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Search results for: D&B

  • Malarstwo jest okey. - Janusz Osicki


    - Year 2009

    Katalog towarzyszący wystawie "Malarstwo jest okey" w Foyer Opery Bałtyckiej w Gdańsku w ramach 3. edycji Festiwalu Kultury Trójmiasta "Metropolia jest okey", który odbył się w dniach 26-30.12.2009. Katalog liczy 120 stron i zawiera tekst krytyczny w języku polskim i angielskim, noty biograficzne artystów w języku polskim i angielskim oraz 55 kolorowych reprodukcji prac artystów (prace autorów: J. Buczkowski s. 16-17, D. Krechowicz...

  • Malarstwo jest okey. - Krzysztof Wróblewski


    - Year 2009

    Katalog towarzyszący wystawie "Malarstwo jest okey" w Foyer Opery Bałtyckiej w Gdańsku w ramach 3. edycji Festiwalu Kultury Trójmiasta "Metropolia jest okey", który odbył się w dniach 26-30.12.2009. Katalog liczy 120 stron i zawiera tekst krytyczny w języku polskim i angielskim, noty biograficzne artystów w języku polskim i angielskim oraz 55 kolorowych reprodukcji prac artystów (prace autorów: J. Buczkowski s. 16-17, D. Krechowicz...

  • Malarstwo jest okey. -Dominika Krechowicz


    - Year 2009

    Katalog towarzyszący wystawie "Malarstwo jest okey" w Foyer Opery Bałtyckiej w Gdańsku w ramach 3. edycji Festiwalu Kultury Trójmiasta "Metropolia jest okey", który odbył się w dniach 26-30.12.2009. Katalog liczy 120 stron i zawiera tekst krytyczny w języku polskim i angielskim, noty biograficzne artystów w języku polskim i angielskim oraz 55 kolorowych reprodukcji prac artystów (prace autorów: J. Buczkowski s. 16-17, D. Krechowicz...

  • Existence of Two Periodic Solutions to General Anisotropic Euler-Lagrange Equations


    Abstract. This paper is concerned with the following Euler-Lagrange system d/dtLv(t,u(t), ̇u(t)) =Lx(t,u(t), ̇u(t)) for a.e.t∈[−T,T], u(−T) =u(T), Lv(−T,u(−T), ̇u(−T)) =Lv(T,u(T), ̇u(T)), where Lagrangian is given by L=F(t,x,v) +V(t,x) +〈f(t),x〉, growth conditions aredetermined by an anisotropic G-function and some geometric conditions at infinity.We consider two cases: with and without forcing termf. Using a general version...

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  • Modeling the Structure, Dynamics, and Transformations of Proteins with the UNRES Force Field

    • A. K. Sieradzan
    • C. Czaplewski
    • P. Krupa
    • M. Mozolewska
    • A. S. Karczyńska
    • A. G. Lipska
    • E. Lubecka
    • E. Gołaś
    • T. Wirecki
    • M. Makowski... and 2 others

    - Year 2022

    The physics-based united-residue (UNRES) model of proteins ( ) has been designed to carry out large-scale simulations of protein folding. The force field has been derived and parameterized based on the principles of statistical-mechanics, which makes it independent of structural databases and applicable to treat nonstandard situations such as, proteins that contain D-amino-acid residues. Powered by Langevin dynamics...

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  • Pore Water Pressure Development in Soft Soil due to Installation and Loading of Controlled Modulus Columns

    Excess pore water pressure (EPWP) development and decay due to the installation and static loading tests of controlled modulus columns (CMC) in soft soil was measured with piezometers equipped with low air entry (LAE) filters and a piezocone (CPTU) equipped with a high air entry (HAE) filter. The HAE filter allows for detailed detection of EPWP in short time intervals during construction of CMC. The influence zone due to the installation...

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  • Digital Processing of Frequency–Pulse Signal in Measurement System


    - Year 2018

    The work presents the issue of the use of multichannel measurement systems of sensors processing input value to impulse signal frequency. The frequency impulse signal obtained from such sensors is often required to be processed at the same time with a voltage signal which is obtained from other sensors used in the same measurement system. In such case, it is usually necessary to sample the output signals from all sensors in the...

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  • Non-Destructive Testing of a Sport Tribune under Synchronized Crowd-Induced Excitation Using Vibration Analysis


    This paper presents the concept of repairing the stand of a motorbike speedway stadium. The synchronized dancing of fans cheering during a meeting brought the stand into excessive resonance. The main goal of this research was to propose a method for the structural tuning of stadium stands. Non-destructive testing by vibration methods was conducted on a selected stand segment, the structure of which recurred on the remaining stadium...

