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Search results for: voltage source inverters
Hybrid Modulation for Modular Voltage Source Inverters with Coupled Reactors
PublicationThis paper proposes and discusses a concept of a hybrid modulation for the control of modular voltage source inverters with coupled reactors. The use of coupled reactors as the integrating elements leads to significant reduction in the size and weight of the circuit. The proposed modulation combines novel coarsely quantized pulse amplitude modulation (CQ-PAM) and innovative space-vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM). The former...
Modular multipulse voltage source inverters with integrating coupled reactors
PublicationA novel approach to the voltage source inverters (VSI) construction is presented in the paper. The invented inverter structures allow to operate several DC/AC converters in parallel resulting in lower voltage distortions at extremely low switching frequency. The research presented in the paper describes such a parallel operation of the VSI’s which is possible thanks to the use of coupled inductors. The eighteen-pulse and twenty-four-pulse...
Self-Tuning Dead-Time Compensation Method for Voltage-Source Inverters
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową, kompleksową metodę kompensacji zniekształceń napięcia wyjściowego falownika z modulacją szerokości impulsów. Proponowana metoda umożliwia automatyczne dopasowanie parametrów charakterystyki kompensacyjnej do aktualnej konfiguracji falownika i obciążenia, np. po zmianie przewodu łączącego falownik z obciążeniem. Adaptacja do nowych warunków polega na dostrajaniu wartości parametrów zależności opisującej napięcie...
Open-transistor fault diagnostics in voltage-source inverters by analyzing the load current
PublicationA novel method is presented for the detection andisolation of open-transistor faults in voltage-source invertersfeeding low-power AC motors. The method is based onmonitoring two diagnostic signals, one indicating sustained nearzerovalues of output current and thus permitting fault detection,the other permitting the isolation of the particular transistorwhich went faulty. The latter signal is the ratio of the averagephase current...
Open-transistor fault diagnostics in voltage-source inverters by analyzing the load current
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową metodę detekcji i lokalizacji uszkodzeń polegających na braku przewodzenia tranzystorów w falownikach napięcia zasilających silniki indukcyjne. Metoda jest rozszerzeniem, opracowanej wcześniej, metody wykorzystującej znormalizowane składowe stałe prądów obciążenia. Znormalizowane wartości średnie prądów powiązano z dodatkowymi wskaźnikami diagnostycznymi, które zawierają informacje o czasie trwania nieprzewodzenia...
LCCT-Z-Source inverters
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Common-Mode Voltage and Bearing Currents in PWM Inverters: Causes, Effects and Prevention
PublicationIn modern induction motor drives an increase of transistors' switching frequency and a decrease of switching times are the sources of some serious problems. The high dv/dt and the common mode voltage generated by the inverter PWM control results in the appearances of bearing currents, shaft voltages, motor terminal overvoltages, the decrease of motor efficiency, and electromagnetic interference. The aspects of common mode (CM)...
New Alternative Passive Networks to Improve the Range Output Voltage Regulation of the PWM Inverters
PublicationThis paper presents different topologies of buck-boost converters with passive input networks that have alternative topologies; this is known in the literature as a Z-source inverter. Alternative passive networks were named by the authors as T-inverters; these improve output voltage regulation of the PWM inverters. T-inverter has fewer reactive components in comparison to conventional Z-source inverter. The most significant advantage...
Predictive Current Control of Voltage-Source Inverter.
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono regulator prądu stojana silnika asynchronicznego z predykcją napiecia wyjściowego. Rozważono aspekty praktycznej realizacji algorytmu w układzie z procesorem sygnałowym związane z opóźnieniami pomiaru prądu przy zastosowaniu przetwornika A/C. Układ zrealizowano praktycznie przy wykorzystaniu układu FPGA. W pracy zamieszczono wyniki badań symulacyjnychi eksperymentalnych.
New Alternative Passive Networks to Improve the Range Output Voltage Regulation of the PWM Inverters
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Analytical comparison between capacitor assisted and diode assisted cascaded quasi-z-source inverters
PublicationQuasi-Z falownik z prostym obwodem impedancyjnym jest bardzo interesującym rozwiązaniem topologicznym ze względu na unikalną możliwość jednostopniowego przekształcanie DC/AC w połączeniu z funkcjami obniżania i podwyższania napięcia. W niektórych aplikacjach jego właściwości podwyższające są jednak niewystarczające. Wyższe napięcie wejściowe można uzyskać w wyniku zastosowania w quasi-Z-falownikach kaskadowych obwodów impedancyjnych....
