Search results for: NETWORK ECONOMY
Technology brands in the digitally-based and network economy. Setting the background
PublicationThis chapter defines and draws a general picture on Digital Technologies and Technology Brands’ meaning in the current economy. It contextualises the role and channels of digital technology’s impact on their shaping technology brands in network economy. It briefly explains why digital, innovative technologies constitute a perfect background and environment for technology brands of global scope. It discusses the place of technology...
Selfie and Personal Branding Phenomena in the Context of the Network Economy. A Literature Review
PublicationSelf-taken pictures called “selfies” shared in social media have become a worldwide phenomenon. This is due to the increased need of human being to share to other people their daily lives and to build their own personal brand in the networked world. Despite that, the subject of personal branding has not been sufficiently discussed in academic marketing literature over the past decade. The objective of the study is to present the...
Tacit Knowledge Sharing and Value Creation in the Network Economy: Socially Driven Evolution of Business
PublicationKey factors which affect competitive advantage in the network economy are innovation, relationships, cooperation, and knowledge. Sharing knowledge is not easy. Companies find it problematic. Presented studies show that the essence of the value creation today is not in sharing explicit but rather tacit knowledge, which is a source of creativity and innovation. Delivering value through knowledge does not only require efficient Transactive...
Personal Branding—A New Competency in the Era of the Network Economy. Corporate Brand Performance Implications
PublicationPrimary assets of the network economy are information, network, re-lationships, knowledge, and a virtual environment. The competency of personal branding exercised by knowledge workers, also thought of as knowledge producers, is becoming a natural consequence of the business environment where the significance of hierarchies is constantly decreasing. Knowledge workers are powerful as never be-fore and can exist as separate actors...
Network economy and innovation policy st 2024/2025
e-Learning CoursesGlobal Studies / Economics Analytics, II stopień (magisterskie), 3 semestr The aim of the course is to provide framework for exploring innovation theory in the context of the network economy.
Ewa Lechman prof. dr hab.
PeopleEWA LECHMAN (ur. 24 III 1977 Katowice), ekonomistka, profesor ► Politechniki Gdańskiej (PG). Córka Andrzeja i Anny. W 1996 absolwentka III Liceum Ogólnokształcącego im. Adama Mickiewicza w Katowicach. Do 2001 studiowała na Wydziale Ekonomii ► Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego (UG) na kierunku ekonomia, w specjalności polityka gospodarcza i strategia przedsiębiorczości. Studia ukończyła obroną pracy magisterskiej o przystąpieniu Meksyku do...
Tacit Knowledge Sharing and Personal Branding. How to Derive Innovation From Project Teams?
PublicationInnovation, relationships, cooperation, and knowledge are key factors which determine a competitive advantage in the networked economy. A network serves as a contemporary form of market process coordination. Network economy, according to the idea of prosumerism, is founded on collaboration of individual creators based on a network of values instead of hierarchical dependencies. Another feature of a network is that it imposes symmetry...
Safety Assessment of the Regional Warmia and Mazury Road Network Using Time-Series Analysis
PublicationWarmia and Mazury still belongs to the areas with the smallest transport accessibility in Europe. Unsatisfactory state of road infrastructure is a major barrier to the development of the regional economy, impacting negatively on the life conditions of the population. Also in terms of road safety Warmia and Mazury is one of the most endangered regions in Poland. The Police statistics show that beside a high pedestrian risk observed...
Nina Rizun dr
PeopleNina Rizun is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Gdańsk University of Technology. In October 1999, she obtained a PhD in Technical Sciences from the Faculty of Enterprise Economy and Production Organization, National Mining Academy, Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. PhD thesis title: Development of Complex Subsystem of the Organization and Planning of Mining and Transport Processes. From 1993-2000,...
International Conference on Digital Economy
Conferences -
Tacit Knowledge Sharing and Project Performance. Does the Knowledge Workers' Personal Branding Matter?
PublicationTacit knowledge sharing is the real challenge for knowledge management today. Network economy has completely changed the role of knowledge workers who now become independent tacit knowledge producers. Bearing this fact in mind, the author studied how tacit knowledge sharing affects the process of building a personal brand and project performance. For this purpose, the authors conducted a study among Polish professionals with different...
Maria Jastrzębska dr hab.
PeopleMaria Jastrzębska is an employee of the Department of Finance. She is the author of over 170 publications, including 8 monographs - Financial Management of Municipalities. Theoretical aspects; Budgetary policy of local government units; Debt management of local government units; Finances of local government units; Risk management in the activity of local government units with special consideration of catastrophic risk (co-author...
Heavy duty vehicle fuel consumption modelling using artificial neural networks
PublicationIn this paper an artificial neural network (ANN) approach to modelling fuel consumption of heavy duty vehicles is presented. The proposed method uses easy accessible data collected via CAN bus of the truck. As a benchmark a conventional method, which is based on polynomial regression model, is used. The fuel consumption is measured in two different tests, performed by using a unique test bench to apply the load to the engine. Firstly,...
