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Search results for: offshore structures,random variables, structural reliability, simulation methods
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono badania i naprawy trybuny stadionu żużlowego w Zielonej Górze narażonej na nadmierne drgania podczas synchronicznego tańca kibiców zwanego „Labado”. W trakcie prac wykonano dwa etapy wzmocnień: za pomocą dodatkowych słupków (zalecenie zespołu z Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego) oraz wzmocnienie dodatkowymi stężeniami całej konstrukcji zadaszenia trybuny. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań pomiarowych in...
PublicationW artykule przedstawiono badania i naprawy trybuny stadionu żużlowego w Zielonej Górze narażonej na nadmierne drgania podczas synchronicznego tańca kibiców zwanego „Labado”. W trakcie prac wykonano dwa etapy wzmocnień: za pomocą dodatkowych słupków (zalecenie zespołu z Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego) oraz wzmocnienie dodatkowymi stężeniami całej konstrukcji zadaszenia trybuny. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki badań pomiarowych in...
Generowanie modeli symulacyjnych na potrzeby systemu ekspertowego wspomagającego projektowanie układów automatyki statku
PublicationOmówiono automatyczne generowanie modeli symulacyjnych na potrzeby systemu ekspertowego wspomagającego projektowanie układów automatyki statków. Na podstawie przyjętych założeń projektowych system ekspertowy zleca badania wybranych struktur podsystemów elektroenergetycznych statków. Aplikacja symulacyjna pobiera z biblioteki modele matematyczne elementów składowych struktur, a następnie zestawia modele symulacyjne, wykonuje badania...
W-like bound entangled states and secure key distillation
PublicationWe construct multipartite entangled states with underlying W-type structuresatisfying positive partial transpose (PPT) condition under any (N −1)|1 partition. Then we showhow to distill a N-partite secure key from the states using two different methods: direct applicationof local filtering and novel random key distillation scheme in which we adopt the idea from recentresults on entanglement distillation. Open problems and possible...
Transport of dangerous goods by rail, and threats to the subsoil of the railway surface in the event of a disaster
PublicationIn Poland, in 2020, the mass of dangerous goods (loads) transported by rail was 26 151.06 thousand tone. This translated into the performance of 8 899 691.89 thousand tone - km of transport performance. In 2020, these figures accounted for 11.72% of the weight of goods transported by rail. The situation is similar in other countries around the world. With such a large volume of transport of dangerous...
EM-Driven Size Reduction and Multi-Criterial Optimization of Broadband Circularly-Polarized Antennas Using Pareto Front Traversing and Design Extrapolation
PublicationMaintaining small size has become an important consideration in the design of contemporary antenna structures. In the case of broadband circularly polarized (CP) antennas, miniaturization is a challenging process due to the necessity of simultaneous handling of electrical and field properties (reflection, axial ratio, gain), as well as ensuring sufficient frequency range of operation, especially at the lower edge of the antenna...
PublicationThe article discusses damages of essential tribological associations in crankshaft and piston systems of large power two-stroke engines used as main engines, which take place during transport tasks performed by those ships. Difficulties are named which make preventing those damages impossible, despite the fact that the technical state of engines of this type is identified with the aid of complex diagnostic systems making use of...
PublicationThe article discusses damages of essential tribological associations in crankshaft and piston systems of large power two-stroke engines used as main engines, which take place during transport tasks performed by those ships. Difficulties are named which make preventing those damages impossible, despite the fact that the technical state of engines of this type is identified with the aid of complex diagnostic systems making use of...
Optimum shapes and dimensions of rubber bumpers in order to reduce structural pounding during seismic excitations
PublicationLarge displacement of structures observed during seismic excitations may lead to collisions between two adjacent, insufficiently-separated buildings and may result in major damages of both of them. In many building codes, appropriate equations or approximately recommended distances between structures in order to avoid pounding hazard have been introduced. Unfortunately, further, more detailed considerations show that safety situation...
Theoretical and experimental analysis of guided wave propagation in plate-like structures with sinusoidal thickness variations
PublicationGuided waves have attracted significant attention for non-destructive testing (NDT) and structural health monitoring (SHM) due to their ability to travel relatively long distances without significant energy loss combined with their sensitivity to even small defects. Therefore, they are commonly used in damage detection and localization applications. The main idea of incorporating guided waves in NDT and SHM is based on processing...
