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Search results for: breath sample collection
Discrete element method modelling of elastic wave propagation in a meso-scale model of concrete
PublicationThis paper deals with the accurate modelling of ultrasonic wave propagation in concrete at the mesoscopic level. This was achieved through the development of a discrete element method (DEM) model capable of simulating elastic wave signals comparable to those measured experimentally. The main objective of the work was to propose a novel methodology for constructing a meso-scale model of concrete dedicated to the analysis of elastic...
Artificial intelligence and productivity: global evidence from AI patent and bibliometric data .
PublicationIn this paper we analyse the relationship between technological innovation in the artificial intelligence (AI) domain and macroeconomic productivity. We embed recently released data on patents and publications related to AI in an augmented model of productivity growth, which we estimate for the OECD countries and compare to an extended sample including non-OECD countries. Our estimates provide evidence in favour of the modern...
Brand loyalty creation in the social network. Does the product category matter?
PublicationThe final goal of all marketers’ effort is to achieve a high level of loyalty toward their brands. Social network brand sites are increasingly attracting the attention of scientists and managers intrigued by their potential application for brand loyalty creation. The aim of this research, based on European sample, is to fill the gap in understanding the product category loyalty and brand loyalty relation as an output of brand identification...
Implementation of multicriteria decision analysis in design of experiment for dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction optimization for chlorophenols determination
PublicationA novel and efficient approach to optimization of extraction step prior the chromatographic determination of nine chlorinated phenols is described. It is based on the combination of design of experiments and multicriteria decision analysis. Such an approach is used to optimize dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction procedure for the determination of 9 chlorophenols in water samples. Three parameters are optimized – sample volume,...
Main strategies, analytical trends and challenges in LC-MS and ambient mass spectrometry-based metabolomics
PublicationA plethora of analytical LC-MS-based methods have been successfully applied to analyses of complex samples of various origin for metabolomics investigations. Over the last ten years, the substantial evolution of ambient mass spectrometry (AMS) techniques has highlighted their tremendous potential in metabolomic studies due to the minimal sample pretreatment requirement and the ability to analyse samples in their native state. This...
The Drop-in-Drop Encapsulation in Chitosan and Sodium Alginate as a Method of Prolonging the Quality of Linseed Oil
PublicationNowadays, the encapsulation of sensitive products by various techniques has become popular as a promising preservation method. In particular, this applies to oils with a high content of unsaturated fatty acids and a high susceptibility to deterioration. This work presents the possibility of using a chitosan and sodium alginate in the form of a hydrogel membrane to protect food ingredients such as linseed oil, which is stored in...
Structural, electrical, and magnetic study of La-, Eu-, and Er- doped bismuth ferrite nanomaterials obtained by solution combustion synthesis
PublicationIn this work, the multiferroic bismuth ferrite materials Bi0.9RE0.1FeO3 doped by rare-earth (RE = La, Eu, and Er) elements were obtained by the solution combustion synthesis. Structure, electrical, and magnetic properties of prepared samples were investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Mössbauer spectroscopy, electrical hysteresis measurement, broadband dielectric spectroscopy, and SQUID magnetometry. All obtained nanomaterials...
Application of deep eutectic solvents in atomic absorption spectrometry
PublicationAtomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) is a widely applied technique for metal quantification due to its practicality, easy use and low cost. However, to improve the metrological characteristics of AAS, in particular the sensitivity and the detection limit, sample pretreatment is commonly used before the detection step itself. In consideration of the principles of Green Analytical Chemistry, new solvents are being introduced into...
Motives for Going International and Entry Modes of Family Firms in Poland
PublicationThe artucule in the theoretical part focuses on theoretical concepts of firm internationalisation and specifics of internationalisation of FBs, especially their motives for going international. In the empirical part the quqantitative approach is adopted. The results of survey are presented on the sample of 216 firms, including 88 FBs. The statistical analysis is carried out
The Algorithm of Modelling and Analysis of Latent Semantic Relations: Linear Algebra vs. Probabilistic Topic Models
PublicationThis paper presents the algorithm of modelling and analysis of Latent Semantic Relations inside the argumentative type of documents collection. The novelty of the algorithm consists in using a systematic approach: in the combination of the probabilistic Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and Linear Algebra based Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) methods; in considering each document as a complex of topics, defined on the basis of separate...
