Search results for: SURFACE FLOW
Modelowanie przepływu wód podziemnych w strefie brzegowej morza - możliwości prognozowania = Groundwater flow modeling in the coastline area - prediction possibilities
PublicationSpecyficzne warunki występowania wód podziemnych w strefie brzegowej morza sprawiają, że ich eksploatacja jest sprawą złożoną i powinna być weryfikowana na modelu numerycznym. Zasadniczym zagrożeniem jest ingresja słonych wód morskich, która może być wzbudzona eksploatacją. Innym czynnikiem, który może przyczynić się do ingresji wód słonych do warstwy wodonośnej może być podniesienie się poziomu morza. W pracy przedstawiono wyniki...
Modelling hydraulic and capillary-driven two-phase fluid flow in unsaturated concretes at the meso-scale with a unique coupled DEM-CFD technique
PublicationThe goal of the research was to demonstrate the impact of thin porous interfacial transition zones (ITZs) between aggregates and cement matrix on fluid flow in unsaturated concrete caused by hydraulic/capillary pressure. To demonstrate this impact, a novel coupled approach to simulate the two-phase (water and moist air) flow of hydraulically and capillary-driven fluid in unsaturated concrete was developed. By merging the discrete...
Modelling of Hydraulic Fracturing in Rocks in Non-isothermal Conditions Using Coupled DEM/CFD Approach with Two-Phase Fluid Flow Model
PublicationSkała łupkowa jest materiałem silnie niejednorodnym, nieciągłym i porowatym. W warunkach nieizotermicznych ruch płynu w układzie porów i kapilar jest silnie sprzężony z przenoszeniem ciepła. Przebieg szczeliny hydraulicznej silnie zależy od stopnia nasycenia skały. Opracowano innowacyjny model termo-hydro-mechaniczny oparty na modelu DEM w celu szczegółowego śledzenia frakcji ciecz/gaz w porach i pęknięciach pod kątem ich różnej...
Natural convection in symmetrically heated vertical channels
PublicationThe study describes natural convection through a vertical channel, open on four sides and bound by two isothermal walls. Both balancing and infrared experimental investigations were performed in air (Pr = 0.71) to estimate the impact of channel width s and wall-to-ambient temperature difference (tw - t∞) on natural convective heat transfer, the formation of air flow patterns and the rate of flow pattern formation. The study was...
Proposal of New Tracer Concentration Model in Lung PCT Study Comparison with Commonly Used Gamma-variate Model
PublicationPerfusion computed tomography (pCT) is one of the methods that enable non-invasive imaging of the hemodynamics of organs and tissues. On the basis of pCT measurements, perfusion parameters such as blood flow (BF), blood volume (BV), mean transit time (MTT) and permeability surface (PS) are calculated and then used for quantitative evaluation of the tissue condition. To calculate perfusion parameters it is necessary to approximate...
Conditions controlling atmospheric pollutant deposition via snowpack
PublicationSolid precipitation represents a potentially important addition to other measures of deposition. However, an accurate estimate of snowfall amount and pollutant loading is not a trivial matter. There are obvious distinctions between regular precipitation collection and snowpack sampling that represent the cumulative chemistry of bulk deposition. The main goal is to show the most important processes and factors that may influence...
Silica Gel Impregnated by Deep Eutectic Solvents for Adsorptive Removal of BTEX from Gas Streams
PublicationThe paper presents the preparation of new adsorbents based on silica gel (SiO2) impregnated with deep eutectic solvents (DESs) to increase benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and p-xylene (BTEX) adsorption efficiency from gas streams. The DESs were synthesized by means of choline chloride, tetrapropylammonium bromide, levulinic acid, lactic acid, and phenol. The physico-chemical properties of new sorbent materials, including surface...
Disinfection characteristics of an advanced rotational hydrodynamic cavitation reactor in pilot scale
PublicationHydrodynamic cavitation is a promising technique for water disinfection. In the present paper, the disinfection characteristics of an advanced hydrodynamic cavitation reactor (ARHCR) in pilot scale were studied. The effects of various flow rates (1.4–2.6 m3/h) and rotational speeds (2600–4200 rpm) on the removal of Escherichia coli (E. coli) were revealed and analyzed. The variation regularities of the log reduction and reaction...
