Search results for: QUALITY ASSESSMENT
Quality assessment of experimental knowledge
PublicationPrzedstawiono model wieloagentowy oceny jakosci wiedzy zdobytej na podstawie doswiadczenia. Poddano analizie wyniki eksperymentow modelowych oraz sformulowano dalszy plan badan w tym zakresie.
Methods for Quality Assessment of Window View
PublicationThis paper summarises findings from two workshops evaluating a series of views in various settings by an interdisciplinary group of experts. In the first one (Trondheim, June 2022), ten experts visited and assessed views from nine rooms. In the second one (Lausanne, June 2023), eleven experts assessed window views from four spaces. The workshops’ main objective was to develop and test multi-method assessments of window views. During...
Smartphones as tools for equitable food quality assessment
PublicationBackground: The ubiquity of smartphones equipped with an array of sophisticated sensors, ample processing power, network connectivity and a convenient interface makes them a promising tool for non-invasive, portable food quality assessment. Combined with the recent developments in the areas of IoT, deep learning algorithms and cloud computing, they present an opportunity for advancing wide-spread, equitable and sustainable food...
Sediment-quality assessment by intelligent data analysis
PublicationCoraz powszechniej do oceny jakości próbek środowiskowych osadów wykorzystuje się analizy chemometryczne. Ich głównym zadaniem jest znalezienie zależności pomiędzy wynikami analiz chemicznych oraz oszacowanymi parametrami toksyczności.Zastosowanie chemometrii w ocenie jakości próbek środowiskowych umożliwiłoby zredukowanie kosztów biomonitoringu prowadzonego na badanym obszarze poprzez optymalizację procedury badawczej.
Current Trends and Advances in Image Quality Assessment
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Real-Time Skin Quality Assessment System
PublicationThis thesis presents a real-time skin assessment system with the main aim of detecting inflammatory acne lesions and tracking skin conditions. A facial acne lesion detection algorithm was developed, using a pre-trained YOLOv8 model for lesion detection and a Mediapipe detector for face detection. The proposed solution aims to create a system used in smart mirrors to help users self-monitor and monitor their skin condition in real...
Potential Methods of Electrochromic Materials Quality Assessment
PublicationPublikacja zawiera potencjalne metody oceny jakości prototypowych maateriałów wykonanych z warstw elektrochromowych. Warstwy te mogą zostać ocenione za pomocą anlizy sygnałów elektrycznych jak również metodami przetwarzania obrazów.
Problems of varistor quality assessment during exploitation
PublicationVaristors are commonly used elements which protect power supply networks against high-voltage surges or lightning. Therefore, quality and endurance of these elements is important to avoid losses when an expensive laboratory equipment would not be protected from random overvoltages. Additionally, excessive leakage currents generate serious costs due to high energy consumption. The paper presents shortly properties of varistors that...
Electronic Noses for Indoor Air Quality Assessment
PublicationThis chapter presents a proposal of the use of electronic noses in the monitoring of indoor air quality. The main focus is put on the detailed characteristics of today’s indoor air quality control methods, the types of pollution in the air, and the development of electronic noses for air testing. Currently, scientists seek methodological and structural solutions that would enable real-time online indoor air control. It has been...
Quality assessment of low voltage surge arresters
PublicationUsers expect reliable operation of the surge arrester during overvoltages, which may originate from a switching process or a lightning discharge. The necessary conditions to guarantee these expectations are: appropriate construction of the surge arrester, its production being maintained in accordance with technical standards, and a positive results of the type test (as well routine and acceptance tests). The recipient, especially...
Electronic noses: Powerful tools in meat quality assessment
PublicationMain factors that are considered by consumers when choosing meat products are colour and aroma, of which the latter is a more reliable indicator of quality. However, a simple sensory evaluation of hedonistic qualities is often not sufficient to determine whether protein is past its shelf life, and consumption of spoiled meat can lead to serious health hazards. Some volatile compounds can be used as spoilage indicators, and so a...