Full scattering profile of circular optical phantoms mimicking biological tissue
PublicationHuman tissue is one of the most complex optical media since it is turbid and nonhomogeneous. In our poster, we suggest a new type of skin phantom and an optical method for sensing physiological tissue condition, basing on the collection of the ejected light at all exit angles, to receive the full scattering profile. Conducted experiments were carried out on an unique set-up for noninvasive encircled measurement. Set-up consisted...
Experimental results of full scattering profile from finger tissue-like phantom
PublicationHuman tissue is one of the most complex optical media since it is turbid and nonhomogeneous. We suggest a new optical method for sensing physiological tissue state, based on the collection of the ejected light at all exit angles, to receive the full scattering profile. We built a unique set-up for noninvasive encircled measurement. We use a laser, a photodetector and finger tissues-mimicking phantoms presenting different optical...
Impact of Demographic Changes onto National Economy Development
PublicationThe effects of population decline and their influence onto the national economy need to be analyzed with reference to modern demographic trends regarding society ageing process. The problem of demographic changes does not only concern the birth rate, life span and migration, but it also refers to economic phenomena and thus, the economic and demographic trend interrelation becomes quite obvious. Macroeconomic approach defines the...
Photos and rendered images of LEGO bricks
PublicationThe paper describes a collection of datasets containing both LEGO brick renders and real photos. The datasets contain around 155,000 photos and nearly 1,500,000 renders. The renders aim to simulate real-life photos of LEGO bricks allowing faster creation of extensive datasets. The datasets are publicly available via the Gdansk University of Technology “Most Wiedzy” institutional repository. The source files of all tools used during...
Comparative analysis of IP-based mobility protocols and fast handover algorithms in IEEE 802.11 based WLANs
PublicationA rapid growth of IP-based networks and services created the vast collection of resources and functionality available to users by means of an uniform method of access - an IP protocol. At the same time, advances in design of mobile electronic devices allowed them to reach utility level comparable to stationary, desktop computers, while still retaining their mobility advantage. Unfortunately, the base IP protocol does not perform...
comparison of circular and rectangular narrow esps with longitudinal wire electrode
PublicationDiesel engines emit fine particles, which are harmful to human and animal health. There are several methods for decrease particulate emission from a diesel engines, but up to now, these methods are not enough effective or very expensive. An electrostatic precipitation was proposed as an alternative method for control of a diesel particulate emission. Therefore, narrow electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) have become a subject of...
Recent total cross section measurements in electron scattering from molecules
PublicationThe grand-total cross sections (TCSs) for electron scattering from a range of molecules, measured over the period 2009-2019 in various laboratories, with the use of different electron transmission systems, are reviewed. Where necessary, the presented TCS data are also compared to earlier results. Collection of investigated molecular targets (biomolecules, biofuels, molecules of technological application,hydrocarbons) reflects their...
Analysis of luminance distribution uniformity in CAVE-type virtual reality systems
PublicationIn recent years, many scientific and industrial centers in the world developed a virtual reality systems or laboratories. The effect of user “immersion” into virtual reality in such systems is largely dependent of optical properties of the system. In this paper, problems of luminance distribution uniformity in CAVE-type virtual reality systems are analyzed. For better characterization of CAVE luminance nonuniformity corner and...
Izabela Zlot mgr
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Determination of short-chain monocarboksylic acids in cattle farm and dairy industry wastewater
PublicationThe paper describes application of various techniques to determine short-chain monocarboksylic acids (SCMAs) in samples from the successive steps from milk production: from wastewater from cattle farm to wastewater from dairy industry. Each technique of sample preparation is followed by gas chromatographic analysis.
Analiza danych osobowych przetwarzanych w systemach telekomunikacyjnych klasy IP PBX oraz metod ich anonimizacji za pomocą systemów SBC
PublicationOpisano wyniki realizacji pracy, dotyczącej analizy systemu telekomunikacyjnego, opartego na technologii VoIP, pod względem wymagań prawnych powstałych wraz z wejściem w życie przepisów Ogólnego Rozporządzenia o Ochronie Danych Osobowych (RODO). Przedstawiono wyniki analizy przykładowego systemu IP PBX Asterisk oraz wykorzystywanego w nim protokołu sygnalizacyjnego SIP, w kontekście przetwarzania danych osobowych, a także metody...
