Search results for: ship performance
Tracking of the broadband source of the underwater noise in the very shallow water conditions
PublicationThe paper contains the result s, both theoretical and experimental , connected with the tracking of the underwater noise source as small ships, pontoon , diver and so on. The pro blem of security in the shallow water area is the challenge for underwater acousticians. In this paper there is take n into account the detection of the sources that move on the surface of the sea or underwater in shallow...
Towards an analysis framework for operational risk coupling mode: A case from MASS navigating in restricted waters
PublicationMaritime Autonomous Surface Ships (MASSs) constitute highly interconnected and tightly coupled multistate systems. Incorporating the coupling effects of both interactions and dependencies is centrally important to ensure navigation safety of MASSs. This paper proposes a framework for examining the coupling effects in the operational modes (OM) of MASSs. Failure Modes (FMs) of MASSs related to interactions with the environment and...
Generation and Propagation of Nonlinear Waves in a Towing Tank
PublicationThe paper presents the results of the research focused on linear and nonlinear wave generation and propagation in a deepwater towing tank equipped with a single flap-type wavemaker of variable draft. The problem of wave generation and propagation has been theoretically formulated and solved by applying an analytical method; linear and nonlinear solutions were obtained. The linear solution has been verified experimentally. The...
The effect of numerical 2D and 3D FEM element modelling on strain and stress distributions at laser weld notches in steel sandwich type panels
PublicationLike other means of transport, merchant ships face the problem of increasing requirements concerning the environment protection, which, among other issues, implies the reduction of fuel consumption by the ship. Here, the conventional approach which consists in making use of higher strength steels to decrease the mass of the ship hull can be complemented by the use of new steel structures of sandwich panel type. However, the lack...
PublicationThe article describes the methodology related to determining the multi-criteria routes for sailing ships. Details of sea area discretisation and discretisation of the description of the sailing vessel properties and manoeuvring principles are shown. User requirements were specified (for five different categories of users) and on this basis the criteria for selecting the most suitable shipping route were formulated. The presented...
Combined thrust radial bearing of a submarine main shaft – Design and analysis of failure
PublicationThis paper presents an analysis of the combined thrust radial bearing of a submarine propulsion shaft. The lubrication system of the bearing is based on a fixed ring. The efficiency of the lubrication system depends on the shaft speed and temperature, which affects oil viscosity. In turn, the thrust bearing load also depends on the rotational speed of the shaft, because as the speed increases, the drag of the ship increases simultaneously,...
A Generative Approach to Hull Design for a Small Watercraft
PublicationIn the field of ocean engineering, the task of spatial hull modelling is one of the most complicated problems in ship design. This study presents a procedure applied as a generative approach to the design problems for the hull geometry of small vessels using elements of concurrent design with multi-criteria optimisation processes. Based upon widely available commercial software, an algorithm for the mathematical formulation of...
Equivalent standard manoeuvres for pod-driven ships
PublicationProcedures for carrying out the manoeuvring tests presented in International Maritime Organisation (IMO) resolution MSC.137(76) are based on the capabilities of ships with conventional steering-propulsion systems. Therefore they do not correspond to ships with other steering-propulsion devices, like pod drives. IMO is aware of this shortcoming and for ships with non-conventional steering and propulsion system may permit the use...
Marine traffic risk modelling – an innovative approach and a case study
PublicationThis paper presents a model to analyse the risk of two common marine accidents: collision and grounding. Attention is focused on oil tankers since they pose the highest environmental risks. A case study in selected areas of the Gulf of Finland in ice-free conditions is presented. The model utilizes a formula for risk calculation that considers both the probability of an unwanted event and its consequences. The model can be decomposed...
Założenia modelu zarządzania kryzysowego bezpieczeństwem w portach morskich
PublicationZłożoność przestrzenna i gospodarcza oraz silne oddziaływanie działalności portowej na procesy społeczno-gospodarcze w regionie, wymaga opracowania specjalnego podejścia do zarządzania bezpieczeństwem na obszarach portowych. W pracy przedstawiono założenia modelu zarządzania kryzysowego bezpieczeństwem w portach morskich uwzględniające zasady międzynarodowego kodeksu ISPS (International Ship and Port Security Code) oraz wymagania...