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  • Uniwersytet na rozdrożu

    W artykule pokazano różne postrzeganie społecznej odpowiedzialności uniwersytetu w literaturze przedmiotu. Omawiając pokrótce model uniwersytetu badawczego i przedsiębiorczego, starano się wyjaśnić źródła polaryzacji poglądów na miejsce i rolę uczelni oraz kierunek zmian, w którym powinny zmierzać. Korzystając z kwadrantów wiedzy D. Stokesa, zaproponowano ewolucję uniwersytetów w kierunku opisanym kwadrantem Pasteura. Podejmując...

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  • Effects of the polyhistidine tag on kinetics and other properties of trehalose synthase from Deionococcus geothermalis

    Two recombinant trehalose synthases from Deinococcus geothermalis (DSMZ 11300) were compared. A significant influence of the artificial polyhistidine tag was observed in protein constitution. The recombinant trehalose synthase from D. geothermalis with His6 -tag has a higher K m value of 254 mM, in comparison with the wild-type trehalose synthase (K m 170 mM), and displayed a lower activity of maltose conversion when compared...

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  • Analysis of the macrostructure of the fuel spray atomized with marine engine injector


    One of the main problem influencing the combustion process in the cylinder of the marine engine is an fuel spray phenomena. The parameters describing the shape of the fuel spray are named macro parameters. This article presents the research results of the macrostructure parameters of the fuel spray atomized with the marine engine injector. The research were carried out by optical visualization measurement method of Mie scattering....

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  • Graphs with equal domination and certified domination numbers


    - Opuscula Mathematica - Year 2019

    A setDof vertices of a graphG= (VG,EG) is a dominating set ofGif every vertexinVG−Dis adjacent to at least one vertex inD. The domination number (upper dominationnumber, respectively) ofG, denoted byγ(G) (Γ(G), respectively), is the cardinality ofa smallest (largest minimal, respectively) dominating set ofG. A subsetD⊆VGis calleda certified dominating set ofGifDis a dominating set ofGand every vertex inDhas eitherzero...

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  • Stefan Niewitecki dr inż. arch.


    W dniu 29.07.1977 r. ukończenie Studium Podyplomowego Kształcenia Pedagogicznego Nauczycieli Akademickich (świadectwo Nr 301, wynik dobry). Dnia 29.04.1982 r. nagroda III stopnia Rektora Politechniki  Gdańskiej, zespołowa za ''Studium wpływu ujęcia wody Gdańsk-Lipce na stateczność obiektów budowlanych w rejonie leja depresyjnego.'' W 1986 r. nagroda Rektora Politechniki Gdańskiej za ''Orzeczenie i projekt techniczny wzmocnienia...

  • Sposób i system miksowania dźwięku

    Przedmiotem wynalazku jest sposób i system miksowania dźwięku. Wśród znanych rozwiązań, sposobów i systemów wykorzystywanych w profesjonalnej produkcji muzycznej wyróżnić można kilka grup rozwiązań, w których wykorzystywany jest stół mikserski, kontroler lub aplikacja komputerowa. Wadą tych rozwiązań jest problem  zniekształcania obrazu dźwiękowego, utrudniający procesy miksowania....

  • Raman data of deuterium and hydrogen grown boron-doped diamond

    Open Research Data
    version 1.0 open access

    Raman spectra were recorded at room temperature using a micro-Raman spectrometer (Invia, Renishaw) equipped with an edge filter with different excitation wavelengths and lasers: UV λ = 325 nm (HeCd), blue λ = 488 nm (Ar+), green λ = 514 nm (Ar+), and IR λ = 785 nm (IR diode) and 50× microscope objective. To avoid sample heating, the radiation power...

  • A new type of (TiZrNbTaHf)N/MoN nanocomposite coating: Microstructure and properties depending on energy of incident ions

    • A. Bagdasaryan
    • A. V. Pshyk
    • L. E. Coy
    • P. Konarski
    • M. Miśnik
    • V. I. Ivashchenko
    • M. Kempiński
    • N. R. Mediukh
    • A. D. Pogrebnjak
    • V. M. Beresnev
    • S. Jurga


    A novel (TiZrNbTaHf)N/MoN nanocomposite coatings, which consist of the nitride of the high-entropy alloy and the binary nitride, were synthesized by vacuum-arc deposition at various substrate biases. The elemental composition, chemical bonding state, phase structure, microstructure and mechanical properties of the coatings were studied by high-resolution experimental methods: SIMS, GDMS, XPS, XRD, HR-TEM and nano-indentation. It...