Wpływ technicznych włókien celulozowych na wybrane właściwości kompozytów kauczuku naturalnego
PublicationCelem niniejszej pracy było zbadanie wpływu technicznych włókien celulozowych (dodanych w ilości 10, 20, 30 i 40 phr) jako naturalnego napełniacza na wybrane właściwości kompozytów na osnowie kauczuku naturalnego. Zbadano właściwości wulkanizatów przy statycznym rozciąganiu, w próbie rozdzierności, a także twardość, elastyczność przy odbiciu oraz ścieralność otrzymanych materiałów. Wyniki badań zostały porównane z wulkanizatem...
Silicon microcantilever with impedance sensor
Open Research DataThe issue of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) [1] has been enjoying popularity and interest since the 90s of the 20th century. Microcells are one of the simplest devices of this type, but they can be widely used in sensors. There are reports on the possibility of using this type of sensors in the context of such important issues as diagnostics...
Tax discount for children deducted from income in selected EU countries, available according to the criterion of the number of children (in EUR) in 2017
Open Research DataDespite the far-reaching harmonization of collection mechanisms and the amount of VAT and excise duty rates in the European Union, individual countries, as a rule, conduct individual income tax policies, including a system of reliefs and exemptions. It is worth noting that, as shown below, each European Union country uses at least one method of supporting...
AFM analysis of duplex steel structure and composition
Open Research DataDue to the high content of alloying elements, duplex stainless steels are characterized by a complex structure of phase transitions. Among all types of intermetallic compounds, the sigma phase is of major interest due to its detrimental effect on both mechanical properties and corrosion behavior. It is an intermetallic phase enriched in Cr and Mo and...
Development and Validation of SPE-HPLC-MS/MS Method for Determining Cyclophosphamide in Surface Waters
PublicationA rapid and selective method for trace amounts determination of cyclophosphamide in surface water samples has been developed. A solid phase extraction SPE method for extraction and clean-up procedure has been optimized for determination by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. The analyses proceed in the positive ion mode by means of the electrospray ionization method (ESI). Clean...
Derivation of motor mean phase currents in PMSM drives operating with low switching-to-fundamental frequency ratio
PublicationPulse width modulation (PWM) of inverter output voltage causes the waveforms of motor phase cur-rents to consist of distinctive ripples. In order to provide suitable feedback for the motor current con-trollers, the mean value must be extracted from the currents’ waveforms in every PWM cycle. A com-mon solution to derive the mean phase currents is to sample their value at the midpoint of a symmetrical PWM cycle. Using an assumption...
Shape-controllable synthesis of GdVO4 photocatalysts and their tunable properties in photocatalytic hydrogen generation
PublicationNovel visible light responsive materials for water splitting are essential for the efficient conversion of solar energy into hydrogen bond energy. Among other semiconductors, gadolinium orthovanadate has appropriate conduction and valence band edges positioned to split water molecules and a narrow band gap that allows the use of visible light for hydrogen generation. Thus, we present here that hydrogen evolution under visible light...
Wire Arc Additive Manufactured Mild Steel and Austenitic Stainless Steel Components: Microstructure, Mechanical Properties and Residual Stresses
PublicationWire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM) is an additive manufacturing process based on the arc welding process in which wire is melted by an electric arc and deposited layer by layer. Due to the cost and rate benefits over powder-based additive manufacturing technologies and other alternative heat sources such as laser and electron beams, the process is currently receiving much attention in the industrial production sector. The gas...
Advanced polarization sensitive analysis in optical coherence tomography
PublicationThe optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an optical imaging method, which is widely applied in variety applications. This technology is used to cross-sectional or surface imaging with high resolution in non-contact and non-destructive way. OCT is very useful in medical applications like ophthalmology, dermatology or dentistry, as well as beyond biomedical fields like stress mapping in polymers or protective coatings defects detection....
