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Search results for: eco-living choices
Środki techniczne i organizacyjne wpływające na efektywność energetyczną transportu szynowego
PublicationIstnieje wiele środków technicznych i zabiegów organizacyjnych, które umożliwiają obniżenie kosztów energetycznych przejazdów transportem szynowym, a co za tym idzie mogących zwiększyć efektywność energetyczną całej gałęzi transportu. Do głównych rozwiązań technicznych należy zaliczyć stosowanie nowoczesnych silników indukcyjnych, prowadzenie rozruchu impulsowego, a także stosowanie zasobników umożliwiających gromadzenie energii...
Barium boron aluminum silicate glass system for solid state optical gas sensors
PublicationRecent increasing demand for new eco-friendly materials and for low cost fabrication process for use in optical sensors field, raise concern about alternative materials for this application. We have designed two glass-ceramics compositions from the quaternary ROAl2O3- SiO2-B2O3(R=Ba) alkali-earth aluminum silicate system, labeled B72 and B69, with high refractive index (>1.6), large values of Abbe number (94.0 and 53.0, respectively),...
Polysaccharide nanocomposites in wastewater treatment: A review
PublicationIn modern times, wastewater treatment is vital due to increased water contamination arising from pollutants such as nutrients, pathogens, heavy metals, and pharmaceutical residues. Polysaccharides (PSAs) are natural, renewable, and non-toxic biopolymers used in wastewater treatment in the field of gas separation, liquid filtration, adsorption processes, pervaporation, and proton exchange membranes. Since addition of nanoparticles...
A mixture of cellulose production waste with municipal sewage as new material for an ecological management of wastes
PublicationChemical contaminants present in cellulose production waste and municipal sewage sludge condition the necessity to treat these wastes before they are introduced into the environment. Environmental use of the these wastes appears to be justified owing to the content of organic substances as well as the considerable fertilising value. The aim of the study was to assess chemical composition and ecotoxicity of cellulose production...
Ecological bearing systems for water turbines – research and development at Gdansk University of Technology
PublicationIncreasing requirements for environmental protection make it necessary to introduce new materials and designs. Hydroelectric power plants operating in direct contact with water reservoirs and rivers are potentially endangering water cleanliness, hence they should also be modernized in the way minimizing the environmental hazards. A lot of progress in this field has been achieved in last decades, but still there is much work to...
Bio‑derived polyurethanes obtained by non‑isocyanate route using polyol‑based bis(cyclic carbonate)s—studies on thermal decomposition behavior
PublicationNon-isocyanate polyurethanes (NIPUs) constitute one of the most prospective groups of eco-friendly materials based on their phosgene-free synthesis pathway. Moreover, one of the steps of their obtaining includes the use of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ), which allows for the promotion of the development of carbon dioxide capture and storage technologies. In this work, non- isocyanate polyurethanes were obtained via three-step synthesis...
Wytrzymałość pętli wplatanych na linach podwójnie plecionych
PublicationCechą wyróżniającą statki żaglowe z grona innych obiektów pływających są żagle. To cecha widoczna, za którą kryją się mniej romantyczne elementy, takie jak maszty, liny i osprzęt. Rozpostarcie białych płócien na maszcie i następnie żeglowanie wymaga sprawnego operowania nimi, co wiąże się z doborem odpowiedniego ich zestawu, ułożenia i napięcia. To maszty są kręgosłupem takielunku, a liny jego mięśniami i ścięgnami. Do poprawnego...
Green Therapy w projektowaniu ośrodków medycznych Green Therapy in complex design of health centres
PublicationKoncepcja przestrzenna ogrodu terapeutycznego podporządkowana jest generalnej idei otwierania się projektantów na poszukiwanie nowych możliwości poprawy samopoczucia odbiorcy - poprzez zapewnienie użytkownikom poczucia bezpieczeństwa, komfortu i odprężenia, harmonii. Dotyczy to nie tylko grupy osób chorych, które dręczone są przez niepokoje i napięcia wywołane przez niepełnosprawność czy chorobę, ale także pacjentów w różnym wieku...