PublicationSince the beginning of widespread use of plastic its consumption and production has been constantly increasing. As a result of human activity part of waste ends up in our environment and is deposited in each of the elements of the biosphere. These impurities can be in the form of large elements, small particles fragmented to macroscopic level (pellets, facial scrub grains) and the microparticles visible under a microscope. Particularly...
Diamond Nanofilm Normalizes Proliferation and Metabolism in Liver Cancer Cells
PublicationPurpose: Surgical resection of hepatocellular carcinoma can be associated with recurrence resulting from the degeneration of residual volume of the liver. The objective was to assess the possibility of using a biocompatible nanofilm, made of a colloid of diamond nanoparticles (nfND), to fill the side after tumour resection and optimize its contact with proliferating liver cells, minimizing their cancerous transformation. Methods:...
Wstępne badania technologii spawania złączy narożnych ze stali niskoweglowej i nierdzewnej o grubości g=6mm i g=10mm
PublicationCelem pracy był dobór parametrów spawania dla spoin narożnych o grubości 6mm i 10mm próbek wykonanych ze stali niskowęglowej S355 i stali nierdzewnej - typu 304 (X6CrNI18-10). Złącza były spawane laserowo, jednostronnie z pełnym przetopem a powierzchnie lica i grani zapewniają uzyskanie szczelności przylegającego elementu uszczelniającego. Próbki zostały dostarczone przez Zleceniodawcę. Próby zostały przeprowadzone na stanowisku...
Experimental investigations of hydraulic jump created by a two-phase impin-ging jet on a solid surface
PublicationPrzedstawiono rezultaty badań eksperymentalnych powstawania uskoku hydraulicznego tworzonego przez dwufazową strugę uderzającą.
Levels of hemoglobin and lipid peroxidation metabolites in blood, catalase activity in erythrocytes and peak expiratory flow rate in subjects with passive exposure to tobacco smoke
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Obliczenia numeryczne w analizach hydraulicznych istniejących systemów kanalizacji deszczowej i mieszanej z wykorzystaniem programu TFD (Tube Flow Drain)
PublicationProgramowanie inżynierskie jako nieodłączny element prac związanych z optymalizacją istniejących układów sieci kanalizacji deszczowej. Obliczenia numeryczne stosowane w programie TFD (Tube Flow Drain) znacznie przyspieszyły proces wykonywania obliczeń hydraulicznych w zamkniętych kanałach grawitacyjnych o przekroju kołowym. Możliwość wykonania szybko i niezawodnie, sprawdzenia wpływu zmiennych (np.. Kalkulacje w autorskim programie...
Computational analysis of an infinite magneto-thermoelastic solid periodically dispersed with varying heat flow based on non-local Moore–Gibson–Thompson approach
PublicationIn this investigation, a computational analysis is conducted to study a magneto-thermoelastic problem for an isotropic perfectly conducting half-space medium. The medium is subjected to a periodic heat flow in the presence of a continuous longitude magnetic field. Based on Moore–Gibson–Thompson equation, a new generalized model has been investigated to address the considered problem. The introduced model can be formulated by combining...
Role of quantitative chest perfusion computed tomography in detecting diabetic pulmonary microangiopathy
PublicationAims: Aimof the study was to determine the role of perfusion chest computed tomography(pCT) in evaluation of pulmonary diabetic angiopathy.Methods: 18 never-smoking patients (10 diabetic patients and 8 healthy controls) underwentchest high resolution CT (HRCT) and then pCT scanning. In both groups, blood tests,biochemical analysis, fibrinogen, HbA1c, spirometry, diffusion capacity for carbonmonoxide(DLCO) and body pletysmography...
Thermal and technological aspects of double face grinding of C45 carbon steel
PublicationIn grinding, the contact zone temperature is a decisive factor influencing the achievable surface quality and the grinding tool wear. In contrast to other grinding processes, only few information regarding double face grinding with planetary kinematics when processing steel is known up to date. Since the successive substitution of in-dustrial double-sided lapping processes by double-sided grinding, it has become necessary to the...