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  • Development of Biocompatible Fe3O4@SiO2 Nanoparticles as Subcellular Delivery Platform for Glucosamine-6-phosphate Synthase Inhibitors


    - Year 2018

    Numerous inhibitors of glucoseamine-6-phophate synthase (GlcN-6-P), the enzyme responsible from catalysis of the first step of metabolic pathway leading to metabolism 5’-diphospho-N-acetyl-D- glucosamine, were reported as effective agents for inhibiting the growth of various fungal pathogens. Among the reported inhibitors,...

  • New patterns in the position of CEE countries in global value chains: functional specialisation approach


    Research background: High servitisation of manufacturing makes it impossible to separate services from manufactured goods properly, which implies difficulties in the assessment of the position of the country on the smile curve, i.e. in the proper assignment of products or services to one of the industrial process steps: pre-production, pure fabrication or post-production services. Therefore, we propose to use the business functions...

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  • Structural, magnetic and spectral properties of tetrahedral cobalt(II) silanethiolates: a variety of structures and manifestation of field-induced slow magnetic relaxation



    Blue crystals of five heteroleptic cobalt(II) silanethiolates 1–5 have been obtained by the reaction of [Co{SSi (tBuO)3}2(NH3)]2 with aminopyridines and aminomethylpyridines at an appropriate molar ratio and their structural, spectral, thermal and magnetic properties have been established and described. All complexes 1–5 contain Co(II) ions in a tetrahedral CoN2S2 environment formed by (tBuO)3SiS− residues and pyridines and present...

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  • The voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ferry electrical power system during a sea voyage

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset is part of the research results on the quality of supply voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ship's electrical power system in different states of ship exploitation. The attached dataset contains the measurement results carried out onboard the ferry during a sea voyage.

  • The voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ro-ro ship electrical power system during a sea voyage

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset is part of the research results on the quality of supply voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ship's electrical power system in different states of ship exploitation. The attached dataset contains the measurement results carried out onboard a ro-ro ship during a sea voyage.

  • The voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ro-ro ship electrical power system during maneuvering

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset is part of the research results on the quality of supply voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ship's electrical power system in different states of ship exploitation. The attached dataset contains the measurement results carried out onboard a ro-ro ship during maneuvering.

  • The voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ferry electrical power system during maneuvering

    Open Research Data
    open access

    The dataset is part of the research results on the quality of supply voltage on bus bars of the main switchboard of the ship's electrical power system in different states of ship exploitation. The attached dataset contains the measurement results carried out onboard the ferry during maneuvering.

  • Opóźnienie efektywne i jego zastosowanie do sterowania ruchem w sieciach pakietowych


    - Year 2006

    W rozprawie doktorskiej przeanalizowano problem zapewnienia gwarancji jakości usług (Quality of Service, QoS) w sieciach pakietowych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem usług o ściśle określonych wymaganiach opisujących opóźnienie pakietów i jego zmienność w sieciach z agregacją strumieni, takich jak np. sieć IP QoS z Differentiated Services (DiffServ) realizująca schemat obsługi Expedited Forwarding Per Hop Behavior (EF PHB) lub sieć...

  • Necessary and Sufficient Condition for State-Independent Contextual Measurement Scenarios



    The problem of identifying measurement scenarios capable of revealing state-independent contextuality in a given Hilbert space dimension is considered. We begin by showing that for any given dimension d and any measurement scenario consisting of projective measurements, (i) the measure of contextuality of a quantum state is entirely determined by its spectrum, so that pure and maximally mixed states represent the two extremes...

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  • The enantiomeric determination of chloro-precursors of methamphetamine


    - Year 2011

    Impurity profiling and classification of seized methamphetamine may supply valuable information with respect to the conditions and the chemicals used in the illicit methamphetamine manufacture and may provide information on the original source of the sample. Determination of the stereochemical makeup of forensic samples is important as well for the same reasons. Laboratories in many places are engaged in clandestine manufacture...