3D printing of polylactic acid: recent advances and opportunities
PublicationBio-based polymers are a class of polymers made by living organisms, a few of them known and commercialized yet. Due to poor mechanical strength and economic constraints, they have not yet seen the extensive application. Instead, they have been an appropriate candidate for biological applications. Growing consumer knowledge of the environmental effect of polymers generated from petrochemical sources and a worldwide transition away...
Application of dispersive liquid - liquid microextraction for determination of pesticides from various chemical groups in water samples
PublicationPesticides are a global risk because they move with the wind, rain and sea currents from other regions, which makes getting to places which were never used before. Their presence was detected in all types of water circulating in the ecosystem, which is an easy source of exposure to life and health of all living organisms. Currently, it is considered one of the most dangerous and toxic pollutants, which fate and function is still...
Qualitative analysis of phospholipids and their oxidised derivatives – used techniques and examples of their applications related to lipidomic research and food analysis
PublicationPhospholipids (PLs) are important biomolecules that not only constitute structural building blocks and scaffolds of cell and organelle membranes, but also play a vital role in cell biochemistry and physiology. Moreover, dietary exogenous PLs are characterized by high nutritional value and other beneficial health effects, which are confirmed by numerous epidemiological studies. For this reason, PLs are of high interest in lipidomics...
A screening of select toxic and essential elements and persistent organic pollutants in the fur of Svalbard reindeer
PublicationReindeers play an important role in the polar ecosystem, being long-lived sole vegetarians feeding on local vegetation. They can be used as a valuable bioindicator, helping us to understand contaminants’ impact on the polar terrestrial ecosystem. Still, scarce data exist from research in which polar herbivores (especially those from the European parts of the Arctic) were a major study subject for trace elements and persistent organic...
PublicationAccess to remote sensing night-time imagery allows for modeling of light pollution Increasingly, data on the propagation of artificial light are a source of interesting information for different fields of science and affect the planning of economic development. The article presents the problem of light pollution in the context of threats to the wildlife corridors in Poland. Wildlife corridors are areas that allow safe migration...
Using Decisional DNA to Enhance Industrial and Manufacturing Design: Conceptual Approach
PublicationDuring recent years, manufacturing organizations are facing market changes such as the need for short product life cycles, technological advancement, intense pressure from competitors and the continuous customers’ expectation for high quality products at lower costs. In this scenario, knowledge and its associated engineering/management of every stage involved in the industrial design has become increasingly important for manufacturing...
Nano-particle doped hydroxyapatite material evaluation using Spectroscopic Polarization Sensitive Optical Coherence Tomography
PublicationBio-ceramics such as hydroxyapatite (HAp) are widely used materials in medical applications, especially as an interface between implants and living tissues. There are many ways of creating structures from HAp like electrochemical assisted deposition, biomimetic, electrophoresis, pulsed laser deposition or sol-gel processing. Our research is based on analyzing the parameters of the sol-gel method for creating thin layers of HAp....
The use of constructed wetlands for the treatment of industrial wastewater
PublicationConstructed wetlands are characterized by specific conditions enabling simultaneous various physical and biochemical processes. This is the result of specific environment for the growth of microorganisms and hydro-phytes (aquatic and semiaquatic plants) which are capable of living in aerobic, anaerobic and facultative anaerobic conditions. Their interaction contributes to the intensification of oxidation and reduction responsible...
The role of the sawage treatment plant in the removal of genotoxic compounds from the environment
PublicationOne reason for increased incidence of various types of cancer are environmental pollutants particularly of anthropogenic origin. All human activities may pollute the environment, but some have significant impact, just to mention energy industry, mining, transportation, chemical and petrochemical industries and housing. Environmental pollutants are a large group of compounds in terms of their physicochemical properties, some of...
