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Search results for: MODERN ENTERPRISE

Search results for: MODERN ENTERPRISE

  • Research on Enterprise in Modern Economy - theory and practice


    ISSN: 2084-6495

  • Intelligent platform for communication, control and management of modern enterprises

    W artykule przedstawiono praktyczną metodę tworzenia interaktywnej i inteligentnej platformy do kontroli i zarządzania nowoczesną firmą z zastosowaniem sieci telekomunikacyjnej. Omówiono sposób realizacji poszczególnych etapów projektowych, dokonując przy tym wyboru konkretnych technologii informatycznych, takich jak relacyjne bazy danych, technologie bezprzewodowe oraz czynników bezpieczeństwa.

  • Błażej Prusak dr hab.

    Błażej Prusak is Head of the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology and Editor-in-Chief of the journal Research on Enterprise in Modern Economy - theory and practice (REME), as well as a member of editorial boards of such journals as Intellectual Economics; Space. Economics. Society; Academy of Management. He is the author or co-author of several scientific monographs including:...

  • Potrzeba wykorzystania narzędzi Enterprise Project Management w przedsiębiorstwie między narodowym - studium przypadku


    W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań dotyczące projektu wdrożenia narzędzia informatycznego, które usprawni proces planowanie pracy i zarządzanie zasobami w filiach zagranicznych, mającego znamiona systemu Enterprise Project Management - do wspomagania zarządzania projektami. Omówiono zalety oraz wady tego typu rozwiązań w stosunku do tradycyjnych sposobów zarządzania. Wskazano szanse i zagrożenia dla rozwoju przedsiębiorstw wynikające...

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  • Julita Wasilczuk dr hab.

    Born on 5th of April, 1965 in Gdansk. In 1987-1991 studied the economics of transport, at the University of Gdansk. At 1993 she started to work at the Faculty of Management and Economics. In 1997 received a PhD at the faculty, in 2006 habilitation at the Faculty of Management, University of Gdansk. Since 2009 Associate Professor at Gdansk University of Technology. In 2010-2012 Associate Professor of Humanistic High School at Gdansk. The...

  • Discovering interactions between applications with log analysis


    Application logs record the behavior of a system during its runtime and their analysis can provide useful information. In this article, we propose a method of automated log analysis to discover interactions taking place between applications in an enterprise. We believe that such an automated approach can greatly support enterprise architects in building an up-to-date view of a governed system in a modern, fast-paced development...

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  • Key logistics processes in project management based on organisation of an international training session-case study


    Improvement of processes, including the logistics processes forms one of the essential aspects of modern business entities functioning. Search for the solutions allowing for quicker and less costly method of realisation of particular activities in highly significant, especially in the conditions of a dynamically changing environment in which the organisations have to function. It is a natural field occuring principally both in...

  • Integration of Multi-Source Geospatial Data from GNSS Receivers, Terrestrial Laser Scanners, and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles



    The analysis based on geospatial data from different measurement systems now constitutes a complex numerical and practical enterprise. The dynamic development of modern technologies enables rapid and precise acquisition of such data. Nonetheless, the diversity of reference systems is today one of the main challenges for their correct interpretation. The combined use of the processed measurement results and archival data in paper...

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  • Innovative e-learning approach in teaching based on case studies - Innocase project

    The article presents the application of innovative e-learning approach for the creation of case study content. Case study methodology is becoming more and more widely applied in modern education, especially in business and management field. Although case study methodology is quite well recognized and used in education, there are still few examples of developing e-learning content on the basis of case studies. This task is to be...

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  • Pączkowanie - metoda rozwoju interoperacyjnych komponentów dla systemów rozproszonych = Budding – the software development method of interoperable components for distributed systems


    - Year 2010

    Przedstawiono 2 współczesne metody wytwarzania oprogramowania: iteracyjno-przyrostową oraz techniki zwinne, ich zalety i wady w kontekście budowy interoperacyjnych platform i środowisk rozproszonych. Zaprezentowano metodę rozwoju oprogramowania przez pączkowanie, jej założenia, zalety i wady. Przedstawiono technologie, na bazie których działa metodologia wytwarzania oprogramowania przez pączkowanie: Software Product Line, Enterprise...

