Search results for: error analysis
Application of the ISE Optimized Proportional Control of the Wave Maker in a Towing Tank
PublicationThis paper presents the improvement of the wave maker control system. The wave maker is a facility widely used in hydromechanics laboratories to generate waves in towing tanks. It is equipped with an electrohydraulic drive and an actuator submerged into water. The waves are generated to model the environmental conditions for physical experiments, performed on reduced-scale models of maritime objects. The physical experiments allow...
Seven Different Lighting Conditions in Photogrammetric Studies of a 3D Urban Mock-Up
PublicationOne of the most important elements during photogrammetric studies is the appropriate lighting of the object or area under investigation. Nevertheless, the concept of “adequate lighting” is relative. Therefore, we have attempted, based on experimental proof of concept (technology readiness level—TRL3), to verify the impact of various types of lighting emitted by LED light sources for scene illumination and their direct influence...
Reliable computationally-efficient behavioral modeling of microwave passives using deep learning surrogates in confined domains
PublicationThe importance of surrogate modeling techniques has been steadily growing over the recent years in high-frequency electronics, including microwave engineering. Fast metamodels are employed to speedup design processes, especially those conducted at the level of full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. The surrogates enable massive system evaluations at nearly EM accuracy and negligible costs, which is invaluable in parameter...
Long-term hindcast simulation of water temperature and salinity in the Baltic Sea
Open Research DataThe dataset contains the results of numerical modelling of water temperature and salinity over a period of 50 years (1958-2007) in the Baltic Sea. A long-term hindcast simulation was performed using a three-dimensional hydrodynamic model PM3D (Kowalewski and Kowalewska-Kalkowska, 2017), a new version of the M3D model (Kowalewski, 1997). The hydrodynamic...
Problemy zarządzania bezpieczeństwem obiektu przemysłowego podwyższonego ryzyka
PublicationW rozdziale przedstawiono wybrane zagadnienia dotyczące zarządzania bezpieczeństwem w zautomatyzowanym złożonym obiekcie podwyższonego ryzyka. Pokazano, że ryzyko strat można istotnie ograniczyć stosując odpowiednie rozwiązania techniczne w postaci warstwowego systemu zabezpieczeń, który obejmuje podstawowy system sterowania procesem, człowieka-operatora i system automatyki zabezpieczeniowej. Podkreślono znaczenie właściwego zaprojektowania...
Artificial Neural Networks as an architectural design tool- generating new detail forms based on the Roman Corinthian order capital
PublicationThe following paper presents the results of the research in the field of the machine learning, investigating the scope of application of the artificial neural networks algorithms as a tool in architectural design. The computational experiment was held using the backward propagation of errors method of training the artificial neural network, which was trained based on the geometry of the details of the Roman Corinthian order capital....
Real-time simulation in non real-time environment
PublicationSimulation in real-time is a very useful tool because of didactical and practical benefits. Very important benefit of real-time simulation is a fact that operator’s decision can be taken into account in the same time scale as the real system would work. This enables construction of simulators, and opportunity to test control algorithms in Hardware in The Loop scheme using target industrial equipment. Professional real-time environments...
Finding deformation of the straight rail track by GNSS measurements
PublicationW 2009 roku na Politechnice Gdańskiej i Akademii Marynarki Wojennej w Gdyni zostały przeprowadzone, po raz pierwszy, ciągłe pomiary satelitarne toru kolejowego z wykorzystaniem względnej metody fazowej na bazie polskiej Aktywnej Sieci Geodezyjnej ASG-EUPOS i serwisu czasu rzeczywistego RTK (GPRS) - NAVGEO. Przeprowadzona analiza wykazała silny związek między lokalizacją odbiornika GNSS i dokładnością wyznaczania pozycji, wpływ...
Versatile Unsupervised Design of Antennas Using Flexible Parameterization and Computational Intelligence Methods
PublicationDeveloping contemporary antennas is a challenging endeavor that requires considerable engineering insight. The most laborious stage is to devise an antenna architecture that delivers the required functionalities, e.g., multiband operation. Iterative by nature (hands-on topology modifications, parametric studies, trial-and-error geometry selection), it typically takes many weeks and requires considerable engagement from a human...
Variable Data Structures and Customized Deep Learning Surrogates for Computationally Efficient and Reliable Characterization of Buried Objects
PublicationIn this study, in order to characterize the buried object via deep-learning-based surrogate modeling approach, 3-D full-wave electromagnetic simulations of a GPR model has been used. The task is to predict simultaneously and independent of each characteristic parameters of a buried object of several radii at different positions (depth and lateral position) in various dispersive subsurface media. This study has analyzed variable...
