Search results for: QUALITY ASSURANCE
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Quality Assurance in Education
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Internationalization and Quality Assurance in Higher Education
PublicationInternationalization is an inevitable phenomenon among all contemporary higher education institutions (HEIs) in a globalizing world. It is the driving force for development and progress. In course of the last 30 years, it became an inevitable element of HE management. However, it carries along a number of risks, pitfalls, and organizational challenges. To hedge those, quality assurance (QA) is called to the stage. HEIs therefore...
Quality assurance of alcoholic beverages by electronic nose
PublicationQuality is very important attribute of every alcoholic beverage. It is very significant to satisfy consumers and assure food quality. Flavour, colour and taste constitute a great matter not only for connoisseurs. Due to these features, the whole manufacturing process need to be monitored. This paper presents a high-class devices useful in assessing of beverage quality. Electronic noses offer quick real-time analysis, which is very...
Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the Analytical Chemical Laboratory: A Practical Approach.
PublicationNowe opracowanie książkowe z zakresu QA/QC to praktyczny podręcznik zarówno dla studentów jak i pracowników laboratoriów. Opisano systemu jakości wyników pomiarów analitycznych i poszczególnych jego składników: spójności pomiarowej, niepewności pomiaru, walidacji procedury analitycznej, materiałów odniesienia i badań międzylaboratoryjnych. Opisano i przedstawiono narzędzia statystyczne służące do obliczania parametrów walidacyjnych,...
Certified Reference Material - as a necessary tool for the quality control and quality assurance of measurements
PublicationReference materials are necessary to control and ensure the quality of the measurements. The demand for analytical information on the composition of different material objects makes it necessary to produce an even wider range of materials.
Harmonization and Quality Assurance of Income and Wealth Data: The Case of LIS.
PublicationComparability of concepts in survey data harmonization is essential for scientific analyses. LIS – also known as the Luxembourg Income Study or LIS Cross-National Data Center in Luxembourg – acquires and harmonizes income and wealth microdata to provide the scientific community with a comparable database that is unique in the world in its growing temporal and geographic breadth. Over many decades, scholars worldwide have used the...
Test objects for MRI quality assurance based on polymer gels
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Quality Assurance of Educational Processes as the Foundation of the Quality Management System in Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationThe paper presents a model of quality management system (QMS) developed by the author in Gdansk University of Technology (GUT). The core of the model is internal quality assurance system of educational processes based on the ENQA guidelines. Next described in the paper steps of GUT QMS development are the implementation of one of the normative QMS models (e.g. ISO 9001, ISO/IEC 17025) in selected organizational units of GUT and...
PublicationThe article presents rules, requirements, and norms for quality management and health safety assurance systems among small and medium bakeries. This group of businesses does not have the obligation of implementing or certifying specific systems. They are, however, implemented in order to increase the quality of the bread or reach a better market position. Also, the results of a 2022 study of 53 bakeries’ implementation of individual...
The role and the place of method validation in the Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) System
PublicationOznaczanie analitów na coraz niższych poziomach stężeń w próbkach charakteryzujących się coraz bardziej złożonym składem matrycy to jeden z głównych kierunków rozwojowych analityki chemicznej. Jest to zadanie niezwykle trudne i skomplikowane, w związku z czym stanowi wielkie wyzwanie dla analityków i wymaga zwrócenia uwagi na problem kontroli i zapewnienia jakości uzyskiwanych wyników (ang. Quality Assurance/Quality Control - QA/QC).W...
The Role of and the Place of Method Validation in the Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) System
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Quality Assurance of Educational Processes as the Foundation of the Quality Management System in Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationW opracowaniu przedstawiono rozwojowy model systemu zarządzania jakością w dużej uczelni technicznej. Punktem wyjścia dla tego projektowania tego modelu jest wewnętrzny system zapewnienia jakości kształcenia oparty na wytycznych ENQA a kluczowym czynnikiem wspierającym systemowo prowadzone zarządzanie wiedzą oraz samoocena.
Quality Assurance and Quality Control in the Analytical Chemical Laboratory. A practical approach : Second edition
PublicationThe second edition defines the tools used in QA/QC, especially the application of statistical tools during analytical data treatment. Clearly written and logically organized, it takes a generic approach applicable to any field of analysis. The authors begin with the theory behind quality control systems, then detail validation parameter measurements, the use of statistical tests, counting the margin of error, uncertainty estimation,...
Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism
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International Journal of Pharmaceutical Quality Assurance
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Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods
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Honey antibacterial activity: A neglected aspect of honey quality assurance as functional food
PublicationBackground Honey is considered as a functional food with health-promoting properties. Its potent antibacterial and antibiofilm effects are the major attributes of so called ‘medical-grade honey’ which is topically used for the treatment of burns, wounds and skin disorders. Nevertheless, the current set of honey quality parameters adopted in the European Union do not include its biological properties. Furthermore, in light of the...
