Search results for: food science
FOODINTEGRITY Ensuring the Integrity of the European food chain
ProjectsProject realized in Department of Colloid and Lipid Science according to 613688 agreement from 2016-03-27
Identification and characterization of tetracycline resistance in Lactococcus lactis isolated from Polish raw milk and fermented artisanal products
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Genetic characterization of the CcpA-dependent, cellobiose-specific PTS system comprising CelB, PtcB and PtcA that transports lactose in Lactococcus lactis IL1403
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Comparison of Antioxidant Activity of Protein Isolates Derived from Selected Dry-Cured Meat Products
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Selected nutrients determining the quality of different cuts of organic and conventional pork
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Determination of biogenic amines in processed and unprocessed mushrooms from the Polish market
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Particle swarm optimization–artificial neural network modeling and optimization of leachable zinc from flour samples by miniaturized homogenous liquid–liquid microextraction
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Effect of Inoculation with Probiotics and Ageing Time on Selected Functional Properties and Oxidation of Proteins in Dry-Cured Pork Loins
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Influence of sonication on Warner-Bratzler shear force, colour and myoglobin of beef (m. semimembranosus)
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Water properties in pâtés enriched with potato juice
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Wheat bread enriched with raspberry and strawberry oilcakes: effects on proximate composition, texture and water properties
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Thermal processing of pasta enriched with black locust flowers affect quality, phenolics, and antioxidant activity
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Selected dried fruits as a source of nutrients
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Short Term Monitor of Photodegradation Processes in Ranitidine Hydrochloride Observed by FTIR and ATR FTIR
PublicationThe effects of degradation of ranitidine hydrochloride exposed to UVB radiation (l = 310 nm) and oxygen in a weathering chamber were studied by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and Attenuated Total Reflectance Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR). ATR-FTIR profile indicated that the degradation was spatially heterogeneous. Significant amounts of photoproducts were detected only in a directly...
Thermal and spectroscopic profiles variation of cold-pressed raspberry seed oil studied by DSC, UV/VIS, and FTIR techniques
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Determination of phytochemical composition and antioxidant capacity of 22 old apple cultivars grown in Poland
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Differential scanning calorimetry as a tool to assess the oxidation state of cold-pressed oils during shelf-life
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Beer as a potential source of macroelements in a diet: the analysis of calcium, chlorine, potassium, and phosphorus content in a popular low-alcoholic drink
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Oxidative and microbiological stability of raw ground pork during chilled storage as affected by Plant extracts
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The effect of deep pectoral myopathy on the properties of broiler chicken muscles characterised by selected instrumental techniques
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Differential scanning calorimetry for authentication of edible fats and oils - What can we learn from the past to face the current challenges?
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Contribution of phenolic acids isolated from green and roasted boiled-type coffee brews to total coffee antioxidant capacity
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Wet-Milling of Cereals
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Effect of roasted buckwheat flour and hull enrichment on the sensory qualities, acceptance and safety of innovative mixed rye/wheat and wheat bakery products
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Effect of organic calcium supplements on the technological characteristic and sensory properties of gluten-free bread
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Breadmaking performance and technological characteristic of gluten-free bread with inulin supplemented with calcium salts
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Impact of the addition of resistant starch from modified pea starch on dough and bread performance
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Variability of elements and nutritional value of spiny-cheek crayfish (Faxonius limosus, Rafinesque, 1817)
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In vitro bioaccessibility of macro and trace elements in biofortified and conventional farmed gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
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Comparative analysis of triglyceride profiles in human milk from Egyptian and Chinese women across lactation stages
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Elemental characteristics of mushroom species cultivated in China and Poland
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Polyphenols composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of Pinus sylvestris L. shoots extracts depending on different drying methods
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Bio-enriched Pleurotus mushrooms for deficiency control and improved antioxidative protection of human platelets?
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Hypoglycaemic, antioxidative and phytochemical evaluation of Cornus mas varieties
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Determining the true content of quercetin and its derivatives in plants employing SSDM and LC–MS analysis
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A Central Composite Design in increasing the quercetin content in the aqueous onion waste isolates with antifungal and antioxidant properties
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Relationship of colour with the phytocompounds present in Cornus mas cultivars
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Stevia, kaa hee, wild sweet herb from South America - An overview
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The Influence of Selected Drying Methods on the Physical Properties of Dried Apples cv. Jonagold Grown in Different Locations in Europe
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Phytotoxic Metabolites Produced by Diaporthella cryptica, the Causal Agent of Hazelnut Branch Canker
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The atherosclerotic heart disease and protecting properties of garlic: contemporary data
PublicationArtykuł jest pracą przeglądową zawierającą najnowsze dane dotyczące choroby serca w przebiegu miażdżycowym oraz ochonnych właściwości czosnku. Obecnie prowadzone badania wykazały fundamentalną rolę jaką odgrywa czosnek we wszystkich stadiach choroby. Liczne badania in-vitro potwierdzają zdolność czosnku do redukcji parametrów zachorowania na choroby serca w przebiegu miażdżycy: całkowity cholesterol, LDL, trigliceryny, utlenione...
Functional properties of Cornelian cherry (Cornus mas L.): a comprehensive review
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Food safety of potato processed in the aspect of acrylamide risk
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Analysis of the complete genome sequence of the lactococcal bacteriophage bIBB29
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Changes in the phenolic contents and composition of Persicaria odorata fresh and dried leaves
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Comparative characterisation of fatty acids and triacylglycerols from Egyptian and Chinese commercial infant formula
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The spatial distribution of urban community gardens and their associated socio-economic status in Tehran, Iran
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Non-carcinogenic human risk assessment of the consumption of infant formulas contaminated with total and organic mercury
PublicationThe quality of food is paramount for the healthy growth and development of children, with nutrients and contaminants like mercury playing significant roles here. In this study, the levels of total mercury (THg) and methylmercury (MeHg) in infant formulas such as the first infant formula, hypoallergenic formula, comfort formula against colic and constipation, and anti-reflux formula were investigated. A validated and optimized cold...
Dose-dependent influence of commercial garlic (Allium sativum) on rats fed cholesterol-containing diet
PublicationCelem badań było określenie, czy handlowy preparat czosnku może być użyty jako wartościowy składnik diety zapobiegającej wystąpieniu arteriosklerozy. Jako miarę takiego działania przyjęto ograniczenie wzrostu poziomu lipidów, obniżenie poziomu wybranych białek oraz zachowanie poziomu antyoksydantów w surowicy krwi.Wiadomo, że badany produkt ma dużą zawartość włókien błonnika, mikroelementów i polifenoli. Ogólna zawartość przeciwutleniaczy...