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Optical sensor of a person sitting on a chair and dressed in multi-layered clothes vital signs monitoring
PublicationAn optoelectronic device enhancing a smart chair functionality is presented in the paper. Its essential purpose is a detection of a sitting person presence on the chair by means of detecting the vital signs. Additionally, it could be used for determining of clothes layer parameters useful in adjusting a system of a capacitive electrocardiography.
Real-time monitoring of volatiles and particles emitted from thermoplastic filaments during 3D printing
PublicationPresentation on the use of instrumental analytical techniques for the assessment of emission of volatiles and particulates during fdm 3d printing.
Nadmierne osiadania nawierzchni drogowej w ujęciu geotechnicznym - przyczyny, monitoring, możliwe metody naprawy
PublicationNadmierne osiadania nawierzchni stanowią „wieczny” problem użytkowników dróg. Z odkształceniami nawierzchni łączy się obniżenie komfortu i bezpieczeństwa jazdy (BRD). Jedną z podstawowych przyczyn takiego zjawiska jest zachowanie się podłoża gruntowego. Najczęściej dotyczy to zjawiska osiadania podłoża gruntowego, stanowiącego efekt ściśliwości gruntów w wyniku przyłożenia obciążenia i jest przekroczeniem stanów granicznych użytkowalności...
Monitoring Regenerative Heat Exchanger in Steam Power Plant by Making Use of the Recurrent Neural Network
PublicationArtificial Intelligence algorithms are being increasingly used in industrial applications. Their important function is to support operation of diagnostic systems. This paper pesents a new approach to the monitoring of a regenerative heat exchanger in a steam power plant, which is based on a specific use of the Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). The proposed approach was tested using real data. This approach can be easily adapted to...
Real-time monitoring of volatiles and particles emitted from thermoplastic filaments during 3D printing
PublicationThe proliferation of consumer-grade three-dimensional (3D) printers using fused deposition, also known as fused filament fabrication, has given rise to concerns over the exposure of users to potentially harmful substances. Thermoplastic filaments made of different polymers are extruded through a heated printer nozzle and deposited layer by layer on a build platform to form the printed object. This process leads to the emission...
Nadmierne osiadania nawierzchni drogowej w ujęciu geotechnicznym – przyczyny, monitoring, możliwe metody naprawy
PublicationNadmierne osiadania nawierzchni stanowią „wieczny” problem użytkowników dróg. Z odkształceniami nawierzchni łączy się obniżenie komfortu i bezpieczeństwa jazdy (BRD). Jedną z podstawowych przyczyn takiego zjawiska jest zachowanie się podłoża gruntowego. Najczęściej dotyczy to zjawiska osiadania podłoża gruntowego, stanowiącego efekt ściśliwości gruntów w wyniku przyłożenia obciążenia i jest przekroczeniem stanów granicznych użytkowalności...
Real-time monitoring of the emission of volatile organic compounds from polylactide 3D printing filaments
PublicationEstablishing the emission profile of volatile organic compounds generated during fused deposition modeling 3D printing using polymer filaments is important in terms of both understanding the processes taking place during thermal degradation of thermoplastics, and assessing the user's exposure to potentially harmful volatiles. However, obtaining detailed, real-time qualitative and quantitative results poses a challenge. In this...
Application of unmanned USV surface and AUV underwater maritime platforms for the monitoring of offshore structures at sea
PublicationThe operation of offshore structures at sea requires the implementation of advanced systems for their permanent monitoring. There is a set of novel technologies that could be implemented to deliver a higher level of effective and safe operation of these systems. A possible novel solution may be the application of a new maritime unmanned (USV) surface and underwater vehicles/platforms (AUV). Application of such vehicles/platforms...
