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Search results for: VEHICLE DETECTION

Search results for: VEHICLE DETECTION

  • A study of nighttime vehicle detection algorithms

    Open Research Data
    version 1.0 open access

    This dataset is from my master's thesis "A study of nighttime vehicle detection algorithms". It contains both raw data and preprocessed dataset ready to use. In the pictures below you can see how images were annotated.

  • Vehicle Detection and Speed Estimation Using Millimetre Wave Radar


    - Year 2022

    The dataset titled Data from 76- to 81-GHz mmWave Sensor located at S7 road contains data recorded employing an IWR1642 mmWave sensor from Texas Instruments. The data comes from two sessions lasting 24h each. The dataset provides the possibility to perform analyses related to car traffic intensity on one of the carriageways of the motorway heading to the Gdańsk metropolitan area. Based on the gathered data, it is possible to calculate...

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  • Vehicle Detection with Self-Training for Adaptative Video Processing Embedded Platform


    Traffic monitoring from closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras on embedded systems is the subject of the performed experiments. Solving this problem encounters difficulties related to the hardware limitations, and possible camera placement in various positions which affects the system performance. To satisfy the hardware requirements, vehicle detection is performed using a lightweight Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), named...

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  • Toward Intelligent Vehicle Intrusion Detection Using the Neural Knowledge DNA



    In this paper, we propose a novel intrusion detection approach using past driving experience and the neural knowledge DNA for in-vehicle information system security. The neural knowledge DNA is a novel knowledge representation method designed to support discovering, storing, reusing, improving, and sharing knowledge among machines and computing systems. We examine our approach for classifying malicious vehicle control commands...

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  • Shore Construction Detection by Automotive Radar for the Needs of Autonomous Surface Vehicle Navigation


    - ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information - Year 2019

    Autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs) are becoming more and more popular for performing hydrographic and navigational tasks. One of the key aspects of autonomous navigation is the need to avoid collisions with other objects, including shore structures. During a mission, an ASV should be able to automatically detect obstacles and perform suitable maneuvers. This situation also arises in near-coastal areas, where shore structures like...

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  • A Novel Spatio–Temporal Deep Learning Vehicle Turns Detection Scheme Using GPS-Only Data


    - IEEE Access - Year 2023

    Whether the computer is driving your car or you are, advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) come into play on all levels, from weather monitoring to safety. These modern-day ADASs use various assisting tools for drivers to keep the journey safe; these sophisticated tools provide early signals of numerous events, such as road conditions, emerging traffic scenarios, and weather warnings. Many urban applications, such as car-sharing...

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  • Vehicle detector training with minimal supervision


    - Year 2019

    Recently many efficient object detectors based on convolutional neural networks (CNN) have been developed and they achieved impressive performance on many computer vision tasks. However, in order to achieve practical results, CNNs require really large annotated datasets for training. While many such databases are available, many of them can only be used for research purposes. Also some problems exist where such datasets are not...

  • Traffic Noise Analysis Applied to Automatic Vehicle Counting and Classification

    Problems related to determining traffic noise characteristics are discussed in the context of automatic dynamic noise analysis based on noise level measurements and traffic prediction models. The obtained analytical results provide the second goal of the study, namely automatic vehicle counting and classification. Several traffic prediction models are presented and compared to the results of in-situ noise level measurements. Synchronized...

  • Suppression of distortions in signals received from Doppler sensor for vehicle speed measurement


    - Year 2018

    Doppler sensors are commonly used for movement detection and speed measurement. However, electromagnetic interference and imperfections in sensor construction result in degradation of the signal to noise ratio. As a result, detection of signals reflected from moving objects becomes problematic. The paper proposes an algorithm for reduction of distortions and noise in the signal received from a simple, dual-channel type of a Doppler...

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  • Vehicle detector training with labels derived from background subtraction algorithms in video surveillance


    - Year 2018

    Vehicle detection in video from a miniature station- ary closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera is discussed in the paper. The camera provides one of components of the intelligent road sign developed in the project concerning the traffic control with the use of autonomous devices being developed. Modern Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) based detectors need big data input, usually demanding their manual labeling. In the presented...