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  • Implementing a CSR Strategy in a Small Enterprise - a Case Study


    As a result of employees’ meetings conducted according to Kaizen workshops formula and seeking new development directions for the company (including CSR actions) various product and service innovations have been implemented. Also a market niche has been discovered, and as a consequence the company gained another profitable aspect of the business activity. The atmosphere and contribution in performing tasks have improved among...

  • Piotr Figura dr inż.

    Piotr Figura is employed as an assistant professor at the Department of Finance at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdansk University of Technology. He is a member of Commission for the Verification of Learning Outcomes, as well as an academic reviewer of the Central Exemination Booard. He is the author or co-author of several scientific monographs including: Standard financial indicators for stock enterprises; Classical...

  • Wyróżniki modelu biznesu przedsiębiorstwa inteligentnego


    - Year 2016

    Burzliwa zmiana środowiska biznesowego wpływa na ludzi tak, że generują oczekiwania na wyroby i usługi zaspokajające ich dotychczasowe i nowe potrzeby w coraz większym stopniu. W ten sposób przed menedżerami powstają wciąż nowe, bardziej skomplikowane i wysublimowane wymagania. W takich uwarunkowaniach prowadzenia biznesu sukces osiąga to przedsiębiorstwo, które jest inteligentne. W takiej perspektywie celem badań było wyłonienie...

  • Exploring application relationships within enterprise system by matching messages in enterprise log


    - Year 2020

    With data becoming their key asset, large enterprises require data governance processes to maintain its quality. Because a large portion of business value in enterprise systems is usually delivered by legacy applications without proper documentation, there is a need for a better understanding of these applications and the data produced by them. In this paper, we present an approach to collecting insights into the data managed by...

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  • Looking for Social Enterprise Models in Poland: institutional and historical context

    • A. Ciepielewska-Kowalik
    • B. Pieliński
    • M. Starnawska
    • A. Szymańska

    - Year 2015

    The paper is an attempt at identification of key social enterprise models in Poland. The authors recognize three models: entrepreneurial non-profit organizations, cooperatives as well as social integration clubs and centres. Their social and institutional background is presented together with institutional trajectories of social enterprise development.

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  • A role of an Enterprise Identification Card in a building process of water tourist investments

    An essential element of a building process for water tourist investments in Poland is a document called the Enterprise Identification Card. It is required for the investments, which are classified according to the Regulation [1] as the ones that could potentially impact the environment. It is assumed that KIP is there to protect the environment against the excessive human interference and it just provides the guidelines regarding...

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  • The first International Comparative Social Enterprise Models Working Paper: Poland

    • M. Starnawska
    • A. Ciepielewska-Kowalik
    • B. Pieliński
    • A. Szymańska

    - Year 2014

    In this paper, social enterprise models: entrepreneurial nonprofit organizations, cooperatives and vocational enterprises for the disabled are presented. Their emergence and institutionalization in the Polish social enterprise organizations landscape is provided and analysed. Also, the authors point to the convergences and divergences between these three models. Additionally historical background and institutional trajectories...

  • Discovering relationships between data in an enterprise information system using log analysis


    - Year 2023

    Enterprise systems are inherently complex and maintaining their full, up-to-date overview poses a serious challenge to the enterprise architects’ teams. This problem encourages the search for automated means of discovering knowledge about such systems. An important aspect of this knowledge is understanding the data that are processed by applications and their relationships. In our previous work, we used application logs of an enterprise...

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    Depending on the process behavior, available know-how and organizational goals, different techniques and tools can be used for business process modeling. We concentrate on e-commerce, and try to find the best marketing strategy for the sales process improvement. In the paper we present the multilayer approach to define enterprise scenarios. This allows us to collect the suitable knowledge necessary for enterprise analysis and improvement....

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  • Exploring Relationships Between Data in Enterprise Information Systems by Analysis of Log Contents


    - Year 2024

    Enterprise systems are inherently complex and maintaining their full, up-to-date overview poses a serious challenge to the enterprise architects’ teams. This problem encourages the search for automated means of discovering knowledge about such systems. An important aspect of this knowledge is understanding the data that are processed by applications and their relationships. In our previous work, we used application logs of an enterprise...

