Nanolayers in Fiber-Optic Biosensing
PublicationIn this chapter, fiber-optic sensors based on nanolayers or thin films and their ability to perform biophotonic measurements is presented. In the last decade, fiber-optic sensors have gained popularity as biosensing devices. This has been made possible because of the design and the integration of new materials in fiber-optic technology. Nanolayers and thin films made from various materials such as nanodiamond (NCD), boron-doped...
Mechanical Behavior of Bi-Layer and Dispersion Coatings Composed of Several Nanostructures on Ti Substrate
PublicationThree coatings suitable for biomedical applications, including the dispersion coating composed of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), MWCNTs/TiO2 bi-layer coating, and MWCNTs-Cu dispersion coating, were fabricated by electrophoretic deposition (EPD) on Ti Grade II substrate. Optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, and nanoindentation were applied to study topography, chemical, and...
Hydrogen evolution reaction catalyzed by Co-based metal-organic frameworks and their derivatives
PublicationIn this study, Co-bearing Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs) are grown via a facile solvothermal process on the surface of two kinds of conductive substrates – titanium dioxide nanotubes (TiO2NT) and fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO) glass and tested as electrodes in the electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). The materials derived from three organic linkers - terephthalic acid (Co-BDC), 2-aminoterephthalic acid (Co-BDCNH2),...
Fotokatalityczne uzdatnianie wody basenowej = Photocatalytic treatment of swimming pool water
PublicationW uzdatnianiu wody obserwuje się wzrastające znaczenie alternatywnych rozwiązań technologicznych, do których należą metody zaawansowanego utleniania oraz metody fotokatalityczne z zastosowaniem promieniowania ultrafioletowego a także, coraz częściej, promieniowania w zakresie widzialnym (słonecznego). W tym odniesieniu, przedstawiono istotę fotokatalizy w nadfiolecie i w zakresie widzialnym oraz sposoby przygotowania fotokatalizatorów...
Advanced operating methods
PublicationSelected operating methods of resistive gas sensors were presented. The methods utilize flicker noise (1/f noise), which gives additional information about ambient gas when compared with the recorded changes of DC resistance only. Methods of flicker noise measurements were outlined. Recently developed prototype gas sensors comprising golden nanoparticle functionalized with organic ligands can generate intense flicker noise induced...
Molybdenum sulfide modified with nickel or platinum nanoparticles as an effective catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction
PublicationIn this study, we investigate the catalytic performance of molybdenum sulfide (MoS2) modified with either nickel (Ni) or platinum (Pt) nanoparticles as catalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER). The MoS2 was prepared on the TiO2 nanotube substrates via a facile hydrothermal method, followed by the deposition by magnetron sputtering of Ni or Pt nanoparticles on the MoS2 surface. Structural and morphological characterization...
Impact of dyes isomerization effect on the charge transfer phenomenon occurring on the dye/nanosemiconductor interface
PublicationThe present work aimed to find the answer how does the isomerization of the Ru based dyes affect the overall photon-to-current efficiency of the DSSCs and to explain the charge transfer phenomenon occurring on the dye/ nanosemiconductor interface. Therefore, electronic and optical properties of three bipyridine derivatives anchored on the TiO2 electrode were investigated by computational simulations based on quantum chemistry codes...
Effect of ionic liquids on surface and photocatalytic properties of selected semiconducttors
PublicationThe main aim of this doctoral dissertation was to explain the role of ionic liquids in shaping the morphology of selected semiconductors, thereby enhancing the photocatalytic activity. In order to achieve this goal, the following research steps were taken: (i) developing synthesis methods of selected semiconductors, with particular emphasis on the electrochemical oxidation method; (ii) understanding the influence of the selected...
Studies on the synthesis, physicochemical properties and characteristics of the photocatalytic TiO2 nanocomposites based on spinel and hexagonal ferrites used for oxidation of organic contaminants in the aqueous phase.
ProjectsProject realized in Faculty of Chemistry according to UMO-2016/23/D/ST5/01021 agreement from 2017-07-18
Nonlinear impedance of vanadate glasses containing BaTiO3
Open Research DataThe nonlinear impedance of vanadate glasses doped with BaTiO3 was measured. Samples of the composition of x[BaO,TiO2]–(80 − x)V2O5–20Bi2O3 where x = 5, 10 and 15 in mol% were prepared by a conventional melt quenching technique. The melting was performed in alumina crucibles at the temperature of 1273 K–1373 K. The melts were poured on a preheated (573...
