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Search results for: visible light photocatalysis
Preparation of TiO2-based catalysts modified with thioacetamide and thiourea for visible light photocatalysis
PublicationZa pomocą dwóch różnych metod preparatyki przygotowano aktywne w świetle widzialnym katalizatory tytanowe modyfikowane tioacetamidem i tiomocznikiem. Aktywność fotokatalityczną otrzymanych proszków zbadano w reakcji degradacji fenolu w roztworze wodnym w obecności światła widzialnego. Zbadano wpływ ilości zastosowanej w trakcie syntezy domieszki organicznej na aktywność fotokatalityczną otrzymanych katalizatorów. Wybrane próbki...
Visible light photocatalysis employing TiO2/SrTiO3-BiOI composites: Surface properties and photoexcitation mechanism
PublicationA series of binary TiO2/SrTiO3 and ternary TiO2/SrTiO3_BiOI composites have been synthesized using multistep preparation method. Characterization of the obtained photocatalysts covered complex analysis including morphology + y (SEM), BET specific surface area, porosity, optical properties (DRS), chemical composition of surface (XPS), crystal structure and crystal size (XRD). UV–vis and Vis ligh induced photocatalytic activity was...
Photocatalysis Involving a Visible Light-Induced Hole Injection in a Chromate(VI)–TiO2 System
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Visible-light-induced photocatalysis through surface Plasmon excitation of gold on titania surfaces
PublicationPietnascie komercyjnych probek tlenku tytanu(IV) zostalo zmodyfikowanych zlotem za pomoca fotodepozycji oraz scharakteryzowanych. Fotoaktywnosci proszkow Au/TiO2 zostaly przebadane dla fotodegradacji kwasu octowego i 2-propanolu podczas naswietlania promieniowaniem widzialnym oraz ultrafioletowym. Wykazano, ze fotokatalityczne aktywnosci scisle zaleza od wlasciwosci nanoczastek zlota i tlenku tytanu. Analizy spektrum działania...
UV/VIS light-enhanced photocatalysis for water treatment and protection
PublicationPraca zawiera wyniki badań nad zaawansowanymi metodami fotokatalitycznymi w aspekcie degradacji zanieczyszczeń w fazie ciekłej. Fenol i chlorowane pestycydy zostały zastosowane jako związki modelowe. Równocześnie prowadzono badania dotyczące ścieków pestycydowych. Rozważane układy: UV/TiO2 w zawiesinie lub osadzony na szklanych mikrosferach oraz UV/H2O2/powietrze. Poprzez modyfikację tlenku tytanu(IV) pierwiastkami niemetalicznymi...
Visible light photoactivity and structure of doped TiO2
PublicationOmówiono strukturą i właściwości TiO2 domieszkowanego siarką, węglem oraz borem. Aktywność fotokatalityczna zbadano w reakcji degradacji fenolu pod wpływem światła z zakresu widzialnego (l > 400 nm). Aktywność fotokatalizatorów odniesiono do ich właściwości takich jak powierzchnia właściwa, struktura krystaliczna oraz charakter chemiczny domieszki. Stwierdzono, że fotokatalizatory o najwyższej aktywności mają strukturę anatazu...
Photosensitive chitosan for visible-light water pollutant degradation
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Thioacetamide and thiourea impact on visible light activity of TiO2
PublicationAktywne w świetle widzialnym fotokatalizatory na bazie tlenku tytanu (IV) przygotowano w wyniku hydrolizy izopropylanu tytanu (IV) z tioacetamidem i tiomocznikiem oraz kalcynacji w temperaturze 450ºC. Wyniki badań wskazują, że fenol i 4-chlorofenol były efektywnie degradowane w obecności domieszkowanego TiO2 oraz światła widzialnego (λ>400 nm). Głównym celem badań było zbadanie wpływu ilość zastosowanego prekursora domieszki...