Migration of container terminals as their natural process of evolution: Case study of Gdańsk and Gdynia ports
PublicationThe paper proposes a theoretical model of container terminals and container port development, based on the life cycle theory, threshold theory and catastrophe theory, and in references to Kuznets' swings (interpreted as waves of infrastructural investments), and Kondratiev long economic waves. The aim of this model is to explain the development process of a container terminal and a port within one technological generation, as...
Neutral Dissociation of Pyridine Evoked by Irradiation of Ionized Atomic and Molecular Hydrogen Beams
PublicationThe interactions of ions with molecules and the determination of their dissociation patterns are challenging endeavors of fundamental importance for theoretical and experimental science. In particular, the investigations on bond-breaking and new bond-forming processes triggered by the ionic impact may shed light on the stellar wind interaction with interstellar media, ionic beam irradiations of the living cells, ion-track nanotechnology,...
Chitosan-based inks for 3D printing and bioprinting
PublicationThe advent of 3D-printing/additive manufacturing in biomedical engineering field has introduced great potential for the preparation of 3D structures that can mimic native tissues. This technology has accelerated the progress in numerous areas of regenerative medicine, especially led to a big wave of biomimetic functional scaffold developments for tissue engineering demands. In recent years, the introduction of smart bio-inks has...
Organizacja systemu opieki nad seniorami wyzwaniem dla samorządów lokalnych
PublicationA significant part of the activities undertaken so far under the senior policy, also at the local level, have been focused on seniors’ social (physical and educational) activation. The growing number of the oldest seniors, with limited independence, living alone in single‑person households, away from their families, will force the policy priorities to be reoriented in such a way as to develop efforts to provide different types...
Enhanced photocatalytic activity of accordion-like layered Ti3C2 (MXene) coupled with Fe-modified decahedral anatase particles exposing {1 0 1} and {0 0 1} facets
PublicationNew composites consisting of decahedral anatase particles exposing {001} and {101} facets coupled with accordion-like layered Ti3C2 with boosted photocatalytic activity towards phenol and carbamazepine degradation were investigated. The photocatalysts were characterized with X-ray diffraction (XRD), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DR/UV–Vis), Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) specific surface area, Raman spectroscopy, scanning electron...
Assessment of toxic and endocrine potential of substances migrating from selected toys and baby products
PublicationAnalysis of literature data shows that there is limited information about the harmful biological effects of mixture of compounds from the EDC group that are released from the surface of toys and objects intended for children and infants. One of the tools that can be used to obtain such information is appropriate bioanalytical tests. The aim of this research involved determining whether tests that use living organisms as an active...
Electrochemistry/mass spectrometry (EC/MS) for fast generation and identification of novel reactive metabolites of two unsymmetrical bisacridines with anticancer activity.
PublicationThe development of a new drug requires knowledge about its metabolic fate in a living organism, regarding the comprehensive assessment of both drug therapeutic activity and toxicity profiles. Electrochemistry (EC) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) is an efficient tool for predicting the phase I metabolism of redox-sensitive drugs. In particular, EC/MS represents a clear advantage for the generation of reactive drug transformation...
Capacity Transforming challenges into opportunities
PublicationThe Urban Initiative Laboratory (UIL) aims to upgrade the smart city concept in Gdańsk by introducing the Food-Water-Energy (FWE) nexus to the city. It was agreed in the CRUNCH international consortium that projects on different scales would be implemented in the individual countries to test the Integrated Decision Supportive system platform, which would, in principle, concern urban scale. The regular urban scale was to be researched...
Diverse roles, advantages and importance of deep eutectic solvents application in solid and liquid-phase microextraction techniques – A review
PublicationDeep eutectic solvents (DESs) are an emerging class of promising green solvents used as an alternative to traditional organic solvents in various scientific fields. The high biodegradability, biocompatibility, eco-friendliness, tunable properties, and presence of active groups in DESs make them the preferred solvent in a variety of solid- and liquid-phase microextraction techniques. Aside from these benefits, the use of DESs in...