Topography and microstructure of phosphate-iron glasses containing niobium and titanium
Open Research DataThe topography and microstructure of phosphate-iron glasses containing niobium and titanium were investigated by the means of X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Glass samples of the composition of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-(35-x)Nb2O5-xTiO2 where x= 0; 7.5 and 15 (in %mol) were prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique. Appropriate...
Effects of electrophoretic deposition times and nanotubular oxide surfaces on properties of the nanohydroxyapatite/nanocopper coating on the Ti13Zr13Nb alloy
PublicationLoad-bearing implants are developed with a particular emphasis placed on an application of ceramic hydroxyapatite coatings in order, to enhance the bioactivity of titanium implants and to shorten the healing time. Therefore, thin, fully crystalline coatings that are, highly adhesive, hydrophilic and demonstrating antibacterial properties are ly looked for. The aim of this research was to develop and characterize the properties...
Silver-modified titania with enhanced photocatalytic and antimicrobial properties under UV and visible light irradiation
PublicationCommercial titania photocatalysts were modified with 2 wt% of silver by photodeposition. The properties of the samples were characterized by DRS, XPS, XRD, FE-SEM and STEM. The modified samples exhibited activity under visible light and enhanced activity under UV irradiation for 2-propanol and acetic acid oxidation, respectively. The time-resolved microwave conductivity (TRMC) analysis indicated that enhanced activity (2.5–8-fold...
The potential of imogolite nanotubes as (co-)photocatalysts: a linear-scaling density functional theory study
PublicationWe report a linear-scaling density functional theory (DFT) study of the structure, wall-polarization absolute band-alignment and optical absorption of several, recently synthesized, open-ended imogolite (Imo) nanotubes (NTs), namely single-walled (SW) aluminosilicate (AlSi), SW aluminogermanate (AlGe), SW methylated aluminosilicate (AlSi-Me), and double-walled (DW) AlGe NTs. Simulations with three different semi-local and dispersion-corrected...
Immittance Studies of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 Ceramics
PublicationResults of studies focusing on the electric behavior of Bi6Fe2Ti3O18 (BFTO) ceramics are reported. BFTO ceramics were fabricated by solid state reaction methods. The simple oxides Bi2O3, TiO2, and Fe2O3 were used as starting materials. Immittance spectroscopy was chosen as a method to characterize electric and dielectric properties of polycrystalline ceramics. The experimental data were measured in the frequency range D = (101–107)...
Spectacular Oxygen Evolution Reaction Enhancement through Laser Processing of the Nickel‐Decorated Titania Nanotubes
PublicationThe selective, laser‐induced modification of the nickel‐decorated titania nanotubes provides remarkable enhancement toward oxygen evolution reaction. Particularly, the irradiation of the laterally spaced crystalline TiO2 nanotubes, results in the formation of the tight closure over irradiated end, preserving their hollow interior. The shape of the absorbance spectra is modulated along with applied energy, and the new absorption...
Submicron inorganic particles as an additional filler in hybrid epoxy matrix composites reinforced with glass fibres
PublicationIn this study, the effect of selected submicron metal oxide (zinc oxide, titanium oxide) or non-metal oxide (silicon dioxide) particles on mechanical and thermo-mechanical properties of epoxy/glass composites was investigated. The applied epoxy resin was a diglycidyl ether of bisphenol-A cured with triethylenetetramine. As a reinforcement twill weave E-glass fabric was used. Hybrid composites (contained particulate and fibrous...
Spectacular Oxygen Evolution Reaction Enhancement Through Laser Processing of the Nickel-Decorated Titania Nanotubes
PublicationThe selective, laser-induced modification of the nickel-decorated titania nanotubes provides remarkable enhancement toward oxygen evolution reaction. Particularly, the irradiation of the laterally spaced crystalline TiO2 nanotubes, results in the formation of the tight closure over irradiated end, preserving their hollow interior. The shape of the absorbance spectra is modulated along with applied energy, and the new absorption...
Mechanical Behavior of Bi-Layer and Dispersion Coatings Composed of Several Nanostructures on Ti13Nb13Zr Alloy
PublicationTitanium implants are commonly used because of several advantages, but their surface modification is necessary to enhance bioactivity. Recently, their surface coatings were developed to induce local antibacterial properties. The aim of this research was to investigate and compare me-chanical properties of three coatings: multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), bi-layer composed of an inner MWCNTs layer and an outer TiO2 layer, and...
