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Search results for: SOFT TRANSPORT POLICY
Zhongguo Gonglu Xuebao/China Journal of Highway and Transport
Journals -
Evidence of the impact of sport policies on physical activity and sport participation: a systematic mixed studies review
PublicationParticipation in sport contributes to increased physical activity (PA) levels. Increasing PA is a public health concern due to its recognised impact on health outcomes. International policy actors such as the Council of Europe, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) have recommended that ‘sport for all’ is promoted both for public health and as a basic right. This...
WOiO - Transport - e-test 2019/20
e-Learning Courses -
Placement Transport I st. 2 sem.
e-Learning Courses -
Placement II stopień Transport 1 sem.
e-Learning Courses -
Transport i Towaroznawstwo Produktów Spożywczych - seminarium
e-Learning Courses -
Szynowy Transport Miejski B 2022/2023
e-Learning Courses -
Transport - Matematyka 1,2 2024/2025 (A.Gnatek)
e-Learning Courses -
Szynowy Transport Miejski T 2022/2023
e-Learning Courses -
Morski transport pasażerski [2023/24] Letni
e-Learning Courses -
Praktyki Transport i Logistyka 2023/2024
e-Learning Courses -
ŚRODKI TRANSPORTU - cz statki morskie, W+C, WILiŚ Transport, sem 3, zimowy 22-23, PG_00044581
e-Learning CoursesŚRODKI TRANSPORTU - Transport morski - wykład i ćwiczenia kurs dla studentów WILiŚ, kier Transport, sem 3 zajęcia trwają 1/3 sem - przez pierwszych 5 tygodni prowadzący: Daniel PIĄTEK (kapitan) pok 509, bud OiO
Design concept of a modular stage - stop - over terminal for inland waterways passenger transport on East - West routes
PublicationCentralne położenie Wisły i jej dorzecza w europejskim systemie wodnym, pozwala na włączenie jej do układu komunikacji wodnej Wschód - Zachód. Pozwoli to na wdrożenie systemu wodnego do celów transportu towarów ale również na wykorzystanie walorów krajobrazowo-kulturowych przyległych terenów do celów turystycznych.W oparciu o projekt nowo projektowaniej jednostki wodnej dostosowanej do śródlądowego transportu wodnego, rozważano...
Estimation–identification problem for diffusive transport in porous materials based on single reservoir test: Results for silica hydrogel
Publication -
Native-oxide limited cross-plane thermal transport in suspended silicon membranes revealed by scanning thermal microscopy
Publication -
Determination of the adsorption mechanism of imidazolium type ionic liquids onto kaolinite: implications for their fate and transport in the soil environment
PublicationNiniejsza publikacja szczegółowo opisuje sorpcję cieczy jonowych na powierzchni glin kaolinowych. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują na występowanie zjawiska sorpcji wielowarstwowej. Przy całkowitym wysyceniu najwyższy współczynnik podziału został zaaobserwowany dla cieczy jonowych podstawionych długim łańcuchem alkilowym. Średnie wartości energii swobodnej wyznaczone dla procesu sorpcji cieczy jonowych są niższe niż typowe energie swobodne...
Pomoc przedszpitalna, transport chorego i postępowanie na odziale ratunkowym w ostrej fazie udaru mózgu
PublicationZastosowanie najskuteczniejszej formy specjalistycznego leczenia udaru niedokrwiennego mózgu wymaga znacznego zaangażowania i dobrej współpracy między wszystkimi służbami ratunkowymi. Istotym kryterium powodzenia terapii jest czas dotarcia chorego do oddziału ratunkowego i szybkośc udzielenia fachowej pomocy.
PublicationDespite the well-established physical, social, emotional, cognitive, and spatial benefits of active and autonomous school commuting of children and adolescents', many are driven by car. Pilot surveys and field research held in 2019 in 10 Gdansk primary schools confirmed this trend. The article presents a certification system for schools, commissioned by the City of Gdańsk, which is an element of a systemic solution shaping patterns...
