Search results for: CASE STUDIES
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma analysis / La Courrouze district in Rennes, France
Open Research DataThe data present the results of the work on the analysis of modern settlements. The goal of this part of the research was to analyze housing estates already in place in various European cities. Analyses were performed in real time using artificial intelligence, and responses were searched for sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate....
Ouahmiche Ghania Professor
PeopleProf Ouahmiche Ghania is a full Professor of Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, and Language Sciences at the University of Oran 2, in the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Department of English. She holds two Ph. Ds—one in Sociolinguistics and Language Planning and another in French Didactics and Language Sciences—and a Licence in Theology and Religious Studies. With over 26 years of experience teaching English at the University...
Potential energy curves of LiCs dimer
Open Research DataThis data presents potential energy curves of LiCs dimer in Hund's case (a). Calculated using Born-Oppenheimer approximation with scalar relativistic effects are included via large effective core potentials. Custom basis sets, core polarization potentials and MRCI method are used to accurately describe electron correlation. Dataset consists of 22 potential...
Potential energy curves of NaRb dimer
Open Research DataThis data presents potential energy curves of NaRb dimer in Hund's case (a). Calculated using Born-Oppenheimer approximation with scalar relativistic effects are included via large effective core potentials. Core polarization potentials and MRCI method is used to describe electron correlation. Dataset consists of 18 potential energy curves of ground...
The number of individual clients who log in to the bank using internet banking at least once a month (2017)
Open Research DataTaking into account active users, i.e. those who have used Internet access at least once, the situation is a bit different. Out of 32.5 million people who have access to electronic banking, 14.7 million people worked at least once a month (data as at the end of 2017). It is worth noting, however, that in this group there was also an increase in the...
[soft skills] Commercialization of scientific outcomes
e-Learning Courses{mlang pl} Dyscyplina: wszystkie dyscypliny Zajęcia obowiązkowe dla doktorantów II roku Prowadzący: Damian Kuźniewski, Agnieszka Krawczyk-Kłos, Centrum Transferu Wiedzy i Technologii na PG Liczba godzin: 5 Forma zajęć: wykład {mlang} {mlang en} Discipline: all disciplinesObligatory course for the 2nd-year PhD students Academic teacher: Damian Kuźniewski, Agnieszka Krawczyk-Kłos, Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer...
Case Study NEB Atlas / part II - Autodesk Forma (formerly Spacemaker) / Battersea Power Station Development, London
Open Research DataThe data presents the results of work on the analysis of contemporary neighbourhoods. The aim of this part of the research was to analysis housing estates already existed in various cities in Europe. The analyses ware done in real time with AI and powered for key factors such as sun hours, daylight potential, noise, wind, and microclimate. These data...
Comparison of the number of foreigners registered for retirement and disability pension insurance - at the end of the year
Open Research DataThe increase in the number of foreigners registered for retirement and disability insurance was characterized by the highest dynamics in the case of non-EU migrants, in particular Ukrainian citizens (26-time increase in the period 2008-2018; impressive nominal growth from 16.2 to 420.7 thousand economic migrants) and Georgia (a 37-time increase). Also...
Number of active HCE cards installed in mobile phones (2017)
Open Research DataHCE technology (Host Card Emulation), which enables contactless payments by phone in a similar way as in the case of a payment card. At the time of making the transaction, the phone is close to the terminal, practically the same as the payment card. This solution, like the others described previously, should be included in the elements of electronic...
Ljung-Box test values of selected companies of the Warsaw Stock Exchange
Open Research DataThe following dataset includes the Warsaw Stock Exchange market analysis using the Ljung-Box test. Partial autocorrelations up to the 5th order were analyzed, because it will allow to observe the relationship within one week of stock exchange quotations. In the case of the WIG index, the 1st and 2nd order correlation turned out to be statistically significant....
Tensile curve of E grade steel for shipbuilding
Open Research DataIn the shipbuilding industry, the risk of brittle fractures developing in constructions is limited by employing certified materials of specific impact strength, determined using the Charpy method (for a given design temperature) and by exercising control over the welding processes (technology qualification, supervision of production, tests of non-destructive...