The Niching Mechanism in the Evolutionary Method of Path Planning
PublicationThis paper presents the concept of the niching mechanism in the evolutionary method of path planning. The problem is considered based on the example of a ship path planning. In this method the diversity of individuals is tested in respect to their physical distance, not the fitness function value. The researches show that such an approach increases effectiveness of solution space exploration, what results in a final solution with...
Monitoring of underdeck corrosion by using acoustic emission method
PublicationThis paper presents first short characteristics of underdeck corrosion process as well as a problem of its monitoring. Next is described an acoustic emission (AE) method elaborated by Department of Ship Technology , Quality Systems and Material Engineering, Gdańsk University of Technology in cooperation with partners of CORFAT project realized within 7th EU Frame Program . Further are presented short characteristics of the emission...
The study of acoustic climate of the Southern Baltic
PublicationThis paper presents the statistical characteristics of seawater properties, which are necessary for predicting the propagation of acoustic waves in selected areas of the Baltic Sea. The statistics were elaborated based on long-term measurements of vertical distributions of sound speed, temperature, and salinity, and the nonlinearity parameter B/A. Nonlinear properties of the environment are considered, in connection...
Catamaran dynamics at irregular wave excitations
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy dynamiki jednostki wielokadłubowej typu katamaran poddanej wymuszeniom pochodzącym od falowania nieregularnego.Przeprowadzono analizę dynamiki jednostki wielokadłubowej przy założeniu, że jest on opisany jako model liniowy, na który działa fala nieregularna. Model matematyczny układu dynamicznego jest reprezentowany poprzez równania stanu. Zapisano równania uwzględniające napływ fali czołowej, która wywołuje ruchy...
Impact of Initial Population on Evolutionary Path Planning Algorithm
PublicationIn this paper an impact of initial population on evolutionary path planning algorithm is presented. Tested algorithm is used to determine close to optimal ship paths in collision avoidance situation. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. For the simulation purposes a close to real tested environment is created. Four tests are performed....
Predicting a passenger ship's response during evasive maneuvers using Bayesian Learning
PublicationThe rapidly advancing automation of the maritime industry – for instance, through onboard Decision Support Systems (DSS) – can facilitate the introduction of advanced solutions supporting the process of collision avoidance at sea. Nevertheless, relevant solutions that aim to correctly predict a ship's behavior in irregular waves are only available to a limited extent by omitting the impact of wave stochastics on resulting evasive...
Minimizing Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Ships Using a Pareto Multi-Objective Optimization Approach
PublicationTo confront climate change, decarbonization strategies must change the global economy. According to statements made as part of the European Green Deal, maritime transport should also become drastically less polluting. As a result, the price of transport must reflect the impact it has on the environment and on health. In such a framework, the purpose of this paper is to suggest a novel method for minimizing emissions...
Application of acoustic emission for detection of fatigue microdemage in main and crank bearings for diesel engines
PublicationThe article presents reasons for applying the acoustic emission (AE) to detect fatigue microdamage in main bearings and crank bearings of ship main engines. Problem of determination of the fatigue life for slide bearing bushes was characterized in general. There were demonstrated properties of the objects of research, which were bushings made of the MB58 alloy, as well as an overall description of the research. It was shown that...
Trim Optimisation - Theory and Practice
PublicationForce Technology has been working intensively with trim optimisation tests for almost last 10 years. Focus has primarily been put on the possible power savings and exhaust gases reduction. This paper describes the trim optimisation process for a large cargo vessel. The physics behind changed propulsive power is described and the analyses in order to elaborate the optimum trimmed conditions are presented. Different methods for prediction...
PublicationThe paper deals with the problem of prediction of the rolling period. A special emphasis is put on the practical application of the new method for rolling period prediction with regard to non-linearity of the GZ curve. The one degree-of-freedom rolling equation is applied with using the non-linear stiffness moment and linear damping moment formulas. A number of ships are considered to research the discrepancies between the pending...
