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Search results for: pulsed power sources
Journals -
Journal of Power Sources Advances
Journals -
Selected problems of high-power sonar sources
PublicationSpecyfika pracy współczesnych sonarów aktywnych wymaga cyklicznego wypełnienia energią szerokiego sektora sondowania. W przypadku użycia płaskich anten nadawczych oznacza to zwykle konieczność skupienia energii akustycznego impulsu nadawczego na stosunkowo małej powierzchni czynnej przetwornika elektroakustycznego (kluczowe znaczenie odgrywa tu częstotliwość pracy systemu). Zjawiska towarzyszące dużym poziomom źródła mogą powodować...
Voltage control in a power system with renewable sources of energy
PublicationIntensive development of distributed generation in power systems, caused by the European Union energy policy, gives possibility for improving safety in power delivery as well as optimizing the costs of the systems functioning. In this context, distributed generation can be used for voltage control in power systems – it can be performed by the control of reactive power of each source of energy or a group of energy sources. This...
The Influence of LED Lighting Sources on the Nature of Power Factor
PublicationThis article presents measurements of electric power absorbed by a newly built facility for office and scientific research activities. These measurements highlighted the need for compensation of capacitive reactive power—not predicted by the designer—due to the vast use of LED lighting in the facility. The article also describes a reactive power compensation system, designed on the basis of the above-mentioned measurements, and...
The Impact of Micro-Sources on Voltage Distortions in a Power Grid
PublicationThe increase in the number of photovoltaic (PV) systems integrated with low voltage (LV) grids has led to a great need to analyse the impact of these systems on the quality of electricity and the reliability of its supply. This paper presents and compares the energy quality requirements imposed by various countries on photovoltaic plants. Then, based on real object tests and simulation in DIgSILENT PowerFactory, the impact has...
The Influence of LED Lighting Sources on the Nature of Power Factor
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Effect of nitrogen doping on TiOxNythin film formation at reactive high-power pulsed magnetron sputtering
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PublicationThis paper presents characteristics and purposefulness of supporting the renewable energy sources (OZE) by means of energy stores. The main emphasis was placed on analysis of virtual energy stores available for implementation in Polish economy conditions. A role which management of Demand Side Response (DSR) may play in balancing Polish electric power system, is discussed. Implementation of such solutions together with conventional...
Effect of nitrogen doping on TiOxNy thin film formation at reactive high-power pulsed magnetron sputtering
PublicationThe paper is focused on a study of formation of TiOxNy thin films prepared by pulsed magnetron sputtering of metallic Ti target. Oxygen and nitrogen were delivered into the discharge in the form of reactive gases O2 and N2. The films were deposited by high-power impulse magnetron sputtering working with discharge repetition frequency f = 250 Hz at low (p = 0.75 Pa) and high (p = 10 Pa) pressure. The substrates were on floating...
Sustainable Use of the Catenary by Trolleybuses with Auxiliary Power Sources on the Example of Gdynia
PublicationThe current developments in onboard power source technology, in particular, traction batteries, open up new potential in trolleybus transport and also make it possible to introduce electric buses. Thus far, trolleybus transport has required the presence of overhead lines (OHL). Introducing trolleybuses with onboard batteries makes it possible to grow the zero-emissions transport network in places with limited power supply capabilities...
Power and heat from renewable energy sources on energy market in Poland
PublicationPrzedstawiono aktualne uwarunkowania rynków energii w Polsce w odniesieniu do źródeł odnawialnych. Przedstawiono perspektywy rozwojowe. Omówiono wyniki opłacalności budowy małego bloku skojarzonego opalanego słomą.
Operation of the 900 MW power plant with the ORC supplied from three heat sources
PublicationThe chapter is aimed at utilisation of waste heat in the reference supercritical power plant in the manner to produce electricity in ORC installation. The waste heat is available in the form of a stream of hot water at 90°C, recovered from the exhaust gases in the amount of 200MW. Such low enthalpy heat source is rather insufficient to produce a good quality vapour to feed the ORC turbine. Therefore an original approach to increase...
Voltage profiles improvement in a power network with PV energy sources – results of a voltage regulator implementation
PublicationThe constant increase in the number of photovoltaic (PV) energy sources in distribution networks is the cause of serious voltage problems. The networks built at least a dozen years ago are not provided for the installation of a large number of micro-sources. It happens that the previously properly functioning power networks are not able to provide to consumers power with the required parameters, after installing many PV sources....
PublicationIn this paper, renewable energy sources (RES) support mechanisms in Poland was presented with perspectives of proposed support system modifications, discussed in the project of Renewable Energy Act. In addition, MARKAL model of RES support mechanism was presented, taking into account technology-specific multiplication factors. Two model runs with emission trading system in place and two additional runs without emission trade were...