Experimental and numerical investigations of ultimate strength of imperfect stiffened plates of different slenderness
PublicationThe objective of this study is to analyse the behaviour of compressed stiffened plates of different slenderness using experimental and numerical methods. The presented results are part of a long-term project to investigate the ultimate strength of geometrically imperfect structures subjected to different degradation phenomena, including corrosion degradation and locked cracks. Several specimens were subjected to a uniaxial compressive...
Expedited Yield-Driven Design of High-Frequency Structures by Kriging Surrogates in Confined Domains
PublicationUncertainty quantification is an important aspect of engineering design, also pertaining to the development and performance evaluation of high-frequency structures systems. Manufacturing tolerances as well as other types of uncertainties, related to material parameters (e.g., substrate permittivity) or operating conditions (e.g., bending) may affect the characteristics of antennas or microwave devices. For example, in the case...
Fiasko projektu inwestycyjnego spowodowane błędami rozpoznania stanu technicznego obiektu i wykonanej dokumentacji projektowej
PublicationRealizacja przedsięwzięć inwestycyjnych w istniejących obiektach budowlanych związana jest z koniecznością wykonania rzetelnej weryfikacji ich aktualnego stanu technicznego, użytych materiałów, wprowadzonych zmian oraz uszkodzeń powstałych w czasie eksploatacji. Pozyskane informacje są podstawą do podejmowania decyzji zarówno technicznych, jak i ekonomicznych związanych z planami inwestycyjnymi. Błędy popełnione przez inżynierów...
Prediction of reinforced concrete walls shear strength based on soft computing-based techniques
PublicationThe precise estimation of the shear strength of reinforced concrete walls is critical for structural engineers. This projection,nevertheless, is exceedingly complicated because of the varied structural geometries, plethora of load cases, and highlynonlinear relationships between the design requirements and the shear strength. Recent related design code regulationsmostly depend on experimental formulations,...
Hidden Tensor Structures
PublicationAny single system whose space of states is given by a separable Hilbert space is automatically equipped with infinitely many hidden tensor-like structures. This includes all quantum mechanical systems as well as classical field theories and classical signal analysis. Accordingly, systems as simple as a single one-dimensional harmonic oscillator, an infinite potential well, or a classical finite-amplitude signal of finite duration...
A Formal Approach to Model the Expansion of Natural Events: The Case of Infectious Diseases
PublicationA formal approach to modeling the expansion of natural events is presented in this paper. Since the mathematical, statistical or computational methods used are not relevant for development, a modular framework is carried out that guides from the external observation down to the innermost level of the variables that have to appear in the future mathematical-computational formalization. As an example we analyze the expansion of Covid-19....
PublicationThe paper deals with issues connected with the behaviour of a streamer cable towed by a survey seismic vessel when the cable undergoes a strike triggered by collision with an underwater moving object. The consequences of such collisions may be both threat to the life of marine animals or damage to underwater units and large economic losses suffered by vessel owners. The risk of such collisions has increased over the last years...
Fabrication of Composite Polyurethane/Hydroxyapatite Scaffolds Using Solvent-Casting Salt Leaching Technique
PublicationScaffolds are porous three-dimensional structures which are used to fill bone losses and make them possible to cells to grow. Many different structural and biological properties are required from them: porosity, mechanical strength and biocompability. The present research is aimed at development of composite polyurethane/hydroxyapatite scaffolds by using the solvent-casting salt leaching method. The SEM examinations were applied...
Model studies to identify input parameters of an algorithm controlling electric supply/consumption process by underground iron ore enterprises
PublicationPurpose is the development of the research format of a mathematical model to select and assess input parameters of an algorithm controlling distribution of electric energy flows in the monitoring structure of electricity supply/ consumption by using equipment of mining enterprises engaged in underground iron ore raw materials extraction. Methods. The analytical research involved a theory of random processes adapted to the real...
A Concept of Modeling and Optimization of Applications in Large Scale Systems
PublicationThe chapter presents the idea that includes modeling and subsequent optimization of application execution on large scale parallel and distributed systems. The model considers performance, reliability and power consumption. It should allow easy modeling of various classes of applications while reflecting key parameters of both the applications and two classes of target systems: clusters and volunteer based systems. The chapter presents...
