Search results for: SLOW CITY, URBAN AGRICULTURE, SMART CITY, - Bridge of Knowledge





    One of the manifestations of climate changes is the occurrence of a greater number of precipitation events, characterized by greater rain intensity that affects the economic stability of cities. Gdańsk is an example of a city in which such events have occurred since the beginning of the twenty-first century. Due to the altitude differences in the area of Gdańsk city (between –2 m and 180 m a.s.l.), the occurrence of extreme atmospheric...

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  • Uniqueness or uniformity - studies of media architecture

    A development of media architecture is presented in light of to such phenomena as aesthetization, consumerism and digitization. This article deals with media architecture in commercial spaces. Media solutions impact on the architectural skin, making it into visible and dynamic points of the image of a post-modern city. This article presents the specificity of media solutions, depending on the function of commercial activity buildings...

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    Nowadays the issue of electric energy saving in public transport is becoming a key area of interest which is connected both with a growth in environmental awareness of the society and an increase in the prices of fuel and electricity. It can be achieved by improving the usage of regenerative breaking. In 2016 the Przedsiębiorstwo Komunikacji Trolejbusowej (PKT, Trolleybus Transport Company) in Gdynia began practical implementation...

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  • "Creating a numerical model of noise conditions based on the analysis of traffic volume changes in cities with low and medium structure.


    The subject of this research study is to analyze noise conditions of the selected area in the city of Gdańsk using data related to traffic volume changes during a day. This is because daily distribution of noise levels is much more helpful for noise control and reduction than traditional maps with Lden levels indicated. Calculations are made with the use of a numerical model developed at the Gdansk Univ. of Technology and implemented...

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  • "Creating a numerical model of noise conditions based on the analysis of traffic volume changes in cities with low and medium structure.


    - Year 2015

    The subject of this research study is to analyze noise conditions of the selected area in the city of Gdańsk using data related to traffic volume changes during a day. This is because daily distribution of noise levels is much more helpful for noise control and reduction than traditional maps with Lden levels indicated. Calculations are made with the use of a numerical model developed at the Gdansk Univ. of Technology and implemented...

  • Revitalized Mill Island in Bydgoszcz - the identity of the place created by the Brda River and its tributary named Młynowka


    - Year 2011

    Mill Island in Bydgoszcz, Poland is an example of downtown public space where a meander of the Młynówka creates the identity of the area.Before 2005, the only outstanding local feature was the fact that its south and west ends resembled the Venetian canals. The way the other parts of Mill Island were managed was inappropriate for a downtown.A comprehensive revitalization programme is returning Mill Island public space to residents,...

  • Media architecture: participation through the senses


    - Year 2012

    Pervasive media and interactive technologies have become inseparable not only from our everyday life but also from architecture and city spaces. However, the generic use of new technologies in the design process and material production that affects contemporary architecture, results in buildings that become mere visual objects losing their hapticity and non-visual qualities. Despite the substantial advancement in the research studies...

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  • How to fund an additional secular function in the monumental church?


    - Year 2018

    The implementation of a new public function into the non-used church spaces like attics or cellars in context of revitalizing a lawfully protected historical city areas have diversified aspects. The article describes the financial aspect of adaptation of omitted spaces of monumental sacral buildings by presenting funding possibilities in the European Union countries available in period of 2017-2018 and the funds planned for the...

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  • Green, blue and energy in cities


    The article refers to the implementation of blue-green infrastructure in cities, with particular emphasis on the aspect of rainwater and energy management. The article presents the advantages of water and greenery in the city and gives examples of engineering solutions used, both the more popular (including green and biosolar roofs), as well as experimental solutions, which are an interesting and necessary alternative in the era...

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  • Koncepcja połączenia kolejowego Morskiego Portu Gdynia S.A. z Kolejową Obwodnicą Trójmiasta

    Zapotrzebowanie na połączenie rozwijającego się Morskiego Portu Gdynia z Kolejową Obwodnicą Trójmiasta. Utworzenie tak zwanych „długich pociągów”. Wpływ katastrof kolejowych na warunki gruntowe i środowisko. Potrzeba modernizacji linii kolejowych. Kolejowa Obwodnica Trójmiasta jako alternatywa dla przejazdu pociągów przez obszar Aglomeracji Trójmiejskiej.