The essence of marine and coastal space – an interdisciplinary perspective
PublicationSea space has been undergoing a profound transformation. Although it retains its inspirational function in arts, literature and philosophy, it has been gaining new anthropogenic dimensions in eco-nomics and urban planning as a source of satisfying human needs i.e. the provision of harmony, beauty, off-shore energy, and biotech substances. Therefore, in this paper marine space is analyzed from a mul-tidimensional perspective of...
Knowledge Risk Management in Organizations
PublicationPurpose – Shorter product life cycles, greater demands from consumers for sustainable and eco-friendly products and services, and thus the need for constant market observation make today’s business environment a rather complex one, the one that is characterized not only by a number of opportunities but also by a number of risks. These risks are increasingly related to knowledge which, in turn, underlines the need for an updated...
Electrocatalytic performance of oxygen-activated carbon fibre felt anodes mediating degradation mechanism of acetaminophen in aqueous environments
PublicationCarbon felts are flexible and scalable, have high specific areas, and are highly conductive materials that fit the requirements for both anodes and cathodes in advanced electrocatalytic processes. Advanced oxidative modi- fication processes (thermal, chemical, and plasma-chemical) were applied to carbon felt anodes to enhance their efficiency towards electro-oxidation. The modification of the porous anodes results in increased...
Improving methods to calculate the loss of ecosystem services provided by urban trees using LiDAR and aerial orthophotos
PublicationIn this paper we propose a methodology for combining remotely sensed data with field measurements to assess selected tree parameters (diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree species) required by the i-Tree Eco model to estimate ecosystem services (ES) provided by urban trees. We determined values of ES provided by trees in 2017 in Racibórz (a city in South Poland) and estimated the loss of ES from January 1, 2017 to March 5, 2017,...
User experience and user interface (UX/UI) design of Greencoin mobile application.
PublicationThe aim of the Greencoin mobile application is to encourage its users to change their behavior and to act pro-ecologically. The pilot version of the application will operate within the city of Gdańsk. To keep the app’s user base as large as possible, the graphical user interface should be attractive to the broadest possible audience, and the application itself should be easy and fun to use. This work is a continuation of studies...
Unveiling the electron-induced ionization cross sections and fragmentation mechanisms of 3,4-dihydro-2H-pyran
PublicationThe interactions of electrons with molecular systems under various conditions are essential to interdisciplinary research fields extending over the fundamental and applied sciences. In particular, investigating electron-induced ionization and dissociation of molecules may shed light on the radiation damage to living cells, the physicochemical processes in interstellar environments, and reaction mechanisms occurring in combustion...
Assessing ecotoxicity and the endocrine potential of selected phthalates, BADGE and BFDGE derivatives in relation to environmentally detectable levels
PublicationThere is no doubt that the subject area of plasticmaterials (e.g., production of epoxy resins or polyesters) is inherently connected to issues concerning bisphenol A (BPA) and its analogues. Unfortunately, much less attention has been given to other compounds, which are also used for the production of these materials. Bisphenol A diglycidyl ether (BADGE) is a synthetic industrial compound obtained by a condensation reaction between...
DETERMINATION OF SURFACTANTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL SAMPLES - PART I. CATIONIC COMPOUNDS = Oznaczanie Surfaktantów W Próbkach Środowiskowych. Część I. Związki Kationowe
PublicationCompounds from the group of cationic surfactants are widely applied in household, industrial, cleaning, disinfectant, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products as their specific properties (antimicrobial, emulsifying, anticorrosion, softening). After use, cationic surfactants are disposed to wastewater-treatment plants and finally with effluent water to surface waters due to their incomplete degradation. Moreover, they can freely circulate...
