaction energy barrier (Ea=27.5 kJ/mol) and outstanding...
Thermodynamically consistent gradient theory of damage coupled with gradient plasticity
PublicationPrzedstawiono termodynamicznie zgodną teorię plastycznego zniszczenia w zakresie mechaniki Newtona-Eshelbego. Poza klasycznymi równaniami ruchu w przestrzeni fizycznej sformułowano dynamiczne równania równowagi sił powiązanych z defektami w przestrzeni materialnej oraz pierwsze i drugie prawo termodynamiki w przestrzeni fizycznej i materialnej. Ogólne równania konstytutywne przyjęto jako funkcję gradientu deformacji, jego składników...
Application of Peracetic Acid for Biological Foam Elimination in the SBR Bioreactor
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki wstępnych badań nad zastosowaniem kwasu nadoctowego (PAA) do likwidacji piany biologicznej, spowodowanej przez bakterię nitkowatą Microthrix parvicella. Wykazano, że okresowe zraszanie powierzchni piany małymi dawkami kwasu nadoctowego (rzędu kilkudziesięciu ml 1% roztworu PAA/na 1 m2 piany o grubości 1 cm) powoduje niemal natychmiastwy zanik piany, wytworzonej na powierzchni osadu czynnego w bioreaktorze...
SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and SEM-EDS (Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy) images of TNR (titanium dioxide nanorods) and TNR@Ni-foam (titanium dioxide nanorods on nickel foam)
Open Research DataThis dataset contains SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) and SEM-EDS (Scanning Electron Microscopy with Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy) images of TNR (titanium dioxide nanorods) and TNR@Ni-foam (titanium dioxide nanorods on nickel foam). The detailed equipment and measurement data was described in "readme SEM.txt" file.
Modification of the Reloading Plastic Modulus in Generalized Plasticity Models for Soil by Introducing a New Equation for the Memory Parameter in Cyclic Loadings
PublicationNowadays, with the widespread supply of very powerful laboratory and computer equipment, it is expected that the analyses conducted for geotechnical problems are carried out with very high precision. Precise analyses lead to better knowledge of structures’ behavior, which, in turn, reduces the costs related to uncertainty of materials’ behavior. A precise analysis necessitates a precise knowledge and definition of the behavior...
XPS-Ni foam as received, after photocatalysis and after oxidation at 500_C.
Open Research DataThis dataset contains XPS spectra recorded for nickel foam as received from supplier, after photocatalytic process and after oxidation at 500C. Each set contains: survery spectrum, O1, C1s, Ni2p. The detailed equipment and measurement data was described in "readme XPS.txt" file
One More Step Towards a Circular Economy for Thermal Insulation Materials—Development of Composites Highly Filled with Waste Polyurethane (PU) Foam for Potential Use in the Building Industry
PublicationThe rapid development of the building sector has created increased demand for novel materials and technologies, while on the other hand resulting in the generation of a severe amount of waste materials. Among these are polyurethane (PU) foams, which are commonly applied as thermal insulation materials. Their management is a serious industrial problem, due to, for example, their complex chemical composition. Although some chemical...
Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity - Civil Engineering, sem. I
e-Learning CoursesPreliminaries in Solid Body Mechanics focused on 2D and 3D engineering structures, in analytical approach
Al(III) and Cu(II) simultaneous foam separation: Physicochemical problems
PublicationSimultaneous removal of Al(III) and Cu(II) from dilute aqueous solutions by ion and precipitate flotation methods is investigated. Influence of the pH of the initial solution, the surface active collector concentration and the gas flow rate on the final removal ratio and the course of ion and precipitate flotations is presented. Results show that simultaneous flotations of Al(OH)3 and Cu(OH)2 insoluble species occur allowing to...
Thermal properties of polyurethanes synthesized using waste polyurethane foam glycolysates
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki analizy termicznej (DMTA i TG-FTIR) glikolizatów i otrzymanych z nich poliuretanów. Glikolizaty uzyskiwano w reakcji odpadowej pianki poliuretanowej z 1,6 heksametylenodiolem (HDO) przy różnym stosunku masowym pianki do HDO (1:1 - 10:1). Poliuretany syntezowano metodą dwuetapową z prepolimeru (diizocyjanian MDI + glikolizat), który przedłużano handlowym małocząsteczkowym glikolem.
Lightweight Cement Mortars with Granulated Foam Glass and Waste Perlite Addition
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FE-modelling of strain localization in concrete with coupled elasto-plasticity and damage
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono wyniki numerycznej dla zginania belki betonowej przy zastosowaniu modelu sprężysto-plastycznego, modelu z degradacja sztywności i modelu połączonego sprężysto-plastycznego z degradacją sztywności. Wszystkie modele rozszerzono o długość charakterystyczną mikrostruktury za pomocą teorii nielokalnej.
Photocatalytic decomposition of acetaldehyde over TiO2 (titanium dioxide) supported on nickel foam and Ni-doped (nickel-doped) TiO2
Open Research DataThis dataset contains chromatograms recorded during the decomposition of acetaldehyde in a high-temperature reaction chamber under UV irradiation using as photocatalytic systems TiO2 (titanium dioxide) supported on nickel foam, TiO2 supported on oxidized nickel foam and TiO2 doped by metallic nickel (Ni) powder. The detailed equipment and measurement...