PublicationHydroxyapatite (HAp) has been attracting widespread interest in medical applications. In a form of coating, it enables to create a durable bond between an implant and surrounding bone tissues. With addition of silver nanoparticles HAp should also provide antibacterial activity. The aim of this research was to evaluate the composition of hydroxyapatite with silver nanoparticles in a non-destructive and non-contact way. For control measurements...
Nanoindentation tests titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V after interference laser treatment
PublicationThe study aimed was to assess selected mechanical properties of surface layers obtained after interference laser treatment – DLIL of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V used for implants. The samples were melted in still air at room temperature, for this purpose Nd:YAG laser was used, the number of laser shots was variable. Next, nanoindentation tests were performed, based on which Young’s modulus and nanohardness in the obtained surface...
Study of the effect of residues of pharmaceuticals on the environment on the example of bioassay Microtox®
PublicationResidues of pharmaceuticals present in the aqueous environment can be found in a mixture of different substances wherein drugs not remain inert with respect to each other. In such mixtures a phenomenon of synergism or antagonism may occur, which can contribute to increase or decrease the overall toxicity of the mixture of drugs. Pharmaceuticals namely: diclofenac (sodium salt), oxyteracycline hydrochloride, fluoxetine hydrochloride,...
Influence of pyrolysis atmosphere on the lithium storage properties of carbon-rich polymer derived SiOC ceramic anodes
PublicationPolymer derived carbon-rich SiOC ceramics are prepared from polysiloxane precursors through a pyrolysis process at 1000 °C using pure argon and argon/hydrogen mixture as pyrolysis atmosphere. The precursor is synthesized from a linear (Si–H)-containing polysiloxane cross-linked with divinylbenzene using hydrosilylation reaction in the presence of a platinum catalyst. Pyrolysis in Ar/H2 mixtures, compared to the treatment under...
Local electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in dynamic mode of galvanic coupling
PublicationA novel method that combines local electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and mapping in dynamicmode is proposed. Method was validated over two galvanic couplings, namely zinc/copper and cad-mium/copper. Impedance spectrum response for all measuring points was obtained by means ofsimultaneous implementation of selected range of frequencies. Proposed method allows the measure-ment in a more time-efficient manner, at the same time...
Direct determination of cadaverine in the volatile fraction of aerobically stored chicken breast samples
PublicationTo supplement the currently used methods for poultry meat shelf life assessment, it might be necessary to develop a technique for rapid headspace analysis of volatiles with no prior sample preparation step. Biogenic amines, in particular cadaverine, are considered meat spoilage indicators. Described in this article are the results of a preliminary investigation of the applicability of proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry...
Scaling Up the Process of Titanium Dioxide Nanotube Synthesis and Its Effect on Photoelectrochemical Properties
PublicationIn this work, for the first time, the influence of scaling up the process of titanium dioxide nanotube (TiO2NT) synthesis on the photoelectrochemical properties of TiO2 nanotubes is presented. Titanium dioxide nanotubes were obtained on substrates of various sizes: 2 × 2, 4 × 4, 5 × 5, 6 × 6, and 8 × 8 cm2. The electrode material was characterized using scanning electron microscopy as well as Raman and UV–vis spectroscopy in order...
Focused ion beam-based microfabrication of boron-doped diamond single-crystal tip cantilevers for electrical and mechanical scanning probe microscopy
PublicationIn this paper, the fabrication process and electromechanical properties of novel atomic force microscopy probes utilising single-crystal boron-doped diamond are presented. The developed probes integrate scanning tips made of chemical vapour deposition-grown, freestanding diamond foil. The fabrication procedure was performed using nanomanipulation techniques combined with scanning electron microscopy and focused ion beam technologies....
The impact of cold plasma on the phenolic composition and biogenic amine content of red wine
PublicationThe effect of cold plasma (CP) on phenolic compound (PC) and biogenic amine (BA) contents of red wine was investigated for the first time. The influence of CP was compared with the effects of a wine preservation using potassium metabisulfite and a combined method. The PC profile was determined by UPLC-PDA-MS/MS while BAs using DLLME-GC–MS. Chemometric analysis also was used. The content of PCs was 3.1% higher in the sample preserved...