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  • ELECTIVE PROJECT II _sem 5_Green Story - Free Time Space

    e-Learning Courses
    • K. Życzkowska

    The topic of the course - Green Story - Free Time Space, joins green architecture and a place to spend free time - inside and outside – to read, to eat, to relax. The idea is to design green – to give back the greenery to the public square – to make a city space more friendly for users and more friendly to the environment.  You can design a story, to make a space more attractive. You can design a Green Story, to make people more...

  • Piękno i Energia – odnalezione wartości w budowaniu współczesnego miejskiego środowiska zamieszkania


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  • Woda jako element przyrodniczy w przestrzeni zamieszkiwania. Ideowe formy architektoniczne


    - Year 2019

    Można obecnie zaobserwować nasilające się zjawisko pozamiejskich migracji. Sprzyja im dogodność warunków zamieszkiwania poza miastem. Pojezierze Kaszubskie to obszar, gdzie powstaje wiele pozamiejskich, czasowo zamieszkiwanych domów. Często lokowane są one pobliżu jezior i rzek. Wydaje się, że woda stanowi szczególny walor tych miejsc. Nawiązywane poprzez nią relacje i poczucie współuczestnictwa skłoniły do poszukiwania szczególnych...

  • Trolleybus with traction batteries for autonomous running


    - Year 2013

    In 2009 the transport company of city Gdynia (Poland) introduced in the operation trolleybuses fitted with traction batteries. This solution was designed for emergency situations, such as: damage of overhead lines or power loss. Transport company also considering the use of batteries in regular use. The article presents the operational experiences gained during the current operation. Furthermore, there are presented new trends...

  • Trolleybuses with traction batteries for autonomous running


    - Year 2011

    In 2009 the transport company of city Gdynia (Poland) introducet in the operation trolleybuses fitted with traction batteries. This solution was designed for emergency situations, such as: damage of overhead lines or power loss. Transport company also considering the use of batteries in regular use. The article presents the operational experiences gained during the current operation. Furthermore, there are presented new trends...

  • Heterogeniczne sieci bezprzewodowe - wybrane problemy funkcjonowania

    W artykule została przedstawiona koncepcja hierarchicznej struktury bezprzewodowej sieci heterogenicznej. Scharakteryzowano poszczególne sieci wchodzące w skład sieci heterogenicznej i omówiono zagadnienia związane z bezpieczeństwem, współpracą tych sieci oraz przełączaniem użytkownika między nimi. Ponadto ukazano praktyczne zastosowanie sieci heterogenicznej na przykładzie projektu WCG (Wireless City Gdańsk).

  • POLAND European Union

    The International Society of City and Regional Planners (ISOCARP) took an initiative to illustrate the processes of the spatial development of the member countries in the International Manual of Planning Practice (IMPP). The innovative aspect of this unique source of information is to emphasize the relationship between the planning system and its application in practice. The book consists of a concise synthesis of planning systems...

  • Dominika Wróblewska dr inż. arch.

    Dr. Eng. arch. Dominika Wróblewska, university professor, obtained the title of doctor of technical sciences in 2000. In 2002, she started working at the Faculty of Hydro and Environmental Engineering at the Gdańsk University of Technology (currently the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering) as an assistant professor. Since 2019, he has been working as a university professor. The areas of interest are changes, introducing...

  • Jacek Namieśnik prof. dr hab. inż.


    Scientific discipline: chemistryRector in 2016-2019 He was born on 10 December, 1949 in Mogilno. He graduated in 1972 at the Faculty of Chemistry at Gdańsk University of Technology, obtaining a master's degree in chemical engineering. In 1972 he started working at Gdańsk University of Technology, where in 1978 he defended his doctoral thesis and in 1985 he completed his habilitation. He was appointed an associate professor in 1991...

  • Reshaping the Gdańsk Shipyard—The Birthplace of the Solidarity Movement. The Complexity of Adaptive Reuse in the Heritage Context


    The Gdańsk Shipyard—the birthplace of the Solidarity movement—is host to a unique example of a multi-layered brownfield redevelopment project, an area that is burdened by a complex history, overlapping heritage, and multiple memories. These circumstances require an integrated yet differentiated approach to the site’s heritage and make the creation of one homogeneous narration of its future impossible. At the same time, the size...

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  • Marek Tobiszewski dr hab. inż.