Methods of preparation and performance of sealed gas photomultipliers for visible light
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Visible light activity and photoelectrochemical properties of nitrogen-doped TiO2.
PublicationFotokatalizatory TiO2 domieszkowane azotem zostały zsyntetyzowane z propanolanu tytanu (IV) lub chlorku tytanu (IV) i tiomocznika. Żółte proszki otrzymane po ogrzewaniu w temperaturach 400-600 st.C fotokatalizowały mineralizację 4-chlorofenolu w zakresie światła widzialnego (delta większe lub równe 455nm. W odróżnieniu od uprzednio opublikowanych wyników, zsyntetyzowane fotokatalizatory nie zawierały siarki, lecz zamiast tego azot...
Modification of titanium dioxide towards photocatalytic activity in visible light
Visible light-enhanced degradation of phenol in the presence of modified TiO2
PublicationOpracowano metody otrzymywania katalizatora na bazie tlenku tytanu (IV) aktywowanego światłem widzialnym do fotokatalitycznego utleniania zanieczyszczeń. Tlenek tytanu (IV) modyfikowano wybranymi organicznymi i nieorganicznymi domieszkami. Aktywność fotokatalityczną otrzymanych próbek katalizatorów zbadano w reakcji degradacji fenolu (co= 0,21 mmol/dm3) w roztworze wodnym, w obecności światła widzialnego (l>400). Wybrane katalizatory...
TiO2-anatase modified by carbon as the photocatalyst under visible light
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TiO2 Nanoparticles with High Photocatalytic Activity Under Visible Light
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Boron-doped TiO2: Characteristics and photoactivity under visible light
PublicationOtrzymano TiO2 domieszkowany borem aktywny w reakcjach fotodegradacji pod wpływem światła widzialnego (λ>400 nm). Fotokatalizatory otrzymano poprzez hydrolizę tytanianu(IV) izopropylu w obecności związków boru lub poprzez ucieranie TiO2 (ST-01, P25 i A11) z prekursorami B i następnie kalcynację w zakresie temperatur 200-600oC. Jako źródło boru zastosowano kwas borowy lub ester trietylowy kwasu borowego. Najwyższą aktywność pod...
Transparent thin films of Cu-TiO2 with visible light photocatalytic acitivity
PublicationThin films of Cu–TiO2 with a high level of transparency were prepared by a dip-coating procedure on the glass surface. CuCl2 was used as a copper precursor added during sol – gel synthesis of TiO2. The extension of optical absorption into the visible region of as-prepared thin films was indicated by UV/Vis spectroscopy. Only the anatase phase was detected by X-ray di ffraction analysis (XRD). The presence of copper in the structure...
A low-band gap, nitrogen-modified titania visible-light photocatalyst
PublicationFotokatalizatory tlenku tytanu(IV) zmodyfikowanego azotem zostały zsyntetyzowane poprzez ogrzewanie wodorotlenku tytanu i mocznika w temperaturze 400ºC. Otrzymane fotokatalizatory charakteryzują się silną absorpcją w zakresie promieniowania widzialnego (400-500 nm) odznaczając się niskimi wartościami energii pasma wzbronionego (2,20 i 2,46 eV). Aktywność fotokatalityczną w świetle widzialnym potwierdzono przeprowadzając reakcję...
Preparation of TiO2-nitrogen-doped photocatalyst active under visible light
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Noble metal-modified titania with visible-light activity for the decomposition of microorganisms
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Preparation and characterisation of visible light responsive iodine doped TiO2 electrodes
PublicationPraca przedstawia charakterystykę domieszkowanego jodem ditlenku tytanu (I-TiO2) otrzymanego na drodze hydrotermicznej syntezy, gdzie prekursor stanowiły komplesy tytanu (IV) z ligandami zawierającymi atom jodu. Struktura nowego materiału została opisana za pomocą technik XPS, XRD, UV-vis i FT-IR-ATR. Badania te potwierdziły, że otrzymany proszek I-TiO2 ma zmniejszoną przerwę energetyczną. Praca prezentuje również badania elektrochemiczne...
