Search results for: DETERMINANTS
PublicationThis article presents an analysis of the determinants of a firm’s innovativeness deriving from its internal potential and characteristics. The analysis is based on research carried out on 1355 firms that applied for public subsidies from the Innovative Economy Operational Program in 2014. The methods applied are logit regression, comparative analysis and literature review. The analysis is structured ac- cording to Bielski’s model...
Determinants of franchising operation development
PublicationRozdział w monografii opisujący uwarunkowania decydujące o rozwoju działalności franchisingowej na terenie danego kraju. Analiza prowadzona jest w odniesieniu do ogólnej sytuacji gospodarczej, sytuacji na rynku pracy, problematyki prawnej, promocji i edukacji franchisingowej oraz indywidualizmu ekonomicznego.
Determinants of export diversification: an empirical investigation
PublicationEmpirical findings confirm that relatively high specialisation of economic structures tends to be associated with low levels of income per capita, but countries diversify their export structures along their path of growth. However, usually only per capita income, and eventually, country-specific fixed effects are the sole explanatory variables taken into consideration in the estimation of specialisation curves. We extend the analysis...
Determinants of stress in the company perfecting quality
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Determinants of the intra-organisational communication process
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Determinants of Household Health Expenditure in Poland
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Academic entrepreneurship - determinants of development and differences
PublicationRozdział w monografii dotyczy charakterystyki przedsiębiorczości akademickiej i różnych form. Porównano przedsiębiorczość akademicką na poziomie międzynarodowym i krajowym. Przedstawiono również i porównano cechy charakterystyczne środowiska akademickiego i środowiska biznesu.
Determinants of interpersonal communication on the example of a selected organization
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Evidence for sex differences in the determinants of homocysteine concentrations
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Economic determinants of happiness among European nations
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Health behaviors as determinants of the quality of life of the elderly
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The determinants of European universities patenting and co‑patenting with companies
PublicationThis study examines the determinants of European universities patenting and co-patenting with companies. The analysis takes into account more than 400 universities from 17 countries over the period 2011–2018. We test several determinants of the commercial activity of universities, such as: student enrolment (size), age, public or private nature of the institution, students per academic staff, publications per academic staff (research...
Aiming at methods’ wider adoption: Applicability determinants and metrics
PublicationNumerous computer science methods and techniques have been proposed by the scientific community. However, depending on the domain, only their minor fraction has met wider adoption. This paper brings attention to the concept of applicability - the notion that is well acknowledged in the scientific field but have not been analysed with respect to determinants, metrics and systematisation. The primary objective of the study was to...
Determinants of trade balance in Polish and Czech manufacturing sectors
PublicationResearch background: A strong industrial base is essential for achieving long-term sustainable economic growth and export competitiveness. In that sense, manufacturing remains a significant contributor to exports in the CEE countries. However, its role and its influence vary between CEE economies and change over time. Purpose of the article: The main objective of this paper is to compare the determinants of the international competitiveness,...
Personality determinants of health behaviours of merchant navy officers
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Financial determinants of corporate reputation: A short-term approach
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Land use structure determinants for the Gdańsk Shipyard Area.
PublicationArtykuł zawiera omówienie uwarunkowań ogólnomiejskich rozwoju terenów postoczniowych w Gdańsku - obszaru tzw. Młodego Miasta. W szczególności ujęte w nim zostały kwestie odnoszące się do lokalizacji obszaru, jego potencjału rozwojowego, a także analiza szans rozwojowych nowego programu miejskiego w obszarze Aglomeracji Gdańskiej.
PublicationWaterborne transport is the cheapest, the safest and the least harmful to the natural environment. Restoring regular waterway cargo transport will require revitalisation of the existing trans-shipment and logistics infrastructure for commercial inland ports and building new. Transport policy makers must remember that waterborne transport is the most ecological type of transport. It produces only 10% of the gases emitted to the...
The Determinants of False Self-Employment: A Survey of Polish Enterprises
PublicationThe main goal of this article is to advance the emergent research on tax evasion in Poland in the form of false self-employment (FSE), in particular to identify its causes. The dependent character of some self-employed workers is a big problem in the Polish economy, which has been completely unexplored because of the lack of available data. In this article, we use data from a survey of Polish companies. Our empirical results show...
International Journal of Social Determinants of Health and Health Services
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Determinants of the Internationalization of Family Firms - a Structural Eqquation Modeling Analysis
PublicationCurrently, international behaviors of family businesses (FBs) attract a growing interest of researchers. In an increasingly competitive environment, numerous FBs are forced to expand into foreign markets in search for ways to survive or grow. The article is both theoretical and empirical. In the theoretical part it presents theoretical concepts of FBs internationalization, especially determinants for their going international....
Determinants of Firm Innovation in Indonesia: The Role of Institutions and Access to Finance
PublicationThis paper investigates the determinants of firm innovation in Indonesia. Using quality of local regulations index constructed by the Indonesia’s Regional Autonomy Watch (KPPOD) as measure of institutions, We found that better institutional quality at the local level was associated with more innovation and that firms experiencing major obstacle in access to finance were less likely to innovate. Access to finance is more critical...
Determinants of the incidence of non-academic staff in European and US HEIs
PublicationIn this article, we contribute to the scant literature covering quantitative studies on the determinants of the non-academic staff incidence in higher education institutions by analysing how the proportion of non-academic staff is related to key features such as size, prestige, year of foundation and financial structure of universities. We apply nonlinear regression analysis to compare HEIs across Europe and the USA, taking into...