High step-up continuous input current LCCT-Z-source inverters for fuel cells
PublicationFalowniki typu Z (ZSI) przeznaczone są do układów wymagających szerokiej zmiany wzmocnienia napięciowego, np. w energetyce odnawialnej. Ostatnio zaproponowano w literaturze zmienione struktury - falowniki typu Trans-Z (TZSI) oraz typu T (TSI) - w których dzięki zastosowaniu dławików sprzężonych uzyskano lepsze wzmocnienie niż w ZSI. W tym artykule przedstawiono ideę rozszerzonej struktury TZSI. Zaproponowano dwie nowe struktury...
Output filter for voltage source inverter supplying induction motor
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono problemy związane z występowaniem składowej zerowej w falowniku napięcia. Jako rozwiązanie zastosowano filtr bierny składowej zerowej dodatkowo pełniący funkcję filtru sinusoidalnego. Filtr nie wprowadza zauważalnych przesunięć prądów i napięć na wejściu i wyjściu układu. Przedstawiono metodę doboru elementów filtru w prostokatnym układzie współrzędnych oraz wyniki badań symulacyjnych i eksperymentalnych....
Control of voltage source inverter without dead-time effects.
PublicationW artykule zaproponowano metodę dokładnego generowania wektora napięcia o małej amplitudzie w falowniku napięcia. Zaprezentowano metodę modulacji szerokości impulsów, w której wyeliminowano koniecznosć wprowadzania czasów martwych oraz kompensacji ich wpływu na napięcie wyjsciowe przekształtnika
Voltage Source Power Line Conditioner for Applications in Local Supply Systems
PublicationThe paper presents the basic principles of operation of voltage source power line conditioners (VSPLC) as well as their energy and filtration properties. A 4-level cascade based Voltage Source Converter (VSC) is used as a voltage source. The advantages of this topology is relatively simple construction and simple way of balancing DC link voltages. Results of the theoretical and experimental investigations confirm good energetic...
Novel Family of Single-Phase Modified Impedance-Source Buck-Boost Multilevel Inverters With Reduced Switch Count
Publicationhis paper describes novel single-phase solutions with increased inverter voltage levels derived by means of a nonstandard inverter configuration and impedance source networks. Operation principles based on special modulation techniques are presented. Detailed component design guidelines along with simulation and experimental verification are also provided. Possible application fields are discussed, as well as advantages and disadvantages....
Dynamic variables limitation for backstepping control of induction machine and voltage source converter
PublicationDynamic variables limitation for backstepping control of induction machine and voltage source converter The paper presents the method of control of an induction squirrel-cage machine supplied by a voltage source converter. The presented idea is based on an innovative method of the voltage source converter control, consisting in direct joining of the motor control system with the voltage source rectifier control system. The combined...
The pulse width modulation strategy for a five-phase three-level NPC voltage source inverter with DC-link voltage balancing ability
PublicationThe doctoral dissertation is all about the development of the space vector modulation algorithm for controlling the generation of output voltage vectors in a three-level, five-phase NPC inverter. The developed algorithm can be used to control five-phase motors, where it will be possible to increase the motor torque by 15%; by appropriate injection of 3rd harmonic current. The proposed control approach also opens up the possibility...
Hybridized Space-Vector Pulsewidth Modulation for Multiphase Two-Level Voltage Source Inverter
PublicationIn space vector pulsewidth modulation (SVPWM) algorithms for multiphase two-level voltage source inverters (VSI), the components of active vectors in all orthogonal spaces have to be calculated within the processor and stored in its memory. These necessitate intensive computational efforts of the processor and large memory space. This article presents a hybridized SVPWM for multiphase two-level VSI. In this algorithm, elements...
Sensorless control system of induction machine supplied by voltage source inverter with output filter
PublicationThe paper focuses on sensorless control of the induction machines supplied by inverter with the output filters. “The novel” idea of the speed observer which is based on the backstepping approach is shown. The standard structure of the exponential observer is extended by the integrators and additional Z vector. The simulation and experimental results validate the proposed solution.
Structure and the space vector modulation for a medium-voltage power-electronic-transformer based on two seven-level cascade H-bridge inverters
PublicationThis study presents the structure and the space vector pulse-width modulation (SVPWM) for power electronic transformer (PET) based on two seven-level cascade H-bridge (CHB) inverters. The DC links of CHB inverters are coupled with nine dual-active bridge (DAB) converters with medium-frequency transformers. The DC-link voltages are equalised with two methods – through the control of DAB voltages...