Aiding (opponent) flow of hybrid copper–aluminum oxide nanofluid towards an exponentially extending (lessening) sheet with thermal radiation and heat source (sink) impact
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MHD darcy-forchheimer nanofluid flow and entropy optimization in an odd-shaped enclosure filled with a (MWCNT-Fe3O4/water) using galerkin finite element analysis
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Numeryczne modelowanie prędkości płynięcia warstw blachy bimetalowej w procesie walcowania = The numerical modelling of the layers flow velocity in bimetal plates rolling proces
PublicationW pracy przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń numerycznych dotyczących procesu asymetrycznego walcowania blach bimetalowych 18G2A+1H13.
Cardiovascular and Perceptual Responses to Resistance Training with Practical Blood Flow Restriction Induced by a Non-Elastic Band vs. Pneumatic Cuff: A Crossover Randomized Study
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Some coatings of high cavitation resistance produced by CO2 laser beam. XIV International Symposium on Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers and High Power Lasers.
PublicationPrzedstawiono wyniki badań odporności kawitacyjnej stali 2H13, 45 i żelaza Armco po laserowym stopowaniu ich powierzchni różnymi kompozycjami proszków Co, Mo, Ni, Mn i Cr, Ti. Wykazano różne własności kawitacyjne otrzymanych warstw w zależności od otrzymanej mikrostruktury.
A comparative analysis of methods and tools for low impact development (LID) site selection
PublicationThe site selection for Low Impact Development (LID) practices is a significant process. It affects the effectiveness of LID in controlling stormwater surface runoff, volume, flow rate, and infiltration. This research paper presents a comprehensive review of various methods used for LID site selection. It starts by introducing different methods and tools. Three main methods: index-based methods, GIS-based multi-criteria decision...
Effect of annealing temperature on slurry erosion resistance of ferritic X10CrAlSi18 steel
PublicationIn the present work, the slurry erosion tests were carried out to investigate the influence of heat treatment on slurry erosion process of ferritic X10CrAlSi18 stainless steel using a slurry pot test rig. X10CrAlSi18 stainless steel was tested in as-received condition and after annealing at three different temperatures: 600°C, 800°C and 1000°C. Degradation of materials due to slurry erosion depends on many factors connected with...
Sounding rocket temperature and heat transfer data
Open Research DataThis dataset contains temperature and heat transfer data measured during REXUS 25 sounding rocket HEDGEHOG Experiment launched from Esrange Space Centre, Kiruna, Sweden. For experiment details, please see:
Preliminary Results from the Removal of Phosphorus Compounds with Selected Sorption Material
PublicationDue to the resources of phosphorous are limited and are exhausted in the next 30 years the management of the resources is become current issue. Most of the phosphorus compounds is lost forever, because it is discharged with sewage into surface waters, causing eutrophication and in this way causing a further problem and challenge. On the other hand, there is a considerable need for phosphorus compounds, primarily in bioavailable...
Analiza osadów dennych pod kątem ich właściwości nawozowych
PublicationThe analysis of bottom sediments in terms of their fertilizing properties. In paper the characterize of sediments as product to nature usage was done. Analyzed material was taken from ecological treatment system located in wastewater treatment plant in Swarzewo (Pomerania Region) about flow Q= 6000 m3/d. Measurements of dry matter and organic matter content, as well as nitrogen concentrations and phosphorus fractions: loosely...
Carbon nanowalls: A new versatile graphene based interface for laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry detection of small compounds in real samples.
PublicationCarbon nanowalls, vertically aligned graphene nanosheets, attract attention owing to their tunable band-gap, high conductivity, high mechanical robustness, high optical absorbance and other remarkable properties. In this paper, we report for the first time, the use of hydrophobic boron-doped carbon nanowalls (CNWs) for laser desorption/ionization of small compounds and their subsequent detection by mass spectrometry (LDI-MS). The...
Sub‐Nanometer‐Scale Cu9S5 Enables Efficiently Electrochemical Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia
PublicationThe sub-nanometer is a key feature size in materials science. Unlike single-atom and nanomaterials, size effects and inter-component cooperative actions in sub-nanomaterials will effective on its performance is more significant. Here, 0.95 nm ordered arrangement Cu9S5 sub-nanowires (Cu9S5 SNWs) are synthesized through the co-assembly effect of inorganic nuclei (Cu9S5) and clusters (phosphotungstic acid-PTA), achieving a significant...