Evaluation of the use of reindeer droppings for monitoring essential and non-essential elements in the polar terrestrial environment
PublicationExcess or toxic metals, non-metals and metalloids can be eliminated from the organism by deposition in inert tissue (e.g. fur) or excretion with body secretions, urine and faeces. Droppings are one of the main routes for the elimination of multiple elements and they can be collected without direct contact with the animal. Contaminant concentration has been examined in non-lethally collected tissues of several species (especially...
sp2-rich dendrite-like carbon nanowalls as effective electrode for environmental monitoring of explosive nitroaromatic
PublicationNitroaromatic compounds are commonly used explosive materials that pose a risk to human health and ecosystems due to their acute toxicity and carcinogenicity. Nitroaromatics have numerous pathways into the environment via discarded munitions (e.g. into the Baltic Sea after World War II), after use in mining operations, and in industrial run-off from factories producing these compounds (which are produced across the world to date)....
Integration Data Model of the Bathymetric Monitoring System for Shallow Waterbodies Using UAV and USV Platforms
PublicationChanges in the seafloor relief are particularly noticeable in shallow waterbodies (at depths up to several metres), where they are of significance for human safety and environmental protection, as well as for which the highest measurement accuracy is required. The aim of this publication is to present the integration data model of the bathymetric monitoring system for shallow waterbodies using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and...
Application of a Gas Sensor Array to Effectiveness Monitoring of Air Contaminated with Toluene Vapors Absorption Process
PublicationThis article demonstrates the application of a gas sensor array to monitor the effectiveness of the absorption process of air stream purification from odorous compounds (toluene vapors). A self-constructed matrix consisting of five commercially available gas sensors was used. Multiple linear regression (MLR) was selected as the statistical technique used to calibrate the matrice. Gas chromatography coupled with a flame ionization...
A framework for onboard assessment and monitoring of flooding risk due to open watertight doors for passenger ships
PublicationPost-accident safety of ships is governed by damage stability, affected by watertight subdivisions which limit accidental flooding. This is important for passenger ships with watertight doors (WTDs) often fitted in the bulkheads. Awareness of the ship flooding risk due to open WTDs and the conditions under which the associated risk level changes are prerequisites for proactive risk mitigation. Accident risk is often expressed as...
Privacy-Preserving, Scalable Blockchain-Based Solution for Monitoring Industrial Infrastructure in the Near Real-Time
PublicationThis paper proposes an improved monitoring and measuring system dedicated to industrial infrastructure. Our model achieves security of data by incorporating cryptographical methods and near real-time access by the use of virtual tree structure over records. The currently available blockchain networks are not very well adapted to tasks related to the continuous monitoring of the parameters of industrial installations. In the database...
A Surrogate-Assisted Measurement Correction Method for Accurate and Low-Cost Monitoring of Particulate Matter Pollutants
PublicationAir pollution involves multiple health and economic challenges. Its accurate and low-cost monitoring is important for developing services dedicated to reduce the exposure of living beings to the pollution. Particulate matter (PM) measurement sensors belong to the key components that support operation of these systems. In this work, a modular, mobile Internet of Things sensor for PM measurements has been proposed. Due to a limited...
The Physical Activity Environment Policy Index for monitoring government policies and actions to improve physical activity
PublicationBackground A multifaceted response, including government action, is essential to improve population levels of physical activity (PA). This article describes the development process of the ‘Physical Activity Environment Policy Index’ (PA-EPI) monitoring framework, a tool to assess government policies and actions for creating a healthy PA environment. Methods An iterative process was undertaken. This involved a review of policy...
Overview of problems in mathematics related analysis of capital markets
PublicationCelem pracy jest przedstawienie niektórych zjawisk w rynkach kapitałowych i problemów z ich analizą przy użyciu metod matematyki i nauk od niej pochodnych. Na wstępie określono cel analizy rynków. Kolejno przedstawiono historyczne podejścia do problemu ich analizy. Pokrótce przedyskutowano zagadnienie postrzegania rynków w kategoriach deterministycznych jak i stochastycznych. Następnie wskazano na istnienie sprzężeń zwrotnych w...