Project-Based Collaborative Research and Training Roadmap for Manufacturing Based on Industry 4.0
PublicationThe importance of the economy being up to date with the latest developments, such as Industry 4.0, is more evident than ever before. Successful implementation of Industry 4.0 principles requires close cooperation of industry and state authorities with universities. A paradigm of such cooperation is described in this paper stemming from university partners with partly overlapping and partly complementary areas of expertise in manufacturing....
PublicationSince 2012 all new tires in Europe must be labeled. The label contains general information about tire performance concerning rolling resistance (that corresponds to fuel economy), noise emission and wet grip (only for passenger car tires). Measurements of noise performance of tires must be performed according to the Annex 3 of the Regulation No 117 of the Economic Commission for Europe of the United Nations. The regulation specifies...
Identification of High-Value Dataset determinants: is there a silver bullet for efficient sustainability-oriented data-driven development?
PublicationOpen Government Data (OGD) are seen as one of the trends that has the potential to benefit the economy, improve the quality, efficiency, and transparency of public administration, and change the lives of citizens, and the society as a whole facilitating efficient sustainability-oriented data-driven services. However, the quick achievement of these benefits is closely related to the “value” of the OGD, i.e., how useful, and reusable...
Potencjał kognitywno-kulturowy dzielnicy a innowacyjne strategie rehabilitacji w kontekście społecznej indywidualizacji. Studium przypadku: Mouraria, Lizbona = Innovative Public Space Rehabilitation Models to Create Cognitive-Cultural Urban Economy in the Age of Mass Individualisation. Case of Mouraria, Lisbon
PublicationInnovative Public Space Rehabilitation Models to Create Cognitive- -Cultural Urban Economy in the Age of Mass Individualisation. Case of Mouraria, Lisbon. This paper deals with the issue of sustainable urban rehabilitation interventions in city cores focused on value creation through culture-led development as a tool for building a cognitive city. The objective is to analyze cases of rehabilitation of public space by culture-led...
A novel approach to enhance high optically active L-lactate production from food waste by landfill leachate
PublicationThe recycling of food waste (FW) through anaerobic fermentation into lactic acid (LA), with two isomers L-LA and D-LA, aligns with the principles of a bio-based circular economy. However, FW fermentation is often limited by competing pathways, acidification inhibition, and trace metals deficiency. This study investigates the introduction of landfill leachate, containing buffering agents (ammonia) and trace metals, into FW fermentation....
GDP growth in Iran
Open Research DataThe economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran is one of the fastest growing in the Middle East. Iran should not only be associated with crude oil industry but also other areas of the economy. The sanctions that hindered oil exports from Iran meant that the authorities had to take measures to increase exports of other products. There was an increase in...
Cost-Efficient Measurement Platform and Machine-Learning-Based Sensor Calibration for Precise NO2 Pollution Monitoring
PublicationAir quality significantly impacts human health, the environment, and the economy. Precise real-time monitoring of air pollution is crucial for managing associated risks and developing appropriate short- and long-term measures. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) stands as a common pollutant, with elevated levels posing risks to the human respiratory tract, exacerbating respiratory infections and asthma, and potentially leading to chronic lung...
Countries with the highest and the lowest electricity consumption per capita in 1998, kWh / c
Open Research DataFor several years, domestic electricity consumption has been growing (the average annual growth rate of electricity consumption for 2005-2010 is 2.75%). The increase in demand for electricity is related to the continuous development of the Polish economy, the enrichment of society and the growing, year by year, industrial production. It should be noted...
XXXVII Wieczór z Ekonomią
EventsZapraszamy na spotkanie naukowe online: Wieczór z Ekonomią, organizowany przez prof. Piotra Dominiaka. Gośćmi najbliższego spotkania będą: dr Dagmara Nikulin oraz prof. Ewa Lechman z WZiE PG.
Mariusz Józef Figurski prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleMariusz Józef Figurski (born 27 April 1964 in Łasinie, Poland) - Polish geodesist, professor of technical sciences, professor at the Gdańsk University of Technology. Early life and education He passed the matriculation examination in 1983 after he had finished Jan III Sobieski High school in Grudziądz. He graduated the Military University of Technology on an individual mode at the Faculty of Electromechanics and Civil Engineering...
Heavy Duty Vehicle Fuel Consumption Modelling Based on Exploitation Data by Using Artificial Neural Networks
PublicationOne of the ways to improve the fuel economy of heavy duty trucks is to operate the combustion engine in its most efficient operating points. To do that, a mathematical model of the engine is required, which shows the relations between engine speed, torque and fuel consumption in transient states. In this paper, easy accessible exploitation data collected via CAN bus of the heavy duty truck were used to obtain a model of a diesel...