Determination of Surfactants in Environmental Samples. Part III. Non-Ionic Compounds
PublicationNon-ionic surface active agents are a diverse group of chemicals which have an uncharged polar head and a non-polar tail. They have different properties due to amphiphilic structure of their molecules. Commercial available non-ionic surfactants consist of the broadest spectrum of compounds in comparison with other types of such agents. Typically, non-ionic compounds found applications in households and industry during formulation...
Landscape Rurality: New Challenge for The Sustainable Development of Rural Areas in Poland
PublicationThe standard of country living was a matter of Polish elites’ concern from the eighteenth century. In different historical conditions different concepts of the rural renewal were formed. Today in rural areas of Poland some spatial processes that threaten the quality of life occur. The disadvantageous changes are the result of national or local governments spatial policy and they are an inhabitants’ response to it. The political...
The lethal effect of hydrotechnical concrete on freshwater Bivalvia
PublicationMost hydrotechnical buildings under construction demand the concrete mixture to be set directly under water. The main reason for such a procedure is to limit the washing away of the the concrete binding mixture and to increase the efficiency of organisation of work so as to ensure continuity in concreting. The impact on the aquatic environment of recent developments in concrete technology and the use of new components has not yet...
Rewitalizacja dróg wodnych delty Wisły jako podstawa nowej perspektywy osiedleńczej
PublicationW artykule opisano badania dotyczące rewitalizacji dróg wodnych Delty Wisły. Problematyka badawcza dotyczy rozwoju obszaru na styku lądu i wody. Wpływ lokalizacji nadmorskiej, i związana z nią problematyka wynikająca z położenia poniżej poziomu morza są dostrzegalne nawet do stu kilometrów od wybrzeża. Dodatkowym aspektem, który ujemnie wpływa na rozwój obszaru delty po II wojnie światowej jest utrata tożsamości regionalnej. Dlatego...
Architektura przyjazna seniorom w Polsce XXI wieku. Kształtowanie przestrzeni zamieszkania, pracy i rozrywki
PublicationPolska, podobnie jak wiele innych krajów, zmaga się obecnie z procesem starzenia społeczeństwa, który w najbliższych latach będzie przybierał na sile. Dlatego bardzo istotne jest, aby już teraz rozpocząć proces przystosowywania miast do zmieniającej się struktury społecznej, tak aby w przyszłości mogły być one miejscem, w którym ludzie starsi będą mogli swobodnie i bezpiecznie mieszkać oraz funkcjonować. W realiach polskich można...
Charge separation control in organic photosensitizers for photocatalytic water splitting without sacrificial electron donors
PublicationPhotocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (photoHER) is one of the most promising approaches towards production of “green” hydrogen. Currently, the state-of-the-art photoHER systems require the use of sacrificial electron donors (SED), because of inefficient charge separation in photosensitizers and thermodynamically challenging water oxidation by the same catalyst. Here, we present a molecular design approach for all-organic...
Sensitivity analysis as a tool to optimise Human Development Index
PublicationResearch background: Composite indicators are commonly used as an approximation tool to measure economic development, the standard of living, competitiveness, fairness, effectiveness, and many others being willingly implemented into many different research disciplines. However, it seems that in most cases, the variable weighting procedure is avoided or erroneous since, in most cases, the so-called...
Teaching Architecture – contemporary challenges and threats in the complexity of built environment
PublicationThe complexity of the modern built environment is a problem n ot only of architectural and urban issues. This issue extends to many othe r disciplines as well as covering a wide range of social engagements. The idea of writing this pa per is generally initiated by the debate which took place in Gdańs k on 22.01.2016, and was prepar ed in order to meet representatives of the four circles of interest...
Characterization of a single-stranded DNA-binding-like Protein from Nanoarchaeum equitans - a nucleic acid binding protein with broad substrate specificity
PublicationBackground SSB (single-stranded DNA-binding) proteins play an essential role in all living cells and viruses, as they are involved in processes connected with ssDNA metabolism. There has recently been an increasing interest in SSBs, since they can be applied in molecular biology techniques and analytical methods. Nanoarchaeum equitans, the only known representative of Archaea phylum Nanoarchaeota, is a hyperthermophilic, nanosized,...