Ordered titanium templates functionalized by gold films for biosensing applications – Towards non-enzymatic glucose detection
PublicationRecently, metal nanostructures evoke much interest due to application potential in highly sensitive detectors in biochemistry and medical diagnostics. In this work we report on preparation and characteristics of thin (1–100 nm) Au films deposited onto highly ordered structured titanium templates for SERS (Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy) and electrochemical sensing. The Ti templates are formed by selective removal of TiO2 nanotubes...
Influence of selected submicron inorganic particles on mechanical and thermo-mechanical properties of unsaturated polyester/glass composites
PublicationIn this paper, the influence of different submicron-scaled particles (zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, or silica) on mechanical and thermo-mechanical properties of unsaturated polyester matrix composites reinforced with glass fabric was investigated. Surface morphology of obtained composites was also examined. At first inorganic particles were mechanically dispersed into unsaturated polyester resin system as per the calculated weight...
Fuzzy reasoning system design and assessment of load-bearing endoprostheses and their fabrication processes
PublicationZaproponowano piec zastosowan podejscia rozumowania rozmytego do rozwiazania problemów w dziedzinie biomechanikioraz inzynierii biomateriałów. Obejmuja one: (A) oszacowanie maksymalnych naprezen kontaktowych działajacych naendoproteze, (B) zaprojektowanie procesu spiekania dla otrzymania porowatego implantu, (C) opracowanie planu utleniania wcelu otrzymania struktury nanorurkowej na stopach Ti, (D) oraz (E) zaprojektowanie osadzania...
Linking optical and electronic properties to photoresponse of heterojunctions based on titania nanotubes and chromium, molybdenum, and tungsten oxides
PublicationThe development of photosensitization strategies for titanium dioxide is necessary for the enhancement of its optical and electronic properties towards its application potential in solar photoelectrochemistry. In this work, significant differences in the photosensitizing capability of the 6th group transition metal oxides applied on the surface of titania nanotubes are reported. For the first time, correlations between the experimentally...
Nonlinear impedance of vanadate glass-ceramics containing BaTiO3
Open Research DataThe nonlinear impedance of vanadate glasses doped with BaTiO3 was measured. Samples of the composition of x[BaO,TiO2]–(80 − x)V2O5–20Bi2O3 where x = 5, 10 and 15 in mol% were prepared by a conventional melt quenching technique. The melting was performed in alumina crucibles at the temperature of 1273 K–1373 K. The melts were poured on a preheated (573...
Insightful studies of AuCu nanostructures deposited on Ti platform: Effect of rapid thermal annealing on photoelectrochemical activity supported by synchrotron radiation studies
PublicationIn this work, we present the influence of annealing atmospheres during rapid thermal annealing (40◦C/s) on nanostructured Ti platforms modified by 10 nm layer of AuCu alloy obtained via magnetron sputtering. The AuCu/Ti platform annealed under hydrogen atmosphere exhibits the best photoelectrochemical activity under visible light, i.e. 27 times higher photocurrent than for pure Ti dimpled platform, and the lowest reflectance with minimum...
Degradation of metamizole sodium
PublicationW ostatnich latach notuje się znaczący wzrost konsumpcji leków i suplementów diety. Wiele osób nie zdaje sobie sprawy z niebezpieczeństw jakie niesie za sobą stosowanie leków na własną rękę. Leki przeciwbólowe i przeciwgorączkowe są stosowane w olbrzymich ilościach. Dostają się one do środowiska poprzez oczyszczalnie ścieków, odchody ludzkie i zwierzęce. W celu określenia wpływu tych grup leków na środowisko przeprowadzono badania...
Synthesis of Titanium Dioxide via Surfactant-Assisted Microwave Method for Photocatalytic and Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Applications
PublicationIn this study, titania nanoparticles were obtained using the microwave-assisted technique. Moreover, different surfactants (PEG (Mn = 400), Pluronic P123 and Triton X−100) were used during the synthesis in order to determine their impact on the crystallinity and morphology of the final products. Subsequently, techniques such as XRD, SEM and TEM (performed in high contrast and high-resolution mode), diffuse reflectance spectroscopy...
Influence of Surface Modification of Titanium and Its Alloys for Medical Implants on Their Corrosion Behavior
PublicationTitanium and its alloys are often used for long-term implants after their surface treatment. Such surface modification is usually performed to improve biological properties but seldom to increase corrosion resistance. This paper presents research results performed on such metallic materials modified by a variety of techniques: direct voltage anodic oxidation in the presence of fluorides, micro-arc oxidation (MAO), pulse laser treatment,...
