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Search results for: MV CABLE NETWORK
XPS investigations of tge tin/tin oxides - CNT composites
Open Research DataThe composite of tin/tin oxide nanoparticles with graphene oxide and CMC based on laser ablation technique as an electrode material for energy storage devices were manufactured. The material exhibited a three-dimensional conducting graphene oxide network decorated with tin or tin oxide nanoparticles. The presence of tin/tin oxide in composites was...
The Use of an Autoencoder in the Problem of Shepherding
PublicationThis paper refers to the problem of shepherding clusters of passive agents consisting of a large number of objects by a team of active agents. The problem of shepherding and the difficulties that arise with the increasing number of data describing the location of agents have been described. Several methods for reducing the dimensionality of data are presented. Selected autoencoding method using a Restricted Boltzmann Machine is...
Application of wavelength division multiplexing in sensor networks
PublicationOver the past few years the need to acquire data on various parameters from a number of sensors grew. The need that led to the development of a network of sensors which enables simultaneous control and measurement in a wide range of applications. The aim of this article is to discuss a possibility of connecting a variety of sensors in a network that would utilize WDM technology. Wavelength Division Multiplexing is commonly used...
Cyclic voltammetry curves for FTO/PANI:WO3 nanocomposite
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the results of kinetic electrochemical studies, carried out with cyclic voltammetry (CV) of FTO/PANI:WO3 nanocomposite at various scan rates: 10, 20, 50, 75, 100 and 200 mV/s. The electrolyte was 1M H2SO4 solution. The measurements were performed in a three electrode setup, and with Ag|AgCl|3M KCl as the reference electrode and...
Traffic model for evaluation of call processing performance parameters in IMS-based NGN
PublicationIn the modern world requirements for accurate and fast information distribution are becoming more and more important, which creates a strong necessity for appropriate telecommunication network architecture. Proposition of such an architecture is the Next Generation Network (NGN) concept, which in order to guarantee Quality of Service (QoS), should be correctly designed and dimensioned. For this reason proper traffic models must...
Traffic Model of IMS/NGN Architecture with Transport Stratum Based on MPLS Technology
PublicationGrowing expectations for a fast access to information create strong demands for a universal telecommunication network architecture, which provides various services with strictly determined quality. Currently it is assumed that these requirements will be satisfied by Next Generation Network (NGN), which consists of two stratums and includes IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) elements. To guarantee Quality of Service (QoS) all NGN stratums...
Call Processing Performance in a Multidomain IMS/NGN with Asymmetric Traffic
PublicationIn this paper we continue our research using the previously proposed analytical traffic model of a multidomain Next Generation Network (NGN), which is standardized for delivering multimedia services based on the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). The aim of the model is to assess mean Call Set-up Delay (CSD) and mean Call Disengagement Delay (CDD), which are standardized call processing performance parameters. The output variables...
Experimental test results of an automatic voltage regulator with independent phase voltage controllers
PublicationThe growing number of distributed renewable energy sources and dynamic constant-power loads (e.g. electric vehicle charging stations) pose new challenges for network operators. These changes result in alterations to network load profiles and load flows, leading to greater voltage volatility. One effective solution to these problems can be the use of automatic voltage regulators (AVRs), which stabilize and symmetrize voltage output,...
Resilient Routing in Communication Networks - A Systems Perspective
PublicationThis practically focused monograph addresses the latest issues of resilient routing in networked systems. It consists of three parts and offers an in-depth introduction to the resilience of networked systems (Part I), a detailed description of schemes of resilient routing (Part II), and examples of the application of resilience mechanisms in selected communication scenarios (Part III). Topics and features: presents the essentials...
Optimum Choice of Randomly Oriented Carbon Nanotube Networks for UV-Assisted Gas Sensing Applications
PublicationWe investigated the noise and photoresponse characteristics of various optical transparencies of nanotube networks to identify an optimal randomly oriented network of carbon nanotube (CNT)-based devices for UV-assisted gas sensing applications. Our investigation reveals that all of the studied devices demonstrate negative photoconductivity upon exposure to UV light. Our studies confirm the effect of UV irradiation on the electrical...
Trust-Based Model for the Assessment of the Uncertainty of Measurements in Hybrid IoT Networks
PublicationThe aim of this paper is to introduce a NUT model (NUT: network-uncertainty-trust) that aids the decrease of the uncertainty of measurements in autonomous hybrid Internet of Things sensor networks. The problem of uncertainty in such networks is a consequence of various operating conditions and varied quality of measurement nodes, making statistical approach less successful. This paper presents a model for decreasing the uncertainty...
