Miniaturized Inline Bandpass Filters Based on Triple-Mode Integrated Coaxial-Waveguide Resonators
PublicationThis work presents a design technique to implement miniaturized cross-coupled bandpass filters in inline physical configurations based on triple-mode resonators. Triple-mode resonances are obtained by using integrated coaxial-waveguide cavity resonators. They consist of two coaxial conducting posts placed in the sidewalls of a rectangular waveguide cavity. In the proposed triplet, a transmission zero (TZ) can be positioned at any...
Performance Evaluation of Control Plane Functions in ASON/GMPLS Architecture
PublicationIt is assumed that demands of information society could be satisfied by architecture ASON/GMPLS comprehended as Automatically Switched Optical Network (ASON) with Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) protocols. Introduction this solution must be preceded performance evaluation to guarantee society expectations. Practical realization is expensive and simulations models are necessary to examine standardized propositions....
Grand Challenges on the Theory of Modeling and Simulation
PublicationModeling & Simulation (M&S) is used in many different fields and has made many significant contributions. As a field in its own right, there have been many advances in methodologies and technologies. In 2002 a workshop was held in Dagstuhl, Germany, to reflect on the grand challenges facing M&S. Ten years on, a series of M& S Grand Challenge activities are marking a decade of progress and are providing an opportunity to reflect...
Turbulence model evaluation for numerical modelling of turbulent flow and heat transfer of nanofluids
PublicationIn this work, Nusselt number and friction factor are calculated numerically for turbulent pipe flow (Reynolds number between 6000 and 12000) with constant heat flux boundary condition using nanofluids. The nanofluid is modelled with the single-phase approach and the simulation results are compared with experimental data. Ethylene glycol and water, 60:40 EG/W mass ratio, as base fluid and SiO2 nanoparticles are used as nanofluid...
Tuning of the plasmon resonance location in Au nanostructures coated with a ultrathin film of Al2O3 – Optical measurements and FDTD simulations
PublicationThe Au nanostructures have been coated with an ultra-thin films of amorphous aluminium oxide. Optical absorption spectra show the influence of the thickness of Al2O3 on plasmon resonance wavelength. The observed red-shift of the resonance location with the increase of the thickness of the Al2O3 film, can be explained by the change in the dielectric function of this film. It allows control of the optical spectra of the coated particles....
Pareto Ranking Bisection Algorithm for EM-Driven Multi-Objective Design of Antennas in Highly-Dimensional Parameter Spaces
PublicationA deterministic technique for fast surrogate-assisted multi-objective design optimization of antennas in highly-dimensional parameters spaces has been discussed. In this two-stage approach, the initial approximation of the Pareto set representing the best compromise between conflicting objectives is obtained using a bisection algorithm which finds new Pareto-optimal designs by dividing the line segments interconnecting previously...
Agent-based social network as a simulation of a market behaviour
PublicationRecent years and the outbreak of world's economic crisis in 2008 proved the crucial importance of reliable analysis of market dynamics. However, werarely apply models of proper detail level (the global prosperity forecast of 2007 can be seen as a grim proof). The behaviour of individuals and companies is far from being ideal and rational. Many claims that the economic paradigm of rational expectations (coming from J. Muth and R....
Modelowanie i symulacja dynamiki ruchu trakcyjnego odbieraka prądu
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono dwa modele matematyczne kolejowych odbieraków prądu. Model podstawowy opracowano na podstawie analizy konstrukcji odbieraka ze stopniami swobody w ruchu obrotowym i postępowym. Drugi tzw. model zastępczy ma obydwa stopnie swobody w ruchu postępowym. Przedstawiono prosty sposób wyznaczenia wartości parametrów modelu zastępczego na podstawie wyników symulacji modelu odbieraka podstawowego. Model zastępczy,...
Application of 3D scanning and computer simulation techniques to assess the shape accuracy of welded components
PublicationWhile traditional measurement methods prove to be insufficient when facing more complex shapes and intricate challenges, increasingly efficient solutions are emerging in their place. 3D scanners in particular exhibit versatility. They clearly represent a useful tool in many fields with diverse requirements; thus, it is advisable to explore further areas of their potential applications, e.g., in quality control or reverse engineering....
