Search results for: probabilistic methods in civil engineering - Bridge of Knowledge


Search results for: probabilistic methods in civil engineering

Search results for: probabilistic methods in civil engineering

  • Synchro-photogrammetry in the measurement of objects in motion - the case study

    Synchronous photographs and digital photogrammetry methods in a measurement of objects in motion - the experiment. In the following paper, a case study example of a photogrammetric method based on synchronous digital photographs has been presented. This measurement method is an effective solution for tracking of moving objects, dynamic studies and dimensioning of geometry movements. Nowadays, the use of synchronous photography...

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  • Applicability of Emotion Recognition and Induction Methods to Study the Behavior of Programmers


    Recent studies in the field of software engineering have shown that positive emotions can increase and negative emotions decrease the productivity of programmers. In the field of affective computing, many methods and tools to recognize the emotions of computer users were proposed. However, it has not been verified yet which of them can be used to monitor the emotional states of software developers. The paper describes a study carried...

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  • Jan Suchorzewski dr inż.


    Jan Suchorzewski MSc, born 13.03.1990 in Gdańsk, graduated in civil engineering with specialization in engineering structures at Gdańsk University of Technology in 2014, at thye same time begun work at GUT as PhD student working in a project  "Analysis of coupled deterministic-statistic size effect in quasi-brittle materials" performing experimental investigation of shear strength of RC-beams and numerical calculations of concrete...

  • Machine Learning and Text Analysis in an Artificial Intelligent System for the Training of Air Traffic Controllers

    • T. Shmelova
    • Y. Sikirda
    • N. Rizun
    • V. Lazorenko
    • V. Kharchenko

    - Year 2020

    This chapter presents the application of new information technology in education for the training of air traffic controllers (ATCs). Machine learning, multi-criteria decision analysis, and text analysis as the methods of artificial intelligence for ATCs training have been described. The authors have made an analysis of the International Civil Aviation Organization documents for modern principles of ATCs education. The prototype...

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  • Shear Cap Size Selection Method Based on Parametric Analysis of ACI-318 Code and Eurocode 2 Standard


    The scope of the paper is to propose a method for determining the size of shear caps in a slab–column-connections-reinforced concrete structure. Usually, shear heads are used to enhance slab–column connection, especially when the transverse reinforcement does not give the required punching shear load capacity. The dimensions of the shear head should provide the punching shear resistance of the connection inside and outside the...

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  • Job-related emotions and job burnout among civil servants: examining the shape of the relationship in cross-sectional and longitudinal models


    - MEDYCYNA PRACY - Year 2019

    Wstęp: Związek pozytywności, czyli proporcji między pozytywnymi a negatywnymi emocjami, z wypaleniem zawodowym może przybierać kształt krzywoliniowy. Ponadto z perspektywy teoretycznej jest to relacja przyczynowo - skutkowa, w której pozytywność jest proksymalnym, a wypalenie – dystalnym wymiarem dobrostanu zawodowego. Dotychczasowe badania były jednak prowadzone najczęściej w planie poprzecznym i testowały relacje prostoliniowe....

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  • Ammonia Gas Sensors: Comparison of Solid-State and Optical Methods

    • Z. Bielecki
    • T. Stacewicz
    • J. Smulko
    • J. Wojtas

    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Year 2020

    High precision and fast measurement of gas concentrations is important for both understanding and monitoring various phenomena, from industrial and environmental to medical and scientific applications. This article deals with the recent progress in ammonia detection using in-situ solid-state and optical methods. Due to the continuous progress in material engineering and optoelectronic technologies, these methods are among the most...

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  • Diagnosis of Damage in a Steel Tank Model by Shaking Table Harmonic Tests


    Diagnosis of damage in civil engineering structures has recently become an important issue in the safety assessment procedure. Among a number of different approaches, a method of measuring the changes in natural frequencies is one of the most effective indicators of global damage. It has been successfully applied to relatively small. structures, however, the tests on large structures are very difficult and the practical application...