MARKAL long-term power generation scenarios for Poland: Increasing the share of renewable energy sources by 2040
PublicationIn this paper, renewable energy sources (RES) support mechanisms in Poland was presented with perspec-tives of proposed support system modifications, discussed in the project of Renewable Energy Act. In ad-dition, MARKAL model of RES support mechanism was presented, taking into account technology-specific multiplication factors. Two model runs with emission trading system in place and two additional runs without emission trade...
Double-stage ORC system based on various temperature waste heat sources of the negative CO2 power plant
PublicationAnalysed is the modification of the thermodynamic cycle with the negative CO2 power plant concept by its combination with the organic Rankine cycle. The analysed power plant operates on a gas produced from the gasification of sewage sludge. The negative emission term comes from the aggregated CO2 balance resulting from the capture of the CO2, while the sewage sludge is one of the inevitable environmental sources of CO2 to be avoided....
Review of Methods for Diagnosing the Degradation Process in Power Units Cooperating with Renewable Energy Sources Using Artificial Intelligence
PublicationThis work is based on a literature review (191). It mainly refers to two diagnostic methods based on artificial intelligence. This review presents new possibilities for using genetic algorithms (GAs) for diagnostic purposes in power plants transitioning to cooperation with renewable energy sources (RESs). The genetic method is rarely used directly in the modeling of thermal-flow analysis. However, this assignment proves that the...
Optimization of Division and Reconfiguration Locations of the Medium-Voltage Power Grid Based on Forecasting the Level of Load and Generation from Renewable Energy Sources
PublicationThe article addresses challenges in optimizing the operation of medium voltage networks, emphasizing optimizing network division points and selecting the best network configuration for minimizing power and energy losses. It critically reviews recent research on the issue of network configuration optimization. The optimization of the medium voltage power grid reconfiguration process was carried out using known optimization tools....
Predicting the Purchase of Electricity Prices for Renewable Energy Sources Based on Polish Power Grids Data Using Deep Learning Models for Controlling Small Hybrid PV Microinstallations
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Performance of a single layer fuel cell based on a mixed proton-electron conducting composite
PublicationMany of the challenges in solid oxide fuel cell technology stem from chemical and mechanical incompatibilities between the anode, cathode and electrolyte materials. Numerous attempts have been made to identify compatible materials. Here, these challenges are circumvented by the introduction of a working single layer fuel cell, fabricated from a composite of proton conducting BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2O3-δ and a mixture of semiconducting...
Effective yttrium based coating for steel interconnects of solid oxide cells: Corrosion evaluation in steam-hydrogen atmosphere
PublicationThis work describes manufacture, analysis and test of a new well conducting corrosion-protection coating that can be applied on steel types with high chromium content. Electrolytic deposition of yttrium salts is used to form thin (<100 nm) coatings on both flat steel sheets (material: Crofer 22 APU) and its properties are proven on woven wire-meshes (materials from two different sources: SUS316 and SUS316L). The oxide scale on...
Additive Effect of Bromides and Chlorides on the Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells Fabricated via Sequential Deposition
PublicationA two-step sequential deposition method has been applied to prepare the solar cells with two types of perovskites Cs0.15FA0.85Pb(I0.95Cl0.05)3 and Cs0.15FA0.85Pb(I0.95Br0.05)3. In order to obtain the perovskite layers, the different sources of bromine and chlorine atoms were used for synthesis. The performance and time stability of chloride-based photocells are worse in comparison to the bromide-based devices. It can be explained...
Effects of thermal history on the performance of low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells with Sm0.2Ce0.8O2-δ electrolyte and LiNi0.81Co0.15Al0.04O2 electrodes
PublicationIn this study, low-temperature solid oxide fuel cells with an ∼560 μm thick Sm0.2Ce0.8O2−δ (SDC) electrolyte and ∼890 μm thick LiNi0.81Co0.15Al0.04O2−δ (NCAL) electrodes are constructed and characterized under three experimental conditions. The cell with an NCAL cathode pre-reduced under an H2 atmosphere at 550 °C presents the best electrochemical performance. This is ascribed to facts that the reduction reaction generating Ni–Co...
Composite Materials Based on Polymer-Derived SiCN Ceramic and Disordered Hard Carbons as Anodes for Lithium-Ion Batteries
PublicationNew composite materials based on polymer-derived SiCN ceramics and hard carbons were studied in view of its application as anodes for lithium-ion batteries. Two kinds of composites were prepared by pyrolysis of the preceramic polysilazane (HTT1800, Clariant) at 1000 °C in Ar atmosphere mixed with hard carbons derived from potato starch (HC_PS) or with a hard carbon precursor, namely potato starch (PS), denoted as HTT/HC_PS and...
