Search results for: electric cell
Experimental data of galvanic electric cells measurements
Open Research DataInternal temperature of an electric cell can be measured and monitored using microsphere-based fiber-optic sensors with thin ALD ZnO coating. Their compact size will allow to integrate them easily and effectively within the electric cells. Utilization of presented sensors allows to detect, in real time, damages to the structure of the sensor head that...
Battery Technologies in Electric Vehicles: Improvements in Electric Battery Packs
PublicationRestrictions on fossil fuels and related environmental pollution issues motivate many organizations and countries to set their focus on electric vehicles (EVs) rather than conventional internal combustion engine vehicles [1], [2]. EVs require an energy storage system to store converted electric power in another form of energy and then reconvert the stored energy to electric power whenever it is required. The energy stored can be...
Chapter 4. Electricity generation from glucose microbial fuel cell
PublicationThe microbial fuel cell was constructed to generate electricity with simultaneous digestion of a glucose fuel by a bacterial biofilm. The decomposition of glucose resulted in releasing of electrons to an anode and to production of some by-products, e.g. metane or organic acids. It was found that maximum electric power density strongly depended on the proton transport through the proton exchange membrane seperating the anolyte and...
On the tendency of temperature and electric field dependences of interface recombination in P3HT:PCBM organic bulk heterojunction solar cells
PublicationWe demonstrate theoretical explanation of the temperature and electric field dependences of recombination coefficients in an organic P3HT:PCBM bulk heterojunction solar cell. Based onthe model of interface recombination, two analytical formulas describing the relative ratio of the interface (γI ) to the Langevin (γL) recombination coefficients have been derived. Our analysis indicates that the sign of parameters φT and φF determines...
Alternative Energy: Photovoltaic Solar Cells
PublicationSolar radiation is a fuel for photovoltaic cells and modules, which are a source of electric energy. Viable solar technologies that have been developed in the past are starting to be adopted on a broader and more meaningful global scale across different sectors with ever-increasing market penetration. In this entry, a brief overview of the material properties relevant to solar cell operation, the structure of the solar cell, and electrical...
Hydrogen fuel cell power supply for hybrid elelectric multiple unit train
PublicationIn European countries, electrified routes amount for 40% to 65% of the total railway networks length. Some of those routes are only partially electrified, and construction of a catenary network might not be viable on all routes. Consequently, operators run diesel trains under catenary or require both an electric and diesel vehicle, increasing costs of operation. Dual-mode vehicles exist, but they are mostly equipped with diesel...
Application of a catalytic combustion sensor (Pellistor) for the monitoring of the explosiveness of a hydrogen-air mixture in the upper explosive limit range
PublicationA new technique is presented for continuous measurements of hydrogen contamination by air in the upper explosive limit range. It is based on the application of a catalytic combustion sensor placed in a cell through which the tested sample passes. The air content is the function of the quantity of formed heat during catalytic combustion of hydrogen inside the sensor. There is the possibility of using the method in industrial installations...
Investigation of temperature changes using a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor
Open Research DataInvestigation of temperature changes using a microsphere-based fiber-optic sensor with a 200 nm ZnO ALD coating for the purpose of validation the design of the sensor, measurement setup and method of examination of electric cell materials.
Mechanisms for supporting electric vehicle purchasers in selected European countries in 2011-2016
Open Research DataThe European authorities have not developed a single common preference model for electric car buyers within the Union. Different countries have decided on different solutions. The following dataset presents mechanisms for supporting electric vehicle purchasers in selected European countries in years 2011-2016, including both economical (in the form...
Koncepcja i modelowanie wysokoobrotowego napędu elektrycznego turbosprężarki. Zastosowanie w ogniwach paliwowych pojazdów samochodowych
PublicationAbstract: Electrical vehicles powered by hydrogen fuel cells become a potential alternative to conventional vehicles. The polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) are typical fuel cells used in fuel cell vehicle (FCV). The global efficiency of a PEM fuel cell stack is greatly impacted by the use of a motorized compressor for the air supply system. The motor-compressor set-up may consume up to 19 % of the energy supplied by the PEM fuel...