Enhancement of PUR/PIR foam thermal stability after addition of Zostera marina biomass component investigated via thermal analysis and isoconversional kinetics
PublicationIn the present work, a thorough thermogravimetric (TG) analysis of bio-based polyurethane–polyisocyanurate (PUR–PIR) foams in both nitrogen and oxygen atmosphere is performed. A sustainable element of the foam is a biopolyol obtained via acid-catalyzed liquefaction of Zostera marina and Enteromorpha Algae biomass. Based on isoconversional analysis and apparent activation energies, several conclusions are obtained. In contradiction...
Static and dynamic properties of light PU foam for building the shallow river barges
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań wytrzymałości statycznej na rozciąganie, ściskanie i ścinanie oraz zmęczeniowej przy obciążeniach ściskających jednostronnie tętniących pian poliuretanowych o gęstości 53 i 62 kg/m3, mierzonych w kierunku podłużnym i prostopadłym do kierunku wzrostu piany w procesie jej otrzymywania. Stwierdzono wyraźną anizotropię własności mechanicznych piany. Obserwowano znacznie silniejsze zniszczenie zmęczeniowe...
BDNF and Cortisol integrative system – Plasticity vs. degeneration: Implications of the Val66Met polymorphism
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Upcycling of medium-density fiberboard and polyurethane foam wastes into novel composite materials
PublicationWhile plastic and e-waste dominate public discourse, municipal waste, particularly bulky wastes pose a significant challenge due to their large-scale generation aligning with the enrichment of society. Their efficient collection and keeping in a loop should be considered among the priorities of municipal waste management. Herein, the presented work presents novel composite materials obtained from flexible polyurethane foams used...
Operational Properties Investigation of The Flat-Plate Solar Collector with Poliuretane Foam Insulation
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Enhanced Degradation of Ethylene in Thermo-Photocatalytic Process Using TiO2/Nickel Foam
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Optimizing electrochemical removal of perfluorooctanoic acid in landfill leachate using ceramic carbon foam electrodes by coupling CFD simulation and reactor design
PublicationPerfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a persistent and bioaccumulative pollutant classified as a 'forever chemical', poses a global environmental and health risk due to its widespread use and resistance to degradation. The development of effective and efficient removal technologies is crucial to mitigate its long-term impacts. In this study, we present a novel approach to address the growing concern of emerging contaminants, particularly...
Journal of the Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity
Journals -
Morphological and electrochemical characterization of ceramic carbon foam electrodes water treatment applications
Open Research DataThis dataset contains morphological and electrochemical characterization of ceramic carbon foam employed as an electrode (CFFE) for the oxidation of a target pollutant. The dataset includes:
Weakly non-local theories of damage and plasticity based on balance of dissipative material forces
PublicationWykazano, że założenie o siłach materialnych oraz odpowiadających im równaniach równowagi w połączeniu z klasycznymi prawami dynamiki w przestrzeni fizycznej, pozwoliło na sformułowanie teoretycznych podstaw w zakresie słabo-nielokalnych gradientowych modeli zniszczenia i plastyczności. Odpowiednie równania równowagi w przestrzeni fizycznej i materialnej oraz pierwsze i drugie prawo termodynamiki zapisano w postaci całkowej. Następnie...
Enhanced Degradation of Ethylene in ThermoPhotocatalytic Process Using TiO2/Nickel Foam: Reaction Mechanism
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Application of TiO2 Supported on Nickel Foam for Limitation of NOx in the Air via Photocatalytic Processes
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Numerical simulations of localization of deformation in quasibrittle materials within non-local softening plasticity.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono model sprężysto-plastyczny z nielokalnym osłabieniem do obliczeń lokalizacji odkształceń w materiałach kruchych. Analizę przeprowadzono dla jednoosiowego ściskania i rozciągania. Obliczenia wykonano dla różnych długości charakterystycznych.
A magnetic stir bar sorbent of metal organic frameworks, carbon foam decorated zinc oxide and cryogel to enrich and extract parabens and bisphenols from food samples
PublicationA porous composite magnetic stir bar adsorbent was fabricated for the extraction and enrichment of parabens and bisphenols from selected beverage samples. The adsorbent comprised a metal organic framework, carbon foam decorated zinc oxide and magnetic nanoparticles embedded in polyvinyl alcohol cryogel. The porous composite stir bar adsorbent could adsorb parabens and bisphenols via hydrogen bonding, π-π and hydrophobic interactions....
3D mesoporous α-Co(OH)2 nanosheets electrodeposited on nickel foam: A new generation of macroscopic cobalt-based hybrid for peroxymonosulfate activation
PublicationCobalt-based catalysts with high stability and facile recovery for heterogeneous peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activation are still rather sparse and therefore highly desirable. Herein, 3D mesoporous α-Co(OH)2 nanosheets was created on robust nickel foam (NF) via facile electrodeposition approach at 6 mA/cm2 for only 400 s. Almost complete removal of phenol can be achieved within 7 min with a degradation rate of 0.39 min−1, 2 times higher...
In situ FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) coupled with High Temperature Reaction Chamber - photocatalytic decomposition of ethylene on TiO2 (titanium dioxide)/Ni (nickel) foam
Open Research DataThis dataset contains in situ FTIR (Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy) measurement data collected during photocatalytic decomposition of ethylene using TiO2 (titanium dioxide) on nickel foam, TiO2 on the layer of KBr and TiO2 on nickel foam in the presence of radical scavengers. The detailed equipment and measurement data was described in "readme...