  • Investigation on Mode I Fracture Behavior of Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Geopolymer Composites

    • N. P. Asrani
    • G. Murali
    • H. Abdelgader
    • K. Parthiban
    • M. K. Haridharan
    • K. Karthikeyan


    Recent reports in the literature have shown that fber-reinforced geopolymer composites (FRGC) made with monofbers exhibit a signifcant enhancement in fracture energy. However, many aspects of the fracture performance of hybrid fberreinforced geopolymer composites (HFRGC) remain largely unexploited, and these are predominant for the structures. For the frst time, the mode I fracture energy of HFRGC is investigated. The mode I behavior...

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  • Powojenny rozdział w historii architektury i zagospodarowania portu gdyńskiego


    - Year 2022

    The port of Gdynia, considered one of the largest civil construction projects of the 20th century in Europe, was built at an express pace for only a dozen or so years from the mid-1920s to the end of the 1930s. Unusual solutions from the construction period in the port engineering category, as well as outstanding architectural works The industrial area quickly became architectural symbols of economic growth and the general rebirth...

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  • Emotion Recognition and Its Applications

    The paper proposes a set of research scenarios to be applied in four domains: software engineering, website customization, education and gaming. The goal of applying the scenarios is to assess the possibility of using emotion recognition methods in these areas. It also points out the problems of defining sets of emotions to be recognized in different applications, representing the defined emotional states, gathering the data and...

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  • Review of historical buildings' foundations


    - GEOTECHNIQUE - Year 2005

    The paper presents in brief the history of foundation engineering with a particular regard to its development, applied techniques and materials. Different types of old foundations in relation to various soil conditions are considered. Basic methods of preservation of old foundations, with special emphasis given to their faults and advantages are discussed. Finally, some problems of the reuse of pre-existing foundations are raised....

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  • Analizy ilości i jakości odpływu wód deszczowych i roztopowych z kontrolowanej zlewni zurbanizowanej

    Istotnym problemem Gdańska staje się bezpieczeństwo ekologiczne związane ze spływami miejskimi odprowadzanymi bezpośrednio do wód powierzchniowych, często akwenów użyteczności publicznej. W latach 2011÷2013, Katedra Hydrotechniki Wydziału Inżynierii Lądowej i Środowiska Politechniki Gdańskiej, we współpracy z Wojewódzkim Funduszem Ochrony Środowiska i Gospodarki Wodnej w Gdańsku oraz Gdańskimi Melioracjami, podjęła się wdrożenia...

  • Building Dedicated Project Management Process Basing on Historical Experience


    - Year 2017

    Project Management Process used to manage IT project could be a key aspect of project success. Existing knowledge does not provide a method, which enables IT Organizations to choose Project Management methodology and processes, which would be adjusted to their unique needs. As a result, IT Organization use processes which are not tailored to their specific and do not meet their basic needs. This paper is an attempt to fill this...

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  • Ahmed Manguri PhD Student


    I am a 1st year PhD student at Gdansk University of Technology in the field of Dynamic Analysis of Structures under the supervision of Prof. Jankowski.  I did my MSc in structural Engineering at Cardiff University in the UK and BSc in civil Engineering at Koya University in Kurdistan. I have been an academic staff at University of raparin in Kurditan since 2016. 

  • Between Descriptive Geometry and CAD 3D

    Descriptive geometry provides methods to analyse three-dimensional space through two-dimensional drawings and prepares to create technical documentation. Geometric form of an engineering project is presented by the means of projection methods based on a 3D model, which is present in designer’s imagination. The forthcoming era of Building Information Modelling (BIM) brings changes in the way the engineer works, as the vision is...