Risk criteria for sea-going ships arising from the operation of the main engines' crankshaft - conecting rod - piston systems
PublicationIn the article the risk criterion for sea-going ships arising from the operation of the main engines' crankshaft - connecting rod - piston systems is proposed. These criterion is based on the procedures recommended in the Formal Safety Assessment method developed under the auspices of International Maritime Organization (IMO). First of all the collective risk criterion for ship has been proposed. In the next step, the share of...
Modeling of event trees for the rapid scenario development
PublicationThe paper concerns the safety of ships in abnormal/damage conditions. Some conclusions following from the research associated with development of a method for safety assessment of ships in abnormal/damage conditions is presented in the paper. The method called SSAMADC (Ship Safety Assessment Method in Abnormal/Damage Conditions) is a risk-based method and is connected with application of the quantitative risk assessment QRA approach....
Modelling, Simulation and Optimization of the Wavemaker in a Towing Tank
PublicationThe paper analyses the problem of experimental identification (frequency response), modelling and optimization of the towing tank wavemaker in the Scilab/Xcos environment. The experimental identification of the objects (the towing tank wavemaker placed in the hydrodynamic laboratory of the CTO S.A. Ship Design and Research Centre (CTO)) and the implementation of the models in the simulation environment, enable to perform: 1. tuning...
Features of load and wear of main propulsion devices on sea-going ships with piston combustion engines and their impact on changes in technical states of the systems
PublicationThe paper presents the specificity of operation of propulsion systems of seagoing ships which causes the need to control the load on them, especially on their engines called main engines. The characteristics of the load on the propulsion systems, especially on the main engines as well as on the shaft lines and propellers driven by the engines, along with the process of wear in tribological joints (sliding tribological systems)...
State equations in the mathematical model of dynamic behaviour of multihull floating unit
PublicationPrzedstawiony artykuł dotyczy dynamiki wielokadłubowej jednostki pływającej typu katamaran poddanej wymuszeniom pochodzącym od falowania nieregularnego. Analiza dynamiki jednostki wielokadłubowej została przeprowadzona przy założeniu, że model układu jest modelem liniowym na który działa fala nieregularna. Model matematyczny takiego układu dynamicznego jest reprezentowany poprzez równania stanu. Zapisane zostały równania uwzględniające...
Inlet air fogging of marine gas turbine in power output loss compensation
PublicationThe use of inlet air fogging installation to boost the power for gas turbine engines is widely applied in the power generation sector. The application of fogging to mechanical drive is rarely considered in the literature [1]. This paper will cover some considerations relating to its application to gas turbines in ship drive. There is an important evaporative cooling potential throughout the world when the dynamic data is evaluated,...
Multicriteria Evolutionary Weather Routing Algorithm in Practice
PublicationThe Multicriteria Evolutionary Weather Routing Algorithm (MEWRA) has already been introduced by the author on earlier TransNav 2009 and 2011 conferences with a focus on theoretical application to a hybrid-propulsion or motor-driven ship. This paper addresses the topic of possible practical weather routing applications of MEWRA. In the paper some practical advantages of utilizing Pareto front as a result of multicriteria optimization...
Multi-objective Weather Routing with Customised Criteria and Constraints
PublicationThe paper presents a weather routing algorithm utilising a multi-objective optimisation with constraints, namely the Multi-objective Evolutionary Weather Routing Algorithm (MEWRA). In the proposed approach weather route recommendations can be made simultaneously e.g. for passage time, fuel consumption and safety of passage by means of Pareto optimisation. The sets of criteria and constraints in the optimisation process are fully...
The concept of research on ecological, energy and reliability effects of modified marine fuel oils application to supply compression-ignition engines in real conditions
PublicationWithin the article, basic assumptions of the research project financed by Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water in Gdansk were described. The project concerns the experimental investigations carried out on laboratory compression-ignition engine in conditions of its supply with a non-standard marine fuel oil. Configuration and measuring capability of laboratory test bed presently being constructed were introduced....