Titania Nanofiber Scaffolds with Enhanced Biointegration Activity—Preliminary In Vitro Studies
PublicationThe increasing need for novel bone replacement materials has been driving numerous studies on modifying their surface to stimulate osteogenic cells expansion and to accelerate bone tissue regeneration. The goal of the presented study was to optimize the production of titania-based bioactive materials with high porosity and defined nanostructure, which supports the cell viability and growth. We have chosen to our experiments TiO2...
Properties of an innovative multi-functional finish for the improvement of indoor air quality
PublicationDue to lifestyle changes, people spend most of their time indoors at present; thus, Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is a matter of utmost importance. Multi-functional and innovative finishes can help to passively improve the IAQ, benefitting the health and comfort of occupants. For this study, reference and pre-mixed commercial mortars are compared to a new multi-functional hydraulic lime mortar for indoor finishes, in which conventional...
Design and Synthesis of NTU-9/C3N4 Photocatalysts: Effects of NTU-9 Content and Composite Preparation Method
PublicationHybrid materials based on graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) and NTU-9 metal–organic frameworks (MOF) were designed and prepared via solvothermal synthesis and calcination in air. The as-prepared photocatalysts were subsequently characterized using Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) analysis, UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (DRS), photoluminescence (PL) emission spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy...
Effective sonophotocatalytic degradation of tetracycline in water: Optimization, kinetic modeling, and degradation pathways
PublicationHybrid advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) are gaining interest in degradation of variety of recalcitrant compounds for water and wastewater treatment, due to possible synergistic effects. The present study systematically evaluated the degradation of tetracycline (TC) with a sonophotocatalytic process combining acoustic cavitation (sonocavitation) and photocatalysis based on N-doped TiO2 catalyst. The TC degradation rate constant...
In Vitro Studies on Nanoporous, Nanotubular and Nanosponge-Like Titania Coatings, with the Use of Adipose-Derived Stem Cells
PublicationIn vitro biological research on a group of amorphous titania coatings of different nanoarchitectures (nanoporous, nanotubular, and nanosponge-like) produced on the surface of Ti6Al4V alloy samples have been carried out, aimed at assessing their ability to interact with adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADSCs) and affect their activity. The attention has been drawn to the influence of surface coating architecture and its physicochemical...
TiO 2 Co x O y composite nanotube arrays via one step electrochemical anodization for visible light–induced photocatalytic reaction
PublicationTiO2CoxOy (x = 1, y = 1 or x = 3, y = 4) composite photocatalysts have been synthesized via one step anodic anodization of TiCo alloys. The effects of the cobalt content in the alloy (5, 10 and 15 wt%), water content (2, 5 and 10%) in the electrolyte solution, and applied voltage (30, 40 and 50 V) during the anodization process on the morphology and surface properties. Additionally, the dependence of cobalt content in the nanotubes...
Nonlinear high temperature impedance of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-27.5Nb2O5-7.5TiO2 glass
Open Research DataThe nonlinear high temperature impedance of iron- phosphate glasses doped with niobium oxide was measured. Glass samples of the composition of 35P2O5-30Fe2O3-27.5Nb2O5-7.5TiO2 (in %mol) were prepared by the conventional melt quenching technique. Appropriate amounts of reagents ((NH4)2HPO4 (≥99.9%, POCH), Fe2O3 (≥99.9%, POCH), Nb2O5 (≥99.9%, PLUKA AG)...
Shape-dependent enhanced photocatalytic effect under visible light of Ag3PO4 particles
PublicationSilver phosphate (Ag3PO4) could be considered as visible light induced photocatalyst for pollutants degradation, due to its narrow band gap (∼2.4 eV). However, Ag3PO4 photoactivity depends on surface properties and synthesis route. In this study, differently shaped Ag3PO4 photocatalysts have been synthesized through the precipitation, ion exchange, soft-chemical or hydrothermal method. To correlate surface properties with photoactivity all...
First highly effective non-catalytic nitrobenzene reduction in UV/dithionite system with aniline production – Advanced reduction process (ARP) approach
PublicationAdvanced reduction processes (ARPs) are currently intensively investigated as an alternative to Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs). The study presents efficient reduction of nitrobenzene under non-catalytic conditions through reaction with free radicals having reductive potential. Effective conversion of nitrobenzene in a model wastewater solution, was obtained for sodium dithionite (SDT)/ dithionite (DTN). The developed process...