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  • A novel hybrid adaptive framework for support vector machine-based reliability analysis: A comparative study

    • S. Yang
    • Z. He
    • J. Chai
    • D. Meng
    • W. Macek
    • R. Branco
    • S. Zhu

    - Structures - Year 2023

    This study presents an innovative hybrid Adaptive Support Vector Machine - Monte Carlo Simulation (ASVM-MCS) framework for reliability analysis in complex engineering structures. These structures often involve highly nonlinear implicit functions, making traditional gradient-based first or second order reliability algorithms and Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) time-consuming. The application of surrogate models has proven effective...

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  • Comparison of centralized and decentralized preemption in MPLS networks


    - Year 2007

    Preemption is one of the crucial parts of the traffic engineering in MPLS networks. It enables allocation of high-priority paths even if the bandwidth on the preferred route is exhausted. This is achieved by removing previously allocated low-priority traffic, so as enough free bandwidth becomes available. The preemption can be performed either as a centralized or a decentralized process. In this article we discuss the differences...

  • Finite Element Method

    e-Learning Courses
    • B. Sobczyk
    • M. Malikan

    Item Name : Finite Element Method- Abaqus learning Field of study : Civil Engineering Faculty : Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering Education level : Second degree studies Form of studies : Full-time studies Year of studies : 1 Study semester : 2 Start of the semester : November 2021 Academic year of the course : 2021/2022 Form of classes : Lecture, Laboratory

  • Coda wave interferometry in monitoring the fracture process of concrete beams under bending test

    Early detection of damage is necessary for the safe and reliable use of civil engineering structures made of concrete. Recently, the identification of micro-cracks in concrete has become an area of growing interest, especially using wave-based techniques. In this paper, a non-destructive testing approach for the characterization of the fracture process was presented. Experimental tests were made on concrete beams subjected to mechanical...

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  • Sensitivity analysis based on non-intrusive regression-based polynomial chaos expansion for surgical mesh modelling


    The modelling of a system containing implants used in ventral hernia repair and human tissue suffers from many uncertainties. Thus, a probabilistic approach is needed. The goal of this study is to define an efficient numerical method to solve non-linear biomechanical models supporting the surgeon in decisions about ventral hernia repair. The model parameters are subject to substantial variability owing to, e.g., abdominal wall...

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  • Surrogate Modeling and Optimization Using Shape-Preserving Response Prediction: A Review



    Computer simulation models are ubiquitous in modern engineering design. In many cases, they are the only way to evaluate a given design with sufficient fidelity. Unfortunately, an added computa-tional expense is associated with higher fidelity models. Moreover, the systems being considered are often highly nonlinear and may feature a large number of designable parameters. Therefore, it may be impractical to solve the design problem...

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  • Special Issue "Applications of Finite Element Modeling for Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems"


    - Applied Sciences-Basel - Year 2021

    Numerical modeling is very important in today's engineering because, among other things, it reduces the costs associated with prototyping or predicting the occurrence of potentially dangerous situations during operation in certain defined conditions. Different methods have so far been used to implement the real structure into the numerical version. The most popular have been variations of the finite element method (FEM). The aim...

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  • Interactive Decision Making, Environmental Engineering, 2022/2023 (summer semester)

    e-Learning Courses
    • A. Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska
    • A. Siemaszko

    The course is designed for students of MSc Studies in Environmental Engineering Person responsible for the subject, carrying out lectures and tutorials: mgr inż. Agata.Siemaszko; The person conducting the lectures and tutorials: dr inż. Anna Jakubczyk-Gałczyńska; The course provides students with knowledge on development and application of statisticalstrategic approach to decision...

  • Designing drainage systems – possible application of advanced calculations and hydrodynamical modeling


    - Year 2015

    Nowadays we can observe a faster development of drainage systems than ever. This gives us an opportunity to de- sign more efficient systems that can cope with the rapid growth of cities and, what comes with it, impervious surfaces. Here the question arises, whether traditional methods used in drainage system design are potent enough to cope with the emerging prob- lems and difficulties. In this paper we will make...