PIT revenues in 2012-2021 in PLN billion
Open Research DataTaxes are the primary source of income for the state budget and local government units. Tax issues play an important role in the economy of each country, its citizens and economic entities that operate on the market. Taxes are the main instrument of the state's influence on the economy, as they cover almost all natural and legal persons operating on...
The mechanisms of technological innovation in SMEs: a Bayesian Network Analysis of EU regional policy impact on Polish firms.
PublicationWe study the underlying mechanisms of technological innovation in SMEs in the context of ex-post evaluation of European Union’s regional policy. Our aim is to explain the observed change in firms’ innovativeness after receiving EU support for technological investment. To do so, we take an approach that is novel in innovation studies: a Bayesian Network Analysis to assess the effectiveness of EU policy instrument for technological...
Cities that obtain the highest revenues from PIT in 2021 in PLN billion
Open Research DataTax issues play an important role in the economy of each country, its citizens and economic entities that operate on the market. Taxes are the main instrument of the state's influence on the economy, as they cover almost all natural and legal persons that operate on the market.
Anna Wałek dr
PeopleDr Anna Wałek, President of IATUL – International Association of University Libraries, director of the Gdańsk University of Technology Library. An experienced library manager, an expert in the field of Open Science, and organization and management of a scientific library. She conducts scientific research in data management in various scientific disciplines, metadata for research data, and data management support services - incl....
Statistical Data Pre-Processing and Time Series Incorporation for High-Efficacy Calibration of Low-Cost NO2 Sensor Using Machine Learning
PublicationAir pollution stands as a significant modern-day challenge impacting life quality, the environment, and the economy. It comprises various pollutants like gases, particulate matter, biological molecules, and more, stemming from sources such as vehicle emissions, industrial operations, agriculture, and natural events. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), among these harmful gases, is notably prevalent in densely populated urban regions. Given...
Personal branding of artists and art-designers: necessity or desire?
PublicationPurpose Personal branding becomes a new in-demand skill for all professionals today. To be well-known helps to achieve success in the networked business environment. Personal relationships and a good reputation in the reality of network economy help young artists and art designers move up the career ladder. This paper aims to discuss a problem of artists who often find it difficult to define their artistic and self-distinction...
Inflation rate (In percentage) in Iran
Open Research DataCurrently, a major concern of the Iranian economy is high inflation. Increasing prices of basic goods, and their increase in wages do not follow. At the same time the unemployment rate has raised. The following data set present the inflation rate between 2010-2020 (forecast).
Data accompanying the paper: "Productivity effects of trade in natural resources – comparison with mechanisms of technological specialization" (Zarach and Parteka, The World Economy, 2023)
Open Research DataThe folder contains the data and codes used in the analysis described in the paper: Zarach Z.H., Parteka A. (2023). Productivity effects of trade in natural resources – comparison with mechanisms of technological specialization. The World Economy, 00, 1–23.
Share of people working in the enterprise sector by ownership sector at the end of 2016 (%).
Open Research DataThe dynamic development of small and medium-sized enterprises, which was observed in the past century - in particular in the past two decades - is the phenomenon of the development of the world economy intriguing many researchers and research centers. These figures present the share of workforce according to the ownership sector at the end of 2016.
High-Performance Machine-Learning-Based Calibration of Low-Cost Nitrogen Dioxide Sensor Using Environmental Parameter Differentials and Global Data Scaling
PublicationAccurate tracking of harmful gas concentrations is essential to swiftly and effectively execute measures that mitigate the risks linked to air pollution, specifically in reducing its impact on living conditions, the environment, and the economy. One such prevalent pollutant in urban settings is nitrogen dioxide (NO2), generated from the combustion of fossil fuels in car engines, commercial manufacturing, and food processing. Its...
The role of investments in economic development
PublicationIn the modern world, one may observe diversification of economies of given countries. Many of them, considered to be less developed,are aspiring to diminish the gap between them and well developed countries, one of such countries is Poland, which is trying hard to boots its competitive position in the worldwide market and achieve the constant and well-balanced development. It can be attained by building knowledge economy. Therefore,...
Enterprises of the SME sector in selected years in Poland - entities registered in the REGON system
Open Research DataThe free market economy in Poland, initiated at the turn of the 1980s and 1990s, contributed to a significant increase in the number of private enterprises. During the years of the Polish People's Republic, the number of companies was small, but at the beginning of the 1990s it began to grow rapidly. The following data contains information about number...
The most popular fields of study at full-time first-cycle studies and uniform master's studies in 2010/2011
Open Research DataUniversities try to adjust their didactic offer to the preferences of university candidates and the market situation. The socio-economic changes of the transformation period meant that specialists in the field of the market economy were in demand on the labor market. Subsequently, at universities, such fields as: "Management" or "Pedagogy" are ranked...