Effect of Compounding Conditions on Static and Dynamic Mechanical Properties of High Density Polyethylene/Ground Tire Rubber Blends
PublicationSearching for new and cost-effective methods of waste rubber recycling is a subject of research in many scientific centers in the world. In this paper there are presented results of the research of the extrusion process of cheap and environmentally friendly thermoplastic compositions containing 50 % wt. of masses of ground tire rubber (GTR). The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the mixing conditions and...
Airfoil Design Under Uncertainty Using Non-Intrusive Polynomial Chaos Theory and Utility Functions
PublicationFast and accurate airfoil design under uncertainty using non-intrusive polynomial chaos (NIPC) expansions and utility functions is proposed. The NIPC expansions provide a means to efficiently and accurately compute statistical information for a given set of input variables with associated probability distribution. Utility functions provide a way to rigorously formulate the design problem. In this work, these two methods are integrated...
Generalization of Phylogenetic Matching Metrics with Experimental Tests of Practical Advantages
PublicationThe ability to quantify a dissimilarity of different phylogenetic trees is required in various types of phylogenetic studies, for example, such metrics are used to assess the quality of phylogeny construction methods and to define optimization criteria in supertree building algorithms. In this article, starting from the already described concept of matching metrics, we define three new metrics for rooted phylogenetic trees. One...
Seismic probabilistic assessment of steel and reinforced concrete structures including earthquake-induced pounding
PublicationRecent earthquakes demonstrate that prioritizing the retrofitting of buildings should be of the utmost importance for enhancing the seismic resilience and structural integrity of urban structures. To have a realistic results of the pounding effects in modeling process of retrofitting buildings, the present research provides seismic Probability Factors (PFs), which can be used for estimating collision effects without engaging in...
Lead-free bismuth-based perovskites coupled with g–C3N4: A machine learning based novel approach for visible light induced degradation of pollutants
PublicationThe use of metal halide perovskites in photocatalytic processes has been attempted because of their unique optical properties. In this work, for the first time, Pb-free Bi-based perovskites of the Cs3Bi2X9 type (X = Cl, Br, I, Cl/Br, Cl/I, Br/I) were synthesized and subjected to comprehensive morphological, structural, and surface analyses, and photocatalytic properties in the phenol degradation reaction were examined. Furthermore,...
Experimental study on polymer mass used to repair damaged structures
PublicationA new method of repairing damaged structures by injecting the cracks with specially designed polymer mass (flexible two-component grout based on polyurethane resin) has been recently proposed. The technique is mainly dedicated to damaged masonries, especially historical structures where minimum intervention is permitted. The cracks are filled with the special injection, forming the flexible joints bonding the disrupted structural...
Multi-objective optimization of expensive electromagnetic simulation models
PublicationVast majority of practical engineering design problems require simultaneous handling of several criteria. For the sake of simplicity and through a priori preference articulation one can turn many design tasks into single-objective problems that can be handled using conventional numerical optimization routines. However, in some situations, acquiring comprehensive knowledge about the system at hand, in particular, about possible...
Low-Cost Modeling of Microwave Components by Means of Two-Stage Inverse/Forward Surrogates and Domain Confinement
PublicationFull-wave electromagnetic (EM) analysis is one of the most important tools in the design of modern microwave components and systems. EM simulation permits reliable evaluation of circuits at the presence of cross-coupling effects or substrate anisotropy, as well as for accounting for interactions with the immediate environment. However, repetitive analyses required by EM-driven procedures, such as parametric optimization or statistical...
Local mesh morphing technique for parametrized macromodels in the finite element method
PublicationThis paper presents a novel approach for enhancing the efficiency of the design process of microwave devices by means of the finite element method. It combines mesh morphing with local model order reduction (MOR) and yields parametrized macromodels that can be used to significantly reduce the number of variables in the FEM system of equations and acceleration of computer simulation. A projection basis for local reduction is generated...
Induction motor control application in high-speed train electric drive
PublicationThe chapter presents an application of induction motor mechanical speed and load torque observers in high-speed train drives. The observers are applied for a 1.2-MW electric drive with an induction motor. The goal of using such observers is to utilize computed variables for diagnostic purposes of speed sensors and torque transmission system. The concept of diagnostic system is presented in this paper, and proper criteria are proposed....
