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Search results for: reference gas mixtures
Controlling the size and morphology of precipitated calcite particles by the selection of solvent composition
PublicationCalcium carbonate particles were obtained in the reaction of calcium hydroxide with carbon dioxide at 65°C. Initial Ca(OH)2 suspensions were prepared in pure water and aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol or glycerol of the concentration range up to 20% (vol.). The course of reaction was monitored by conductivity measurements. Precipitated solids were analyzed by FTIR, XRD, SEM and the particles size distribution was determined...
Field investigation of low-temperature cracking and stiffness moduli on selected roads with conventional and high modulus asphalt concrete
PublicationHigh Modulus Asphalt Concrete (HMAC) was introduced in Poland as a one of the solutions to the problem of rutting, type of deterioration common in the 1990s. After first encouraging trials in 2002 HMAC was widely used for heavily loaded national roads and motorways. However some concerns were raised about low-temperature cracking of HMAC. This was the main reason of the studies presented in this article were started. The article...
Post-Pyrolytic Carbon as a Phase Change Materials (PCMs) Carrier for Application in Building Materials
PublicationThis article covers new application for char as a carrier of phase-change materials (PCM) that could be used as an additive to building materials. Being composed of bio-char and PCM, the granulate successfully competes with more expensive commercial materials of this type, such as Micronal® PCM. As a PCM carrier, char that was obtained from the pyrolysis of chestnut fruit (Aesculus hippocastanum) with different absorbances of the...
Investigation of the Dynamism of Nanosized SOA Particle Formation in Indoor Air by a Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer and Proton-Transfer-Reaction Mass Spectrometry
PublicationTerpenes are VOCs of particular importance, since they are emitted from a wide range of indoor sources and are considered to be precursors of Secondary Organic Aerosol (SOA) formation. It has been proven that SOA particles, especially nanosized ones, pose a threat to human health. In this research, experiments with the application of an environmental chamber and real-time measurement techniques were carried out to investigate in...
Interactions of N-alkyl-N-methylmorpholinium based ionic liquids with acetonitrile studied by density and velocity of sound measurements and molecular dynamics simulations
PublicationMorpholinium-based ionic liquids (ILs) and their mixtures with polar co-solvents are an interesting class of emerging electrolytes in electrochemistry that is relatively poorly studied. In this work, densities and sound velocities of four ILs, N-ethyl-N-methylmorpholinium tetrafluoroborate, N-butyl-N-methylmorpholinium tetrafluoroborate, N-octyl-N-methylmorpho-linium tetrafluoroborate and N-decyl-N-methylmorpholinium tetrafluoroborate...
Data-Driven Modeling of Mechanical Properties of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete: A Critical Review
PublicationFiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) is extensively used in diverse structural engineering applications, and its mechanical properties are crucial for designing and evaluating its performance. The compressive, flexural, splitting tensile, and shear strengths of FRCs are among the most important attributes, which have been discussed more extensively than other properties. The accurate prediction of these properties, which are required...
Simplified Numerical Model for Transient Flow of Slurries at Low Concentration
PublicationRapid transients are particularly dangerous in industrial hydro-transport systems, where solid-liquid mixtures are transported via long pressure pipelines. A mathematical description of such flow is difficult due to the complexity of phenomena and difficulties in determining parameters. The main aim of the study was to examine the influence of the simplified mixture density and wave celerity description on satisfactory reproduction...
Monte Carlo simulations of the fracture resistance degradation of asphalt concrete subjected to environmental factors
PublicationThe paper presents the results of laboratory tests of SCB (semi-circular beam) samples of asphalt concrete, subjected to the destructive effect of water and frost as well as the aging processes. The determined values of material parameters show significant dispersions, which makes the design of mixtures difficult. Statistical analysis of the test results supplemented by computer simulations made with the use of the proprietary...
Linear viscoelastic transversely isotropic model based on the spectral decomposition of elasticity tensors
PublicationThe linear viscoelasticity is still a useful model in the engineering for studying the behavior of materials loaded with different loading rates (frequencies). Certain types of materials reveal also an anisotropic behavior: fiber reinforced composites, asphalt concrete mixtures, or wood, to name a few. In general, researchers try to identify experimentally the dependence of engineering constants like: directional Young’s moduli...
Determination Of Gas Mixture Components Using Fluctuation Enhanced Sensing And The LS-SVM Regression Algorithm
PublicationThis paper analyses the effectiveness of determining gas concentrations by using a prototype WO3 resistive gas sensor together with fluctuation enhanced sensing. We have earlier demonstrated that this method can determine the composition of a gas mixture by using only a single sensor. In the present study, we apply Least-Squares Support-Vector-Machine-based (LS-SVM-based) nonlinear regression to determine the gas concentration...