Share of family enterprises in generating GDP in individual sections 2009
Open Research DataFamily businesses constitute a significant part of the Polish economy and the vast majority of enterprises within the SME sector. They have always existed on the Polish market, but the political situation meant that their real revival is related to the political changes of 1989. These companies are of particular importance in contributing to the formation...
Gross final energy demand from RES, broken down by type of energy
Open Research DataAccording to the forecasts of the Ministry of Economy, taking into account the macroeconomic situation and legal conditions (including the EU Program "20x20x20", the Act on Renewable Energy Sources and the Energy Efficiency Act), power plants producing energy based on renewable energy will gain in importance in the coming years. energy sources.
PublicationBased on the analysis of the impact of quantitative easing policies on the global economy, there was concluded that the world’s largest central banks and widespread debt stimulation have created the model of economic growth. This model was based on the productivity growth. The lack of productivity growth in the developed world, the active integration of developing countries (first of all China and India) in the global economy have...
Legal destructive entrepreneurship in the modern economy
PublicationMotivation: Usually examples of activities that have a positive impact on the economy of the state are cited. Destructive entrepreneurship refers to activities that have negative impact on the economy. This phenomenon is relatively new in the literature and does not yet have a precise definition. Aim: The aim of this article is to attempt a definition of the phenomenon of legal destructive entrepreneurship. The author also analysed...
Shadow Economy in Poland Recent Evidence Based on Survey Data
PublicationThe book provides an estimate of the size of the shadow economy in Poland. Using analogous data, it traces core determinants of the existence of the shadow economy in Poland. It compares results with neighbouring countries, and if possible, the remaining Central-Eastern economies. The book tells why the problem of the unreported economic activity matters; it presents the problem from different angles―economic, social and institutional....
PublicationCovid-19 affected the whole world in a short time, causing serious panic and uncertainty in society. Because it was an unprecedented disease, the medical community has worked hard to find out how to deal with it, and it continues to do so. The rapid spread of the disease, the shortage of hospital capacity and the increase in deaths drove the whole world to a closure, so to speak. In this time period, life in the world came to a...
Entrepreneurship in Virtual Economy: the Case of Currency One SA
PublicationPurpose: The scientific purpose of the study is an attempted synthesis of interpretation of “the virtual economy” and “the virtual environment” in the Polish and foreign literature on the subject. The cognitive purpose thereof is to offer an identification and a qualitative analysis of the factors that determine the development of e-entrepreneurship using an example of business practice. Methodology: The theoretical basis of the...
Difficulties in financing innovation - research results
Open Research DataThe SME sector determines the strength of the Polish economy, still faces many barriers in running a business, they can be social and market barriers, for example: financial barriers, low employee mobility, or limited access to financing sources: legal barriers that result from economic policy difficult for the sector, or conservative economic policy.
Division of enterprises in the creation of Poland's GDP in the years 2004 - 2013
Open Research DataThe share of the SME sector in generating GDP is growing every year. Currently, all enterprises account for 73.5% of GDP. In 2004, this level was 70.5%. Bearing in mind the above, it is important to note the important role of both the entire enterprise sector in the role of the entire national economy and the micro-enterprise sector. As already mentioned,...
Concept for Perfecting the Marketing of New Technologies at Gdańsk University of Technology
PublicationThe chapter discusses the problem of improving the use of modern marketing achievements in the development and offering of new technologies, based on the experience of the Gdansk University of Technology (PG). Were discussed the concept, features, benefits and conditions of modern marketing, as well as the essence of the new technologies and ways of transferring them from scientific research units to the economy. Presented past...
Price bubbles and Co-bubbles in the green economy market
PublicationIn light of growing concerns about climate change and environmental issues, investor interest has surged in the new green economy market. However, the existing literature is limited regarding potential price bubble and co-bubble within this new domain. This study examines price bubble and co-bubble in the new green economy market, covering 31 indexes classified into three groups: the green economy market and its components, geographical...
Transforming the Gdansk Bay Area
PublicationThe political transformation of Poland in the early nineties from a centrally steered economy to a free market economy entailed changes of the spatial planning system. The impact of these changes on the spatial transformations and current shape of urban structures in the Gdansk Bay Metropolitan Area is apparent and significant. The paper concentrates on the present spatial phenomena of Gdansk Agglomeration resulting from the main...
Impact of Demographic Changes onto National Economy Development
PublicationThe effects of population decline and their influence onto the national economy need to be analyzed with reference to modern demographic trends regarding society ageing process. The problem of demographic changes does not only concern the birth rate, life span and migration, but it also refers to economic phenomena and thus, the economic and demographic trend interrelation becomes quite obvious. Macroeconomic approach defines the...