Hydraulic analysis of causes of washout of Gdynia-Orłowo seashore during the flood in the Kacza river estuary
PublicationIn July 2016 in the Three-city agglomeration a rainfall episode of over a day duration and 150 mm summary rainfall height, occurred. This situation, extreme as for Polish conditions, caused significant freshets in rivers and streams running into Gdansk Bay, the Baltic Sea, and serving as collectors of rainfall waters for the sea-coast towns. In many areas of the Three-city flood phenomena and overflows took place. The flood also...
Thermo-Mechanical Simulation of Underwater Friction Stir Welding of Low Carbon Steel
PublicationThis article investigates the flow of materials and weld formation during underwater friction stir welding (UFSW) of low carbon steel. A thermo-mechanical model is used to understand the relation between frictional heat phenomena during the welding and weld properties. To better understand the effects of the water environment, the simulation and experimental results were compared with the sample prepared by the traditional friction...
Recent Advances in Loop Heat Pipes with Flat Evaporator
PublicationThe focus of this review is to present the current advances in Loop Heat Pipes (LHP) with flat evaporators, which address the current challenges to the wide implementation of the technology. A recent advance in LHP is the design of flat-shaped evaporators, which is better suited to the geometry of discretely mounted electronics components (microprocessors) and therefore negate the need for an additional transfer surface (saddle)...
Significant Production of Thermal Energy in Partially Ionized Hyperbolic Tangent Material Based on Ternary Hybrid Nanomaterials
PublicationNanoparticles are frequently used to enhance the thermal performance of numerous materials. This study has many practical applications for activities that have to minimize losses of energy due to several impacts. This study investigates the inclusion of ternary hybrid nanoparticles in a partially ionized hyperbolic tangent liquid passed over a stretched melting surface. The fluid motion equation is presented by considering the...
Numeryczna analiza trójwymiarowego przepływu w polimerowym łożysku smarowanym wodą = Numerical analysis of three dimensional flow in water lubricated bearing with polymer bearing bush
PublicationW referacie przedstawiono wyniki obliczeń łożysk smarowanych wodą w oparciu o metodę CFD - obliczeniowej mechaniki płynów. Wykazano przydatność nowoczesnych narzędzi obliczeniowych do rozwiązywania podobnych problemów.
Comparison of the performance of direct current atmospheric pressure glow microdischarges operated between a small sized flowing liquid cathode and miniature argon or helium flow microjets
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Application of the F-statistic of the Fisher-Snedecor distribution to analyze the significance of the effect of changes in the compression ratio of a diesel engine on the value of the specific enthalpy of the exhaust gas flow
PublicationThe paper discusses the impact of changes in the compression ratio on the operating parameters of a diesel engine, e.g. on the temperature of exhaust gases. It presents the construction of the laboratory test stand, on which experimental measurements were realized. It is characterized how the actual changes of the compression ratio were introduced to the existing engine. The program of experimental investigations taking into account...
A significance of multi slip condition for inclined MHD nano-fluid flow with non linear thermal radiations, Dufuor and Sorrot, and chemically reactive bio-convection effect
PublicationThe aim of this research is to discuss the significance of slip conditions for magnetized nanofluid flow with the impact of nonlinear thermal radiations, activation energy, inclined MHD, sorrot and dufour, and gyrotactic micro motile organisms over continuous stretching of a two-dimensional sheet. The governing equations emerge in the form of partial differential equations. Since the resultant governing differential equations...
Przepływ wody w ośrodkach nienasyconych o podwójnej porowatości: zastosowanie metody homogenizacji. Unsaturated water flow in double porosity media: application of the homogenization theory
PublicationPrzedstawiono model matematyczny przepływu w gruncie o podwójnej porowatości wyprowadzony metodą homogenizacji. Otrzymano równanie makroskopowe z parametrami efektywnymi i członem źródłowym. Przedstawiono wyniki przykładowych obliczeń numerycznych i porównania z modelem znanym z literatury.