Pose-Invariant Face Detection by Replacing Deep Neurons with Capsules for Thermal Imagery in Telemedicine
PublicationAbstract— The aim of this work was to examine the potential of thermal imaging as a cost-effective tool for convenient, non- intrusive remote monitoring of elderly people in different possible head orientations, without imposing specific behavior on users, e.g. looking toward the camera. Illumination and pose invariant head tracking is important for many medical applications as it can provide information, e.g. about vital signs, sensory...
Otwarte zasoby edukacyjne - przegląd inicjatyw w Polsce i na świecie
PublicationOtwarte zasoby edukacyjne (OZE) to materiały szkoleniowe oraz narzędzia wspierające zarówno uczenie, jak i nauczanie. Zjawisko to nierozerwalnie łączy się z szerszym pojęciem otwartej edukacji (OE), które postuluje zniesienie barier w nauczaniu tak, aby uczący się mogli zdobywać wiedzę zgodnie ze swoimi potrzebami edukacyjno-szkoleniowymi. Celem artykułu jest zapoznanie czytelników z zagadnieniem otwartych zasobów edukacyjnych,...
Miniature reconfigurable antenna
PublicationThis work concerns the design of a miniature, low-profile reconfigurable antenna based on Huygens metamaterial sources for frequency f0 = 2.45 GHz. Two planar Huygens sources were designed consisting of near-field resonators. Sources are excited from a specially designed reconfigurable control system. Thanks to the two PIN diodes, the system can realize two cardioid radiation characteristics with...
Jerzy Proficz dr hab. inż.
PeopleJerzy Proficz, Ph.D. is the director of the Centre of Informatics – Tricity Academic Supercomputer & networK (CI TASK) at Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. He earned his Ph.D. (2012) in HPC (High Performance Computing) in the subject of supercomputer resource provisioning and management for on-line data processing D.Sc. (2022) in the discipline: Information and Communication Technology. Author and co-author of over 50...
Sympathetic Activation Does Not Affect the Cardiac and Respiratory Contribution to the Relationship between Blood Pressure and Pial Artery Pulsation Oscillations in Healthy Subjects
PublicationUsing a novel method called near-infrared transillumination backscattering sounding (NIR-T/BSS) that allows for the non-invasive measurement of pial artery pulsation (cc-TQ) and subarachnoid width (sas-TQ) in humans, we assessed the influence of sympathetic activation on the cardiac and respiratory contribution to blood pressure (BP) cc-TQ oscillations in healthy subjects. The pial artery and subarachnoid width response to handgrip...
Developing a Low SNR Resistant, Text Independent Speaker Recognition System for Intercom Solutions - A Case Study
PublicationThis article presents a case study on the development of a biometric voice verification system for an intercom solution, utilizing the DeepSpeaker neural network architecture. Despite the variety of solutions available in the literature, there is a noted lack of evaluations for "text-independent" systems under real conditions and with varying distances between the speaker and the microphone. This article aims to bridge this gap....
Efficiency of the Use of LTE System Radio Resources in Highway Transport Enironment
PublicationThe paper describes the problem of analysis of throughput-coverage characteristics of the LTE system. Simulation results of the efficiency of the use of LTE radio resources are presented. Simulation studies on the basis of original model of the LTE network simulator were carried out. In addition, the evaluation of throughput for a single connection, and available capacity were evaluated in the context of the use of the same...
Scalable Maintenance of Address Mapping and Autodetecion in Environments Where Agents are Uncapable of Self-Registration
PublicationWhen working with multi-agent systems it is often desirable to manage the agent set. The existing methods of central monitoring stems from two different fields of application. The first has its roots in in computer network monitoring, the other in mutli-agent simulation environments. Both approaches are not general enough to cater for loosely controlled environments, where the total agent population is not known and often fluctuating,...
Knowledge management in the IPv6 migration process
PublicationThere are many reasons to deploy IPv6 protocol with IPv4 address space depletion being the most obvious. Unfortunately, migration to IPv6 protocol seems slower than anticipated. To improve pace of the IPv6 deployment, authors of the article developed an application that supports the migration process. Its main purpose is to help less experienced network administrators to facilitate the migration process with a particular target...