A Hybrid Method for Objective Quality Assessment of Binary Images
PublicationIn the paper, a novel hybrid method for an automatic quality assessment of binary images is proposed that may be useful, e.g., for computationally limited embedded systems or Optical Character Recognition applications. Since the quality of binary images used as the input for further image analysis strongly influences the obtained results, a reliable evaluation of their quality is a crucial element for the validation of such...
Quality Assessment of 3D Printed Surfaces in Fourier Domain
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On the Usefulness of Combined Metrics for 3D Image Quality Assessment
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Entropy Based Surface Quality Assessment of 3D Prints
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Quality assessment of mobile host services in IP networks
PublicationW pracy opisano podstawowe protokoły wspierające komunikację stacji ruchomych w sieciach IP. Przedmiotem zainteresowania były w szczególności rozwiązania MIP oraz Calkular IP i HAWAII - wspierające mobilność w skali makro bądź mikro. Przeprowadzono badania symulacyjne wskazujące na przydatność powyższych protokołów w przypadku różnych konfiguracji sieci.
Determination of some off-flavors for vodka quality assessment
PublicationW pracy zostały przedstawione wyniki analizy wybranych związków karbonylowych w wódkach czystych z wykorzystaniem procedury HS-SPME/GC-ECD poprzedzonej derywatyzacją aldehydów za pomocą odczynnika PFBHA. Przeprowadzone badania wykazały, że obecność 2,3-pentanodionu i 2-butenalu skutkuje pogorszeniem jakości analizowanych wódek.
Quality assessment of high voltage varistors by third harmonic index
PublicationHigh voltage varistors that consist of grained ZnO have to be tested before assembling into a surge arrester. The existing methods demand a usage of high voltages and intensive currents that is inconvenient, destructive and needs extensive power consumption. Additionally, these methods require metallization of the prepared varistor structures that increases costs. We propose another method of varistors quality assessments by a...
Efficiency Increasing of No-reference Image Quality Assessment in UAV Applications
PublicationUnmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imaging is a dynamically developing field, where the effectiveness of imaging applications highly depends on quality of the acquired images. No-reference image quality assessment is widely used for quality control and image processing management. However, there is a lack of accuracy and adequacy of existing quality metrics for human visual perception. In this paper, we demonstrate that this...
Development of novel smartphone-based methods of wine quality assessment
PublicationThe doctoral dissertation concerns the development of novel smartphone-based analytical methods of wine quality evaluation, which would be in line with the stipulations of green and equitable analytical chemistry. This solution is based on the analysis of biogenic amines and selected bioactive compounds. The dissertation is based on four articles containing the results of research which led to the development of smartphone-based...
Expert system for automatic classification and quality assessment of singing voices
Expert system for automatic classification and quality assessment of singing voices
Improved Combined Metric for Automatic Quality Assessment of Stitched Images
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Application of Image Entropy Analysis for the Quality Assessment of Stitched Images
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A Statistical Reduced-Reference Approach to Digital Image Quality Assessment
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Quality Assessment of Images with Multiple Distortions using Combined Metrics
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No-reference quality assessment of 3D prints based on the GLCM analysis
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Mobile Video Quality Assessment: A Current Challenge for Combined Metrics
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Video Quality Assessment Using the Combined Full-Reference Approach
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Quality Assessment of 3D Prints Based on Feature Similarity Metrics
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Quality assessment of varistor ZnO structures by resonant ultrasound spectroscopy
PublicationWarystory sa wytwarzane z tlenku cynku ZnO jako cylindrycznie uformowane struktury, a ich jakość zależy od zmieniających się uwarunkowań technologicznych na etapach formowania ich kształtu oraz spiekania. W związku z tym są one testowane w końcowej fazie produkcji, a elementy wadliwe się odrzuca. Proponujemy testowanie jakości struktur ZnO we wcześniejszej fazie ich wytwarzania w celu wyeliminowania elementów wadliwych z dalszej,...
