The conception of energetic investigations of the multisymptom fatigue of the simple mechanical systems' constructional materials
PublicationThe article presents the basic assumptions of the research project aimed, as the main scientific purpose, an identification of the slow-changeable energy processes surrounding the high-cycle fatigue of constructional materials within the plain mechanical system, especially the marine one, for diagnostic purposes. There is foreseen an application of alternative diagnostic methods based on energetic observations of the multi-symptom,...
Influence of operation temperature instability on gas sensor performance
PublicationGas sensors based on the semiconducting metal-oxides, such as SnO2, have been found to be very useful for detecting a wide range of gases. The reversible interactions of the gas with the surface of the sensing layer made of semiconducting metal-oxides are responsible for changes of sensor resistance which is usually used as a measure of sensor response. Semiconductor gas sensors are commercially available and applied in numerous...
A Survey of Vehicular Network Systems for Road Traffic Management
PublicationIn this survey, we analyze the proposals of vehicular communication systems in the context of road traffic management. Starting with the definition of communications between vehicles (V2V), vehicles-to-infrastructure (V2I) and vehicles-to-everything (V2X), we first focus on the requirements and current standards for the Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), including the maximum communication delay, the communication range and the...
The Optical Coherence Tomography and Raman Spectroscopy for Sensing of the Bone Demineralization Process
PublicationThe presented research was intended to seek new optical methods to investigate the demineralization process of bones. Optical examination of the bone condition could facilitate clinical trials and improve the safety of patients. The authors used a set of complementary methods: polarization-sensitive optical coherence tomography (PS-OCT) and Raman spectroscopy. Chicken bone samples were used in this research. To stimulate in laboratory...
The impact of methods the stochastic analysis on swimming safety of multihull floating units (Part1)
PublicationThe presented article concerns the application of the methods of the stochastic analysis to solve differential equations for multihull catamaran-type floating unit. There was described the continuous process of Markov and the method of equations of Focker-Planck-Kolmogorov. The analysis of dynamics of the multihull unit was carried out with the assumption that the system model is the linear model with six degrees of freedom, on...
Development Of Dynamic Method For Evaluation Of Corrosion Rate On The Example Of Organic Corrosion İnhibitor
PublicationMeasurements of the corrosion rate belong to the most important aspects of materials science. In order to reduce material loss corrosion inhibitors are used. However selection of proper inhibitor should be based on evaluation of its mechanism and effective concentrations. Mechanism of inhibition usually has dynamic character so physicochemical parameters are changing in time. Most of actually used methods...
Creating Dynamic Maps of Noise Threat Using PL-Grid Infrastructure
PublicationThe paper presents functionality and operation results of a system for creating dynamic maps of acoustic noise employing the PL-Grid infrastructure extended with a distributed sensor network. The work presented provides a demonstration of the services being prepared within the PLGrid Plus project for measuring, modeling and rendering data related to noise level distribution in city agglomerations. Specific computational environments,...
Crack Resistance of Asphalt Concrete Subjected to Environmental Factors
PublicationThe paper presents an analysis of the influence of environmental factors on the cracking susceptibility of asphalt concrete resulting in a change in the durability of asphalt pavement. In order to assess the phenomenon, laboratory tests were carried out taking into account the destructive effects of moisture, freeze-thaw cycle and long-term ageing. The influence of both factors occurring simultaneously was also verified. Due to...
Influence of the Shear Cap Size and Stiffness on the Distribution of Shear Forces in Flat Slabs
PublicationThe scope of this paper is to investigate analytically and numerically the influence of shear cap size and stiffness on the distribution of shear forces in flat slabs in a slab–column-connections-reinforced concrete structure. The effect of support (shear cap) stiffness on the calculation of the length of the shear control perimeter according to the available methods is presented. Based on the analysis, the authors indicate in...
Evaluation of the resistance of steel–concrete adhesive connection in reinforced concrete beams using guided wave propagation
PublicationThe development of the nondestructive diagnostic methods is of significant importance in the last decades. A special attention is paid to diagnostics of reinforced concrete structures, which are very popular in the civil engineering field. A possible use of the guided waves in the estimation of the resistance of steel–concrete adhesive connection is studied in the following paper. The relationships relating adhesive connection...