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  • Magdalena Ciesielska dr inż.

    Magdalena Ciesielska is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Informatics in Management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland. She holds a PhD in Business Economics and Management. Her areas of research and expertise are interdisciplinary and include governance and management of digital government at national, sectoral and local level, open data, digital inclusion, and contribution...

  • Exploring governance among social co-operatives: three models from Poland

    There has been overly interest regarding social enterprise and social entrepreneurship in theory and practice. In this paper the author introduces the workings of governance of small social enterprises i.e. social co-operatives, acting in most cases for the purpose of work and social integration of the marginalized, at the bottom of the pyramid of socio-economic system. The aim of this paper is to provide insights into under researched...

  • Anna Zielińska dr

    In 2016, she started her work at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Since 2018, a member of the board of the International Project Management Association Young Crew Polska. Author of numerous scientific publications in the field of crisis management, project and health program management, and improvement of business entities. Scientific and research interests include program and project...

  • Development of a simulation model of the activities of a transport and forwarding enterprise in the organization of international road cargo transportation

    The object of this study is the process of planning the work of a transport and forwarding company when serving different categories of customers who need organizational support for the delivery of goods by road transport in international traffic. The solved problem is due to the need to devise recommendations for organizing the work of forwarders when interacting with customers of transport and forwarding services that export...

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  • Towards the 4th industrial revolution: networks, virtuality, experience based collective computational intelligence, and deep learning


    - Year 2016

    Quo vadis, Intelligent Enterprise? Where are you going? The authors of this paper aim at providing some answers to this fascinating question addressing emerging challenges related to the concept of semantically enhanced knowledge-based cyber-physical systems – the fourth industrial revolution named Industry 4.0.

  • Entrepreneurship nests in a polish edge city


    - Year 2020

    The last two decades in Poland have been a period of both a dynamic development of the small and medium-sized enterprise sector and a transformation of the city surrounding territories. This development began during the economy transformation after 1989. Population migration and movement of economic entities away from central cities resulted in development of territorial structures within some Polish suburban areas, defined as...

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  • Intranet and internal communication in an organization


    - Year 2006

    One of the conditions of an organizational effectiveness is acommunication. However, communication meets some obstacles. Newtechnological opportunities, such as Intranet support enterprise communication process and bring some benefits. This paper includes: the description of communication process and its barriers, the analyze of relationships between communication and an organizational effectiveness, advantages from implementing...



    - Year 2020

    Collaborative Learning Environment for Engineering Education is a European project implemented under the Erasmus + program, The main goal of 5 partners from 4 different European countries – Bulgaria, Poland, Portugal and Romania is to develop an innovative collaborative training approach, encompassing curricula related to the introduction of enterprise automation. Project activities are carried out in the period from Dctober 2018...

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  • Lokal zamienię od zaraz : przenoszeie aplikacji do środowiska operacyjnego solaris 10.


    - Year 2008

    Problem przeróbki aplikacji do funkcjonowania w nowej wersji systemu operacyjnego może okazać się niebagatelny. Nawet jeśli same zmiany w aplikacji nie są skomplikowane, przejście przez stosowną część cyklu jej rozwoju zajmuje czas.Niestety, nierzadko oprócz przerabiania kodu samej aplikacji typu enterprise, trzeba uwzględnić jej integrację z nowym środowiskiem operacyjnym: nowe metody startowania, zmiany niektórych komend systemu...

  • Systemy Smart Cities - studium przypadku

    The paper presents the architecture of an enterprise service bus used in the construction of information systems processing large amounts of data for decision-making needs at the City Hall in Gdańsk. The key concept of processes of bus development involves installation of developing environment, database connection, flow mechanisms and data presentation. The issue was supported by models such as KPI (Key Processes Identifier) and...