Shape-dependent enhanced photocatalytic effect under visible light of Ag3PO4 particles
PublicationSilver phosphate (Ag3PO4) could be considered as visible light induced photocatalyst for pollutants degradation, due to its narrow band gap (∼2.4 eV). However, Ag3PO4 photoactivity depends on surface properties and synthesis route. In this study, differently shaped Ag3PO4 photocatalysts have been synthesized through the precipitation, ion exchange, soft-chemical or hydrothermal method. To correlate surface properties with photoactivity all...
Preparation and characterization of Pt/Pd-modified titanium dioxidenanoparticles for visible light irradiation
PublicationSeries of Pt/Pd–TiO2photocatalysts were obtained using the sol–gel method. The Pt/Pd–TiO2nanocom-posites showed significant visible light photoactivity. X-ray diffraction, STEM microscopy, UV–visspectroscopy and BET characterization allowed to conclude that the photocatalysts at the best perfor-mance had the anatase structure, 91 m2/g specific surface area, Pt/Pd alloy structure and 1–4 nm particlesize. The photocatalytic activity...
Preparation and photocatalytic activity of boron-modified TiO2 under UV and visible light
PublicationOtrzymano TiO2 domieszkowany borem i wyznaczono jego aktywność fotokatalityczną w zakresie światła UV i Vis. Katalizatory otrzymano metodą zol-żel lub poprzez ucieranie dwutlenku tytanu z prekursorami B. Jako źródło boru zastosowano kwas borowy lub ester trietylowy kwasu borowego. Fotoaktywność próbek badano w reakcji degradacji fenolu (Co = 0,21 mmol/dm3 ) w zakresie światła Vis lub UV. Obecność węgla i boru we wszystkich przygotowanych...
A new method for preparation of rutile phase titania photoactive under visible light
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Recent advances in visible light-driven water oxidation and reduction in suspension systems
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Influence of titanium dioxide activated under visible light on survival of mold fungi
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Decolorisation of Methylene Blue with Sodium Persulfate Activated with Visible Light in the Presence of Glucose and Sucrose
PublicationThe paper presents the results of research on the methylene blue (MB) degradation with sodium persulfate (PDS) activated with visible light (Vis) in the presence of glucose and sucrose. The following test were examined: absence and presence of sugars in concentrations of 50–300 mM, presence and absence of Vis radiation, pH of the model solution (6.0–12.0), identification of free radicals, kinetics of the pseudo-first-order reaction....
Visible light photoactivity of TiO2loaded with monometallic(Au or Pt) and bimetallic (Au/Pt) nanoparticles
PublicationTiO2modified with monometallic (Au or Pt) and bimetallic (Au/Pt) nanoparticles have been preparedusing a water-in-oil microemulsion system (water/AOT/cyclohexane) followed by calcination step. Theeffect of metal ratio, reducing agent type (NaBH4or N2H4), TiO2matrix type (P-25, ST-01, TiO-5, TiO2nano-tubes or TiO2obtained by TIP hydrolysis) as well as calcination temperature (from 350 to 650◦C) weresystematically investigated. Obtained...
Decomposition of xenobiotics during visible light irradiation in the presence of immobilised photosensitisers: kinetics study
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Fabrication of FeTCPP@CNNS for Efficient Photocatalytic Performance of p-Nitrophenol under Visible Light
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Surface Modification of Nanocrystalline TiO2 Materials with Sulfonated Porphyrins for Visible Light Antimicrobial Therapy
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Comparative studies of Rhodamine B decolorization in the combined process Na2S2O8/visible light/ultrasound
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Detailed Insight into Photocatalytic Inactivation of Pathogenic Bacteria in the Presence of Visible-Light-Active Multicomponent Photocatalysts
PublicationThe use of heterogeneous photocatalysis in biologically contaminated water purification processes still requires the development of materials active in visible light, preferably in the form of thin films. Herein, we report nanotube structures made of TiO2/Ag2O/Au0, TiO2/Ag2O/PtOx, TiO2/Cu2O/Au0, and TiO2/Cu2O/PtOx obtained via one-step anodic oxidation of the titanium-based alloys (Ti94Ag5Au1, Ti94Cu5Pt1, Ti94Cu5Au1, and Ti94Ag5Pt1)...