Transformational Leadership and Acceptance of Mistakes as a Source of Learning: Poland-USA Cross-Country Study
PublicationThis study explores the influence of transformational leadership on internal innovativeness mediated by mistakes acceptance, including country and industry as factors to be considered and gender and risk-taking attitude as moderators. General findings, primarily based on the US samples (healthcare, construction, and IT industry), confirmed that transformational leadership and internal innovativeness are mediated by mistakes acceptance...
Pheochromocytoma, NOS - Male, 43 - Tissue image [9160729581052541]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of ADRENAL GLAND tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Elemental composition of deposited sediments at the tram-route junction
Open Research DataThis data set contains the elemental composition results of deposited sediments collected at the tram-route junction in Gdańsk. Sample collection began in July 2022, when the tram lines were completed and before the rails were scrubbed (27/07/2022). The second sample round was carried out following rail scrubbing in October 2022 (7/10/2022). Since February...
Pheochromocytoma, NOS - Male, 43 - Tissue image [9160729581058121]
Open Research DataThis is the histopathological image of ADRENAL GLAND tissue sample obtained in Medical University Gdańsk and deposited in ZMDL-GUMED. The sample image was taken using: Pannoramic 250 3DHistech slide scanner (20x magnification) and saved to DICOM format.
Protokoły łączności do transmisji strumieni multimedialnych na platformie KASKADA
PublicationPlatforma KASKADA rozumiana jako system przetwarzania strumieni multimedialnych dostarcza szeregu usług wspomagających zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa publicznego oraz ocenę badań medycznych. Wydajność platformy KASKADA w znaczącym stopniu uzależniona jest od efektywności metod komunikacji, w tym wymiany danych multimedialnych, które stanowią podstawę przetwarzania. Celem prowadzonych prac było zaprojektowanie podsystemu komunikacji...
An assessment of health status and health behaviours in adolescents: main points and methods of the SOPKARD-Junior programme.
PublicationThe study involved preparing and implementing a model of screening assessments for adolescents and comparison of anthropometric examinations between the population of the SOPKARD-Junior programme and representative sample of Polish children in the same years.Additionally, data concerning attendance rates for particular examinations carried out under SOPKARD-Junior programme were presented.Revier2,comment 1
Continuation classes for a non-linear Leslie population model with 2 varying parameters
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "A database schema for the analysis of global dynamics of multiparameter systems" by Z. Arai, W. Kalies, H. Kokubu, K. Mischaikow, H. Oka, P. Pilarczyk, published in SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (SIADS),...
Continuation classes for a non-linear Leslie population model with 3 varying parameters
Open Research DataThis dataset contains selected results of rigorous numerical computations conducted in the framework of the research described in the paper "A database schema for the analysis of global dynamics of multiparameter systems" by Z. Arai, W. Kalies, H. Kokubu, K. Mischaikow, H. Oka, P. Pilarczyk, published in SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems (SIADS),...
Immunoanalityka – użyteczne podejście analityczne w badaniach środowiska
PublicationWażnym krokiem w rozwoju bezpośrednich metodyk analitycznych było opracowanie technik immunoanalitycznych. Początkowo znalazły one zastosowanie praktyczne w analityce medycznej a później także w analityce środowiskowej. Dzięki temu możliwe jest ilościowe oznaczenie stosunkowo szerokiego spektrum ksenobiotyków w próbkach charakteryzujących się złożonym składem matrycy bez praco- i czasochłonnego etapu przygotowania tych próbek do...
Badanie wierności brzmienia dźwięku instrumentów wirtualnych VST/TRTAS
PublicationTematem referatu jest subiektywne badanie wierności brzmienia instrumentów wirtualnych (VST/TRTAS) wykorzystujących próbkowanie dźwięków rzeczywistych instrumentów muzycznych. Na potrzeby przedstawionej pracy wybrano kilka utworów muzyki orkiestrowej z epoki romantyzmu i klasycyzmu, nagranych przy użyciu instrumentów akustycznych. Następnie zaaranżowano fragmenty tych utworów, wykorzystując do tego instrumenty wirtualne i efekty...
Effect of illumination on noise of silicon solar cells
PublicationTransport and noise properties of silicon solar cells in darkness and under illumination have been studied. The measurements were carried out for both reverse and forward bias of the device. The changes in the sample behaviour are due to the variation of PN junction dynamic resistance and, also, the occurence of both 1/f and generation-recombination noise components