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  • Graphene Production and Biomedical Applications: A Review


    Graphene is a two-dimensional nanomaterial composed of carbon atoms with sp2 hybrid orbitals. Both graphene and graphene-based composite have gained broad interest among researchers because of their outstanding physiochemical, mechanical, and biological properties. Graphene production techniques are divided into top-down and bottom-up synthesis methods, of which chemical vapor deposition (CVD) is the most popular. The biomedical...

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  • The CDIO model in architectural education and research by design

    Architectural education has always been related to experimentation: that is, defining concepts, drawing sketches, working on models, then testing and modifying them. This activity mirrors the CDIO learning methods and objectives. Despite this, research studies into the applicability of the CDIO model in architectural curricula are scarce. In the discipline of architecture, hands-on experiences are associated not only with one of...

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  • Nauka – edukacja – przemysł : synergiczna współpraca dla innowacyjności

    • B. Marek
    • W. Kamrat
    • M. Każmierkowski
    • W. Lewandowski
    • P. Maciej
    • T. Peryt
    • T. Skoczkowski
    • A. Strupczewski
    • S. Adam

    - Przegląd Elektrotechniczny - Year 2017

    W artykule przedstawiono zagadnienia dotycz ą ce relacji na styku nauka-edukacja- przemys ł w aspekcie efektywnej wspó ł pracy dla uzyskania odpowiedniego poziomu synergii w rozwi ą zywaniu problemów energetyki, w szczególno ś ci samowystarczalno ś ci energetycznej i konieczno ś ci wdra ż ania innowacyjnych rozwi ą za ń w tym obszarze. Odniesiono si ę do metod oceny prowadzenia bada ń naukowych w uczelniach...

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  • Demonstrator testera wbudowanego BIST dla układów w pełni różnicowych


    - Measurement Automation Monitoring - Year 2014

    Przedstawiono demonstrator testera wbudowanego, przeznaczony do pracy na stanowisku dydaktycznym w laboratorium z przedmiotu Zaawansowane Metody Pomiarowe i Diagnostyczne. Na stanowisku studenci zapoznają się z technologią BIST (ang. Built-In Self-Test), która jest przykładem wdrożenia strategii projektowania dla testowania.

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  • Smart Knowledge Engineering for Cognitive Systems: A Brief Overview



    Cognition in computer sciences refers to the ability of a system to learn at scale, reason with purpose, and naturally interact with humans and other smart systems, such as humans do. To enhance intelligence, as well as to introduce cognitive functions into machines, recent studies have brought humans into the loop, turning the system into a human–AI hybrid. To effectively integrate and manipulate hybrid knowledge, suitable technologies...

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  • Process Engineering in Circular Economy

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Mąkinia

    Kurs jest przeznaczony dla doktorantów szkoły doktorskiej w dyscyplnach: inżynieria lądowa i transport (SzD), III stopnia, stacjonarne inżynieria środowiska, górnictwo i energetyka (SzD), III stopnia, stacjonarne   The course is addressed to PhD students of the doctoral school in disciplines: civil engineering and transport environmental engineering, mining and power engineering Course type: lecture Total hours of...

  • [ILiT, IŚGiE] Process engineering in circular economy - Nowy

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Mąkinia

    Kurs jest przeznaczony dla doktorantów szkoły doktorskiej w dyscyplnach: inżynieria lądowa i transport (SzD), III stopnia, stacjonarne inżynieria środowiska, górnictwo i energetyka (SzD), III stopnia, stacjonarne The course is addressed to PhD students of the doctoral school in disciplines: civil engineering and transport environmental engineering, mining and power engineering Course type: lecture Total hours of...