Design and characterization of apatite La9.8Si5.7Mg0.3O26±δ-based micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cells
PublicationIn this study, electrolyte-supported (Cell A) and anode-supported (Cell B) micro-tubular solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) based on the La9.8Si5.7Mg0.3O26±δ (LSMO) electrolyte is built through an extrusion and dip-coating processes. The formulations and process conditions for these cells are established and optimized. Both cell configurations show no visible delamination or cracking, and reaction zones and inter-diffusion of any species...
Application of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to monitoring discharging process of nickel/metal hydride battery
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Electrochemical impedance studies of AB5-type hydrogen storage alloy
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Metal heksacyanoferrate network synthesized inside polymer matrix for electrochemical capacitors
PublicationPrzedmiotem publikacji jest charakterystyka elektrochemiczna polimeru przewodzącego (poli(3,4-etylenodioksytiofenu)) modyfikowanego błękitem pruskim oraz jego pochodnymi, pochodną kobaltową oraz pochodną niklową. Materiały są stabilne elektrochemicznie, a uzyskane wartości pojemności elektrycznej pozwalają na wykorzystanie ich przy konstrukcji kondensatorów elektrochemicznych.
PtCo cathode electrocatalyst behaviour viewed by in-situ XAFS fuel cell measurements
PublicationW pracy zostały przedstawione wstępne wyniki analizy XAS (X-ray absorption spectroscopy), TEM (transmission electron microscopy) i XRD (X-ray diffraction) nanostruktur PtCo 1:1 (20% fazy metalicznej osadzonej na węglu, Vulcan XC-72) używanych jako elektrokatalizatory w polimerowych ogniwach paliwowych (PEM FC). Pomiary realizowane były również w warunkach pracy ogniwa paliwowego za pomocą specjalnie zoptymalizowanej do pomiarów...
Evaluation of porous 430L stainless steel for SOFC operation at intermediate temperatures
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania porowatej stali nierdzewnej typu 430L do zastosowań w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych jako podłoża. Podłoża były poddawane utlenianiu w powietrzu oraz w wodorze i analizowane z wykorzystaniem mikroskopu elektronowego, dyfrakcji rentgenowskiej i termograwimetrii cyklicznej.
Determination of occurrence of anodic excursion peaks by dynamic electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and cyclic voltammetry
PublicationStruktura oraz skład warstw anodowych na ołowiu najbardziej zależy od; dodatków stopowych, stężenia kwasu siarkowego oraz od zakresu potencjału. Zjawisko powstawania pików "anodic excursion peaks" od zawsze było w centrum uwagi wielu naukowców. W tej pracy zachowanie się powyższego zjawiska (AEP) zostało zbadane metodami dynamicznej elektrochemicznej spektrokopii impedancyjnej, mikroskopu sił atomowych oraz chronowoltamperometrii....
Fabrication of solid oxide fuel cell supported on speciallyperformed ferrite-based perovskite cathode
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono warunki technologiczne niezbedne do wytworzenia tlenkowego ogniwa paliwowego na elencie nośnym z materiału perowskitowego LSF. Jako elektrolit stosowana była ceramika z tlenku ceru. Między innymi badany były właściwości elektryczne zarówno materiału katodowego jak i ogniwa.
Hybrid electrodes composed of electroactive polymer and metal hexacyanoferrates in non-aqueous electrolytes
PublicationMateriały hybrydowe złożone z polimeru elektroaktywnego poli(3,4-etylenodioksytiofenu) (pEDOT) i heksacyjanożelazianów wybranych metali Mehcf (Me = Fe, Co, Ni) zostały poddane testom w elektrolitach niewodnych składających się z mieszaniny rozpuszczalników węglan etylenu (EC) : węglan propylenu (PC) w stosunku objętościowym 1:1 oraz wybranych soli: KPF6 i LiPF6. Właściwości elektrochemiczne materiałów badane były metodami woltamperometrii...
Interaction of yttria stabilized zirconia electrolyte with Fe2O3 and Cr2O3
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono badania interakcji pomiędzy domieszkowanym tlenkiem cyrkonu a tlenkiem chromu i tlenkiem żelaza. Tlenek chromu wpływa głównie na zwiększenie rezystacji granic międzyziarnowych, zaś tlenek żelaza zwiększa zarówno rezystancje ziaren jak i granic międzyziarnowych.
Applications of spin coating of polymer precursor and slurrysuspensions for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell fabrication
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono możliwości zastosowania w tlenkowych ogniwach paliwowych metody nanoszenia wirowego prekursorów polimerowych i zawiesin. Przedstawiono przykłady zastosowania tej metody do wytworzenia elektrolitu oraz warstw ochronnych dla stali nierdzewnych.