Determination of chlorine concentration using single temperature modulated semiconductor gas sensor
PublicationA periodic temperature modulation using sinusoidal heater voltage was applied to a commercial SnO2 semiconductor gas sensor. Resulting resistance response of the sensor was analyzed using a feature extraction method based on Fast Fourier Transformation (FFT). The amplitudes of the higher harmonics of the FFT from the dynamic nonlinear responses of measured gas were further utilized as an input for Artificial Neural...
PublicationA thermal diagram of the combined gas‒steam turbine unit of a hybrid cycle, which is an energy complex consisting of a base gas turbine engine with a steam turbine heat recovery circuit and a steam-injected gas turbine operating with overexpansion, is proposed. A mathematical model of a power plant has been developed, taking into consideration the features of thermodynamic processes of simple, binary, and steam-injected...
Application of gas chromatography to evaluate the quality of rapeseed oil
PublicationTwo-dimensional gas chromatography is an analytical technique, which is increasingly being used in food research. Through the analysis of volatile fraction, it is possible to determine the quality of food products. One of the reasons for the deterioration of food is thermal degradation. Products that are often subject to degradation reactions due to temperatures are edible oils. In the thesis, the results of edible oils with different...
Straightening of ship hull structure made of 316L stainless steel - microstructure of reference material
Open Research DataThe AISI 316L type steel belongs to the group of chromium-nickel stainless steels. They are determined according to European standards as X2CrNiMo17-12-2 and belong to the group of austenitic stainless steels. Steels of this group are used for elements working in seawater environments, for installations in the chemical, paper, and food, industries,...
Computational complexity and length of recorded data for fluctuation enhanced sensing method in resistive gas sensors
PublicationThis paper considers complexity and accuracy of data processing for gas detection using resistance fluctuation data observed in resistance gas sensors. A few selected methods were considered (Principal Component Analysis – PCA, Support Vector Machine – SVM). Functions like power spectral density or histogram were used to create input data vector for these algorithms from the observed resistance fluctuations. The presented considerations...
Signal filtering method of the fast-varying diesel exhaust gas temperature
PublicationThe paper presents the problem of the impact of external distortions originating on laboratory test stands on the results of measurements of fast-varying diesel exhaust gas temperature. It has been stressed how significant the aspect of the test stand adaptation is during an experiment to ensure the smallest possible impact. This paper, however, focuses on the methods of mathematical processing of a signal recorded during experimental...
Model of a telecommunication system for monitoring gas leaks from gas pipelines
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Journal of Unconventional Oil and Gas Resources
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AGH Drilling, Oil, Gas Quarterly
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Tianranqi Gongye/Natural Gas Industry
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International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control
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Standing Waves and Acoustic Heating (or Cooling) in Resonators Filled with Chemically Reacting Gas
PublicationStanding waves and acoustic heating in a one-dimensional resonator filled with chemically reacting gas, is the subject of investigation. The chemical reaction of A ! B type, which takes place in a gas, may be reversible or not. Governing equations for the sound and entropy mode which is generated in the field of sound are derived by use of a special mathematical method. Under some conditions, sound waves propagating in opposite...
Nickel Oxide Thin Film Sensor for Fluctuation-Enhanced Gas Sensing of Formaldehyde
PublicationNanocrystalline nickel-oxide-based thin films were prepared by advanced reactive gas deposition, and the response of these films to formaldehyde was studied by fluctuationenhanced sensing. Morphological and structural analyses showed porous deposits of nickel oxide particles with face-centered cubic structure. Resistance fluctuations were measured upon exposure to ethanol, formaldehyde and methane at 200 °C. Power density spectra...
Cooperation of ORC installation with a gas boiler as a perspective co-generation system for households
PublicationThis paper reports tests of an innovative micro-CHP unit prototype, consisting of a traditional gas boiler and organic Rankine cycle (ORC), which incorporates original system components such as an axial vapour microturbine, evaporator and condenser. The system co-generates heat and electricity for a single household or a group of households. Electricity is only a by-product during production of heat. While testing the prototype,...
Characteristics of tyre chips-sand mixtures from triaxial tests
PublicationAnaliza parametrów wytrzymałościowych i odkształcalności mieszanek piasku i kawałków zużytych opon. Powtórne użycie tego materiału, odpowiednio przetworzonego na skrawki i elementy o kształcie kołowym pozwala po odpowiednim zmieszaniu z gruntem niespoistym na uzyskanie materiału o zwiększonej wytrzymałości na ścinanie zachowywanej również przy dużych odkształceniach. Analizowano mieszanki o różnej zawartości opon przy naprężeniach...