Theoretical and Experimental Studies on the Visible Light Activity of TiO2 Modified with Halide-Based Ionic Liquids
PublicationFormation of a surface complex between organic molecules and TiO2 is one of the possible strategies for the development of visible light-induced TiO2 photoactivity. Herein, three ionic liquids (ILs) with the same cation and dierent anions (1-butylpirydynium chloride/bromide/iodide) have been applied for the surface modification of TiO2 and to understand the role of anions in visible light-induced activity of ILs-TiO2 systems. Photocatalytic...
Silver-modified titania with enhanced photocatalytic and antimicrobial properties under UV and visible light irradiation
PublicationCommercial titania photocatalysts were modified with 2 wt% of silver by photodeposition. The properties of the samples were characterized by DRS, XPS, XRD, FE-SEM and STEM. The modified samples exhibited activity under visible light and enhanced activity under UV irradiation for 2-propanol and acetic acid oxidation, respectively. The time-resolved microwave conductivity (TRMC) analysis indicated that enhanced activity (2.5–8-fold...
Enhanced visible light-activated gas sensing properties of nanoporous copper oxide thin films
PublicationMetal oxide gas sensors are popular chemoresistive sensors. They are used for numerous tasks, including environmental and safety monitoring. Some gas-sensing materials exhibit photo-induced properties that can be utilized for enhanced gas detection by modifying the sensor selectivity and sensitivity when illuminated by light. Here, we present the gas sensing characteristics of highly nanoporous Cu2O thin films towards both electrophilic...
Photocatalytic decolourization of Rhodamine-B dye by visible light active ZIF-8/BiFeO3 composite
PublicationIn this work, preparation of ZIF-8 supported BiFeO3 photocatalyst by ultrasound cavitation technique was reported. The synthesized materials were characterized using solid UV absorption spectroscopy, Raman Spectroscopy, and SEM. The catalytic function of synthesized photocatalyst under ultraviolet and visible light was examined for the decolourization of Rhodamine-B (Rh-B) dye. To understand the action of the photocatalyst on Rh-B...
Studies on novel BiyXz-TiO2/SrTiO3 composites: Surface properties and visible light-driven photoactivity
PublicationA series of novel BiyXz-TiO2/SrTiO3 composites were prepared by multistep synthesis route. The asprepared photocatalysts were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR), Raman spectra and BET analysis. The photocatalytic activity test was performed in aqueous solution of phenol under...
Perovskite-type KTaO3–reduced graphene oxide hybrid with improved visible light photocatalytic activity
PublicationNovel rGO–KTaO3 composites with various graphene content were successfully synthesized using a facile solvothermal method which allowed both the reduction of graphene oxide and loading of KTaO3 nanocubes on the graphene sheets. The as-prepared photocatalysts were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), Fourier...
Persulfates to degrade a mixture of dyes (rhodamine B, methylene blue) in the presence of glucose and visible light
PublicationA treatment process utilizing visible-light-activated (Vis) persulfates (PS) in the presence of an organic promoter (glucose) was developed for the simultaneous decolorization of a rhodamine B (RhB) and methylene blue (MB) mixture. Various doses of glucose, PS concentrations, pH values, initial dye concentrations and process time were tested to find out the most appropriate parameters for degrading the RhB/MB mixture in the...