Methodology of research on the impact of ramp metering on the safety and efficiency of road traffic using transport models
PublicationThe methods currently used to assess the impact of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) services on traffic safety and efficiency are mainly based on expert assessments, statistical studies or traffic models that need further development. There is no structured, uniform evaluation method to compare the impact of different ITS services and their different configurations. The impact of ITS deployment on the road network adjacent to...
Impact of trajectory simplification methods on modeling carbon dioxide emissions from ships
PublicationModels of ship fuel consumption and emissions play an essential role in estimating global shipping’s greenhouse gas emissions. They are also widely used for verification of reported CO2 emissions for systems like EU MRV (Monitoring, Reporting and Verification) or IMO DCS (Data Collection System). Such models achieve high accuracy using historical spatiotemporal information about each ship from AIS data. However, this approach requires substantial...
Generalization of Kramers-Krönig relations for evaluation of causality in power-law media
PublicationClassical Kramers-Krönig (K–K) relations connect real and imaginary parts of the frequency-domain response of a system. The K–K relations also hold between the logarithm of modulus and the argument of the response, e.g. between the attenuation and the phase shift of a solution to a wave-propagation problem. For square-integrable functions of frequency, the satisfaction of classical K–K relations implies causality in the time domain....
Advanced Potential Energy Surfaces for Molecular Simulation
PublicationAdvanced potential energy surfaces are defined as theoretical models that explicitly include many-body effects that transcend the standard fixed-charge, pairwise-additive paradigm typically used in molecular simulation. However, several factors relating to their software implementation have precluded their widespread use in condensed-phase simulations: the computational cost of the theoretical models, a paucity of approximate models...
Polynomial Chaos Expansion in Bio-and Structural Mechanics
PublicationThis monograph presents a probabilistic approach to modelling the mechanics of materials and structures where the modelled performance is influenced by uncertainty in the input parameters. The work is interdisciplinary and the methods described are applied to medical and civil engineering problems. The motivation for this work was the necessity of mechanics-based approaches in the modelling and simulation of implants used in the...
Polynomial Chaos Expansion in Bio- and Structural Mechanics
PublicationThis thesis presents a probabilistic approach to modelling the mechanics of materials and structures where the modelled performance is influenced by uncertainty in the input parameters. The work is interdisciplinary and the methods described are applied to medical and civil engineering problems. The motivation for this work was the necessity of mechanics-based approaches in the modelling and simulation of implants used in the repair...
Cost-Efficient Design Methodology for Compact Rat-Race Couplers
PublicationIn this article, a reliable and low-cost design methodology for simulation-driven optimization of miniaturized rat-race couplers (RRCs) is presented. We exploit a two-stage design approach, where a composite structure (a basic building block of the RRC structure) is first optimized using a pattern search algorithm, and, subsequently, the entire coupler is tuned by means of surrogate-based optimization (SBO) procedure. SBO is executed...
Acceleration of Electromagnetic Simulations on Reconfigurable FPGA Card
PublicationIn this contribution, the hardware acceleration of electromagnetic simulations on the reconfigurable field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) card is presented. In the developed implementation of scientific computations, the matrix-assembly phase of the method of moments (MoM) is accelerated on the Xilinx Alveo U200 card. The computational method involves discretization of the frequency-domain mixed potential integral equation using...
Adaptive Method for Modeling of Temporal Dependencies between Fields of Vision in Multi-Camera Surveillance Systems
PublicationA method of modeling the time of object transition between given pairs of cameras based on the Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is proposed in this article. Temporal dependencies modeling is a part of object re-identification based on the multi-camera experimental framework. The previously utilized Expectation-Maximization (EM) approach, requiring setting the number of mixtures arbitrarily as an input parameter, was extended with the...
A Comparative Numerical Simulation Study of Turbulent Non-premixed CO/H2/N2 Syngas Jet Flames
PublicationIn the present work, numerical simulations of turbulent non-premixed syngas flame have been performed in Reynolds-Averaged Naver-Stokes turbulence approach using four turbulence-chemistry interaction models. To this aim, we used assumed beta PDF approach, Steady Laminar Flamelet model, Eddy Dissipation Concept and Partially Stirred Reactor model. Numerical results are compared and analysed with respect to two experiments from the...