Selected aspects of determining the reliability of the pump subsystems with redundancy, used in main engine auxiliary systems
PublicationThe rules of classification societies require the use of redundancy in the systems essential for the safety of the ship. Duplication of pumps in the main engine auxiliary systems like cooling water system, lubricating oil system, fuel oil system is a good example here. Therefore, in the author's opinion, some attention should be paid to this issue. Two important questions arise here. Does duplication of pumps in marine systems...
Experimental research on evolutionary path planning algorithm with fitness function scaling for collision scenarios
PublicationThis article presents typical ship collision scenarios, simulated using the evolutionary path planning system and analyses the impact of the fitness function scaling on the quality of the solution. The function scaling decreases the selective pressure, which facilitates leaving the local optimum in the calculation process and further exploration of the solution space. The performed investigations have proved that the use of scaling...
PublicationThe paper presents a test stand for plate heat exchangers, allowing to identify the technical condition and to predict durability of the heat exchangers used aboard the sea-going ships: ”Oceanograf”, ”Władysław Orkan”and a passenger-car ferry, under the condition that they are of the same type and manufactured by the same company. In the first part three different installations with plate heat exchangers in the engine rooms...
Stability Analysis of the Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Support Structure of Cell Spar Type During its Installation
PublicationThe article presents the results of selected works related to the wider subject of the research conducted at the Faculty of Ocean Engineering and Ship Technology of the Gdansk University of Technology, which concerns design and technology of construction, towing, and settlement on the seabed, or anchoring, of supporting structures for offshore wind farms. As a result of this research, several designs of this type of objects were...
Determination of the dynamic critical maneuvering area in an encounter between two vessels: Operation with negligible environmental disruption
PublicationThis paper introduces the concept of Collision Avoidance Dynamic Critical Area (CADCA) for onboard Decision Support Systems (DSS). The indicator proposed is derived via identification of a minimum required maneuvering zone in an encounter between two vessels. The CADCA model accounts for ship maneuvering dynamics and associated hydrodynamic actions emerging from different rudder angles and forward speed effects. The method presented...
Wpływ smarowności na działania układu tribologicznego (impact of lubricity on the tribological system action)
Publicationthe paper presents analysis and evaluation, based on tests results, of the impact of lubricity of the used lubricating oils (shell argina t 40) on the action of boundary layer of sulzer 6zl40/48 engines aboard the ''włocławek'' sea-going ship. for comparison purposes, the same oils were tested with the ceramizer four-stroke engine (all types of the vidar four-stroke engines) regeneration agent added. so understood boundary layer...
PublicationA large number of hydraulic devices and systems are started in low ambient temperatures. A good example of such a device is the hoisting winch on the ship. Starting hydraulic drive units in thermal shock conditions (rapid supply of hot oil to the cold unit) may lead to incorrect operation of the actuating system, for instance, due to the loss of clearance between cooperating elements. The article presents methods to prevent the...
Analysis of the process of water entry of an amphibious vehicle
PublicationThe paper presents a method of computational and experimental analysis of the process of water entry of an amphibious vehicle. The computational method is based on the Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes Equations (RANSE) solver and the xperiment was carried out in the towing tank at Ship Design and Research Centre S.A. with the use of a scale model. The analysis was focused on the safety of water entry, i.e. the maximum pitch and...
Analiza awarii masztów na STS Pogoria
Publication''Pogoria'' - żaglowiec szkolny uczestniczyła w trakcie ''TALL SHIP RACE 2009'' w rejsie na trasie Gdynia-St.Petesburg. W dniu 7 lipca 2009 roku w trakcie bezpośredniej rywalizacji z płynącą obok siostrzaną - nieco młodszą - ''Kaliakrą'' (jacht płynął lewym halsem, kursem 055, przy wietrze ESE o sile 6B), podczas nadmiernego wyostrzenia do wietru, nastąpiło złamanie fokmasztu, a w konsekwencji - pozostałych dwóch masztów. W artykule...
"Shadow" method application within endoscopic examinations of marine engines
PublicationThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of the working spaces within marine diesel and gas turbine engines. In the beginning, the endoscopy apparatus being on the laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology in Poland has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially...