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Kontrola i zapewnienie jakości wyników pomiarów analitycznych =Quality control and quality assurance (QC/QA) of analytical results
PublicationWyniki, które winny być źródłem informacji analitycznej, są uzyskiwane w następstwie przeprowadzanych pomiarów. Na tym etapie stosuje się odpowiednie "narzędzia analityczne", które stanowią metodyki analityczne i urządzenia kontrolno-pomiarowe. "Narzędzia" muszą być właściwie przygotowane do pracy, tak aby uzyskiwane wyniki były miarodajne, czyli aby odzwierciedlały w sposób dokładny (jednocześnie precyzyjny i poprawny) rzeczywistą...
Data quality assurance
e-Learning CoursesThe first lecture: 22.02.2021 at 8:15 on Teams Pierwszy wykład: 22.02.2021 o 8:15 w Teams ---------------------------------------------- Kierunek: Inżynieria danych (WETI) Studia I stopnia - inżynierskie, stacjonarne, semestr 6
Data quality assurance
e-Learning Courses -
Standards for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area versus Common Assessment Framework in education. Conflict or harmony?
PublicationThe aim of the research was to analyze the assumptions of Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ENQA) and the criteria of Common Assessment Framework (CAF) for the educational sector and based on that to find out the main differences and similarities (conflicts and harmony) between them. The results of the research showed that the current trends of the quality movement evolution in...
Integrated Processing: Quality Assurance Procedure of the Surface Layer of Machine Parts during the Manufacturing Step "Diamond Smoothing"
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Performance of a new commercial high-definition 3D patient specific quality assurance system for CyberKnife robotic radiotherapy and radiosurgery
PublicationConventional two dimensional and low-definition measurement techniques for dosimetric verification of radiotherapy treatment deliveries are no longer adequate in the era of hypofractionation and extremely high dose gradients. New quality assurance (QA) tools with 3D capability and high definition are urgently needed. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of one of the first such commercial systems as applied...
Data Quality Assurance 2024
e-Learning CoursesData quality assurance / Zapewnianie jakości danych 2023 Prowadzący: Paweł Weichbroth Wykład: odbywają się zdalnie. Projekt w drugiej połowie semestru Kod dostępu do przedmiotu w eNauczanie będzie przekazany podczas pierwszego wykładu
Data quality assurance - 2023
e-Learning CoursesData quality assurance / Zapewnianie jakości danych 2023 Prowadzący: Andrzej Wardziński Wykład: od 13 marca, poniedziałki 13:15 sala NE Audytorium 2 Projekt w drugiej połowie semestru Kod dostępu do przedmiotu w eNauczanie będzie przekazany podczas pierwszego wykładu
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Lipidomic characteristics of three edible cold-pressed oils by LC/Q-TOF for simple quality and authenticity assurance
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Accountability in Research-Policies and Quality Assurance
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Determination of POPs in environmental matrices - proficiency tests for Polish laboratories
PublicationKatedra Chemii Analitycznej Wydziału Chemicznego PG we współpracy ze Stowarzyszeniem RefMat oraz firmą LGC Promochem Sp. z o.o. prowadzi od 2003 roku wieloletni projekt badań biegłości laboratoriów. Celem badań jest określenie biegłości laboratoriów w zakresie oznaczania związków organicznych (anality z grupy PCB, WWA, pestycydy) w próbkach środowiskowych. W ramach projektu przeprowadzono dotychczas trzy badania biegłości dotyczące...
Validation of SPME-GC and HS-GC procedures for the determination of selected solvent residues in edible oil matrices
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono przebieg procesu walidacji, przeprowadzonej zgodnie ze wskazaniami ICH (International Conference on Harmonization), procedur wykorzystywanych do oznaczania pozostałości wybranych rozpuszczalników w olejach jadalnych i preparatach farmaceutycznych. W celu izolacji i wzbogacania analitów wykorzystano dwie bezrozpuszczalnikowe techniki ekstrakcyjne: ekstrakcję do fazy nadpowierzchniowej (HS) i mikroekstrakcję...
Validation of the HS-GC-FID method for the determination of athanol residue in tablets
PublicationW pracy opisano proces walidacji metody oznaczania zawartości pozostałości etanolu w tabletkach. W pomiarach wykorzystano technikę HS-GC-FID. Wyznaczono następujące parametry walidacyjne:- selektywność- liniowość- poprawność- precyzję (powtarzalność i precyzję pośrednią)- granice wykrywalności i oznaczalności- zakres pomiarowy- niepewność
Validation of the HS-GC-FID method for the determination of ethanol residue in tablets
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Determination of POPs in environmental matrices – proficiency tests for Polish laboratories
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Determination of PCBs in river sediment samples—proficiency test for selected Polish laboratories
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How to stop salami science: promotion of healthy trends in publishing behavior
PublicationThe career of scientists often depends on the number of their published works. This fact leads to the overproduction of low quality papers burying the important articles and making the knowledge less accessible. One of the methods to counteract these negative aspects might lie in the promotion of healthy trends in publishing behavior. In the present work, the theoretical analysis of a new bibliometric measure is presented, and...