Gaseous standard mixtures – the challenge of obtaining small amounts of measurands
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Generation of standard gaseous mixtures by thermal decomposition of surface compounds
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Test of an Optimised Exact-Diagonalization Approach for Trapped Fermionic Mixtures
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Gaseous standard mixtures - the challenge of obtaining small amounts of measurands.
PublicationOpisano wykorzystanie techniki termicznego rozkładu związków powierzchniowych do sporządzania gazowych mieszanin wzorcowych. Przedstawiono wyniki własnych badań ukazujących możliwości uzyskiwania szerokiego zakresu ilości składników mierzonych. Opisano także sposoby wykorzystania otrzymanych mieszanin wzorcowych do kalibracji urządzeń kontrolno-pomiarowych.
Prediction of adsorption equilibria for mixtures of pesticides present in industrial wastewater
PublicationOpierając się na właściwościach termodynamicznych roztworów w równowadze ciecz-ciało stałe, przeprowadzono analizę wybranych modeli matematycznych znanych z literatury, na wyrażenie izoterm adsorpcji cieczowej. Korelację danych przeprowadzono dla dziewięciu modeli matematycznych, w formie znanego zmodyfikowanego równania Freundlich'a. Wykorzystano doświadczalne wyniki badań nad usuwaniem zanieczyszczeń pestycydowych ze ścieków...
FT-IR studies of molecular interactions in formamide-methanol mixtures
PublicationTechniką ATR zmierzono widma FT-IR roztworów metanolu(MeOH) i formamidu(FA) w całym zakresie ich składu. Przeprowadzono analizę faktorową widm, która wykazała obecność dwóch kompleksów molekularnych matanolu z formamidem. Na podstawie profilów stężeniowych indywiduów absorbujących wyznaczono średni skład kompleksów w zależności od składu mieszaniny. Przeprowadzono również analizę pasma CO formamidu metodą widm różnicowych. Wyniki...
Sound velocity and parameter of nonlinearity in the two-component relaxing mixtures
PublicationRozpatruje się własności akustyczne mieszanki dwuskładnikowej zawierającej gaz doskonały i parę cieczy bądź pył ciała stałego. Dokładne obliczenia pozwoliły na wyprowadzenie prędkości dźwięku i parametru nieliniowości jako funkcji koncentracji jednej ze składowych mieszaniny przy zadanych warunkach równowagowych. Przedstawiono wzory ogólne oraz symulacje numeryczne.
Numerical simulation of asphalt mixtures fracture using continuum models
PublicationThe paper considers numerical models of fracture processes of semi-circular asphalt mixture specimens subjected to three-point bending. Parameter calibration of the asphalt mixture constitutive models requires advanced, complex experimental test procedures. The highly non-homogeneous material is numerically modelled by a quasicontinuum model. The computational parameters are averaged data of the components, i.e. asphalt, aggregate...
Effect of polymer fibres reinforcement on selected properties of asphalt mixtures
PublicationThe paper presents selected results of the research program concerning fibre reinforced asphalt concrete. Aramid-polyalphaolefin fibres was used in this study. Selected properties responsible for low temperature cracking and resistance to permanent deformation are presented in this paper. Low temperature cracking susceptibility was evaluated with the results obtained from bending test of rectangular beams with constant rate of...
Effect of strain level on the stiffness of cold recycled bituminous mixtures
PublicationCold recycling is a sustainable technology for the rehabilitation of bitumi-nous pavements. This study investigates the stiffness response of cement-bitumen treated materials (CBTM)manufactured with 80% reclaimed asphalt and treated with 2.0% Portland cement and 4.0% bitumen emulsion. Indirect tensile stiffness modulus tests were carried out to assess the strain dependence of stiffness at target horizontal deformation levels between...
A material model of asphalt mixtures based on Monte Carlo simulations
PublicationThe paper aims to numerically reflect mineral-asphalt mixture structure by a standard FEM software. Laboratory test results are presented due to bending tests of circular notched elements. The result scatter is relatively high. An attempt was made to form a random aggregate distribution in order to obtain various results corresponding to laboratory tests. The material structure calibration, its homogenization and finite element...
Acetaminophen in Friction Ridge Skin Raman Spectra - acetaminophen (paracetamol) Reference and from drugs 2023
Open Research DataRaman spectra for acetaminophen (paracetamol) from different drugs and paracetamol reference.
Soins; la revue de reference infirmiere
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Meat freshness classification using ultra-fast gas chromatography
PublicationMeat constitutes an important component of human diet. In order to ensure that it is safe to consume, it is important to be able to determine whether a particular sample is fresh. To this end, an analysis of the headspace of pork, beef, and poultrywas performed over a period of seven days using ultra-fast gas chromatography. Compounds that may possibly be used as indicators of spoilage were identified. Based on the obtained results...