Optimized Space Vector Modulation strategy for five phase voltage source inverter with third harmonic injection
PublicationThis paper presents a simple and an effective SVM algorithm for five-phase Voltage-Source Inverters with the possibility to control independently the voltage vectors for fundamental and auxiliary orthogonal subspaces. The essential benefit is that output voltage is generated using only four active voltage vectors with limited numbers of switching. In the proposed solution, four active vectors are arbitrary chosen, independent of...
New type T-Source inverter
PublicationThis paper presents different topologies of voltage inverters with alternative input LC networks. The basic topology is known in the literature as a Z-source inverter (ZSI). Alternative passive networks were named by the authors as T-sources. T-source inverter has fewer reactive components in comparison to conventional Z-source inverter. The most significant advantage of the T-source inverter (TSI) is its use of a common voltage...
Buck-Boost Inverters with Symmetrical Passive Four-terminal Networks
PublicationAlternating Voltage Inverters (Converters) supplied by low-voltage sources DC (ex. fuel cell, photovoltaic cell) are most frequently realized on the basis of the three fundamental topologies: a) PWM voltage inverter with boost-converter" system, b) PWM voltage inverter with transformed converter DC/DC in the ,,boost-converter" system, c) PWM current converter. However none of these solutions is claimed to be the best and dominant...
Modeling the effect of parasitic capacitances on the dead-time distortion in multilevel NPC inverters
PublicationA simple model is derived and verified for evaluating the effect of parasitic capacitances on the dead-time related voltage distortion in multilevel NPC voltage source inverters. The model permits well-defined and precise compensation of dead-time distortion, exhibiting meaningful improvement on compensation methods neglecting the effects of parasitic capacitances. A simple formula is given for evaluating the capacitances as serial/parallel...
Multipulse inverter structures with low voltage distortion
PublicationA novel approach to the voltage source inverters (VSI) construction is presented in the paper. The invented inverter structures allow to operate several DC/AC converters in parallel resulting in lower voltage distortions at extremely low switching frequency. The research presented in the paper describes such a parallel operation of the VSI’s which is possible thanks to the use of coupled inductors. The eighteen-pulse three-level...
Marek Adamowicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleStopień naukowy doktora uzyskał w 2008 r. na Wydziale Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej. W latach 2005 – 2011 pracował na Akademii Morskiej w Gdyni. W 2010 r. jako laureat programu NCBR LIDER wybrał Wydział Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki Gdańskiej jako jednostkę realizującą swój projekt z zakresu szerokopasmowych przyrządów półprzewodnikowych i ich zastosowań w elektrowniach wiatrowych. Od 2011 roku...
Current Source Inverter Fed Drive
PublicationThis book covers three-phase and multiphase (more than three-phase) motor drives including their control and practical problems faced in the field (e.g., adding LC filters in the output of a feeding converter), are considered. The new edition contains links to Matlab®/Simulink models and PowerPoint slides ideal for teaching and understanding the material contained within the book. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A...
Low harmonic multipulse voltage converters using coupled reactors
PublicationThis paper presents a novel approach to the multi pulse voltage converters (VC), especially voltage source inverters (VSI) and matrix converters (MC) based on several typical identical modules connected in parallel using coupled reactors. Such arrangements resulting in lower voltage distortions at extremely low switching frequency. The proposed arrangement was validated by simulation. Laboratory models of 18- and 24pulse 3-level...
Comparison of Impedance-Source Networks for Two and Multilevel Buck–Boost Inverter Applications
Publicationmpedance-source networks are an increasingly popular solution in power converter applications, especially in single-stage buck-boost power conversion to avoid additional front-end dc-dc power converters. In the survey papers published, no analytical comparisons of different topologies have been described, which makes it difficult to choose the best option. Thus, the aim of this paper is to present a comprehensive analytical comparison...
Pulse-Width Modulation of Power Electronic DC–AC Converter
PublicationThe Second Edition of High Performance Control of AC Drives with Matlab®/Simulink delivers an updated and thorough overview of topics central to the understanding of AC motor drive systems. The book includes new material on medium voltage drives, covering state-of-the-art technologies and challenges in the industrial drive system, as well as their components, and control, current source inverter-based drives, PWM techniques for...