  • Comparative study of flow condensation in conventional and small diameter tubes


    Flow boiling and flow condensation are often regarded as two opposite or symmetrical phenomena, however their description with a single correlation has yet to be suggested. In the case of flow boiling in minichannels there is mostly encountered the annular flow structure, where the bubble generation is not present. Similar picture holds for the case of inside tube condensation, where annular flow structure predominates. In such...

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  • Eksperymentalne badanie efektywności sprężenia monolitycznych i prefabrykowanych wsporników o średniej smukłości ścinania

    W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań eksperymentalnych sprężanych prętami bez przyczepności krótkich wsporników słupa o średniej smukłości ścinania (aF/d = 0,6) z zakresu morfologii zarysowania, wytężenia betonu i stali zbrojeniowej oraz nośności. Efektywność zastosowania prętów sprężających jako zbrojenia głównego określano dla elementów monolitycznych oraz w przypadku łączenia wsporników i słupa za pomocą sprężania, w dwuetapowej...

  • Properties of recombinant trehalose synthase from Deinococcus radiodurans expressed in Escherichia coli

    A trehalose synthase gene from Deinococcus radiodurans(DSMZ 20539)containing 1659 bp reading frame encoding 552 amino acids was amplified using PCR. The gene was finally ligated into pET30Ek/LIC vector and expressed after isopropyl β-d-thiogalactopyranoside induction in Escherichia coli (DE3) Rosetta pLysS. The recombinanttrehalose synthase (DraTreS) containing a His6-tag at the C-terminus was purified by metal affinity chromatography...

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  • Construction of glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase with an internal hexahistydyl fragment

    • K. Kwiatkowska
    • J. Czarnecka

    - Year 2010

    L-Glutamine: D-fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase (EC, known also as glucosamine-6-phosphate (GlcN-6-P) syntase, catalyzes the first committed step in the amino sugar biosynthetic pathway in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms. The enzyme carries out a complex reaction involving ammonia transfer and sugar phosphate isomerization. GlcN-6-P syntase is an important point of metabolic control of amino sugar biosynthesis...

  • 99mTc-Galacto-RGD2: A Novel 99mTc-Labeled Cyclic RGD Peptide Dimer Useful for Tumor Imaging

    • S. Ji
    • A. Czerwiński
    • Y. Zhou
    • G. Shao
    • F. Valenzuela
    • P. Sowiński
    • S. Chauhan
    • M. Pennington
    • S. Liu


    This study sought to evaluate [99mTc(HYNIC-Galacto-RGD2)-(tricine)(TPPTS)] (99mTc-Galacto-RGD2: HYNIC = 6-hydrazinonicotinyl; Galacto-RGD2 = Glu[cyclo[Arg-Gly-Asp-D-Phe-Lys(SAA-PEG2-(1,2,3-triazole)-1-yl-4-ethylamide)]]2 (SAA = 7-amino-L-glycero-L-galacto-2,6-anhydro-7-eoxyheptanamide, and PEG2 = 3,6-dioxaoctanoic acid); and TPPTS = trisodium triphenylphosphine-3,3',3''-trisulfonate) as a new radiotracer for tumor imaging. Galacto-RGD2...

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  • Bounds on the cover time of parallel rotor walks



    The rotor-router mechanism was introduced as a deterministic alternative to the random walk in undirected graphs. In this model, a set of k identical walkers is deployed in parallel, starting from a chosen subset of nodes, and moving around the graph in synchronous steps. During the process, each node successively propagates walkers visiting it along its outgoing arcs in round-robin fashion, according to a fixed ordering. We consider...

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  • Spectroscopic Study of Plasma Polymerized a-C:H Films Deposited by a Dielectric Barrier Discharge

    • T. Chandrashekaraiah
    • R. Bogdanowicz
    • E. Rühl
    • V. Danilov
    • J. Meichsner
    • S. Thierbach
    • R. Hippler

    - Materials - Year 2016

    Plasma polymerized a-C:H thin films have been deposited on Si (100) and aluminum coated glass substrates by a dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) operated at medium pressure using C2Hm/Ar (m = 2, 4, 6) gas mixtures. The deposited films were characterized by Fourier transform infrared reflection absorption spectroscopy (FT-IRRAS), Raman spectroscopy, and ellipsometry. FT-IRRAS revealed the presence of sp3 and sp2 C–H stretching and...