LIDAR data from a survey conducted in the vicinity of the town of Lake Lednica
Open Research DataThe measurement data was obtained during research aimed at utilizing LiDAR observations to assess changes occurring in the shoreline of Lake Lednica. The collected information comes from a spatial survey conducted using a scanner mounted on an unmanned aerial vehicle (ALS, in the IR channel). This advanced measurement system allows for precise registration...
Influence of vision measurement system spatial configuration on measurement uncertainty, based on the example of electric traction application
PublicationTechnical diagnostics plays a significant role in ensuring operational reliability of electrified rail transport. The most critical point in the transmission of electric energy to vehicles is the sliding contact of the current collector with the traction network. For this reason, work is currently being carried on new measuring methods, whose appliance allows for more complete diagnostics of the contact line and current collectors,...
PublicationPotentialities of ultrafast gas chromatography applied to periodical monitoring of odor nuisance originating from a municipal landfill have been examined. The results of investigation on classification of the atmospheric air samples collected in a vicinity of the landfill during winter and summer season have been presented. The investigation was performed using ultrafast gas chromatography of Fast/Flash GC type HERACLES II by Alpha...
Investigation of the 16-year and 18-year ZTD Time Series Derived from GPS Data Processing
PublicationThe GPS system can play an important role in activities related to the monitoring of climate. Long time series, coherent strategy, and very high quality of tropospheric parameter Zenith Tropospheric Delay (ZTD) estimated on the basis of GPS data analysis allows to investigate its usefulness for climate research as a direct GPS product. This paper presents results of analysis of 16-year time series derived from EUREF Permanent Network...
Acoustic Detector of Road Vehicles Based on Sound Intensity
PublicationA method of detecting and counting road vehicles using an acoustic sensor placed by the road is presented. The sensor measures sound intensity in two directions: parallel and perpendicular to the road. The sound intensity analysis performs acoustic event detection. A normalized position of the sound source is tracked and used to determine if the detected event is related to a moving vehicle and to establish the direction of movement....
Isolation of Citrus lemon extracellular vesicles: Development and process control using capillary electrophoresis
PublicationA new and scalable method for the isolation of extracellular vesicles (EV) from Citrus lemon juice samples was developed. The methodology included preliminary preconcentration of the sample using ultrafiltration (UF) followed by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) purification and final preconcentration of the eluates. Transmission electron microscopy and proteomic analysis showed that isolates contained exosome-like vesicles, exocyst-positive...
Further developments of parameterization methods of audio stream analysis for secuirty purposes
PublicationThe paper presents an automatic sound recognition algorithm intended for application in an audiovisual security monitoring system. A distributed character of security systems does not allow for simultaneous observation of multiple multimedia streams, thus an automatic recognition algorithm must be introduced. In the paper, a module for the parameterization and automatic detection of audio events is described. The spectral analyses...
Automatic classification and mapping of the seabed using airborne LiDAR bathymetry
PublicationShallow coastal areas are among the most inhabited areas and are valuable for biodiversity, recreation and the economy. Due to climate change and sea level rise, sustainable management of coastal areas involves extensive exploration, monitoring, and protection. Current high-resolution remote sensing methods for monitoring these areas include bathymetric LiDAR. Therefore, this study presents a novel methodological approach to assess...
Comparison of Two Methods for the Determination of Selected Pesticides in Honey and Honeybee Samples
PublicationDeveloped and validated analytical methods for the determination of a wide spectrum of pesticide residues in honey and honeybee samples after the modification of QuEChERS extraction in combination with gas chromatography–tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) and liquid chromatography–tandem quadrupole mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) were discussed and compared. The developed methods were evaluated regarding the utilized equipment...
Voltage Harmonics Transfer through Medium Voltage Instrument Transformers
PublicationVoltage transformers are widely used in power quality monitoring systems in medium and high voltage grids. This paper presents accuracy problems related to voltage harmonics transfer through instrument transformers. A simplified lumped-parameters wideband circuit model of the voltage transformer is proposed and verified by simulation and experimental investigations. A number of voltage transformers have been tested in the frequency...