Verification of punching shear outside the shear cap by the direct method
PublicationThe proposition of a method to verify the punching resistance for very large supports based on the EN 1992-1-1 standard is described in this paper. The present standard guidelines for the calculation of the punching resistance for large supports are also summarised. The proposed direct method is compared with other standard methods using an example taken from design practice. This method consists of a direct check of the shear...
MERPSYS: An environment for simulation of parallel application execution on large scale HPC systems
PublicationIn this paper we present a new environment called MERPSYS that allows simulation of parallel application execution time on cluster-based systems. The environment offers a modeling application using the Java language extended with methods representing message passing type communication routines. It also offers a graphical interface for building a system model that incorporates various hardware components such as CPUs, GPUs, interconnects...
A global multinational survey of cefotaxime-resistant coliforms in urban wastewater treatment plants
PublicationThe World Health Organization Global Action Plan recommends integrated surveillance programs as crucial strategies for monitoring antibiotic resistance. Although several national surveillance programs are in place for clinical and veterinary settings, no such schemes exist for monitoring antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the environment. In this transnational study, we developed, validated, and tested a low-cost surveillance and...
Kazimierz Darowicki prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleStudia wyższe ukończyłem w czerwcu 1981 roku po zdaniu egzaminu dyplomowego i obronie pracy magisterskiej. Opiekunem pracy magisterskiej był dr hab. inż. Tadeusz Szauer. W roku 1991, 27 listopada uzyskałem stopień naukowy broniąc pracę doktorską zatytułowaną „Symulacyjna i korelacyjna analiza widm immitancyjnych inhibitowanej reakcji elektrodowej”. Promotorem pracy był prof. dr hab. inż. Józef Kubicki (Wydział Chemiczny...
The Idea of Using Bayesian Networks in Forecasting Impact of Traffic-Induced Vibrations Transmitted through the Ground on Residential Buildings
PublicationTraffic–induced vibrations may constitute a considerable load to buildings. In this paper, vibrations transmitted through the ground caused by wheeled vehicles are considered. This phenomenon may cause cracking of plaster, cracks in load-bearing elements or even, in extreme cases, collapse of the whole structure. Measurements of vibrations of real structures are costly and laborious. Therefore, the aim of the present paper is to...
Pedestrian detection in low-resolution thermal images
PublicationOver one million people die in car accidents worldwide each year. A solution that will be able to reduce situations in which pedestrian safety is at risk has been sought for a long time. One of the techniques for detecting pedestrians on the road is the use of artificial intelligence in connection with thermal imaging. The purpose of this work was to design a system to assist the safety of people and car intelligence with the use...
Multi-Channel Virtual Instrument for Measuring Temperature—A Case Study
PublicationThe article presents the hardware and software configuration of the developed multi-channel temperature measurement system as well as calibration procedures and measurement results verifying the properties of measurement channels. The system has been developed and dedicated primarily for measuring the temperature distribution in a laboratory model simulating underground power lines. With the adopted configuration of the analog...
Applications for investigating therapy progress of autistic children
PublicationThe paper regards supporting behavioral therapy of autistic children with mobile applications, specifically applied for measuring the child’s progress. A family of five applications is presented, that was developed as an investigation tool within the project aimed at automation of therapy progress monitoring. The applications were already tested with children with autism spectrum disorder. Hereby we analyse children’ experience...
Harnessing low-cost LiDAR scanners for deformation assessment of 3D-printed concrete-plastic columns with cross-sections based on fractals after critical compressive loading
PublicationThis article aims to explore the potential of using low-cost devices (iPhone and iPad) equipped with LiDAR scanners in the context of measuring the volume of concrete-plastic specimens with complex shapes. The goal was to assess whether these tools can support or even replace traditional metrology methods. For the purpose of the research program concrete-plastic columns with very complex cross-sections (based on different fractals)...
Timed rolling and rising tests in Duchenne muscular dystrophy ambulant boys: a feasibility study
PublicationBACKGROUND: Functional activities are extensively used in motor assessments of patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The role of timed items has been reported as an early prognostic factor for disease progression. However, there are two functional activities that are not widely assessed in clinical practice among Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients: rolling and bed rising. This study aimed to investigate whether the 360-degree...