5G/6G optical fronthaul modeling: cost and energy consumption assessment
PublicationIn fifth generation (5G) and the future beyond 5G (6G) radio access networks (RANs), the cost of fronthaul deployment is a main challenge for mobile network operators. Depending on different constraints, there are various solutions to deploy an efficient fronthaul. Fiber-optic-based fronthaul offers long-term support with regard to a rapid increase in capacity demands. When fiber connections, either point-to-point (P2P) or point-to-multipoint...
Enhancing Resilience of FSO Networks to Adverse Weather Conditions
PublicationOptical wireless networks realized by means of gigabit optical wireless communication (OWC) systems are becoming, in a variety of applications, an important alternative, or a complementary solution, to their fiber-based counterparts. However, performance of the OWC systems can be considerably degraded in periods of unfavorable weather conditions, such as heavy fog, which temporarily reduce the effective capacity of the network....
Collision‐Aware Routing Using Multi‐Objective Seagull Optimization Algorithm for WSN‐Based IoT
PublicationIn recent trends, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have become popular because of their cost, simple structure, reliability, and developments in the communication field. The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the interconnection of everyday objects and sharing of information through the Internet. Congestion in networks leads to transmission delays and packet loss and causes wastage of time and energy on recovery. The routing protocols...
Design of Cost-Efficient Optical Fronthaul for 5G/6G Networks: An Optimization Perspective
PublicationCurrently, 5G and the forthcoming 6G mobile communication systems are the most promising cellular generations expected to beat the growing hunger for bandwidth and enable the fully connected world presented by the Internet of Everything (IoE). The cloud radio access network (CRAN) has been proposed as a promising architecture for meeting the needs and goals of 5G/6G (5G and beyond) networks. Nevertheless, the provisioning of cost-efficient...
The hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) performance of some FTO/MoS2/SnO2 electrodes
Open Research DataTo demonstrate the electrochemical performance of the FTO/MoS2/SnO2 for HER (hydrogen evolution reaction), the LSV (linear sweep voltammetry) was performed. The polarization curves of the obtained composite were measured in 1 M H2SO4 at room temperature with a scan rate 10 mV/s. For comparison, the LSV for the FTO, pure MoS2 and Pt plate electrode were...
DST-Based Detection of Non-cooperative Forwarding Behavior of MANET and WSN Nodes
Publication. Selfish node behavior can diminish the reliability of a mobile ad hoc network (MANET) or a wireless sensor network (WSN). Efficient detection of such behavior is therefore essential. One approach is to construct a reputation scheme, which has network nodes determine and share reputation values associated with each node; these values can next be used as input to a routing algorithm to avoid end-to-end routes containing ill-reputed...
The IPV6 Deployment - Best practices
PublicationThe new Internet Protocol IPv6 has been regarded for quite a long time as the only option to ensure uninterrupted operation for the Internet service providers andend-users in the current Internet. The article presents important faets about the IPv6, including current statistics of the IPv4 usage, the IPv6 statistics for Poland comparing to the whole Internet. Moreover, this paper shows important aspeets of migration from IPv4 towards...
The need for new transport protocols on the INTERNET
PublicationThe TCP/IP protocol suite is widely used in IP networks, regardless of diverse environments and usage scenarios. Due to the fact of being the basic concept of organizing the work of the Internet, it is the subject of interest and constant analysis of operators, users, network researchers, and designers. The Internet is a "living" organism in which new needs appear all the time. This is particularly important due to the emerging...
E-Learning Service Management System For Migration Towards Future Internet Architectures
PublicationAs access to knowledge and continuous learning are among the most valuable assets in modern, technological society, it is hardly surprising that e-learning solutions can be counted amongst the most important groups of services being deployed in modern network systems. Based on analysis of their current state-of-the-art, we decided to concentrate our research and development work on designing and implementing a management system...
A high-gain gap waveguide-based 16 × 16 slot antenna array with low sidelobe level for mmwave applications
PublicationThis study presents the design of a high-gain 16 × 16-slot antenna array with a low sidelobe level (SLL) using a tapered ridge gap waveguide feeding network for Ka-band applications. The proposed antenna element includes four cavity-backed slot antennas. A tapered feeding network is designed and utilized for unequal feeding of the radiating elements. Ridge gap waveguide technology is used to reduce the feeding network loss and...