Quality assessment of ZnO-based varistors by 1/f noise
PublicationNoise has been used as a diagnostic tool of surge arrester varistor structures comprising of ZnO grains of various type and size. The physical and electrical properties of the measured samples have been described. In the experimental study, the applied measurement system and the results of noise measurements for the selected structures of varistors designed for the continuous working voltage 280 V, 440 V and 660 V have been presented....
Combined No-Reference Image Quality Metrics for Visual Quality Assessment Optimized for Remote Sensing Images
PublicationNo-reference image quality assessment is one of the most demanding areas of image analysis for many applications where the results of the analysis should be strongly correlated with the quality of an input image and the corresponding reference image is unavailable. One of the examples might be remote sensing since the transmission of such obtained images often requires the use of lossy compression and they are often distorted,...
Application of Binary Image Quality Assessment Methods to Predict the Quality of Optical Character Recognition Results
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Application of Binary Image Quality Assessment Methods to Predict the Quality of Optical Character Recognition Results
PublicationOne of the continuous challenges related to the growing popularity of mobile devices and embedded systems with limited memory and computational power is the development of relatively fast methods for real-time image and video analysis. One such example is Optical Character Recognition (OCR), which is usually too complex for such devices. Considering that images captured by cameras integrated into mobile devices may be acquired...
Portable Electronic Nose Based on Electrochemical Sensors for Food Quality Assessment
PublicationThe steady increase in global consumption puts a strain on agriculture and might lead to a decrease in food quality. Currently used techniques of food analysis are often labour-intensive and time-consuming and require extensive sample preparation. For that reason, there is a demand for novel methods that could be used for rapid food quality assessment. A technique based on the use of an array of chemical sensors for holistic analysis...
Similarity Estimation of Textile Materials Based on Image Quality Assessment Methods
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Application of Structural Similarity Based Metrics for Quality Assessment of 3D Prints
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Texture Based Quality Assessment of 3D Prints for Different Lighting Conditions
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Computer Vision Methods for Non-destructive Quality Assessment in Additive Manufacturing
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Colour Image Quality Assessment Using the Combined Full-Reference Metric
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The role of heterotrophic plate count bacteria in bottled water quality assessment
PublicationThe ever-growing popularity of bottled water is the result of many factors. One of the most relevant is the widespread belief that bottled water is safer for drinking than tap water. In fact many literature sources describe the rapid growth of the amounts of microorganisms in bottled water samples following the bottling process. The main purpose of this article is to collect the information on the factors which may affect this...
A Fast Prediction of the OCR Results Based on Binary Image Quality Assessment Methods
PublicationSince the first step of the Optical Character Recognition (OCR) procedure is usually image binarization and the execution of the OCR process takes longer time than image quality assessment (IQA) of binary images, a fast prediction of the OCR results before text recognition would be interesting for non-uniformly illuminated document images, also for applications in mobile devices. Since IQA methods for binary images usually require...
Image Quality Assessment Tool for Conventional and Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging Acquisitions
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Two-Dimensional Windowing in the Structural Similarity Index for the Colour Image Quality Assessment
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Color Independent Quality Assessment of 3D Printed Surfaces Based on Image Entropy
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Objective 3D Printed Surface Quality Assessment Based on Entropy of Depth Maps
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Improved quality assessment of colour surfaces for additive manufacturing based on image entropy
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Binary Image Quality Assessment—A Hybrid Approach Based on Binarization Evaluation Methods
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Potentiometric sensor with lipid-polymer membranes for quality assessment of French red wines
PublicationThe quality of wines resulting from vineyard management is important for consumers due to the taste and price of wines. In this work, the quality of red wines of three vintages has been investigated by potentiometric sensors with six all-solid-state electrodes. Two series of experiments were carried out. The first involved a qualitative analysis of wine of different vintages from freshly opened bottles. The second consisted of...