Tax on dividend income and income from investments in equity instruments in selected European Union countries
Open Research DataThe following data contains the information about the capital gains tax in selected EU countries. Capital gain is understood as an increase in the value of capital, e.g. as a result of an increase in the prices of securities held on the stock exchange, units of funds, exchange rate differences or other assets. This profit may be specified in nominal...
Quasirelativistic potential energy curves of NaRb dimer
Open Research DataThis data presents potential energy curves of NaRb dimer, that include spin-orbit interaction, in Hund's case (c). Calculated using Born-Oppenheimer approximation with relativistic effects included via large spin-orbit effective core potentials. Custom basis sets, core polarization potentials and MRCI method are used to accurately describe electron...
Average CIT rate in European Union countries in 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016 (in%)
Open Research DataThe following data presents the average CIT rate in European Union countries between 2008-2016 .
Database of the thermal ablation model
Open Research DataThermal ablation is a low invasive technique which eliminates cancerous tissue using high temperature. The presented database was used to show the temperature distribution for t=600[s] in two cases: when the value of the thermal conductivity of tissue k(x;T) is constant and for the variable k(x;T). In addition, using these data we showed the difference...
Supervisory Control System for Adaptive Phase and Work Cycle Management of Sequencing Wastewater Treatment Plant
PublicationThe paper presents the design of the integrated control system applied to Sequencing Batch Reactor (SBR) in a biological Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Swarzewo, which operates under activated sludge technology. Based on the real data records, ASM2d biological processes model and aeration system model, hierarchical control system for dissolved oxygen tracking and cycle management is designed. Internal Model Controller (IMC)...
A Model-Based Improved Control of Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in Sequencing Wastewater Batch Reactor
PublicationBiochemical processes at wastewater treatment plant are complex, nonlinear, time varying and multivariable. Moreover, relationships between processes are very strong. One of the most important issues is exerting proper control over dissolved oxygen levels during nitrification phase. This parameter has a very large impact on activity of microorganisms in activated sludge and on quality of pollution removal processes. Oxygen is supplied...
E-textbook technologies for academics in medical education
PublicationPublic universities in Poland receive fairly limited financial support for creating e-textbooks and lack the appropriate ICT competences among teaching staff, especially in the case of non-technical universities. The authors propose a pedagogical and technological paradigm for e-textbooks in medical education using open source software with minimal IT skills required. Technologies used to develop e-textbooks are connected with:...
Argument strategies and patterns of the Trust-IT framework
PublicationArtykuł dotyczy metodologicznego i narzędziowego środowiska Trust-IT wspierającego budowę dowodów zaufania (ang. trust case), a w szczególności strategii tworzenia dowodu zaufania. Strategia uzależniona jest od właściwości systemu (lub innego rozważanego obiektu), która podlega analizie w ramach dowodu zaufania. W artykule zaprezentowano dwie strategie: oparta na ryzyku i oparta na standardach oraz omówiono kilka często stosowanych...
PublicationThe book "Bodyguard Profession: A Guide to the Art of Personal Protection" is a comprehensive guide that introduces readers to the intricacies of professional personal protection. The author thoroughly discusses both the physical and psychological aspects of a bodyguard's work, covering elements such as stress management, self-defense techniques, and the use of modern technology in VIP protection. The guide presents...
Electrical conductivity relaxation measurements - water uptake and oxidation of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.1)
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of 2 main catalogs: measurements performed for oxidation/reduction (Oxidation) and hydration/dehydration (Hydration). Each of them consists individual catalogs for the measurements performed on the samples indicated by the name of the catalog. In the case of oxidation/reduction, inside each them, there are catalogs indicating if...
Gold nanocubic structures functionalization with organic layers
Open Research DataThis dataset contains the XPS spectra obtained for gold nanocubes (AuNC), which were deposited at the gold electrode surface and dried. The AuNC's were first functionalized with either cysteamine in EtOH or mercaptopropionic acid in EtOH. The concentration of these compounds was 20 mM. The interaction of the functionalized with the AuNC surface was...