    Born on April 7, 1984 in Gdańsk. In 2012, he defended his doctorate with honors, in 2017 he obtained his habilitation on the basis of the scientific achievement "Development of analytical procedures and solvents for the assessment of environmental nuisance". He has been working at the Department of Analytical Chemistry since 2012. His research interests includes analytical chemistry, especially the analytics of organic compounds...

  • Systemy Smart Cities - studium przypadku

    The paper presents the architecture of an enterprise service bus used in the construction of information systems processing large amounts of data for decision-making needs at the City Hall in Gdańsk. The key concept of processes of bus development involves installation of developing environment, database connection, flow mechanisms and data presentation. The issue was supported by models such as KPI (Key Processes Identifier) and...

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  • The Undisrupted Growth of the Airbnb Phenomenon between 2014–2020. The Touristification of European Cities before the COVID-19 Outbreak


    As a result of the Airbnb eruption, not only has the character of the short-term rental market been completely transformed, but the decades long growth in tourism has also been further accelerated. Therefore, due to the new demands of the tourism economy, the major shift in the usage of historic city centers occurred–the process of ‘touristification’, that results in the emergence of its new, unsustainable form. Despite the significance...

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  • Data Integration from GPS and Inertial Navigation Systems for Pedestrians in Urban Area

    The GPS system is widely used in navigation and the GPS receiver can offer long-term stable absolute positioning information. The overall system performance depends largely on the signal environments. The position obtained from GPS is often degraded due to obstruction and multipath effect caused by buildings, city infrastructure and vegetation, whereas, the current performance achieved by inertial navigation systems (INS) is still...

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  • Architekturführer Danzig: Gdansk Sopot Gdynia


    - Year 2016

    Im Zweiten Weltkrieg bis auf die Grundmauern zerstört, wurde der historische Stadtkern der Hansestadt Danzig als polnisches Gdańsk wiederaufgebaut – ein Paradebeispiel für kritische Rekonstruktion in Polen und zugleich eine bis heute stark umstrittene Entscheidung. Zusammen mit dem mondänen Seebad Sopot und der modernen Hafenstadt Gdynia bildet die Bernsteinstadt eine Metropolregion an der polnischen Ostseeküste: die Dreistadt...

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  • 3D point cloud as a representation of buildings: the Nanotechnology Center and the Auditorium Novum

    Open Research Data

    The product presents the point cloud in the collection of a three-dimensional database in spatial order as the representations of the Nanotechnology Center and the Auditorium Novum buildings (located on the campus of the Gdańsk University of Technology) acquired in the laser scanning technology. According to its high accuracy and precision of data acquisition...

  • Miasto jako marka – analiza wybranych działań marketingowych miasta Lublin


    W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono mechanizmy i proces kształtowania się miasta jako marki. Celem przeprowadzonych badań była analiza wybranych działań marketingowych Lublina od 2007 r. do 2014 r. Zbadano strategię tworzenia się marki „Lublin Miasto Inspiracji” oraz przedstawiono wybrane kampanie promocyjne. Stwierdzono, że dzięki narzędziu Brand Foundations możliwe było skuteczne stworzenie i wprowadzenie marki miasta na rynek....

  • Split-Beam Echosounder Data from Puck Bay


    - Year 2022

    The acoustic data was collected in 2018–2019 in the Bay of Puck in the seasons: autumn, winter, spring. The data was collected during the day and night using three split-beam echosounders with frequencies of 38 kHz, 120 kHz and 333 kHz at a designated study area not far from the city of Hel, while the ship was sailing. To ensure data quality, the echosounders were calibrated and passive noise was measured.

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  • Redevelopment of Gdynia waterfront - students' imagination


    - Year 2014

    The article presents the ideas of Gdynia waterfront redevelopment, proposed by students of the Faculty of Architecture, as diploma works. Gdynia is often a subject of diploma works - as a city of many needs, opportunities and challenges. It gives students the wide range of possibilities to create attractive, modern and unique development – concerning different functions, forms and meanings. Students works have been presented regarding...

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  • The Process of Building Civil Society against the Shortcomings of Polish Planning Legislation


    - Year 2014

    The article presents the main assumptions of the project of Coastal Strip development in Gdansk. According to the authors best knowledge this is the first pro publico bono project in Poland in a large area of the city formed on the initiative of and elaborated by the city's inhabitants supported by two NGOs. Successive stages of the project preparation are discussed on the background of the shortcomings of Polish planning law...