List of administrative and tax preferences for electric vehicles owners in selected European countries
Open Research DataCurrent mechanisms for supporting electric vehicle owners are both economic (in the form of tax reliefs and direct subsidies) as well as administrative and legal. Examples from countries that have opted for different types of incentives present that they have leaded to increased demand for such vehicles. The following dataset is a summary list, including...
Electric field maps of an astable multivibrator in frequency range from 30 MHz to 3 GHz
Open Research DataThe data presents a result of near field measurements of electromagnetic emissions radiated from the PCB of a small electronic device. An efficient method of modelling the magnetic and electric field emissions is the measurements in the near field using electric and magnetic probes. The attached files contain electric field maps created on based measurements...
Dissociation pathways of protonated water clusters
PublicationRelative abundances of positively ionized water clusters formed in a low-pressure electrical discharge as function of reduced electric field were obtained by using drift cell and quadrupole mass spectrometer. It was noticed that some clusters say with n=4 were more abundant than others, at comparable drift conditions. Dissociation energies have been derived from equilibrium conditions for relative clusters abundances. The Hartree-Fock...
A Miniaturized and High Optically Transparent Frequency Selective Surface for RF Shielding using Double-Glazed Glass Windows for Green Building Applications
PublicationThis research presents a miniaturized and high optically transparent (OT) frequency selective surface (FSS) for achieving RF shielding through glass window panels. The proposed FSS consists of a single-layered copper pattern sandwiched between two ordinary glass substrates to suppress the dual bands of sub-6 fifth generation (5G). In particular, the design effectively shields n65-downlink (2.1 GHz) and a portion of n78-band (3.5...
Dissociation energies of protonated water clusters
PublicationRelative abundances of positively ionized water clusters formed in a low-pressure electrical discharge as function of reduced electric field were obtained by using drift cell and quadrupole mass spectrometer. It was noticed that some clusters say with n = 4 were more abundant than others, at comparable drift conditions. Dissociation energies have been derived from equilibrium conditions for relative clusters abundances. The Hartree-Fock...
Synthesis and modification of reduced graphene oxide aerogels for biofuel cell applications
PublicationWe have carried out the preparation of reduced graphene oxide aerogels using eco-friendly method that is based on the Hummers method of graphite oxidation without the use of NaNO3 that produces toxic gases. To obtain a porous 3D structure of reduced graphene oxide, we performed the hydrothermal reduction at elevated temperature. We also prepared the rGO aerogel/CNT composite using multiwalled carbon nanotubes as linkers. The rGO...
Silniki elektryczne w kosmonautyce
PublicationArtykuł jest pracą przeglądową dotyczącą silników elektrycznych (EP - Electric Propulsion)wykorzystywanych w kosmonautyce. Bardziej szczegółowo opisano działanie silnika elektrostatycznego działającego w oparciu o efekt Halla (HET - Hall Effect Thruster). Silnik ten jest powszechnie wykorzystywany w pozycjonowaniu satelitów, potencjalnie może być wykorzystany do dalekich misji planetarnych. HET jest obiektem wielu badań doświadczalnych...
The power spectral density of audible noise and electric disturbances in ship’s electrical drive systems with frequency converters
Open Research DataThe presented dataset is part of research focusing on the impact of the ship's electrical drive systems with frequency converters on vibrations and the level of audible noise on ships.
The Influent Effects of Flow Rate Profile on thePerformance of Microbial Fuel Cells Model
PublicationThe energy contained in wastewaters has been identified as a promising sustainableenergy resource that could be harvested by using microbial fuel cells (MFC). When dealing with realwastewaters, the MFCs should be able to manage high flow rates and flow rates fluctuations. In thiswork, the short-term effects of the influent flow rate variations on the performance of a microbialfuel cell has been studied. With this aim, the influent...