Evaluation of the use of reindeer droppings for monitoring essential and non-essential elements in the polar terrestrial environment
PublicationExcess or toxic metals, non-metals and metalloids can be eliminated from the organism by deposition in inert tissue (e.g. fur) or excretion with body secretions, urine and faeces. Droppings are one of the main routes for the elimination of multiple elements and they can be collected without direct contact with the animal. Contaminant concentration has been examined in non-lethally collected tissues of several species (especially...
Chicken feather keratin as a source of bioactive peptides useful in prevention of metabolic disorders – in silico and in vitro hydrolysis
PublicationProtein derived bioactive peptides not only serve as nutrients but can also exert drug-like activity, e.g. antidiabetic, antihypertensive, or antimicrobial, to name a few. Most biopeptides have beneficial effects on health that make them attractive for nutraceutical applications. The majority of bioactive peptides have been obtained from food proteins, but protein-rich by-products generated by agriculture...
Effect of slag coal ash and foamed glass on the mechanical properties of two-stage concrete
PublicationTwo-stage concrete (TSC) is known by various names such as colcrete, Polcrete, preplaced aggregate concrete and prepacked concrete. It is different from traditional concrete in two fundamental ways, namely method of construction and mix proportion. Two-stage concrete (TSC) is defined as firstly, coarse aggregates are placed into the formwork and grout is applied to fill in the between coarse aggregate particles voids. Secondly,...
The innovative approach for using pavement as a fire prevention measure in tunnels
PublicationThe paper consists of two main parts: first presents study regarding the typically used pavement structures in tunnels and the second part: the first fire trials of the poroelastic SEPOR (Safe, Eco-friendly POroelastic Road Surface) mixture which was designed to be used among other uses in tunnels. In the first part of the paper different pavement materials, such as cement concrete, asphalt concrete, stone mastic asphalt and porous...
Interdisciplinary e-collaboration tools / Narzędzia interdyscyplinarnej e-współpracy
PublicationW projektach interdyscyplinarnych niezwykle ważnym czynnikiem jest aktywne konsultowanie i bezpośrednie zastosowanie relatywnie nowo powstałej dziedziny zwanej współpracą interdyscyplinarną. Nawiązywanie interdyscyplinarnej współpracy przynosi wiele korzyści, jednakże niejednokrotnie wiąże się z licznymi problemami i niedogodnościami, a także koniecznością ciągłego doszkalania się i rozszerzania kompetencji zawodowych. Na podstawie...
Polityki pamięci i tożsamości wobec (nie)chcianego dziedzictwa. Od Gdańska do Gdańzigu
PublicationCelem artykułu jest próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak w zależności od polityki pamięci, pamięci zbiorowej i kultury historycznej kształtowano fizyczną przestrzeń miasta i jego obraz. Z przeprowadzonych dotychczas analiz wynika, że sposób, w jaki budowano narracje tożsamościowe, oparty był zasadniczo na konstrukcjach mitotwórczych, zwłaszcza na micie XVI–XVII-wiecznego „złotego wieku”. W Gdańsku, ze względu na bogatą przeszłość historyczną...
High-Performance Machine-Learning-Based Calibration of Low-Cost Nitrogen Dioxide Sensor Using Environmental Parameter Differentials and Global Data Scaling
PublicationAccurate tracking of harmful gas concentrations is essential to swiftly and effectively execute measures that mitigate the risks linked to air pollution, specifically in reducing its impact on living conditions, the environment, and the economy. One such prevalent pollutant in urban settings is nitrogen dioxide (NO2), generated from the combustion of fossil fuels in car engines, commercial manufacturing, and food processing. Its...