  • Miasta wiedzy - wyzwaniem dla nowych funkcji aglomeracji polskich


    - Year 2008

    Gospodarka oparta na wiedzy (knowledge economy) zmiania glowne funkcje rozwoju miast. Istniejace aglomeracje przeksztalcaja sie w miasta wiedzy (sciece cities), co kreuje srodowisko dla innowacyjnych produktow, procesow i technologii. Powstaje miasto informacyjne (digital city). Artykul prezentuje studium przypadku Gdanskiego Obszaru Metropolitarnego skomponowanego z instytucji badawczych, parkow technologicznych, inkubatorow i...

  • Architektura i woda - przekraczanie granic


    - Year 2013

    Publikacja daje wgląd w procesy kształtowania połączeń wody i form zbudowanych. W obserwowanych współcześnie eksperymentach struktury budynków przeplatają się z zarysami pól wodnych, powstają konstrukcje architektoniczne unoszące się na różnego rodzaju platformach pływających. Woda jest także coraz częściej włączana w projekty urbanistyczne. Linie styku pomiędzy lądem i wodą ulegają modyfikacjom, przywraca się dawne kanały i tworzy...

  • Remote measurement of building usable floor area - Algorithms fusion

    • A. Janowski
    • M. Renigier-Biłozor
    • M. Walacik
    • A. Chmielewska

    - LAND USE POLICY - Year 2021

    Rapid changes that are taking place in the urban environment have significant impact on urban growth. Most cities and urban regions all over the world compete to increase resident and visitor satisfaction. The growing requirements and rapidity of introducing new technologies to all aspects of residents' lives force cities and urban regions to implement "smart cities" concepts in their activities. Real estate is one of the principal...

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  • Comparative Analysis of Developed Rainfall Intensity–Duration–Frequency Curves for Erbil with Other Iraqi Urban Areas


    - Water - Year 2022

    Rainfall Intensity–Duration–Frequency (IDF) relationships are widely used in water infrastructure design and construction. IDF curves represent the relationship between rainfall intensity, duration, and frequency, and are obtained by analyzing observed data. These relationships are critical for the safe design of flood protection structures, storm sewers, culverts, bridges, etc. In this study, the IDF curves and empirical IDF formulas...

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  • Module of priorities for public transport vehicles in the TRISTAR system


    One of the most important elements of the intelligent traffic control systems is the ability to control movement in such a way as to privilege the selected users movement, in particular public transport vehicles. Implemented at the Tri-City the TRISTAR system will also have a module for prioritizing public transport vehicles. The article presents a characteristics of the priority action system: the way of communication with the...

  • Wzbudzone siły wewnętrzne : skutki upr0szczonego modelowania zakrzywionej estakady sprężonej


    the paper presents problems, which were encountered during the construction of a southern road bypass of city gdansk. after prestressing and removing formwork, the contractor spotted, that some of outer bearings are detached. performed analysis showed that, this situation was caused by the usage of a simplified, straight beam model during design phase. the paper shows the influence of a curved in plane prestressed system on internal...

  • Kacper Radziszewski mgr inż. arch.

    In 2016, he completed his master's studies at the Faculty of Architecture of the Gdańsk University of Technology. Architect. Co-organizer and leader of research workshops in the field of parametric architecture and modern fabrication methods, e.g. at the Faculty of Architecture at the Gdańsk University of Technology, at the Sopot University of Technology, at the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Technology in Bratislava,...

  • Museum of the Second World War in Gdansk as an Example of Contemporary Design Trends in Museum Buildings


    At a time when history gives us one of the last opportunities to confront our knowledge of World War II, with the knowledge of people living in those days, there are buildings created with strong transmission not only architectural, but also of a great emotional load. At the same time, when the political system does not forbid to speak openly about the past period, and the technology allows you to create structures, about which...

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  • Specification of private art galleries used in the central part of old town Belgrade


    In Belgrade, since the late 1990s, private art galleries have appeared that indirectly create the image of the city through the propagation of art, take part in the education process of the residents and undertake criticism of local and global events. The article is an answer to the following questions: [1] why and how do the bottom-up art oriented places appear in Belgrade, [2] how do they function, and (3) what is their architectural...