Derivatization of SWCNTs with cobalt phthalocyanine residues and applications in screen printed electrodes for electrochemical detection of thiocholine
PublicationJednościenne nanorurki węglowe (SWCNTs) sfunkcjonalizowane resztami ftalocyjaniny kobaltu zostały nałożone na sitodrukowane elektrody grafitowe (SPEs) i zastosowane do elektrochemicznego utleniania tiocholiny (TCh) w zakresie niskich potencjałów. Kowalencyjne przyłączenie ftalocyjaniny kobaltu do SWCNTs trwałym wiązanie sulfonamidowym zostało dowiedzione spektroskopią Ramana i UV-Vis i analizą termograwimetryczną połączoną z detekcją...
Electromodulation of monomer and excimer phosphorescence in vacuum-evaporated films of platinum (II) complexes of 1,3-di(2-pyridyl)benzenes
PublicationElectric field-modulated photoluminescence (EML) measurements are presented for vacuum-evaporated films of cyclometallated Pt (II) complexes of 1,3-di(2-pyridyl) benzenes used as triplet emitters in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs). The excimer phosphorescence is quenched by the external electric field of 2.5 MV/cm up to 25% but the same effect on monomer phosphorescence is one order of magnitude smaller. The higher quenching...
Postquarter-Point Case of Ship’s Side-Berthing and Its Influence on Marine Fender Pitch
PublicationThis paper presents a critical analysis of some selected codes and practical recommendations used as basic rules in the design procedures of modern marine fender systems. The first part of the discussion pertains to the existing equations used in calculating the eccentricity coefficient in the ship’s kinetic energy equation and the maximum allowable fender pitch (spacing) in a set of fenders installed along a quay wall. A new approach...
Comparison of the paracetamol electrochemical determination using boron-doped diamond electrode and boron-doped carbon nanowalls
PublicationTwo different type of electrodes, boron-doped diamond electrode (BDD) and boron-doped carbon nanowalls (B:CNW) electrode, were used for the electrochemical determination of paracetamol using the cyclic voltammetry and the differential pulse voltammetry in phosphate buffered saline, pH = 7.0. The main advantage of these electrodes is their utilization without any additional modification of the electrode surface. The peak current...
President and Manager of the court versus networking in justice system - "Extending of Delimitation"
PublicationCurrent knowledge and empirical studies concering the networks collaboration in public sector, the role of decision-making centre in the building of network structure, strategy formulation and evaluation is fragmentary.
A bound on the number of middle-stage crossbars in f-cast rearrangeable Clos networks
PublicationIn 2006 Chen and Hwang gave a necessary and sufficient condition under which a three-stage Clos network is rearrangeable for broadcast connections. Assuming that only crossbars of the first stage have no fan-out property, we give similar conditions for f-cast Clos networks, where f is an arbitrary but fixed invariant of the network. Such assumptions are valid for some practical switching systems, e.g. high-speed crossconnects....
Dynamically positioned ship steering making use of backstepping method and artificial neural networks
PublicationThe article discusses the issue of designing a dynamic ship positioning system making use of the adaptive vectorial backstepping method and RBF type arti cial neural networks. In the article, the backstepping controller is used to determine control laws and neural network weight adaptation laws. e arti cial neural network is applied at each time instant to approximate nonlinear functions containing parametric uncertainties....
Filozofia sieci 5G - radioinformatyka i wirtualizacja. Część 2. Wirtualny system 5G.
PublicationPrzedstawiono najważniejsze właściwości sieci 5G z punktu widzenia istoty jej działania. Uporządkowano najistotniejsze pojęcia służące do opisu sieci 5G, zwłaszcza w kontekście rozwiązań softwarowych, wirtualizacji sieci oraz jej architektury fizycznej i funkcjonalnej. Wprowadzono i zdefiniowano wiele pojęć wynikających z nowej ery rozwoju radiokomunikacji, w tym pojęcie radioinformatyki, systemu radioinformatycznego, sieci radioinformatycznej....
Investigation of the C-1311 glucuronidation: an electrochemical approach
Open Research DataThis study was undertaken to investigate the glucuronidation of the compound C-1311 (5-diethylaminoethylamino-8-hydroxyimidazoacridinone – the model anticancer acridine derivative) using electrochemistry/mass spectrometry (EC/MS) as a complementary technique to in vitro (liver microsomes) and in silico approaches.