Derivation of motor mean phase currents in PMSM drives operating with low switching-to-fundamental frequency ratio
PublicationPulse width modulation (PWM) of inverter output voltage causes the waveforms of motor phase cur-rents to consist of distinctive ripples. In order to provide suitable feedback for the motor current con-trollers, the mean value must be extracted from the currents’ waveforms in every PWM cycle. A com-mon solution to derive the mean phase currents is to sample their value at the midpoint of a symmetrical PWM cycle. Using an assumption...
Entanglement of genuinely entangled subspaces and states: Exact, approximate, and numerical results
PublicationGenuinely entangled subspaces (GESs) are those subspaces of multipartite Hilbert spaces that consist only of genuinely multiparty entangled pure states. They are natural generalizations of the well-known notion of completely entangled subspaces, which by definition are void of fully product vectors. Entangled subspaces are an important tool of quantum information theory as they directly lead to constructions of entangled states,...
Computationally efficient two-objective optimization of compact microwave couplers through corrected domain patching
PublicationFinding an acceptable compromise between various objectives is a necessity in the design of contemporary microwave components and circuits. A primary reason is that most objectives are at least partially conflicting. For compact microwave structures, the design trade-offs are normally related to the circuit size and its electrical performance. In order to obtain comprehensive information about the best possible trade-offs, multi-objective...
Performance and Emission Modelling and Simulation of Marine Diesel Engines using Publicly Available Engine Data
PublicationTo analyse the behaviour of marine diesel engines in unsteady states for different purposes, for example to determine the fuel consumption or emissions level, to adjust the control strategy, to manage the maintenance, etc., a goal-based mathematical model that can be easily implemented for simulation is necessary. Such a model usually requires a wide range of operating data, measured on a test stand. This is a time-consuming process...
Low-Cost and Highly-Accurate Behavioral Modeling of Antenna Structures by Means of Knowledge-Based Domain-Constrained Deep Learning Surrogates
PublicationThe awareness and practical benefits of behavioral modeling methods have been steadily growing in the antenna engineering community over the last decade or so. Undoubtedly, the most important advantage thereof is a possibility of a dramatic reduction of computational expenses associated with computer-aided design procedures, especially those relying on full-wave electromagnetic (EM) simulations. In particular, the employment of...
Determination of Odor Air Quality Index (OAQII) Using Gas Sensor Matrix
PublicationThis article presents a new way to determine odor nuisance based on the proposed odor air quality index (OAQII), using an instrumental method. This indicator relates the most important odor features, such as intensity, hedonic tone and odor concentration. The research was conducted at the compost screening yard of the municipal treatment plant in Central Poland, on which a self-constructed gas sensor array was placed. It consisted...
Grey wolf optimizer integrated within boosting algorithm: Application in mechanical properties prediction of ultra high-performance concrete including carbon nanotubes
PublicationNowadays, the construction industry has increasingly recognized the superior performance characteristics of ultra high-performance concrete (UHPC). Known for its exceptional durability and high tensile strength, UHPC material is revolutionizing structure standards subjected to extreme environmental conditions and heavy loads. This paper explores the enhancement of UHPC with nano- and micromaterials, employing advanced machine-learning...
System for automatic singing voice recognition
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono system automatycznego rozpoznawania jakości i typu głosu śpiewaczego. Przedstawiono bazę danych oraz zaimplementowane parametry. Algorytmem decyzyjnym jest algorytm sztucznych sieci neuronowych. Wytrenowany system decyzyjny osiąga skuteczność ok. 90% w obydwu kategoriach rozpoznawania. Dodatkowo wykazano przy pomocy metod statystycznych, że wyniki działania systemu automatycznej oceny jakości technicznej...
IoT Based Intelligent Pest Management System for Precision Agriculture
PublicationDespite seemingly inexorable imminent risks of food insecurity that hang over the world, especially in developing countries like Pakistan where traditional agricultural methods are being followed, there still are opportunities created by technology that can help us steer clear of food crisis threats in upcoming years. At present, the agricultural sector worldwide is rapidly pacing towards technology-driven Precision Agriculture...
User Authentication by Eye Movement Features Employing SVM and XGBoost Classifiers
PublicationDevices capable of tracking the user’s gaze have become significantly more affordable over the past few years, thus broadening their application, including in-home and office computers and various customer service equipment. Although such devices have comparatively low operating frequencies and limited resolution, they are sufficient to supplement or replace classic input interfaces, such as the keyboard and mouse. The biometric...
A Simple Neural Network for Collision Detection of Collaborative Robots
PublicationDue to the epidemic threat, more and more companies decide to automate their production lines. Given the lack of adequate security or space, in most cases, such companies cannot use classic production robots. The solution to this problem is the use of collaborative robots (cobots). However, the required equipment (force sensors) or alternative methods of detecting a threat to humans are usually quite expensive. The article presents...