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  • CMMI - an Assurance of Transferability of Knowledge andProjects in a Distributed Enterprise


    CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integrated)is a reference model fordefining and performing processes in software and systems engineeringorganizations.An organization implementing CMMI,among other things,assures thatacit knowledge is properly externalized into formal knowledge.This externalization gives an organization opportunity to assure that knowledge and development projects are easily transferable across adistributed enterprise...

  • Social entrepreneurship and its hybridity determining resource challenges and chances


    In this conceptual paper, the author aims to grasp what are the particular challenges and opportunities in social entrepreneurship, in terms of resource access and mobilization, considering the hybrid nature of social enterprise. To this end, the author points to the nature of hybridity and discusses what advantages and disadvantages are inherent in financial, human and physical resources access for social enterprises as hybrid...

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  • Resourcing in social enterprise – content analysis of 'good practices' profiled in 'Atlas of social economy' in Poland


    - Year 2015

    The aim of this paper is to analyze and show what processes accompany resource mobilization among social enterprises. For this, the author uses a sample of 25 ‘good practice’ examples selected and presented in ‘Atlas of social economy’ in Poland, in the most popular and well-established knowledge base web portal on social economy and social enterprise in Poland. The author makes an attempt at deconstructing the profiles of the...

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  • Assessment of the Small Enterprise’s Maturity to Improvement Projects Based on the Lean Six Sigma Concept


    This paper explores the methodology to assess the maturity of small enterprise of building masonry sector to implement integrated approach of Lean Six Sigma. For this purpose survey data from senior managers were used. Quantitative method of the case organization’s needs and capabilities in the scope of Lean Six Sigma project implementation was applied. The value of maturity indicator for Lean Six Sigma projects dedicated to the...

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  • The role of the human factor in the companies' innovativeness


    - Year 2015

    Innovation is one of the factors enabling the development of both individual companies and entire economies. While previously the possibilities offered by technology were focused on, including information and communication technology (ICT), recently the potential of human resources has been gaining more and more attention. This capital — often underestimated — can in the right conditions and with a conducive organizational culture...

  • Selected aspects of logistics management of the production process in an enterprise


    - Year 2016

    The following article presents selected aspects of management of production logistics process in enterprise. Companies treat this part of business as a way to empower market position. In the first part author explained the idea of process. The next part describes the definition of logistics production management, which is crucial for manufacturing enterprises. However, author described lots of tools related to production management...

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  • Information technology assessment using a functional prototype of the agent based system

    In the paper authors present the progress of works related with the agent-based system serving the purpose of information technology assessment. Currently this is a prototype including agents, the knowledge base and the ontology; the domain incorporated by the assessment-enterprise managing technologies with special attention paid to technologies directed to IT projects. In this paper, besides indication of expected functionalities...

  • Revising Entrepreneurial Orientation Construct in Social Enterprise


    - Year 2017

    Entrepreneurial behavior and entrepreneurial orientation (EO) have received significant scholarly attention in entrepreneurship and management research, but mainly in the commercial context. However, some attempts discussing such behavior and EO among non-profit organizations, but limited in the social enterprise context. The literature argues that EO is higher in such contexts (Zahra, Gedajlovic, Neubaum & Shulman, 2009; Lumpkin,...

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  • Social networks as a context for small business? A new look at an enterprise in the context of a smallness and newness liability syndrome


    - Year 2011

    In this paper we aim to propose and outline key ingredients to a small enterprise success, emerging from the social capital of small business owner-managers and their business networks. We employ resource based view of an organization as well as an embeddedness perspective along with new approach transaction costs to outline the pillars of an advantage of a small business entity. The analysis of survey data leads us to conclusion,...

  • Entrepreneurship after the Age of Sixty–Five? Reflections of Third Age University students


    The common synonyms for entrepreneurship usually include such concepts as creativity, innovation, and activity. These, in turn, are more often associated with youth rather than people of older age (Górniak, 2013). On the basis of literature research and interviews conducted with students from the Sopot School of Social Psychology of the University of the Third Age, the authors determined that among individuals...

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  • Is it all about networking? Building a sustainable value of a small enterprise in Polish context


    - Year 2010

    In this paper we aim to propose and outline key ingredients to a small enterprise success, emerging from the social capital of small business owner-managers and their business networks. We employ resource based view of an organization as well as an embeddedness perspective along with new approach transaction costs to outline the pillars of an advantage of a small business entity. The analysis of survey data leads us to conclusion,...