Determination of pseudocapacitance chan ges of nickel oxide NiO electrode with use of dynamic electrochemical impedancje spectroscopy
PublicationThe electrochemical capacitors (ECs) are attractive energy storage devices which can be applied in many electronic products (e.g., cameras, laptops, cell phones) or hybrid electric vehicles (HEV). The energy storage in ECs is based on capacitive (the electrical double layer charging/discharging) and pseudocapacitive (additional charge provided by faradic reaction) phenomena. Considering the electrodes exhibiting pseudocapacitance,...
Polysaccharide-based electroconductive hydrogels: Structure, properties and biomedical applications
PublicationArchitecting an appropriate platform for biomedical applications requires setting a balance between simplicity and complexity. Polysaccharides (PSAs) play essential roles in our life in food resources, structural materials, and energy storage capacitors. Moreover, the diversity and abundance of PSAs have made them an indispensable part of food ingredients and cosmetics. PSA-based hydrogels have been extensively reviewed in biomedical...
Innovation and new technologies in mineral processing
EventsZapraszamy Państwa na webinarium nt. innowacji i nowych technologii w przetwórstwie surowców mineralnych z dyrektorem globalnym firmy FLSmidth Flotation. Obowiązuje rejestracja.
Model dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (DEIS) results obtained with various DC polarization rates
Open Research DataThe dataset contains results of model dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy studies carried out on a setup of 10 diodes in series, which were connected in parallel with a condenser. The impedance data were acquired every 1 s (the analytic window length for Fourier Transform was 1 s). The model system was polarized between 0 and +8 V with DEIS...
Designing high-performance asymmetric and hybrid energy devices via merging supercapacitive/pseudopcapacitive and Li-ion battery type electrodes
PublicationWe report a strategic development of asymmetric (supercapacitive–pseudocapacitive) and hybrid (supercapacitive/pseudocapacitive–battery) energy device architectures as generation–II electrochemical energy systems. We derived performance-potential estimation regarding the specific power, specific energy, and fast charge–discharge cyclic capability. Among the conceived group, pseudocapacitor–battery hybrid device is constructed with...
Piezoresponse force microscopy and dielectric spectroscopy study of Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 thin films
PublicationResearch on synthesis, characterization and determination of processing – structure – property relationships of commercially important ferroelectric thin films has been performed. The sol-gel-type solution deposition technique was applied to produce good quality thin films of Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3 (BST60/40) chemical composition on the stainless steel substrates. The thin films were characterized in terms of their microstructure, crystal...
Performance of Passive and Active Balancing Systems of Lithium Batteries in Onerous Mine Environment
PublicationTo use lithium-iron-phosphate battery packs in the supply systems of any electric mining equipment and/or machines, the required conditions of work safety must be met. This applies in particular to coal mines endangered by fire and/or explosion. To meet the spark-safety conditions, the cells (together with the battery management system—BMS) must be isolated from the influence of the environment, and therefore placed in special...
Number of registered BEV and PHEV vehicles in 2011-2016 (in thousands)
Open Research DataThere are three main types of vehicles that are generally regarded as an electric car. These include:
The radiated immunity test of an astable multivibrator at over-normative field strengths
Open Research DataThe dataset presents a result of measurements that are a part of electromagnetic field immunity tests. The radiated, radio frequency, immunity tests were carried out for a typical astable electronic multivibrator. Tests of immunity of electronic systems to radiated radio frequency (RF) disturbances in the frequency range from 80 MHz to 1 GHz were performed...
The share of BEV and PHEV in total number of registered vehicles (%) 2011-2016
Open Research DataIn 2016, the highest percentage of electric vehicles among all passenger automobiles was recorded in Norway - about 28% (it should be noted that in 5 years the number of electric cars in this country increased from 5 thousand to 133 thousand). However, the remaining countries in the ranking note a much smaller share of sales of electric vehicles in...