  • Camera Orientation-Independent Parking Events Detection


    The paper describes the method for detecting precise position and time of vehicles parking in a parking lot. This task is trivial in case of favorable camera orientation but gets much more complex when an angle between the camera viewing axis and the ground is small. The method utilizes background subtraction and object tracking algorithms for detecting moving objects in a video stream. Objects are classified into vehicles and...

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  • Sensors and System for Vehicle Navigation


    - SENSORS - Year 2022

    In recent years, vehicle navigation, in particular autonomous navigation, has been at the center of several major developments, both in civilian and defense applications. New technologies, such as multisensory data fusion, big data processing, or deep learning, are changing the quality of areas of applications, improving the sensors and systems used. Recently, the influence of artificial intelligence on sensor data processing and...

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  • Old-timer Vehicle - Braking Efficiency Measurement at Vehicle Inspection Stations and Roadworthiness Validity Certificate.

    • A. Malinowski

    - Year 2012

    Obtaining the Roadworthiness Validity Certificate for an old-timer vehicle involves an appropriate test performance, namely, "Old-timer Vehicle Technical Specification Compliance Test". It seems obvious that this kind of test should include a considerable checklist, however, the current legal regulations connected with this test are not specific enough. One of the certificates issued on this test results is "Old-timer Vehicle Technical...

  • Analysis of soundscape recordings in close proximity to the road in changeable wather conditions


    The acoustic vehicle sensing is the least invasive type of traffic detection. Also, acoustic-based vehicle detection technology is insensitive to precipitation and can operate in low light level. Therefore, this kind of method may be used for automatic detection of the vehicle passage events. It can also be employed for measurements of a vehicle speed and the vehicle assignment to the particular category. In this paper the results...

  • Accumulation of water on the vehicle deck

    Podano matematyczny model gromadzenia się wody na pokładzie garażowym statków ro-ro w stanie awaryjnym i wypiętrzania się wody ponad poziom wody zaburtowej w wyniku falowania morza. Wypiętrzanie to ma charakter losowy. Podano teoretycznie wartość średnią i wariancję tegoż wypiętrzenia.

  • Clonal selection algorithm for vehicle routing


    - Year 2008

    Over the years several successful computing techniques have been inspired by biological mechanisms. Studies of the mechanisms that allow the immune systems of vertebratesto adapt and learn have resulted in a class of algorithms called artificial immune systems. Clonal selection is a process that allows lymphocytes to launch a quick response to known pathogens and to adapt to new, previously unencountered ones. This paper presents...

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  • Design of Resilient Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Systems


    - Year 2020

    Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) have recently gained noticeable attention due to advantages in improving road traffic safety, shaping the road traffic and providing infotainment opportunities to travellers. However, transmission characteristics following from the IEEE 802.11p standard and the high mobility of VANET nodes remarkably reduce the lifetime, reach and capacity of wireless links, and often lead to simultaneous disruptions...

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  • Methodology for the Correction of the Spatial Orientation Angles of the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Real Time GNSS, a Shoreline Image and an Electronic Navigational Chart


    - ENERGIES - Year 2021

    Undoubtedly, Low-Altitude Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are becoming more common in marine applications. Equipped with a Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) receiver for highly accurate positioning, they perform camera and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) measurements. Unfortunately, these measurements may still be subject to large errors-mainly due to the inaccuracy of measurement of the optical...

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  • Small rov to detection and identification of dangerous underwater objects


    - Year 2011

    A small unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) to inspection of an undersea space is presented in the paper. Its behavior is controlled by a trained pilot. Correct detection and identification of targets depends on vehicle'sprecise displacement along a predefined route. Nowadays, the UUVs are equipped with an automatic control system to execute some basic maneuvers without constant human interventions. Hence, in the paper, an autopilot...

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  • Vehicle classification based on soft computing algorithms

    Experiments and results regarding vehicle type classification are presented. Three classes of vehicles are recognized: sedans, vans and trucks. The system uses a non-calibrated traffic camera, therefore no direct vehicle dimensions are used. Various vehicle descriptors are tested, including those based on vehicle mask only and those based on vehicle images. The latter ones employ Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) and gradient images...