Verification of Formulas for Periods of Adjacent Buildings Used to Assess Minimum Separation Gap Preventing Structural Pounding during Earthquakes
PublicationInsufficient separation distance between adjacent buildings may lead to serious damages during earthquakes due to structural pounding. The best way to prevent collisions is to provide sufficiently large separation distance between the structures. In this paper, the periods of two closely-spaced linear and nonlinear buildings have been investigated so as to accurately assess the minimum in-between separation gap. A new equation...
Quality assessment of ZnO-based varistors by 1/f noise
PublicationNoise has been used as a diagnostic tool of surge arrester varistor structures comprising of ZnO grains of various type and size. The physical and electrical properties of the measured samples have been described. In the experimental study, the applied measurement system and the results of noise measurements for the selected structures of varistors designed for the continuous working voltage 280 V, 440 V and 660 V have been presented....
Wojciech Sadowski prof. dr hab. inż.
PeopleWojciech Sadowski (born 2 February 1954 in Ostaszewo, Poland), scientist, engineer, professor at Gdansk University of Technology, specialist in solid state body physics, nanotechnology, optoelectronics. In 1973 he completed his high school education at High School Nicolaus Copernicus in Chelmno. In 1979 he graduate from Leningrad Electrotechnical Institute in Russia (former Soviet Union) with specialism in dielectrics and semiconductors....
Marta Kuc-Czarnecka dr
PeopleMarta Kuc-Czarnecka is the deputy head of the Department of Statistics and Economics at the Faculty of Management and Economics of the Gdańsk University of Technology. She also serves as the Dean's proxy for AMBA accreditation. She is a co-founder of Rethinking Economics Gdańsk and a member of the Foundation Edward Lipiński for the promotion of pluralism in economic sciences. In 2018-2022, she was Eurofound’s quality of life and...
Long range molecular dynamics study of regulation of eukaryotic glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase activity by UDP-GlcNAc
PublicationGlucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN-6-P) synthase catalyses the first and practically irreversible step in hexosamine metabolism. The final product of this pathway, uridine 5' diphospho N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (UDPGlcNAc), is an essential substrate for assembly of bacterialand fungal cell walls. Moreover, the enzyme is involved in phenomenon of hexosamine induced insulin resistance in type II diabetes, which makes it a potential target...
Behaviour of Asymmetric Structure with Base Isolation Made of Polymeric Bearings
PublicationEarthquake-induced ground motions are the most severe and unpredictable threats to the structures all around the world. Seismic excitations cause a lot of damage in a wide variety of ways, leaving thousands of casualties in their wake. Due to randomness of earthquake occurrence, lack of visible causes and their power of destructiveness, structural engineers need to develop new technical solutions and protection systems against...
The application of non-destructive methods in the diagnostics of the approach pavement at the bridges
PublicationThe article presents the possibility of using non-destructive methods of road pavement diagnostics as an alternative to traditional means to assess the reasons for premature cracks adjacent to bridge objects. Two scanning methods were used: laser scanning to measure geometric surface deformation and ground penetrating radar (GPR) inspection to assess the road pavement condition. With the use of a laser scanner, an effective tool...
Hybrid DUMBRA: an efficient QoS routing algorithm for networks with DiffServ architecture
PublicationDynamic routing is very important issue of current packet networks. It may support the QoS and help utilize available network resources. Unfortunately current routing mechanisms are not sufficient to fully support QoS. Although many research has been done in this area no generic QoS routing algorithm has been proposed that could be used across all network structures. Existing QoS routing algorithms are either dedicated to limited...
Cost-Efficient Surrogate Modeling of High-Frequency Structures Using Nested Kriging with Automated Adjustment of Model Domain Lateral Dimensions
PublicationSurrogate models are becoming popular tools of choice in mitigating issues related to the excessive cost of electromagnetic (EM)-driven design of high-frequency structures. Among available techniques, approximation modeling is by far the most popular due to its versatility. In particular, the surrogates are exclusively based on the sampled simulation data with no need to involve engineering insight or problem-specific knowledge....
Towards an Understanding of the Stability Assessment of Floating Buildings
PublicationOne of the most important aspects of the design of floating facilities such as ships, floating offshore structures or floating houses is stability. Its impact on both general safety and operational aspects renders it a fundamental consideration already in preliminary design stages. Usually, the concept of sufficient stability of floating buildings is associated with the ability to keep an allowed heel angle and residual freeboard,...