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  • Udział podmiotów gospodarczych determinantą transformacji współczesnego miasta w kierunku inteligentnego miasta

    Wraz ze wzrostem populacji, miasta dotykają złożone problemy. Skalę problemu ilustrują liczby: w 2008 r. na terenach zurbanizowanych żyło ponad 50% światowej populacji, czyli około 3,3 mld ludzi, zaś do 2030 r. prognozuje się wzrost liczby ich mieszkańców do ok. 5 mld. Jedną z koncepcji poprawy warunków życia jest koncepcja smarc city (SC) - inteligentnego miasta.

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  • Kamil Brodnicki dr inż.

    Kamil Brodnicki is an assistant at the Department of Applied Informatics in Management at the Faculty of Economics and Management at the Gdańsk University of Technology. From 2017, he is the head of the Customer Experience laboratory. Since 2011, he has been working in one of the Tri-City IT companies as an IT Systems Analyst, implementing projects in the financial sector. His research interests are focused on the following areas:...



    It is well known by users of Portable Navigation Device (PND) and other GPS-based devices that positioning suffers from (local) significant decreases of accuracy in partially obscured environments like urbanized areas, where buildings (especially high buildings), trees or terrain block large portions of the sky. In such areas, GPS receiver performance is usually deteriorated by the reduced number of currently available satellite...


    It is well known by users of Personal Navigation Device (PND) and other GPS-based devices that positioning suffers from (local) significant decreases of accuracy in partially obscured environments like urbanized areas, where buildings (especially high buildings), trees or terrain block large portions of the sky. In such areas, GPS receiver performance is usually deteriorated by the reduced number of currently available satellite...

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  • Idee inteligentnego rozwoju ( growth) i planowania zintegrowanego w przemianach rozwojowych miast

    • J. Bach Głowińska

    - Year 2010

    Celem pracy było określenie możliwości wykorzystania w warunkach polskich idei inteligentnego rozwoju (ang. smart growth) i planowania zintegrowanego, jako strategii odnowy miast po zbadaniu ich skuteczności dla odnowy miast zachodnioeuropejskich. Idee te zostały opisane w strategicznym dokumencie "Europa 2020 na rzecz inteligentnego i zrównoważonego rozwoju sprzyjającego włączeniu społecznemu", gdzie zakłada się odnowę miast europejskich...

  • Potentials of Water Usage in urban Neighbourhood Structures


    - Year 2014

    This paper will treat about water influence and possibility of its usage in the urban neighborhood structures (e.g. districts, real estate properties, town parts) in the context of actual regional environmental problems and according to directories determined by European targets. It is not rare yet in the basic stage of urban design that water is treated as a threat, not a chance. In result planned structures are often built,...

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  • Input files for the Floodsar software

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Input files for the Floodsar softwareAuthor: Tomasz Berezowski, Gdansk University of Technology,

  • Analysis of spatial changes in the town of Puck with its surroundings in the years 1926, 1940, 1974, 1985, 2000, 2020 on the basis of topographic maps using the BDOT10K database

    Open Research Data
    open access

    Spatial changes over time are extremely valuable due to the possibility of modeling forecasts. This dataset shows how Puck has evolved over a specific period of time. Thanks to this presentation of the data set, it is possible to easily recreate the appearance of the city in particular years. 

  • Procesualne kryteria oceny zrównoważonego projektowania architektonicznego


    - Year 2005

    importance of participation in sustainable design is constantly increasing, as sustainable design becomes a basic idea in architecture. thus mentioning of sustainable design process criteria is authorized. they consist of three following levels: 1) participation in design, 2) participation design, 3) participation design based on the consensus. there is differentia specifica of participation in participatory design because of...

  • The Indicators Assessment of Safety and Functionality of Tram Loops


    - Journal of KONBiN - Year 2020

    The new requirements set for tram loops mean that all stakeholders' expectations regarding their safety and functionality change. This creates a need for new tools for tram loop assessment, which are important interchanges, especially for people living outside the city limits or on their outskirts. The aim of the authors ’research is to create a indicators for assessing the safety and functionality of tram loops. Therefore, the...

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  • Creating Dynamic Maps of Noise Threat Using PL-Grid Infrastructure

    The paper presents functionality and operation results of a system for creating dynamic maps of acoustic noise employing the PL-Grid infrastructure extended with a distributed sensor network. The work presented provides a demonstration of the services being prepared within the PLGrid Plus project for measuring, modeling and rendering data related to noise level distribution in city agglomerations. Specific computational environments,...

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