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  • Influence of IED Explosion on Lateral Dynamics of a Vehicle


    - Year 2012

    The paper describes field test results of heavy vehicle tire blow-outs. Both civilian and military vehicles are subjected to sudden loss of inflation pressure in one or more wheels, often accompanied by serious tire damage. Selected results related to the lateral dynamic of vehicle during and just after explosive tire destruction are reported

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  • Contribution of dynamic vehicle loads to pavement failure


    - Year 2022

    Pavement surfaces are not ideally even, which causes dynamic loads of vehicle axles. Distribution of dynamic loads of a given axle is similar to normal distribution and can be described by static load and dynamic load coefficient. The dynamic load coefficient depends on road profile, vehicle speed, properties of suspensions and static load of axle. While for a given road section road profile remains constant, vehicle speed and...

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  • CFD and FEM model of an underwater vehicle propeller

    During the project execution of design and optimization the Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) research on its propulsion has been carried out. The entire project was supported by CFD and FEM calculations, which taking into account the characteristics of underwater vehicle. One of the tasks was to optimize the semi-open duct for horizontal propellers, which provided propulsion and controllability in horizontal plane. In order to...

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  • A Comparison of Gaseous Emissions from a Hybrid Vehicle and a Non-Hybrid Vehicle under Real Driving Conditions


    - Year 2018

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  • Modeling Dynamics of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.


    Artykuł dotyczy budowy modelu autonomicznego pojazdu podwodnego do celów syntezy układu sterowania pojazdem. Rozważany pojazd ma długośc ok. 1 m i 30 cm średnicy. Wyposażony jest w 5 pędników, które pozwalają na sterowanie w pięciu stopniach swobody. Do badań wykorzystano model o 4 stopniach swobody. Dokonano identyfikacji parametrycznej modelu. Model zrealizowano w środowisku programowym Matlab/Simulink.

  • A modern approach to an unmanned vehicle navigation

    A traditional approach to manned vehicles navigation uses a data combined form a variety of navigation sensors like satellite, inertial and time-of-flight. With support of operators perception, chart and sensor, data are analyzed and navigation decisions are made. An unmanned platforms navigation needs an operators support, who is supervising a platforms decision process, basing on navigation data obtained via variety of electronic...

  • Estimation of vehicle operational fuel consumption


    W pracy przedstawiono metodę umożliwiającą wyznaczenie referencyjnego zużycia paliwa dla zarejestrowanych warunków eksploatacji. Warunki eksploatacji opisane są rozkładem energochłonności jednostkowej, która obejmuje zarówno wpływ warunków zewnętrznych jak również styl jazdy kierowcy. W pracy przedstawiono zestawienie wyników uzyskanych dla przejazdów wykonanych na terenie Gdańska, w regularnym ruchu miejskim. Przedstawiono także...

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  • The concept of suspended urban rail vehicle

    Niniejsza publikacja została poświęcona szczegółowemu opisowi proponowanej przez autorów koncepcji podwieszanego pojazdu szynowego. W pierwszej kolejności przeanalizowano istniejące rozwiązania, wraz ze wskazaniem ich podstawowych wad i zalet. Następnie opisano proponowaną konstrukcję w zakresie: budowy wagonu, sposobu jego zawieszenia oraz prowadzenia po zadanym torze ruchu. Artykuł ten powstał na podstawie pracy dyplomowej pt....

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  • The construction of suspended rail vehicle bogie

    Niniejsza publikacja została poświęcona szczegółowemu opisowi wózka, przeznaczonego do wykorzystania w proponowanej przez autorów koncepcji podwieszanego pojazdu szynowego. W pierwszej kolejności skrótowo opisano rzeczony pojazd, ze szczególnym naciskiem na parametry determinujące konstrukcję wózków. Następnie zostały omówione zastosowane rozwiązania konstrukcyjne w zakresie budowy poszczególnych podzespołów wózka, takich jak: zestawy...

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  • Analysis of the process of water entry of an amphibious vehicle


    The paper presents a method of computational and experimental analysis of the process of water entry of an amphibious vehicle. The computational method is based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations (RANSE) solver and the xperiment was carried out in the towing tank at Ship Design and Research Centre S.A. with the use of a scale model. The analysis was focused on the safety of water entry, i.e. the maximum pitch and...