Application of a Gas Sensor Array to Effectiveness Monitoring of Air Contaminated with Toluene Vapors Absorption Process
PublicationThis article demonstrates the application of a gas sensor array to monitor the effectiveness of the absorption process of air stream purification from odorous compounds (toluene vapors). A self-constructed matrix consisting of five commercially available gas sensors was used. Multiple linear regression (MLR) was selected as the statistical technique used to calibrate the matrice. Gas chromatography coupled with a flame ionization...
Multiple Cues-Based Robust Visual Object Tracking Method
PublicationVisual object tracking is still considered a challenging task in computer vision research society. The object of interest undergoes significant appearance changes because of illumination variation, deformation, motion blur, background clutter, and occlusion. Kernelized correlation filter- (KCF) based tracking schemes have shown good performance in recent years. The accuracy and robustness of these trackers can be further enhanced...
Prediction of maximum tensile stress in plain-weave composite laminates with interacting holes via stacked machine learning algorithms: A comparative study
PublicationPlain weave composite is a long-lasting type of fabric composite that is stable enough when being handled. Open-hole composites have been widely used in industry, though they have weak structural performance and complex design processes. An extensive number of material/geometry parameters have been utilized for designing these composites, thereby an efficient computational tool is essential for that purpose. Different Machine Learning...
Estimation of the Regenerative Braking Process Efficiency in Electric Vehicles
PublicationIn electric and hybrid vehicles, it is possible to recover energy from the braking process and reuse it to drive the vehicle using the batteries installed on-board. In the conditions of city traffic, the energy dissipated in the braking process constitutes a very large share of the total resistance to vehicle motion. Efficient use of the energy from the braking process enables a significant reduction of fuel and electricity consumption...
Hourly GNSS-derived integrated moisture in the global tropics for the years 2001-2018
Open Research DataGlobal tropics are essential in formulating weather patterns and climate across various latitudes through atmospheric teleconnections. Since water vapour is an essential parameter in atmospheric convection and, thus, latent heat release, its tropical variability on different time scales is crucial in understanding weather and climate changes. The provided...
Optimized AVHRR land surface temperature downscaling method for local scale observations: case study for the coastal area of the Gulf of Gdańsk
PublicationSatellite imaging systems have known limitations regarding their spatial and temporal resolution. The approaches based on subpixel mapping of the Earth’s environment, which rely on combining the data retrieved from sensors of higher temporal and lower spatial resolution with the data characterized by lower temporal but higher spatial resolution, are of considerable interest. The paper presents the downscaling process of the land...
Performance of the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Underwater Acoustic Communication System with Differential Detection in Strong Multipath Propagation Conditions
PublicationThe underwater acoustic communication (UAC) operating in very shallow-water should ensure reliable transmission in conditions of strong multipath propagation, significantly disturbing the received signal. One of the techniques to achieve this goal is the direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) technique, which consists in binary phase shift keying (BPSK) according to a pseudo-random spreading sequence. This paper describes the DSSS...
G2DC-PL+: a gridded 2 km daily climate dataset for the union of the Polish territory and the Vistula and Odra basins
PublicationG2DC-PL+, a gridded 2 km daily climate dataset for the union of the Polish territory and the Vistula and Odra basins, is an update and extension of the CHASE-PL Forcing Data – Gridded Daily Precipitation and Temperature Dataset – 5 km (CPLFD-GDPT5). The latter was the first publicly available, high-resolution climate forcing dataset in Poland, used for a range of purposes including hydrological modelling and bias correction of...
An adaptive-noise Augmented Kalman Filter approach for input-state estimation in structural dynamics
PublicationThe establishment of a Digital Twin of an operating engineered system can increase the potency of Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) tools, which are then bestowed with enhanced predictive capabilities. This is particularly relevant for wind energy infrastructures, where the definition of remaining useful life is a main driver for assessing the efficacy of these systems. In order to ensure a proper representation of the physical...
High-Performance Machine-Learning-Based Calibration of Low-Cost Nitrogen Dioxide Sensor Using Environmental Parameter Differentials and Global Data Scaling
PublicationAccurate tracking of harmful gas concentrations is essential to swiftly and effectively execute measures that mitigate the risks linked to air pollution, specifically in reducing its impact on living conditions, the environment, and the economy. One such prevalent pollutant in urban settings is nitrogen dioxide (NO2), generated from the combustion of fossil fuels in car engines, commercial manufacturing, and food processing. Its...
Double Bias of Mistakes: Essence, Consequences, and Measurement Method
PublicationThere is no learning without mistakes. However, there is a clash between‘positive attitudes and beliefs’regarding learning processes and the ‘negative attitudes and beliefs’towardthese being accompanied bymistakes. Thisclash exposesa cognitive bias towardmistakesthat might block personal and organizational learning. This study presents an advanced measurement method to assess thebias of mistakes. The essence of it is the...