  • Hard Lessons Learned: A Model that Facilitates the Selection of Methods of IT Project Management

    The article presents the results of research conducted in an international enterprise responsible for IT project implementation. The carried out analysis of the case study with the use of surveys and data synthesis allowed the major factors causing problems connected with project management to be identified. The identified factors were aggregated and then, by using four key variables, a rhomboidal model adaptation was proposed...

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  • Issues of Measuring the Course of Batch Production Processes


    In order to meet demands induced by development of manufacturing processes and production systems, new criteria and indicators that would allow a multiple aspect and realistic rating of batch production process courses are necessary. The objective of this paper is to present the correlation between production processes measurement, its rating and production control, basing on case study analysis from production enterprise. A new...

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  • Methods of the privatization process of Polish state-owned enterprises in years 1990‒2015


    - Year 2016

    This article presents methods of the privatization process of state-owned enterprises in Poland in the period of years 1990‒2015. The author presents the change of number of state-owned companies over the selected period as well as describes the main methods of ownership transformation used in Poland. First part presents the mechanism of commercialization. Second discusses the indirect privatization and contribution to NFI. Next,...

  • Employee Suggestion Program as a way to involve employees in improving business processes


    - Year 2016

    The following article presents one of the Lean Management tools – employee suggestion program. Companies consider this method as a way to involve employees in improving business processes. In the first part of the article the author explained the idea of the Japanese management system. The next part presents the philosophy of Kaizen, which is crucial for proper implementation of Lean Management concept in the company. Moreover,...

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  • Wiarygodna integracja systemów ESB oraz Web services

    W pracy przedstawiono problem wiarygodnej integracji aplikacji rozproszonych z wykorzystaniem technologii Enterprise Service Bus oraz Web services. Przeprowadzono badania trzech platform integracji serwisów: Sun Open ESB, Windows Workflow Foundation oraz Mule ESB wraz z najbardziej popularnymi serwerami Web services. Badania wykazały, że delkarowane i zaimplementowane możliwości współpracy w platformach integracji różnią się w...

  • Standardy stosowane w systemach wymiany i archiwizacji obrazów medycznych


    - Year 2002

    W bieżącym podrozdziale przedstawiono podstawowe zgadnienia związane zestandardami wymiany i składowania obrazów w medycynie. W sposób szczególnyskupiono się na najbardziej uniwersalnej normie DICOM 3.0, stanowiącej pod-stawę współczesnych systemów informatycznych w radiologii. Przedstawionosposób konstrukcji formatu zapisu danych oraz podstawy dotyczące wymiany da-nych przez sieć komputerową. Na zakończenie podano charakterystykę...

  • Degree of monopoly and market power vs. price flexibility in Polish economy: empirical analysis based on COICOP classification


    Research background: The issue of price flexibility is crucial in the economy both in the aspect of company theory and its macroeconomic consequences. In a number of publications, the sources of variable price flexibility are linked to the market power of enterprises as well as the market structure that has developed in a given branch. It is difficult to indicate empirical studies that would state clearly whether price flexibility...

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  • Managerial Energy in Sustainable Enterprises: Organizational Wisdom Approach


    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    The circular economy (CE) as an idea involves applying the concept of sustainable development that has been gaining worldwide support. This shift in perception of energy and resource-use from its linear to circular forms creates a specific business environment, which constitutes the subject of this research. This article aims to analyze the impact of a manager’s energy on organizational wisdom, focusing on its circular business...

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  • Method of Decision-Making Logic Discovery in the Business Process Textual Data


    - Year 2019

    Growing amount of complexity and enterprise data creates a need for novel business process (BP) analysis methods to assess the process optimization opportunities. This paper proposes a method of BP analysis while extracting the knowledge about Decision-Making Logic (DML) in a form of taxonomy. In this taxonomy, researchers consider the routine, semi-cognitive and cognitive DML levels as functions of BP conceptual aspects of Resources,...

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