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  • The effects of vehicle restraint systems on road safety

    Key to understanding the needs and tools of road infrastructure management for preventing run-off-road crashes or minimising their consequences, is to identify the hazads and sources of hazards caused by wrong or improper use of road safety devices and identify errors in the desifn, structure, construction and operation of road safety devices. Studying such an extended scope of the problem required fieldwork and surveys with road...

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  • Modelling of performance of an AUV stealth vehicle. Design for operation.


    - Year 2018

    In the paper some results of research connected with modelling of performance and risk assessment of an AUV stealth vehicle are presented. A general approach to design of the stealth AUV autonomous underwater vehicle under consideration is introduced. The basic stealth characteristics of the AUV stealth vehicle are briefly described. The method of research is introduced. The AUV stealth vehicle concept is presented including the...

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  • Modeling of performance of an AUV stealth vehicle. Design for operation.


    - Year 2017

    In the paper some results of research connected with modelling of performance and risk assessment of an AUV stealth vehicle are presented. A general approach to design of the stealth AUV autonomous underwater vehicle under consideration is introduced. The basic stealth characteristics of the AUV stealth vehicle are briefly described. The method of research is introduced. The AUV stealth vehicle concept is presented including the...

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  • Modeling of Combined Phenomena Affecting an AUV Stealth Vehicle

    In the paper some results of research connected with modelling the basic stealth characteristics of an AUV vehicle are presented. First of all a general approach to design of the stealth AUV autonomous underwater vehicle under consideration is introduced. Then, the AUV stealth vehicle concept is briefly described. Next a method of modelling of the stealth characteristics is briefly described as well. As an example of the stealth...

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  • The concept of anti-collision system of autonomous surface vehicle


    - Year 2018

    The use of unmanned vehicles in various fields of science and the economy is becoming more common. An extremely important aspect of creating this type of solution is to provide autonomous vehicle navigation, which does not require interference of the human factor or in which it is limited to a minimum. This article discusses the concept of autonomous anti-collision system of unmanned surface vehicle. It proposed a sensor system...

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  • Investigations on the the dynamics of motor vehicle driving in nighttime conditions


    The article describes investigations on vehicle driving in nighttime conditions

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    A contemporary road vehicle (RV) is a rather complex system, consisting of a large number of subsystems, assemblies, units, and elements (parts). While operating, an RV interacts with the environment, and its elements interact with each other. Consequently, the properties (parameters) of these elements change in the process - hardness, roughness, size, relative position, gapping, etc. A partial solution to the presented problems...

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    T he goal of the project described is to replace the existing propulsion system of a small underwater vehicle with a solution less prone to mechanical damage and ensuring a lower risk of the entanglement of fibrous objects suspended in the body of water. Four typical marine screws are utilised in the current design of the vehicle. One possible solution of the problem is the application of waterjet propulsors located...

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  • Distributed Framework for Visual Event Detection in Parking Lot Area

    The paper presents the framework for automatic detection of various events occurring in a parking lot basing on multiple camera video analysis. The framework is massively distributed, both in the logical and physical sense. It consists of several entities called node stations that use XMPP protocol for internal communication and SRTP protocol with Jingle extension for video streaming. Recognized events include detecting parking...

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  • Separability Assessment of Selected Types of Vehicle-Associated Noise

    Music Information Retrieval (MIR) area as well as development of speech and environmental information recognition techniques brought various tools in-tended for recognizing low-level features of acoustic signals based on a set of calculated parameters. In this study, the MIRtoolbox MATLAB tool, designed for music parameter extraction, is used to obtain a vector of parameters to check whether they are suitable for separation of...

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  • How Integration of a Brain-Machine Interface and Obstacle Detection System Can Improve Wheelchair Control via Movement Image

    • T. Kocejko
    • N. Matuszkiewicz
    • J. Kwiatkowski
    • P. Durawa
    • A. Madajczak

    - SENSORS - Year 2024

    This study presents a human-computer interaction combined with a brain-machine interface (BMI) and obstacle detection system for remote control of a wheeled robot through movement imagery, providing a potential solution for individuals facing challenges with conventional vehicle operation. The primary focus of this work is the classification of surface EEG signals related to mental activity when envisioning movement and deep relaxation...