Genotyping Techniques for Determining the Diversity of Microorganisms
PublicationTyping of microbial pathogens, or identifying bacteria at the strain level, is particularly important for diagnosis, treatment, and epidemiological surveillance of bacterial infections. This is especially the case for bacteria exhibiting high levels of antibiotic resistance or virulence, and those involved in nosocomial or pandemic infections. Strain typing also has applications in studying bacterial population dynamics. The part...
Formation of Porous Structure of the Metallic Materials Used on Bone Implants
PublicationResearch on improvement of structure and fabrication methods of the bone implants are carried out for many years. Research are aimed to shape the structures, that will have a Young's modulus value similar to the value of the human bones Young's modulus. Depending on theporosity, Young's moduli can even be tailored to match the modulus of bone closer than solid metals can, thus reducing the problems associated with stress shielding...
Taq DNA polymerase fused with DNA binding protein with increased resistance to inhibitors from clinical samples
PublicationNowadays PCR method is commonly used in molecular diagnostic. However, in many cases PCR is limited, by the presence of inhibitory substances in biological, soil or food samples Efficiency and fidelity of amplification is strongly connected with DNA polymerase and reaction conditions. To meet the requirements of modern diagnostic methods it is essential to seeking for new DNA polymerases with better properties useful in these field....
Uncertainty estimation of loop impedance measurement determined by the vector method
PublicationThis article presents a detailed analysis of uncertainty estimation of loop impedance measurement determined by the vector method. The analysis includes the following estimates: resistance variance, voltage variance and time measurement variance. This paper presents a methodology for estimating the combined standard uncertainty of loop impedance by the vector method. The vector method allows to determine loop impedance based on...
Damage Development on the Surface of Nickel Coating in the Initial Period of Erosion
PublicationThe common occurrence of the phenomenon of cavitation in many industries and the multitude of factors affecting the resistance to cavitation erosion of used materials contribute to the search for methods and appropriate parameters of coating application that are able to minimize the effects of erosion. To determine the validity of the developed application parameters and the method used, cavitation studies and microscopic observations...
The Effect of Sodium Tetrafluoroborate on the Properties of Conversion Coatings Formed on the AZ91D Magnesium Alloy by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation
PublicationMagnesium and its alloys are widely used in many areas because of their light weight, excellent dimensional stability, and high strength-to-weight ratio. However, the material exhibits poor wear and corrosion resistance, which limits its use. Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) is an effective surface modification method for producing ceramic oxide layers on Mg and their alloys. The influence of the additions of sodium tetrafluoroborate...
Portable exhaled breath analyzer employing fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing method in resistive gas sensors
PublicationThis paper presents a portable exhaled breath analyser, developed to detect selected diseases. The set-up employs resistive gas sensors: commercial MEMS sensors and prototype gas sensors made of WO3 gas sensing layers doped with various metal ingredients. The set-up can modulate the gas sensors by applying UV light to induce physical changes of the gas sensing layers. The sensors are placed in a tiny gas chamber of a volume...
Evaluating the influence of radiative heat flux on convective heat transfer from a vertical plate in air using an improved heating plate
PublicationThis article examines the influence of radiative heat flux on the accuracy of the results of free convective heat transfer in air. In order to carry out these tests, based on the experience gained during the operation of a plate heated on one side, compensated by a reverse heat loss flux counter-heater, a unique double-sided heating sandwich plate was designed and built, consisting of three thin epoxy resin plates reinforced with...
Analysis of Failure Mechanism in Joints with Positive Eccentricity in CFS Truss
PublicationThe paper presents studies concerning the load-bearing capacity of truss joints with a positive eccentricity resulting from the arrangement of geometric members and the failure mechanisms observed in the joints. Based on the previously conducted experimental study, a numerical model of the tested fragment of the CFS truss with eccentricity in the joint was created and validated. All structural details of the tested truss and the...
Reconstruction of 3D image of corona discharge streamer
PublicationIn this paper, the method of reconstruction of the 3D structure of streamers in DC positive corona discharge in nozzle-to-plate electrode configuration is presented. For reconstructing of 3D image of corona discharge streamer we propose a stereographical method, where streamers are observed from several directions simultaneously. The multi-directional observation enabled to obtain fine positional coordinates of streamers for a...