The System of the Supervision and the Visualization of Multimedia Data for BG
PublicationMonitoring of country maritime border is an important task of the Border Guard. This task can be facilitated with the use of the technology enabling gathering information from distributed sources and its supervision and visualization. The system presented in the paper is an extension and enhancement of the previously developed distributed system map data exchange system. The added functionalities allow supplementation of map data...
Stormwater and snowmelt runoff storage control and flash flood hazard forecasting in the urbanized coastal basin.
PublicationCity of Gdańsk is located in a coastal region where changing climatic conditions increase the frequency of extreme weather events. Developing urbanization affects the hydrology of natural basins by simplification of the drainage system and reduction of infiltration and base flow. Consequently greater runoff rates flow into storm water collection systems, reservoirs and surrounding water bodies. Not only infrastructures of urban...
Stormwater runoff in the urbanized coastal basin of Gdańsk Urbanized basin of Gdańsk
PublicationAnthropopressure strongly affects the primal water cycle. Alternation of the natural basins imposes changes of drainage patterns, reduction of bioretention, infiltration and base flow. As a result the overland flow predominates and greater runoff rates flow into storm water collection systems and reservoirs. Moreover changing climatic conditions increase the frequency of rapid extreme weather events. Infrastructures of urban areas...
Analiza bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego i ochrony informacji w rozproszonych systemach komputerowych pełniących funkcje sterowania i zabezpieczeń
PublicationW niniejszym artykule przedstawiona została problematyka związana z analizą bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego rozproszonych systemów sterowania i automatyki zabezpieczeniowej z uwzględnieniem zagadnień ochrony informacji. Powinny być one rozpatrywane w sposób zintegrowany w zależności od rodzaju komunikacji stosowanej do transmisji danych. W tym celu zaproponowano podział analizowanych systemów na trzy kategorie. Zaproponowane podejście...
Analiza bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego i ochrony informacji w rozproszonych systemach komputerowych pełniących funkcje sterowania i zabezpieczeń
PublicationW niniejszym artykule przedstawiona została problematyka związana z analizą bezpieczeństwa funkcjonalnego rozproszonych systemów sterowania i automatyki zabezpieczeniowej z uwzględnieniem zagadnień ochrony informacji. Powinny być one rozpatrywane w sposób zintegrowany w zależności od rodzaju komunikacji stosowanej do transmisji danych. W tym celu zaproponowano podział analizowanych systemów na trzy kategorie. Zaproponowane podejście...
Study on the applicability of the measurements of magnetoelastic properties for a nondestructive evaluation of thermally inducted microstructure changes in the P91 grade steel
PublicationThe paper presents the resuIts of the investigation of the influence of duration and temperature oftempering process on the magnetoacoustic properties of P91 tempered martensite ferritic steeI. Duringtempering of martensitic steels the dislocation density. which initially is very high. systematicallydecreases what is confirmed both by analysis of the width of X-ray diffraction peaks and hardnessmeasurements. Magnetic hysteresis...
Detection of Water on Road Surface with Acoustic Vector Sensor
PublicationThis paper presents a new approach to detecting the presence of water on a road surface, employing an acoustic vector sensor. The proposed method is based on sound intensity analysis in the frequency domain. Acoustic events, representing road vehicles, are detected in the sound intensity signals. The direction of the incoming sound is calculated for the individual spectral components of the intensity signal, and the components...
Relative quantification of pork and beef in meat products using global and species-specific peptide markers for the authentication of meat composition
PublicationWe used global and species-specific peptide markers for a relative quantitative determination of pork and beef in raw and processed meat products made of the two meat species. Four groups of products were prepared (i.e., minced raw meats, sausages, raw and fried burgers) in order to represent products with different extents of food processing. In each group, the products varied in the pork/beef proportions. All products were analysed...