The use of mathematical models for diagnosis of activated sludge systems in WWTP
PublicationIn this study diagnosis of activated sludge systems in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was investigated. Diagnosis of technical objects can be realized in many ways. One of the divisions of the diagnostic methods include modelling with or without a model of the object. The first of these is the analysis of the symptoms for which, based on the parameter values, the abnormality in the diagnosed objects are sought. Another way is...
Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of the Wavemaker in a Towing Tank
PublicationThe paper analyses the problem of experimental identification (frequency response), modelling and optimization of the towing tank wavemaker in the Scilab/Xcos environment. The experimental identification of the objects (the towing tank wavemaker placed in the hydrodynamic laboratory of the CTO S.A. Ship Design and Research Centre (CTO)) and the implementation of the models in the simulation environment, enable to perform: 1. tuning...
Expedited constrained multi-objective aerodynamic shape optimization by means of physics-based surrogates
PublicationIn the paper, computationally efficient constrained multi-objective design optimization of transonic airfoil profiles is considered. Our methodology focuses on fixed-lift design aimed at finding the best possible trade-offs between the two objectives: minimization of the drag coefficient and maximization of the pitching moment. The algorithm presented here exploits the surrogate-based optimization principle, variable-fidelity computational...
Fast surrogate-assisted frequency scaling of planar antennas with circular polarisation
PublicationIn this work, the problem of computationally efficient frequency scaling (re-design) of circular polarisation antennas is addressed using surrogate-assisted techniques. The task is challenging and requires the identification of the optimum geometry parameters to enable the operation of the re-designed structure at a selected (required) centre frequency. This involves handling several performance figures such as the antenna gain,...
Numerical Modeling and Simulation of Vehicular Crashes into Three-Bar Metal Bridge Rail
PublicationAdvanced finite element (FE) modeling and simulations were performed on vehicular crashes into a three-bar metal bridge rail (TMBR). The FE models of a sedan, a pickup truck, and a TMBR section were adopted in the crash simulations subject to Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) Test Level 2 (TL-2) and Test Level 3 (TL-3) requirements. The test vehicle models were first validated using full-scale physical crash tests conducted...
Estimating the Average Speed of Public Transport Vehicles Based on Traffic Control System Data
PublicationIntelligent Transport Systems are a valuable source of traffic information, covering both private and public vehicles. The main problem, however, is that very few studies are conducted to determine the speed of buses, trams and trolleys in urban networks in relation to traffic conditions. The paper investigates how ITS systems data could be used to model the speed of Public Transport vehicles. This is now possible thanks to the...
Local Nusselt number evaluation in the case of jet impingement
PublicationJet impingement still is one of demanding cases regarding computational fluid dynamics, due to its highly turbulent behaviour, with occurrence of turbulent-laminar transition. Even recently developed methods exhibit some drawbacks – RANS based simulations lack accuracy, LES and DNS based ones require too much computational time. Hybrid methods also exist, but their development and validation is in progress. Nevertheless, CFD application...
Current Source Inverter Fed Drive
PublicationThis book covers three-phase and multiphase (more than three-phase) motor drives including their control and practical problems faced in the field (e.g., adding LC filters in the output of a feeding converter), are considered. The new edition contains links to Matlab®/Simulink models and PowerPoint slides ideal for teaching and understanding the material contained within the book. Readers will also benefit from the inclusion of: A...
PublicationIn the paper, the authors discuss the construction of a model of an exemplary urban layout. Numerical simulation has been performed by means of a commercial software Fluent using two different turbulence models: the popular k-ε realizable one, and the Reynolds Stress Model (RSM), which is still being developed. The former is a 2-equations model, while the latter – is a RSM model – that consists of 7 equations. The studies have...
PublicationIn the present research, Proceed® implant is considered. The system is subjected to short-time dynamic pressure load, similar to post-operative cough naturally occurring in human abdomen. The model refers to a clinical case of 5cm of hernia operated by Proceed implant fixed by 15 joints every 3cm around the orifice. The simulations of the implanted mesh are performed by means of the Finite Element Method. The implant is modelled...
A Broadband Circularly Polarized Wide-Slot Antenna with a Miniaturized Footprint
PublicationThis letter presents a novel and simple feeding technique for exciting orthogonal components in a wide-slot antenna. In this technique, a rectangular bracket-shape parasitic strip is placed at the open end of the straight microstrip line to excite the fundamental horizontal and vertical components of the circular polarization (CP). The proposed technique—when employed in conjunction with the asymmetrical geometry of coplanar waveguide...