Effect of pH on optical sensing with poly-L-lysine-modified nanodiamonds
PublicationNitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers are crystallographic defects which provide diamonds with unique physical properties. The centers are known for their intensive, time-stable fluorescence, and an electron spin, which exhibits long coherence time and may be manipulated using external stimuli. Nanodiamonds containing the NV centers are promising tools in biolabeling, biosensing, and drug delivery due to the aforementioned properties of...
Measurements of radiation emission of a portable power bank with a capacity of 2600 mAh
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the emission measurement results that are part of comprehensive tests carried out for portable power banks with different capacities. The measurements were performed in the frequency range from 30 MHz to 3 GHz using a Gigahertz Transverse Electromagnetic (GTEM) cell. The test setup was configured to measure a portable power bank...
Li nucleation on the graphite anode under potential control in Li-ion batteries
PublicationApplication of Li-ion batteries in electric vehicles requires improved safety, increased lifetime and high charging rates. One of the most commonly used intercalation anode material for Li-ion batteries, graphite, is vulnerable to Li nucleation, a side reaction which competes with the intercalation process and leads to loss of reversible capacity of the battery, ageing and short-circuits. In this study, we deploy a combined grand...
Measurements of radiation emission of a portable power bank with a capacity of 5200 mAh
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the emission measurement results that are part of comprehensive tests carried out for portable power banks with different capacities. The measurements were performed in the frequency range from 30 MHz to 3 GHz using a Gigahertz Transverse Electromagnetic (GTEM) cell. The test setup was configured to measure a portable power bank...
Measurements of radiation emission of a portable power bank with a capacity of 10400 mAh
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the emission measurement results that are part of comprehensive tests carried out for portable power banks with different capacities. The measurements were performed in the frequency range from 30 MHz to 3 GHz using a Gigahertz Transverse Electromagnetic (GTEM) cell (Fig. 1). The test setup was configured to measure a portable power...
The electromagnetic field intensity in industrial buildings
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of measurements of electromagnetic fields, separately electric and magnetic, carried out at selected places in the building of an operating industrial enterprise.
Intensification of thermal convection near electric devices using flat screens – computer modelling
PublicationIntensification of natural thermal convection near electric devices is possible by application of additional elements as screens creating convection canals close to the device. In the earlier authors paper the results of the analysis of thermal convection with the use of only one additional screen close to the electric device were presented. This paper presents computer modelling of thermal convection when two screens near the...
Autonomous Battery Drive in Trolleybuses: an Overview of Practical Examples
PublicationBattery electric buses are believed to be means of transportation of the future. However, despite the continuous development of electrochemical batteries technology and the multitude of electric buses on offer, it is still no proved solutions that can be widely used. Charging is the one of the weakness point of the electric buses. Trolleybuses are alternative for them. Especially, trolleybuses equipment with traction batteries...
Multisource model of ship electric field
PublicationA steel-hulled ship in sea water produces an electric field around itself. The source of this field are electrochemical processes and ship's cathodic protection. The analysis of the electric field around the ship is important by the reason of the ship's identification and counter-mine protection. The paper presents a simplified model of the ship's multisource electric field, which allows to calculate the electric field distribution...
Noise Generated by Tyres Designet for Electric Vehicles - Results of Laboratory Experiments
PublicationA few years ago, electric and hybrid vehicles were rarely seen on public roads and were considered more as exotic curiosities or even as a sign of extravagance than a practical means of transport. Nowadays the situation has changes significantly. This was caused both by the technical development and legislative actions, as well as the organizational nature promoting the purchace and use of low emission vehicles. Electric vehicles...
Perturbation analysis of electric field around objects in sea water
PublicationThe paper presents an analytical approach to the perturbation analysis of electric field distribution caused by a sphere and an ellipsoid placed in a uniform electric field.