Przekształtnik prądu jako sterownik w układach napędowych z silnikami indukcyjnymi
PublicationThe circuits used for power conversion applied in drives with electric machines are classified into two groups: voltage source inverters (VSI) and current source inverters (CSI). Application of the current source inverter results in better properties of drive than application of voltage source inverter because there is no output filter. The development of power electronics and especially the IGBTs, in which on/off-times are very...
Dead-Time Effect Compensation Based on Additional Phase Current Measurements
PublicationThis paper proposes a new method of dead-time effect compensation. The proposed solution is based on additional phase current measurements realized by analog-to-digital converters. These measurements are carried out at the time instants specified by a pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) strategy. This makes it possible to estimate inverter currents at the commutation instants and, finally, to estimate the voltage error caused by dead time. This...
High Performance Control of AC Drives with Matlab/ Simulink
PublicationExplore this indispensable update to a popular graduate text on electric drive techniques and the latest converters used in industry. The Second Edition of High Performance Control of AC Drives with Matlab®/Simulink delivers an updated and thorough overview of topics central to the understanding of AC motor drive systems. The book includes new material on medium voltage drives, covering state-of-the-art technologies and challenges...
Advances in CSI-fed induction motor drives
PublicationThe application of current source inverters (CSI)in induction motor (IM) drives offers a number of advantages,including: voltage boosting capability, natural shoot-throughshort-circuit protection and generation of sinusoidal voltages.The exact generation of sinusoidal voltages is possible thanks tothanks to the effect of the output ac filter capacitors and mayimprove the accuracy of sensorless IM control. The eliminationof high...
Przekształtniki tranzystorowe działające w trybie prądu trójkątnego
PublicationPrzekształtniki oparte na węgliku krzemu mogą być analizowane jako źródła napięcia lub prądu niezależnie od topologii przy odpowiednich parametrach filtru wyjściowego. Szczególnie interesujące są falowniki napięcia działające w trybie prądu trójkątnego. W referacie przedstawiono sterowanie trójfazowym falownikiem napięcia posiadającym właściwości źródła prądu. Pokazano, jak dobrać parametry filtru wyjściowego falownika. Oceniono...
Formowanie wektorów napięcia wyjściowego w pięciofazowych falownikach napięcia
PublicationW falownikach pięciofazowych, załączenie wektorów aktywnych powoduje jednoczesne formowane dwóch, zależnych od siebie wektorów napięcia wyjściowego. Sterowanie pięciofazowymi silnikami indukcyjnymi wymaga, aby wektory te miały ściśle określone długości i położenia. Niezależne formowanie dwóch wektorów napięcia o parametrach określonych w układzie sterowania silnikiem wymaga zastosowania odpowiedniej strategii Modulacji Szerokości...
A Five-Leg Three-Level Dual-Output Inverter
PublicationClassical 3-level dual-output inverter, 3-L DOI, involves two similar 3-level inverters that provides a pair of 3-phase output voltages with same or different frequencies from common input voltage source. Flexibility of either operation of the constituting inverters is evident in this DOI; but total duplication of power switches is a major drawback. State of the art coupled 3-L DOIs reduce this drawback by providing series-shared...
Conducted emi identification in power electronic converters : modeling of EMI generation and propagation using circuit simulation and wiener filtering methods.
PublicationThis work presents the circuit simulations and the conventional signal processing technique (Wiener filtering) in order to reconstruct conducted ElectroMagnetic Interferences (EMI), generated and propagated in power electronics converters. In the simulation study, the most accurate presently available models of components of circuit have been used and improved. The proposed Wiener filtering method allows to identifying the transfer...
Regulacja napięcia w sieci nN z rozproszonymi źródłami energii
PublicationPodłączanie rozproszonych źródeł energii do sieci energetycznych niskiego napięcia powoduje powstawanie problemów zmienności i niesymetrii napięcia, zwłaszcza w przypadku dużych odległości od transformatora zasilającego. W skrajnych przypadkach zachodzi konieczność redukcji mocy generowanej przez źródło podczas oddawaniu energii do sieci. Rozwiązaniem tego problemu jest zastosowanie energoelektronicznego regulatora napięcia składającego...