Supporting Assurance by Evidence-based Argument Services
PublicationStructured arguments based on evidence are used in many domains, including systems engineering, quality assurance and standards conformance. Development, maintenance and assessment of such arguments is addressed by TRUST-IT methodology outlined in this paper. The effective usage of TRUST-IT requires an adequate tool support. We present a platform of software services, called NOR-STA, available in the Internet, supporting key activities...
Representing Process Characteristics to Increase Confidence in Assurance Case Arguments
PublicationAn assurance case is a structured, evidence-based argument demonstrating that a safety or other quality objective of a high integrity system is assured. Assurance cases are required or recommended in many industry domains as a means to convince the regulatory bodies to allow commissioning of such system. To be convincing, an argument should address all potential doubts and thus cover numerous additional issues, including the processes...
Automated Generation of Modular Assurance Cases with the System Assurance Reference Model
PublicationAssurance cases are structured arguments used to demonstrate specific system properties such as safety or security. They are used in many industrial sectors including automotive, aviation and medical devices. Assurance cases are usually divided into modules which address goals allocated to specific system properties, components, functions, modes of operation or environmental conditions. Depending on the system and assurance process...
Development of the System Assurance Reference Model for Generating Modular Assurance Cases
PublicationAssurance cases are structured arguments used to demonstrate specific system properties such as safety or security. They are used in many industrial sectors including automotive, aviation and medical devices. Larger assurance cases are usually divided into modules to manage the complexity and distribute the work. Each of the modules is developed to address specific goals allocated to the specific objects i.e. components of the...
Integrating Confidence And Assurance Arguments
PublicationTo be considered compelling an assurance case should address its potential deficits, possibly with the use of a confidence argument. Assurance argument and confidence argument should be clearly separated and consistent at the same time. We propose a way of their integration with the use of an element representing rationale for each argumentation strategy. The rationale integrates confidence argument for a given argumentation step...
Assurance Case Patterns On-line Catalogue
PublicationAssurance case is an evidence-based argument demonstrating that a given property of a system (e.g. safety, security) is assured. Assurance cases are developed for high integrity systems, as in many industry domains such argu-ment is explicitly required by regulations. Despite the fact that each assurance case is unique, several reusable argument patterns have been identified and pub-lished. This paper reports work on development...
Safety assurance strategies for autonomous vehicles
PublicationAssuring safety of autonomous vehicles requires that the vehicle control system can perceive the situation in the environment and react to actions of other entities. One approach to vehicle safety assurance is based on the assumption that hazardous sequences of events should be identified during hazard analysis and then some means of hazard avoidance and mitigation, like barriers, should be designed and implemented. Another approach...
PublicationThe presented research work relates to the category of quality in higher education. This article aims to present the determinants of the quality of education in the context of international standards. The background of the considerations is the Bologna Declaration and the European Higher Education Area. The results of the research carried out with the use of the nominal group method and the data analysis carried out based on the...
Quality 5.0: A Paradigm Shift Towards Proactive Quality Control in Industry 5.0
PublicationIndustry 5.0, the latest wave of industrial revolution, is redefining the traditional manufacturing and production landscapes by leveraging advanced technologies, promoting sustainability, and fostering a human-centric approach. An inevitable consequence of this progression is Quality 5.0, the next phase of quality control and assurance. Quality 5.0 aims to transcend the limitations of conventional quality control techniques, which...
Uniform Model Interface for Assurance Case Integration with System Models
PublicationAssurance cases are developed and maintained in parallel with corresponding system models and therefore need to reference each other. Managing the correctness and consistency of interrelated safety argument and system models is essential for system dependability and is a nontrivial task. The model interface presented in this paper enables a uniform process of establishing and managing assurance case references to various types...
CMMI - an Assurance of Transferability of Knowledge andProjects in a Distributed Enterprise
PublicationCMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integrated)is a reference model fordefining and performing processes in software and systems engineeringorganizations.An organization implementing CMMI,among other things,assures thatacit knowledge is properly externalized into formal knowledge.This externalization gives an organization opportunity to assure that knowledge and development projects are easily transferable across adistributed enterprise...
Stakeholders Satisfaction Index as an Important Factor of Improving Quality Management Systems of Universities in Poland Stakeholders Satisfaction
PublicationThe following article analyses selected methods of assessing the quality of educational services of universities and discusses the role of stakeholders in, required by law, quality assurance and quality management systems according to Common Assessment Framework for education. Furthermore, it presents the Stakeholders Satisfaction Index (SSI) which is an original proposal of an aggregate measure of satisfaction perceived by stakeholders....
Aspect-Oriented Management of Service Requests for Assurance of High Performance and Dependability
PublicationA new approach to service requests management in case of insufficient hardware resources is proposed. It is based on wide aspects of requests analysis and it assures reliable and fast access to priority services. Requests are analyzed for, among others, time of occurrence, category of user who made the request, type of service, current system load and hardware utilization. Deterministic but dynamic rules help to manage system load...