Economic benefits of dynamic charging of electric buses
PublicationDiesel engines buses are still the most used type of buses. Electric buses provide promising green alternatives and a lot of advantages, but their main disadvantages are limited travel range and long charging time. This article is a presentation of innovative solution for charging of electric busses - Dynamic Charging (IMC). The modern IMC system in Solingen was presented. At the end of the article, a proposal was made to introduce...
Directions and Prospects for the Development of the Electric Car Market in Selected ASEAN Countries
PublicationThe purpose of this article is to present the current situation and evaluate the opportuni‐ ties for the development of the electric car market in selected Southeast Asian countries in the con‐ text of the current situation in the rest of the world. Currently, the electric car market is at an ad‐ vanced stage of development in regions such as Western Europe, the USA, and China. It should be noted, however, that the number of electric...
Model studies to identify input parameters of an algorithm controlling electric supply/consumption process by underground iron ore enterprises
PublicationPurpose is the development of the research format of a mathematical model to select and assess input parameters of an algorithm controlling distribution of electric energy flows in the monitoring structure of electricity supply/ consumption by using equipment of mining enterprises engaged in underground iron ore raw materials extraction. Methods. The analytical research involved a theory of random processes adapted to the real...
Expert opinion on the effectiveness of protection against electric shock in case of fault in an installation for electric vehicles charging
PublicationThe opinion concerns the use of residual current devices for protection against electric shock by automatic disconnection of supply in a Norwegian installation intended for charging of electric vehicles.
Evaluation of technical efficiency of heat and electric power generation
PublicationThis paper presents an evaluation of technical efficiency and time-dependent changes in productivity of Polish professional electric power and heat&electric power stations by using Data Envelopment Analysis non-parametric method. The research covered the enterprises whose total available electric power amounted to about 98% of that of all professional thermal electric power stations in this country. The analysis has concerned...
A high-accuracy method of computation of x-ray waves propagation through an optical system consisting of many lenses
PublicationThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of many X-ray refractive lenses is considered. Two differential equations are contemplated for solving the problem for electromagnetic wave propagation: first – an equation for the electric field, second – an equation derived for a complex phase of an electric field. Both equations are solved by the use of a finite-difference method. The simulation error is estimated...
The finite difference methods of computation of X-rays propagation through a system of many lenses
PublicationThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of many beryllium X-ray refrac- tive lenses is considered. In order to calculate the propagation of electromagnetic in the optical sys- tem, two differential equations are considered. First equation for an electric field of a monochromatic wave and the second equation derived for complex phase of the same electric The propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system...
Results of electrical voltage measurements in reactors - part 1
Open Research DataResults of electric voltage measurements in six reactors using various plantings. These are the results of the project: Integrated approach 3M (Macrophytes-Microbiome-Modelling) to elucidate mechanisms of bioenergy production and micropollutants transformation in Floating Treatment Wetlands combined with Microbial Fuel Cells.
An analytical four-layer horizontal electric current dipole model for analysing underwater electric potential in shallow seawater
PublicationThe paper presents a new analytical four‑layer (air–water–bottom–non‑conductive layer) horizontal electric dipole model which allows an accurate approximation of ship’s Underwater Electric Potential (UEP) from a sufficient depth in shallow coastal marine waters. The numerical methods, usually Finite Element Method (FEM) or Boundary Elements Method (BEM), are typically used to estimate the electric field and the distribution of...
A multi-criteria decision model for the introduction of electric storage multiple units on the partially electrified Gdynia-Hel railway
Publication: In this article a multi-criteria study of the use of independently powered electric multiple units on the partially electrified Gdynia Główna - Hel line was carried out. The use of (currently used) diesel and, as an alternative, electric and electric multiple units with an electric energy storage was considered. The analysis was carried out on the basis of three criteria for assessing the route service options, i.e. environmental,...