Model of noise sources in supercapacitors
PublicationThe paper presents detailed model of noise sources in supercapacitors. Noise phenomena observed in supercapacitors may be used as a diagnostic tool for assessment of supercapacitor quality or degradation mechanisms (e.g. corrosion of the electrodes or cloggin g up the pores) during ageing. Therefore, it is important to consider where noise is generated. The equivalent circuit of noise sources existing...
Data from the Survey on Entrepreneurs’ Opinions on Factors Determining the Employment of the Gdańsk University of Technology Graduates
PublicationThe dataset includes data from a survey on factors determining the employment of the Gdańsk University of Technology (Gdańsk Tech) graduates’ in the opinion of entrepreneurs. The survey was conducted in 2017. The research sample included 102 respondents representing various firms from the Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland. The study concerned i.a. factors determining the decision to hire a candidate, methods of recruiting employees,...
Models of Structures in Didactics
PublicationThe final aim of teaching students subjects, such as structural mechanics, reinforced concrete, and steel structures is to teach them how structures work in a given building as well as to provide them with skills enabling them to calculate and design structures. The behavioral model of the structure, contrary to the architectural model, which focuses mainly on the external form of the building, shows workings from both the static...
Investigation of natural frequencies of axially loaded thin-walled columns
PublicationThe paper deals with correlation between natural frequencies of two steel thin-walled columns and the corresponding applied load. The structures are made of cold-formed lipped channel sections. The columns lengths were assumed to follow two buckling patterns – global flexural and flexural-torsional buckling. In the thicker structure two material models were considered – linearly-elastic and elastic-perfectly plastic. Numerical...
Effective Gap Size Index for Determination of Optimum Separation Distance Preventing Pounding between Buildings during Earthquakes
PublicationSeismic excitations may lead to collisions between adjacent civil engineering structures causing major damage. In this paper, an effective equation for calculating the gap size index is proposed so as to provide the optimum separation distance preventing structural pounding during different earthquakes. Evaluation of the best prediction of the required separation distance between two adjacent buildings was carried out by using...
Fast Antenna Optimization Using Gradient Monitoring and Variable-Fidelity EM Models
PublicationAccelerated simulation-driven design optimization of antenna structures is proposed. Variable-fidelity electromagnetic (EM) analysis is used as well as the trust-region framework with limited sensitivity updates. The latter are controlled by monitoring the changes of the antenna response gradients. Our methodology is verified using three compact wideband antennas. Comprehensive benchmarking demonstrates its superiority over both...
Hyperbolic position location estimation in the multipath propagation environment
PublicationThe efficiency analysis a hyperbolic position location estimation in the multipath propagation environment in the wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA) interface was presented. Four, the most popular methods: Chan's, Foy's, Fang's and Friedlander's were considered. These algorithms enable the calculation of the geographical position of a mobile station (MS) using the time differences of arrival (TDOA) between several base...
Effects of Deck-Abutment Pounding on the Seismic Fragility Curves of Box-Girder Highway Bridges
PublicationEarthquake-induced pounding in bridges is a complex contact phenomenon in which the dynamic responses of structures, including collisions between deck and abutments, are strongly related to structural properties and earthquake excitation. The goal of this study is to develop and compare the seismic fragility curves of overall system and individual components of regular and irregular box-girder highway bridges in two cases: with...
Building damage due to structural pounding during earthquakes
PublicationEarthquake-induced pounding between adjacent buildings has been identified as one of the reasons for substantial damage or even total collapse of colliding structures. A major reason leading to interactions in buildings results from the differences in their dynamic parameters and also from insufficient distance between the structures. Although the research on structural pounding has been much advanced, the studies have mainly been...
Performance of the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum Underwater Acoustic Communication System with Differential Detection in Strong Multipath Propagation Conditions
PublicationThe underwater acoustic communication (UAC) operating in very shallow-water should ensure reliable transmission in conditions of strong multipath propagation, significantly disturbing the received signal. One of the techniques to achieve this goal is the direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) technique, which consists in binary phase shift keying (BPSK) according to a pseudo-random spreading sequence. This paper describes the DSSS...