Measurements and Analysis of Motor Supplying Current Waveform for Diagnostic Purposes
PublicationPodano proponowaną metodę diagnostyki łożysk tocznych w silnikach indukcyjnych poprzez pomiar i analizę prądu zasilającego. Przedstawiono opracowany system pomiarowy oraz wyniki badań na łożyskach o specjalnie wprowadzonych uszkodzeniach.
Layers of protection analysis in teh context of functional safety management
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Identification of the featured-element in fine road dust of cities with coal contamination by geochemical investigation and isotopic monitoring
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The application of isotopically labeled analogues for the determination of small organic compounds by GC/MS with selected ion monitoring
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In-vivo monitoring of oxygen saturation in murine carcinoma during PDT by diode laser light diffuse reflectance
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Model Based Monitoring of Dynamic Loads and Remaining Useful Life Prediction in Rolling Mills and Heavy Machinery
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PUB073 Lung Cancer Screening with LDCT – Results of a Small Cohort Continual Monitoring (Pilot Silesian Study)
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Molecular and chemical monitoring of growth and Ochratoxin A biosynthesis of P. verrucosum in wheat stored at different moisture conditions
PublicationDoświadczenie polegało na obserwacji wzrostu P. verrucosum na ziarnach pszenicy, składowanej w różnych warunkach (wilgotność, temperatura) oraz zdolności do produkcji Ochratoksyny A (OTA) przez tę pleśń. Wzrost mierzony był w jednostkach tworzących kolonie (cfu colony forming units). Biosynteza OTA kontrolowana była przy pomocy HPLC, a ekspresja genu otapksPV syntetazy OTA mierzona w czasie przy pomocy odwrotnej transkryptazy...
Employment of passive sampling in monitoring indoor air quality in selected residences in a Tri-city area in Poland
PublicationTime-weighted average concentrations of selected volatile compounds were measured in chosen residences in a Tri-City area of Poland by means of passive sampling. The results were compared to those obtained by dynamic technique – sorption tubes filled with Tenax TA sorbent. Results obtained by employing the two techniques were similar. Total volatile organic compound (TVOC) parameters were also determined. An attempt was also...
The impedance method of monitoring the degradation of rubber linings in applications where progressive deterioration is the predominant failure mechanism
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<title>Satellite monitoring of spatial variability in the Baltic Sea ecosystem: possible applications of the DESAMBEM algorithm</title>
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Monitoring of subarachnoid space and cerebrovascular pulsation with near-infrared transillumination/back scattering : new aspects of the method
PublicationW pracy zaprezentowano nowe aspekty nieinwazyjnej metody NIRT-BS w zastosowaniu do zapisu zmian szerokości przestrzeni podpajęczynówkowej (SAS) jako źródła informacji o amplitudzie tętnienia naczyń na powierzchni mózgu.
Employment of passive sampling in monitoring indoor air quality in selected residences in a Tri-city area in Poland
PublicationNa etapie pobierania próbek analitów zastosowano dwie techniki: pasywną - wykorzystującą permeacyjne dozymetry pasywne oraz technikę klasyczną - wykorzystującą rurki sorpcyjne. Wyznaczono sumaryczną zawartość TVOC lotnych związków organicznych.
Investigating the suitability of the matched fiber Bragg grating approach for guided wave based structural health monitoring
PublicationFiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors are thought to be ideal sensors for structural health monitoring (SHM). Amplitude based techniques such as matched filters and the edge-filtering have been proposed to fulfill the high sampling rates necessary for guided waves (GW) sensing. The current research for the first time shows the inherent robustness the matched filter technique provides to the sensing system. The matched system is realized...
Cost-Efficient Measurement Platform and Machine-Learning-Based Sensor Calibration for Precise NO2 Pollution Monitoring
PublicationAir quality significantly impacts human health, the environment, and the economy. Precise real-time monitoring of air pollution is crucial for managing associated risks and developing appropriate short- and long-term measures. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) stands as a common pollutant, with elevated levels posing risks to the human respiratory tract, exacerbating respiratory infections and asthma, and potentially leading to chronic lung...