Analysis and interpretation of radiometric signals in a liquid-gas bubble flow
PublicationThe article presents the analysis of signals from a radiometric system consisting of two scintillation probes and two gamma radiation sealed sources. Calculations and interpretation were carried out for the bubble flow of the water-air mixture in the horizontal pipeline. The analysis of the obtained signals was done in time and frequency domain. In the frequency domain, a range of usable frequencies was identified, which were associated...
On design and analysis of flow characteristics of the last stage of gas-steam turbine
PublicationResearch regarding blade design and analysis of flow have been conducted for over a century. Meanwhile new concepts and design approaches were created and improved. Advancements in information technologies allowed to introduce computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and computational flow mechanics (CFM). Currently a combination of mentioned methods is used for design of turbine blades. These methods enabled us to improve flow efficiency...
Gas Turbine Cycle with External Combustion Chamber for Prosumer and Distributed Energy Systems
PublicationThe use of various biofuels, usually of relatively small Lower Heating Value (LHV), affects the gas turbine efficiency. The present paper shows that applying the proposed air by-pass system of the combustor at the turbine exit causes tan increase of efficiency of the turbine cycle increased by a few points. This solution appears very promising also in combined gas/steam turbine power plants. The comparison of a turbine set operating...
Techniques of acquiring additional features of the responses of individual gas sensors
PublicationGas sensors usually exhibit lack of selectivity, require fre quent calibration, exhibit drift of the response and a lot of factors, such as humidity or ambient temperature, influen ce their performance. Different approaches can be used to overcome this shortcomings. Building arrays of different sensors and usage of pattern recognition methods to analyze responses of elements...
Bifurcation of equilibrium forms of a gas column rotating with constant speed around its axis of symmetry
PublicationWe will be concerned with the problem of deformation of the lateral surface of a column that rotates with constant speed around its axis of symmetry. The column is filled by a gas and our goal is to investigate the deformation of the lateral surface depending on the pressure of the gas.
Fluctuation-Enhanced Sensing with Organically Functionalized Gold Nanoparticle Gas Sensors Targeting Biomedical Applications
PublicationDetection of volatile organic compounds is a useful approach to non-invasive diagnosis of diseases through breath analysis. Our experimental study presents a newly developed prototype gas sensor, based on organically-functionalized gold nanoparticles, and results on formaldehyde detection using fluctuation-enhanced gas sensing. Formaldehyde was easily detected via intense fluctuations of the gas sensor’s resistance, while the cross-influence...
Development of laboratory reference material: Soil 1. Baseline and highly elevated concentrations of metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
PublicationMateriały odniesienia odgrywają istotną rolę we wszystkich elementach systemu zapewnienia jakości wyników pomiarów. Komisja Europejska od ponad 20 lat wspiera programy badawcze ukierunkowane na poprawę jakości pomiarów fizycznych, biologicznych i chemicznych przez używanie odpowiednich materiałów odniesienia. Temat ich stosowania i perspektyw w Europie i na świecie w tej dziedzinie jest przedmiotem licznych dyskusji. Aktualnie...
Experimental investigation of domestic micro-CHP based on the gas boiler fitted with ORC module
PublicationThe results of investigations conducted on the prototype of vapour driven micro-CHP unit integrated with a gas boiler are presented. The system enables cogeneration of heat and electric energy to cover the energy demand of household. The idea of such system is to produce electricity for own demand or for selling it to the electric grid – in such situation the system user will became the prosumer. A typical commercial gas boiler,...
Polyether-block-amide PEBA membranes for gas separation and pervaporation; current design and applications
PublicationPolyether-block-amide (PEBA) membranes have attracted considerable attention for their exceptional efficacy in gas separation and pervaporation processes. This comprehensive review delves into the precise definition, distinguishing characteristics, and diverse applications of PEBA membranes over the past five years. A primary research objective focuses on enhancing gas separation efficiency, primarily through augmenting membrane...
Production of gaseous matrix-free reference materials. Application of thermoanalytical techniques
PublicationMateriały odniesienia są wykorzystywane w każdym laboratorium w celu zapewnienia jakości wyników pomiarów analitycznych. Produkcja materiałów odniesienia nie jest zadaniem łatwym, szczególnie w przypadku składników gazowych, toksycznych i o nieprzyjemnym zapachu. Termiczny rozkład związków powierzchniowych jest bardzo dogodnym sposobem sporządzania właśnie tego rodzaju mieszanin. Ważną rolę w procesie termicznego rozkładu związków...
In Reference to Voice, Swallow and Airway Outcomes Following Tracheostomy for COVID-19