Clothes Detection and Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
PublicationIn this paper we describe development of a computer vision system for accurate detection and classification of clothes for e-commerce images. We present a set of experiments on well established architectures of convolutional neural networks, including Residual networks, SqueezeNet and Single Shot MultiBox Detector (SSD). The clothes detection network was trained and tested on DeepFashion dataset, which contains box annotations...
Instrumental measurement of odour nuisance in city agglomeration using electronic nose
PublicationThe paper describes an operation principle of odour nuisance monitoring network in a city agglomeration. Moreover, it presents the results of investigation on ambient air quality with respect to odour obtained during six-month period. The investigation was carried out using a network comprised of six prototypes of electronic nose and Nasal Ranger field olfactometers employed as a reference method. The monitoring network consisted...
Neural Approximators for Variable-Order Fractional Calculus Operators (VO-FC)
PublicationThe paper presents research on the approximation of variable-order fractional operators by recurrent neural networks. The research focuses on two basic variable-order fractional operators, i.e., integrator and differentiator. The study includes variations of the order of each fractional operator. The recurrent neural network architecture based on GRU (Gated Recurrent Unit) cells functioned as a neural approximation for selected...
Using Long-Short term Memory networks with Genetic Algorithm to predict engine condition
PublicationPredictive maintenance (PdM) is a type of approach for maintenance processes, allowing maintenance actions to be managed depending on the machine's current condition. Maintenance is therefore carried out before failures occur. The approach doesn’t only help avoid abrupt failures but also helps lower maintenance cost and provides possibilities to manufacturers to manage maintenance budgets in a more efficient way. A new deep neural...
Deep-Learning-Based Precise Characterization of Microwave Transistors Using Fully-Automated Regression Surrogates
PublicationAccurate models of scattering and noise parameters of transistors are instrumental in facilitating design procedures of microwave devices such as low-noise amplifiers. Yet, data-driven modeling of transistors is a challenging endeavor due to complex relationships between transistor characteristics and its designable parameters, biasing conditions, and frequency. Artificial neural network (ANN)-based methods, including deep learning...
A spice equivalent circuit for modeling the performance of dual frequency echo-sounder
PublicationThe paper presents novel network equivalent circuit of piezoceramic circular disc transducers that takes into account thickness and radial mode of vibrations. The starting point of the analysis is 4-port description of circular disc element representing the solution of wave equation set in radial and thickness directions. The approximate solution for harmonic case is represented in the form of 4x4 matrix, which is synthesised and...
An Algorithm for Optimizing the Determination of Cycling Routes on the Example of the Gdansk Agglomeration
PublicationPhysical activity is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. One of the manifestations of the change in a society type from consumer to information one is the understanding of the importance of ecology and a healthy lifestyle. This is evident, inter alia, in the inventiveness and involvement of the society in the start-up and solutions referred to as the Smart City. One example is the development of e-bike rental and local investments...
The networking of the justice system as part of public court networks
PublicationThe goal of this paper is to look at the organizational structure of the justice system and provide the answer to the basic question of the possible network relations, their force, and imapct. As part od the paper, I have defined public inetrorganisational court network, dividing them into regulatory inter-organisational networks nad voluntary inetrorganisational networks. Emphasis has also been placed on the benefits and threats...
PublicationGrowing demands of information society concerned with sophisticated applications could be satisfied by ASON/GMPLS architecture comprehended as Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON) with Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS). The ASON/GMPLS proposition represents the future direction of Next Generation Network (NGN) architecture. Therefore considerable work has to be done to examine this solution. In this aspect...
total number and biomass of bacteria in drinking water distribution systems.
PublicationIn the vast water supply network using traditional methods of treatment it is often impossible to maintain a constant and acceptable microbiological quality of water. In Poland the main reason of bacterial re-growth is presence of organic matter and nutrients in the circulating water and prolonged water retention in the network systems due to the decrease of water consumption, which has been observed for the last 20 years. In the...
Influence of Dielectric Overlay Permittivity on Size and Performance of Miniaturized ESPAR Antenna
PublicationIn this paper, influence of dielectric overlay permittivity on miniaturized ESPAR antenna parameters is presented. ESPAR antenna is a low-cost and energy-efficient way to implement beam steering capability to a node and improve network performance. The antenna size reduction is obtained by embedding its active and passive elements in ABS based materials of relative permittivity equal to 4, 5.5 and 7.5 in order to achieve network...