Gold nanocubic structures agglomeration when put on conductive surfaces
Open Research DataThis dataset contains SEM images of gold nanocubes (AuNC), which were deposited at the conductive Si wafer surface and dried. The deposition method, the solvent used and AuNC concentration have a significant influence on the homogeneous distribution and their agglomeration at the surface, further influencing the electrochemical characteristics of the...
Elgold intermediate: raw texts
Open Research DataThe dataset contains raw texts scrapped from various internet sources which were used for creating the Elgold dataset.
Results of calibration of the piezoelectric scanner using the probe TGQ1
Open Research DataTeaching file. Results of calibration of the piezoelectric scanner using the probe TGQ1. Scanning in contact mode. NTEGRA Prima (NT-MDT) device. CSG probe 10.
Photomonitoring of activities carried out in the area of the "Mercato di Sant’Ambrogio" Sant'Ambrogio market and its direct neighbourhood, in the Florence, Italy, case study; stage from March 2023 year
Open Research DataThe data presents photomonitoring (visual documentation report in the form of photographs) of activities carried out in the area of the "Mercato di Sant’Ambrogio" Sant'Ambrogio market and its immediate vicinity, in the Florence, Italy, case study; stage from March 2023 year, during the one week of the monitoring. The monitoring is a part of follow-up...
Electrical conductivity relaxation measurements - oxidation and reduction of BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Tb0.1O3-δ
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of 2 main catalogs: measurements performed for oxidation/reduction in dry conditions and in humid conditions. For Electrical Conductivity Relaxation (ECR) measurements, platinum reversible electrodes were applied in a four-probe arrangement and the sample was measured in the ProboStat™ measurement system. The ECR measurements were...
Gold nanocubic structures agglomeration when put on conductive surfaces
Open Research DataThis dataset contains SEM images of gold nanocubes (AuNC), which were deposited at the conductive Si wafer surface and dried. The deposition method, the solvent used and AuNC concentration have a significant influence on the homogeneous distribution and their agglomeration at the surface, further influencing the electrochemical characteristics of the...
Validation of result of STM probe fabrication
Open Research DataThe scanning tunneling microscope [1] is a powerful research tool that allows, among other things, to obtain images with atomic resolution. A serious limitation of the described microscope is its limited applicability relating to conductive and semiconductor materials and the reproducibility of measurements depending on the preparation of the measuring...
Anna Maria Trzaskowska dr inż.
PeopleAnna Maria Trzaskowska has been employed as an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Management and Economics at the Department of Informatics in Management since 2017. For over 2 years she was the Deputy Head of the Department. A member of the Board of the Pomeranian Branch of the Polish Information Processing Society. Current scientific interests fall within the areas of agile methods, lean management in higher education, digitization...
Preliminary Investigation on Rapid Potassium Efflux from Activated Sludge in Response to Use of Peroxyacetic Acid
PublicationPreliminary research on activated sludge potassium efflux (GGKE - glutathione-gated potassium efflux) as a result of peroxyacetic acid (PAA) dosing were performed. Similarily as in case of chlorine dosing the PAA dosing causes initiation of bacteria defense mechanisms, related to the transformations of glutathione tripeptide, resulting in the increase of potassium ions concentration in the activated sludge environment. In the range...
Atomic force microscopy images of copper electrical contacts wear under the influence of friction
Open Research DataMeasurement of wear of copper electrical contacts under the influence of friction. Imaging in contact mode in the variant of scanning spreading resistance microscopy. Additionally, there are spectroscopic current-voltage curves showing local changes in electrical conductivity. NTEGRA Prima (NT-MDT) device. Probe NSG 01Pt.
Katarzyna Wojan dr hab.