Employment of a Nonlinear Adaptive Control System for Improved Control of Dissolved Oxygen in Sequencing Batch Reactor
PublicationA proper control in a complex system, such as Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) with each year is becoming increasingly important. High quality control can minimize an environmental impact as well as reduce operational costs of the WWTP. One of the core issues is providing adequate dissolved oxygen (DO) concetration for microorganisms used in a treatment process. An aeration process of the wastewater realised by an system consisting...
Justification of models of changing project environment for harvesting grain, oilseed and legume crops
PublicationAn analysis of the condition of implementation of projects in agricultural production is carried out. The disadvantages of existing methods and models of planning of the content and time of execution of works in the projects, which mostly do not take into account the changing components of their project environment, are substantiated. The proposed methodology for justifying the models of a changing project environment for harvesting...
The Use of Wavelet Analysis to Denoising of Electrocardiography Signal
PublicationThe electrocardiography examination, due to its accessibility and simplicity, has an important role in diagnostics of the heart ailments. It enables quick detection of various heart defects, undetectable by other kinds of diagnostic tools, so it is very popular. Nevertheless, the measured signal is exposed to a different disturbances. Among them, the electromagnetic interferences, drift of reference electrode and high frequency...
Artificial intelligence for biomedical engineering of polysaccharides: A short overview.
PublicationThe advent of computer-aided concepts and cognitive algorithms, along with fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic thoughts, supported the idea of ‘making computers think like people’ (Lotfi A. Zadeh, IEEE Spectrum, 21 (26–32), 1984). Such a school of thought enabled the sophistication of mission-oriented...
Simulation of fluid structure interaction in a novel design of high pressure axial piston hydraulic pump
PublicationA novel type of an axial, piston-driven high pressure hydraulic pump with variable capacity marks a significant improvement in the area of the hydraulic machinery design. Total discharge from hydrostatic forces eliminates a need for a servomechanism, thus simplifying operation, reducing weight and introducing the possibility of the pump displacement control by computer. PWK-type pumps, invented in the Gdansk University of Technology,...
Simulation of fluid structure interaction in a novel design of high pressure axial piston pump
PublicationA novel type of an axial, piston-driven high pressure hydraulic pump with variable capacity marks a significant improvement in the area of the hydraulic machinery design. Total discharge from hydrostatic forces eliminates a need for a servomechanism, thus simplifying operation, reducing weight and introducing the possibility of the pump displacement control by computer. PWK-type pumps, invented in the Gdansk University of Technology,...
Road traffic can be predicted by machine learning equally effectively as by complex microscopic model
PublicationSince high-quality real data acquired from selected road sections are not always available, a traffic control solution can use data from software traffic simulators working offline. The results show that in contrast to microscopic traffic simulation, the algorithms employing neural networks can work in real-time, so they can be used, among others, to determine the speed displayed on variable message road signs. This paper describes...
Design of Frequency-Reconfigurable Branch-Line Crossover Using Rectangular Dielectric Channels
PublicationThis paper presents an efficient yet straightforward passive reconfiguration technique to tune the operating frequency of a branch-line crossover (BLCO). The underlying principle is to fill rectangular dielectric channels (RDCs) prepared beforehand with either air or materials of different relative permittivity. Two configurations (one RDC and three RDCs in each arm) of the branch-line crossover are employed to estimate the tunability...
Simulation model for evaluation of QOS dynamic routing
PublicationCurrent informational networks use a large variety of technologies to support data exchange. Most of them are focused on IP protocol and include mechanisms which by definition should supply demanded QoS. One of those mechanisms is efficient path calculation - routing. Traffic offered to the network can change very rapidly in short term. Routing should support such traffic changes and all the time calculate valid paths in terms...
Designing acoustic scattering elements using machine learning methods
PublicationIn the process of the design and correction of room acoustic properties, it is often necessary to select the appropriate type of acoustic treatment devices and make decisions regarding their size, geometry, and location of the devices inside the room under the treatment process. The goal of this doctoral dissertation is to develop and validate a mathematical model that allows predicting the effects of the application of the scattering...