Active edible furcellaran/whey protein films with yerba mate and white tea extracts: Preparation, characterization and its application to fresh soft rennet-curd cheese
Publication -
The Effect of Cow Breed and Wild Garlic Leaves (Allium ursinum L.) on the Sensory Quality, Volatile Compounds, and Physical Properties of Unripened Soft Rennet-Curd Cheese
Publication -
Economic conditions for the development of energy efficient civil engineering using RES in the policy of cohesion of the European Union (2014–2020). Case study: The town of Zielona Gora
Publication -
Mirosław Kazimierz Gerigk dr hab. inż.
People -
Adolfo Poma
PeopleI am the group leader of the computational modelling of biomolecules divison at the institute of Fundamental Technological Research Polish Academy of Sciences in Poland. My group was hosted between 2021-2022 by International Centre for Research on Innovative Bio-based Materials (ICRI-BioM). In 2008, I got a Master degree in computational physics from the State University of Campinas, Brazil. Then I moved to Germany and under the...
Impact assessment culture in the European Union. Time for something new?
PublicationCurrent approaches and cultures for the economic evaluations of environmental and health policies may suffer from excessive reliance on a standard neoclassic economic toolbox that neglects alternative perspectives. This may prematurely limit the spectrum of available policy options. Here we show how the inclusion of neglected currents of thought such as non-Ricardian economics, bioeconomics and a set of qualitative-quantitative...
Silicon occurrence, uptake, transport and mechanisms of heavy metals, minerals and salinity enhanced tolerance in plants with future prospects: A review
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Transmembrane Transport and Anticancer Activity of Strontium Ranelate Delivered with Nanosecond Pulsed Electric Fields (nsPEFs) into Human Cells in Vitro
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Decision Support in Selecting a Reliable Strategy for Sustainable Urban Transport Based on Laplacian Energy of T-Spherical Fuzzy Graphs
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Research on the Relationship between CO2 Emissions, Road Transport, Economic Growth and Energy Consumption on the Example of the Visegrad Group Countries
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The effect of land use in the catchment and meteorological conditions on the riverine transport of dissolved organic carbon into the Puck Lagoon (southern Baltic)
Publication -
Ttrans-risk - an integrated method for risk management in transport =Trans-risk - zintegrowana metoda zarządzania ryzykiem w transporcie
PublicationPodjęto już wiele prób integracji metod zarządzania ryzykiem w innych dziedzinach życia. Przegląd metod zarządzania ryzykiem w poszczególnych gałęziach transportu wskazuje na dość duże rozbieżności terminologiczne i dotyczące szczegółowych zasad i zastosowań metod zarządzania ryzykiem. Istnieje zatem konieczność podjęcia próby integracji metod zarządzania ryzykiem w transporcie. Niniejsza praca jest wynikiem działań interdyscyplinarnego...
Reducing of energy consumption in public transport - results of experimental exploitation of super capacitor energy bank in Gdynia trolleybus system
PublicationPaper presents the result of test exploitation supercapacitor energy bank in Gdynia trolleybus system. In the first part of the article the basics of the regenerative breaking are presented and the construction and control strategy of the supercapacitor bank are described. The area of research and method of measurement are explained. In the second part of paper the results of tests and measurements are described. Emphasis was placed...
PCN-222 metal–organic framework: a selective and highly efficient sorbent for the extraction of aspartame from gum, juice, and diet soft drink before its spectrophotometric determination
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The Great Five—an artificial bacterial consortium with antagonistic activity towards Pectobacterium spp. and Dickeya spp.: formulation, shelf life, and the ability to prevent soft rot of potato in storage
Publication -
PublicationWaterborne transport is the cheapest, the safest and the least harmful to the natural environment. Restoring regular waterway cargo transport will require revitalisation of the existing trans-shipment and logistics infrastructure for commercial inland ports and building new. Transport policy makers must remember that waterborne transport is the most ecological type of transport. It produces only 10% of the gases emitted to the...
Kurs zwiększający kompetencje informatyczne studentów rozpoczynających studia II stopnia na kierunku Transport
e-Learning CoursesKurs z kierowany do studentów rozpoczynających studia magisterskie na kierunku Transport na Wydziale Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska. Zagadnienia poruszone w ramach kursu zwiększają kompetencje informatyczne studentów w zakresie wybranych obszarów takich jak: Statystyka Bazy danych Zarządzanie literaturą Nacisk kursu położony jest na praktyczne zastosowanie wybranych narzędzi w badaniach i analizach transportowych z uwzględnieniem...