Metody redukcji zróżnicowania materiałów wejściowych w warunkach wysokiej różnorodności produktów gotowych
PublicationArtykuł opisuje zagadnienie związane z negatywnym wpływem wysokiego zróżnicowania materiałów wejściowych w procesach produkcyjnych o wysokiej różnorodności produktów gotowych. W pierwszej części pracy opisane zostało oddziaływanie zróżnicowania materiału na podstawowe mierniki skuteczności procesu produkcyjnego z uwzględnieniem cen zakupu materiałów, kosztów utrzymania zapasów, jakości produktu oraz wydajności maszyn i urządzeń....
PublicationTechnical progress in the field of 3D modelling resulted in increasing use of such technics to create a virtual 3D models of objects. Three-dimensional spatial models are used in a wide range of applications such as inventorisation of architectural-construction, an inventorisation of archaeological sites, medicine and wide-known engineering. Spatial models are created based on the point clouds acquired with laser scanners or photogrammetry....
Application of the Fractional Fourier Transform for dispersion compensation in signals from a fiber-based Fabry-Perot interferometer
PublicationOptical methods of measurement do not require contact of a probe and the object under study, and thus have found use in a broad range of applications such as nondestructive testing (NDT), where noninvasive measurement is crucial. Measuring the refractive index of a material can give a valuable insight into its composition. Low‑coherence radiation sources enable measurement of the sample’s properties across a wide spectrum, while...
Improvement of Fingerprinting Method based on Hill Cipher by using Frequency Domain
PublicationThe main goal of this paper is to present the advantages of a digital fingerprinting in a frequency domain over a pixel domain, in case of VoD services (Video on Demand). The paper presents basic issues of a multimedia data protection by digital fingerprinting. It also describes threats to embedded fingerprints from both collusion attacks and from a transmission itself. Possible solution was presented on the example of the DCT...
The Use of Direct Shear Test for Optimization of Interlayer Bonding Under a Poroelastic Layer
PublicationPoroelastic Road Surfaces (PERS) are characterised by porous structure with air void content of 20% or higher and stiffness almost 10 times lower than that of a standard asphalt course. Such properties enable noise reduction by up to 12 dB in comparison to SMA 11 mixture. However, the disadvantage of a poroelastic pavement is its low durability, which partially results from delamination from the lower layer. The paper aims to investigate...
Molecular mobility of water protons under interaction with chemically modified starches. DSC and HMR-relaxation investigations
PublicationThe change of water protons mobility in the system chemically modified starches – water were investigated by DSC and NMR-relaxation methods. The amount of unfrozen water at subzero temperature as well as additional unfrozen water which appears after gelatinization have lower values for chemically modified starches in comparison with the native starch. The proton spin-spin relaxation time Т2 for chemically modified starch samples,...
Analyzing content of tasks in Business Process Management. Blending task execution and organization perspectives
PublicationAn efficient organization, management, and execution of tasks are central for the successful functioning of any organization. This topic was on the research agenda already in the early 1950s and keeps attracting the scientific community's attention today. Continuous advances and penetration of technologies in organizations are expected to increase task variety and complexity. This creates a constant demand for new methods to analyze,...
PublicationIn 2014–2018, as a result of the expansion of the city of Istanbul in Turkey, a project was imple- mented consisting of building a northern ring road, called the Northern Marmara Highway. The concept of the structural design of the ring road’s intermediate supports aims at constructing sup- ports that according to the TURKISH DLH 2008 standard must comply with the design require- ments for the three calculated earthquake insensitivity...
Alternative treatment approaches of urinary tract infections caused by uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains
PublicationUrinary tract infections (UTIs) are the most widespread and annoying infections affecting millions of people every year annually. The biggest problem of urinary diseases are recurrences, the increasing resistance of uropathogens to commonly used antibiotics, as well as the high health care costs of afflicted persons. Uropathogenic Escherichia coli strains (UPECs) are the most dominant etiologic agent of community-acquired infections...
Electrochemical properties of porous Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 oxygen electrodes in solid oxide cells: Impedance study of symmetrical electrodes
PublicationThis work evaluates porous Sr0.86Ti0.65Fe0.35O3 (STF35) as a possible oxygen electrode material for Solid Oxide Cells. The powder synthesis was performed by solid state method. Characterization included DC electrical conductivity study of sintered bulk samples and impedance spectroscopy study of symmetrical electrodes deposited on gadolinium doped ceria substrates. Measurements were carried out in atmospheres with different pO2...