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  • The Empirical Application of Automotive 3D Radar Sensor for Target Detection for an Autonomous Surface Vehicle’s Navigation


    - Remote Sensing - Year 2019

    Avoiding collisions with other objects is one of the most basic safety tasks undertaken in the operation of floating vehicles. Addressing this challenge is essential, especially during unmanned vehicle navigation processes in autonomous missions. This paper provides an empirical analysis of the surface target detection possibilities in a water environment, which can be used for the future development of tracking and anti-collision...

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  • Dynamic effect of the vehicle passing under lightweight footbridge.


    - Year 2004

    The paper describes a numerical study of dynamic response of cable-stayed steel footbridge for a big lorry passing underneath. The footbridge is an existing object crossing Wolska street in Warsaw. The structural model of footbridge was verified by dynamic test loading. A numerical study of a vehicle passing under footbridge is presented. 2D and 3D incompressible flow fields are modeled using sliding mesh in transient CFD computation....

  • MEMS Technology Evaluation for Submerged Vehicle Navigation


    Analysis of some vital aspects of inertial navigation using MEMS. The paper presents a few aspects of MEMS gyro errors, and their estimation process in the context of INS processing flow. These errors have a serious impact on overall inertial system performance. The results of undertaken researches in that area, and pointing out the main difficulties behind the INS when using a few top MEMS technologies, including sophisticated...

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  • Assessing vehicle restraint systems on horizontal curves

    Horizontal curves, an element of road infrastructure, have a statistically high number of accidents. Considering that horizontal curves in the last ten years have had app. 10% of all road accidents representing app. 14% of all fatalities on Polish roads, the issue is serious and requires more research and proper road safety treatments. Data for 2007 - 2016 show that in the case of accidents on horizontal curves app. 45% of the...

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  • Synthesis of autonomous underwater vehicle control system.


    Artykuł dotyczy parametrycznej identyfikacji systemu sterowania autonomicznego pojazdu podwodnego.Badania opierają sie na modelu pojazdu o 4 stopniach swobody, zrealizowanym w środowisku programowym Matlab/Simulink. Zastosowano wielowymiarowy nieliniowy regulator PID. Przedstawiono wyniki symulacji zaprojektowanego układu sterowania.

  • Development of the urban rail vehicle acoustic model


    - APPLIED ACOUSTICS - Year 2022

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  • Stress analysis of suspended rail vehicle bogie

    Niniejsza publikacja została poświęcona analizie wytrzymałościowej wybranych elementów wózka – osi zestawu kołowego i ramy. Obliczenia osi wykonano w oparciu o metodę analityczną przy rozpatrzeniu różnych materiałów jej wykonania. Do sprawdzenia wytrzymałości ramy wykorzystano metodę elementów skończonych, a obciążenie wyznaczono zgodnie z wytycznymi normy PN-EN 13749. Sam wózek jest częścią podwieszanego elektrycznego zespołu...

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  • Evaluation of suspended rail vehicle movement parameters

    Niniejsza publikacja została poświęcona ocenie parametrów ruchowych koncepcyjnego pojazdu kolei podwieszanej, którą dokonano w oparciu o jego charakterystykę trakcyjną oraz możliwości dynamiczne. W pierwszej kolejności skrótowo opisano konstrukcję proponowanego pojazdu wraz z wyszczególnieniem najważniejszych założeń projektowych. Następnie skupiono się na metodyce oraz samym wykreśleniu charakterystyki trakcyjnej pojazdu, jak...

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  • A commercial of the shelf components for a unmanned air vehicle photogrammetry


    A photogrammetry from a unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) can be understood as a new measurement tool. Is introduces a low-cost alternatives for a traditional aerial photogrammetry. A commercial off-the-shelf products (COTS), that are commercially available for a costumers, are the standard manufactures products, not custom. COTS products are available in the commercial market and can be bought and used under government contract. That...

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