Fine-Tuning the Photocatalytic Activity of the Anatase {1 0 1} Facet through Dopant-Controlled Reduction of the Spontaneously Present Donor State Density
PublicationThe present study highlights the importance of the net density of charge carriers at the ground state on photocatalytic activity of the faceted particles, which can be seen as a highly underexplored problem. To investigate it in detail, we have systematically doped {1 0 1} enclosed anatase nanoparticles with Gd3+ ions to manipulate the charge carrier concentration. Furthermore, control experiments using an analogical Nb5+ doped...
Enhanced photoelectrochemical and photocatalytic performance of iodine-doped titania nanotube arrays
PublicationThe paper discusses the synthesis and performance of iodine doped titania nanotube arrays exhibited under irradiation. The doping procedure was performed as an additional, electrochemical process carried out after formation of nanotube arrays via anodization of Ti substrate. The optical and structural properties were characterized using Raman, UV-vis, photoluminescence and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The surface morphology...
Essential Oils, Silver Nanoparticles and Propolis as Alternative Agents Against Fluconazole Resistant Candida albicans, Candida glabrata and Candida krusei Clinical Isolates
PublicationDevelopment of effective and safe therapeutic treatment of fungal infections remains one of the major challenge for modern medicine. The aim of presented investigation was to analyze the in vitro antifungal activity of selected essential oils, ethanolic extracts of propolis and silver nanoparticles dropped on TiO2 against azole-resistant C. albicans (n = 20), C. glabrata (n = 14) and C. krusei (n = 10) clinical isolates. Among...
An Overview of Treatment Approaches for Octahydro-1, 3, 5, 7-tetranitro-1, 3, 5, 7-tetrazocine (HMX) Explosive in Soil, Groundwater, and Wastewater
PublicationOctahydro-1, 3, 5, 7-tetranitro-1, 3, 5, 7-tetrazocine (HMX) is extensively exploited in the manufacturing of explosives; therefore, a significant level of HMX contamination can be encountered near explosive production plants. For instance, up to 12 ppm HMX concentrations have been observed in the wastewater effluent of a munitions manufacturing facility, while up to 45,000 mg/kg of HMX has been found in a soil sample taken from...
Study of Photovoltaic Devices with Hybrid Active Layer
PublicationThe aim of this work is to present the influences of composition of the material andmanufacturing technology conditions of the organic photovoltaics devices (OPv) with the organicand hybrid bulk heterojunction on the active layers properties and cells performance. The layers wereproduced by using small molecular compounds: the metal-phthalocyanine (MePc) and perylenederivatives (PTCDA) and the titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanoparticles....
Catalysts for advanced oxidation processes: Deep eutectic solvents-assisted synthesis – A review
PublicationNew catalyst synthesis techniques, including green materials, are extensively studied for heterogeneous photocatalytic advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) on spotlight of sustainable development. Deep eutectic solvents (DESs) started to be used in this field as environmentally friendly alternative to ionic liquids (ILs). During the catalyst synthesis, DESs can act as stabilizers, capping agents, structure directing agents, templates,...
Implementing an Analytical Model to Elucidate the Impacts of Nanostructure Size and Topology of Morphologically Diverse Zinc Oxide on Gas Sensing
PublicationThe development of state-of-the-art gas sensors based on metal oxide semiconductors (MOS) to monitor hazardous and greenhouse gas (e.g., methane, CH4, and carbon dioxide, CO2) has been significantly advanced. Moreover, the morphological and topographical structures of MOSs have significantly influenced the gas sensors by means of surface catalytic activities. This work examines the impact of morphological and topological networked...
Mateusz Adam Baluk MSc
People -
Laboratorium Syntezy Innowacyjnych Materiałów i Elementów
LaboratoriesZespół specjalistycznych urządzeń pozwala dokonywać syntezy diamentu mikro- i nanokrystalicznego oraz diamentu domieszkowanego borem i azotem do zastosowań w optoelektronice oraz nanosensoryce. Domieszkowany borem nanodiament (BDD) jest obecnie najwydajniejszym materiałem półprzewodnikowym do zastosowania w wytwarzaniu biosensorów elektrochemicznych. Laboratorium może otrzymywać ciągłe cienkie polikrystaliczne, domieszkowane elektrody...
Wiktoria Wojnicz dr hab. inż.
PeopleDSc in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2019 PhD in Mechanics (in the field of Biomechanics) - Lodz Univeristy of Technology, 2009 (with distinction) List of papers (2009 - ) Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of muscles' behaviour. Part I. The computational model of muscle. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, Vol. 11, No.4, 2009, p. 15-21 Wojnicz W., Wittbrodt E., Analysis of...