Evolutionary approach to ship's trajectory planning within Traffic Separation Schemes
PublicationThe paper presents the continuation of the author's research on evolutionary approach to ship trajectory planning. While the general problem of the evolutionary trajectory planning has already been solved, no one has yet touched one of its specific aspects: evolutionary trajectory planning within Traffic Separation Schemes. Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS) is a traffic-management route-system complying with rules of the International...
"Shadow" method application within endoscopic examinations of marine engines
PublicationThe paper deals with diagnostic issues concerning endoscopic examinations of the working spaces within marine diesel and gas turbine engines. In the beginning, the endoscopy apparatus being on the laboratory equipment of the Department of Ship Power Plants of Gdansk University of Technology in Poland has been characterized. The endoscopy considerations have been focused on theoretical bases of a digital image processing and especially...
Termination functions for evolutionary path planning algorithm
PublicationIn this paper a study of termination functions (stop criterion) for evolutionary path planning algorithm is presented. Tested algorithm is used to determine close to optimal ship paths in collision avoidance situation. For this purpose a path planning problem is defined. A specific structure of the individual path and fitness function is presented. For the simulation purposes a close to real tested environment is created. Five...
Optimisation of the Energy Consumption of a Small Passenger Ferry with Hybrid Propulsion
PublicationThe main goal in the design phase is to create a safe ship with a very efficient (and preferably zero-emission) propulsion system. To obtain such ships, new concepts are being developed for both propulsion systems and individual components. The choice of a propulsion system is not straightforward. To optimise the selection of the propulsion system, it is valuable to optimise the energy demand of this unit, which can be done by...
Conceptual design of shore station for an innovative waste collecting vessel
PublicationMarine environment protection legislation in the EU requires ships to return waste they generate on voyages to waste-reception facilities in ports. In many harbors there is a need to expand the port infrastructure to enable the operation of Waste Collecting Vessels (WCVs). In addition, these vessels can perform new functions of cleaning port basins and adjacent waterways. A novelty in the presented research on the conceptual design...
Accuracy of marine gravimetric measurements in terms of geodetic coordinates of land reference benchmark
PublicationThe article presents how the values of (3D) coordinates of land reference points affect the results of gravimetric measurements made from the ship in sea areas. These measurements are the basis for 3D maritime inertial navigation, improving ships' operational safety. The campaign verifying the network absolute point coordinates used as a reference point for relative marine gravity measurements was described. The obtained values...
Ship’s de-perming process using coils lying on seabed
PublicationA ship built from ferromagnetic steel disturbs the uniformity of the Earth’s magnetic field. Changes of ship’s signature are due to the magneto-mechanical interaction of the hull with the Earth’s magnetic field. The ship’s magnetic field can be detected by a magnetic naval mine. For this reason, the vessel has to be demagnetized. There are several methods of ship’s de-perming. The results of experimental and computer simulations...
Cargo ships heat demand - operational experiment
PublicationThe paper presents the results of an experiment conducted on two cargo ships – a 5300 TEU container with a steam heating system and a 7500 dwt general cargo ship with a thermal oil system. On both ships research has been carried out using specially designed measuring equipment. After gathering data about flow velocity and temperatures (steam/ cooling water/ thermal oil/ seawater/ outside air), calculations have been done, resulting...
PublicationThe article deals with one of the scientific issue solved within frames of the research project financed by Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Gdansk, namely, in particular, the method of energy investigations of the self-ignition engine in conditions of its supply with a non-standard (modified) marine fuel. The representative results of engine tests worked out on the especially built laboratory...
Digitalization of High Speed Craft Design and Operation Challenges and Opportunities
PublicationIn recent years, global demands for safe and sustainable ships led to dramatic changes in the maritime industry. Digitalization is expected to play an important part in the future. This is supported by analysis of the autonomous ships market which shows that digitalization of large ship types such as tankers and container ships is well on track. Although to date designs of autonomous High-Speed Craft (HSC) have been developed,...
PublicationRecently, there has been a significant development of ecological propulsion systems, which is in line with the general trend of environmentally friendly “green shipping”. The main aim is to build a safe, low-energy passenger ship with a highly efficient, emission-free propulsion system. This can be achieved in a variety of ways. The article presents the main problems encountered by designers and constructors already at the stage...