Experimental investigations on heat transfer enhancement in shell coil heat exchanger with VARIABLE Baffles GEOMETRY
PublicationThe paper presents the possibility of using passive intensification of heat transfer in the form of baffles to increase the energy efficiency of the shell and coil heat exchanger. The experiment was carried out by using a modular coil heat exchanger in the form of an electric heater. Water was used as a working fluid with constant thermal-flow parameters at the inlet of the module. It should be noted that experiments were made...
Application of the neural networks for developing new parametrization of the Tersoff potential for carbon
PublicationPenta-graphene (PG) is a 2D carbon allotrope composed of a layer of pentagons having sp2- and sp3-bonded carbon atoms. A study carried out in 2018 has shown that the parameterization of the Tersoff potential proposed in 2005 by Ehrhart and Able (T05 potential) performs better than other potentials available for carbon, being able to reproduce structural and mechanical properties of the PG. In this work, we tried to improve the...
Geometry Parametric Model Order Reduction with Randomly Generated Projection Bases
PublicationIn this work, a reduced-order model for geometry parameters and fast frequency sweep is proposed. The Finite Element Method is used to solve time-harmonic Maxwell’s equations. Taking into account the electromagnetic field does not arbitrarily vary as a function of frequency and geometry parameters, a low dimension system manifold is identified. Thus, the original Finite Element problem can be approximated by a model of reduced...
The health impact of urban parks along waterways
PublicationWell designed parks along waterways could promote health and well-being of local inhabitants. The way the human settlements meet water bodies can influence the habits of local population. How people spend their time have significant impact on their health. For example, a team of Japanese scientists has proven that a well designed walk-able green spaces are crucial for the longevity of elderly citizens (Takano T. et al, 2002). Nature...
Sampling-based novel heterogeneous multi-layer stacking ensemble method for telecom customer churn prediction
PublicationIn recent times, customer churn has become one of the most significant issues in business-oriented sectors with telecommunication being no exception. Maintaining current customers is particularly valuable due to the high degree of rivalry among telecommunication companies and the costs of acquiring new ones. The early prediction of churned customers may help telecommunication companies to identify the causes of churn and design...
Study of Multi-Class Classification Algorithms’ Performance on Highly Imbalanced Network Intrusion Datasets
PublicationThis paper is devoted to the problem of class imbalance in machine learning, focusing on the intrusion detection of rare classes in computer networks. The problem of class imbalance occurs when one class heavily outnumbers examples from the other classes. In this paper, we are particularly interested in classifiers, as pattern recognition and anomaly detection could be solved as a classification problem. As still a major part of...
Study on the Positioning Accuracy of GNSS/INS Systems Supported by DGPS and RTK Receivers for Hydrographic Surveys
PublicationHydrographic surveys, in accordance with the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) S-44 standard, can be carried out in the following five orders: Exclusive, Special, 1a, 1b and 2, for which minimum accuracy requirements for the applied positioning system have been set out. They are as follows, respectively: 1, 2, 5, 5 and 20 m, with a confidence level of 95% in twodimensional space. The Global Navigation Satellite System...
Comparison of different extraction techniques of polychlorinated biphenyls from sediments samples.
PublicationIn this work, problems that may occur during determination of trace levels of polychlorinated biphenyls in sediment samples are described. Main error sources are connected with extraction of analytes prior to final determination. During model studies, polychlorinated biphenyls have been extracted from sedimentreference material (METRANAL 2) with the use of different solvents (dichloromethane, hexsane, and toluene); the process...
Assessment of thermal and electrical performance of flat plate air-cooled photovoltaic roof tile – experimental and numerical studies
PublicationThe current state of development of the solar energy sector necessitates a new form of incentive for entities to invest in photovoltaic (PV) installations. Building-integrated photovoltaic/thermal (BIPV/T) systems are gaining increasing interest. Effective methods for heat recovery from BIPV/T collectors are searched for. Presented research experimentally and numerically considered the influence of cooling conditions on the electrical...
Using water sources extent during inundation as a reliable predictor for vegetation zonation in a natural wetland floodplain
PublicationDistinctive zones of inundation water during floods were shown to originate from different sources in some major floodplains around the world. Recent research showed that the zonation of water in rivers and floodplains is related to vegetation patterns. In spite of this, water source zones were not used for vegetation modeling due to difficulties in their delineation. In this study, we used simulation results of a fully-coupled...
A new model of fuel spray shape at early stage of injection in a marine Diesel engine
PublicationIn the cylinders of a marine diesel engine, self-ignition occurs in very shortly time after the fuel injection into the combustion chamber. Therefore, the paper present was to develop a model of diesel fuel spray for the early stage of fuel spray for in marine diesel engine. There were taken into consideration the main aspects technical such as nozzle diameter of marine engine injector and backpressure in combustion chamber. In...