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Understanding chlorophylls: Central magnesium ion and phytyl as structural determinants
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The usefulness of biotyping in the determination of selected pathogenicity determinants in Streptococcus mutans
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A Process-Centered Approach to the Description of Clinical Pathways—Forms and Determinants
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Molecular Determinants of Proton Transfer in ATP Synthase FO Complex
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The categorization of the tourist services quality perception determinants in hierarchical conception
PublicationW niniejszym rozdziale zaprezentowano kategoryzację determinant percepcji jakości usług turystycznych. Omówione zostały główne grupy oraz determinanty elementarne z wykorzystaniem ujęcia modeli hierarchicznych.
Determinants of judges’ career choices and productivity: a Polish case study
PublicationThe goal of this paper is to identify factors which affect judges’ productivity and career choice motives with the view of increasing judicial efficiency. Specifically, the investigation focuses on such aspects as judges’ remuneration, promotion, threat of judgment revocation, service/mission, periodic assessment, the threat of a complaint about protracted proceedings or of disciplinary proceedings, the threat of destabilization...
Trust in Electronic Word-of-Mouth (eWOM): the concept and the most important determinants
PublicationeWOM and trust in it is now the most important factor in determining buyers' purchasing behavior. Familiarity with the determinants of trust establishes the formation of appropriate marketing activities. However, the growing number of new forms of eWOM and its increasingly complex and multidimensional nature have created a lot of confusion. The article aims to organize the concepts related to trust in eWOM, to indicate the most...
Determinants And Barriers In The Development Of The Entrepreneurial Orientation In The Polish Higher Education Institutions
PublicationThe main aim of the paper is to present the results of the research project on the entrepreneurship in the Polish higher education institutions. The project was funded by the Polish National Science Centre and its main aim was to identify the factors that enable, enhance, limit or disable the entrepreneurial potential in higher education institutions. The paper gives an overview of the identified determinants that foster the entrepreneurial...
Determinants of Business Growth Aspirations among Polish Students: An Empirical Analysis
PublicationThis paper aims to discuss the concept of growth aspirations and growth intentions, as well as to identify factors that influence growth aspirations expressed by students with regard to their future businesses. On the basis of a literature review potential determinants of growth aspirations have been identified and tested empirically using data obtained from 223 students from the Pomeranian region in Poland. The authors...
Structural Determinants of Substrate Specificity of SplF Protease from Staphylococcus aureus
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Genetic determinants of plasma ACE and renin activity in young normotensive twins
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Determinants of primary healthcare patients’ dissatisfaction with the quality of provided medical services
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Attractiveness of municipalities in South-Western Poland as determinants for hotel chain investments
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Demographic and Socioeconomic Determinants of Body Mass Index in People of Working Age
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Identification and classification model of the quality perception determinants and tourist services attributes
PublicationW niniejszym rozdziale zaprezentowano model identyfikacji oraz klasyfikacji zarówno determinant percepcji jakości jak i cech charakterystycznych dla usług turystycznych. Wykorzystano w tym celu zarówno cechy charakterystyczne dla usług dowolnego rodzaju zaadaptowane na potrzeby usług turystycznych jak i te które są specyficzne wyłącznie dla tej branży.
Determinants of Directionality and Efficiency of the ATP Synthase Fo Motor at Atomic Resolution
PublicationFo subcomplex of ATP synthase is a membrane-embedded rotary motor that converts proton motive force into mechanical energy. Despite a rapid increase in the number of high-resolution structures, the mechanism of tight coupling between proton transport and motion of the rotary c-ring remains elusive. Here, using extensive all-atom free energy simulations, we show how the motor’s directionality naturally arises from the interplay...
Global energy transition: From the main determinants to economic challenges regions
PublicationDynamic global energy transition has been accelerating for the last decade. Interestingly, the energy transition is multidimensional and concerns both the dimensions of technique/ technology and the economic, social, institu-tional, and legal spheres (Shuguang et al., 2022; Tzeremes et al., 2022; Ram-zan et al., 2022; Tzeremes et al., 2022). The literature also points to the signif-icant impact of the digitization of the global...
Knowledge management approaches among KIBS companies and their determinants – case study analysis
PublicationThis paper aims to present knowledge management (KM) approaches manifested by knowledge intensive business service (KIBS) companies together with their potential determinants (company size, type of services offered, and organizational structure). In particular, two types of approaches have been selected and examined, i.e. emergent KM approach and deliberate KM approach. Indeed, although KM approaches have been abundantly investigated...
PublicationPurpose: This paper aims at providing comparative analysis of the influence of cultural determinants on the managers’ perceptions of human resources management practices, as a factor conditioning application of evidence-based management. Design/methodology/approach: This article presents the study of 121 managers in Poland, on their perception of HRM practices and analyses the consistency of findings with the Hofstede cultural...
Mapping of the Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake Determinants From Mining Twitter Data
PublicationOpinion polls on vaccine uptake clearly show that Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy is increasing worldwide. Thus, reaching herd immunity not only depends on the efficacy of the vaccine itself, but also on overcoming this hesitancy of uptake in the population. In this study, we revealed the determinants regarding vaccination directly from people’s opinions on Twitter, based on the framework of the 6As taxonomy. Covid-19 vaccine acceptance...
Genetic Determinants of Vitamin D-Related Disorders; Focus on Vitamin D Receptor
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Determinants of the European Union’s Trade - evidence from a panel estimation of the gravity model
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Psychological and moral determinants in accepting cheating and plagiarism among university students in Poland
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Team building activities as determinants of the leadership competences in a manager’s position - case study
PublicationThe article presents an introduction to the concept of team building activities as a part of managerial skills in the company based on the available literature on the subject. The article describes complex team building activities that can be used in managerial practice. The publication begins with an indication of teambuilding in the light of current literature on the subject, an explanation of the...
Socioeconomic Determinants of Health-Related Quality of Life of Entrepreneurs. A Cross-Sectional Study