Preparation of carbon-coated Magneli phases TinO2n−1 and their photocatalytic activity under visible light
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Synthesis and photocatalytic performance of TiO2 nanospheres–graphene nanocomposite under visible and UV light irradiation
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Bacterial Inactivation on Concrete Plates Loaded with Modified TiO2 Photocatalysts under Visible Light Irradiation
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Remarkable visible-light induced hydrogen generation with ZnIn2S4 microspheres/CuInS2 quantum dots photocatalytic system
PublicationA new and active material in the form of ZnIn2S4 microspheres decorated by CuInS2 quantum dots have been obtained by hydrothermal method for the first time. The optimum amount of CuInS2 quantum dots (1.13 wt.%) introduced into rection medium during ZnIn2S4 microspheres synthesis increased the photocatalytic H2 generation rate by 2.5 times than that of bare ZnIn2S4 photocatalysis under visible light irradiation. This sample exhibited...
Stannates, titanates and tantalates modified with carbon and graphene quantum dots for enhancement of visible-light photocatalytic activity
PublicationMost efforts in heterogeneous photocatalysis are focused on development of new and stable photoactive materials efficient in degradation of various pollutants under visible-light irradiation. In this regard, the wide-bandgap perovskite semiconductors, i.e., SrTiO3 (titanate), SrSnO3 (stannate) and AgTaO3 (tantalate), were prepared by a solvothermal method, and then modified with carbon quantum dots (CQDs) or graphene quantum dots...
Enhanced Visible Light Active WO3 Thin Films Toward Air Purification: Effect of the Synthesis Conditions
PublicationTaking into consideration, our current environmental situation in the world people should face with growing problem of air and water pollution. Heterogeneous photocatalysis is highly promising tool to improve both, air and water quality through decomposition/mineralization of contaminations directly into harmless CO2 and H2O under ambient conditions. In this contribution we focused on the synthesis of self-assembly WO3 thin films...
Visible light activity of rare earth metal doped (Er3+, Yb3+ or Er3+/Yb3+) titania photocatalysts
PublicationA series of Er3+-TiO2, Yb3+-TiO2 and Er3+/Yb3+-TiO2 photocatalysts were obtained via sol-gel method, using rare earth metal (RE) precursor ranging from 0.25 to 10 mol%. The experiments demonstrated that phenol in aqueous solutions was successfully degraded under visible light (> 450 nm) using RE3+-TiO2. The as-prepared samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron emission spectroscopy (XPS), UV-Vis...
Preparation and photocatalytic activity of Nd-modified TiO2 photocatalysts: Insight into the excitation mechanism under visible light
PublicationTitanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles (NPs) modified with neodymium (Nd) in the range between 0.1 and 1.0 mol% were prepared via the hydrothermal method. The samples obtained were characterized by diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray fluorescence (EDX), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) method, X-ray powder diffraction analysis (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and photoluminescence...
Mono- and bi-metallic plasmonic photocatalysts for degradation of organic compounds under UV and visible light irradiation
PublicationTitania powders were surface modified with gold and/or silver nanoparticles (NPs) by photodeposition method. Gold modified titania exhibited much higher photocatalytic activity during methanol dehydrogenation under UV irradiation than titania modified with monometallic silver and bimetallic Au–Ag NPs. Bimetallic photocatalysts exhibited either enhanced or reduced visible light activity, depending on properties of noble metal NPs,...
Preparation and characterization of monometallic (Au) and bimetallic (Ag/Au) modified-titania photocatalysts activated by visible light
PublicationThe Au-TiO2 and Ag/Au-TiO2 nanoparticles have been prepared using a water-in-oil microemulsion system of water/AOT/cyclohexane and water/Triton X-100/cyclohexane. The obtained photocatalysts were subsequently characterized by a BET method, DRS spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron emission spectroscopy (XPS), scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and X-ray powder diffraction analysis (XRD). For gold-doped titanium (IV) oxide...