Identification of acoustic event of selected noise sources in a long-term environmental monitoring systems
PublicationABSTRACT Undertaking long-term acoustic measurements on sites located near an airport is related to a problem of large quantities of recorded data, which very often represents information not related to flight operations. In such areas, usually defined as zone of limited use, often other sources of noise exist, such as roads or railway lines treated is such context as acoustic background. Manual verification of such recorded data...
Nondestructive Testing of the Miter Gates Using Various Measurement Methods
PublicationWhen any problems related to civil engineering structures appear, identifying the issue through the usage of only one measuring method is difficult. Therefore, comprehensive tests are required to identify the main source. The strains and displacement measurements, as well as modal identification, are widely used in the nondestructive testing of structures. However, measurements are usually carried out at several points and confirm...
Preparation and properties of composite coatings, based on carbon nanotubes, for medical applications
PublicationThe coatings based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are increasingly developed for their applications, among others, in medicine, in particular for implants in implantology, cardiology, and neurology. The present review paper aims at a detailed demonstration of diferent preparation methods for such coatings, their performance, and relationships between deposition parameters and microstructure and material, mechanical, physical, chemical,...
Adaptacyjny system oświetlania dróg oraz inteligentnych miast
PublicationPrzedmiotem rozprawy jest zbadanie praktycznej możliwości wykrywania w czasie rzeczywistym anomalii w systemie oświetlenia drogowego w oparciu o analizę danych ze inteligentnych liczników energii. Zastosowanie inteligentnych liczników energii elektrycznej (Smart Meter) w systemach oświetlenia drogowego stwarza nowe możliwości w zakresie automatycznej diagnostyki takich niepożądanych zjawisk jak awarie lamp, odstępstwa od harmonogramu...
Adam Władziński
PeopleAdam Władziński, a PhD Candidate at Gdansk University of Technology, specializes in Biomedical Engineering with a focus on machine learning for image processing and blockchain technology. Holding a BEng and MSc in Electronics, Adam Władziński has developed a keen interest in applying advanced computational techniques to biological systems. During their master’s program, Adam Władziński explored laser spectroscopy, building a database...
Influence of water and mineral oil on the leaks in satellite motor commutation unit clearances
PublicationThe article describes the flow rates of mineral oil and water flowing, as working media, through the commutation unit of a hydraulic satellite motor. It is demonstrated that geometrical dimensions of commutation unit clearances change as a function of the machine shaft rotation angle. Methods for measuring the rate of this flow and the pressure in the working chamber are presented. The results of pressure measurements in the working...
Experimental verification of visual method for measuring displacements of contact line elements
PublicationThe increase of rail vehicles speed, as well as the increase of their power, puts high demands on the power delivery system for traction vehicles The most critical point in the vehicle's power supply circuit is the contact between the current collector and contact wires. Ensuring a reliable co-operation of the current collector and contact line, requires technical development...
Efficiency of gas detection algorithms using fluctuation enhanced sensing
PublicationEfficiency of various gas detection algorithms by applying fluctuation enhanced sensing method was discussed. We have analyzed resistance noise observed in resistive WO3- nanowires gas sensing layers. Power spectral densities of the recorded noise were used as the input data vectors for two algorithms: the principal component analysis (PCA) and the support vector machine (SVM). The data were used to determine gas concentration...
Reduction in Errors in Roughness Evaluation with an Accurate Definition of the S-L Surface
PublicationCharacterization of surface topography, roughly divided into measurement and data analysis, can be valuable in the process of validation of the tribological performance of machined parts. Surface topography, especially the roughness, can respond straightly to the machining process and, in some cases, is defined as a fingerprint of the manufacturing. When considering the high precision of surface topography studies, the definition...
Komputerowo wspomagana analiza elastycznych siłowników elektrostatycznych dla potrzeb implementacji w systemach mechatroniki
PublicationPrzeprowadzone badania naukowe rozpoczęto od szczegółowej analizy układu mechatronicznego dłoni robotycznych, powstałych na przestrzeni ostatnich 40 lat, w celu dokładnego rozpoznania ich głównych wymogów konstrukcyjnych i ograniczeń systemowych. Z uwagi na brak dostępnych narzędzi do symulacji omawianych siłowników, w rozprawie opracowano uniwersalne narzędzie – program do analizy numerycznej. U jego podstawy założono wykorzystanie...