  • [ILiT, IŚGiE] Process engineering in circular economy 20/21 Summer

    e-Learning Courses
    • J. Mąkinia

    Kurs jest przeznaczony dla doktorantów szkoły doktorskiej w dyscyplnach: inżynieria lądowa i transport (SzD), III stopnia, stacjonarne inżynieria środowiska, górnictwo i energetyka (SzD), III stopnia, stacjonarne The course is addressed to PhD students of the doctoral school in disciplines: civil engineering and transport environmental engineering, mining and power engineering Course type: lecture Total hours of...

  • Diagnosis of Damage in a Steel Tank with Self-Supported Roof through Numerical Analysis

    The safety of civil engineering structures is one of the most important issues of building industry. That is why the assessment of the damage-involved structural response has recently become of major concern to engineers. Among a number of different approaches to diagnosis of damage, the method of measuring the changes in natural frequencies is considered to be one of the most effective indicators of global damage. From the practical...

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  • Probabilistic seismic assessment of RC box-girder highway bridges with unequal-height piers subjected to earthquake-induced pounding


    - Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering - Year 2020

    This paper uses the probabilistic seismic assessment to study the effects of pounding and irregularity on the seismic behavior of typical concrete box-girder bridges with four levels of altitudinal irregularity. To extend the results for all bridges in the same class, uncertainty related to the earthquake, structural geometries, and materials are considered. Pounding is likely to take place in two cases: the first one concerns...

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  • Comparison of Average Energy Slope Estimation Formulas for One-dimensional Steady Gradually Varied Flow

    To find the steady flow water surface profile, it is possible to use Bernoulli’s equation, which is a discrete form of the differential energy equation. Such an approach requires the average energy slope between cross-sections to be estimated. In the literature, many methods are proposed for estimating the average energy slope in this case, such as the arithmetic mean, resulting in the standard step method, the harmonic mean and...

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  • The Crowd as a Source of Knowledge - From User Feedback to Fulfilling Requirements


    - Year 2024

    Crowd-based and data-intensive requirements engineering (RE) strategy is an approach for gathering and analyzing information from the general public or the so-called crowd to derive validated user requirements. This study aims to conceptualize the process of analyzing information from a crowd to achieve the fulfillment of user requirements. The created model is based on the ADO framework (Antecedents-Decisions-Outcomes). In the...

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  • Towards More Realistic Probabilistic Models for Data Structures: The External Path Length in Tries under the Markov Model


    - Year 2013

    Tries are among the most versatile and widely used data structures on words. They are pertinent to the (internal) structure of (stored) words and several splitting procedures used in diverse contexts ranging from document taxonomy to IP addresses lookup, from data compression (i.e., Lempel- Ziv'77 scheme) to dynamic hashing, from partial-match queries to speech recognition, from leader election algorithms to distributed hashing...

  • Effects of Xanthan Gum Biopolymer on the Permeability, Odometer, Unconfined Compressive and Triaxial Shear Behavior of a Sand


    - Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering - Year 2017

    Biopolymers, which are microbially induced polymers, can be used as an alternative material to improve engineering performance of soils. In this paper, a laboratory study of 0.075-1.0 mm size sand and biopolymer (i.e., xanthan gum) mixtures with various mix ratios (0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, and 1.5%) was performed. The materials, specimen preparation, and test methods are described, as are the results of a suite of permeability, odometer, unconfined...

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  • MaliciousIDE – software development environment that evokes emotions

    Emotions affect every aspect of human live, including work. Numerous studies in software engineering have shown that negative emotions can lower the productivity of programmers. Unlike traditional approaches to managing software development, modern methods, such as Agile and Lean, take into account human aspects of programming. To thoroughly investigate the impact of negative emotions on the work of programmers, a malicious integrated...

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  • Educational Dataset of Handheld Doppler Blood Flow Recordings


    - Year 2022

    Vital signals registration plays a significant role in biomedical engineering and education process. Well acquired data allow future engineers to observe certain physical phenomena as well learn how to correctly process and interpret the data. This dataset was designed for students to learn about Doppler phenomena and to demonstrate correctly and incorrectly acquired signals as well as the basic methods of signal processing. This...