Second law analysis of a 3D magnetic buoyancy-driven flow of hybrid nanofluid inside a wavy cubical cavity partially filled with porous layer and non-Newtonian layer
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Two-dimensional vertical Reynolds-averaged naviers-stokes equations versus one-dimensional Saint-Venant model for rapidly varied open channel water flow modelling
PublicationPrzedstawiono dwa modele przepływu wody ze swobodną powierzchnią -płaski pionowy model Reynoldsa i model de Saint-Venanta.Do rozwiązania równań pierwszego modelu zastosowano schemat SIMPLE oraz wykorzystano metodę cząstek znaczonych MAC do wyznaczania swobodnej powierzchni wody. Równania Saint-Venanta rozwiązano metodą objętości skończonych. Obydwa modele zastosowano do symulacj zjawiska typu katastrofa zapory. Porównano wyniki...
Maximum transportation growth in energy and solute particles in Prandtl martial across a vertical 3D-heated surface: Simulations achieved using by finite element approach
PublicationThe goal of this study is to determine the maximum energy and solute particles' transportation growth in a 3D-heated region of Prandtl martial through a dynamic magnetic field. The effects of this field on the properties of solvent molecules and heat conduction are studied. A correctly stated functional method and a finite element approach are comparable to a certain type of differential equations. In order demonstrate the effects...
Wpływ wybranych parametrów środowiska na przebieg degradacji rur okładzinowych ze stali P110
PublicationMateriały używane na orurowanie odwiertów w poszukiwaniu i wydobyciu ropy i gazu poddawane są niekorzystnym warunkom eksploatacji takich jak: podwyższona temperatura, wysokie ciśnienie, turbulentny przepływ korozyjnych cieczy z zawieszonymi cząstkami stałymi. Jednym z gatunków stali używanych do produkcji rur okładzinowych jest stal P110 (za normą API 5CT) będąca stalą średnio-węglową, niskostopową o wysokiej wytrzymałości. Celem...
Three-dimensional modeling and automatic analysis of the human nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses using the computational fluid dynamics method
PublicationPurpose The goal of this study was to develop a complete workflow allowing for conducting computational fluid dynam- ics (CFD) simulation of airflow through the upper airways based on computed tomography (CT) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) studies of individual adult patients. Methods This study is based on CT images of 16 patients. Image processing and model generation of the human nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses...
Measurements of Thermal Conductivity of LWC Cement Composites Using Simplified Laboratory Scale Method
PublicationThe implementation of low-energy construction includes aspects related to technological and material research regarding thermal insulation. New solutions are sought, firstly, to reduce heat losses and, secondly, to improve the environment conditions in isolated rooms. The effective heat resistance of insulating materials is inversely proportional to temperature and humidity. Cement composites filled with lightweight artificial...
Application of gas flow headspace liquid phase micro extraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for determination of 4-methylimidazole in food samples employing experimental design optimization
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The effect of a miniature argon flow rate on the spectral characteristics of a direct current atmospheric pressure glow micro-discharge between an argon microjet and a small sized flowing liquid cathode
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Coupling of cold vapor generation with an atmospheric pressure glow microdischarge sustained between a miniature flow helium jet and a flowing liquid cathode for the determination of mercury by optical emission spectrometry
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Pulse-Modulated Radio-Frequency Alternating-Current-Driven Atmospheric-Pressure Glow Discharge for Continuous-Flow Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Evaluation of Their Cytotoxicity toward Human Melanoma Cells
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Adoption of the F-statistic of Fisher-Snedecor distribution to analyze importance of impact of modifications of injector opening pressure of a compression ignition engine on specific enthalpy value of exhaust gas flow
PublicationThis article analyzes the effect of modifications of injector opening pressure on the operating values of a compression ignition engine, including the temperature of the fumes. A program of experimental investigation is described, considering the available test stand and measurement capabilities. The structure of the test stand on which the experimental measurements were conducted is presented. The method of introducing real modifications...
Cavitation resistance of OH18N9 steel alloyed with vaidus amount of TiC or Mn by means of laser beam. XIV International Symposium on Gas Flow, Chemical Lasers and High Power Lasers.
PublicationPrzedstawiono badania odporności kawitacyjnej stali OH18N9T po laserowym stopowaniu jej powierzchni węglikiem TiC oraz manganem. Wykazano, że wzbogacenie obrabianej stali manganem powoduje przemiany fazowe pod wpływem działania obciążeń kawitacyjnych, co przyczynia się do wzrostu odporności kawitacyjnej. Wzmacnianie stali węglikiem TiC powoduje natomiast zanik zdolności stali do wzmacniania odkształceniowego.