PeopleDr habil., assiociate professor, Polish linguist, lexicographer, bibliographer; Finnish, Russian, Slavonic languages; confrontative linguistics, lexicology, lexicography, history of Polish lexicography, translation studies, intercultural communication, reception of Polish literature abroad, translations Editor-in-Chief of the Journal "Studia Rossica Gedanensia" (annual)
Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy measurements - conductivity vs. temperature and conductivity vs. oxygen partial pressure for BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.2-xFexO3-δ (x = 0.02, 0.05, 0.1)
Open Research DataThe dataset consists of two main catalogs consisting of measurement data: of the electrical conductivity of the BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.18Fe0.02O3-δ (BCZYFe2), BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.15Fe0.05O3-δ (BCZYFe5), and BaCe0.6Zr0.2Y0.1Fe0.1O3-δ (BCZYFe10) samples as a function of temperature and of the electrical conductivity as a function of oxygen partial pressure (pO2)....
PA32 aluminum alloy - tensile properties
Open Research DataIn addition to steel, aluminium alloys are the main building material used in the shipbuilding industry. Due to its undoubted advantages, such as low density (nearly three times lower than in the case of steel for shipbuilding) and high corrosion resistance, it is often used for hulls of yachts and small vessels as well as superstructures. For safety...
Topographic AFM imaging of the leaf surface with magnification of details of its morphological structure
Open Research DataTopographic imaging of the leaf surface with magnification of details of its morphological structure. Measurements in semi-contact mode. NTEGRA Prima (NT-MDT) device. NSG 01 probe.
Austenitic stainless steel sensitization
Open Research DataHigh-alloy steels, thanks to their composition and content of appropriate alloying additives, are characterized by increased resistance to many corrosive environments. However, this is due to the increased sensitivity of the described construction materials to specific environmental conditions during their use. An example may be the increased susceptibility...
Analytical and reliability data from the real-time simulator biogas plant
Open Research DataThe dataset represents the results of biogas plant simulation. The described plant is an agricultural biogas system, which can produce electrical energy with power estimated up to 1070 kW and heat energy that can reach 1200 kW simultaneously.
Ferromagnetic nanoparticles imaging by means of Magnetic Force Microscopy
Open Research DataFerromagnetic nanoparticles can be used as building blocks for advanced thin film magnets, and can also be used in data storage and biomedical technologies. Nano-crystalline ferrites with the chemical formula NixZn (1 - x) Fe2O4, where x = 0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0 show anti-corrosion properties and suppress electromagnetic interference, in the case...
Atimicrobial Resistance of Enterococcus spp. in Muncipal wasterwater Treatment Plant - Model Study
PublicationIn this study the removal of resistant Enterococcus spp. was evaluated using the laboratory-scale wastewater treatment model plant (M-WWTP), designed as a multiphase (anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic) system (Q = 27 dm3 per day) and continuously supplied with the wastewater obtained from the full-scale WWTP, after grid. The activated sludge from the secondary clarifier was recirculated to the anaerobic chamber (with the ratio equal...
Attitudes to tree removal on private properties in two Polish cities.
Open Research DataLarge cities are increasingly faced with declining urban tree cover and related problems, such as increased urban heat islands and flash floods. Reducing these phenomena increasingly has to rely on trees located on private property. However, to effectively engage private landowners on these issues, more attention must be paid to understanding their...
Statistics of AFM current-voltage curves
Open Research DataMapping surface electrical conductivity offers enormous cognitive possibilities regarding the structure and properties of modern materials. The technique invented for this purpose (Conductive AFM) by Murrel's team and colleagues allows independent monitoring of the local conductivity of materials in correlation with the topographic profile. The mentioned...
API 5L X65 steel - fracture documentation of CMOD-force test in -10°C, across rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - tensile properties in room temperature +20°C, across rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - tensile properties in room temperature -10°C, along rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - tensile properties in room temperature -10°C, across rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - tensile properties in room temperature +20°C, along rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - CMOD-force record in -10°C, along rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - CMOD-force record in -10°C, across rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...
API 5L X65 steel - fracture documentation of CMOD-force test in -10°C, along rolling direction
Open Research DataSteel designated as API 5L X65 is often used for oil and gas transportation pipelines. It is caused due to its high ductility, weldability and good corrosion resistance. API 5L X65 is a low alloy steel with carbon content less than 0.3% (depends on delivery condition). Once installed, a pipeline remains in place for many years. Throughout its life,...