Analysis of IPv6 handovers in IEEE 802.16 environment
PublicationThe second generation of WiMAX solutions, based on IEEE 802.16-2005 standard, offers limited mobility support. Unfortunately, after quickly changing the point of attachment on the WiMAX data link layer (DLL), very slow and inefficient IPv6 reconfiguration takes place. Delays introduced by automatic configuration (DHCPv6 and IPv6 protocols) and Mobile IPv6 can easily diminish or even render useless all benefits gained using the...
Nonlinear control of five phase induction motor with synchronized third harmonic flux injection
PublicationThe paper deals with the novel control system for five phase induction motor (IM) that enables the injection of the rotor flux 3rd harmonic component. Two multiscalar models are transformed from the 1-1 and 2-2 vector models developed in the 1st and 3rd harmonic planes. Based on the obtained multiscalar models the synthesis of dual multiscalar control is established. The obtained two multiscalar control systems can independently...
A high-accuracy complex-phase method of simulating X-ray propagation through a multi-lens system
PublicationThe propagation of X-ray waves through an optical system consisting of many X-ray refractive lenses is considered. For solving the problem for an electromagnetic wave, a finite-difference method is applied. The error of simulation is analytically estimated and investigated. It was found that a very detailed difference grid is required for reliable and accurate calculations of the propagation of X-ray waves through a multi-lens...
Investigations of the Methods of Time Delay Measurement of Stochastic Signals Using Cross-correlation with the Hilbert Transform
PublicationThe article presents the results of simulation studies of four methods of estimating time delay for random signals using cross-correlation with the Hilbert Transform. Selected models of mutually delayed stochastic signals were used in the simulations, corresponding to the signals obtained from scintillation detectors in radioisotope measurements of liquid-gas two-phase flow. Standard deviations of the values of the individual functions...
Estimation and Prediction of Vertical Deformations of Random Surfaces, Applying the Total Least Squares Collocation Method
PublicationThis paper proposes a method for determining the vertical deformations treated as random fields. It is assumed that the monitored surfaces are subject not only to deterministic deformations, but also to random fluctuations. Furthermore, the existence of random noise coming from surface’s vibrations is also assumed. Such noise disturbs the deformation’s functional models. Surface monitoring with the use of the geodetic levelling...
Cognitum Ontorion: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning System
Publication“If knowledge can create problems, it is not through ignorance that we can solve them.” (Isaac Asimov). Nevertheless, at any point of human activity, knowledge (besides practice) is a key factor in understanding and solving any given problem. Nowadays, computer systems have the ability to support their users in an efficient and reliable way. In this paper we present and describe the functionality of the Cognitum Ontorion system....
Cost-efficient simulation-driven design of compact impedance matching transformers
PublicationIn this paper, an algorithmic framework for cost-efficient design optimization of miniaturized impedance matching transformers has been presented. Our approach exploits a bottom-up design that involves translating the overall design specifications for the circuit at hand to its elementary building blocks (here, compact microstrip resonant cells, CMRCs), as well as fast surrogate-assisted optimization of the cells followed by simulation-based...
Analiza porównawcza sposobów wyznaczania obciążeń wiatrem na podstawie norm projektowych i analizy przepływu CFD
PublicationW pracy poruszono tematykę wykorzystania analizy przepływu CFD do wyznaczania obciążeń wiatru na konstrukcje. Przedstawiono analizę trzech modeli budynków o dachu dwuspadowym o różnych kątach nachylenia, dla których dokonano porównania wielkości współczynników parcia z wynikami dostępnymi w literaurze. Obliczenia analityczne wykonano zgodnie z normą z PN-EN 1991-1-4, natomiast obliczenia numeryczne wykonano w programie R-Wind Simulation....
Deformable model of a butterfly in motion on the example of Attacus atlas
PublicationInsect wings can undergo significant chordwise (camber) as well as spanwise (twist) deformation during flapping flight but the effect of these deformations is not well understood. The shape and size of butterfly wings leads to particularly large wing deformations, making them an ideal test case for investigation of these effects. High-speed videogrammetry was used to capture the wing kinematics and deformations. The movements of...
Closer Look at the Uncertainty Estimation in Semantic Segmentation under Distributional Shift
PublicationWhile recent computer vision algorithms achieve impressive performance on many benchmarks, they lack robustness - presented with an image from a different distribution, (e.g. weather or lighting conditions not considered during training), they may produce an erroneous prediction. Therefore, it is desired that such a model will be able to reliably predict its confidence measure. In this work, uncertainty estimation for the task...