Hybridized PWM Strategy for Three- and Multiphase Three-Level NPC Inverters
PublicationA simple hybridized pulsewidth modulation (PWM) algorithm for three- and multiphase three-level neutral point clamped (NPC) inverters is proposed. The proposed solution is based on classical space vector PWM (SVPWM) algorithms for two-level inverters but can also be based on sinusoidal PWM with min–max injection. An additional level of output voltage is obtained by modifying the resulting switching patterns taking into account...
A Simplified SVPWM Technique for Five-leg Inverter with Dual Three-phase Output
PublicationThis article proposes a simplified space vector pulse-width modulation (SVPWM) technique five-leg inverter with dual three-phase output. An idea to fed the dual tree-phase machine by the multiphase voltage source inverters (VSIs) is not new. Dual- and multi-motor drive systems are widely used in the industry applications. The most popular fields are: electric vehicles (EVs) and traction systems. Moreover, the specific characteristic...
Space Vector Pulsewidth Modulation Strategy for Multilevel Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter With DC-Link Voltage Balancing Ability
PublicationSpace vector pulsewidth modulation (SVPWM) algorithms for cascaded H-bridge multilevel (CHB ML) inverter usually provide the possibility of using several combinations of active voltage vectors to generate the same output voltage vector. For preselected H-bridges, some of them may generate output voltages opposite to the assumed direction. This results in the change of the dc-link voltages of these H-bridges in the opposite direction...
Error analysis of calculating average d-q current components using Regular Sampling and Park transformation in FOC drives
PublicationIn electric drives using voltage source inverters, motor currents contain ripple component resulting from pulse-width modulated (PWM) voltage. The frequency range of the ripples is much higher than the bandwidth of current control. Therefore the control is performed on the basis of a fundamental current component, i.e. average value with the averaging time being the PWM period. In majority of cases the average current is measured...
Resonant DC link inverters for AC motor drive systems – critical evaluation
PublicationIn this survey paper, resonant and quasiresonant DC link inverters are reexamined for AC motor drive applications. Critical evaluation of representative topologies is based on simulation and waveform analysis to characterize current/voltage stress of components, control timing constraints and feasibility. A special concern over inverter common-mode voltage and voltage gradient du/dt limitation capacity is discussed for motor bearing...
Four level inverter's DC bus voltage balancing with 3-terminal DAB converter
Publication—Multilevel inverters become more and more popular, especially in the medium or high voltage and high power applications. Unfortunately, some of inverter topologies require additional DC bus voltage balancing systems. This paper presents a novel approach to such systems, which is based on a multiple terminal DAB converter. Along with the voltage balancing function the proposed solution enables the connection of energy storage devices...
Detekcja i lokalizacja nieprzewodzenia tranzystorów falownika napięcia na podstawie analizy prądu obciążenia
PublicationPrzedstawiono nową metodę detekcji i lokalizacji nieprzewodzenia tranzystorów w falownikach napięcia zasilających silniki indukcyjne małej mocy. Metoda bazuje na monitorowaniu wartości dwóch sygnałów dia-gnostycznych. Pierwszy z nich, wskaźnik braku przepływu prądu, wykorzystano w celu detekcji uszkodzeń. Drugi, stosunek wartości średniej prądu do wartości średniej bezwzględnej, zawiera informacje umożliwiające lokalizację uszkodzonych...
Series Passive Compensation of Common Mode Voltage in Multilevel Inverter Drives
PublicationThis paper presents an approach to the problem of a magnetic saturation of CM chokes that accompanies the method of passive compensation of a common mode (CM) voltage in an inverter drive system. Measurements have been provided in a drive system including multilevel inverters and the filter having sinusoidal output voltages and zero CM voltage. The theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the problem with magnetic...
Reducing common mode voltage and bearing currents in quasi - resonant DC - link inverter
PublicationIn the paper, a concept of separation of an inverter-fed induction motor drive from its mains supply by two transistor switches inserted in the dc-link circuit is reexamined based on the proposed parallel quasi-resonant dc-link inverter (PQRDCLI). The objective of the paper is to show an advantage of the proposed topology in limiting high frequency common mode voltage and bearing currents. In the laboratory setup, an induction...
Induction Generator with Direct Control and a Limited Number of Measurements on the Side of the Converter Connected to the Power Grid
PublicationThe article presents an induction generator connected to the power grid using the AC/DC/AC converter and LCL coupling filter. Three-level inverters were used in the converter, both from the generator side and the power grid side. The algorithm realizing Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) in inverters has been simplified to the maximum. Control of the induction generator was based on the Direct Field-Oriented Control (DFOC) method. At...