Electrochemical impedance studies of AB5 -type hydrogen storage alloy
PublicationDo wyznaczenia własności stopu AB5 wykorzystano elektrochemiczną spektroskopie impedancyjną. Badania impedancyjne wykonano podczas chronowoltamperometri cyklicznej oraz cykli ładowania i rozładowania elektrody. Interpretacja uzyskanych w trybie potencjostatycznym wyników pozwoliła na dalszą interpretacje wyników uzyskanych w trybie galwanostatycznym. Proponowana metodologia umożliwia śledzić parametry elektryczne badanego układu...
Designing high-performance quasi-symmetrical solid oxide cells with a facile chemical modification strategy for Sr2Fe2−xWxO6−δ ferrites electrodes with in situ exsolution of nanoparticles
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New easy way preparation of core/shell structured SnO2@carbon spheres and application for lithium-ion batteries
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Biomass-derived robust three-dimensional porous carbon for high volumetric performance supercapacitors
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Co-free triple perovskite La1.5Ba1.5Cu3O7±δ as a promising air electrode material for solid oxide fuel cells
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Interconnected nanoporous carbon structure delivering enhanced mass transport and conductivity toward exceptional performance in supercapacitor
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High performance LaNi1-xCoxO3-δ (x = 0.4 to 0.7) infiltrated oxygen electrodes for reversible solid oxide cells
PublicationOxygen electrodes prepared by infiltration of yttria stabilized zirconia backbone with Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.95 barrier layer and LaNi1-xCoxO3-δ (x=0.4 to 0.7) catalyst for application in reversible solid oxide cells have been studied. The effect of temperature and Ni:Co ratio on their phase composition, microstructure and electrochemical properties are discussed. It was shown that oxygen electrodes infiltrated with LaNi0.5Co0.5O3-δ had...
Evolution of the nanostructure of Pt and Pt–Co polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell electrocatalysts at successive degradation stages probed by X-ray photoemission
PublicationWe present a set of XPS (X-ray photoemission spectroscopy) measurements and detailed data-analysis of electrodes for polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) based on carbon supported catalysts (Pt and Pt–Co) subjected to a step-like potential cycling (accelerated degradation test). The results of the measurements complete and corroborate parallel TEM (transmission electron microscopy), XRD (X-ray diffraction) and XAS (X-ray...
Biobatteries and biofuel cells with biphenylated carbon nanotubes
PublicationSingle-walled carbon nanotubes covalently biphenylated are used for the construction of cathodes in a flow biobattery and in flow biofuel cell. Zinc covered with a hopeite layer is the anode in the biobattery and glassy carbon electrode covered with bioconjugates of single-walled carbon nanotubes with glucose oxidase and catalase is anode of the biofuel cell. The potentials of the electrodes are measured vs. the Ag/AgCl reference...
Application of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy to monitoring discharging process of nickel/metal hydride battery.
PublicationThis paper presents the possibility of applying impedance analysis to cell diagnostics. In order to obtain characteristic curves of both electrodes of a NiMH battery simultaneously, a reference electrode was added into the circuit. The authors analysed the cell under three cases, i.e. when its properties are determined only by the state of the positive electrode, only by the state of the negative electrode, or when both electrodes...
Dimethylimidazole and dicyandiamide assisted synthesized rich-defect and highly dispersed CuCo-Nx anchored hollow graphite carbon nanocages as efficient trifunctional electrocatalyst in the same electrolyte
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Femtosecond laser ablated trench array for improving performance of commercial solid oxide cell
PublicationThe performance of electrode-supported solid oxide cells (SOCs) is limited adversely by gas diffusion impedance in thick and porous support. This work focuses on the improvement of gas transport properties of commercial Ni-YSZ anode-supported SOFC by femtosecond laser-based micromachining where micro-holes of identical depth but different hole separations pitches with minimal heated affected zones were imposed. The polarization...
Low temperature processed MnCo2O4 and MnCo1.8Fe0.2O4 as effective protective coatings for solid oxide fuel cell interconnects at 750 °C
PublicationIn this study two materials, MnCo2O4 and MnCo1.8Fe0.2O4 are studied as potential protective coatings for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell interconnects working at 750 °C. First powder fabrication by a modified Pechini method is described followed by a description of the coating procedure. The protective action of the coating applied on Crofer 22 APU is evaluated by following the area specific resistance (ASR) of the scale/coating for 5500...
Iron doped manganese cobaltite spinel coatings produced by electrophoretic co-deposition on interconnects for solid oxide cells: Microstructural and electrical characterization
PublicationWe report a systematic microstructural and electrical characterization of iron doped Mn–Co spinel coatings processed by electrophoretic co-deposition of Mn1.5Co1.5O4 and Fe2O3 powders on Crofer 22 APU and AISI 441 steel substrates. Iron addition to Mn–Co spinel coating leads to a reduction of the area specific resistance on both substrates, after 3200 h at 750 °C. The Fe doped Mn–Co coating both leads to a thinner oxide scale and...