Measurements in civil engineering, transport, environmental engineering, mining and power engineering 22/23
e-Learning CoursesThe course is primarily open to all PhD students at Gdansk University of Technology. This course is compulsory for PhD students assigned to Civil Engineering and Transport as well as Environmental Engineering, Mining and Power Engineering tracks at Doctoral School of GUT. This course allows the PhD students to obtain the knowledge related to the experimental equipment and types of experiments carried out at GUT in the field of...
Measurements in civil engineering, transport, environmental engineering, mining and power engineering 23/24
e-Learning CoursesThe course is primarily open to all PhD students at Gdansk University of Technology. This course is compulsory for PhD students assigned to Civil Engineering and Transport as well as Environmental Engineering, Mining and Power Engineering tracks at Doctoral School of GUT. This course allows the PhD students to obtain the knowledge related to the experimental equipment and types of experiments carried out at GUT in the field of...
Measurements in civil engineering, transport, environmental engineering, mining and power engineering 24/25
e-Learning CoursesThe course is primarily open to all PhD students at Gdansk University of Technology. This course is compulsory for PhD students assigned to Civil Engineering and Transport as well as Environmental Engineering, Mining and Power Engineering tracks at Doctoral School of GUT. This course allows the PhD students to obtain the knowledge related to the experimental equipment and types of experiments carried out at GUT in the field of...
Michał Bernard Pietrzak dr hab.
PeopleMichal Pietrzak is head of the Department of Statistics and Econometrics at the Faculty of Economics and Management, Gdańsk University of Technology, and Deputy Editor-in-Chief for Statistical Reviewing of the journals: Oeconomia Copernicana and Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy. Until October 2021, he worked as an associate professor at the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, Nicolaus...
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans: implementation process and indicators to evaluate effects on physical activity
PublicationBackground: Active mobility and public transport increase physical activity (PA) levels. With varying intensity and effectiveness, European cities implement Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) to spur transport-related PA. Therefore, we aim to examine drivers and barriers to SUMP implementation and assess its influence on PA across European cities. Methods: We screened policy reports to gain insights into SUMP implementation...
Zarządzanie Procesem Inwestycyjnym (w+c) - transport 2022
e-Learning CoursesZarządzanie Procesem Inwestycyjnym - ( wykład + ćwiczenia) prowadzący: dr inż. Marcin Szczepański
WILiŚ - Transport - Liczby zespolone 2019/20 (K.Radziszewski)
e-Learning Courses -
Zarządzanie Procesem Inwestycyjnym (w+c) - transport 2023
e-Learning CoursesZarządzanie Procesem Inwestycyjnym - ( wykład + ćwiczenia) prowadzący: dr inż. Marcin Szczepański
Transport i towaroznawstwo produktów spożywczych - seminarium (PG_00056207)
e-Learning Courses -
Spedycja, Sem_6, Transport, W, lato 25, PG_0056225
e-Learning CoursesPrzypomnienie co to jest TSL i spedycja. Rodzaje spedycji. Proces spedycji. Aspekt prawny spedycji. Logistyka i zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw, Rynek spedycji krajowy i międzynarodowy. Rozwój spedycji, Przyszłość spedycji
Placement Transport i Logistyka 3 sem (WIMiO)
e-Learning Courses -
WILiŚ - Transport - Liczby zespolone 2020/21 (K.Radziszewski)
e-Learning Courses -
K. Grzelec, J. Staszak-Winkler, Changes in urban transport behaviour and preferences of residents in employment - Gdynia case. Transport Development Challenges in the 21st Century. Proceedings of the 2019 TranSopot Conference. Springer International Publishing .1st ed. 2020. ISBN: 978-3-030-50009-2
Publication -
Selective transport of zinc ions through novel polymer inclusion membranes (PIMS) containing β-diketone derivatives as carrier reagents
Publication -
J.Staszak, O.Wyszomirski: Ranking postulatów przewozowych i ich wpływ na preferencje komunikacyjne mieszkańców, Transport Miejski, 10/2005.