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  • Analysis of The Behavior of Foundations of Historical Buildings

    The article is devoted to the analysis of the behavior of the foundations of historic buildings. Some basic aspects of foundation engineering are discussed, with an emphasis placed on its development, applied techniques, and materials. Several different approaches and methods for the analysis of foundations of historical buildings are presented. A particular analysis has been focused on an example of a typical stone foundation...

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  • Footbridges. Dynamic Design – Selected Problems


    Modern footbridges create challenge in esthetic and structural design. Breaking the proven canons is a recipe for architectural success. However esthetic form has to be also a functional pedestrian bridge. Therefore a good FEM modeling is a key element in engineering part of design. The paper presents selected problems related to the modeling of the dynamic construction of footbridges. Several basic dynamic problems concerning...

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  • On the Business Analyst's Responsibilities in an Agile Software Project - A Multi-Method Study


    - Year 2024

    [Context] Agile methods are now used in the majority of software projects, but the definitions of such methods rarely include the role of a business analyst (BA). [Objective] This paper investigates the responsibilities assigned to BAs participating in agile software projects. [Method] We identified potential responsibilities through a systematic literature review (3 databases) and interviews with 6 practitioners. The most commonly...

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  • A Systematic Literature Review on Implementing Non-functional Requirements in Agile Software Development: Issues and Facilitating Practices

    Agile Software Development methods have become a widespread approach used by the software industry. Non-functional requirements (NFRs) are often reported to be a problematic issue for such methods. We aimed to identify (within the context of Agile projects): (1) the issues (challenges and problems) reported as affecting the implementation of NFRs; and (2) practices that facilitate the successful implementation of NFRs. We conducted...

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    - Year 2016

    Każdego roku w wypadkach drogowych na świecie życie traci prawie 1,3 mln osób, co oznacza prawie niemal 3 tys. ofiar dziennie,. Tyle samo zabitych w ruchu drogowym odnotowujemy rocznie w Polsce. Ekonomiczne straty w wyniku tych wypadków wynoszą ok. 2% światowego PKB. W roku 2010 Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych (ONZ) przyjęła rezolucję pt. „Dekada działań na rzecz bezpieczeństwa ruchu drogowego na lata 2011 – 2020” rozpoczynającą...

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  • S-Modules - An Approach to Capture Semantics fo Modularized DL Knowledge Bases


    Modularity of ontologies has been recently recognized as a key requirement for collaborative ontology engineering and distributed ontology reuse. Partitioning of an ontology into modules naturally gives rise to development of module processing methods. In this paper we describe an algebra of ontology modules developed during our work on a Knowledge Base Management System called RKaSeA. The idea differs from other algebras in the...

  • Protection of bridges against stray current corrosion

    A case study of Siennicki Bridge stray current corrosion hazard is presented. A corrosion risk was caused by incorrectly designed tram line traction which goes over the bridge. No dielectric insulation between running rails and bridge steel construction was used. A variety of protection methods against stray currents are described. Characteristics of the endangered bridge were described. Impressed current cathodic protection system...

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  • Biomechanical properties of 3D-printed bone models


    Bone lesions resulting from large traumas or cancer resections can be successfully treated by directly using synthetic materials or in combination with tissue engineering methods (hybrid). Synthetic or hybrid materials combined with bone tissue’s natural ability for regeneration and biological adaptation to the directions of loading, allow for full recovery of its biological functions. Increasing interest in new production methods...

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  • A Qualitative Study on Non-functional Requirements in Agile Software Development


    Widespread use of agile software development (ASD) methods can be observed nowadays. Non-functional requirements (NFRs) are often reported to be a problematic issue for agile projects, since ASD methods tend to neglect NFRs while focusing on incremental delivery of functional features. Despite that, only very few studies have explored the requirements engineering practices used in ASD and dedicated particularly to NFRs. Objective:...

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