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  • A new OSS design based on parameter sensitivity tochanges in measurements


    W wyniku istniejących silnych ograniczeń praktycznych i etycznych nałożonych na eksperymenty medyczne, procedura estymacji parametrów w diagnozie i terapii jest często zagadnieniem skomplikowanym. Jeśli dane pomiarowe pobierane są w postaci próbek krwi, liczba tych próbek, a także czas obserwacji powinny być zminimalizowane. Optymalizacja eksperymentu polega na optymalizacji odpowiedniego sformułowanego kryterium będącego funkcją...

  • Pollutants removal effectiveness in hydrophyte filters with sequential vertical and horizontal flow


    The object of investigations was the constructed wetland in Wiedersberg in Saxonia in Germany supplied with domestic sewage from 145 inhabitants. The biological part was composed of sequential reed beds with vertical and horizontal flow of sewage. It in one of new solutions, because up till now configuration with vertical bed situated at front of biological part of treatment was applied.The evaluation of object performance was...

  • Wyznaczanie współczynnika dyspersji metodą kondultometryczną


    - Year 2007

    W artykule przedstawiono konduktometryczną metodę wyznaczania współczynnika dyspersji w przypadku jednowymiarowym statystyczną metodą Fischera. Obliczenia wykonano na podstawie pomiarów przewodności nierozkładalnego trasera w postaci roztworu solanki (NaCl). Do tego celu wykonane zostało stanowisko pomiarowe złożone z prostego odcinka rurociągu wykonanego z polipropylenu o średnicy D=15 mm i długości L=44,05 m. Na wlocie i wylocie...

  • Theoretical study of the structure, energetics and vibrational frequencies of water-acetone and water-2-butanone complexes


    Kompleksy acetonu i 2-butanonu z 0-2 cząsteczkami wody połączonymi wiązaniem wodorowym z tlenem karbonylowym zbadano z wykorzystaniem teorii funkcjonału gęstości (DFT) na poziomie B3LYP/6-311++G(d,p). Obliczenia w fazie gazowej uzupełniono o optymalizacje w otoczeniu rozpuszczalnika, symulowanego za pomocą modelu polaryzowalnego kontinuum (PCM). Częstości drgań oscylacyjnych otrzymane na podstawie zależności empirycznej sa zgodne...

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  • Low sulphur coal combustion - Optimisation of boiler tunings.


    - Year 2009

    Badaniami w ramach projektu objęto przede wszystkim kotły parowe oraz układy wspomagające, takie jak: podajniki węgla, młyny, wentylatory, instalacje oczyszczania spalin. Badania eksperymentalne przeprowadzono na obiektach Elektrociepłowni Kraków, natomiast obliczenia numeryczne zostały wykonane przez Politechnikę Wrocławska we współpracy z firmą R&D EDF. Sformułowano szereg konkretnych wytycznych do przeprowadzenia niezbędnych...

  • Influence of landfill leachate on municipal wastewater treatment - model plant(WWTP-MP)

    Abstract In the current study, wastewater treatment model plant (WWTP-MP) was used to investigate the possibilities of landfill leachate co-treatment together with municipal wastewater. The WWT-MP, designed as an A2O multiphase system, was fed with the raw municipal wastewater (from the WWTP Gdańsk "Wschód'', Qav.=82x103 m3/d) with increasing, from 1 to 5 % (vol.), quantity of landfill leachate (collected from Gdańsk landfill ''Szadółki")....

  • Analiza danych pomiarowych na potrzeby obrazowania optyczną tomografią koherentną


    - Year 2020

    W rozdziale omówiono wybrane aspekty związane z analizą danych pomiarowych na potrzeby obrazowania metodą optycznej tomografii koherentnej. Przedstawiono podstawowe zależności umożliwiające obrazowanie tkanek na podstawie analizy promieniowania wstecznie rozproszonego, mierzonego przez systemy OCT pracujące w dziedzinie czasu (TD-OCT) lub w dziedzinie częstotliwości (FD-OCT). Pokazano, że wykorzystując zaawansowane przetwarzanie...

  • Design Evolution of the Ultrasonic Piezoelectric Motor Using Three Rotating Mode Actuators

    The development process and experimental investigation of the multicell piezoelectric motor is presented in this paper. The proposed design consists of three individual cells integrated into the stator, double rotor, and a preload system. Those elements are combined into a symmetrical structure of the motor. The two new prototypes have been designed, simulated and tested. Finite element numerical analysis is carried out to obtain...

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  • Rectangular Waveguide Filters Based on Deformed Dual-Mode Cavity Resonators


    - Year 2023

    In this paper, a novel design for rectangular waveguide filters with deformed dual-mode (DM) cavity resonators is demonstrated. The new resonant cavity shape is a result of applying shape deformation to the basic rectangular cavity to enable its dual-mode operation. Internal coupling between the two orthogonal cavity modes is realized by geometry deformation, eliminating the need for additional coupling elements. The designs are...

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  • The saga of a fish: from a survival guide to closing lemmas


    In the paper by D. Burago, S. Ivanov and A. Novikov, “A survival guide for feeble fish”, it has been shown that a fish with limited velocity can reach any point in the (possibly unbounded) ocean provided that the fluid velocity field is incompressible, bounded and has vanishing mean drift. This result extends some known global controllability theorems though being substantially nonconstructive. We give a fish a different recipe...

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  • Polyurethanes


    - Year 2021

    Handbook of Thermoset Plastics, Fourth Edition provides complete coverage of the chemical processes, manufacturing techniques and design properties of each polymer, along with its applications. This new edition has been expanded to include the latest developments in the field, with new chapters on radiation curing, biological adhesives, vitrimers, and 3D printing. This detailed handbook considers the practical implications of using...

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  • Copper-based 2D-coordination polymer as catalyst for allylation of aldehydes

    • G. Da_silva
    • P. Menezes
    • I. Malvestiti
    • E. H. L. Falcão
    • S. A. Junior
    • J. Chojnacki
    • F. F. da Silva


    A copper-tartrate, [Cu2(Tart)2(H2O)2]·4H2O, was synthesized at room temperature in aqueous media using copper chloride and D-tartaric acid. The compound crystallizes in the monoclinic system P21 space group and was characterized by infrared spectroscopy, thermogravimetry, X-ray powder diffraction and the results are in good agreement with the single crystal...

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  • Effectiveness of pollutants removal in hybrid constructed wetlands – different configurations case study


    - Year 2017

    In recent years, an increase in interest in hybrid constructed wetland systems (HCWs) has been observed. The aim of the paper is to compare different HCW configurations in terms of mass removal rates and efficiency of pollutants removal. Analysed data have been collected at multistage constructed wetlands in Poland, which are composed by at least two beds: horizontal subsurface flow (SSHF) and vertical subsurface flow (SSVF). The...

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  • Microwave heat treatment application to pasteurization of human milk

    A prototype of microwave pasteurizer has been proposed as an alternative for holder pasteurization (HP) routinely used in Human Milk Bank (HMB), ensuring microbiological safety of human milk (HM). It was shown that the time of heat generation was about 15–16 min shorter by applying the microwave than in HP. Total inactivation of heat-sensitive bacteria Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, and Staphylococcus...

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  • Solid-phase synthesis and characterization of N-acetylated Gly-His-Lys analogues


    Zaprezentowano nowe analogi tripeptydu Gly-His-Lys (GHK), stanowiącego sekwencję naturalnie występującą w -II-łańuchu kolagenu, skąd jest uwalniany w stanach zapalnych i w procesach gojenia się ran. Gly-His-Lys jest szeroko stosowany na rynku kosmetycznym w połączeniu z kwasem palmitynowym, który ułatwia jego wnikanie w głąb skóry. Zaplanowane modyfikacje zawierały fragment Gly-X-Y (X=Met, Hyp, Hyp-Met, Gly-Hyp; Y=Lys, D-Lys) i...

  • Mieszalnikowa instalacja gazowa w IMP - PAN


    - Year 2013

    W pracy zaproponowana została wstępna koncepcja układu odpowiedzialnego za doprowadzanie paliwa syngazowego (syngaz) do silnika o zapłonie iskrowym. Stworzony układ gazowy ma umożliwić zasilanie dwóch agregatów prądotwórczych – zespołu prądotwórczego ZGT-60/D/MA/PE o mocy ciągłej , oraz drugiego, mniejszego o mocy z 3 cylindrowym silnikiem AD 3.152 –Perkins. Przedstawiona została propozycja wytwarzania niskokalorycznych gazów...

  • Comparative Study of Integer and Non-Integer Order Models of Synchronous Generator


    - ENERGIES - Year 2020

    This article presents a comparison between integer and non-integer order modelling of a synchronous generator, in the frequency domain as well as in the time domain. The classical integer order model was compared to one containing half -order systems. The half-order systems are represented in a Park d-q axis equivalent circuit as impedances modelled by half-order transmittances. Using a direct method based on the approximation...

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